Be Like The Bumblebee 

I don’t like Bumblebees. I want to kill them as soon as I see them, simply because they hurt people. But did you know, that according to all the laws of aerodynamics, a bumblebee should not be able to fly? Its wingspan is too small for the size of its body, it shouldn’t get enough lift. But here’s the key: nobody told the bumblebee. It didn’t get the email. No experts were able to talk it out of flying. The bumblebee felt its wings on its sides and something in its brain said, “I’m supposed to fly, I’m not made to just crawl around on the ground”. It didn’t read the latest engineering report, it just did what was natural and started flapping its wings and took off flying. 

Have you ever had the experts tell you, “You’ll never get well; you’ll never get out of debt; you’ll never get educated; this is as good as it gets”? With all due respect, experts can be wrong at times. The experts told Mrs. Patrick that she would never have children. Yet today she has 4 children, 18 grandchildren and 10 great grand children. The experts told me that because of my past sins and addictions, I will never be a successful minister. Praise God, I’m doing pretty good in Jesus name! Each day through my devotional blog, school, radio and other ministries, over 10,000 people are being blessed. Hallelujah! 

Today, there will be times you have to believe God over the experts and even human logic and watch what He will do on your behalf! You will be able to fly, have a good job, own your business, be educated, own your home, have children and develop ministries that will bless others. Don’t settle for less than God has in store for you. 

“But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty.” (1 Corinthians 1:27)

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Today, I cast aside logic and apply faith in You. I believe You over what the “experts” tell me and what humans want me to believe. I believe that You are faithful and expect to see Your goodness all the days of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

The Alpha and Omega

Israel Houghton has a song called Alpha and Omega. The titles “Alpha” and “Omega” represent the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, symbolising that God is the beginning and the end of all things. He is not confined by the limitations of time and space. He existed before anything was made and will continue to exist eternally. In Him, the mysteries of the past, present, and future find their meaning.

Today’s verse reassures us of God’s unchanging and everlasting nature. In a world of constant change and uncertainty, the permanence of God’s presence provides a foundation of stability and hope. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever – the Almighty who governs the universe with unassailable power and authority.

Today, as you meditate on this scripture, it should fill you with awe and comfort. Whether facing life’s challenges or celebrating its joys, remember that you are in the hands of the Alpha and Omega. His eternal nature assures us that He is always in control, guiding history and our lives towards His ultimate purpose. In every situation, we can trust the One who is, who was, and who is to come.

I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I have a sure hope in Your promise for my future. Father, because You are Alpha and Omega, outside of time, I can rest in Your blessed assurance because I trust in You alone for my salvation. As a sinner saved by Your gracious gift, You alone are my righteousness. No matter what happens, in this world, in my life, and in the lives of my loved ones, You are the great I AM. You are the end from the beginning. All things are in Your powerful hand and I can trust You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Look Beyond The Law

Have you ever asked these questions? “I’ve been a Christian nearly my whole life, but I’m constantly disappointed in myself. Why is it that I always seem to keep doing the things I wish I didn’t do, and never seem to do the things I know I should do? Isn’t God getting tired of me?”

That’s a common struggle that even the apostle Paul experienced in Romans. I believe many who ask these questions are caught in the discouragement trap. But here’s some good news: we don’t have to stay in that trap of discouragement. To paraphrase Paul as he writes in Romans 8, the key is to stop focusing on the law and start focusing on Jesus. Hallelujah!

Today remember, the law, or man, can’t do anything about our sinfulness. The answer is not to try harder to be good at keeping rules – that’s the beginning of the discouragement trap. Focusing on the law alone will constantly remind us that we’ll never be good enough or deserve God’s grace. Instead, we must focus on the One who shows us mercy and loves us regardless, and cooperate with the Spirit who changes us. Then we will trade discouragement for encouragement and receive the freedom that God brings.

I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. (Romans 7:15)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I sometimes get caught in the cycle of trying too hard to be good, failing, getting discouraged, and giving up. Father, help me to depend on Your grace and to draw near to You, so that You can change my heart. God, I’m so sorry for putting the law above Your love which has allowed me to live by works and not Your grace. I choose to focus on Christ, and trade my discouragement for encouragement. In His Name I pray! Amen. 

