Under His Wings

In Psalm 91, we see amazing imagery, which pictures God as a protective bird, sheltering us under His wings, we find a profound sense of safety and comfort. Just as a bird covers its young with its feathers to protect them from harm, God covers us with His omnipotent care. Under His wings, we find a sanctuary where the world’s troubles cannot reach us. This is not merely physical protection but also emotional and spiritual.

In scripture, God’s faithfulness as our shield and rampart, further emphasizes His unbreakable commitment to our wellbeing. His faithfulness isn’t passive; it’s an active, powerful force that surrounds and fortifies us against life’s trials and tribulations.

Today in moments of fear, uncertainty, or danger, visualize yourself being covered under His mighty wings, safe and secure from all harm. Trust in His protective presence and unwavering faithfulness. Seek refuge in God’s presence, especially in times when you feel vulnerable or overwhelmed. Remember, in His care, you will always find a place of safety, strength, and peace.

He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart. (Psalm 91:4)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you that those who dwell in the shelter of the Most High will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty. Father, thank you for being our Mighty protector. Thank you for covering us, sheltering us, and keeping us from harm. You are faithful. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Modern Day Idolatry

Today’s verse urges us to be vigilant against anything that can usurp God’s rightful place in our hearts. In today’s context, idols are not just graven images but anything that takes priority over God. Someone once said that idols are a “God Substitute.” They can be subtle, such as an excessive focus on careers, relationships, material possessions, or even our desires and ambitions. These modern-day idols can distract us from our primary purpose of loving and serving God. As His children, we are called to live in a way that honours our Father, keeping our hearts and minds focused on Him.

To stop our idol worship, we must cultivate a deep and personal relationship with God, allowing His Word and Spirit to guide our priorities and decisions. Regular self-examination and prayer can help us identify and remove any idols that may have crept into our lives.

Today, as you think about modern-day idolatry, consider what idols might be vying for your attention and affection. Ask God to help you recognise and remove anything that hinders your relationship with Him. Guard your heart, and live with undivided devotion to the One who deserves your utmost love and allegiance.

Little children, keep yourselves from idols. (1 John 5:21)

Yahweh, I come before you today and ask for your guidance and protection. Father, I know that idols can distract me from your love and lead me down the wrong path. Please help me to keep my heart and mind focused on you, and to resist the temptation to worship anything or anyone else. Please give me the strength to turn away from anything that might lead me astray, and to always seek your will in my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

It’s Been Dark Too Long

In the UK at this time of the year, we have many hours of darkness. Are you going through dark times? In the Old Testament when today’s scripture was written, God’s people were going through a very dark time. They were being held captive and mistreated by other nations. God sent a word to encourage them and give them hope for their future, and when the time came, God was faithful to His word!

Are you going through a hard, difficult time? Are you being mistreated? Are you going through a dark time? Let this word bring you encouragement too. God wants to give you double for your hardship. He is the God of restoration — that means He’s not going to just repay you for every wrong done to you, He’s going to go above and beyond and make things even better than they were before.

Today, if you are facing challenges or going through a time of adversity, don’t forget it’s always darkest just before dawn. Remember, Your days are destined to shine brighter because God is faithful. As you stay in faith and are obedient to His word, you’ll receive double for your trouble and see His promises come to pass! Declare today – “I receive it!” Now move forward in Jesus’ name.

“Instead of your shame you shall have double honour, and instead of confusion they shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double; everlasting joy shall be theirs.” (Isaiah 61:7)

Lets Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your word which lights my path and guides my steps. Father, I give You my shame and guilt for Your double honour. I choose to put my trust and hope in You. God, I give You my darkness, hardship and difficulty. Please turn on the light in my life today. Thank You for bringing restoration into my life as I keep my heart and mind stayed on You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Greatest Promise

In scripture, Jesus left us with a powerful assurance: “And lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” These words resound through the ages, reminding us that God’s presence is an eternal reality in our lives.

In our journey of faith, we encounter moments of joy and moments of challenge, times of clarity and times of uncertainty. Yet, amidst it all, there is a constant, unwavering truth – God is with us, always.

No matter where we go or what circumstances we face, His presence is our comfort and strength. He walks with us through the valleys and rejoices with us on the mountaintops. His presence is not bound by time or location; it transcends all boundaries.

