Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican political leader and civil rights activist who advocated for the rights of people of African descent. He is best known for his vision of an independent, self-governing black nation and his promotion of the “Back to Africa” movement, which encouraged people of African descent to return to their ancestral homeland.

Garvey believed that people of African descent, who had been dispersed around the world as a result of the slave trade, needed to come together in order to achieve political and economic power. He felt that they would never be treated as equals in white-dominated societies and that their only hope for true freedom and self-determination was to create their own independent state.

He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in 1914 and worked to build a sense of pride and unity among people of African descent. Through the UNIA, he encouraged the development of businesses, schools, and other institutions that would serve the black community. He also organized a “Back to Africa” movement, which sought to establish a new nation in Africa where black people could live free from discrimination and oppression.

In addition to his work to promote the rights of people of African descent, Garvey also advocated for the rights of workers and the poor, and spoke out against colonialism and imperialism. He was a charismatic leader who inspired many people and his ideas continue to have an impact on the lives of people of African descent around the world.

It’s worth noting that Garvey’s ideas and movement also met with a lot of criticism and opposition, specially from the Jamaican political and economic elite and some black leaders.

Theology in Worship and Music

Theology in Worship and Music

Some people think of theology as dry. However, theology is found in anything that expresses our ideas of God and all things in relation to God. Hence, theology is found not only in textbooks—it is also found in places like art and music.

With respect to worship and music specifically, it is important for us to be thoughtful about the theology that is conveyed in the songs that we sing in church (if worship leaders don’t feel equipped to do this, they might enlist the help of a pastor). People are more likely to remember the latest Chris Tomlin worship song that the church has been repeating for a few weeks than they are to remember the sermon from last Sunday (even if the three points in the sermon did all start with the letter “c”).

The songs that are sung in a church say a lot about the theology of the church, or at least the worship leader. Do they focus on feeling God? Do they focus on the love of God? The majesty of God? So, for example, it should come as no surprise that a church that emphasizes the “prosperity gospel” would sing a song that talks about expecting a “new season ”¦ of power and prosperity” (It’s a New Season, by Israel Houghton).

Some songs can be theologically problematic. While I deeply appreciate most of the lyrics in the song “Eagles Wings” (by Hillsong Church) the song asks God, “abide in me, I pray” and the chorus similarly requests, “come live in me, all my life take over.” However, Scripture makes clear that if you are a believer, then God already dwells within you by the Spirit (1 John 4:13)—even though the Spirit might come in a more intense manner. A little adjustment can easily fix the theologically problematic statement—“you live in me” rather than “come live in me.”

Besides ensuring that the songs we sing are theologically correct, we should also sing a variety of songs that communicate  the key teachings of the Church. I don’t mean to imply that a song isn’t worthy of including in a worship service if it doesn’t significantly address a key theological topic—there is a place for some songs that express our feelings to God and songs that are prayers to God can also be very powerful. However, since songs can serve as a means of reinforcing good theology,  then over time we should plan to sing songs about various foundational Christian beliefs as well.

It is easy to find hymns about various theologies since most hymnbooks list their songs by topic (check the index and table of contents). And many hymns are still “cool” when “cool” people sing them :) (e.g., This is My Father’s World, as performed by Gungor).


How To Handle The Uncertainties of Life

How To Handle The Uncertainties of Life

The uncertainties of life are things beyond our control and knowledge. We cannot predict the outcome. Maybe we can do little to influence it. These can keep us awake at night. Not only do they bother us all night long, they are ghosts that troll us during the day. We lose focus. We are unable to connect with people around us because these uncertainties have taken hold of our mind and heart.

“Is my job secure?” “Do people approve of what I’ve done?” How can we handle these kinds of uncertainties? How do we fruitfully manage them?

1. Trust the love of God.

At times, failings and incapability cause other people to lose love and confidence in us. Friends shy away. Relationships end because you lost your job or you made a complete fool of yourself in public. But God is not repulsed by any of that. He loves us passionately. He loves us the same, whether we do well or not. Lamentations 3:22 says God’s love is stedfast. It never stops. His love never wavers. His love is forever loyal.

Trusting the love of God allows us to remain secure in the middle of uncertainties. God loves us. He will work things out for our good (Romans 8:28).

2. Trust the wisdom of God.

That we do not know something can be very debilitating. We are unable to proceed because we don’t know what’s ahead. Decisions are hard to make because we are banking on predicted outcomes before we even take the plunge. We don’t want to act aimlessly. We don’t want to invest efforts and emotions into something or someone when there is no promise of fruit.

