GodinterestTV – Breaking Free From Fear & Alcohol (Austin’s Story) – Episode 4

GodinterestTV – Step 4 To Breaking Free TRUTH | with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick – 01/05/21

The 4th in a 12 Week Series on Saturday 8th May 2021 from 2 PM to 3 PM) 

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GodinterestTV – 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick – 04/17/21

GodinterestTV - 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick - 04/17/21
GodinterestTV - 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick - 04/17/21
GodinterestTV – 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick – 04/17/21

GodinterestTV – 12 Steps To Breaking Free with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick – 04/17/21

HONESTY – Breaking free from Sexual Addiction – Davids Story

The first in a 12 Week Series (Saturday 17th April 2021 12PM to 1PM)

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Worship Instead Of Worry

With loved ones dying, funds are low and many job losses, the enemy would love to get you worrying instead of worshipping. When the enemy brings you thoughts of worry, anxiety and fear, let them be a reminder to thank God that His answer and blessings are on the way. 

Then do what King Jehoshaphat did, rebuke the enemy then say, “Father, I thank You that You are at work on my behalf.” The people of Judah were surrounded by three major armies. It didn’t look like they had a chance. This godly king was probably bombarded with thoughts of fear and anxiety. But, he gathered the people together, lifted his eyes toward heaven, and prayed a simple prayer, and Jehoshaphat’s prayer was answered. Hallelujah! 

Today, know that God still answers simple prayers like in the story of Jehoshaphat. God told the people to march right in to the enemy’s camp, worshipping, singing and shouting praises on their way. Notice, they weren’t worrying, they were worshipping and God delivered them. Friend it’s time to worship and praise your way out of your problems, no need to struggle and become negative, stop fighting and stressing and trust God and receive victory in your life. Please let’s worship instead of worrying! 

“…We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” (2 Chronicles 20:12, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, You are truly the great God who is the Provider of everything we need and much more. Father, teach me to be a worshipper instead of a worrier. God, today I claim Your promise of deliverance from thoughts of fear or anxiety. Thank You for giving me the victory, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Let’s Pray Differently

7 Heroes of Faith and the Power of Prayer in Their Lives

Lately, I’ve found myself constantly praying for God to change my situations.

As if he doesn’t realize how messed up the world is. How broken we are. How chaotic 2020 has felt. I ask Him to change the circumstances surrounding me as if He’s just sitting up in heaven watching Netflix completely unaware of what’s happening in this world He created. As if He’s forgotten about us down here. But He hasn’t. He knows what’s happening. Nothing that happens in this world happens without his consent. He’s allowing it to continue to happen because He’s not done doing what He’s planning to do with it. Are you following?

Now let’s turn to the Old Testament superstar of struggle… Job. His story is unique in that we get a little glimpse at the dialogue between God and Satan. Satan and his angels come to God and get this… he had to ask God’s permission to mess with Job’s life. God literally gave His consent for the enemy to do whatever he wanted with everything Job had, but with an important condition: “…but on the man himself do not lay a finger.” (Job 1:12b)

For those of you that aren’t familiar with the story, Satan proceeded to take away everything Job had including all of his livestock and fields, his wife and children, and even his health. He left Job broke and alone, but through all of Job’s struggles and heartache, God was never worried because He still held Job’s life. God’s protection was on him the whole time.

So now that we’ve seen God’s side of it, let’s look at Job’s perspective. How did he respond? Well Satan’s plan here was to get Job to curse the name of God, but Job wouldn’t do it. Even after everything was taken from him and his three friends blamed him for his misfortune and gave him a bunch of bad advice, Job still praised God. His faith was not shaken. He prayed things like this:

“But he knows the way that I take; when he has tested me, I will come forth as gold.” – Job 23:10

and this…

“I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.” – Job 42:2

Even when he had nothing, Job still held on to the faith that God would use all of those awful circumstances to refine him like gold. He still acknowledged God’s power and honored Him. I want to pray like Job.

Instead of praying for God to change my circumstances, I want to pray that God will never stop using my circumstances to change me. I challenge you to do the same. Instead of praying for God to “fix” things so they can go back to our broken version of “normal,” let’s ask Him to keep shaking things up until they’re better, new, and more reflective of His kingdom.

“This, then, is how you should pray:
‘Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven…'” – Matthew 6:9-10 (emphasis mine)

Let’s ask Him to change our hearts in the face of uncertainty rather than asking Him to make COVID-19 go away. Let’s ask Him to cover our family with peace in the face of loss rather than blaming him for taking our loved one away. Let’s ask Him to change the hearts of those corrupted by power and authority instead of acting in violence in response to offense. Let’s ask for the coming of His glorious kingdom rather than asking for a perfect life in our own little bubble.

Because here’s the thing: circumstances will always change and more often than not, they will be inconvenient, uncomfortable, and difficult. So let’s stop complaining and wishing for an easier life.

Sooner or later, you’ll have to respond, and it’s how we respond that matters. It’s how God is using it to make us look more like Him that matters. It’s how it fits in to the bigger picture of the redemption of God’s creation that matters.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” – Thessalonians 5:16-18

So, let’s not get swept up in trying to pray away our problems. Let’s take up a different stance, and pray through them, because that allows God to change us, grow us, and mold us to better reflect His glory.

Remember, nothing in this world happens without God’s consent. Your bad day didn’t sneak past His radar while He was enjoying His morning coffee. He allows our circumstances to be difficult because He wants us to be a little uncomfortable, because that’s when we turn to Him and lean on Him so He can remind us of His power and glory. So let’s embrace whatever circumstance we find ourselves in and commit to seeking out the Lord and His goodness. Because no matter how broken we are, He is always good.

Patience and Listening: God Still Speaks To You

I just wanted some hamburgers for lunch. 

Me and my boys were in the Walmart attempting to use a gift card. It wasn't working, and I was left with only a bag of quarters my wife had given me. So we put back the roll of hamburger and got some bread and a trifold my other son needed for a school project. 

Then I was prompted by the Spirit to give it another go. I told my sons that we're stopping at a local Food Lion to grab some hamburger. Moments later, I have the hamburger, my bag of quarters, and I'm standing in line. I hate lines. It makes things tedious. However, considering it's the first weekend of the official holiday shopping season, it was expected. I looked around and saw all the other lines and was going to move but God said, "DON'T. MOVE." 

LISTEN: "Your Moment": 3 Don'ts For The Season

I was paralyzed. Why couldn't I move to another line? A God event was ocurring. That's what I call them when the Holy Spirit prompts me with urgent instructions. As I began to scan my area for any anomalies I looked up front and began paying attention to a younger guy and an older woman talk. He was paying for expensive pot roast  she was stunned. In return, she turned to the woman in front of me and paid for her groceries! The woman, unsure of what was going on, turned to me and paid for my hamburger! What an amazing moment! 

Here are some lessons I learned from the experience: 

  1. Be obedient to God's prompting, even when it doesn't make sense to me. 
  2. Be obedient to what God has called you to be – a follower with a pleasant Spirit. I could have easily gotten impatient and aggravated at my day. I didn't, and I thank God I did well! 
  3. Patience is more than an action, but a mental condition. The ability to be patient begins in the mind and is shown in our actions. 

Scripture tells us in James 1:25 that, "But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do."  

If we continue in what Jesus has taught us through his Word, we will always be free from bitterness, anger, poor spirits, etc. If we don't forget God's Word, and do it, God will bless us. He wants to bless us, but he also needs us to listen to bless us.  

And yes, I made some awesome burgers for Sunday lunch, but learned a lot more from the Spirit. 

Is Keto Christian?

The Ketosis (Keto) Diet has taken the nutrition world by storm and shows no signs of weakening. In its most basic form, it is a diet with a high percentage of fat and protein with limited carbohydrates. It has sometimes been characterized as the “paleo-diet”, as it supposedly represents the diet eaten by primitive humans.

Of course, Christians know there never were any primitive humans so the idea of mimicking their diet is absurd. We were created by God in His image. It’s easy to move on from this factual reality and dismiss the entire Keto Diet as a bit of science fiction with no basis in reality. That’s a mistake. The Keto Diet demonstrates God’s astonishing design of the human body.

Start at the Top

The Bible is clear that God knew Adam and Eve would sin before He shaped Adam from the clay of the earth. He prepared humanity for the struggle of surviving in a fallen world by structuring our bodies to run on either meat or plants. We are omnivores, as demonstrated by our teeth. Some are built for biting meat, and some are suitable for grinding grain. Our digestive systems also processes either type of food.

Everything we eat gets chewed up–by the appropriate teeth, of course–and passes through the stomach into the small intestine where the nutrients are absorbed. At this point the body treats meat and protein differently from carbohydrates. Based on what it needs to digest, the body creates specific enzymes to convert what is available into fuel for muscles and metabolic activity.

The End of Science

Any excess energy gets stored by the body as fat, again demonstrating God’s wisdom in designing a system that saves in times of plenty in preparation for possible lean times ahead. Of course, most of the Western world no longer encounters lean times, leading to an epidemic of obesity. This problem has gotten worse in spite of the attempts of food scientists to create low- and zero-calorie snack foods.

Limiting calories by itself is ineffective because God designed the body to slow its metabolic rate when it reaches into fat reserves for energy. This is a fantastic strategy for survival that also reduces the effectiveness of dieting to lose weight. However, when the body is getting a high percentage of fat and protein and needs more energy from fat reserves, it reaches for them without slowing the metabolism.

Why Keto Works

This is why a reduced-calorie diet with a high percentage of them coming from protein and fat works better. The body continues burning calories at a normal rate. Better yet, since the body has adapted to digesting fat by producing more of that type of enzyme it is never hungry for more calories as long as it has reserves of fat to burn. The person eating a keto diet maintains their metabolic rate and does not experience the hunger pains typically associated with a low-calorie approach to weight loss.

The physiology of a keto diet has nothing to do with what “primitive man” supposedly ate and everything to do with God designing a physical body flexible enough to survive the rigors of a fallen world with unreliable sources of food. It’s like a car that can run on either gasoline or diesel fuel and which adapts to run better based on which fuel it is given. A keto diet exploits the benefits of God’s design for the benefit of the person who wants to lose weight.

Scriptural Guidance

The Bible seems to be silent on specific guidance regarding the keto diet, and perspectives gained by inference can be misconstrued and unreliable. The most relevant reference to meat is in Peter’s vision recorded in Acts 10: 9-16. However, this clearly has more to do with salvation coming to the Gentiles than the physiology of the human body. The importance of the spiritual meaning is also obvious in the reference to meat in 1 Corinthians 3:2.

The clear instruction by God to Ezekiel in chapter 4 of that book starting in verse 9 is similarly about something other than a diet with a high percentage of calories from protein and fat. “Ezekiel bread” is intended to teach a lesson about surviving during the coming famine. While it teaches an important lesson about the nutritional quality of sprouted grain, it is not an instruction about eating meat.