As we navigate the complexities of life, we can draw solace from these words of Jesus. His abiding presence is our anchor in the storms, our guide through the wilderness, and our source of hope in every season.

Today, in moments of solitude and amidst the busyness of life, let us take a moment to acknowledge His presence. For in the assurance of His constant companionship, we find courage, peace, and the unshakable confidence that we are never alone.

“Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. (Matthew 28:20)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, we thank you for your promise to always be with us. Father, help us to trust in you and to lean on your strength when we feel weak. Give us the courage and the faith to keep pressing on, knowing that you are always by our side. Lord, we pray that you will guide us and lead us in the direction you have for us. May we always be faithful to you, just as you are faithful to us. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

God Is Listening

In a world where our voices can often feel lost in the chaos, this assurance from God is a reason for hope. He invites us to communicate with Him, assuring us that He hears our prayers. Unlike human listeners, God’s attention is not limited or flawed. He listens with perfect understanding, compassion, and wisdom.

This divine listening is not passive but active. God is not just a recipient of our words; He responds with His presence, guidance, and comfort. He engages with our concerns, our joys, our fears, and our hopes.

Today, as we reflect on God’s promise in Jeremiah 29, we learn to approach God with confidence and honesty in our prayers. Let’s cherish this intimate dialogue, knowing that God is not just a listener but an active participant in our lives. In prayer, we find a God who listens attentively and responds with love and power.

Then you will call upon Me and go and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. (Jeremiah 29:12)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I come before You with a heart full of gratitude for Your enduring love and a faithful listening ear. Help me to not just speak but also to listen, fostering a two-way relationship with You. I take comfort in knowing that when I call upon You, You will listen. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Exposing Darkness

Remember, confronting and exposing darkness is not about passing judgment or promoting self-righteousness. Instead, it’s about shining the light of God’s truth on actions, attitudes, or systems that contradict His will. It involves being honest about sin – both in our lives and in the world around us. While this might be uncomfortable, it’s crucial for fostering a culture of accountability and righteousness.

Scripture suggests exposing darkness starts with self-examination. We must be willing to hold our own lives up to the light of God’s Word, allowing it to reveal any areas of compromise or sin. Then, with wisdom and love, we are called to address and expose the deeds of darkness in our broader communities.

The purpose of this exposure is not condemnation but transformation. It’s an invitation for repentance and change, both for ourselves and for others.

Today, as you contemplate Ephesians 5, consider how you can be a light in your environment. Pray for the courage and discernment to expose darkness in a way that honours God and encourages righteousness. Remember, in doing so, we contribute to a world that more accurately reflects the kingdom of God.

Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. (Ephesians 5:11)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, please help me to have no fellowship with the unfruitful deeds of darkness. Give me the courage to stand up against them and to reprove them. May I always walk in the light and be a shining example of your love and truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I Will

As you plan for the future, watch your words! Your words have the power to make or break your future. With your words, you can either bless your future or curse your future. If you want to know what your life is going to be like five years from now, just listen to what you’re saying about yourself today. Too many people go around saying, “I’ll never get well”, “I’ll never get out of debt”, “I’ll never have a good marriage.” Then you wonder why you don’t see things turn around. It’s because you’re calling defeat into your future, you’re calling in mediocrity. Don’t let that be you!

Today, no matter how you feel, or what things look like, instead of using your words to describe your situation, use your words to change your situation. Make a declaration of faith by saying, “This is going to be a great day”, “I have God’s favour”, “He’s directing my steps.” When you do that, you are choosing to bless your future. You are calling in Godly favour, increase and opportunity. You are opening the door for God to move now and in your future, giving you the abundant life He has in store for you!

Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be. (James 3:10)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the blessings You have prepared for me now and in my future. Give me the spiritual strength to change my “I will never” for “I will.” God, I submit my ways and my words to You. Help me to speak what You speak, and keep close to You. I give You the glory for a bright and abundant future, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Do Not Grieve The Holy Spirit

Today’s verse in Ephesians, is a solemn reminder that our actions and attitudes can deeply affect our relationship with the Holy Spirit. To grieve the Spirit is to cause sorrow or distress to the very presence of God within us. This can occur in various ways:

Unforgiveness: Holding onto grudges and refusing to forgive others can create a barrier between us and the Spirit’s work of reconciliation and peace.

