Breaking Free from the Bondage of Insecurity

Do you know him? He’s as close as a brother, but don’t be fooled because he’s a destructive enemy. he’s here to destroy your faith, confidence, and relationships. He makes you doubt yourself, your dreams, and God’s purpose in your life. He disguises himself as one who wants to help when his main purpose is to put you in bondage and control your thoughts, words, and actions. What’s His name? Insecurity. He’s the closest and most dangerous friend we’ve allowed into our lives, and it is time to say goodbye. 

Today’s verse tells us that truth is the key to unlocking the shackles that insecurity has placed on us; shackles that have stopped us from speaking up, walking with our heads held high, pursuing our dreams, and living with an open and trusting heart. 

Here are 4 truths to remember when you’re feeling insecure: 

1.) You are Accepted 

Insecurity may leave us feeling rejected, However, we know that God has accepted us, not just as friends but as family. In 1 John 3:1 NIV, we are called children of God! that is what we are! So if God accepts us there is no need to worry about who doesn’t. 

2.) You will never be Let Go 

Insecurity makes us want to push others away, however, God holds us tight in His hands. God is not going to let you slip through His fingers. Where others may walk away, God is here to stay. In Romans 8:39 we are reminded that “nothing will separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Hallelujah! 

3.) God will Defend You 

Insecurity makes us defensive and combative, However, God defends us. We don’t have to fight to prove ourselves to others when God has proven who He is in our lives. Let God fight for you. Exodus 14:14 says “The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”  

4.) Doors will open doors for you 

Insecurity makes us fearful of missing out, However, God opens doors for us that no man can shut. When we realize God is in control, we don’t have to worry about missing out. Psalm 37:23 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.”   

Today, God’s truth will always be, greater than our insecurity. Insecurity may seem a powerful and insurmountable foe, but God’s truth exposes it for the weak imposter it is. May His truth constantly set you free from the bondage of insecurity as you live for Him daily. 

“The truth will set you free.” – John 8:32 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, help me break free from the bondage of insecurity. Father, in the past I confess that I’ve listened to the voice of the enemy more than I’ve listened to your truth. Please help me listen and know that I am loved by you, and I am perfectly made, that I am accepted by You. God, give me your Spirit to help me see when I am listening to lies instead of truth. Help me fix my eyes on you and all you are and have done for me and this world. Thank you, Lord! In Christ’s name. Amen! 

How To Overcome Evil 

The Devil Does Not Shoot BlanksThe Devil Does Not Shoot Blanks

If you live in this world, you will experience evil. Therefore, we should expect it and be prepared to deal with it. You may ask how should we respond to evil? 

Pray against it. In Matthew 6:13 the Lord’s prayer says. “Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.” Our human pride often makes us think we can deal with evil on our own. We cannot! If we try, we will fail. We must pray to our God and ask for deliverance. 

Speak God’s word at it. In Matthew 4:1-11 we see Jesus’ response to evil. Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness. How did He respond? He quoted Scripture. Imagine being face to face with Satan, the author of evil. Jesus shows us the utmost importance of knowing God’s Word and being able to speak it in the face of evil! 

Expose it.  Ephesians 5:11 says “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.” Our current culture teaches complete tolerance. We are expected to accept and tolerate any behaviour, even if the behaviour directly violates God’s Word. While we are expected, as Christians, to respond to sin with a certain level of grace and love, evil should in no way, under any circumstance be tolerated. It should be EXPOSED! We should take no part in it. 

Hate it. Romans 12:9 tells us “Let love be genuine. Hate what is evil; hold fast to what is good.” Our culture has turned evil into entertainment. We pay money to see evil unfold on the big screen. We make time to sit in our own homes and watch evil on the television and we find ourselves numb to the actual presence of evil when we see it on the news or right before our very eyes. Saints, we must recognize evil and hate it. 

