Think About It

Thinking about all you have to appreciate can boost your happiness and your overall sense of well-being, according to psychologists.

Did you know that God wants us to live an abundant life? Scripture says that Christ came so we can have abundant life, but it all starts in our thinking. What should we be thinking about? The Scripture says, things that are noble, right, lovely, pure and praiseworthy.  

When a thought comes to your mind that you’re never going to be successful, replace it by saying, “Father, You said that if I would put You first, You would crown my efforts with success. You said that You surround me with favour like a shield. You said that Your blessings would chase me down and overtake me!” That’s how you take every thought captive, that’s how you change negative thinking by replacing it with God’s Word! 

Today, don’t allow any negative thoughts to take up space in your mind. Fill your heart and mind with the Word of God, and open the door for His hand of blessing in every area of your life! 

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your truth which sets me free. Father, I choose to meditate on Your Words and goodness and dwell on the right things. God, help me to keep my heart and mind set on all that is pure, lovely and true, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Be Blessed!

Today Is The Day To Be Happy

God has so many blessings in store for you. So many opportunities, so many doors that will be opened. Do you want to experience those blessings in your life? Living in obedience and integrity is the key that unlocks the door to God’s blessings. When you put God first place in your life, you’ll be blessed in the city and in the country—you’ll be blessed when you come and when you go! 

Deuteronomy 28 also says that you will be so blessed that you will lend and not borrow. Can you see yourself in that position? Can you see yourself living in that kind of abundance? 

Today, know God doesn’t want you to be living with a barely-get-by attitude. We don’t serve a barely-get-by God; our God has more than enough! Hallelujah! He wants you to have more than enough to meet all your needs and to be a blessing to others. Make room in your life for the blessings of God. Choose to live in obedience and be blessed wherever you go! 

“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands…you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.” (Deuteronomy 28:1–3, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. Father, I choose today to put You first in everything I do. God, please help me to walk in integrity and follow Your commands, so that I can honour You always and be a blessing to others, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Diligence Brings Rewards

Everybody likes a reward whether earned or unearned. God likes to give rewards He longs to pour out His favour and blessings on you. He wants to give you His goodness and provision. He promises to do His part, but you have to do your part and be diligent. First of all, be diligent in seeking His ways and obeying His commands. Then, be diligent with what He has already given you, your time and resources. 

Scripture says in Matthew, there were three men whose employer entrusted them with some money called talents. Two of the men were diligent and invested the talents, used them and received a great return. The third man was afraid and buried what he was given. The first two men were rewarded and praised for their diligence, while the third man was rebuked. He got no return or reward! 

Today, follow the example of the two men who used their talents. Look for ways to be diligent with what the Master has placed in your hand. Whatever you do, do it with excellence. Be the best you can be and go the extra mile, even when you think it goes unnoticed. Understand that when people don’t notice, God notices and promises to reward the appetite of the diligent! 

“…the appetite of the diligent is abundantly supplied.” (Proverbs 13:4, AMPC) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the favour and blessings You’ve placed in my life. Father, today I will be diligent. I will strive to live in excellence and do everything to the best of my ability. God, I give You all the glory for every reward I have and will receive, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  


“...May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.” (Ephesians 3:17, AMP)

Love is such a precious gift from God. It’s a word that many take for granted. There is tremendous power in love! In the same way that a tree will grow taller and stronger when its roots grow deep, you will be stronger and rise higher when you are rooted and grounded in love. How do you ground yourself in love you may ask? It starts with a choice. When you say “yes” to love, you are saying “yes” to God, because God is love!  

According to 1 Corinthians 13, love means being patient and kind. It means not seeking your own way, not being jealous or boastful. When you choose love instead of choosing your own way, you are showing the world that God is first place in your life. The more you choose to walk in love, the deeper and stronger you grow in God and bond with others. 

Today, remember, love is the greatest gift, and it is all that will last in eternity. Choose to establish yourself in love, and let it be firm within you. Let His love build security in you, and empower you to live the life of blessing He has in store for you. 