Just Like Dad

In the Lord’s prayer (Luke 11:1-4), Jesus begins his prayer with, “Our father who art in heaven.” That first word reminds us that we are not alone, that we are linked through God to one another as one family, and He is daddy. As we come close to God, we are drawn into a closer relationship with one another. By telling us to call God “father,” Jesus moves us from images of a remote God to an image of God as one who is with us constantly, who cares about us always, who daily provides for us like a good father should. I was always told, “you look like your dad, you walk like your dad and you act like him. This should be what folk say about us and our heavenly father. One whose likeness we bear at the deepest levels of our being.

Today, we ought to respect God’s title as father, “Holy is His Name,” we must acknowledge God’s holiness. This may seem a contradiction to acknowledge that we are family and then immediately to acknowledge God’s holiness (in contrast to our lack of it). But “Holy is His Name” reminds us that one of the basic postures of prayer is awe. This is the essence of prayer: being with God as we are and He accepting us as child no matter what we’ve done, and we accepting God as God is. This encounter changes us, bit by bit, and allows us to experience freedom, confidence and self-worth.

So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into His glorious image. (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for being my father. Thank You for Your acceptance of me as Your sinful child and not turning Your back on me. I respect and love You today and always. You are awesome, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Stay Under The Tap

black history month

Raised in a broken home; his parents split when he was aged 7; he felt abandoned by his dad. He attended one of the worst schools in London, one that was full of violence, drugs and other crimes. It was later closed down. He experimented with cigarettes, weed, alcohol and pornography; he struggled with sexual sin, leading to fornication and adultery, which led to relationship break-ups. He was arrested for embezzlement and had his first bout with jail. Misdemeanour crimes, leading to another bout with jail. He was homeless, sleeping on floors, in his car, with no money or food…

As I look back over my life, all of the above led to, and still leads to, difficult times of depression, loneliness, self-blame and ongoing sin. Sometimes it becomes hard to minister thinking of all the hurt I have caused myself, others and God.

Just recently, after reading the daily lesson and powerful books by Joyce Meyers and Beth Moore, I realised that all of my sins and hardships have served as preparation for ministry and service. This could be the bio of Abraham, David, Solomon, Paul, Peter and many more. Today, I think that these shortfalls and sins (some of which still haunt me till this day) are my real CV for ministry. Not my BA in Religion and my certifications in substance abuse counselling, but in my weakness God has become strong, and out of that strength God has given me a testimony that has helped thousands of people around the world. Hallelujah!!

If you are going through a storm, my word to you is to hold on, don’t give up. If God brought me through, He will bring you through. The Word of God says He will never leave you and in your weakness, He is made strong. Even though you may have caused your own pain, Isaiah 61:4-8 says God will use it for ministry, and make your ministry achieve double.

Today, if you are feeling broken there’s only one way to be filled. Stay under the tap of the Holy Ghost! The moment you leave the tap you will not be filled with His power. God wants to fill you all day, every day. You are not bad, you are weak, and God still can, and will, use you, because it shows that He is bigger than your trial and stronger than the devil and man. It’s time to rise above the opinions of man and turn your eyes upon Jesus.

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the LORD’s favour and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion… (Isaiah 61:1-3)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I thank You for loving me, after knowing what I’ve done and what I will do. I thank You for my friends that will receive freedom from these words. Father, I don’t want to keep on hurting and being hurt. Help me to hate my sins and to daily wash in Your blood. God, thank You for not leaving me when everybody else thought I was too filthy. Help those who don’t understand how You can still use broken, stained and sinful people. You are awesome. Thank You. I LOVE YOU! Amen. 

Incredible Future 

You may feel right now, like the challenges you face are too big or too overwhelming. We all face challenges. We all have obstacles to overcome. Keep the right attitude and focus, it will help us stay in faith so that we can move forward into victory.  

I’ve learned that average people have average problems. Ordinary people have ordinary challenges. But remember, you’re above average and you’re not ordinary. You are extraordinary. God created you and breathed His life into you. You are exceptional, and exceptional people face exceptional difficulties. But the good news is that we serve a super exceptional God!  