Let God handle It. Ephesians 6:12 says “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood…” Wars are waged to fight against evil nations and their leaders. We also have punishments in place to deal with evil people. We should be thankful for the laws of our land and the protection provided by law enforcement, but we must also remember our responsibility as individuals are to give it to God, we cannot fight in this war for the battle isn’t ours it’s God’s. 

“Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord. On the contrary: ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head.’ Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” (Romans 12:17-21) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I praise you for your love and faithfulness towards me. Father, I praise you for being a perfect, holy, trustworthy God that is bigger than all the evil I will experience on earth. Lord, I ask that you give me eyes to see when evil is before me, a heart to hate evil and the desire to flee from its presence. God, deliver me from evil and draw me close to you. In Christ’s name. Amen. 

Developing True Friendships

What Does the Bible Say About Friendship?

I’m so lonely Ray, I hear this over and over. We’re commanded to love each other in the same way God loved us, so I can’t help but think there’s a measure of Jesus in making new friends. As you open your life to new people, maybe it’s time to change acquaintances into true friends. 

Whether your life is overflowing with people, or your day-to-day existence is lonely, there’s room for another real friend. Most of us have more obligations than time, but most of us haven’t mastered managing our priorities. It’s not easy, but if you want to spend time on a relationship, chances are there is something you can change or remove to make room for it—whether it’s one night a month during which you do not binge-watch Netflix so you can hang with a friend. Or spending your coffee break catching up by phone. Or texting something just because you know it will make them laugh. Or occasionally waking up an hour early to exercise together before the rest of your house awakens. It’s worth the potential sacrifices. 

It’s not all about you. Share your own stories and be real—but remember that friendship is a two-way street. A one-sided friendship goes nowhere fast. Instead of wondering what you will get in return, ask yourself what you can offer. It changes the dynamics of the relationship and often results in reciprocal kindness. friendships die because one person resents putting forth all the effort, so decide now to be the person who does most of the work. People are busy, and their lack of communication may not be a rejection, but a normal response to a busy life. Don’t take it personally; try again. When you invest time in your friends, they’ll know they are valuable to you. 

Today in creating true friendship whether romantic or plutonic consider what scripture says, “above all, before all, and through it all—love one another.” It seems obvious and sounds trite, but it is true: love is the answer to nearly any question. In all things, err on the side of love. By doing so, you’ll brighten the life of anyone you’re involved with, and as you practice living the way Jesus taught, you’ll see more of Him in your friends, and they’ll see more of Him in you. 

“This is my commandment: Love each other in the same way I have loved you. There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command… Now you are my friends, since I have told you everything the Father told me.” – John 15:12-15, NLT 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thanks for being my friend. Father, teach me to love others the way you first loved me. As I build friendships with others, let them see You in the extent of my generosity, the authenticity of my kindness, and the depths of my love. God, all those things are only possible through you, the God who abides with me and calls me friend. I love You my friend Christ Amen. 

Peace Be Still!

Three years ago, hurricane Dorian destroyed the island of Bahamas killing more than 50 people. It was the worst storm to ever hit the island. Many were homeless, some starving and hundreds were missing. What do you do when the storms of life seem to be raging against you? One time Jesus was with His disciples in a boat out on the sea of Galilee, when they encountered a great storm.

Christ’s disciples were very afraid and were losing hope, but Jesus was asleep in the back of the boat. When the disciples woke Him up to see if He could help them, Jesus got up and simply spoke to the storm, “peace, be still!” And the seas were calm again. When difficult times come, you don’t have to be overwhelmed by the waves of worry or fear. Just as Jesus stood up and spoke to the storm, you have power in your words too. As a believer, the Bible tells us that the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you.

Today, speak to your storm with authority. God’s miracle-working power is on the inside of you. He’s given you His authority to declare peace over your home, your mind, and your family. Throw unnecessary negatives overboard lest you sink. Remember, no matter what storms may come against you, greater is He that lives on the inside of you, and He’ll empower you to live in victory and peace in every area of your life! Hallelujah!

“Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, ‘peace, be still!’ And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.” (Mark 4:39, NKJV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for filling me with Your Holy Spirit, and for giving me Your authority to rebuke the storms in my life. Father, show me what negatives must go in my life that may cause me to sink in the storm. God, I declare Your peace over every area of my life and thank You for working things out for my good, so I won’t be devoured by life’s storms, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Be Brave Like Christ 

Victory In Christ

The enemy is behind most of our fears. He loves to instil fear into us so we will stay stuck, unable to move forward in the promises God has for us. The devil doesn’t want us to live out our God-given calling. For our enemy roams the earth, “prowling around like a roaring lion just seeking someone to devour” (I Peter 5:8). 

Today’s verse reminds us that we will be hated as we are “set apart and chosen” and as we are called to be his disciples. But Jesus shows us what bravery looks like. We can persevere through our fears, the attacks of the enemy, and opposition from anyone who hates us and denies us just, as Jesus persevered. 

It takes bravery to recognize your fears and continue moving where God is leading you. Jesus was brave. He had to face adversity, accusation, and affliction as he shared the truth of the Gospel. He left his family to spread the good news of the Kingdom of God. He was brave when everyone around him hated him, leaving him, and betraying him. 

Today be encouraged by 1 John 4:4 “greater is He who is in me than he who is of the world.” The world may hate you. The world may spit on you for your faith, judge you for your values, and criticize you for your decisions in following Christ. But we know that a man in the flesh, our Saviour was brave enough to walk this earth before you. And the same Spirit He had, you have inside you, so that you too, can be brave like Christ. Step out, despite fear on every hand, trusting that God has gone before you. Follow in His footsteps and be brave just as He was. 

“If the world hated you, keep in mind that it hated me first.” – John 15:18 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for leaving me with your word, which is “God-breathed” and directed by you. Father, thank you for being brave against the devil and devil inspired people. God, thank you for sending your Son, who led the way as our greatest example of what it means to be brave in the face of fear and advance the Kingdom even if we are hated for it. 

Lord, we need you and can’t do this without you. In Jesus’ Name, Amen 

Christian Decor For Prayer Rooms

Sweet fellowship

Prayer rooms offer a time for reflection, a place to reflect on our faith and a place to pray. The decor can be a simple reminder of our faith, or it can be a beautiful room that offers a place for our prayers. If you want to create an inviting and comforting environment that enhances your spirituality and prayer time, it is important to create a space that feels like home. This is the reason why prayer room decor should always reflect individual taste. Whether you are a fan of modern or traditional decor, the companies such as Christian walls have a great selection of inspiring and inspirational Christian prayer room decor, to help you create the space you need to enjoy your daily prayer habit.

The prayer room is a special place of worship for Christians, a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life and to spend time with Him. A good prayer room should be quiet, serene, and peaceful. It should be comfortable, not cold, and not too hot. It should be decorated in a manner that is pleasing to the eye, and should contain all the right elements, so that your soul can be at peace, for example footprints in the sand wall art & decor can really put your focus back on God. The prayer room will become a place that is special to you. You will look forward to entering it, and you will enter it with joy, and you will leave it with a feeling of peace and contentment.

The goal of Christian wall art or decor is to give you an atmosphere that you feel is safe and inviting, while still holding a sense of church.

A prayer room is one of the most important parts of a church building. It is the room used by Christians to pray in, and it is where they want to focus on God. This is a room that is filled with religious symbols. The symbol that is used the most is the Cross, next to the Bible. This is because Christianity is about following God’s word and keeping his word, and the Cross is the symbol of His word.

Snowflakes to decorate the Prayer Room

In Winter, we can use snowflakes to decorate the Prayer Room. Winter is a time of year that offers many opportunities to decorate your Prayer Room. Since snowflakes are not only beautiful, but also special and meaningful, you can use them in a variety of ways to decorate your Prayer Room.

Snowflakes just look amazing when we hang them on the ceiling. You can decorate your prayer room for Christmas or during any other holiday season. Snowflakes can be used to decorate the walls with posters and pictures that you want to share with your friends and family.

