Kirk Franklin Architect for a new American Musical Genre

Kirk Franklin has, without a doubt changed modern music more than any other artist in the last two decades. He has been called the architect of a new American musical genre. The 48 year old minister incorporated contemporary Hip-Hop music with traditional gospel choir arrangements to reach out to the youth with a positive and uplifting message.

Franklin was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. He began playing the piano at the age of four. By the time he was out of kindergarten, he was singing and playing on the church gospel circuit. At the age of seven, he was offered a recording contract. Thinking that he was too young, his aunt declined the offer. At age eleven he was appointed a minister of music at Mount Rose Baptist Church. He began to write, arrange and re-arrange Christian music. “My first triumph”, recalls Franklin, “was turning Elton John’s “Benny and the Jets” into a gospel tune.” At nineteen he did his first home recording and in 1992 he began to realize he was a new gospel sound. In choosing the artists that comprise The Family, he handpicked seventeen of the richest voices in the area.

In 1993, after much prayer and reflection, he with a brand new fledgling label, ‘Gospo Centric’. In January 1997 Gospel Centric was named the number 1 Gospel label in the country, fielding five artists and eight in the top 20. In seven short years, Kirk Franklin became a musical superstar.   He broke barriers, crossed musical boundary lines, and achieved success unknown to any other gospel artist at that time. For the first time in history, a gospel music debut album sold over 1,000,000 copies. His first album went double platinum. Kirk and the Family has remained top of the Contemporary Christian, Urban, R&B and video charts. His debut album established Franklin as the leader of a new gospel music by expanding the genre to encompass contemporary R&B and Hip-Hop. The base for this new genre has grown exponentially. His second album, Kirk Franklin the Family Christmas sold over 500,000 in weeks.

Franklin’s latest project scheduled for a late spring or early summer release features youth group 1 Nation Crew. The CD is just as diverse as the members of the group, which is multicultural and is expected to cross-cultural barriers around the world. The group recently performed a single from the CD on Morning America. Franklin and his wife Tammy live in Arlington and have two children; Kerrion, and Kennedy.

Has Kirk Franklin gone too far?   He  has drawn some controversy with his Hip-Hop hit flavoured tune with a gospel message. Entitled ‘Stomp’ Featuring Salt and Pepper.

Steve Jones, a reporter from USA Today reported on March 21st, 2000.

‘Kirk Franklin says the debate over whether ‘Stomp,’ the phenomenal funk-driven, hip Hop flavoured hit, is truly gospel music, is still simmering. He’s undeterred in bringing his messages of Salvation and uplift to young people by using the beats of the streets. He says he’s on a mission to counter the negativity found in some of today’s popular records, but he can’t do it if he doesn’t get kids’ attention first. “I’ve got kids, and I had to throw some of my son’s (R&B and rap) CDs away,” says the father of three.’

Franklin says we are trying to make testimonial messages from the church more accessible to everybody’.

But is this really the right way?

I believe music is important to God because it informs apart of the worship and is  continually rendered under him in heaven. Now some of us are going to be shocked when we get to heaven, it’s going to blow are minds, you hear some people saying, they ain’t gonna do that in heaven.   As Christians we use music to express praise, and to awaken a devotion, and gratitude to God.   Satan has devised numerous counterfeits to deceive us into worshiping  him.  See the devil wants us hang up on music, whiles souls are perishing, he wants us to be in the church arguing about the style of music. Some are critical about the beat, but have not won one soul to Jesus.

The Perils of Living in a Technologically Advanced Age

The Perils of Living in a Technologically Advanced Age

Technological advancements have provided Christianity a greater platform to propagate the Gospel of Christ and to further the cause of God’s Kingdom on earth. There is a downside to this, however. Perils may surround the unwary Christian and sweep him away from right living.


In a 2016 survey, adult Americans spent an average of 5 hours on the television. A survey on Australian kids revealed an average of 12 hours of online watching and 10.5 hours of television watching. The figures give insight to a likely trend ongoing worldwide. Those with access to television and Internet programming are pouring a big chunk of their time into this form of entertainment.

1 Corinthians 6:12 teaches us an important principle through Paul: “You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything.” Christians, young and old, must find a right balance between relaxation and productiveness.