Today, when you have an incredible problem, instead of being discouraged, you should be encouraged knowing that you’re an incredible person, with an incredible future. Your path is shining bright because of your incredible God! Be encouraged today because your life is on an incredible path. So, keep in faith, keep declaring victory, keep declaring God’s promises over your life because you have an incredible future! 

“The path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day…” (Proverbs 4:18) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, today I lift my eyes to You. Father, I know that You are the One who helps me and has given me an incredible future. God, I choose to stand in faith, knowing that You have an incredible plan in store for me. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

Faith and Fortune: The Divine Synergy Between Christianity and Real Estate Investment

Throughout history, land ownership has held profound significance, symbolizing security, stewardship, and generational wealth. From biblical times to modern economies, real estate has remained one of the most enduring investments. For Christians, the intersection of faith and real estate is not merely financial but deeply spiritual. The Bible frequently references land as a blessing and an inheritance, emphasizing the principles of stewardship, ethical dealings, and prosperity through diligence. By aligning real estate investment with Christian values, believers can build wealth while upholding biblical principles, ensuring their prosperity is not only material but also moral.

Biblical Foundations of Real Estate Investment

Real estate has been central to God’s promises throughout scripture. From Abraham’s inheritance of Canaan to the wisdom of Proverbs advocating for financial prudence, land ownership has long been intertwined with divine providence. In Genesis 13:14-15, God tells Abraham: “Look around from where you are, to the north and south, to the east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever.” This passage underscores the idea that land is not just a possession but a divine blessing meant for sustenance, growth, and generational legacy.

Moreover, Proverbs 21:5 states, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.” This wisdom directly applies to real estate investing—careful planning, patience, and ethical decision-making lead to sustainable wealth. Those who act rashly or pursue wealth dishonestly often face financial ruin. The lesson is clear: success in real estate, like in faith, requires wisdom, diligence, and adherence to righteous principles.

The Christian Investor: A Steward of God’s Resources

Real estate investment, when approached with Christian values, extends beyond profit. It is a form of stewardship. The Bible teaches that everything belongs to God and that humans are merely caretakers of His resources. Matthew 25:14-30—the Parable of the Talents—illustrates the responsibility of managing God-given assets wisely. In the parable, servants who invest and multiply their master’s wealth are rewarded, while the one who hides his talent out of fear is reprimanded. The lesson for Christian investors is clear: wealth should not be hoarded or misused, but cultivated and multiplied for a higher purpose.

Dean Jones, Founder of Jamaica Homes, encapsulates this principle: “True wealth is not about how much you own, but how well you manage and multiply what has been entrusted to you.” This perspective reinforces that real estate investment is more than a business venture; it is an opportunity to demonstrate faith in action through wise stewardship and community building.

Ethical Investing: Aligning Business with Christian Principles

The real estate industry is not immune to unethical practices—dishonest dealings, exploitation, and greed can tarnish the integrity of investors. For Christians, investing must align with values such as honesty, generosity, and fairness. Leviticus 19:13 warns against exploiting others: “Do not defraud or rob your neighbor. Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight.” In practical terms, Christian investors must ensure fair transactions, reasonable pricing, and respect for tenants and clients.

In Jamaica’s booming real estate market, investors are often faced with choices that test their ethical compass. Whether purchasing rental properties, flipping homes, or engaging in large-scale developments, Christian investors are called to act with integrity. Providing affordable housing, maintaining properties to a high standard, and engaging in fair negotiations are ways to honor both faith and business. Dean Jones affirms this balance: “Integrity in real estate isn’t just a good practice—it’s a divine mandate. When we build, sell, or manage properties, we’re shaping communities and futures, not just profit margins.”

Generational Wealth and Kingdom Building

One of the most compelling reasons for real estate investment is the creation of generational wealth. Proverbs 13:22 declares, “A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.” Owning property ensures stability and financial security for future generations. Many Christian investors see real estate as a way to establish a lasting legacy—not just in earthly terms but in service to God’s kingdom.