“…May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.” (Ephesians 3:17, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for loving me unconditionally and for giving me the gift of love. Father, today and every day, I choose love. Show me how to love others the way You love me. God, thank You for setting me free and empowering me, through love, to live the life You have prepared for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Life Blessings

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Every time you choose to obey the Word of God, you are choosing blessing. When you put God first in your life; when you walk in love toward others even when it’s difficult, you are choosing blessing. God desires that you live in blessing in every area of your life. He’s given promises in His Word and established a plan for you to live in total victory. He promises to give you the answers, but you have to be the one to decide to obey His voice. You have the final choice, so choose life and blessing! 

Today, turn away from ungodly influences and give to others, then God will pour out His blessing on you in return. Start now and do what you know to do. Obey God’s Word, and His blessing will overtake you! You’ll rise higher and higher and live the abundant life He has for you. 

“…I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live…” (Deuteronomy 30:19, NASB) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your consistent blessings. Father, today I choose life in You and blessing through obeying Your Word. God, Keep me close to You so that I can honour You in all that I say and do, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Overflowing With Abundant Life

What Kind of Life is This?

Have you ever wanted a better life? You may not have the biggest house or newest car, but God promises abundant life for you. His abundant life goes way beyond the things we can see in this natural world. His abundant life means that you can have peace in the midst of life’s storms. His abundant life brings you joy when things are uncertain. You can have hope when circumstances seem hopeless. You can live and enjoy life to the fullest every day because you have the Creator of abundant life. 

Today, you may look at life and think, “God is going to give me abundant life someday”, but the truth is, God wants you to have abundant life right now. Ask Him to show you His abundant favor, blessing, and peace. As you focus on God’s promises of abundance, your life will feel free and more satisfying, and you will overflow with His abundance, the way God intended! 

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10, ESV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I know that You want the best for me today and every day. Father, thank You for Your promise of an abundant life. God, teach me to share Your abundance with others. I love You and bless You today. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

God Help Me Control My Tongue

I believe every word we speak has power. Have you ever said things you wish you could take back? Our words determine the direction of our lives. The Bible tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue.  

There’s no neutral ground. We are either sowing seeds of life and productivity with our words, or we are sowing seeds of ruin and destruction with our words. This is a good day to take inventory of your words and make the decision to sow only good seeds with your words. 

Today, speak God’s Word over your own life and the lives of those around you. Ask the Holy Spirit to teach you to consider every word before you say it. Make the decision today that your words will bring glory to the Lord. As you guard your mouth, you will “keep” your life. You’ll see increase in every area and enjoy the blessings God has in store for you! 

“He who guards his mouth keeps his life, but he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin.” (Proverbs 13:3, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I give this day to You. I give You my every thought, I give You every word and action. Spirit, help me to live a life pleasing to God in every way. Please help me speak words of blessing to edify those around me. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

GodinterestTV – 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick – 04/17/21

GodinterestTV - 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick - 04/17/21
GodinterestTV - 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick - 04/17/21
GodinterestTV – 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick – 04/17/21

GodinterestTV – 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick – 04/17/21

HONESTY – Breaking free from Sexual Addiction – Davids Story

The first in a 12 Week Series (Saturday 17th April 2021 12PM to 1PM)

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

62 Reasons Why I Love My Mom

Do you want to be satisfied? Did you know that respecting and honouring God will lead you to experiencing satisfaction? Yes, that’s right; no matter where you’re at, what is troubling you, or what has happened to you in the past, true satisfaction is close at hand. It’s found in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Proverbs tells us that along with the satisfaction that God gives you, when you show Him respect and follow His lead, it will keep evil away from you, and peace and joy will flood your life to an overwhelming degree!  

Today, I remind you that God’s satisfaction and peace is not temporary, it’s not just here until something bad happens. Experiencing true satisfaction in God can last for eternity. You can live the way you were born to live, the way God intended for you to live! You can live healthier, happier and victorious, for as long as you have breathe! 