This lack of specific instruction seems to put the keto diet into the category of behavior discussed by Paul in Romans 14: 13-21. We are allowed to follow our own understanding in matters such as this, but we should not use that liberty to cause another follower to stumble. A situation where eating a keto diet would cause someone else to stumble in their faith is hard to image, but it certainly should be avoided.

Similarly, while losing weight on a keto diet we should not criticize overweight believers for enjoying a donut. Encouraging them is certainly a loving gesture, and testifying about the effectiveness of keto in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight also demonstrates love. Most of all, understanding that keto is nothing more than utilizing God’s design of the human body helps everyone depend on Him for all things, and nothing can be better than that!

How Come Iniquity Was Found In Lucifer?

This is a very important question: how come iniquity was found in Lucifer? He was created good. All the virtues of godliness were found in him. He was perfect in his ways, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. How come iniquity was found in him?

The point here is that Lucifer did not just become defiled by iniquity without a cause. There was a cause that triggered the process of iniquity in him. Before we unfold the mystery behind what triggered iniquity in Lucifer it is important to point out here that the garden of Eden was God’s garden. Ezekiel 28:13;

“Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God”¦”

The phrase “Eden the garden of God” clearly presents us with the fact that the garden of Eden is God’s garden and not the “garden of man”. It exclusively belongs to God. However, because of God’s goodness, He placed the man He had created into the garden as part of His divine plan. Adam’s family was expected to grow large and spread out the garden of Eden thereby making the whole face of the earth an extension of God’s garden. God planted the garden and placed the man He had formed in it. Genesis 2:8;

“And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed.”

Angels including Lucifer are not expected to visit this garden, except by instruction from the Most High. It should be noted that cherubs are like official announcers of the presence of the Most High. This then implies that Lucifer being a cherub goes with the Most High whenever He visits the garden. Consequently, by this means Lucifer had access into the garden of Eden. Ezekiel 28:13;

Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone wasthy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.”

Interestingly, it is revealing and shocking to know that on one of Lucifer’s visits to the garden of Eden he ate out of the forbidden fruit. This he did out of his free will and had his wisdom corrupted with the knowledge of evil. So he became defiled and iniquity was found in him. Ezekiel 28:15;

“Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.

We have to appreciate the fact that there is a limit to the knowledge of God’s creatures. Lucifer was in the garden of Eden and he ate out of the forbidden tree, disregarding the instruction of restriction that has been placed on the tree. Notice that the beginning remarks of Ezekiel 28:13 was a proclamation rather than an exclamation since God is omniscience. What God meant was “Hey Lucifer I know you have been to my garden and have eaten out of the fruit of the forbidden tree”. We also need to appreciate the fact that the execution of “freewill” is not a sin but the result obtained from its process is what matters. It should be noted that, no creature of God can deal with the knowledge obtained from this tree in righteousness, discerning what is good from what is evil by cleaving unto the good without errors. Additionally, anyone whether man or angel that eats out of it has set his heart to become a judge like God to know what is good and what is evil. 

After Lucifer had eaten out of the forbidden fruit, something stirred up in him. He became knowledgeable in evil. His heart and thought became changed. It was after eating this fruit that he knew he was fair and beautiful and thought he deserved a better status. Ezekiel 28:17;

Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.”

Lucifer became very proud and even thought within Himself to be like the Most High. Prophet Isaiah puts it succinctly in Isaiah 14:13-14;

“13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 

14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

The resultant effect of eating out of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil is that it makes the heart believes that it can be like the Most High. The statement from the foregoing can be buttressed with what the Lord said about man after eating out of the fruit of the forbidden tree. Genesis 3:22;

“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever”

This effect was what generated the evil desire of rebellion, jealousy and prideful competition in Lucifer. It made him think he could be like the Most High. This was why Lucifer said, “I will be like the most High”. 

It is apparent from the foregoing that Lucifer had an experiential knowledge of the destructive nature of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. It was this same knowledge he applied in tempting the Eve. So this was why he (Lucifer) asked Eve the following question as found in Genesis 3:1;

“…hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?”

Eve responded to Lucifer’s question with the following words (Genesis 3:2-3);

 “2 …We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: 

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.” 

Because Lucifer ate out of the tree firstly, he knew the effect of this tree. He knew that anyone who eats out of the tree will not die a physical death but will definitely die spiritually, he also knew for a fact that it’s a tree that makes one become as “gods” knowing good and evil. So his words to the woman were (Genesis 3:4-5);

“4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” 

Are Lucifer’s words true? Of course they are because he has an experiential knowledge of the destructibility of the tree. As a matter of fact, his words were confirmed by the most high as seen in Genesis 3:22;

“And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…”

Apparently, iniquity was found in Lucifer because he was the first to eat out of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Consequently, the evil desire of prideful competition stirred up in him. The gravity of this offense is beyond what words can describe and it was what led to the banishment of Lucifer away from the presence of the most High.  

Literacy: One of the Great Miracle Cures

Resolving the Limitations Illiteracy Places on the Human Spirit

WILLS POINT, TX — Gospel for Asia (GFA, www.gfa.org) issues an extensive Special Report on illiteracy, the dominant disabler to flourishing for millions around the world, and the miraculous potential of literacy that is able to change the lives of men, women and children for generations.

Few of us who have read all our lives understand the nearly miraculous potential of being able to read and write when illiteracy has been the dominant disabler to flourishing. Illiteracy is more dominant than poverty, more dominant than a chronic physical disability, and more dominant than even an oppressive social system.

We readers have long lost the joy of discovering that the squiggly marks on a page of paper can be interpreted or that the same kinds of marks can be learned and replicated with chalk, ink, pen or pencil. We don’t understand because we read and write and often take for granted the treacherous limitations illiteracy places on the human spirit as well as on human potential.

Perhaps one story from Gospel for Asia will help us again remember the wonder of our own unrecognized reading and writing capacities. This is about Mandeepa.

This is Mandeepa. She grew up illiterate.This is Mandeepa. Her widowed mother was too poor to send her to school when she was younger, so she grew up illiterate. After she learned of God’s love as a teenager, she deeply desired to read God’s Word, but she couldn’t read or write.
Due to the early death of her father, Mandeepa and her five other siblings were raised by a struggling mother. None of these six children were able to attend school, and at the age of 13, Mandeepa started to work as a household maid to support her single parent. Eventually, as is frequently the case, a marriage was arranged for Mandeepa, which quickly produced a son and a daughter.

At the age of 16, Mandeepa started attending a local church where the young woman received a Bible of her own–but having never learned to read and write, she, of course, only saw strange markings on the page. Her heart was filled with a longing to read the words and to learn more about the Heavenly Father the book taught about, but this was impossible, and the young woman was disconsolate.

Mandeepa’s husband was also illiterate. Their daughter was fortunate to attend school, but her growing ability to read only pointed out the lack in her mother’s education. How Mandeepa wished she could help her daughter with her schoolwork. This parental lack only increased the woman’s desire to read and write like her children.

Then the GFA-supported Women’s Fellowship at her church initiated literacy learning classes.

Mandeepa was now 32 years old, and after a year of study, she could finally read the Bible she had received 16 long years before. One of the first things she did when this “great miracle cure” began to have effect on her, banishing the shame and frustration of ignorance caused by lack of education, was to memorize John 14:15: “If you love Me, keep my commandments.”

Gospel for Asia points out that there are more than 250 million women in Asia today who are illiterate. It’s impossible for them to help their children with schoolwork. In addition, the instructions on medicine bottles, road signs, notices from the government and legal papers are all indecipherable– and this in a society that is increasingly dependent upon the written word. Those who desire to read God’s Word can’t do so. Technology can’t be accessed unless a user is highly literate. One must be able to spell, to read commands, to type letters that form words if the digital world is to be accessed.

Illiteracy is more dominant than poverty, more dominant than a chronic physical disability, and more dominant than even an oppressive social system.

Illiteracy is a kind of intellectual limbo, and no matter how naturally intelligent a person might be, the very descriptor “illiterate” indicates inferior mental capability.

Worldwide, entire villages with increasing levels of literacy are making social and economic gains when even just a small percentage of the villagers learn to read and write. Much data (a preponderance of which is examined under the general category of education) gives good cause to make the assumption that learning to read and write is one of the “great miracle cures.”

UNESCO does a thorough job of establishing the difficulty of conducting evidence- based data gathering as to the specific impact of literacy on individuals and communities, but it makes a broad generalization by stating in one article, “The ‘multiplier effect’ of literacy empowers people, enables them to participate fully in society and contributes to improve livelihoods. Literacy is also a driver for sustainable development in that it enables greater participation in the labour market; improved child and family health and nutrition; reduces poverty and expands life opportunities.”

Asia: Manju is teaching several women how to read and write in a literacy class hosted in the women's house in 2011Asia: Manju is teaching several women how to read and write in a literacy class hosted in the women’s house in 2011. Illiteracy is often cured by an army of tutors like this. Opportunities to volunteer and serve to erase illiteracy, and spread the miracle of reading and writing, are numerous.

Why Is Literacy a Great Miracle Cure?

Hopefully, this article will inspire the reader about participating in some way in the joy of giving the gifts of reading and writing to other humans. The outcomes of such literacy initiatives are far beyond the investment of a few hours on the part of a tutor or of a volunteer week or some summer months overseas dedicated to literacy training and teaching. It is well worth considering teaching others how to read and write, or attending discussion groups at the local library where ESL (English as Second Language) learners are expanding their conversational skills, or volunteering with any of a multitude of organizations that welcome short-term teachers who are able to travel overseas. The opportunities for working literacy miracles are many and far-reaching.

Volunteering with NGOs (non-governmental organizations) overseas is, indeed, not only beneficial to individual learners who with literacy skills can obtain higher-paying jobs above menial labor and have the means to educate their own children, but also to whole villages and countries where the literacy aggregate continues to grow, or what has been referred to above as “the multiplier effect.”

250 million women in Asia today are illiterate

All statistical evidence shows that one individual who is given reading and writing skills greatly improves his/her chances of success. Increasing literacy of individuals also greatly enhances the society in which those people live. A study conducted in Charleston, North Carolina, determined that “illiteracy is a multifaceted social equity and justice problem that results in less job opportunities and low income, often poverty.” The reporting continues to explain that employers are often careful not to allow low-skilled workers to work more than 30 hours at minimum wage, because hours accrued above this level must provide workers with benefits and paid time off. This limit means poverty or near-poverty for a certain demographic of workers, which then sets in motion the need for community government to provide welfare assistance. The Trident Literary Association of Charleston, South Carolina, notes that food and medical assistance are often necessary when someone lives below the poverty line, especially if children are present:

“Letting our people live in poverty can cost the Charleston community over $15,000 for ONE adult for only ONE year. This does not count the cost of any children each adult may have. When over 86,000 adults in the tri-county area don’t have a high school diploma or a GED, the community could incur costs of up to $1.3 BILLION in public assistance to help those people survive.”