Churches and Christian organizations have long understood the power of real estate. Many of the world’s most enduring religious institutions have sustained their missions through strategic property investments. By owning rather than renting, churches can provide spaces for worship, education, and community services without financial instability. Individual investors, too, can leverage real estate to support charitable causes, fund mission work, and provide housing for those in need.

Balancing Faith and Financial Prosperity

Some Christians wrestle with the idea of wealth, fearing that financial success contradicts humility and service. However, the Bible does not condemn wealth itself but warns against its misuse. 1 Timothy 6:10 states, “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” The emphasis is on love—placing money above God leads to moral compromise. Conversely, when wealth is pursued with faith and used for good, it becomes a powerful tool for transformation.

In today’s dynamic real estate landscape, Christian investors must strike a balance between ambition and humility. Success in real estate should not lead to arrogance but to greater responsibility. By reinvesting in communities, supporting ministries, and mentoring aspiring investors, faith-driven real estate professionals can redefine wealth not as mere accumulation but as empowerment and service.

Conclusion: Investing with Purpose and Principle

Real estate and Christianity are deeply intertwined, bound by themes of stewardship, integrity, and prosperity. For Christian investors, property ownership is not just a means of wealth accumulation but an avenue for fulfilling God’s purpose. By aligning real estate investments with biblical principles, believers can achieve financial growth while upholding moral values, ensuring that their success is built on faith as much as it is on financial acumen. Whether purchasing a home, managing rental properties, or developing communities, every investment decision can reflect God’s wisdom and grace, fostering both earthly prosperity and eternal significance.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial, legal, or spiritual advice. Readers are encouraged to consult with financial advisors, real estate professionals, and spiritual leaders before making any investment decisions.

In The Day Of Trouble 

When we seek God, when we serve Him with our whole hearts, He will hide us in His shelter. Hallelujah! You can be so connected to God that you are untouchable and invisible to the enemy! You are hidden in Him! No matter what is happening around you, you can have strength, confidence and rest.  

In life, challenges may come your way, but don’t be worried about them. You know that ultimately, things are going to work out for your good. You know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.  

Today, people may try to make you look bad, but don’t give it a second thought. Your future is too bright to be distracted. People don’t control your destiny, God does. Just keep on being your best you, walk in integrity, meditate on the Word, and worship throughout the day so you can stay hidden in God! 

“For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” 

(Psalm 27:5) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I come to You today with an open and humble heart. Father, I surrender every area of my life to You. Mould me into Your image and keep me hidden in You. God, I bless You and praise You today and always, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

How To Change Bad Habits 

Yesterday someone asked me how to change bad habits? Do you have habits in your life that you want to stop or change? Maybe it’s a bad attitude, bad behaviour, or even negative thoughts. No matter what you may want to change in your life, you have to start with changing your mind. You have to change your thinking so that your thoughts are in line with God’s thoughts. Once your thinking changes, your behaviour will change. 

When you repent and make the decision to follow God in every area of your life, you open the door for His supernatural power to work. When you take control of your thought life, through the Holy Spirit, you are co-operating with the power that brings about change. Your life will go in the direction of your thoughts. You can’t just allow any old thought or image to play in your mind. You have to choose right thoughts.  

Today, the easiest way to change your thoughts is by speaking God’s Word. When you say “pear,” you probably won’t start thinking about an apple. In the same way, when you confess the Word of God, it will drive those negative, defeated thoughts away which will change bad habits! Change your mind today by changing your words and focus, so that you can move forward into the abundant life God has in store for you! 

“Repent (think differently; change your mind, regretting your sins and changing your conduct), for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, today, give me the strength to take captive every thought that is contrary to Your will. Father, I repent for anything in my life that is displeasing to You. God, please empower me today by Your Spirit, so that I can change my bad habits and bring honour to You. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

We Have The Same Power 

I read in the Bible that we have the same resurrection power that Jesus had. I found that so hard to believe, then this thought came to mind. When we accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour and get baptised, the Holy Spirit makes His home inside of us, just as He did at Christ’s baptism.  

That same Spirit, with the same power that worked miracles and raised Christ from the dead, that resurrection power can do the same for you. It will bring back health, strength and life to your physical body. It will restore hope and breathe life into your dead dreams. In fact, the Spirit can resurrect any area that may seem dormant in your life today. The next time you feel overwhelmed by sickness, challenges or despair, remember, the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead dwells in you through Christ Jesus. 