There are some great options that you can choose from to decorate your prayer room. It is very easy to make a snowflake with paper. If you have the courage to learn, you’re gonna make it!

Religious symbols on the wall

Crosses are used in prayer rooms because of their association with Jesus Christ. There is a common misconception that Jesus only performed miracles, but in reality Jesus fulfilled all the requirements to be considered a true Messiah, including being a great moral teacher and having a unique relationship with God.

Crosses are commonly used in Christian religious buildings for our inspirational meaning. Crosses have been made to be a variety of shapes and sizes, but the most common is the Latin cross. Historically, the cross has been used as a symbol of the Christian faith, symbolising both the crucifixion of Jesus, and his resurrection.

A cross in a Christian prayer room is a symbol of the Christian faith. It can be found in churches, homes, or on the walls of a Christian prayer room. It is a strong Christian symbol that has also become a popular item for other interior design items for homes and businesses. It is a beautiful design that can be found in many homes, as it is a well-loved symbol of Christianity. In the prayer room, a cross is used to create a connection with God.

Bible Verses hangings on the wall

There are many different ways to decorate your Prayer Room, but most of them are much the same. There are, of course, inspirational quotes, like those from the Bible, in the room. The Christian tradition has always been about sharing the Bible’s love and authority with others. Throughout Sacred Scripture, the Bible is represented by art, music, and other works of the imagination. This is because the Bible is the Word of God, an invitation to higher consciousness, a lifelong journey with how grace is the center of all.

We can use Candles for decor

Candles have been used to decorate for centuries, but did you know that they can also be quite useful for prayer, particularly in the Christian faith? Christian candle decor can help you express your faith in Christ, and also help you to live out your faith by using the symbolism of light and symbolically burning a candle to commemorate or celebrate a rite or special occasion.

You may be aware that when the temple was being built, there were many special candles that were used as part of the ceremony. In fact, many of the special candles used were made from pure frankincense and myrrh, which can still be used today in the Church. However, you may not know how these candles were used for worship and prayer.

There are many reasons to get a candle as a way to decorate your Prayer room. The candles are excellent for lighting up the room and helping you to focus on your intentions. They can also help in setting a mood for the room.

Understanding the role of a Christian life coach

For many people, the work of a counselor or a therapist is similar to that of a life coach, and they wouldn’t be far wrong. There are many areas of overlap, both in terms of the methods of helping clients and the type of problems they deal with.

However, whilst there are many similarities, there are significant key areas in how the work differs.

Let’s consider the main differences between the two and then see how a Christian life coach can best be used to advance your goals.

Angle of approach

The work of a life coach is to identify and describe any given problem. Only from here can the client work on making changes to their lives.

The work of a counselor will analyze a client’s past to understand current behaviors.

So the primary difference is that the counselor/therapist looks backwards to work out the “why”, whereas a coach looks forward to working out the “how”. This may feel like a small and insignificant difference but it has huge implications both in the way a professional works with their client, but also in terms of how to move forward with that client.

There are often great benefits from having a therapist help someone overcome trauma and difficulty with past issues and hurts in life. However there are often times when there is little to no benefit to looking back, and the goal of moving forward is all that is needed. This is where a life coach best comes in.

REACHING your goal

Counselor/therapists work with clients in exploring your current understanding of your life and also to help explore your subconscious. The benefit of this is to help everyone achieve a deeper understanding of life’s patterns and behavior. Naturally, this can be beneficial with issues of anxiety or depression.

However, it’s a completely different approach for a life coach. Taking the above approach works with the belief that it’s the past that is causing a client to be stuck in the present, when that’s not necessarily the case.

A life coach works on the principle of seeing where a client is stuck right now, and what the immediate options are to help overcome the stagnation. It’s more than possible to move forward without having to unpick the past. In short, Life Coaching is all about action and results.

Usually a life coach will measure the success of their clients, using known and proven metrics such as SMART goals and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

It’s through the use of proven accountability and this focus on results that enables clients to progress towards achieving their dreams.


For both life coaches and therapists/counselor, the use talking sessions is how they help their clients, but that’s where the similarities end.

