Ujamaa / Cooperative Economics: Working Together

Biblical Quotes and Ways to help you Overcome Rejection

Principle 4 Ujamaa / Cooperative economics: Hebrew13:16. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.  Christians are instructed to share their wealth and make sacrifices for others.  Economic wealth may not mean just money. It can mean anything that can make wealth or improve someone’s standing in their community. Our economic system should reflect principles, that we have a social safety net for those who are less fortunate and need assistance.

Did you know that sacrifice is unnatural? It requires us to put aside what we want if we are going to benefit someone else. We can’t do that on our own. We need an example to follow. In scripture, Yahshua describes Himself as a good shepherd who does what is best for His sheep. When we love people selflessly, we love as He loved. But what does that look like in everyday life?

  1. Sacrifice is loving your neighbour as yourself.

It is human nature to seek the best for ourselves. Just watch children at Christmas fighting over toys or adults on Black Friday when the sales are up, and the items are few.

Yahshua showed us a better way. He gave up His rightful place in heaven to live among us on Earth. Then, He died a death He didn’t deserve to give us eternal life. When we put others first, we love our neighbours as ourselves.

  1. Sacrifice is putting others first.

Is your life characterized by thinking about others or about yourself? Would your co-workers or classmates describe you as selfish or someone who puts others before themselves?

Even when Yahshua was hungry, tired, or ready to get alone and pray, when He saw a crowd, He had compassion on them and ministered to them. He calls on us to sacrifice our wants and needs for people the way He did for us.

  1. Sacrifice without grumbling.

Loving sacrificially requires that we lay down our desires every day. When we can do that without grumbling, people will be blessed, and we will be blessed.

Yahshua is our shepherd. When we follow His example and draw from His strength which is available to us through the Holy Spirit — we can live a life characterized by supernatural love and lead others into a life of freedom, joy and peace they have never experienced.

Today Ujamaa teaches us to think about the needs of others and how we can place them before our own. Do you see a struggling mom with kids and groceries at the store? Let her get in line before you. Does your neighbour need help with his lawn? Take care of it for him. Does someone you know need help to get a business off the ground? Help them. Whatever the situation, listen to God and do what He says. Follow His prompting and leading when going about your day. If you feel like you should stop and serve, do it. This doesn’t necessarily mean you take on every opportunity presented to you. Pray. Ask God, then listen and do what He says.

Let’s Pray

Yahshua, if I have been selfish, keeping all the good to myself alone. Father, I pray that you forgive me. I know that there are people that need my help, give me the strength to help them and always stand for the right. God, I pray for the wisdom to do things the right way. Help me not to neglect people that I have the power to help today. Amen.

Let’s Get Excited About Our Faith

Speak Greatness Into Our Youth

Talking about your faith with others isn’t always the most popular topic amongst young people. Fashion, football and music are more popular. Most youth are not excited when talking about faith. Feeling that if they share their faith with others, people at school, uni or on social media will think they’re weird. So they do what many Christians do, they stay quiet. Not speaking up when someone challenges their beliefs. Praying with your friend who’s parents are going through a divorce would really help, but you’re afraid of what your friend might think. The list of excuses we make for not sharing our faith can be very long.  

Why is it that we talk about our sports team winning with everyone we know, but when it comes to sharing our faith, many times we tell no one? We have something way more exciting than a winning team, we have a winning God. We have a God who loved us, and gave his son so that we could experience a life changing relationship with Him. Why aren’t we filling our insta, snap and facebook feed with that news? It’s easy to get afraid to share our faith with others. It’s easier to not say anything so that we don’t look weird to others. We are called to be salt and light to our world. The message in the bible puts it this way. You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept.  — Matthew 5:14. 

So choose to put your fears aside, step up and tell others about your God. 

Let’s Holla @ God 

God, please give me a Christlike excitement and remove my fear, so I can let others know that you have changed my life and to let them know that You can change theirs too. God make me a light for You. In Christ’ name Amen. 

How To Overcome Grade Confusion

Speak Greatness Into Our Youth

What a week for all high school, college and university students here in the UK. The confusion of grades, the uncertainty of their futures and seeing your future disintegrate in front of your eyes. It’s no secret that life can get crazy at times. There can be days when you’re just wanting to scream because things are not going your way or you’re stressed out about something going on. In times like those, this verse is always great to remember.  “”¦despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us.” (Romans 8:37) 

With all that’s going on. Despite the things that are going wrong and despite all the stress you may be feeling, you can experience overwhelming victory through Christ. That’s great, amazing news. 

What a powerful reminder, Today’s verse tells us that we can experience victory regardless of what we see and what might be going on around us. So in those times when you feel overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn, take comfort in the fact that you’ve got an overwhelming victory in Jesus. Trust Him, lean on Him, talk to Him and celebrate your victory! 

Lets Holla @ God 

Wow God! Thank you for this promise and reassurance that despite the mess up with grades and the uncertain future, that all will work out for my good and victory will be mine. Thanks God for your love, in Christ’ name Amen! 


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