It is in these times that the follower of God needs to trust the wisdom of God. Keep holding on to Him and the truths and promises of His Word. Maintain a life guided by the principles of His Word. Joshua 1:8 assures that those who live by the wisdom of His Word will be prosperous and have good success in his life. Although this may be material in nature, it is not solely so. The Hebrew root word translated as prosperous carries the meaning of “advancement” while the root translated as success carries the meaning of “to understand, to gain insight”. This means Scriptures are never dated or obsolete. This means dedication to God’s Word leads to advancement and understanding in life. This means that in God’s Word you find what you need for right and fruitful living.

Best-selling books sold on shelves today talk about how to be successful in dealing with people. People buy pricy self-help books and attend expensive seminars to hear life coaches encouraging them towards positive and successful living. But in the very pages of God’s Word are all the tools we need to live positive in this negative world. In His Word are principles for right communication and relationships with the people around us.

Now, in immersing yourself with the guidance of His Words, uncertainties will still present themselves. It is in these moments that you need to trust the wisdom of an all-knowing God who plans good things for you, never evil. When you doubt and worry about the things He allows to happen in your life, seek assurance and comfort from His Word. Never let the enemy sow lies. God promises to never abandon us. (Hebrews 13:5) So at all times, run to God and not away from Him.

Godinterest: The 'Christian' Version of Pinterest? we really need Godinterest?  Another Christian version of a successful idea?  (Right down to the font style of the logo).  When will we start creating instead of simply ripping off the world?   I find it fascinating that God chose to introduce Himself to us in the first verse of the Bible as a ‘Creator.’  We’re made in His image, and yet we refuse to embrace that calling.  Let me know what you think, because I believe it’s high time we started leading the culture instead of doing a poor imitation. 

Tame the Wilderness of Your Mind…Or Let the Wilderness Control You

Tame the Wilderness of Your Mind...Or Let the Wilderness Control You

The Wilderness is a dangerous place to be. You never know what to expect on any given day. One day you could be facing overgrown pythons in Indonesia, another day could be a hippopotamus when cruising down the Zambezi river or perhaps meeting a grizzly bear somewhere in North America. Not to mention the insects, poison ivy, malaria… You get the picture, right? When you allow every type of thought to nest in your mind, to grow weeds, and saturate you with confusion, doubt, and negativity, you will find yourself being taken over by the wilderness.

The wilderness represents the world. It’s full of unexpected events that render you speechless and often times thoughtless. There are countless people carrying out their evil urges on unsuspecting victims, natural disasters occurring more often than seems ‘natural’, emotional turmoil affecting the masses, money woes pushing individuals to do the unthinkable, immorality keeping a watchful eye on society- the list is endless. It’s a common thing to experience dread, fear of the unknown, depression, anxiety, betrayal, rejection and every other negative leech that exists in this fallen world, but if we would just tame the wilderness and turn it into a beautiful garden, the world will not have the power to control you.

2 Timothy 1: 7 informs us of our disciplined mind. Our spirit is one of love, power, and a sound (disciplined) mind. We have the means to control the thought patterns of our minds, but many of us choose not to. It certainly is not easy to control one’s mind; it may just be one of the most difficult tasks that you will ever do, but it is doable. When there was still enmity between you and the Ancient of Days, you did not see the need to filter your thoughts. Perhaps you followed some teachings of a lifestyle guru or the life lessons of a charismatic leader. These people probably explained the merit of positive thinking, how to focus your thoughts on what you want (think of the Law of Attraction), and how to manifest your dreams into reality. These teachings (although around for centuries), have been termed New Age, which refers to a range of spiritual and religious beliefs with its conception happening around the 1970s. I will burst that New Age bubble and state that none of these teachings can bring you the true peace of GOD that has been made available to all of His saints. Sure enough, you’ll probably access your third eye (aka spiritual eyes) and that will make you feel nearly invincible, reach the highest level of consciousness, or walk around with a reverent expression on your face and chant peace, love, and light wherever you go, but I guarantee you that one substantial life upheaval will have you scrambling around like headless chickens or, worse yet, you will get to the end of your life and realize the futility of it all.

We have a wonderful Mediator that understands our struggles – after all, He walked on this earth for 33 years. He understands the human condition from a firsthand experience- although He lived a life without sin. When He left our midst, He didn’t leave us helpless and alone. He sent the Helper to abide with us forever (John 14:13-18). What we need to understand is that we cannot do anything worthwhile without the Holy Spirit. We cannot live holy lives without Him, we cannot overcome adversity without Him, we cannot stand our ground against the devil without Him, and we cannot become the people GOD called us to be without Him. It stands to reason that we cannot control the wilderness without Him either. No amount of human effort will prune that wilderness into a beautiful garden. It can only be done with the Holy Spirit.