Counselling sessions are often unstructured sessions and client led. The conversation may start at one point, and then zig zag all over the place, pulling at random threads in life, covering the past, the present and the future… but not necessarily in that order!

Life coaching is far more structured. The goal is to find just one actionable outcome by the end of the session. This structured method, sometimes quick, sometimes slow, provides tangible results and visible growth for the client.

What is different about working with a Christian life coach?

Christians understand that the world has come into being through a creator God. Not only does the Lord create the wonder around us, but he has also created us as unique human beings, made in his image.

Christians understand that a life with God is not about obeying rules, but about being in an intimate relationship with God. He has counted and numbered the hairs on our heads. We were knit together in our mother’s womb. God has created us for good works. He knows us and we know him. In John 10:27, Jesus says “My sheep hear my voice. I know them and they follow me”

A Christian life coach takes all of those biblical principles, and weaves them together, into the life coaching framework.

This framework does two specific things. It helps clients achieve their best. However, more important than that, it helps a client achieve their best in God.

This is the unique approach that a Christian life coach offers.

It’s also worth noting at this point that a Christian life coach differs hugely from a ‘spiritual’ life coach.

A Christian life coach will be intimate with the bible and Christ’s calling for all believers. Often they will have studied theology at a deep level, with some, including the author of this article, being pastors themselves.

A Spiritual life coach may not hold to biblical principles at all. They may be open to a client exploring whatever they consider ‘spiritual’, but doesn’t particularly agree with Jesus’ statement of him being ‘The way, the truth and the life’.

So for a Christian life coach, to bring biblical spirituality to the role, helps those being coached to walk in godliness. This doesn’t refrain a client from seeking God’s will for their lives. In fact, completely the opposite. It is the hopes and dreams that the Lord places inside each of us, his children, that we need to draw out, examine and give back to God, that creates the success that both the coach and the coach is looking for.

So is life coaching right for you? Pray about it. Seek God’s will, and pray for direction as he guides you in your life. That guidance may come through a message at church, private reflection in your study of God’s word, or maybe, just maybe, it might come through the work of a life coach, as they help you to discover how God is leading you on in the future of your life.

How Can I Be a Better Christian?

Am I A True Christian?

As a Christian, it is important to know that you are a child of God and that God wants the best for you. Understanding what God expects from you can help you do more with your life. You can be a better Christian. Christianity is a large and diverse faith, which means there are many different ways to be a better Christian. Some people find meaning in the Bible, in prayer, in rituals or even in their relationship with God. But no matter what your beliefs, these are all good things to do. They will make you a better Christian.

There are times when we get so wrapped up in all the things that God allows us to do that we forget to do the things that are most important. We fail to memorize scripture or we fail to pray regularly even though prayer is the very foundation of our faith. What is the best thing about being a Christian? It is the ability to know that the Almighty God created us in His perfect image. We know that He loves us and wants the best for us. He wants us to be strong, healthy and happy. He wants us to be happy in our relationships, be able to serve others and to live a life of peace.

For many believers, the idea of being a better Christian is a rather abstract one. The Christian life is, in fact, one that is not all that easy to describe because it is about the transformation of the heart, mind and soul. Being a better Christian starts with becoming a better Christ-follower.

Read the Bible

God is the ultimate answer to everything we face in life. However, some people do not always believe this is true. We all know that we could probably do a lot better in our lives, but most of us fail to take the first step in making the changes we need to make. The Bible is the most influential book in the world, and it’s actually the most shared book of all time on the Internet. While we can’t all be scholars, we can all learn from the Bible and the principles it teaches. 


One of the most important things in life is to communicate with God and listen to him in return. Praying is a way to communicate with God. We must also pray. We must pray every day. You can pray in the morning and in the evening, but true Christians pray throughout the day as well. Sometimes, singing praise is a form of prayer. Listening to music on the radio can be a prayer. Talking to God when you are alone or with others is prayer. To become a better Christian, you must increase the number of times you pray and the number of times you listen to Him speaking to you.