If this is true in a mostly literate community, how does illiteracy impact countries with large demographics of people who can neither read or write? The consensus across the data is that illiteracy interferes with the flourishing of citizens within a community.

The Literacy Foundation, located in Quebec, lists:

Specific negative incomes of illiteracy on both individuals and society. For individuals, the impacts include:

  • “A limited ability to obtain and understand essential information;
  • “An unemployment rate two to four times higher among those with little schooling compared to those with bachelor’s degrees;
  • “Lower income;
  • “Lower-quality jobs;
  • “Precarious financial position;
  • “Little value given to education and reading within the family, often leading to intergenerational transmission of illiteracy;
  • “Low self-esteem, which can lead to isolation;
  • “More workplace accidents, longer recovery times and more misuse of medications due to not understanding health care resources and procedures.”

And for a community whose citizens have a high illiteracy rate, societal impacts include:

  • “Since literacy is essential for individuals and states to be competitive in the new global knowledge economy, many positions remain vacant for lack of adequately trained personnel;
  • “The higher the proportion of adults with low literacy proficiency, the slower the overall long-term GDP growth rate is;
  • “Difficulty understanding societal issues lowers the level of community involvement and civic participation.”

Defining Literacy

Like many topics, the meaning of literacy has nuances: Someone might say they are illiterate about opera, meaning they are uninformed, uninterested or unexposed to this art form. The same implications could be attributed to a person who is “illiterate” about immigration. At its most elemental level, however, to be illiterate means that a person cannot read or write or can only decipher words in a minimal way. Literacy Advance says the definition is even more complex:

“Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen, and use numeracy and technology, at a level that enables people to express and understand ideas and opinions, to make decisions and solve problems, to achieve their goals, and to participate fully in their community and in wider society.”

Illiteracy is most prevalent in developing countries. South Asian, Arab and Sub- Saharan African countries are regions with the highest illiteracy rates at about 40 to 50 percent. East Asia and Latin America have illiteracy rates in the 10—15 percent region, while developed countries have illiteracy rates of a few percent.

Within ethnically homogenous regions, literacy rates can vary widely from country or region to region. This often coincides with the region’s wealth or urbanization, though many factors play a role.

Thirty-five ladies gather for a GFA-supported women's literacy class three days a week in Odisha, India.Odisha, India: Thirty-five ladies gather for a GFA-supported women’s literacy class three days a week. The class takes place Monday through Wednesday. Once they achieve their goal in teaching these ladies how to read and write, the Sisters of Compassion will begin another Adult Literacy Class elsewhere in the neighborhood.

Illiteracy in the United States

Perhaps it is easier to examine literacy and illiteracy through the lens of one country, the one many of us know best and consider one of the most literate in the world.

ProLiteracy, a nonprofit that champions the power of literacy to improve the lives of adults and their families, communities and societies in the United States (and around the world), views illiteracy mostly through the lens of those who are foreign-born residents. The Center for Applied Linguistics reports that in 2006, some 13 years ago, there were 37.5 million foreign-born residents, or 12.5 percent of the total U.S. population.

Since that data was collected, there has been a surge in states that aren’t normally considered high foreign population centers such as California, Texas, New York and Florida. The Center for Applied Linguistics also reports that since 2005, some 14 other states experienced a 30 percent greater increase in foreign-born residency.

36 million adults in the U.S. cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third-grade levelThey also state that the ESL (English as Second Language) population in the United States is diverse in terms of country of origin, education and individual language skills. In addition to Mexico and other Latin American countries, a growing number of non-native speakers of English come from China, the Philippines, India, Vietnam, Korea, Eastern Europe and African countries. Of these residents born outside the United States, 68 percent have a high school diploma in their native country or the U.S.

With all this in mind, consider these additional facts on adult literacy in the U.S.:

  • “36 million adults cannot read, write, or do basic math above a third-grade level.
  • “68 percent of programs are struggling with long student waiting lists, and less than 10 percent of adults in need are receiving services.
  • “Children whose parents have low literacy levels have a 72 percent chance of being at the lowest reading levels themselves. These children are more likely to get poor grades, display behavioral problems, have high absentee rates, repeat school years, or drop out.
  • “One in six young adults–more than 1.2 million–drop out of high school every year.
  • “2 million immigrants come to the U.S. each year, and about 50 percent of them lack high-school education and proficient English language skills
  • “Low literacy costs the U.S. $225 billion or more each year in non-productivity in the workforce, crime, and loss of tax revenue due to unemployment.
  • “43 percent of adults with lowest literacy levels live in poverty.
  • “$232 billion a year in health care costs is linked to low adult literacy skills.
  • “75 percent of state prison inmates did not complete high school or can be classified as low literate.”

According to the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy in the United States, research shows that the single greatest indicator of a child’s future success is the literacy level of his or her parents:

  • “A child from a highly educated family will experience 30 million more words by the age of three than a child from a low-literate home.
  • “Almost half of all children born to a mother lacking a high school diploma are not ready to start kindergarten.
  • “Students who do not read proficiently by the third grade are four times more likely to leave high school without a diploma.”

Sarada is teaching three women in a GFA-supported Women’s Literacy class.Sarada is teaching three women in a GFA-supported Women’s Literacy class. All statistical evidence shows that one individual who is given reading and writing skills greatly improves his/her chances of success. Increasing literacy of individuals also greatly enhances the society in which those people live.

Literacy Efforts Around the World

The same results are evident in round-the-world data with many organizations working intensively to combat illiteracy. World Vision Ethiopia (WVE), for instance, is celebrating this year’s International Literacy Day with a campaign aimed at halting an alarming global trend: that of children graduating from primary school with reading deficiencies in their own mother tongue. Programs that emphasize reading proficiencies in five core reading skills are being implemented throughout 57 child-sponsorship Area Programs. Consequently, some 4,203 reading camps have been established across the Ethiopian nation. Nearly 1.5 million children are achieving reading and writing literacy in these camps; even more remarkable is that more than 15,000 youth are volunteering at these camps, helping serve not only children but also children’s parents.

Room to Read is a global non-profit promoting literacy and girl’s education, which asserts that “when children are educated, they are healthier. Their job opportunities improve. For every year that they stay in school, their earnings increase by 10 percent. They are more civically engaged and less dependent on social welfare. They are more likely to educate their own children and break the cycle of generational poverty.”

Their ambitious goal is to invest in the lives of at least 15 million children by 2020.

Although challenges of global illiteracy and gender inequality in education and their repercussions are enormous, Room to Read feels they have the tools to eradicate them.

According to their website,

“Children in grade two in our Literacy Program in India, Laos and Nepal can read three times as many words per minute and correctly answer more than twice as many comprehension questions as their peers. More than 4,800 girls have graduated from our Girls’ Education Program, and 78 percent of our 2016 graduates enrolled in tertiary education or found employment within one year post-graduation.”

Book Aid International is a UK based charity that provided nearly 1.3 million books in 2018 to people in 25 countries in Africa, the Middle east, the Caribbean, and other locations around the world. They are focused on addressing illiteracy by getting books to people who need them most through “thriving partnerships with library services and NGO’s who make books available to their communities.”

Shetal, an 8 year-old Bridge of Hope studentShetal, an 8 year-old Bridge of Hope student, sits on the floor with his BOH book bag during the morning session. He attends from 9 to noon.Recognizing that 1 out of 5 people in the world cannot read or write, the World Literacy Foundation is operating in more than 80 countries worldwide to lift young people out of poverty through the power of literacy. Two mentionable projects they have in Australia alone include the Indigenous Learning App meant to close the literacy gap between indigenous and non-indigenous children, and the ROOP (Reading Out Of Poverty) Project designed to “enhance literacy skills and reading levels of children from low-income backgrounds.”

In The Enchanted Hour: The Miraculous Power of Reading Aloud in the Age of Distraction, author Meghan Cox Gurdon makes the point: “As we shall see, listening to stories while looking at pictures stimulates children’s deep brain networks, fostering their cognitive development. Further, the companionable experience of shared reading cultivates empathy, dramatically accelerates young children’s language acquisition and vaults them ahead of their peers when they get to school.”

After that premise, who wouldn’t want to read to their children or to their grandchildren or to their neighbor’s neglected kids on the block? But wait, according to Gurdon, there’s more.

“The rewards of early reading are astonishingly meaningful: toddlers who have lots of stories read to them turn into children who are more likely to enjoy strong relationships, sharper focus, and greater emotional resilience and self-mastery. The evidence has become so overwhelming that social scientists now consider read-aloud time one of the most important indicators of a child’s prospect in life.”

All well and good (and let’s admit it, also amazing), but what happens when the adults in a child’s life don’t read to them? What if they don’t read to their children because they can’t read? They can’t read books or newspapers or signs or legal documents or school papers or homework assignments or medical reports. Again: What if they don’t read to their children because they can’t read?

GFA-supported workers are helping to solve the literacy gap in Asia.GFA-supported workers (like the Sisters of Compassion shown above) are helping to solve the literacy gap in Asia. In just one year, they taught 61,880 women how to read and write by providing free literacy classes. Many of those women had never had the opportunity to learn such a valuable skill because their families were either too poor to afford education or didn’t place importance on educating their daughters.

Solving the Literacy Gap

While searching for a significant role to champion while serving as First Lady of the United States, Barbara Bush decided that a whole society could be impacted for the better if enough folk were given the skills of literacy. There is less crime among the literate, more educational advancement and better opportunities for success. She not only started the Foundation for Family Literacy, but she pushed hard for the National Literacy Act, which was passed in 1991 while her husband was president.

Mostly, illiteracy is cured by an army of tutors. The opportunities to volunteer and serve to erase illiteracy (to spread the miracle of reading and writing) are numerous.

61,880 women were taught how to read and write, in one year, by GFA-supported workersGFA-supported workers are helping to solve the literacy gap in Asia. In just one year, they taught 61,880 women how to read and write by providing free literacy classes. Many of those women had never had the opportunity to learn such a valuable skill because their families were either too poor to afford education or didn’t place importance on educating their daughters. But now, they–like Mandeepa–have experienced the “great miracle cure,” and their families are thriving because of it.

According to UNICEF, literacy rates have shown a positive trend in recent years, due to the multitude of programs and outreaches around the world to erase one of the root causes–if not the major root cause–of illiteracy, which would be a lack of educational systems.

GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers put an ax to this root cause by providing impoverished children free educational help. Staff at these centers provide each student with the academic tools they need to excel in their studies. If they see a student struggling in a specific area, they take measures to help them learn and overcome their challenges.