There are three types of thoughts: yours, ones that GOD gives to you and ones that the devil sends to you. People are always surprised to know that the devil can do such a thing. Their first argument is that they have a hedge of protection around them, so surely the devil cannot touch them? Sending a negative thought to you is not touching you. The devil has not afflicted you with some disease, caused financial woes or some other misery. What he has done is sent you a thought to war with you in your mind. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 explains this to us: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in GOD for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of GOD, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”

Note how this Scripture talks about making every thought obedient to Christ, and how our war does not take place in the physical realm (the flesh). Have you ever had a thought pop into your head out of nowhere? Perhaps you were concentrating on cooking, but suddenly thoughts of child’s bad behavior pops into your head. You have already disciplined your child and the issue has been resolved, but that thought brings back all the anger and it soon manifests into a shouting match with your child. Sometime later, you’re sitting in bed and wondering how the issue had escalated when you had sorted it out hours before. This is the time to really sit and think about it: GOD did not send you that thought because of the result, and why would you choose to fight with your child over a resolved matter? Who is the one who enjoys dissension, a broken family, poking at tempers and causing all sorts of chaos? That’s right, Satan. He revels in the wilderness of people’s minds- it’s his playing field. He will build strongholds in your mind with which he will use to control you. But do not be discouraged, Beloved, because GOD has given us weapons to pull down those strongholds, but it takes commitment.

The best way to tame the wilderness is to address it according to Scripture. Whenever I come across a thought that I know does not belong to me or the Holy Spirit, I immediately said out loud: “I do not accept the thought of ”¦.., I refuse it in Jesus name, and according to 2 Corinthians 10: 5 I bring it into captivity to the obedience of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Once I have spoken this, I force myself to think of something else such as Scripture, sing songs of praise or think of anything that is beautiful. It’s not enough to rebuke that thought, you have to actively turn the direction of your mind. If you are having difficulty trying to think of something, follow Paul the Apostle’s advice in Philippians 4: 8.

Do not be mistaken: it takes time to change the way that you think. It certainly will not happen overnight and it will not be easy. The devil will not readily give up any strongholds in your mind- you can be sure of that. However, you continue to train your mind and lean on the Holy Spirit, all that wilderness will eventually become a pruned garden. Be careful to not grow lazy though; you will need to regularly remove weeds that have crept up around your flowers, get rid of dead leaves, remove branches that do not bear fruit and trim down hedges that threaten to grow wild. And always remember: you are never alone, GOD is always with you.

Wise Counsel for Naive Christian Artists and Designers

Wise Counsel for Naive Christian Artists and Designers

1″ Do this one cheap (or free) and we’ll make it up on the next one.”

No reputable business person would first give away their work and time or merchandise in the hope of making it up later. Can you imagine what a plumber would say if you said: “come in, provide and install the sink for free and next time we’ll make it up when we need a sink.” You would be laughed at! Also, the likelihood is that if something important came along, they wouldn’t use you.

2″ We never pay a cent until we see the final product.”

This is a baloney unless the person is leaving the door open to cheat you out of your pay. Virtually every profession requires a deposit or incremental payment during anything but the smallest project. Once you have a working relationship, you may work out another arrangement with a client. But a new client should not ask you to go beyond an initial meeting and, perhaps some preliminary sketches without pay on the job!

3″ Do this for us and you’ll get great exposure! The jobs will just pourin!”

Baloney. Tell a plumber “Install this sink and my friend  will see and you’ll get lots of business!” Our plumber friend would say “You mean even if I do a good job I have to give my work away to get noticed? Then it isn’t worth the notice.” Also, the guy would likely brag to everyone he knows about how this would normally cost (X) dollars, but brilliant businessman that he is he got if for free! If anyone calls, they’ll expect the same or better deal.

4″ On looking at sketches or concepts: “Well, we aren’t sure if we want

to use you yet, but leave your material here so I can talk to my partner/investor/wife/clergy.”

You can be sure that 15 minutes after you leave he will be on the phone to other designers, now with concepts in hand, asking for price quotes. When you call back you will be informed that your prices were too high and Joe Blow Design/Illustration will be doing the job. Why shouldn’t they be cheaper? You just gave them hours of free consulting work! Until you have a deal, LEAVE NOTHING CREATIVE at the client’s office.

5″  Well, the job isn’t CANCELLED, just delayed. Keep the account open  and we’ll continue in a month or two.”

Ummm, probably not. If something is hot, then not, it could be dead. It would be a mistake to *not* bill for work performed at this point and then let the chips fall where they may! Call in two months and someone else may be in that job. And guess what? They don’t know you at all…..

6″ Contract? We don’t need no stinking contact! Aren’t we friends?”

Yes, we are, until something goes wrong or is misunderstood, then you are the jerk in the suit and I am that idiot designer, then the contract is essential. That is, unless one doesn’t care about being paid. Any reputable business uses paperwork to define relationships and you should too.

7″ Send me a bill after the work goes to press.”