Be Humble

We don’t have control over a lot of things that happen to us or around us. We do have control over how we respond to them. To become a better Christian, think about how you respond to situations. Jesus does not want us to be anxious or panicked. When Jesus was hung up on a cross, people mocked and made fun of him. He chose not to respond with anger. He has told us to turn the other cheek and to give our burdens to Him. He also does not want us to judge others. Let go of your stress and humbly ask God for help. Ask God for patience. Ask God for peace.

Be a Regular Member of the Church

The Christian church is called to be a people who are “the church”. We are called to bring people to Jesus Christ and help them experience a new life in Christ. We are called to share the Good News about Jesus Christ with others when we are engaged in them. We are called to be a community of believers. The church is a place for people of all walks of life to come together and be with one another. The church exists to help us grow in our faith, and that means we need regular reminders of its values, its teachings and guidance. A few simple steps to becoming a regular member of the church: 1. Be an “everyday member” of the local church. 2. Share the gospel with others. 3. Study the Bible and other Christian books to learn the Bible’s message. 4. Experience the love and peace of God by participating in the life of the church.

Being a good Christian, or a member of any church, is a huge goal that many of us have. However, there is much more to being a Light for Christ than just attending church and going through the motions. It’s a place where you can meet new friends, take part in meetings and activities, and grow in faith.

God The Healer Of Broken Relationships 

5 Truths about God’s Design for Sex in Marriage

From my own experience, if a husband has an affair, the wife feels hurt and distrusts him. Even if she wants to restore their relationship, trust must also be restored. Sin involves not only violating a command but also betraying a relationship. Not only do we need Jesus Christ to receive the punishment we deserve, but we also need someone to heal our broken relationships. In our sins, we betray God. Genesis says, “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth.” 

Today, many ask, “Can couples who have endured the pain of betrayal be reconciled?”

Those who survive betrayal and go on to have a loving, trust-filled relationship almost always need someone to help them. Similarly, because we have betrayed God, we need someone to reconcile us to God. The broken relationship between each of us and God can be restored and healed only through the work of Christ. He came to make all things new, including our relationship with God. Jesus, our reconciler, draws us back to God even when we want to run the other way. Hallelujah! 

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. – 2 Corinthians 5:19 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, my reconciler, thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you paid, not only to cover the penalty for my sin but also to reconcile me back to God. Yahshua, without you, we would be alone and broken forever. God, I’m sorry for betraying you. please accept my confession in Christ’s name. Amen. 

Freedom Through Christ

What Would Jesus Pin

All my life I have wanted to be free from bondage and oppression just like Anna. The temple must have been busy the day Mary and Joseph brought Jesus there. They kept bumping into people who were waiting. One of these was a woman named Anna. Anna was devoted to God. She worshipped day and night, fasting and praying. She was one of a group of people who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. 

Redemption can mean paying a price to set someone free. Anna and the people looked forward to redemption because Jerusalem was under siege by the Roman and they wanted freedom. In the New Testament, we learn that others were longing to be free. They were yearning for freedom from religious oppression that burdened them, from sicknesses that plagued them, from spirits that posed them, and from the sin that condemned them. 

Today, although we value our freedom, we often find ourselves trapped, in prison, by debt, in relationships, by scorn, or by circumstances. Sometimes this is because of something we have done. Sometimes it’s a result of what others have done to us. Either way, we long for redemption to be set free. In Christ, Anna the oppressed lady at the temple saw what she was waiting for: the One who could pay the price and set her free. That’s what Christ has done for you receive Him today. 

[Anna] gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. — Luke 2:38 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for the death of Jesus which gives me freedom from my physical and spiritual oppressors. Father, open my eyes, so I can consistently grasp and appreciate your redemption which gives me total freedom in Christ’ name. Amen. 

Are You Feeling Inadequate?

Overcoming fear

Most of the time I feel completely inadequate for the tasks I face. Whether it’s teaching, preaching, advising or writing articles for publication, the challenge often seems to be larger than my ability. 

