Freedom Through Christ

All my life I have wanted to be free from bondage and oppression just like Anna. The temple must have been busy the day Mary and Joseph brought Jesus there. They kept bumping into people who were waiting. One of these was a woman named Anna. Anna was devoted to God. She worshipped day and night, fasting and praying. She was one of a group of people who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. 

Redemption can mean paying a price to set someone free. Anna and the people looked forward to redemption because Jerusalem was under siege by the Roman and they wanted freedom. In the New Testament, we learn that others were longing to be free. They were yearning for freedom from religious oppression that burdened them, from sicknesses that plagued them, from spirits that posed them, and from the sin that condemned them. 

Today, although we value our freedom, we often find ourselves trapped, in prison, by debt, in relationships, by scorn, or by circumstances. Sometimes this is because of something we have done. Sometimes it’s a result of what others have done to us. Either way, we long for redemption to be set free. In Christ, Anna the oppressed lady at the temple saw what she was waiting for: the One who could pay the price and set her free. That’s what Christ has done for you receive Him today. 

[Anna] gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. — Luke 2:38 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for the death of Jesus which gives me freedom from my physical and spiritual oppressors. Father, open my eyes, so I can consistently grasp and appreciate your redemption which gives me total freedom in Christ’ name. Amen. 

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