Why wait for an irrelevant deadline to send an invoice? You stand behind your work, right? You are honest, right? Why would you feel bound to this deadline? Once you deliver the work and it is accepted, BILL IT. This point may just be a delaying tactic so the job goes through the printer prior to any question of your being paid. If the guy waits for the job to be printed, and you do changes as necessary, then he can stiff you and not take a chance that he’ll have to pay someone else for changes.

8″ The last guy did it for XXX dollars.”

That is irrelevant. If the last guy was so good they wouldn’t be talking to you, now would they? And what that guy charged means nothing to you, really. People who charge too little for their time go out of business (or self-destruct financially, or change occupations) and then someone else has to step in. Set  a fair price and stick to it.

9″ Our budget is XXX dollars, firm.”

Amazing, isn’t it? This guy goes out to buy a car, and what knows exactly what he is going to spend before even looking or researching? Not likely. A certain amount of work costs a certain amount of money. If they have less money (and you *can*) do less work and still take the job. But make sure they understand that you are doing less work if you take less money than you originally estimated. Give fewer comps, simplify, let them go elsewhere for services (like films) etc.

10″ We are having financial problems. Give us the work, we’ll make  some money and we’ll pay you. Simple.”

Yeah, except when the money comes, you can expect that you will be pretty low on the list to be paid. If someone reaches the point where they admit that the company is in trouble, then they are probably much worse off than they are admitting to. Even then, are you a bank? Are you qualified to check out their financials? If the company is strapped to the point where credit is a problem through credit agencies, banks etc. what business would you have extended credit to them. You have exactly ZERO pull once they have the work. Noble intentions or not, this is probably a losing bet. But if you are going to roll the dice, AT LEAST you should be getting additional money for waiting. The bank gets interested and so should you. That is probably why the person is approaching you; to get six months worth of free interest instead of paying bank rates for credit and then paying you with that money. Don’t give away money.

Now, this list wasn’t meant to make anyone crazy or paranoid but is designed to inject some reality into the fantasy. You are GOING to be dealing with people who are unlike yourself. Their motivations are their own and their attitudes are probably different than yours. There are going to be demands, problems, issues and all the hassles that go with practically ANY work/job/money situation. Too many times I see the sad example of someone walking into a situation with noble intentions and then getting royally screwed because what they see as an opportunity and a labor of love, the other party sees as something else entirely, not at all romantic or idealized, but raw and simple.

How can you deal with this stuff and still do good creative work? Good question. THIS is why an education is important. You learn, out of the line of fire, how to deal with the art at it’s own level and also how to deal with the stuff that surrounds it. You may have tough teachers and think that it can’t be worse, but wait until a business person has a hundred grand riding on your art! Then you will know what “demanding” means. You will then thank all those tough teachers for building up the calluses that enable you to enjoy the  job rather than just feeling like it is all a big waste of time!

In the end, working commercially, being a terrific artist is about 25% of the task. If that is the only part of the task that you are interested in, do yourself a favour. Don’t turn “pro.”

New Urban Homes

New Urban Homes

A 3-dimensional system involving modules or pods which is the basic building block of much prefabricated construction. Several designers are experimenting with making this form adaptable to more than apartments. The majority of new high-density developments in London provide only flatted accommodation and ignore the needs of families. While the argument for more homes at a higher density is understood, should this policy exclude families? And what sort of city would London become?

For the past three years the architects have been examining opportunities for high-density urban family housing on a number of initiatives in Southwark, Ealing and Harrow. Using modular construction techniques the ‘courtyard’ homes deliver more space for less cost. Arranged in typical urban blocks and at no more than three storey densities they produce some 80 dwellings per hectare.

The house delivers flexible open plan ground floors with circulation spaces that are naturally lit. With both a courtyard and an upper terrace each house benefits from at least 40m2 of external space. More importantly this space is entirely private to the dwelling and is directly related to the kitchen, living and bedroom spaces. These are external rooms, a far cry for a patch of green, sandwiched between close boarded fencing and overlooked by the neighbours.

New Urban Homes
Courtyard and covered entrance view IMAGE CREDIT: PROCTOR AND MATTHEWS

The five steel modules required for each house are delivered on low loaders and craned onto preprepared footings. All modules are fully fitted-out in the factory. The technology allows different fenestration arrangements, cladding options and roofing forms.

Architect: Proctor and Matthews
Principal Supplier: Spaceover

Beaufort Court, Hammersmith, London

An award-winning estate which was constructed in 2003 using a semi-modular construction approach.

Traditional bathroom pods have a range of superstructure options including concrete and GRP. They are not usually integrated into the structure and are either craned or slid into place after construction. Typically, this involves redundancy in terms of floors and walls but this can be avoided by using structural pods. Traditional pods usually have a separate procurement process and when used in hotels and student accommodation have very defined service zones.

