Who’s In Charge of the Christian Blogosphere?

in 2017 Christian Today Blogger asked  “Who’s In Charge of the Christian Blogosphere?”

The rise of the blogosphere in the early 2000s yielded the genre of the “spiritual blogger.” From the comfort of their living rooms, lay people suddenly became household names, wielding influence over tens of thousands of followers. A new kind of Christian celebrity—and authority—was born: the speaker and author who comes to us (often virtually) as a seemingly autonomous voice, disembedded from any larger institution or ecclesial structure.

Godinterest has  given occasion to a whole new set of conversations about Christianity in public life and represents a tremendous opportunity for publication, discussion, cross-fertilization, and critique of a kind never seen before. In principle, at least, the Internet offers an opportunity to break down old barriers and engender new communities.

“The Purpose at Hand Is to Foster a More Self-Reflective, Collaborative, and Mutually-Aware Christian Blogosphere.”

Savvy Godinterest users have available to them the means to develop a quite sophisticated picture of their readership. So what is missing,  perhaps  the following?

“The Spiritual Wisdom and Religious Insights of the Bloggers That Currently Use Godinterest Continues to Provide the Life’s Blood of the Site.”

It should be evident by now that the Christian blogosphere is no unified thing, However,  with its ease of access, the Godinterest certainly offers the means for under-represented voices  to find a public voice. With greater flexibility, Godinterest offers the opportunity for a renaissance in serious Christian social media coverage.

Is there really a Christian Blogosphere?

The very idea of a Chrsitian  blogosphere – a network of blogs devoted to discussing the place of Christianity in public life – is in essence what Godinterest is becoming.

The community at Godinterest  represents the possibility of a common conversation among a diverse set of voices. Godinterest allows for far more cross-fertilization among far-flung communities than currently exists, and a wider variety of Christian bloggers will   no doubt benefit from being in  closer proximity  to one another which will inadvertently  facilitate interaction.


Academics Have Taken to Godinterest Like Ducks to Water

Once upon a time, a blogger was defined as someone who published personal musings on an online journal.

Today, blogging is a major component of  content marketing  — a practice  88 percent of B2B marketers  now leverage to raise brand awareness and promote products.    In an astounding feat of bits and bytes, the internet buzzes with activity, teeming with thousands of terabytes of digitized information flowing  every minute.

The Stature of Web Authoring Is Growing Both Personally and Professionally.   WordPress Is Great, But It’s Not Always The Best Solution!


With that being said, even though WordPress is one of the most beloved website building systems out there and  powers 25% of the internet, that doesn’t mean it’s the  best choice for everyone in the world  who wants to publish articles online.

Godinterest,com has  given occasion to a whole new set of conversations about religion in public life. Godinterest represents a tremendous opportunity for publication, discussion, cross-fertilization, and critique of a kind never seen before. In principle, at least, the Internet offers an opportunity to break down old barriers and engender new communities.

The purpose at hand is to foster a more self-reflective, collaborative, and mutually-aware blogosphere and community.

Why bother?

The growing influence of blogs is indisputable.  The mainstream press is looking more like the blogosphere. Old-guard newspapers and magazines now host blogs by reporters and columnists on their websites.  Because of their ease of publication and use, blogs have changed the shape of public discourse in society as a whole and around religious questions in particular. Godinterest is a powerful and flexible medium, one uniquely suited to providing the space for vibrant, diverse, and productive discussions about religion around the blog posts its users create.

“Academics, especially in the arts and humanities, have taken to Godinterest like ducks to water.”

– Dean Jones

Savvy Godinterest users have available to them the means to develop a quite sophisticated picture of their readership.

Social Media Envy!

Sin - exceedingly sinful
Anyone currently active on social media knows that Godinterest is slowly developing  into an incredible phenomena. Idea sharing and photo sharing combined in the ultimate setting of graphic after graphic, interests and likes can be decided and shared in two clicks or less. There hasn’t been a day before now where the saying “A picture is worth a thousand words” is more true.
Can we  just tell you that there are a ton of posts  on Godinterest  that fall under the categories listed above?   And that is why people  love it! But we do need to check ourselves  from time to time as there is a  danger that we just might be forming the wrong thought pattern about certain things, thereby transforming them into sin.

“If You Are a Christian Who Seeks God with Your Whole Heart, You Are a Target.”