Bitterness and Anger: Allowing these emotions to take root in our hearts can quench the Spirit’s work of producing love and kindness.

Immoral Behaviour: Engaging in actions that contradict God’s moral standards can stifle the Spirit’s work of sanctification in our lives.

Disobedience to God’s Word: Ignoring or rebelling against the teachings of Scripture can hinder the Spirit’s guidance and wisdom.

Neglecting Spiritual Disciplines: Failing to pray, read the Bible, and fellowship with other believers can weaken our connection to the Spirit.

Today, as we reflect on our relationship with God, let us examine our lives for areas where we may be grieving the Holy Spirit. May we seek to cultivate a relationship with the Spirit marked by obedience, repentance, and a deep desire to honour God in all we do.

And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Ephesians 4:30)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, please give us the wisdom to recognise every plan and plot from the pit of Hell, working tirelessly day and night to silence, quench or make us ignore the prompting of God The Holy Spirit. Father, please give us the Wisdom and Power to resist them as we continue to trust You and Your Word. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!

I Am A New Creature In Christ

Today’s promise in 2 Corinthians, stating that God has made us new, encapsulates the transformative power of our relationship with Jesus. In Christ, we are reborn, not just improved versions of our former selves, but entirely new creations. This transformation is more than a superficial change; it is a fundamental renewal from the inside out. The old ways of living, thinking, and behaving are replaced by a new life infused with God’s spirit and aligned with His will.

The phrase “old things have passed away” signifies a decisive break from our past. It’s a reminder that our former sins, failures, and mistakes no longer define us. Instead, we are defined by our new identity in Christ – one of redemption, restoration, and renewal.

Today as we navigate our daily lives, we must embrace our new creation reality, to truly live our lives to the fullest. Let’s live in the freedom and joy of our new identity, letting go of the past and stepping boldly into the new life Christ has given us. In Him, every day is an opportunity to experience and manifest this newness, impacting our world with the hope and grace we’ve received.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. (2 Corinthians 5:17)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I receive Your transforming, renewing power in my life today. Father, I declare that I am a new creature in Christ Jesus, I am beginning anew with You today. Lord, help me to throw off everything that hinders me so that I may run the race and take the prize. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

God Will Deal With The Trouble Makers

Has there been people in your life that have caused you trouble? Like the youth say, “they just keep getting in your face.” In the Bible, Hezekiah was faced with enemies coming against him, causing him trouble, trying to keep him from his destiny. But Hezekiah didn’t get upset. He just kept abiding, kept being faithful and putting God first. In 2 Kings, God said, “Hezekiah, I Myself will come against this enemy. He will receive word that he is needed at home, and I will cause him to want to return and he will be defeated.”

Today, when you abide in God, He says, “I Myself will come against your enemies. I Myself will come against that sickness. I Myself will come against those who oppose you.” It says God is the one who caused Hezekiah’s enemy to turn around. That means God can cause that unfair boss to take an early retirement. God can cause that neighbour that’s giving you so much trouble to decide to pack up and move. God can cause that classmate to be transferred to another school. No matter what’s coming against you, keep abiding in God. Put His Word first place in your life. Honour Him in all that you do. Let Him fight your battles, and bring you into the land of victory He has prepared for you!

“With him is an arm of flesh; but with us is the LORD our God, to help us and to fight our battles…” (2 Chronicles 32:8)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I bless You and praise You today because You are good! Father, thank You for Your good and precious promises. I submit my ways to You, and vow to abide in You no matter what. I surrender my will to You, knowing that You are working in my life. God, thank You for fighting my battles as I keep myself in covenant with You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

The Glorious Return of Jesus

There will come a day when the skies will open, and the entire earth will witness the return of Jesus Christ, just as it was foretold in the book of Revelation. This moment will be both beautiful and terrible, a scene of overwhelming brightness in the midst of a dark night, where the sky is filled with the hosts of heaven. Angels, too numerous to count, will flood the atmosphere with their light as they accompany the King of Kings.

As Revelation 1:7 declares: “Behold, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all tribes of the earth will wail on account of Him.” People from every nation and tribe—Chinese, Japanese, English, African, French, and more—will look up. For some, there will be great joy, the culmination of their faith, the moment they’ve waited for with longing hearts. For others, it will be a time of fear, the realization that they did not prepare their hearts to meet the Lord.