There are lots to see and discover online and thru print media. New innovations, new products, new services, new places to visit, new experiences to try; information to all these are within reach. The curious and the adventurous will want to try them all. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Caution must be exercised so that one doesn’t become addicted to buying things and accumulating stuff. Addicted hoarders and spendthrifts started out with a few finds.

Caution must also be exercised so that one doesn’t fall prey to the practice of “Keeping up with the Joneses.” Social Media does a great job in updating us of the latest trends and news. We see what new thing our friend or celebrity idol has recently acquired and we start to desire the same thing for ourselves. What others acquire and achieve may become our standard for success and happiness if we are not careful. Jesus warns us in Luke 12:15 to “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”


It’s fun to share one’s experiences online.   That bargain you were able to get, that fun trip you had, that awesome view that you were able to see; these are good things you can share with others. In most instances, what people share on social media inspires others or gives information which other people may need one day.

Caution must be exercised that this doesn’t become a habit with an underlying motive to brag or be prideful about something. In Galatians 6:4 we are reminded in this way: “Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else.” So, when you post something online, ask yourself what you really hope to achieve and be careful not to share anything under false pretense or to gain unnecessary attention to yourself. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says that whatever we do, the honor should be towards God. Self-exaltation is never right.

Let technological advancements be fruitful for you. Access and enjoy these innovations with moderation and whatever you do, maintain the right motives and mindset.



Two Ways To Handle Your Worries

Worries are a normal part of life we all deal with. There are present situations or potentially brewing events that can legitimately disturb and agitate us. It is a blessing to know that as a child of God, these worries need not lead to debilitating fear or loss of joy and happiness. Following are two ways to handle worries:

1. In the matter of provisions, pray.

Phil 4:19 is a promise that God will meet our needs- the essentials of life. It can be hard for those in an  impoverished state to understand and trust this promise but God’s Word says so. It doesn’t guarantee that we won’t face hunger and a lack of necessities. The apostle Paul himself recounted instances wherein he faced hardship and loss of physical provisions but he also recounted stories of the many times God showed up to ease burdens and bring relief. He was burdened, yes; but he also found relief.

In an earlier verse (verse 6) Paul reminds us to “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” It is worth highlighting the phrase with thanksgiving. Believers must remember to maintain a heart of thankfulness at all times. Job is an inspiring testimony about thankfulness. In his book of account, he shares the following:

(a.) “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” (Job 1:21)

(b;) “ Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?”(Job 2:10)

2. In the matter of physical wellbeing and safety, trust.

Sickness and danger are valid concerns. When something befalls us, faith may be shaken. When things don’t look good, we may doubt the God who lovingly watches over us. Remember to continue to trust. Death has always been a sure end. Physical degeneration is a natural occurrence. Our physical life on earth right now is temporary. The eternal life hereafter is what’s permanent and lasting.

David inspires us in Psalm 23 to fear no evil even in the midst of danger and death. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (v.4) God will be there at the threshold. His comfort will ease us into eternity.

Scriptures also teach us that we are here for a definite period of time, a period God in all wisdom has appointed for us. “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (Psalm 139:16). To a child yielded to God’s will and purpose, there is no dying before one’s time.   We are here while our purposes remain unfulfilled. When we’ve accomplished what God would have us do, He will welcome us into eternity.  

Bible Illiteracy in Churches Today

Bible illiteracy, a lack of knowledge or ignorance of Scriptures, is happening in our very churches today. There are churchgoers and practicing Christians who are Bible illiterate.

A 2017 research conducted by Lifeway in Christian churches across America possibly yields similar results across other countries. Among those surveyed, only 19% read their Bibles regularly. 18% of the respondents read their Bibles rarely or never. 14% do it once a week and 22% do it once a month.

This is a sad fact and a highly concerning problem. Biblical understanding is foundational to genuine faith and growth in the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 10:17 clearly states that faith comes by hearing the message of the Word. 2 Timothy 3:15 teaches us that in knowing Scriptures we become wise unto salvation and the faith life. A shallow grasp of Biblical knowledge will definitely lead to shallow faith. If one fails to grow in the Word, one will have great difficulties navigating the faith life and one would hardly know God.