Today, you may be burdened by an addiction, fear or worry, but there’s nothing that can stand against the power of God. So rise up and declare by faith, “he whom the Son sets free is free indeed. I am restored and healed in the name of Jesus! No weapon formed against me can prosper!” Receive His truth, declare His Word, and activate His power within you! 

“And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies, because of his Spirit who lives in you.” (Romans 8:11) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for filling me with Your Holy Ghost power – the same power that raised Christ from the dead. Father, I will feed my faith by declaring Your Word. Father, I will walk in Your ways and honour You in everything I do, exercising your resurrection power in all the dead areas in my life. In Christ’ Name! Amen. 


Keys represent access. They represent authority. Whether it’s a key to a building, car, or safety deposit box; if you’ve been given a key to something, it means you have a right to use it. You have access to whatever that key will open.

Friend, because of Jesus, we have the keys to the kingdom of Heaven! We have access to all the heavenly blessings and promises that are in the Word of God. We have the authority to take hold of those promises.

Today, are you using the keys that you have been given by God? The keys of faith and the power of your words and actions? No matter what you may have need of—be it physical healing, provision, wholeness, freedom from addiction—you have been given the authority to access it in Jesus’ Name! Take hold of those promises by faith and begin to declare that every need is met according to His riches in glory. Take a step of faith and use those keys you have been given to take hold of every blessing God has in store for you!

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in Heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven” (Matthew 16:19)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for giving me the keys and access to every promise and blessing in Heaven. Father, by faith, right now I receive everything You have for me. God, help me stay focused on Your Word which empowers me to live in the victory You have in store for me. In Christ’ Name, Amen.

The Spirit… 

Have you been fighting a battle for a long time? The key is: don’t go around talking about your problem. Don’t go around confessing that you’re never going to make it. Start declaring, “the Spirit of the Lord is upon my life!” When you realise God’s Spirit of favour is upon you, you will become bold and confident, and accomplish your dreams faster than you thought! 

When doubt comes, declare the promises in God’s Word! “How are you going to get out of debt?” – “The Spirit of God is upon my life.” “How are you going to get well?” – “The Spirit of God is upon my life.” “How are you going to break that addiction?” – “The Spirit of God is upon my life.” “How are you going to accomplish your dreams?” – “The Spirit of God!” 

Today, the more you declare and believe God’s promises, the more you’ll see His favour. As you keep standing in faith, as You keep hoping in Him, you’ll see His promises manifest in your life. You’ll experience His favour and victory, and see every dream and desire come to pass! Not by your might and expertise, but by God’s Spirit. 

“…’Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the LORD of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for placing Your dreams and desires within me, and for creating a plan to bring them to pass by Your Spirit. Father, even when I can’t see a way, I trust and believe that You are making a way. God, You are good, and today I declare and decree Your Spirit upon every area of my life. In Christ’ Name, Amen. 

God Is With You 

As a believer in Jesus, you can approach each day with boldness and confidence. Why? Because He is with you and in Him is everything you need. That means, if you need provision for something today, provision is with you. If you need wisdom today, wisdom is with you. If you need strength, joy or peace today, they are with you. Hallelujah! 

Friends, you can be confident today, knowing that all of your needs are supplied – spiritually, physically and emotionally – because the Lord is with you. And best of all, He’s promised never to leave you! Isn’t it good to know that you will always have whatever you need, any time you need it? 

Today, please don’t let the devil’s lies, or pressure from the world, keep you from taking hold of everything the Lord has in store for you. Open your heart by faith, and receive whatever it is that you need right now. Just begin to thank Him for His provision in your life, and move forward in confidence and strength, knowing that the Lord is with you! 

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for loving me. Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. I know that You are closer to me than the air I breathe. Thank You for supplying all my needs. Today, I receive Your promises in faith, and choose to cast all of my cares on You. In Christ’ Name! Amen. 