Instead of playing the comparing game on social media, what if we stick to the guideline of God’s Word? Let’s seek recipes, means of hospitality, and all sorts of ideas and content, yet be sure that we do so without envy and with our identity firmly planted in #Christ.

“We Live in a Time of Great Stress, When Trials Can Come upon Us Suddenly and Leave Us Overwhelmed, Weary and Confused.”

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in #Christ  Jesus – Philippians 2:4
Has Facebook, Twitter  or other social media ever made you feel inadequate or envious? We  would love to read your thoughts about this topic!

We’ve included ten of the most  voted  photos posted on#Godinterest  so far in  2015.


“God wants full custody, not just weekend visits.”

“You Call It Religion, I  Call It a Relationship.”


“Don’t Forget to Give It to God in  Prayer.”

“Seek First the Kingdom of God. But Jesus Said, Suffer Little Children, and Forbid Them Not, to Come unto Me: For of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven.”

“I’m Not Alone. God Is Always with Me…  We Are at War! Satan the Devil Hates Us and Wants to Destroy Us. We Must Be Aware of Our Enemy’s Weapons and Tactics, Because Our Spiritual Life Depends on It.”

“Don’t Shine SO OTHERS CAN SEE YOU, SHINE SO THAT Through YOU, OTHER CAN SEE Him… One of Satan’s Strongest Weapons Is  Pride.  Pride Is Always a Danger, Especially When Things Are Going Well, Such as in Times of Peace and Prosperity (Deuteronomy 8:11-17)”

“Make the Water Stop? Or Thank You, Lord for Loving Me, I Welcome You in My Heart.”

“I Want to Be Do Full of  That If a Mosquito Bites Me It Flies Away Singing There Is Power in the Blood!”

“Nothing Is More Impressive That a Person Who Is Secure in the Unique Way God Made Her.”

Godinterest continues to withstand attacks by hackers and censors as the media outlet expands. A hacking attack which took place over the weekend inflicted superficial damage which was quickly repaired. Hackers remain unable to penetrate the site’s security, but the unwanted attention shows that the evil is hard at work.

Is Organ Donation A Sin? Should Christians Donate Their Organs?

Organ donation is the donation of biological tissue or an organ of the human body, from a living or dead person to a living recipient in need of a transplantation.

General misconceptions connected to Christianity and organ donation  have made many people think that the act is prohibited by their religion  when in reality, there little or  no rules that actually prevent people from receiving  blood transfusions or organ  transplants.

Some religious denominations are against organ donation, but major religions by and large allow the act and even encourage it. Some profess that the teachings of  Christianity and organ donation go hand in hand.  However, within each religion there are different schools of thought, which means that views differ.

Heart and Lung Transplant Success After 2.5 Years.

It’s safe to say that most  Anglican, Protestant and Catholic scholars agree that the organ donation is a beautiful selfless act.

Protestant denominations have given their seal of approval to organ donations. The Lutheran Church refereed to  the act as manifestation of sacrificial love for people who are in need. The Presbyterian Church has encouraged its members to have Universal Donor Cards. The Seventh Day Adventist Church has a pediatric heart transplantation floor in its California hospital. Even the Amish, who have been seen to generally avoid  modern technology, allow organ donation in order to help others.

The Church of England has declared that it is the duty of a Christian to donate one’s organs. But the church stated that there are different views on whether an opt-in system was proper.

We believe  that Christianity and organ donation  are entwined  with each other as Christians we are taught to love our  neighbours.

The Merit of Self-Sacrifice    #Godinterest .

The Catholic Church has voiced out its support to donation. The late Pope John Paul II praised the work of transplant surgeons during an international conference in 2000, but he asked them to avoid transplants with stem cells. Former Pope Benedict XVI has announced that he is an organ donor.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Quakers do not object to the practice and leave it up to their members if they want to put up their organs for donation or have transplants.

Love one another is the most basic teaching of Christianity and we believe organ donation is one example of how you can apply it to your life.

Remember there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. (John 15:13) Being an organ donor is the Christian way of showing you care for your neighbors.

Visual Journalism for a Cause: The Waiting List | the Visual Student.

Most would agree that nothing’ could possibly be worse than when a chance to donate an organ is missed because of a  false belief that donation is prohibited.



Jesus Christ the Original Blood Donor.