Beaufort Court consists of 65 houses and flats arranged in three blocks around a communal area. There are 19 shared ownership flats, which sell at £115,230 (2003 prices). The remaining houses and flats are social housing, key worker housing and part of a rough sleeper initiative. It was designed as a model of affordable housing. It is high density, energy efficient, and innovative in construction. Plans are generous, elevations are elegant, and excellent communal and parking facilities are provided. A light-guage steel panel system forms the main superstructure of the six-storey accommodation with an externally expressed hot rolled steel structure for the lift shafts and supporting the balconies. Lillee Road is the first UK housing project to use structural bathroom pods within such a framing system. They were chosen primarily because of the very tight spatial constraints of the building.

Client: Peabody Trust
Architect:  Feilden Clegg Bradley LLP
Structural Engineer:  Michael Barclay Partnership
Steel Frame Consultants:  Forge Llewellyn
Contractor: Rok Llewellyn
MMC Advisor: Mtech

2 Misconceptions About Prayer

2 Misconceptions About Prayer

Prayer. As a word of expression, it is commonly used. As a religious activity, it is widely known and even practiced. Christian churches know all about prayer. You can pretty much guarantee that no church gathering ever takes place without prayer taking place at some point during the gathering. Individually, Christians may engage in prayer occasionally or as a regular habit.

Much can be discussed about what prayer is all about and what it isn’t. Let’s take time to clear up and correct 2 misconceptions about prayer.

Misconception #1.  Prayer is NOT about a scheduled activity.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says we are to pray without ceasing. That means incessantly, without remission, without stopping. When we think of something we actually do without stopping, it’s probably breathing. Breathing is a part of life. It is necessary to life. We can see prayer in that light as well. It is not a scheduled activity or appointment you make with God sometimes. Prayer is an ongoing communication and connection with the Father.

Prayer must be your lifestyle. It must be part of your daily life for it is necessary to maintaining a well-grounded life on this earth. God must be in our everyday. The more we keep Him out, the more difficult and complicated life becomes. The more we keep Him in, the more manageable and more joyful living becomes. God is ever present and we are ever before Him. It is our sad choice to shut Him out and ignore Him during the day (or night). We can and we should maintain easy communication with Him because the access is always there.

Let prayer be your way of life. Send breath prayers to God all day. Stay your Spirit in His presence and be attuned to Him throughout your day.

Misconception #2.  Prayer is NOT about asking.

In prayer, there is asking. But, there is much much more. In Matthew 6, the Lord Jesus Christ tells us that the Father knows full well what we need of even before we ask. Technically, there is no need to ask our Father because He knows exactly what we need and we know that He will come to our aid and provide what we need. He will supply us with what He knows is best for us. So, why ask anyway? Because prayer is about seeking.

By prayer, we seek the heart and mind of God. He knows what’s good for us. He knows what we need. But many times, it is us who are not sure of what’s best for us. It is us who cannot distinguish between real need and ‘just’ felt need. When we ask and God provides, we learn that we asked for the right thing. When we ask and God withholds, we learn that we asked for the wrong thing. This guides us towards making better requests to Him and seeking better things in life the next time around.

By prayer, we witness the power and realness of our God. When we pray and wait for God’s answers, we become more observant of His workings. We become more sensitive and aware of His movement and dealings in us and around us.

Prayer is not about asking. It is about knowing and discovering more of God and more of ourselves. That is why in Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus encourages us to literally keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking. In doing so, we will give our full attention as we receive, as we find, and as we see doors open before us.

Maintain prayer in all its aspects as much as you can. Ask, praise, have sorrow for your failings, seek guidance, seek the giver. Do these and see your prayer life deepen, see yourself grow more secure in His love and wisdom.

3 Ways That You’re Wasting Your Time

We’re all guilty of wasting time at some point in our lives. Some of us will leave doing household chores until the last minute because we’re too busy watching TV, or we will finish a project late because we were out with friends. We constantly put ourselves through the stress of trying to do something at the last minute, however, there will come a day when ‘last minute’ isn’t going to cut it, especially when you’re a Believer. As Christians, we too waste our time doing things that are useless.

I’ve compiled a short list of 3 things that we’re better off not doing because it just wastes valuable time.

1. Trying To Change A Person

Some people like to play GOD. We go about trying to change our spouses, children, parents, co-workers, friends… but let me tell you something, friend: we do not have the power to change anyone! That’s GOD’S job, not ours. GOD is the one that can harden or soften a person’s heart- remember Pharoah? The guy that wouldn’t let GOD’S people go? GOD hardened that man’s heart to show His might as the great I Am. GOD would also soften the hearts of people in power so that favor would be shown to His chosen people, and then when the Israelites rebelled, well, let’s just say that GOD really knows how to make a point. Of course, we can pray for these people, we can share the Gospel with them, and we can make our lives a living example of Christ’s love for the Lost. You cannot force Jesus on the Lost- not even GOD forces Himself on anyone. They have to be ready to come to Him on their own and accept Him as their LORD and Saviour.