“The fear of the LORD leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction; he will not be visited with evil.” (Proverbs 19:23, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your gift of satisfaction that is beyond anything I have ever known. Father, thank You for the peace that it brings. God please strengthen me as I seek to serve You, and find real joy and love in You. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Praise = Faith In Action

Faith can move mountains

One of my biggest pet peeves is the lack of praise for God amongst believers. We were created to praise God. Praise is powerful! Praise is putting your faith in action. Just as putting your physical body into action to make it grow strong, putting your faith in action through prayer and thanksgiving will cause it to grow strong too!  

The Bible says about Abraham: no unbelief made him waver regarding the promise of God. What does it mean to waver? It actually means to go back and forth. It’s a very unsteady posture. Spiritual wavering is when we go back and forth in believing the promises of God. Wavering shows up in our words and actions. When you speak contrary to God’s promises, you are wavering and unsteady. Abraham never had unbelief or doubting thoughts. It basically says that he didn’t let it control him or cause him to waver in his words, actions and thinking. He took captive every thought and stood strong through His praise and worship! 

Today, take captive your thoughts through praise to God. Praise makes you stable. It makes you strong. Decide today to put your faith into action by thanking and praising God all throughout the day! As you do, you’ll grow strong and live the life of victory God has in store for you! 

“No unbelief or distrust made him waver (doubtingly question) concerning the promise of God, but he grew strong and was empowered by faith as he gave praise and glory to God.” (Romans 4:20, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, today I bless Your name and lift You up! Father, thank You for life. I thank You for breath. I thank You for provision, healing, strength and joy. God, I praise You for abundantly supplying all my needs so that I can be a blessing to others, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Peace Is Strength

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

One of the greatest needs of this world is peace. When there is strife and contention, the enemy has an open door to move into your life. There’s a tremendous strength that comes to you when you choose to live in peace. That’s why the Lord commands us in scripture that we live at peace with those around us. When we are at peace with those around us, we are in a position of strength. 

Being at peace with those around you doesn’t mean you have to agree with everyone all the time. It simply means you are choosing to walk in love. It means you are patient and kind, not envious or boastful. It means you are considerate and gracious even when you don’t agree.  

Today, choose peace over strife, choose love over hate, choose positivity over negativity. Beginning right now, make the choice to walk in the strength and blessings the peace of God brings when we obey His Word as He has commanded.  

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of peace which is strength. Father, help me to release any strife or contention in my heart today. God, I ask You to fill me with Your peace for everyone around me, so that I can be an instrument of love everywhere I go, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Blessings While We Sleep

In this day and age with viruses increasing daily and lock down lasting months, sleep is very important to our wellbeing. God promises to give blessings to His beloved in their sleep! He wants you to rest securely in Him and be rejuvenated nightly, mind and body. Sleep has great benefits – it builds your immune system, it decreases your stress and it increases productivity. 

Did you know sleep is so important not only to our physical health, but also our spiritual wellbeing?  When we are well rested, we are better able to deal with the trials that come our way. It’s easier to keep our hearts and minds in the right place, so we can stand stronger and make better spiritual decisions. 

Today, you may be struggling with sleep, ask God to show you what you need to do to get back on track. Do you have cares you need to cast on Him? Are you worrying instead of worshiping? Has a spirit of fear crept in? Do you need to make better decisions about what time to go to bed? Remember, He said He will give you peace when you lie down, He wants you to be rested. He wants you to be rejuvenated and revived so that you can be the best you! 

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” 

(Psalm 4:8, ESV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for giving me the gift of sleep so I can be at peace, revived and rejuvenated. Father, help me to cast my cares on You daily. Teach me to make it a priority to stay well rested, so I can live the life physically and spiritually that You have designed for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Prisoners of Hope

To be incarcerated physically I’m told is difficult to deal with. Locked up for hours per day, cut off from loved ones and surround by darkness and evil. Do you know that many of us are in prison in our minds. What about you? Are you in an emotional prison right now? You may not have thought about it that way, but if you are holding unforgiveness or bitterness toward someone who has wronged you – whether it was five, ten or thirty years ago – that is an emotional prison.  

God’s Word promises that if you’ll step out of that prison and become a prisoner of hope, He will restore back to you double for your trouble! That means if someone wrongs you, instead of getting negative and bitter, your attitude should be, “they just did me a favour. They just qualified me for double!” That’s the attitude of a prisoner of hope.  