Ever Thought of Jesus as a Blood Donor? For  Ephesians 1.7  States “In Him We Have Redemption Through His Blood, the Forgiveness of Our Trespasses, According to the Riches of His Grace.    Christians should be encouraged to help others in need and look upon organ donation as an act of love, and a way of following Jesus’ example.

Sacrifice and Helping Others Are Key Themes Across All Forms of Christianity, and Therefore a Decision to Donate Organs Is Seen as a Positive Thing.

Is organ donation prohibited by your religion? Do you agree with organ donation?

The Perfect Mission Field

If we were going to design the perfect mission field at Godinterest, here is what it might look like:
  1. It would be filled with millions of unsaved and accessible youth and young adults.
  2. It would be a place where people openly, regularly, and publicly share their opinions, thoughts, feelings, concerns, fears, and needs.
  3. It would be a place where people connect with other people in community, and people like and expect to meet new people.
  4. It would be a place where many people provide a picture and a little information about themselves so you can know a little about them before you communicate with them. It would be a place where it is okay to be creative, different, and to just be you.
  5. It would be a place where people openly debate, discuss, and exchange ideas on spiritual matters.
  6. It would be a place where people like to go and hang out.
  7. It would be fun and people would smile and laugh.
  8. It would be a place that is very close to home so we could get there quickly and getting there would not require immunizations, or passports, or plane trips and it would all be free.

The Truth Is, We Are Not Called to the Perfect Church; We Are Called to the Mission Field.

As we seek God’s will, it is helpful to analyze who we are: our abilities, our interests, our opportunities, the counsel of wise friends we respect, what gives us the greatest joy, and also the tug of our hearts.

This perfect mission field exists right now, down to the last detail. It exists on the Internet in a public online service that connects people in community: blogs, personal webpages, and discussion groups on Godinterest.

Kingdom of God

Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the #kingdom-of-God  was a saying given by Jesus in the New Testament. From Matthew 18:1-6 (KJV)

We Care for Children Because, Whether We Are Aware of It or Not, There Is in All of Us God-Given Knowledge That Little Ones Are So Precious.

They deserve  more  care because they are defenceless. They are a gift. They demand a great deal of attention, oh yes; children are  costly, but there are supposed to be. They teach us that life isn’t just  about us,  but  about others and that we  will be more  fulfilled  and  more happy when we sacrifice our own comforts in order to love our neighbour.

Below are some inspirational  photos about #kingdom-of-God  we found  on  Godinterest

This Life Isn’t Easy; Most of the Stages of Our Lives Are About Sacrifice and Suffering.

The world is surrounded by wars, hunger and poverty. And sometimes it gets hard to find goodness above it all, but we  don’t know if you see this, but this is the exact temptation that we face. Our sin naturally inclines us to see kids not as a blessing but as a distraction, not a joy but a  drain.  How wrong we are, and how rebuked by #Jesus’ example.

A Magic Moment from The #City-Of-God.  

Have you seen the film? Well we truly believe “a child is like a blank canvas On which we  may create a  painting so beautiful. But let me tell you – and make no mistake Whatever the colours are, that we  decide to choose Will make this child a winner or one that may just loose So as you take that paint brush, to leave your lasting mark Remember that your actions, determine this child’s spark Every stroke upon that canvas can never be undone.”  (Deborah Chaplin)

The Tells Us That Children Are a Reward from (Psalm 127:3). According to the Promise of Proverbs, a Child Who Is Diligently Trained in The “Way He Should Go” Will  Remain True to That.

Unfortunately,  Children Are the Real Victims of World Hunger: At Least 70% of the Malnourished People in  the World Are Children and Around Forty Thousand Children a Day Die of Starvation. Many People Are Already Motivated to Help Children in Need , However, What Are You Doing to Help?

Jesus Said, “Suffer Little Children, and Forbid Them Not, to Come unto Me: For of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven”. This Is So Like Jesus. In One Sentence, He Gives Us a Whole Theology of Children, One That Blows  Us Away and Dramatically Redefines  Our Thinking.

Chidren from Afghanistan Grown in Pakistan Refugees Camp by Muhammed Muheisen.

This is who we at Godinterest aspire to help. We  think of there  future all the time. We  write so that someday, she, and others like her, will have an equal chance to succeed and to live a happy and productive live.  Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,  the fruit of the womb a reward Psalm 127:3.