2. Waiting For A Wife/Husband

Oh, the futility of this. Are you that woman who scans the church for any male newcomers, hoping that one may be your intended? Or are you that man who hunts through Christian dating sites (huh? A dating site for Christians? It’s like no one believes that GOD will bring them their spouse at the right time) for a potential wife? Maybe some of you are even flicking through people’s profiles on social media and sending them messages when one happens to catch your eye. Stop. Just back up a bit there and relax. GOD has got this figured out, Beloved. He knows who you’re going to marry and when you’re going to marry. Focus on GOD, get involved in church, go on outreach missions, reach out to people- you might just find your intended when you least expect it. So, just breathe and give all that valuable time to GOD.

3. Being Angry At GOD

Some of us like to throw little temper tantrums when we don’t get our way. We might even shake our fists at GOD and ask why. We are wasting our time, Family. You can’t get mad at GOD! We are just mere humans who only understand in part- how dare we question the Almighty? It’s not going to change anything (or you might just get a nasty surprise). I understand that sometimes we may be hurt because a loved one died even though you prayed and fasted for them, or disappointed when you hear of GOD’S inaction when it comes to child rape and molestation. Let me make one thing clear: it is not GOD’S will that people should suffer, but we do live in a fallen world filled with people hellbent on destroying their own lives and the lives of others. And yes, Satan is constantly pushing iniquity (just look at society now). Your prayers may not have been answered or answered in the way that you would have liked, but that doesn’t mean that GOD has stopped listening or that He doesn’t care. First, examine your life and make sure that there isn’t anything blocking your prayers, and then remain confident in GOD no matter what happens. That’s what having faith means- you need to believe even when you do not see anything happening or when things are falling apart.

There are rules to everything. There is a lot that goes on in the spiritual realm that we are not aware of, things that impact the physical realm. When we are praying for someone’s salvation, there is a war going on in the spiritual realm. You are essentially pushing back evil with your prayers so that Jesus may shine the light of His Gospel on them. Just because you cannot see anything happening, does not mean that all things are as they seem. Do not give up praying for your family and friends, because your prayers are doing something.

GOD’S timing is always perfect; He is never late or early, He is always right on time. That job that you need, that spouse you’ve been praying for, the grandchild that has gone off the deep end- GOD hears your prayers and He is working on it. You need to be faithful though, do not doubt today and then believe tomorrow.

Finally, you need to rest in GOD. Your life may be in chaos or things just don’t seem to be happening, but you need to rest. That doesn’t mean waiting around for things to happen- that is being passive. Be active in your faith and continue to do GOD’S work.

The Ideal Home Exhibition: Live-in Quarters

The Ideal Home exhibition has not always been the first place to look for cutting edge housing design in recent years. But in 2002 two ground-breaking apartments were demonstrated – the Live-in Quarters concept house and the Space over keyworkers prototype. Over 10,000 visitors to the exhibition registered their interest in gaining further information when construction started, thus proving the enormous demand for high-quality accommodation of this kind.

Live-in Quarters (LQ) is both developer and manufacturer waiting to supply the London market. It has produced a family of concept houses for low-cost accommodation designed to suit single people and key workers. It has been set up specifically to deal with the problems of London and anticipates high rise schemes of six to 12 stories built in a galvanized lightweight steel frame. LQ propose to have their own factory located in East London. LQ customers are seen as those who wish to get on to the first rung on the property ladder, frequently key workers and single people earning less than £30,000 a year. They took a brief from Keep London Working, the result of which was the 26m2 flat exhibited at the Ideal Home Exhibition which provided total privacy and security with individual showers, WC, and kitchens. They also exhibited a two-story unit where the first floor contained an executive 33m2 studio. In addition to the normal options for mortgage purchase, shared equity and rent, they are planning to offer a new form of tenure called equity rent. In simple form, this enables residents to convert their rent into a percentage of the equity depending on the period of time they stay in the property without any risk of negative equity.

Architect: The Design Buro, Levitt Bernstein

3 Truths About Christianity

3 Truths About Christianity

Is Christianity about religion? Is it about a particular group of people, organization, or movement? Christianity can be viewed in so many ways. Here are 3 truths about what Christianity is about.

1. It’s about being in a relationship with Christ.

John 1:12 says that all who receive Christ and place their faith in His name are children of God. By faith in the saving work of Jesus on the cross, we are given new life. We become born of God.   Before salvation, God is just our Creator, but at the point of salvation, our Creator God becomes our actual Father. Galatians 4:6 says through the Holy Spirit given to us, we can now boldly cry “Abba, Father.” Strong’s explains this Greek word Abba to be a [tender endearment by a beloved child – i.e. in an affectionate, dependent relationship with their father; “daddy,” “papa.”] The highlightt is not just on our position in God but on our relationship with Him. We enter into this new relationship once and forever. No one and nothing can ever take us out of God’s hand and love. (John 10:28 and Romans 8). No one can take our sonship away and God Himself will in no way disown us.