The Causes of Bible Illiteracy

Preaching and teaching ministers who are lazy

The number of weekly church gatherings vary. Some churches have multiple Sunday services plus weekday ones. Others have single or double Sunday services and no weekday meetings. That Christians meet only once or a few times a week shows how crucial the preaching and teaching of the Word is. Ministers should be driven to make sufficient preparations in the delivery of the Word. The personal study and development of preaching and teaching material should be carefully crafted. One should do a word study, a context and historical study, and the like. These procedures help one fully understand the thought and purpose of Scripture passages. These help one avoid speaking personal viewpoints that may not be in agreement with what God actually has to say.

Readers of this article may have their own experiences of listening to a lazy teacher or preacher who:

  • was unclear or made little sense, meaning, he did not seem to have prepared for the message,
  • had little Biblical content,
  • had lots of personal stories and opinions,
  • repeated previous messages and themes with no new study imparted,
  • shared personal or conflicting views with little or no Biblical basis
  • and more.

Leaders (Pastors, Preachers, Teachers) who lack qualification or training.

At times, the minister is zealous and diligent. However, he got into preaching and teaching too early. This may be because of need or impulsive desire. A passionate preacher and teacher should make himself accountable and be responsible enough to pursue further training and gain qualifications so that he can be a better handler and deliverer of God’s Word.

Congregants who are lazy.

Christians should know by now that we are to be responsible for our own growth in the faith. Sunday feeding will not sustain you in your Christian walk. You must open the pages of the Holy Book yourself. Reading God’s Word is essential to knowing more of Him and His purposes for your life. Reading God’s Word is also essential to making sure that you can discern right teaching from a wrong one.

Churches that prioritize political correctness.

The Bible is never politically correct. Its truths are plain. Its stand on issues is simple. God weighs issues according to rightness or wrongness. The Bible is not a people pleaser. The Bible is not a pacifier. God deals with issues directly for it is the only way to bring full resolution and understanding.

When churches shrink from their responsibility to be a light in this fallen world, Biblical illiteracy will settle in. Instead of preaching and living the Word of God in its entirety, censorship comes in. Instead of having boldness to correct sin and error, tolerance and acceptance of wrongdoing prevails. The focus will become all about loving people in the wrong way. True love needs proper rebuke and loving guidance. Else, it is not a helpful kind of love.

Stone-Throwing Christians

Social media has taken root in the lives of many. While there are many benefits to it, its drawbacks are rapidly overtaking any positive results and effects of them. We expect to come across bullying, slander, threats, and all things malicious in the world of the Lost, but when we come across Christians partaking of all that is wrong with social media, then something is wrong.

I once believed (naively so), that Christians would not bash each other on social media. Imagine my dismay when I was, to put it simply, attacked by one who professed to be a Believer. My eyes were abruptly opened then, and the rose-tinted glasses that I used to wear were ripped off with great force. It’s funny how once you see something, you cannot ‘unsee’ it. Furthermore, you start to see it everywhere. If you were to put a Christian and an Unsaved in a boxing ring of words, there is no telling who would win. This goes against everything that we stand for and believe in our faith, and it’s really sad to see.

Jesus gave us many teachings were are to live by. One of the most important ones and a commandment at that was to love your neighbor as yourself. If we do not understand what love is, then we go to 1 Corinthians 13. Everything that we do as Believers should be done in love, and while I do understand that we do not get it right all the time, we do have to make the effort to think before we speak or rather think before we type scathing remarks. We have to remember that what comes out of our mouths (whether spoken or written) is an indication of what condition our hearts are in. We are not doing ourselves or others any favors by negatively commenting on their posts- even if they are wrong. Remember when Jesus said that he who has no sin should throw the first rock? That woman was caught in sin and by law should have been stoned (could this have included the men that she sinned with?), but she wasn’t because those people didn’t have a leg to stand on. And there was our Jesus- the most kindest and loving Man that ever walked the earth- crouching on the ground, writing who knows what in the dust, and being completely calm about the energy-charged atmosphere. One by one, they all turned away until Jesus was the only one left. And what did He say? He said that he wouldn’t condemn her and that she should sin no more. The only One that had never sinned in His entire life would not pick up a stone to kill the woman. Why do we believe that it is acceptable to attack people on social media? We attack their faith, their ‘holiness’, their level of knowledge of the Bible, their pictures, comments… the list is endless.