In this awe-inspiring event, graves will burst open as the dead are raised, just as promised in Revelation 20:13: “The sea gave up the dead who were in it, Death and Hades gave up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one of them, according to what they had done.” Those who have died in Christ will rise first, resurrected to eternal life, while others will face judgment. The waters will give up their dead, and people will emerge from the earth, resurrected to stand before the Lord.

Jesus Himself will stand in the heavens, His presence undeniable. The Bible describes Him in Revelation 1:14-15: “His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and His eyes were like flames of fire. His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and His voice was like the sound of rushing waters.” He will come not as the gentle Lamb, but as the righteous Judge, with a face like bronze and hair like wool, embodying the glory of God in human form.

The earth itself will shake as the power of His coming rocks the foundations of the world. Revelation 16:18 speaks of a great earthquake: “And there were flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth, so great was that earthquake.” All buildings will crumble, and every monument of human achievement will be laid to waste in the presence of the Almighty.

This is a scene of unmatched beauty and terror. It is the fulfillment of every promise God has made, the final victory of Christ over sin and death. For those who have believed and followed Him, it is the beginning of eternal joy in His presence. Revelation 21:4 offers hope: “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” For those who have rejected Him, it will be a moment of fear and sorrow as they face the judgment of a righteous God.

As we meditate on this breathtaking moment, let us examine our hearts. Are we ready for His return? Will we be among those who look up with joy, or those who tremble in fear? Jesus invites us to prepare, to live each day in readiness for His glorious appearing. Revelation 22:12 reminds us: “Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense with me, to repay each one for what he has done.”

Let us live in the light of His coming, with hearts full of faith and hands ready to serve, knowing that the day of the Lord is near. His return will be both a beautiful and terrible event, but for those who belong to Him, it will be the beginning of eternal joy.

Get Rid Of The Old

As I took a long hard look at my life, I realised that in order for me to get to the next level and move into my next chapter, I have to get rid of the old. Are you ready for a new chapter in your life? In order to move forward into the blessings God has for you, you have to be willing to let go of the old. The things that are behind you are not nearly as important today as what is out in front of you. It’s time to get ready for the “new”!
Some unfair things happen, things that you don’t understand. But let me tell you, you have come too far to stop now. Despite what others may say and what you think, instead of allowing those things to hold you back, why don’t you let go and take a step of faith into the new? It’s time to get a new, bigger vision; it’s time to get a new, fresher outlook; it’s time to rise up with a new attitude!
Today, instead of settling where you are, pick up and move forward. No matter what has been said about you, have the attitude that says, “I may not understand it; it may not have been fair, but I am not getting stuck on this page of my life. I know God has a new chapter for me – a chapter filled with blessings, favour and victory!”.
“And no one puts new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the new wine will burst the skins and it will be spilled, and the skins will be destroyed.” (Luke 5:37)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life. Father, today I will trust You with my past, present and future. God, give me wisdom to discern the seasons of my life, and teach me to embrace the new things You have in store for me. Cover me from my enemies and the devil who will seek to bring me back into the old. In Christ’s Name, Amen!

Is Your Name Written In Heaven?

Today’s verse is a profound statement, which comes after the disciples return with joy from their mission, marvelling at the power they had over demons. Yet, Jesus redirects their focus from the temporal to the eternal.
In this verse the phrase “your names are written in Heaven” signifies much more than a mere acknowledgement of identity; it represents our secure and permanent citizenship in God’s Kingdom. To have our names written in Heaven, means we are recognized, known, and cherished by the Almighty. It is a declaration of our belonging, our adoption into God’s family, and our inheritance of eternal life.
Today, our Heavenly registration is not based on our merits or achievements but solely on God’s grace through faith in Christ. It is a gift that assures us of our salvation and eternal home with God. This assurance should fill our hearts with a deeper joy than any earthly success or spiritual victory. It should shape our identity, guiding our actions and decisions, reminding us that we are not defined by what we do, but by who we are in Christ. We must not lose sight of this eternal perspective. May the joy of knowing our names are written in heaven surpass all earthly pleasures and accomplishments, keeping us anchored in God’s love and promise of eternal life.
“However, do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.” (Luke 10:20)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank you for the promise that my name is written in Heaven. Father, I am grateful for the assurance that I belong to you and that I have a place in your Kingdom. Lord, help me to remember that my joy should not come from the power I have in this world but from the fact that I am your child. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Persecution Will Come

Every Christian is called to live lives that reflect the character of Jesus Christ. This calling comes with challenges. Paul’s words to Timothy remind us that godliness often invites opposition. Persecution is not an anomaly but a certainty for those who follow Christ wholeheartedly.

