
Growing Your Online Ministry

Transform the World by Growing Your Online Ministry


Every Promise of Your Word: The Gospel According to Joshua

The gospel is the message of what God has done for us to redeem us for himself. For us this finds its fullest expression in what God accomplished for us in his Son’s death and resurrection, namely, forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Yet this gospel grace existed before Jesus. Immediately after God pronounced the appropriate curses on rebellious Adam and Eve, he promised them a redeemer and sacrificed animals to cover their shame (Genesis 3:15, 21). From the beginning, the gospel has been the same: God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves, that we might belong to him. Our only response is to receive this by faith.


In God We Trust

‘In God We Trust’, has been the national motto of the USA since 1956. However, often the biggest issue with a person moving forward in their Christian live is his or her ability to trust God.


Jesus! We Can Help You Share Him Online.

Everyone who interacts with  the  content you post will be presented with an opportunity to engage with the gospel.


Facebook Has More People than Any Major Religion Except Christianity

Written by  Michael J. Coren The number of Facebook monthly users has surpassed the followers of Islam, and is closing in on the most numerous religion, Christianity. The Pew Research Center reports that Christianity counts 2.3 billion people among its adherents, followed by Islam with about 1.8 billion. By comparison, Facebook reports it now has […]


Teaching Christianity in Christian Schools Is ‘Extremist’?

A Christian organisation has been banned from a church-run primary school following complaints by non Christian parents who claim their children were being “exposed to potentially damaging ideology”   and “extremist” views about sin.


Inspired by the Need for Wholesome Content Sharing, Godinterest Offers a Pinterest Alternative

While Pinterest promotes connections through pins and boards, Godinterest reveals a growing community with a higher connection and purpose


The Perils of Living in a Technologically Advanced Age

Technological advancements have provided Christianity a greater platform to propagate the Gospel of Christ and to further the cause of God’s Kingdom on earth. There is a downside to this, however. Perils may surround the unwary Christian and sweep him away from right living. Idleness In a 2016 survey, adult Americans spent an average of […]