For of Such Is the #kingdom-of-God.

Children  just keep on giving. However, the world has  declared war on our children. They have wiggled and moved and jumped at their parents’ voices, and then they have suffered violence, and writhed in death. This is not sensationalist. It is cold, hard fact.  The gospels leave us with many important clues, none more important than this. How did the Lord Jesus treat children?

And Finally, as a Christian Parent, You Have the Wonderful Privilege, and Responsibility, to Claim the LORD’s Word, His Promises, for the Conversion of Your Children…  Behold, Children Are a Heritage from the LORD,  the Fruit of the Womb a Reward  Psalm 127:3…

What Do You Love Most About Children?

Bibliography Information
The heart of Jesus’ teachings centers around the theme of the kingdom of God. This expression is found in sixty-one separate sayings in the Synoptic Gospels. Counting parallels to these passages, the expression occurs over eighty-five times. It also occurs twice in John (3:3, 5). It is found in such key places as the preaching of John the Baptist, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near” (  Matt 3:2  ); Jesus’ earliest announcement, “The time has come”¦ The kingdom of God is near. Repentand believe the good news!” (  Mark 1:15  ; cf.  Matt 4:17  ;  Luke 4:42-43  ); the prayer Jesus taught his disciples, “your kingdom come” (  Matt 6:10  ); in the Beatitudes, “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (  Matthew 5:3  Matthew 5:10  ); at the Last Supper, “I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it a new in the kingdom of God” (  Mark 14:25  ); and in many of Jesus’ parables (  Matthew 13:24  Matthew 13:44  Matthew 13:45  Matthew 13:47  ;  Mark 4:26  Mark 4:30  ;  Luke19:11  ).


In God We Trust

Often the biggest issue with a person moving forward in their Christian lives is his or her ability to trust God.

We’re no strangers to the phrase, “In God We Trust” was adopted as the official motto of the United States in 1956 as an alternative or replacement to the unofficial motto of E pluribus unum, which was adopted when the Great Seal of the United States was created and adopted in 1782.

We find the phrase  on bumper stickers and t-shirts, in songs and poems on Godinterest, and even on currency. It’s not without controversy either. Debates continually rage over whether such a motto is even constitutional, with Christians often  at the forefront seeking to preserve it. But in the midst of all the noise, have we forgotten what it really means to trust in God?

Below are some inspirational  photos about #In-God-We-Trust  we found  on  Godinterest

…take a look at this man,  he looks tougher than steel, and he probably is. Meet Navy Captain Conrad Targonski, the assistant chief of staff for religious ministries…

…To men in combat, the Lord seems always nearby.  A Marine at Con Thien, Vietnam wears his faith, alongside earthly goods, on his helmet…

…water is life. Photo taken in Hoi An (Vietnam).  First and foremost, trusting God means placing our faith in Jesus alone for salvation. Nothing we do can earn our salvation. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Ephesians 2:8–9)…

…being unwanted  and  unloved and forgotten by everybody, can be  a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than a  person who has nothing to eat.  Philippians 2:4  says, let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.  Sure, people who trust in God and  follow Jesus do these things all the time, but do  you? …

…this also means we don’t have to worry about anything. In fact, we’re commanded, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).  Are you ready to become a “Ballerina” for Christ?…

…Soldier Praying…  So much can be written about prayer, but the key point is that it is not optional. Prayer is essential to the Christian life; as Christians, we are even commanded to pray. As a Christian, you can no longer stop praying than you can stop breathing…

…communities need God’s guidance.  Rochester, New York police sergeant Clifton Manns, Sr., left raises his hand in prayer with other police officers at the New Life Fellowship on June 21, 2008. More than 200 police officers, church pastors and community members gathered to ask God’s help in ending community violence…

…the Pentagon has released a statement confirming that soldiers could be prosecuted for promoting their faith.  Discipleship demands sacrifice, and Jesus never hid thatcost… Would you still follow Jesus if it meant losing your job?…

…trust your gut”¦ That’s God speaking through you.  God speaks to us through dreams and visions. How often have you felt an impulse of the Spirit touch your heart and direct you towards Himself? God is constantly speaking to us, revealing His heart. So do you truly trust God?…


Lecrae: “Jesus Muzik”

Jesus Muzik” is the second single from  Lecrae’s second studio album,  After the Music Stops. It is critically acclaimed and was nominated for two GMA Dove Awards.  The song also features fellow  Christian hip hop  artist  Trip Lee. The lyrics discuss the problems with the content of secular  hip hop, and the importance for  Christians  of listening to  Christian music  to glorify God.