“Literacy rates among youth (aged 15 to 24) and adults are the test of an educational system, and the overall trend is positive, thanks to the expansion of educational opportunities,” reports UNICEF. “Globally, the youth literacy rate increased from 83 percent to 91 percent over two decades, while the number of illiterate youth declined from 170 million to 115 million. Regional and gender disparities persist, however. Literacy is lowest in least developed countries and higher among males than females. In the most recent years for which data are available, young women accounted for 59 percent of the total illiterate youth population.”

Personal Encounters with Illiteracy

I am an avid reader. It is nothing for me to go through some 35 books a month. Partly this is because of my writing profession; I am generally finishing a research deadline of some kind. The other part is that I just love to read. Reading has formed my character; exposed me to different kinds of thinking; enthralled me in the adventures of real and imaginary characters; improved my marriage and parenting capabilities; enhanced my housekeeping and gardening skills; and stimulated my intellectual, spiritual and psychological growth.

So in an attempt to have personal encounters with illiteracy, to develop an understanding I admittedly lack, I looked up literacy programs in my area for the purpose of considering what I, a solo person (who loves to read), could do to contribute to raising the literacy level of my hometown region, even if only by one or two individuals. I took a volunteer orientation class, an introductory evening of training to be followed by in-depth literacy tutor training this coming season. My $40 registration fee also bought the substantial workbook Teaching Adults: An ESL Resource Book, which I am reading. This, of course, deals with teaching those who are illiterate in writing and reading English. What gift could be more wonderful than coaching an eager English-language learner in the intricacies of speaking and writing English as a second language?

My husband and I live in the far western suburbs of Chicago. Our town is 52 percent non-white, mostly Hispanic. I can only relate to the immigrant experience of not knowing the language of an adopted country–e.g., not knowing how to read the road signs or the newspapers or the graphics that crawl across a television screen–by the times I have been plunged into a foreign culture overseas. Then I attempt to extrapolate those small and temporary situations into a lifetime of confusion due to the inability to read or write.

Obviously, knowing I would soon be returning home, or having a translator and guide shepherd me through the incomprehensible language and customs of a foreign country, renders these plunges only superficial. Due to our high Spanish-language speaking population, however, I run into literacy issues frequently enough–my own lack of Spanish-speaking facility as well as others’ lack of English comprehension. For instance, the name of the Lyft driver often sent to our door for a trip to the airport is Mariana. She makes sure we know she speaks “only little English.” I inevitably worry that she will take us to the wrong airport, but somehow, through a translation dispatcher system, we have so far been delivered to O’Hare or to Midway when needed.

While searching for a significant role to champion while serving as First Lady of the United States, Barbara Bush decided that a whole society could be impacted for the better if enough folk were given the skills of literacy. There is less crime among the literate, more educational advancement and better opportunities for success.

After my hairstylist’s departure to another state, I determined I would be part of the “new localism”–the grassroots effort of supporting the businesses and shops established by local entrepreneurs. “Oh, Lord,” I prayed. “Help me to find a decent stylist.” I walked into a hair salon in downtown West Chicago. There were five chairs and one person in the shop. “Do you cut hair?” I asked. “Si, si,” the woman responded. “Speak little English. Un pocito.”

“OK, OK,” I said, and signed an inch with my thumb and forefinger. “One inch off. All over.” Which is exactly what she did. She cut my hair one inch long all over my head. Without a doubt, it has been the easiest summer hairdo I have ever had. I wash it. Apply mousse. Then mess my hair up as it dries. No problem. But the experience gave me a baseline to imagine if every day and in every way these gaffes large and small would be part of the agony and effort of living. After time, one might just withdraw, choose silence, stop trying.

Hkrishikesh, 11 years old, is in this class at the Bridge of Hope Center.Maharashtra: Hkrishikesh, 11 years old, is in this class at her local Bridge of Hope Center. In the most recent years for which data are available from UNICEF, young women accounted for 59 percent of the total illiterate youth population.

The Complexities of Gaining Literacy

The VeryWellFamily website teaches that the skills needed for reading and writing are not as simple as we so often assume. These skills include such things as the awareness of the sounds of language. These levels of learning will be the same for any culture. First is phonemic awareness: “the ability to hear and play with the individual sounds of language, to create new words using those sounds in different ways.” The article breaks down how this actually happens, a process that is quite complicated and mentions digraphs, onsets, rimes and phenomes. It is a process that occurs without intentional phonetically in the natural course of a child’s learning process.

Avinash and Akshda are a brother and sister in the same class at their nearby Bridge of Hope Center.Avinash and Akshda are a brother and sister in the same class at their nearby Bridge of Hope Center.To read and speak fluently, a child must also develop an awareness of print; there’s a road sign, there’s a bathroom sign, here are words on cereal boxes, and, of course, there are books filled with print. The learner must develop an active vocabulary (words generally known and used in conversation, speech and writing) and a passive vocabulary (words that are known but the meanings of which are interpreted through context and use with others).

Achieving literacy for a child includes learning to spell (hence all those spelling tests). This means achieving a comprehension of irregular spelling, silent vowels, diphthongs, etc. He or she must not only be able to read words on a page (or a sign) but also comprehend the meaning of what has been read. This includes the ability to project meaning into the words, to pick up clues in the text, to visualize imaginatively what is occurring through the reading.

To read, to understand what one has read, to voice one’s inner thoughts, to comprehend and communicate the meaning of one’s being so that it can be heard either verbally or through thoughts committed to the page is not such a simple task as those of us who love reading might assume. But the joy, oh the gift of joy, that can be given to one other person or to a classroom of squirmy but nevertheless eager learners is incalculable.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XK8YhTPwfNU?wmode=opaque&w=640&h=360]

A Lifetime of Illiteracy and the Onset of Leprosy

Gospel for Asia chronicles the tale of a woman named Kaavya. She was given this gift of literacy that filled a lifetime of longing when she was 64 years of age. What makes her story even more impelling was the fact that Kaavya also suffered from leprosy. Now, medical knowledge informs us that leprosy is a curable disease, but the stigma of this condition is implanted on the DNA of history, with a record of scorn and communal rejection that is recorded even in the New Testament stories of Christ’s healing encounters with lepers.

Kaavya’s father contracted leprosy with the result that the community ostracized the whole family. In time, the girl’s father died, and about then she began to experience symptoms of physical pain in her extremities and also a recurring fever. The crushing news from hospital staff indicated that the diagnosis of her difficulties was that she had developed leprosy also.

“It was the worst day and the saddest day in my life,” she said. “What to do? I could not die.”

Eventually, with treatment and medications, she procured a hospital job, but then, because she was illiterate, after 22 years of work, she was let go, unqualified in the eyes of the current staff. She married and settled into family life, but only a few years had passed when she discovered that her husband had a previous family. His first wife bore him eight daughters, and he was hoping some other woman would give him a son.

This is a chronicle of human misery, repeated in the hundreds of thousands of untold stories that exist around the world. But it does not have an unhappy ending.

“After years of hardships, Kaayva came to live in a leprosy colony, making her home with those who experienced the same kind of rejection she had,” the report states.

But here, the Sisters of Compassion, supported by Gospel for Asia, served the residents by practical needs. One of those expressions was in teaching the skills of reading and writing. Just imagine the meaning of this to a woman who had been expelled from a job of 22 years for being illiterate!

To become literate is exactly what miracle cures are about. To be able to read and write is a gift of immeasurable worth. It is, indeed, a miracle cure.

“When I joined the literacy class, I learned lots of things,” Kaavya explains. “I learned not only reading and writing; I learned good habits, roles of women, wife and mother in the family. Now I am very happy ”¦ I will not lose heart because I can read and write.”

GFA-supported literacy classes are taught by women missionaries who are trained in teaching reading and writing to adults. They write letters and words on chalk boards and carefully teach each student how to read and write those same letters and words. They guide their students’ hands, helping them become familiar with the feel and use of a pencil. Each woman enrolled in the literacy classes also receives a free literacy book in their local language. For tens of thousands of women across Asia, these free literacy classes have made a world of difference in their lives!

When the Word Became Flesh

I have often thought of Christ as the Great Translator who came to Earth to teach us Heaven’s language and ways.

“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).

Jesus’ life lived on Earth, and now communicated to us existentially through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, is the ultimate example of a superior language tutorial–one in spiritual literacy. By observing Him, by reading and inculcating His words, we learn to “read and write.” We become spiritually literate. And like those who conquer reading and writing in the everyday world, this too, this inexplicable capacity to know with the soul, brings light and opportunity and almost unbearable joy. Another kind of illiteracy has been overcome. To become literate is exactly what miracle cures are about. It is an intellectual healing, the acquisition of incalculable capabilities and the establishment of approval from others and from oneself. To be able to read and write is a gift of immeasurable worth. It is, indeed, a miracle cure.


Consider giving to Gospel for Asia’s literacy efforts. GFA-supported workers have heightened personal exposure to the dilemmas caused by illiteracy and have daily witnessed the power of literacy training to spread Christ’s love, to lift individuals and families out of poverty, to change communities for the better. Undoubtedly, learning to read and write is one way the Word becomes flesh and dwells among us. This, indeed, is a spiritual miracle.

Become intentional about the miracle of being able to read and write. Take some time to consider what it would be like if you were illiterate. Intentionally notice–even notate–the many times you read and write in a day. Then thank God that you were born in a literate culture with systemic educational programs in place to increase your reading and writing capacities.

Conduct an Internet exposure regarding the topic of illiteracy in your home country and then around the world. There is something about those online searches that embed the reality of illiteracy in your mind–more than just reading an article about illiteracy.

Conduct an Internet exposure regarding the topic of illiteracy in your home country and then around the world. There is something about those online searches that embed the reality of illiteracy in your mind–more than just reading an article about illiteracy.

Learn more about the Gospel for Asia: Women’s Literacy Program. Over 250 million women in Asia are illiterate. Even if they want to read, there is no way to learn. With your help, women in Asia can learn to read and will be equipped to tackle life’s hurdles.

This Special Report article originally appeared on GFA Special Reports.

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Your Year of Independence

If you want heartburn try eating everything.

No matter what you do you will not be able to please everyone. So why try? You know coming out of last year I felt the need for detoxification. No, it is not what you think! I wanted to detoxify from people.
Yes, people. I have watched others, including myself, at times fall viticm to people pleasing. I have allowed some people knowingly and unknowingly to control parts of my life. It is one of those behavioural patterns that left me scratching my head. I would sometimes say to myself, “what were you thinking signing on to that crap.”

People pleasing can become counter-productive to your success, if not, checked at the door. I find myself becoming so irritated when I see people allowing themselves to become someones doormat for a, “that’s a good boy!” 

I have witnessed over the years the destructive effects of people that have loss a since of themselves because they have allowed others to control their lives. Witnessing adults that can’t make sound decisions because they are so afraid of being singled out and ostracized is a sobering reminder, people pleasing is a destructive behavior.