Seek God Until…

What are you seeking God for? Does it seem like it’s taking a long time to come to pass? Please be encouraged, because the Scripture says that through faith and patience, you will inherit His promises! If you’ll stay in faith, if you’ll keep on seeking Him, it won’t be long until you see that breakthrough. Hallelujah! 

Many of us give up just before we get our miracle. We stop when things get hard, or when we don’t get the answer, we want the first time. Today’s verse encourages us to continually ask and continually seek. That doesn’t mean that we seek Him one time and then stop. No, we seek Him until we have the promise! 

Today, submit your most desperate prayers to the Lord, and keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking on the door, and it will be opened to you. Know that God is perfecting whatever concerns you. Don’t give up! Instead, start thanking Him for His faithfulness in your life. Thank Him for His promise that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him! Hallelujah! 

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for blessing me with a diligent spirit. Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. God, give me strength to stand and seek You, until I see Your promises fulfilled in every area of my life. In Christ’ Name, Amen.

Declare It

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so”, that’s what today’s Scripture begins with. It doesn’t say, “let the redeemed of the Lord think so”, or, “let the redeemed believe so.” Of course, it’s important to think right and believe right, but something supernatural happens when we open our mouths and declare something so emphatically that You don’t even have to say it to anyone else. 

You can say it whilst driving or in the shower. Say, “the economy may be low, but I am blessed. I am prosperous. I will lend and not borrow.” Say, “I may have had some setbacks, but I know those setbacks are a setup for a comeback! This is still going to be my best year so far. The favour of God is turning things around.” You are prophesying positively into your future. 

Today remember, when you say what the Lord has done for you, you are declaring that you are redeemed. You are opening the door for God to move on your behalf. The Scripture tells us that He watches over His Word to perform it. When you declare His Word, when you speak His promises, He is faithful to fulfil them, and lead you into victory all the days of your life! 

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has delivered from the hand of the adversary.” (Psalm 107:2) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for delivering me and setting me free. Father, I will declare Your goodness. I will declare Your promises. I will declare Your favour, because You told me in Your Word let the redeemed of the Lord say so or declare it so. Hallelujah! God, I know what I declare with my mouth will allow me to live the good life You have prepared for me. In Christ’ Name! Amen.

Why You Judging Me?  

I can be very critical at times… just recently I had to learn this valuable lesson; criticism given in the wrong way can make us feel anxious and in some cases, worthless. But when it’s given fairly and constructively, with real care and encouragement, not only does it show us where we’re going wrong, it fires us up to want to improve. So when we’re trying to help someone improve, let’s do it with kindness, understanding and empathy. 

If it’s constructive, criticism can be a good thing. If we point out mistakes from a position of love and of wanting the other person to be the best they can be, it’s a useful tool that we can use to help others improve. Otherwise, it can easily turn into a destructive force that discourages and breaks people apart. We tend to find it easy to point out failings and weaknesses in others, while overlooking or excusing our own faults. 

Jesus says: ‘How can you say to your friend, “Let me take that little piece of dust out of your eye”? Look at yourself! You still have that big piece of wood in your own eye. You hypocrite!’ (Matthew 7:4-5). Strong words! So we definitely need to take notice and avoid being unfair and judging others more harshly than we judge ourselves. Sometimes we might be overly critical to try and make ourselves look or feel better. Or we might be trying to hide the wounds of past experiences by using anger and criticism as a form of defence.  

Today, whatever the reason, Jesus gives us clear instructions, ‘Do not judge, or you too will be judged.’ When God looks at us and sees our faults and all the mistakes we make, He treats us with grace and gently corrects us. But what if God criticised us as harshly and as often as we criticise others? We’d soon feel completely depressed and wounded. The truth is, God, who has the highest standards of all, treats us with love and care even when we fail to live up to those standards. So when we need to correct someone, let’s do the same and aim to encourage- not discourage. 

Do not judge, or you too will be judged.’ (Matthew 7:1)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I thank You today for this timely advice. I surrender my negative, critical mind to You today. Please Father, change me so I won’t be judgemental and hypocritical. God, help me to look at myself first before looking at others. Show me how to be constructive and encouraging when I have to criticise, and never to be discouraging and cause depression and discontent, in Christ’ name! Amen. 


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