
How does Technology Affect Your Spirituality?

Technology, both in its practical and technological form, has become an integral part of modern society. We use it in our daily lives not only for communication and entertainment, but also for learning and exploration. Yet, for many people, technology can also be a source of tension, particularly when it comes to matters of spirituality. With the power of the internet, we are now able to access any kind of information at the click of a button. This has drastically changed the way we interact with religion and spirituality, giving us more choices and opportunities than ever before. But while it can be a valuable tool to further our understanding of faith and beliefs, it can also be a source of confusion and conflict.


Ujima / Collective Work and Responsibility: Team Work

Principle 3 Ujima / Collective Work and Responsibility: 1 Corinthians 12:21-25. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I don’t need you!” And the head cannot say to the feet, “I don’t need you!” On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less […]


Kujichagulia (Self-determination) True Grit

Principle 2 Kujichagulia / Self-determination: Philippians 3:13–14 “Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus”. Paul commands […]


Umoja (unity) Christ Prayed For Unity

Let’s be clear, Kwanzaa is a cultural and not religious holiday created by an African American. However, the principles of Kwanzaa (from Swahili) can be found in scripture and can build and enhance families and communities and elevate the political dialogue on issues of importance to all.  Hence, 7 days before the start of the year, […]


Speed Up Editing Sermon Audio & Generate Transcripts In a Flash

Sermon audio sharing isn’t reserved for famous pastors like Tim Keller, John Piper, and Tony Evans.

However, editing sermon audio can be time-consuming, especially if you don’t have a dedicated staff person or a volunteer with relevant knowledge.

Thankfully, a new program is available for Mac and IOS that may help you quickly edit your sermons, get a transcript practically instantaneously, and produce shareable video clips. Pompom is its name.

Simply put, what is Pompom?
Pompom is a podcast editing tool for Mac and iOS that streamlines the recording, editing, and publishing processes. Pompom accomplishes this by combining AI and audio editing smarts to enable you make short modifications to your recordings before sharing them with the world.

Pompom, in contrast to the vast majority of today’s apps, is not browser-based but rather operates locally on the device, so you never have to worry about losing work due to a shaky internet connection or waste time waiting for a basic page vie


Is Europe Post-Christian or Pre-Revival?

As a missionary to this “prodigal continent,” here’s how I see church planting, the prayer movement, and diaspora churches making a difference.


When Life is Not a Christmas Card

In homes around the world at this time of the year, we see lights aglow, stockings hung with care and turkey baking in the oven – our lives can look like a Christmas card. But sometimes it looks like something else. It can look harsher, colder, and even very lonely. Sometimes, Christmas can be hard. […]


Wisdom Wednesdays

A few days ago a glass fell out of my hands. I gasped as it hit the floor and shattered into pieces. I paused for a second, before beginning the tedious task of finding all the broken pieces. It took awhile, much care was taken to find the remants of glass before wrapping it in […]


The Message of The Advent is “Fear Not” 

In the story of the advent, again and again, we hear the phrase, “Fear not!”  “Fear not Mary” (Luke 1:30); “Fear not, Joseph” (Matthew 1:20-23); “fear not shepherds” (Luke 2:9-12). Like Mary, Joseph, and the shepherds, we are so prone to fear. We’re afraid because we feel alone and forsaken, when we encounter the unknown, […]



During the Holidays our days can be so busy that we forget how fragile life really is. It’s easy to allow little things to creep in and steal our peace and joy. Maybe something doesn’t go our way, or someone says something upsetting. Even traffic can cause us to lose focus if we let it. […]


Struggling Through The Holidays 

While the rest of the world around us becomes excited and enamoured with our culture’s celebration of the Christmas holidays, some of us struggle through the holiday season – overcome with clouds of depression, and battles with fear and dread. Fractured relationships, divorce, dysfunction, compromised finances, loss of loved ones, isolation, loneliness, and any number […]


Don’t Miss The Miracle 

No matter when you think Christ was born, you know God did something extraordinary. In the busyness and excitement of this time of year, we can sometimes forget this and lose the sense of wonder of the miracle. So let’s take a few minutes to reflect on what the first birth of Yahshua in Bethlehem […]


Born With A Purpose

The birth of Christ should give you true purpose and identity. Before you were ever born, before the very foundation of the earth, God chose you. He approved you and called you His own. You may have been overlooked by people in your life. Maybe you were passed up for a job, or overlooked by […]


Giving: An Act Of Worship 

When I was younger at our school play, I was asked to play one of the wise men. Can you imagine how the wise men felt, as they first looked upon our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ? As part of their worship, they wanted to give Him gifts. They gave valuable presents to symbolize the love, honour and appreciation in […]


The Prodigal Son

The story of the Prodigal son is a heartfelt illustration of God’s relentless love for us. He gives us the ability to choose Him, He waits for us to turn towards Him, He see us, chases us down, wraps His arms around us, kisses us and celebrates our return back to Him. But I would […]



In a dream there was a steady stream of dogs and cats coming to my door for food. They seemed to be starving with no one to take care of them. I thought for sure that I would run out of food to give them, but there always seemed to be enough. And, the Lord […]