Possessing within oneself the strength to say, “No” is a powerful and sought after quality in my opinion. To have ownership of ones life is a must. It is a sobering reminder that we must harold and respect appropriate boundaries for our lives.
I believe that if we live our lives to please God then we won’t spend so much time trying to please others.
So I have come up with my mantra and you can rock it too…,

“It’s time to detoxify.”

I have made up my mind that I will rid myself of hurtful and harmful habits and emotions such as people pleasing.

People pleasing can be extremely harmful to our mental health and self-esteem. You don’t have to look any further than social media to see the devasting effects of people addiction.

Likes and dislikes have become the new form of people pleasing and some people will almost kill themselves to trend in likes.

We have to combat and confront such harmful patterns of self-deprivation and ineptitude. We must begin to form and practice good habits of self-love. We must strive to see ourselves in a positive light.

How we see ourselves is so important to how we treat and let others treat us. Why should someone else respect you when you don’t respect yourself? We must practice good habits and detoxify our minds from the grips of people pleasing.

Serving others and caring for them with respect and love can be extremely valuable. However, when we allow ourselves to be self-serving trying to please others to please ourselves, we cause great emotional and mental harm to ourselves.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to see people happy.

The problem comes in when we allow other peoples desires to become idols to us.

For example: We can’t sleep unless everyone is pleased with our decisions.

This kind of behaviour is a problem. We should do our best to be fair to all. But the key is not to lose ourselves in pleasing others to the point of making idols out of them.
Stop waiting for people to sanction your every move. We must trust God to direct us and put the right people in our paths to take us to the next level. 

Pray while you’re moving. Make a God sought decision for your life by prayer, thoughtfulness and trusting that God will not stir you wrong.

Mike Anthoni host of the Urban Christian Podcast: Making An Impact Christian Podcast Show

Absolutely Living Life

We fight for the smallest of things in the big  scheme of things really. We fight for fare pricing, discounts on things that really don’t matter in the end.

When it comes to life, we lose our fight. Neglect sets in. We lose friends. Not by choice, but because we have nothing left to contribute to the relationship. We basically checkout of life. We maintain. We merely exist.

That’s not the way that God intended for us to live. Abundant life. Thats rigbt, life to fhe full till it overflows. What kind of life is this? What does the abundant life feel like, look like?  How will we know when we’ve achieved it?

I don’t have the answers. All I know is that he said he came that we might have it. And I want it.

Lord, show us how to live, the abundant life.

Fight Like Ana — Film Project: When Trajedy strikes, your Faith in God can help!

Fight Like Ana – Film Project: Watch this Video

Fight Like Ana is the story of a young woman stripped of everything, and how her faith and family gives her the strength to overcome incredible adversity. Reborn like a young child, she learns to walk again, to speak again, to navigate the difficult road to recovery.


Please help me get eyes on this project there seems to be fewer and fewer people these days to help just a little. Be a blessing and help a worthy cause please view the Videos. Please Share to help us find others to bless this project, that will be an inspiration to others not to give up.

Keep up with all the Updates: Be a Blessing to this Film Project – Click Here

The Story

On the morning of October 18, 2017, Ana Wakefield drove to practice, excited about her upcoming junior year of basketball at Multnomah University.

In a moment, her entire life changed when she became the victim of a hit and run.   The nearly fatal crash left Ana with a traumatic brain injury, multiple fractures to her legs, a fractured eye socket, a collapsed lung, and several other injuries.

Over the past year and a half, Ana's recovery has been nothing short of a miracle. She went through death, and is alive again, beating the odds time and again as she rebuilds her life.

The Film

Fight Like Ana is the story of a young woman stripped of everything, and how her faith and family gives her the strength to overcome incredible adversity. Reborn like a young child, she learns to walk again, to speak again, to navigate the difficult road to recovery. Fight Like Ana asks the difficult question:

When part of you dies, how do you begin again?

At the beginning of June, the film crew flew in to capture interviews with Ana and the whole family, but this was only the first step in telling Ana’s story. Our next step is to edit the interview footage while raising funds to bring the film crew back to Oregon to shoot this documentary.

My Favorite Quote: "You get ahead in life by being helped along the way by others…
By you helping others along the way". 

Thank you & God Bless!

Fight Like Ana – Film Project

Please help me get eyes on this as we are in the last days there are fewer and fewer people that help.

Fight Like Ana – Film Project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2CVqIucfFo

Fight Like Ana is the story of a young woman stripped of everything, and how her faith and family gives her the strength to overcome incredible adversity. Reborn like a young child, she learns to walk again, to speak again, to navigate the difficult road to recovery.
NBC Story – Ana Wakefield: https://youtu.be/P3HgG4MQICI

My Favorite Quote: "You get ahead in life by being helped along the way by others…
By you helping others along the way".


The Story

On the morning of October 18, 2017, Ana Wakefield drove to practice, excited about her upcoming junior year of basketball at Multnomah University.

In a moment, her entire life changed when she became the victim of a hit and run. The nearly fatal crash left Ana with a traumatic brain injury, multiple fractures to her legs, a fractured eye socket, a collapsed lung, and several other injuries.

Over the past year and a half, Ana's recovery has been nothing short of a miracle. She went through death, and is alive again, beating the odds time and again as she rebuilds her life.

The Film

Fight Like Ana is the story of a young woman stripped of everything, and how her faith and family gives her the strength to overcome incredible adversity. Reborn like a young child, she learns to walk again, to speak again, to navigate the difficult road to recovery. Fight Like Ana asks the difficult question:

When part of you dies, how do you begin again?

At the beginning of June, the film crew flew in to capture interviews with Ana and the whole family, but this was only the first step in telling Ana’s story. Our next step is to edit the interview footage while raising funds to bring the film crew back to Oregon to shoot this documentary.

Dominating Your “Old Man”




“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would.” Galatians 5:16-17 (KJV)


If you’ve accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you’re born-again, glory to God! This is the most decisive action we as Christians have made for the rest of our lives.

However, how many of us born-again Christians still struggle with the lusts of the flesh? Countless, and this is true for the leaders and the ordinary members in our churches and communities.

Thank God who always has an answer to every impediment we’re facing. In today’s theme verse, Paul gives a tip on how to dominate our old man (the flesh). I can feel you’re asking how is the old man the flesh?

Just a quick answer just for you. Before you were born-again, you were flesh and leaving by the promptings and knowledge of the flesh. However, when you were born-again, you became spirit (new man) but that notwithstanding, you still have the old or former man (the flesh) and sad to say for a lot of Christians, the flesh still rules through its desires and above all the knowledge that promotes it.

The answer to dominating the flesh is to walk in the Spirit. What does this mean? In a bid to dominate the flesh, we must practice a new knowledge which impoverishes our flesh (human nature which is inherently selfish or self-seeking)

What does it mean to "walk" as mentioned in our opening verse? This doesn’t mean we start trekking in the Spirit ?. The verb “to Walk” is the Greek word peripateo which means to live (to regulate one’s life, or to conduct one’s self)

What is "Spirit" in this context? Spontaneously we will say "Spirit" refers to the Holy Spirit. This is correct, but we can go deeper. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth (the Word). The Holy Spirit has no opinion of Himself but takes from Jesus Christ and reveals to us (John 16:13-15)

Added to this, Jesus says, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” John 6:63 (ESV). The Spirit, therefore, refers to the Words of Jesus Christ (The Word).

Therefore, the key to dominating the lust of the flesh (old man) is to regulate our lives and conduct one’s self according to the Word and yield to the promptings of the Holy Spirit which we get at the place of bible study and meditation.

There are tendencies we can’t change because they hail from the blood; they are inherent. However, “…the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12 (NKJV)

The Word of God is the only knowledge in Heaven and under the heavens which can modify our genes and infuse in us a brand-new character even that of Jesus Christ. Let’s live and practice the Word, and we’ll dominate our old selves and radiate the perfection of Christ.



  1. I commit myself today onwards to apply the Word in every area of my life; my thoughts, speech, and actions.
  2. The way my Heavenly Father treats me is the standard on how to treat others and respond to situations. Amen.



Father thank you for giving up your very best for me when I was least deserving. Thank you for recreating in Christ Jesus. Thank you for showing me this day how to dominate my old self and radiate your perfect character. I commit to regulating my life, business and career by your Word and the guiding of the Holy Spirit.

Read more Christian articles from the author at https://wordlyglobal.com/acumen-for-life/

WORDly Global Daily Quote

Jesus is in charge

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. – Matthew 28:18

Just days before, Jesus had been taken and crucified. The disciples had run away and gone into hiding. Everything was lost, or so it seemed.

How resurrection shifts things around! The power of sin and death was destroyed. Guilt and shame and fear lost their ability to hold us. Evil and it’s temptations were no longer in charge. The world was reclaimed to God’s love. In that moment when Jesus cried out “it is finished” as He released His spirit, everything changed.

We can’t fully understand the mystery surrounding what happened, any more than we can fully grasp the wonder and majesty of who God is. But we do know that Jesus saved us. At that moment our sins were forgiven and forever taken away. Everyone and everything in the universe is now under the authority of Jesus. Sin and death continue to lurk, guilt and shame and fear still creep about, evil and temptation sneak around. But they have all been overcome, and although they remain in bits and pieces they are defeated before the victorious presence of Jesus. They no longer have any real power. Jesus is in charge!

Joshua Harris: There are thousands more, he’s just another added to the list

Joshua Harris, the former lead pastor of Covenant Life Church, the founding church of Sovereign Grace Ministries in Gaithersburg, Maryland, has now stepped away from Christianity. 

I’m sure you’ve read the Instagram message. Here’s a brief snippet: 

…The information that was left out of our announcement is that I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus. The popular phrase for this is “deconstruction,” the biblical phrase is “falling away.” By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian. Many people tell me that there is a different way to practice faith and I want to remain open to this, but I’m not there now…

This news came in the wake of news of Joshua Harris separating from his wife. Though they both plan to remain friends and tend to their children, it’s just unfortunate. He’s gone through a transformation that looks more like the everday Internet Marketer hunting for the next startup. This is is life, his choices. 

I wish him the best.  

But why Rev? Why are you not outraged?

It’s simple. Christians, like the sheep that we are go astray. Somewhere between writing books, raising kids, being a husband something obviously became a great distracter, if not a deciever. I also found quite interesting how he immediately recanted everything said to the LGTBQ community. I can only assume,  like you readers, that whatever he’s looking to do next he wants to make sure he’s hitting all the right buttons on the world stage. 

The problem with Chrisitanity is that we look at the world instead of at God. We’re trying to figure out what we can do instead of what God has called us to do at our level of understanding and abilities.  There are a thousand, if not millions of Joshua Harris-like believers out there that just burn out and quit. They have their reasons. Serving only as a casual reader and not as judge I can tell you he’s not the first,  and he won’t be the last.   Many will turn away and will embrace the world for what it is. They will bear whatever marks they need to achieve their desires, and they will love, reject, destroy, and affirm whatever and whomever they need to do so. 