The bible speaks about Peter’s shortcomings as he tried to follow Christ. While walking on water to Jesus, Peter began to sink. When Jesus was arrested, Peter swore he didn’t know Him. But Peter’s encounter with the risen Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit changed his life. He came to understand that God’s divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him. An amazing realization from a man who had many flaws! 

Today we must not forget it’s, our relationship with Christ that is the source of our wisdom, patience, and power so we can honour God, help others, and meet daily challenges. It’s through Him, we can overcome our hesitations and feelings of inadequacy. In every situation, He has given us everything we need to serve and honour Him. 

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for being my positive source of wisdom, patience and power. Father, I truly thank you for who I am and for giving me everything I need to serve You and encourage others. God, please take away my feeling of inadequacy so I may honour You in all I do. In Christ name. Amen 

Today We Have Relief From The Enemy

Our God has consistently defeated the enemy from Eden to Calvary and will continue to defeat the enemy till the second coming. One of those times was in the biblical story of Esther. The Jews had escaped Haman’s plot of destruction. Haman (the enemy) had fallen into the pit he had dug for others, and many of his followers were destroyed on the day decreed for the Jewish annihilation. That day was celebrated as the day of relief from the enemy. not just a one-time celebration, Purim was to continue through generations. Feasting, joy, gifts to one another and gifts to the poor marked this day every year, up to this very day among Jews. 

As Christians, we too observe a time each year when we remember the day the devil plotted Christ’s destruction and failed, and with great joy we celebrate the day of Christ’s victory over God’s enemy. As instructed by Christ we are to gather as often as possible at the Lord’s table to remember His gifts of body and blood, offered so all who believe in Him may live. Week by week and year by year, we, Christians are reminded to be joyful because death nor the enemy no longer has any power over us. 

Today, the Lord’s Supper, Good Friday, and Easter are celebrations of what God has done for us and continues to do through Christ our messiah. What a mighty God we serve! And because of calvary, the enemy has lost eternally. Today as Christians let’s begin to enjoy our eternal rest from the enemy, as we await the final return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

These days of Purim should never fail to be celebrated by the Jews — nor should the memory of these days die out among their descendants. — Esther 9:28 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I praise you, my God, for giving me relief and rest from the enemy. Hallelujah! Father, help me to be faithful and honour you by sharing this good news every­where I go. In Christ name Amen. 

Everything Remains The Same

Renewal, Of People Of God - Knowing Jesus

Wow! We’ve reached the second day of the second month of this new year. That was quick! It’s possible that, for many of us, this year may already be “the same old same old” as many years before with promises of new beginnings dashed, resolutions faltered, and hopes receded. 

I have learned that newness does not come with a New Year; nor does it age by the last day of an old year. Newness and change can happen every day through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who makes all things new. Hallelujah!

In scripture Ruth did not look for anything new or exciting at the end of the year; she embraced God’s kindness and integrity daily, and she immersed herself in living out her days with her God. The ancient, living Word of God kept her young and refreshed till the day she died. Esther too didn’t wait till the New Year when a change was needed, she made it and she was done with anxiety and the evil of Haman’s persecution. She found out that victory is gained by doing God’s will in her life daily. 

Today, wisdom invites us to eat what refreshes and keeps us ever new daily which is God’s word. Folly waits till the end of a year for new things to happen, which only embitters and binds us to perpetual old age. Take, eat, and drink of God’s wisdom every second, every minute, every hour, and every day and be ever new in Jesus! In so doing you will not have any regrets and life will never be “the same old, same old” 

Praise the Lord, my soul . . . who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. — Psalm 103:1, 5 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I praise and magnify you, for your limitless grace which comes to me daily. Father, I bless your name for providing for me and all the good things you continuously do for me. God, thank you for your love. In Christ, Amen.

Not The Time For Fading Light

During autumn in the UK, the dwindling of harvest becomes noticeable as winter kicks in, and the leaves on plants, trees, and bushes begin to brown and fall. The days grow shorter, and darkness comes earlier. The race against time to bring in a harvest of fruits and vegetables seems to be coming to an end. 