Today, lock into an attitude of victory that says, “I won’t be defeated! Things may look impossible, but I know God can do the impossible. I may have been treated wrongly, but I’m not worried. I know God is my vindicator. It may be taking a long time, but in due season, I know I will reap if I just don’t give up.” Stay strong and in the place of hope today, knowing that you will come out with double! Hallelujah! 

“Return to the stronghold, you prisoners of hope. Even today I declare that I will restore double to you.”(Zechariah 9:12, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, today I choose to release those who have wronged me. Father, I refuse to live in an emotional prison, please change my mental location. God, I know You are my vindicator and redeemer. Make me a prisoner of hope and I receive Your promise today that You will give me back double for all my trouble, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 


Wise Words

The Word of God is like a sword, the Bible says it has the power to protect you and keep you from sin. The Word of God is powerful in our lives, it’s living and active like food! Did you know that the Word of God when spoken causes evil to flee? 

In the Bible, God’s Word comes in written form, however His Word can come in many other ways. In Scripture, His Word came through a burning bush, a still small voice, and even a donkey! He might speak to your heart through a friend or through a worship song. He may speak to you through creation. But when God does speak, your spirit knows it. There is confirmation in your inner man. You know it’s the voice of Jehovah because He always speaks truth, and truth always sets you free! 

Today, put God’s Word in your heart, so it will prompt you and protect you when sin and evil comes knocking at your heart’s door. Meditate on His Word day and night. Let God’s truth transform you and lead you every day of your life! 

“Your Word have I laid up in my heart that I might not sin against You.” (Psalm 119:11, AMP) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which strengthens and protects me from all evil, including my propensity to sin. Father, thank You for speaking Your truth to my heart. God, teach me and help me know how to hear Your voice more clearly, so I will know Your will and live a life that is pleasing to You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Bitterness Will Hinder Your Prayers

When you look around at the state of our world, church and community, it’s easy to become bitter. Bitterness is an extremely destructive force. It seeps into the depths of your heart when you choose not to forgive someone. When you hold on to unforgiveness, it closes the door to God’s power working in your life.  

Scripture tells us that if we choose not to forgive others, God cannot answer our prayers. Be grateful to God that He has empowered us to forgive and release bitterness! You may have been through unfair situations in your life, but it’s not over until God says it’s over. You can make the choice to get rid of bitterness so you can live in freedom! 

Today, we serve a God of justice. God sees every wrong that’s ever been done to you. He sees every unfair situation. If you will stay in faith, He’ll bring justice into your life, including the power to forgive. Let your attitude be, “things may have been unfair, I may have been done wrong, but I WILL NOT get bitter, because my blessings are on the way, and I need my prayers answered.” 

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” (Ephesians 4:31, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I refuse and rebuke bitterness in my life. Father, I refuse to allow my past to keep me stuck. I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me. God, I pray blessings on those that may have done me wrong, and pray they would come to know Your truth. Thank You for setting my heart free today, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Get A Vision

Looking at the world’s current situation, it’s hard to believe at times that God desires that you be blessed and prosperous. But it’s true, He wants you to have so much peace, joy and victory that it spills over onto those around you. He desires that you be so blessed that you can turn around and be a blessing everywhere you go.  

In the Psalms, David said, “My cup runs over.” He was saying, “I’m so full of God, I’m overflowing!” So don’t settle for a barely-get-by-mentality. Jesus came so that you can live an abundant life. That means an abundance of joy, an abundance of peace, an abundance of health, an abundance of finances. An abundance in every area of your life. 

Today, you may not see your abundance or prosperity. You may not feel like things are going your way, but don’t get complacent and just settle where you are. Get a vision from God’s Word for your future! Get a vision of God’s purpose for your life, and remember He delights in your prosperity! 

“…Let them say continually, ‘The LORD be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.’ ” (Psalm 35:27, NASB) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. Father, help me develop a vision for the abundant life You have in store for me. God, please show me how to be a blessing to You and all those around me, and increase my prosperity so that You can be glorified, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


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