In Second Thessalonians 2, Paul’s first set of verses leads us to understand this process: 

  • First, the warning: Paul emphasizes to the people to be weary of anyone who brings a different Gospel.. In addition, the signs conclude that the person will make himself God in God’s house (v. 1-4).  
  • Second, the spiritual facts: There’s a “…secret power of lawlesness already at work…” (v.7) For it to be secret is to be kept from public eye, in the dark. Remember, anything that has to be done in the darkness cannot be of God, because God is light and truth.
  • Third, the spiritual victims: Do you think you’ll be caught up in this chaos? As a follower of Christ, you might bear witness to seeing it, but Christ will protect you! But where are you in your walk with Jesus? Paul explains in v.10 that those that will be decieved were already perishing. What does that mean? It means they were already on a path away from the Lord, and this just sped up the process.
  • Fourth, God’s plan to identify and erradicate: Once those persons have been idenfitied, (Those who believed the lie, and fell to the delusion as per v. 11), they will be condemned.  God calls for authenticity in service to him.  He wants us to be just as real with him as he is to us. But a choice HAS to be made! And once that choice is made you must accept the path ahead of you. Joshua Harris can’t get mad at God when things don’t go his way. The good thing is we all have a chance to turn back. The bad part is no one can gurantee how much time you have left to do so.

I do hope Joshua Harris comes back to Jesus and re-forms his Christian walk. Whatever he’s going through or has gone through cannot be worth serving a worldview as a Cultural believer that “something created something out there”. He knows the truth. I pray that somewhere a revelation occurs quickly and with great conviction, just as I do for everyone that turns away. 

But until then, the work to save souls and fight evil continues. 

Child Labor: Not Gone, but Forgotten

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report on child labor: Millions of Children Trapped between Extreme Poverty and the Profits of Others

In a report written by Lee Tucker, a consultant to Human Rights Watch, about the problem of bonded labor in Asia, a young girl shared,

“My sister is 10 years old. Every morning at 7:00 she goes to the bonded-labor man, and every night at 9:00 she comes home. He treats her badly. He hits her if he thinks she is working slowly, or if she talks to the other children, he yells at her. He comes looking for her if she is sick and cannot go to work. I feel this is very difficult for her.

I don’t care about school or playing. I don’t care about any of that. All I want is to bring my sister home from the bonded-labor man. For 600 rupees I can bring her home. That is our only chance to get her back.

We don’t have 600 rupees … we will never have 600 rupees [the equivalent of U.S. $17 at the time of writing].”

Global Overview of Child Labor

These girls’ story is heart-breaking.

It is unthinkable that a child would be subject to such mistreatment.

It is deplorable that stories like this are all too common among the most poverty-stricken portions of the world.

It is beyond despicable that an estimated 218 million children as young as 5 years old are employed, and that at least 152 million are in forced child labor, according to basic facts about child labor published by the Child labor Coalition.

The facts also reveal several other startling realities about child labor. Among them:

  • Children under the age of 12 perform up to a fourth of all hazardous child labor.
  • Almost half of all forced child laborers are between the ages of 5 and 11.
  • More than 134 million children in forced labor are in Africa and the region of Asia and the Pacific.

If the 218 million child laborers constituted a country of their own, it would be the fifth largest country in the world, exceeded in population only by China, India, the United States and Indonesia.

Top ten worst countries for child labor

as listed by the Maplecroft Child labor Index


garment factories, farming, manufacturing


agriculture, military


mining, agriculture, industry, military


mining, vending, shoe shining


mining, agriculture, garment factories


hazardous farming conditions


agriculture, construction, small-scale industry


agriculture, street begging, mining, construction


agriculture, garbage scavenging, carpet weaving, coal mining, brick kilns


fishing, threshing, construction, hawking, begging

The International Labor Organization (ILO) maintains a limited list of National Child labor Survey Reports, Baseline Survey Reports, Rapid Assessment Reports and Micro-Data Sets for a variety of countries taken over the past 20 years?—?some as recent as 2018.

Although some participation in child labor can be quantified?—?such as in Nigeria where more than 15 million children are estimated to be child laborers?—?one of the overriding problems with looking at the issue from a global or even a national level is that it is generally agreed “that census data is likely to underestimate the scale of child labor.”

If the 218 million child laborers constituted a country of their own, it would be the fifth largest country in the world.

In areas where national regulations mandate education for children within certain age ranges, the threat of legal consequences likely deters complete reporting of child labor. Census data typically only includes children living within a family household. Children who are orphaned, or living on the streets may go undetected, even when it is those children who may be in greatest danger of child labor. It is, therefore, expected that the occurrence of child labor is higher than reports reveal.

These young boys, deprived of their childhood and forced into child labor, are working hard on a commercial building structure.

What Is Child Labor?

It is important to recognize the prevalence of child labor in order to gain a realistic perspective on how pervasive it is. We need to understand the generally accepted definitions of child labor. Only then can we comprehend the often-irreparable physical and emotional damage inflicted on children, both presently and in their future.

Some child labor is innocuous and, in fact, may generally be regarded as positive. The International Labor Organization recognizes that activities such as doing chores around the home, “assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays” can “contribute to children’s development and… provide them with skills and experience… that prepare them to be productive members of society during their adult life.”

Therefore, these activities are not officially considered to be child labor.

Child labor is “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.”

The ILO further defines child labor as “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.”

International law divides child labor into three categories:

The unconditional worst forms of child labor… defined as slavery, trafficking, debt bondage and other forms of forced labor, forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict, prostitution and pornography, and illicit activities.

“Labor performed by a child who is under the minimum age specified for that kind of work (as defined by national legislation, in accordance with accepted international standards), and that is thus likely to impede the child’s education and full development.

“Labor that jeopardizes the physical, mental or moral well-being of a child, either because of its nature or because of the conditions in which it is carried out, known as ‘hazardous work.’ ”

Notwithstanding a few reasonable exceptions, the ILO Convention Concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment (C138) adopted in 1973 states that:

“Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall specify…a minimum age for admission to employment or work within its territory [that] no one under that age shall be admitted to employment or work in any occupation. …The minimum age specified…shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, shall not be less than 15 years.”

Similarly, ILO Convention 182 adopted in 2000 defines the worst forms of child labor as:

  • “All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale or trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom, or forced or compulsory labor, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
  • “the use, procuring, or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances;
  • “the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, in particular, for the production and trafficking of drugs …;
  • “work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children.”

Finally, forced labor is defined by ILO Convention 29 adopted in 1930 as “all work or service exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.”

This teenage child soldier endured painful gunshot wounds in battle, after he was pressured to join the militia movement to avoid further torture or arrest. A surge in violent conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo has forced many people (much like the teenager pictured) from their homes. © UNICEF / Vincent Tremeau

Harmful Effects of Child Labor

Childhood is an essential, formative time of life?—?one which many child laborers must leave too quickly. Their lives may long bear the physical, emotional and physiological consequences of their early adulthood. Many child laborers, regardless of whether they are considered forced or not, lack the chance of acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to extract themselves from the poverty they were born or thrust into by circumstances. Many enter adulthood with no means of securing a better life and with few options for jobs, which extends the continuum of generational poverty to their own children.

Child laborers are highly susceptible to become involved in dangerous situations that may result in their illness, injury or even death.

If these were the victims of a war, we would be talking a lot about it.

In an article by Voice of America concerning child labor, ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, said, “Honestly, the annual toll is appalling?—?2.78 million work-related deaths, 374 million injuries and illnesses. If these were the victims of a war, we would be talking a lot about it. Children and young workers are at greater risk and suffer disproportionately and with longer lasting consequences.”

A World Bank report estimated that 10 percent of all work-related injuries child laborers experience are crushing accidents, amputations and fractures.

Annual toll of child labor:

World Vision reported the story of Jean, an 8-year-old boy who worked in a mine alongside his mother in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, (DRC) where 40 percent of artisanal mine workers are children. He said he had developed a number of physical problems since working in the mines. Children in the mine are susceptible to falling down shafts, being trapped in collapsed tunnels or drowning. Children working in the mine reported having seen other children die at the site. Two-thirds had developed persistent coughs, while 87 percent had been injured or were suffering from body pain. Some girls reported genital infections from working in waist-deep acidic water.

Mired in Mining

An article in Fortune magazine told how 15-year-old Lukasa rises at 5 a.m. to begin his 12-hour workday. He leaves his family’s mud-brick home in a tiny village in the southern region of the DRC, and he walks two hours to a government-owned mining site. He spends the next eight hours hacking away at rock in a cobalt mine.

He typically hoists a sack of as much as 22 pounds of cobalt up and out of the pit, then carries it on his back for an hour to a trading depot where he sells it to one of the Chinese trading companies who dominate the market in the area.

On a good day, the teenager can earn as much as $9 before making the long walk home.

Cobalt is key to the DRC’s economy?—?it produces an estimated 65 percent of the world’s cobalt supply?—?but child labor is rampant in its mining industry. The same Fortune story said, “While it is impossible to know how many underage miners there are, Congolese activists working to end child labor say… there are about 10,000 of them.” 

A National Bureau of Economic Research on child labor found that “most child labor occurs in countries with extremely low per capita GDP and that per capita GDP (and its square) explains 80 percent of the worldwide cross-country variation in child labor.”

The GDP per capita for the DRC was $439 in 2017, in contrast to the GDP per capita for the USA in 2017, which was $59,531.

Photo by Compassion UK

Enslaved in Fishing

“Workers at sea are among the world’s most vulnerable,” according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Various factors, such as working in international waters, produce gaps in applicable laws leaving workers without adequate labor protections in countries like Honduras, Philippines, Bangladesh, Ghana, Haiti, Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand.

James Kofi Annan lives in Ghana. His story is typical of child laborers trapped in the commercial fishing industry.

“I started my working life early. My parents had 12 children, none of whom were educated. By the time I was six years old, I was the only person my father could control. All the others were older and most of them had already been given away to work. As the youngest, I was the only one still available. My father saw the opportunity and gave me away for fishing work. The way it works is that the person who takes charge of you now has control over you.

I was first trafficked with five other children. Out of the six of us, three lived, and three did not. I saw many children die from either abuse or the rigorous work they were obliged to do.

There, I was forced to work excruciating hours catching fish on Lake Volta. On a daily basis, my day started at 3 a.m. and ended at 8 p.m. It was full of physically demanding work. I was usually fed once a day and would regularly contract painful diseases which were never treated as I was denied access to medical care. If I asked for even the smallest concession from my boss, I was beaten. Despite all my hard work, I was often not allowed to sleep because I had to take care of all the other tasks, such as mending nets and cleaning fish.”

It took James seven years to escape his slavery.