Thinking about fading light brings to mind Jesus who urges His disciples to walk while they still have the light, Jesus Himself.  Jesus spoke these words, knowing His upcoming death on the cross was just around the corner. And that event would become the one most single-handed attempt to snuff out the His light. 

Today, people who follow Jesus need to be aware. Jesus, the Light of the world, has come to overcome darkness by paying for our sin by His death giving us victory. Hallelujah! But sin, the currency of the wickedness of this world, and the banker the devil persistently continues their efforts to snuff out the Light. Apathy and complacency conspire within and around us to diminish the Light like the short days of winter. When we lose our awareness of Christ power darkness moves in. If your light is dwindling, what are you doing about it? It’s time to make the most of every opportunity to let the light of Christ flood your soul again.  

Jesus told them, “You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before the darkness overtakes you.” — John 12:35 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for being my consistent Light inspiring me to follow you faithfully. Yahshua, shine in me and through my words and actions so that I can be an overcomer and my harvest for souls increase. In Christ name. Amen. 

The Music Is Over Now The Singing Can Start

Theology in Worship and Music

Right now, we may feel as if nothing will ever again be right in our lives. Some feel beaten down and afraid to hope. Or perhaps we have heard of a better day, and yet we are filled with despair. The music is over! 

In the book of Lamentations, we have many funeral songs for Jerusalem and its people after the city was destroyed. Jeremiah confesses God’s sovereignty and justice, but he also can’t shake off the feeling of rejection and pain. He cries out, “Why do you forsake us so long?” You may feel today, please know that Jesus understands. He was mocked by his enemies as he hung dying on the cross. He was forsaken by his closest friends. He even cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” But God raised Him from the grave and “gave Him a new name. God hears your cry and is willing to lift you from the pit of despair.  

Today be like Jeremiah in scripture who looked beyond his despair to God’s promise of deliverance, that’s why he could sing with words of faith that have given believers hope through the ages: “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-23). Hallelujah! 

The young men have stopped their music. Joy is gone from our hearts. . .  (Lamentations 5:14-15) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh thank you for hearing my cry of despair. Father, today I receive your promise of deliverance just like Jeremiah and I sing like him “Great is thy faithfulness, O God my Father. Morning by morning new mercies I see.” Hallelujah! Thank you, Lord! Amen. 

W.W.J.D Love

62 Reasons Why I Love My Mom

Have you heard of the acronym WWJD (What Would Jesus Do)? Loving one another isn’t a matter of a warm, fuzzy feeling, weak knees and a pounding heart. It’s a matter of doing the right thing because that’s what Jesus would do. Sometimes, we do things Christ’s way, and it can result in unpleasant outcomes for us. Loving often calls for doing the unexpected. 

Living the WWJD life makes us disciples of Jesus. Therefore, love is not something we can just opt to do or not do. It is a command from our Master, who showed us how to love. If we are asked why we are show­ing love, we should answer, “Because we’re disciples of someone who loves us. We do it for Jesus’ sake.” We can only show love by the ­power of the Holy Spirit working in us. Then we’re able, like Mother Teresa and Martin Luther King, to serve Christ by loving and serving others. 

Today, loving “one another” is often challenging. It may call us to love the strong-willed child or an ageing parent or spouse angry with dementia. At home or church, it may involve loving someone who is always negative and critical. At work, it may be the co-worker claiming to be indispensable while barely doing their job. It may mean foregoing a new coat so that someone else can have one. The “one another” in our lives could be some­one we don’t even know, but who comes to love Jesus because of something we did. Whom will you show Jesus’ love to today? Remember, we do what Jesus Do… We love all.

These three remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love. — 1 Corinthians 13:13 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for loving me when I don’t deserve it. Father, help me to see others as you see them and do for them what you would do. Please help me to be a person who shows that I follow the example You gave me. All for Your glory and honour I love You, in Christ name, Amen.


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