I completely understand that at times, Believers post things that are inappropriate or inaccurate (concerning GOD’S Word). Some of them aren’t even true Believers, but wolves in sheep’s clothing, looking to stir some things up, and many Christians take the bait. Before we know it, we’re in a bitter war of words and it just gets out of hand. We sit behind our screens (many people hide their identities with made up names and ‘anonymous’) and create these words that cut into people, anger people, shame people and even lead people to take their own lives. How do we know that our comment wasn’t the cherry on the death cake of someone’s downward spiral to suicide? We only see what is on our screens, but we know nothing of the person behind the post. And there is absolutely no use in saying ‘well, that person should not have posted that in the first place!’ because it doesn’t work with Jesus. We will be giving an account of our own lives to GOD- ‘that person did this, so I did/said this’ is not going to cut it with the Almighty. You are responsible for your own words and actions.

There is a way to lovingly correct someone, and there is a way to tear them down and attack them. We have the latter one down pat, but we lack the ability to lovingly correct each other. I find that people who are mature in faith and truly understand that love is the way to go when correcting a fellow brother or sister in Christ, will either refrain from commenting at all and rather pray for the person, or will choose their words very carefully and give the truth. Yes, some people will still see the loving correction as an attack and get mad, but that is only their conscience talking. You are not condoning anything by refusing to leave a comment, but if you do believe that you should say something in response to someone, then please choose your words carefully and make sure that it is Scripturally based. Don’t comment in an attempt to ‘be right’, ‘school this person’, or even to prove how much more of a Christian you are than the next person.

Do everything knowing that the Holy Spirit is right there and is a witness to all that you do. If you find that you cannot (or will not) control your hand on that keyboard when it comes to commenting, then get off social media and immerse yourself in GOD’S Word until you can better control your impulses. Let’s be true ambassadors of Christ and control our tongues.

(Although my words are stern and straightforward, they were written in love and a need to bring to attention a part of our lives that we have neglected. By no means am I perfect or always right, but GOD’S Word is always true and never changes.)

3 Empowering Truths For Living

3 Empowering Truths For Living

Scriptures are filled with motivational truths. Here are 3 empowering truths for living.

1. In Christ is a bright and secure future.

Jesus came so that we may have life and that we may have life abundantly. Through Christ, the trusting soul receives the assurance of a new and permanent relationship with God and a sure home in heaven with Him someday. Through Christ, the yielded Christian receives grace for daily sustenance. Through Christ, we have high hopes for each day we get out of our beds. The past is always forgiven. The present always starts on a clean slate. Godly efforts have lasting results. Failures and mistakes can never hold us back.

2. In being still, we find God.

In Psalm 46:10 God speaks, “Be still and know that I am God.” The Hebrew root word for still is raphah. It means to abandon, hang limp, collapse, and become helpless. Many can share that it is in the hardest moments of their lives that they’ve gone deeper in knowing and experiencing the truth and reality of God in their lives. In stillness, we let go of our efforts and let God work things out. In stillness, we let go of our self-reliance and let Him move on our behalf. In stillness, we realize the sovereignty of God and yield to His wisdom. In stillness, our eyes are opened to the greatness of God. We perceive all that He is accomplishing for the good of our lives.

3. In being weak, we find strength.

Man is dependent upon his strength for everything. To some, strength is everything. They equate it with life or quality of life. To be strong is to be able, to be useful. It is not uncommon to find aging people having bouts of depression. Studies reveal that some who reach the age of retirement suffer from depression and anxiety. Because as one ages, he or she may fear a loss of purpose or usefulness. One may fear the inability to self-sustain.

While the pressures of being accepted in society naturally causes people to hide or mourn their weaknesses, Scriptures tell us that we need not be ashamed; we need not lose joy. 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 is one insightful and empowering passage. In being weak, we learn as Paul did that:

  1. God’s grace is sufficient for us.
  2. His power is made perfect in weakness.
  3. We don’t have to be ashamed of our weakness.
  4. It is in our moments of weakness that Christ’s power rests on us.
  5. When we are weak, then we are strong.

Philippians 4:13 says how we can handle weakness; it is by being grounded and intimate with our God. “I can do all things when I am in the One who gives me strength.” Remember that He will not allow us to go through things we are unable to handle. What He allows, He will be there to show Himself strong on our behalf.   2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the LORD searches throughout the earth to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is fully devoted to him.” God is the strength of our heart and He will never fail us.


Sharing the life changing Gospel message found in Jesus Christ

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