Surrounded by Tobacco

Investigations by Human Rights Watch found consistent, significant risks to children’s health and safety who are working on tobacco farms in Zimbabwe, the United States and Indonesia.

The children are exposed to nicotine and toxic pesticides. Every child interviewed described having illnesses with specific symptoms associated with acute nicotine poisoning and pesticide exposure, including nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness, irritation and difficulty breathing.

Ironically, it is still legal in the United States for children as young as 12 to work on tobacco farms, as long as they have parental permission. There are no age limitations for children who work on small, family-owned farms.

A 2018 special series on NPR’s “Here & Now” reported finding children as young as 7 working during the picking season in North Carolina where tobacco farming is regarded as a legacy.

These children labor in Turkey’s cotton fields in hard conditions. During cotton season, they cannot go to school.

Hemmed In by Cotton, Clothing and Chocolate

Cotton is the best-selling fiber in the world, making the cotton market very appealing.

But according to a New Lanark article, “Children & Cotton”, child laborers in cotton fields and factories may work for up to 12 hours a day, seven days a week during the harvest period for less than $1.50 a day. The article further states, “Without the child workers, the landowners wouldn’t manage to harvest all of their crops.” In some countries, including Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and China, child labor in cotton fields is actually sanctioned by the government.

The beatings were a part of my life.

Bithi is a 15-year-old girl in Bangladesh. She began working in a garment factory in the capital city of Dhaka when she was 12. Her job was sewing pockets for designer blue jeans that will be sold “in affluent countries.”

Sewing blue jeans may not seem like a burdensome task, but it becomes one when her production quota is 60 pockets per hour, every hour, every day she works. That’s 480 pockets over an eight-hour shift. For this, she earns the equivalent of about $1.00 a day.

The Food Empowerment Project investigated the cocoa industry, where the supply chain for major chocolate manufacturers begins. Their findings read:

“On average, cocoa farmers earn less than $2 per day, an income below the poverty line. As a result, they often resort to the use of child labor to keep their prices competitive. … Often, traffickers abduct the young children from small villages in neighboring African countries, such as Burkina Faso and Mali, two of the poorest countries in the world. Once they have been taken to the cocoa farms, the children may not see their families for years, if ever. … Some of the children use chainsaws to clear the forests. Other children climb the cocoa trees to cut bean pods using a machete. …

“The farm owners using child labor usually provide the children with the cheapest food available, such as corn paste and bananas. In some cases, the children sleep on wooden planks in small windowless buildings with no access to clean water or sanitary bathrooms. … Former cocoa slave Aly Diabate told reporters, ’The beatings were a part of my life. I had seen others who tried to escape. When they tried, they were severely beaten.’”

Children just like this young girl suffer verbal and physical abuse while working up to 16 hours a day at brick factory.

Burdened in Brick Kilns

A special report by Gospel for Asia shared the results of an investigation into slave labor by the International Justice Mission (IJM). After IJM workers helped 260 people?—?including children forced into labor?—?escape from one brick factory, a father shared how he and his family were tricked into working there.

Instead of receiving the good salary they were promised, his trapped family worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week. Their employer denied them hospital visits for injuries sustained while mixing or forming the bricks. Children caught playing during work hours received a torrent of verbal abuse and beatings with a pipe.

The cost of child bonded labor is paid over a lifetime through the loss of health, education, and opportunities.

According to an 86-page report by ILO, 56 percent of brick makers in Afghanistan are children.

One of those is 11-year-old Sima. She works 13 hours per day, six days a week. At the time of the report, she had already been working in brick kilns for five years. She has never attended school and is illiterate. Sima’s circumstances are typical of children laboring in brick kilns. Many begin working at the age of 5.

The report also explains the physical implication of “manual handling of heavy weights … long working hours with awkward posture [and] monotonous and repetitive work.” Child laborers in brick kilns have a high risk of developing health problems like as musculo-skeletal issues, poor bone development and early-onset arthritis.

The ILO further observed that “the cost of child bonded labor is paid over a lifetime through the loss of health, education, and opportunities.”

These are only a few of the industries in which child labor continues to exist.

Many children have no choice but to work to survive. This child is taking a moment to eat a stick of bamboo while working in the fields in northern Vietnam.

Why Are These Children Working?

Many children work to survive, but it is a combination of perverse incentives and unjust business practices that creates the demand for child labor.

The Families’ Context

Families caught in generational or situational abject poverty are desperate. Some are suffering from the social inequities of the culture in which they live. Others have been displaced by war or famine and have no source of income at all. Either of these exacerbates the situation.

In many cases, the parents are illiterate and have no skills, and whatever jobs they have pay very little. These families are so poor and often in so much debt that they are not likely to recover from either without enlisting their children as breadwinners. They can see no way out of their poverty, so they sacrifice the future (the education and success of their children) on the altar of the immediate (survival now).

This mother and her five children are returning home from a ten-hour work day in the fields
Some poor families see artisanal mining and other occupations as their chance to rise above their poverty. In fact, families of children working in the cobalt mines of the DRC have proven to be strongly resistant to efforts to establish or enforce child labor laws, as doing so would eliminate a reliable source of family income.

That resistance is not uncommon. A single child working in cotton fields can contribute as much as a quarter of the family’s income. Why would a family want to give up 25 percent of their income when it is already nearly impossible for them to meet their family’s needs for food, clothing and shelter? Their focus is on staying alive.

Partly to blame for their decision to send their children to work is their lack of understanding of the world outside their limited geographic sphere. They have little or no concept of the profits being made at the end of the supply chains that are linked to their hands and feet.

Remember Lukasa? On a good day, he makes about $9 mining about 22 pounds of cobalt. That’s $0.41 per pound. The market price of cobalt reached $80,490 per metric ton in 2018. That is $36.52 per pound or 89 times what Lukasa makes. On a good day.

These people live in desperate circumstances. Losing income will only make matters worse.

The Employers’ Context

Employers are responsible for generating a reasonable return on shareholders’ investments. It’s all about profitability. No business can continually operate at a loss. The highly competitive nature of international trade is predicated on getting products to market quickly, efficiently and at the lowest prices possible for consumers. Each level of the supply chain, from the top down, pushes the entire chain to reduce costs. The key for each link is to acquire at the lowest possible cost and to sell at the highest cost the market will bear.

When businesses throughout the chain fail to manage this dynamic, they go out of business. When they succeed, the two links at the far ends of the chain suffer the most. The first-touch laborers are destined to subsistence wages or less, and the consumers expend more for the final product. There are no winners at either end of the chain.

Many employers maximize their gain from production by employing low-cost labor. Children are the least expensive labor; they have little or no bargaining power, and they are easy to manipulate. Because of the desperate status of millions of families in developing countries, unscrupulous employers take advantage of their willingness—or force them—covertly or otherwise to minimize their costs.

One hundred and fifty-two million children are in forced child labor worldwide. Children are the least expensive, have no bargaining power and are easy to manipulate. Because of this, many employers sadly see this as an opportunity and take advantage of children.

Other Obstacles to Ending Child Labor

Child labor is a well-known evil, and it is receiving global resistance. In Target 8.7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, member nations are obliged to take “immediate and effective measures to … secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labor in all its forms.”

UNICEF is the UN torchbearer for changing the cultural acceptance of child labor and offering “supporting strategies and programming to provide alternative income to families.” They expect to employ a multi-prong agenda, including legal reform; education; social protection; and access to health services in cooperation with other organizations, including corporate, governmental and NGOs, to accelerate child labor reduction in countries around the world.

Groups such as these are making headway in combatting child labor, but this global problem is not going down without a fight.

Obstacle 1: Lip Service

Maplecroft’s insights and analysis on Child Labor Index exposed the ease with which countries can and do pay lip service to the advancement of child labor eradication and other human rights. They simply sign a commitment that makes them acceptable in the sight of their peers but which they have no intention to keep. For that reason, successful eradication of child labor may be predicated upon the ability to “differentiate between the states taking appropriate action to stop child labor and those that are just paying lip service.”

Obstacle 2: Intransigence

Intransigence is being discovered within all levels of both government and industry.

Pakistan has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child and enacted laws to deal with eliminating child labor. However, an investigation launched by Dawn News discovered that the departments responsible for implementing those laws showed little or no concern about doing so.

The laws have been written. They just aren’t enforced.

Article 11 of the Pakistan Constitution states, “No child below the age of fourteen years should be engaged in any factory or mine or any other hazardous employment.”

Nonetheless, the Dawn report revealed that around 1.5 million children were engaged in labor work across a single province. The laws have been written. They just aren’t enforced.

In June 2017, the International Labor Rights Union reported that not only is leading chocolate company Godiva not fully onboard with actively reducing the use of child labor, but it is “lagging furthest behind in their commitments and urgently needs an added push to improve.”

In yet another incident, Human Rights Watch reported in 2016 that by the order of local officials in Uzbekistan, classes were cancelled and children as young as 10 years old were removed from school and sent to pick cotton.

As these examples illustrate, economic results were considered more important than the morality of employing child labor.

In Pakistan, economic results are considered more important than the morality of employing child laborers. The laws have been written that no child below the age of 14 should endure work in a hazardous environment. Sadly, these laws aren't enforced, and many children suffer because of it. © ILO

Obstacle 3: Limited Resources

Sometimes what looks like intransigence is simply a lack of resources.

Laws, regulations, mandates, goals, and agendas require resources to implement, monitor and enforce.

According to the Viet Nam News, “Vietnam was the first country in Asia and second country in the world to ratify the United Nations’ International Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

Yet an estimated 1.75 million children are working in the nation. The labor inspectorate there is noted as “chronically underfunded and understaffed,” and if penalties are imposed, they often “amount to no more than a slap on the wrist.”

Although signs are posted, child labor still flourishes. One of the most needed areas of law enforcement is the ability to enforce laws where the laws already exist.

Tulane University professor William Bertrand has studied lofty aspirations, including federal and international mandates, and found that some?—?if not many?—?are “totally unachievable.” But it sure looks good on paper?—?especially to constituents.

From a corporate perspective, even if a company or entire industry budgets substantial financial outlays to prevent child exploitation as evidence of their “commitment”, that often does not reflect progress on the ground. One insider observed, “They talk a lot about the money spent on various activities related to child labor, but when we did the calculations, a fair proportion of that money was spent on sitting around and talking about it in London and Geneva.”

Funds spent on pontification in luxurious facilities have no effect on the places where they are most needed.

Included in the “most needed” is the ability to enforce laws where they exist.

Valiant Richey of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, told Reuters, “We can’t prosecute [cases of labor exploitation] fast enough. … The scope of the problem exceeds our ability to respond to it as law enforcement.”

A 2018 study by the Kyrgyzstan Federation of Trade Unions (KFTU) found that implementing and enforcing are inconsistent at best. Although it had been 10 years since the country ratified the International Labor Organization convention for the elimination of the worst forms of child labor, more than 250,000 children were still subjected to hazardous work. The KFTU said the lack of ability to enforce the child labor laws is the greatest single obstacle to the elimination of child labor in the country.