2. It’s about being a follower of Christ.

A Christian bears the name of Christ. He is marked by Christ. To be a Christian is to bear the identity and character of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that one who is in Christ is a new creation. Everything is not instantly perfected but literally all things are in the process of becoming new and better. As a Christian, I am now enabled to living and becoming better than before. As I abide in Christ I am transformed into His image from one degree to another. There is no stand still for a Christian and there is no hopeless case. It is false to believe that “I am just this way. I can’t help it. There’s nothing I can do about it. Life’s just bad. I can’t do anything about it.” 2 Timothy 1:7 says God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

3. It’s about having a family stronger than flesh and blood.

John 1:13 talks about being born into the family of God. The family of God is also referred to in the Bible as the Church. Romans 12:5 talks about the church being one body while Colossians 1:18 talks about Christ being the head. In these passages we understand that all of God’s children are related and connected. Our bond is spiritual. The Holy Spirit links us all. He is our spiritual genetic trace. Our connection is tight. Ephesians 4 16 says the whole body is joined and held together.

All of God’s children have one Father, one Lord. Black Panther says in the MCU movie, “More unites us than separates us.” The same holds true among God’s people. Denominations and methodologies vary but there is only one Lord and one fundamental to faith and relationship with God. It’s sad that preferences and traditions become a point of heated conflict among Christian groups and churches today. It should not be so. Error to faith and doctrine is a serious thing that Christians should guard and reason against. But when it comes to extra Biblical matters, no Christian should hate or disown a brother just because they differ in the way of worship, music, evangelism, or even holding church worship programs and events. There is what we call respectful and loving disagreement and Christians should apply that when necessary.

Kirk Franklin Architect for a new American Musical Genre

Kirk Franklin has, without a doubt changed modern music more than any other artist in the last two decades. He has been called the architect of a new American musical genre. The 48 year old minister incorporated contemporary Hip-Hop music with traditional gospel choir arrangements to reach out to the youth with a positive and uplifting message.

Franklin was born and raised in Fort Worth, Texas. He began playing the piano at the age of four. By the time he was out of kindergarten, he was singing and playing on the church gospel circuit. At the age of seven, he was offered a recording contract. Thinking that he was too young, his aunt declined the offer. At age eleven he was appointed a minister of music at Mount Rose Baptist Church. He began to write, arrange and re-arrange Christian music. “My first triumph”, recalls Franklin, “was turning Elton John’s “Benny and the Jets” into a gospel tune.” At nineteen he did his first home recording and in 1992 he began to realize he was a new gospel sound. In choosing the artists that comprise The Family, he handpicked seventeen of the richest voices in the area.

In 1993, after much prayer and reflection, he with a brand new fledgling label, ‘Gospo Centric’. In January 1997 Gospel Centric was named the number 1 Gospel label in the country, fielding five artists and eight in the top 20. In seven short years, Kirk Franklin became a musical superstar.   He broke barriers, crossed musical boundary lines, and achieved success unknown to any other gospel artist at that time. For the first time in history, a gospel music debut album sold over 1,000,000 copies. His first album went double platinum. Kirk and the Family has remained top of the Contemporary Christian, Urban, R&B and video charts. His debut album established Franklin as the leader of a new gospel music by expanding the genre to encompass contemporary R&B and Hip-Hop. The base for this new genre has grown exponentially. His second album, Kirk Franklin the Family Christmas sold over 500,000 in weeks.

Franklin’s latest project scheduled for a late spring or early summer release features youth group 1 Nation Crew. The CD is just as diverse as the members of the group, which is multicultural and is expected to cross-cultural barriers around the world. The group recently performed a single from the CD on Morning America. Franklin and his wife Tammy live in Arlington and have two children; Kerrion, and Kennedy.

Has Kirk Franklin gone too far?   He  has drawn some controversy with his Hip-Hop hit flavoured tune with a gospel message. Entitled ‘Stomp’ Featuring Salt and Pepper.

Steve Jones, a reporter from USA Today reported on March 21st, 2000.

‘Kirk Franklin says the debate over whether ‘Stomp,’ the phenomenal funk-driven, hip Hop flavoured hit, is truly gospel music, is still simmering. He’s undeterred in bringing his messages of Salvation and uplift to young people by using the beats of the streets. He says he’s on a mission to counter the negativity found in some of today’s popular records, but he can’t do it if he doesn’t get kids’ attention first. “I’ve got kids, and I had to throw some of my son’s (R&B and rap) CDs away,” says the father of three.’

Franklin says we are trying to make testimonial messages from the church more accessible to everybody’.