You may ask ‘why living a godly Christian life attracts persecution?’. The values and principles of the Kingdom of God often contrast the world’s ways. When we choose to walk in love, integrity, and truth, it can unsettle those around us who our lives may convict. Jesus Himself warned that if the world hated Him, it would also hate His followers.

Today, how should we respond to persecution? First, we should not be surprised or discouraged by persecution. Instead, see it as confirmation that we are walking the right path. God’s word encourages us to consider trials as opportunities for growth, developing  perseverance and maturity in our faith. At all times we must rely on God’s strength. Prayer, scripture, and fellowship with believers is crucial for staying strong. Remember “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven”. Hold on to your faith. When opposition comes, let it drive you closer to Christ, knowing that you are part of a larger story of redemption and hope.

…everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted. (2 Timothy 3:12)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I come before you today, claiming the promise in your word that says, “…all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.” Father, I desire to live a godly life in you and I know that persecution may come my way. But I trust in your strength and your grace to help me endure and overcome any trials that may come. Lord, I pray that you would give me the courage and boldness to stand firm in my faith, even in the face of opposition. Help me to keep my eyes fixed on you and to trust in your promises. Thank you for your faithfulness and for the reassurance that you are with me always. In Christ’ name, Amen.

Just To Be Close To You

One thing I desire is to be counted among those who intentionally draw near to Jesus. Near to the One who saves us, loves us, and pours immeasurable grace and mercy into our lives. The One who leads and guides us, strengthens us, and never leaves us.
In the bible, we are reminded of folk who desired to be close to Jesus. I remember Mary, at the feet of Jesus. John, the beloved disciple, leaning on the chest of our Lord. David, the psalmist whose soul thirst for God. Enoch, walking close beside Him—so close, in fact, that God just walked him on up to Heaven, completely bypassing death. The list could go on and on. I want my name to be included with those who have deeply desired intimate communion and fellowship with the Lord. Don’t you?
Today, I want to draw near to the Lord who wakes me up each morning and reminds me that this new day He has made is a day to be glad. And I am glad—deep in my heart, glad that I am His and He is mine. I am grateful that I have the privilege of walking in a close relationship with Him. Let’s live each day for Him and with Him and be counted as one of God’s closest friends. There is no better place to be. 
“The LORD is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth.” (Psalm 145:18)
Let’s Pray 
Yahweh, I thank You that You desire to spend time with me. Father, Your Word says if I draw near to You, You will draw near to me—and I want to be close to You. So, right now, I ask that You cause me to desire to draw close to You above everything else in my life. God, help me to have supernatural time management, help me to see clearly when I can set aside time to spend with You, and help me never to compromise that time. In Christ’s name, Amen.

God’s Word; Fire & Hammer

The Bible describes Gods Word as fire and hammer. Fire signifies its ability to purify and refine us. Just as fire burns away impurities, the truth found in the Scriptures challenges and removes the impurities within our hearts; sin, doubt, and fear refining us to reflect more of God’s character. It warms our hearts with His love and lights our path with His wisdom.
As a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces, God’s Word also speaks to its capacity to shatter hardness. Our hearts, often hardened by sin, pain, or scepticism, can become responsive and tender under the persistent work of God’s Word. It breaks down barriers, opens wellsprings of understanding, and plants seeds of transformation.
Today, engaging with God’s Word is not a passive activity; it’s an encounter with a force that has the power to change. As you look into your Bible, allow it to work deeply within you. Let the fire of God’s Word purify your heart and the hammer of His truth break down any resistance, transforming you into the likeness of Christ. We should approach God’s Word with openness and expectation, ready to be changed through its powerful impact on our lives.
“Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (Jeremiah 23:29)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, give us faith to receive your word, it’s fire and hammer as mentioned in Jeremiah, understanding what they mean, and the will to put them into practice. Father, we thank you for the gift of your Holy word. May it be a lantern to our feet, a light to our paths, and strength to our lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


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