Obstacle 4: Pushback

Unfortunately, this problem of pushback is as apparent in the United States as it is anywhere else in the world. In 2011, the Department of Labor (DOL) attempted to update the list of agricultural jobs dangerous for children under the Fair Labor Standards Act, but it was stymied by resistance from farm lobbying groups, including the American Farm Bureau.

The lobbying association reminded the DOL that "Farm Bureau advocates for the interests of farmers." The powerful group is composed of farmers and related parties. Those delegates and their representatives seek to protect the farming industry, not to ban the employment of children on tobacco, cotton, or other farms. Farm lobbying groups say that restricting child workers in the agricultural industry threatens the fabric of American farms. Their position is that farms are generally family-run businesses. Evidence, however, suggests that child labor is more of a problem on large, industrially-operated endeavors.

This 17-year-old young woman began working on a tobacco farm in America when she was just 13 years old. She shared, "None of my bosses or contractors or crew leaders have ever told us anything about pesticides and how we can protect ourselves from them…When I worked with my mom, she would take care of me, and she would like always make sure I was okay… Our bosses don't give us anything except for our checks. That's it."
© 2015 Benedict Evans for Human Rights Watch

Once again, there is a subtle undertone in pushback that child labor helps the families of these children to have food, clothing, and shelter that would not be available otherwise.

When we understand that this is the nature of the beast in the United States, it should increase our awareness of the severity of pushback faced in developing countries.

There is a subtle undertone in pushback that child labor helps the families of children to have food, clothing, and shelter that would not be available otherwise.

Consider the case of Alternative Turkmenistan News (ATN) reporter Gaspar Matalaev. He is an investigative reporter working undercover to expose the state-run nature of forced and child labor during cotton harvests in Turkmenistan. Matalaev was arrested in 2016, two days after he published a report on the newspaper's website about the state-orchestrated forced labor of children.

Refusal to contribute to the cotton harvest is considered insubordination, incitement to sabotage and contempt of the Turkmenistan homeland. Reporting on it is even worse.

Matalaev was tortured with electric shocks until he reportedly confessed to filing a fraudulent report.

He remains imprisoned in a labor camp and is suffering from ill health as a result of the poor conditions.

There is pushback against attempts to eradicate child labor from the children and their families to the executive boardrooms, to the halls of humanitarian aid institutions, and to the highest national political offices.

This mother is hugging her 7-year-old daughter Daoussiya tightly with a smile full of joy. This is the first time she has seen Daoussiya in four months. The young girl left home with her father to beg in Algeria as a means of living, against the mother's will. She was caught by police during a migrant round up and was re-united with her mother in Niger. © UNICEF / Gilbertson

New Developments to End Child Labor

Supply Chain Enforcement

If this special report accomplishes nothing else, even though it is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, it should make readers aware that every effort to eradicate child labor has failed. That is substantially the reason for the title being "Child Labor: Not Gone but Forgotten."

Despite consistent failures, new proposals continue to be set forth. The two most recent propose supply chain management solutions.

A number of countries that are major importers, including the United States, have launched campaigns that place the onus on prohibiting the importation of products that have been produced using child labor and all forms of forced labor or debt bondage. The U.S. program is operated under the auspices of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Forced Labor Program.

The results of the program thus far indicate that in FY 2017, ICE:

  • Spent $12,682,597 investigating cases of international forced child labor.
  • Spent $16,660,000 investigating cases of domestic forced child labor.
  • Made 150 domestic and 66 international arrests related to forced child labor.
  • Obtained 120 domestic and two international indictments related to forced child labor.
  • Obtained 73 domestic and no international convictions related to forced child labor.
  • Seized a total of $626,327 in assets from domestic and international investigations on forced child labor.

You do the math. Is there any better way to spend nearly $30 million to aid the cause of child labor?

Blockchain Enforcement

In an effort to combat forced labor, major corporations, including IBM, Ford and Coca Cola, are advocating the use of the current poster child of rapidly evolving technology: blockchain. It is a potentially effective means of ensuring that the products they market do not include child labor or any kind of forced labor from the beginning to the end of the entire supply chain process.

Blockchain proposes to be a secure and accurate digital ledger for recording assets, how and where they were obtained, and by whom.

Theoretically, companies would refuse to purchase from suppliers at any point in the supply chain who use child labor. All assets, locations and employees would be required to be "tagged" so they could be identified as a legitimate part of the supply chain. Miners like Lukasa and indentured fishermen like James Kofi Annan would not be able to work because they would not be registered in the blockchain.

Products sourced from conflict zones or that were created using child labor would not be able to enter the global market.

Exhausted and broken, these children carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. Already, more than 152 million children worldwide have exchanged their futures for only a few dollars, and more join them every day. Enslaved in forced labor with no hope of a better future is no way for a child to live. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO / © ILO/Joseph Fortin

What Can We Do About Child Labor?

The answer to that question will depend upon who answers it. Well-meaning individuals from the philosophical to the practical will take positions on both sides of the argument of whether or not the practice of child labor can be eradicated. Even the philosophical and the practical will be divided in their opinions.

One thing we do know is that nothing has succeeded thus far. That does not bode well for future success.

But this report does not propose the eradication of child labor. Rather, it is intended to draw readers' attention to its continuing existence. The issue of child labor is a Gordian Knot, the size of which cannot be cut even with the sword of Alexander the Great.

"…Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.."?-?Matthew 25:40

The problem of child labor is inexorably linked to the poverty that enslaves nearly half the world's entire population. We must take God at His Word; Jesus reminded His disciples that there will always be people living in poverty (see John 12:8). When Jesus referred to the poor, He used a word that specifically describes people who are destitute, helpless and powerless.

Three billion people in the world live on less than the equivalent of $2.50 USD per day. More than 84 percent of those living in Sub-Saharan Africa live on less than $5.50 per day.

While various and sundry organizations and institutions attempt to solve the child labor problem, the church's task remains what it has always been: Be the hands and feet of Jesus to "the least of these" (see Matthew 25:40).

The Lord never called us to eradicate either child labor or poverty. He will do that someday when He returns to earth to rule and reign. In the meantime, we are called to serve.

Ours is not a race to eradicate child labor. It is a journey to provide and care for those who are relegated to the lowest positions in life. Relentlessly ministering to the needs of "the least of these" is visible evidence of the love and grace of God in action.

These GFA-supported Bridge of Hope students are getting ready to begin class after breaking for lunch. As children's lives are transformed in Bridge of Hope, they bring new aspirations and knowledge home with them, and their families benefit as a result. Even beyond this, GFA's Bridge of Hope program does much to uplift the communities it serves.

God's Grace in Action at Gospel for Asia

For 40 years, the singular focus of Gospel for Asia has been "to take the love of Christ to people who have never heard His name before."

We must understand that Jesus looked upon people with such compassion that He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see. He didn't just tell them that He loved them; He demonstrated His love in ways that changed their lives.

Representing Christ on earth requires that we demonstrate the same love and compassion that He did while He was here. We are, from a heavenly perspective, blessed to be able to feed the hungry, tend to the sick and give a cup of cold water to the thirsty in Jesus' name. These are people who know they have great needs. The Lord has granted us the high honor to love them and to serve them as His representatives. As He came to us as the "express image" of God the Father, so should we reach out to others in the express image of Jesus Christ (see Hebrews 1:3).

Poverty Alleviation

Poverty, as we have shown, is at the root of the child labor problem. Regardless of any other peripheral factors, poverty is always the driving force behind either willing or forced child labor. Therefore, much of Gospel for Asia's work among the people of South Asia is related to rescuing families from the clutches of poverty.

Literacy and Vocational Education

Providing men and women with sewing machines and tailoring classes is one thing GFA-supported workers are doing to enable people to break out of poverty.
The inability to read and write is a major hindrance that, unless addressed, becomes a generational curse.

Illiterate people lack essential tools needed to rise above a subsistence-level existence. Furthermore, illiteracy leaves people in a position where others can easily take advantage of their situation, including entrapping them and their children in bonded labor.

Gospel for Asia's field partners host literacy classes and vocational training classes for adults and youth, equipping them with skills that can break them out of the cycle of poverty. GFA-supported workers guide class members through an understanding of basic entrepreneurial skills to empower them to create a better future for themselves. In addition, gifts such as sewing machines, fishing nets and rickshaws are just a few of the income-generating resources distributed among families who are in dire need of an income.

Farm Animals

GFA sponsors around the world give generously to provide farm animals for families in rural Asian villages. Chickens, goats, and cattle produce products like eggs, milk and meat, which can be sold for a good price or used to feed the family. Breeding the animals also allows the owners to expand their businesses, continually increasing their incomes to better serve their families.

Jesus Wells

Clean water is taken for granted by Westerners. However, in Africa and South Asia, women and children spend hours fetching water?-?not from a faucet, but from a ground source several hours away. In some cases, they must make the journey multiple times each day in order to meet their family's needs.

Jesus Wells are such a blessing to the communities that receive them. They help women and children in villages all over Asia have more time to learn and spend less time walking miles just to fetch filthy water.
By installing and maintaining Jesus Wells within poverty-stricken villages and communities, GFA provides a source of free clean water that can supply as many as 300 people with clean water for up to 20 years.

Not only do these people now have clean water, but it is also readily accessible. The women who fetched the water gain up to six hours a day that can now be used to obtain literacy and vocational training or to tend to their homes and children.

Bridge of Hope Centers

Children who formerly had to fetch water are now able to attend school, thereby avoiding the illiteracy and vocational poverty their parents and grandparents had suffered.

Enrollment in GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers is offered freely to children whose parents commit to keeping their children in school. The Bridge of Hope Program is a continuation of the school day, in which the children received enhanced and advanced training.

GFA's Bridge of Hope Program provides backpacks and school supplies, relieving students' parents of the pressure of those expenses. Children also receive a nutritious meal each day and free health checkups. As they experience holistic growth through the program, students gain a vision for a life away from the cheap labor in brick kilns and factories?-?and they are equipped to fulfill that vision.

God's Grace in Action Through You

None of Gospel for Asia's efforts to free families from poverty and their children from child labor would be possible without people like you. The prayers and financial support of GFA friends drill wells; open Bridge of Hope centers; pay for literacy classes, vocational training and farm animals; and equip all of the ministries of national missionaries who are sharing Christ's love through practical ways that change lives both now and for eternity.

We may never end child labor, but we must never forget it or those working to combat it?-?and we must remain relentless in being the only Jesus some will ever see.

Source: Gospel for Asia Special Report, Child Labor: Not Gone, but Forgotten

Learn more about the children who find themselves discarded, orphaned and abused, and the home and hope that they can be given through agencies like Gospel for Asia.

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