But is this really the right way?

I believe music is important to God because it informs apart of the worship and is  continually rendered under him in heaven. Now some of us are going to be shocked when we get to heaven, it’s going to blow are minds, you hear some people saying, they ain’t gonna do that in heaven.   As Christians we use music to express praise, and to awaken a devotion, and gratitude to God.   Satan has devised numerous counterfeits to deceive us into worshiping  him.  See the devil wants us hang up on music, whiles souls are perishing, he wants us to be in the church arguing about the style of music. Some are critical about the beat, but have not won one soul to Jesus.

The Perils of Living in a Technologically Advanced Age

The Perils of Living in a Technologically Advanced Age

Technological advancements have provided Christianity a greater platform to propagate the Gospel of Christ and to further the cause of God’s Kingdom on earth. There is a downside to this, however. Perils may surround the unwary Christian and sweep him away from right living.


In a 2016 survey, adult Americans spent an average of 5 hours on the television. A survey on Australian kids revealed an average of 12 hours of online watching and 10.5 hours of television watching. The figures give insight to a likely trend ongoing worldwide. Those with access to television and Internet programming are pouring a big chunk of their time into this form of entertainment.

1 Corinthians 6:12 teaches us an important principle through Paul: “You say, “I am allowed to do anything”—but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything.” Christians, young and old, must find a right balance between relaxation and productiveness.


There are lots to see and discover online and thru print media. New innovations, new products, new services, new places to visit, new experiences to try; information to all these are within reach. The curious and the adventurous will want to try them all. And there’s nothing wrong with that. Caution must be exercised so that one doesn’t become addicted to buying things and accumulating stuff. Addicted hoarders and spendthrifts started out with a few finds.

Caution must also be exercised so that one doesn’t fall prey to the practice of “Keeping up with the Joneses.” Social Media does a great job in updating us of the latest trends and news. We see what new thing our friend or celebrity idol has recently acquired and we start to desire the same thing for ourselves. What others acquire and achieve may become our standard for success and happiness if we are not careful. Jesus warns us in Luke 12:15 to “Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”


It’s fun to share one’s experiences online.   That bargain you were able to get, that fun trip you had, that awesome view that you were able to see; these are good things you can share with others. In most instances, what people share on social media inspires others or gives information which other people may need one day.

Caution must be exercised that this doesn’t become a habit with an underlying motive to brag or be prideful about something. In Galatians 6:4 we are reminded in this way: “Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else.” So, when you post something online, ask yourself what you really hope to achieve and be careful not to share anything under false pretense or to gain unnecessary attention to yourself. 1 Corinthians 10:31 says that whatever we do, the honor should be towards God. Self-exaltation is never right.

Let technological advancements be fruitful for you. Access and enjoy these innovations with moderation and whatever you do, maintain the right motives and mindset.



Two Ways To Handle Your Worries

Worries are a normal part of life we all deal with. There are present situations or potentially brewing events that can legitimately disturb and agitate us. It is a blessing to know that as a child of God, these worries need not lead to debilitating fear or loss of joy and happiness. Following are two ways to handle worries:

1. In the matter of provisions, pray.

Phil 4:19 is a promise that God will meet our needs- the essentials of life. It can be hard for those in an  impoverished state to understand and trust this promise but God’s Word says so. It doesn’t guarantee that we won’t face hunger and a lack of necessities. The apostle Paul himself recounted instances wherein he faced hardship and loss of physical provisions but he also recounted stories of the many times God showed up to ease burdens and bring relief. He was burdened, yes; but he also found relief.

In an earlier verse (verse 6) Paul reminds us to “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” It is worth highlighting the phrase with thanksgiving. Believers must remember to maintain a heart of thankfulness at all times. Job is an inspiring testimony about thankfulness. In his book of account, he shares the following:

(a.) “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away; may the name of the LORD be praised.” (Job 1:21)

(b;) “ Should we accept only good things from the hand of God and never anything bad?”(Job 2:10)

2. In the matter of physical wellbeing and safety, trust.

Sickness and danger are valid concerns. When something befalls us, faith may be shaken. When things don’t look good, we may doubt the God who lovingly watches over us. Remember to continue to trust. Death has always been a sure end. Physical degeneration is a natural occurrence. Our physical life on earth right now is temporary. The eternal life hereafter is what’s permanent and lasting.

David inspires us in Psalm 23 to fear no evil even in the midst of danger and death. “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” (v.4) God will be there at the threshold. His comfort will ease us into eternity.

Scriptures also teach us that we are here for a definite period of time, a period God in all wisdom has appointed for us. “You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (Psalm 139:16). To a child yielded to God’s will and purpose, there is no dying before one’s time.   We are here while our purposes remain unfulfilled. When we’ve accomplished what God would have us do, He will welcome us into eternity.  


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