Christian Hip Hop (Originally Gospel Rap, Also Known as Rap, Gospel Hip Hop, or Holy Hip Hop) Is Hip Hop Music Characterized by a Christian Worldview.

One thing that is clear, is that for as long as we can remember  Christian flavored Hip Hop was looked upon as a step child of the genre.

Most Would Agree That the Extent to Which Christian Hip Hop Lyrics Are Explicitly Christian Seems to Vary Between Bands.

That is  until artists such as #Lacrae  Moore emerged a  Grammy Award–winning rapper who now, like it or not, represents the face of the gospel hip-hop movement  with hit  songs like “#Jesus Muzik,” “Don’t Waste Your Life” (based on the sermon by John Piper), and “Black Rose. Hashtag #Lacrae  has also been trending on Godinterest since Godinterest  introduced YouTube, Vimeo, Sound Cloud and various other social media post embedding.

Another thing that is clear is that Bible Christianity, if practiced properly, will make you extremely UNPOPULAR with the world, just as it did John the Baptist, and the early Christians in the Book of Acts.

And so we seem to have two main groups:

  1. A  large proportion of Christians that  say you can’t repackage secular  music and label it as being “Christian”  (it  maybe  “religious hip-hop”; but it  certainly  isn’t  Christian like), and
  2. A group  who  firmly believe that  it all depends on who your singing too?

So which group  are you and why?


10 True Love Stories

The definition of love in the British and World English in Oxford dictionary states that LOVE is “A strong feeling of affection: babies fill parents with intense feelings of love their love for their country”.

However has love left you confused?

There are a few things most people say love isn’t. Some people say isn’t a feeling. Some people say that although real love is often accompanied by strong feelings, love does not equate with the sense of floating on clouds unlike the type of love that movies, television, and songs portray. Some people say that  friendships and relationships wouldn’t last long on emotions alone. In fact, most academics  say that knowledge is the basis of a healthy relationship.

However what does the bible say about love?

This verse certainly describes the characteristics of true #love.

“Love Is Patient, Love Is Kind. It Does Not Envy, It Does Not Boast, It Is Not Proud. It Is Not Rude, It Is Not Self-Seeking, It Is Not Easily Angered, It Keeps No Record of Wrongs. Love Does Not Delight in Evil but Rejoices with the Truth. It Always Protects, Always Trusts, Always Hopes, Always Perseveres. Love Never Fails.” —  I Corinthians 13:4-8a (NIV)

These qualities can most definitely  be found in #Jesus  #Christ, and should perhaps exist in all truly loving relationships.

Included below are some  of the sweetest and most heart touching #loving photos posted on #Godinterest  so far  during this  festive season.

A Soldier Meets His #Baby for the First Time.  the Bond Between Parent and Child Is One of the Strongest Connections in Nature.

We  Love Seeing Old Couples. It Gives Us  Hope That Can  Stand the Tests of Time. “Young Love Is a Flame; Very Pretty, Often Very Hot and Fierce, but Still Only Light and Flickering. The Love of the Older and Disciplined Heart Is as Coals, Deep-Burning, Unquenchable”. – Henry Ward Beecher

Forever Love in Cuba by RHahn

Gereational Thinking Means Thinking Beyond Yourself. Knowing That Every Action, Belief, Conviction You Settle for Now, Will Have a Definite Impact on the next Generation. This Is Such a Great Theme…

Jesus Replied, This Is the Work (Service) That Asks of You: That You Believe in the One Whom He Has Sent [That You Cleave to, Trust, Rely on, and Have Faith in His Messenger]. (’­John’¬ ’­6’¬:’­29’¬).

So Jesus Can Relate to Suffering and Pain. In Fact, His Essential Purpose in Leaving His Kingship in Heaven and Condescending to Take Mortal Form Was to Suffer. And It Started with His Birth.


Homeless and Impoverished Children Living in New Delhi, #India, Receive a Free Education from Two Volunteer Teachers.


Greg Cook Hugs His Dog Coco After Finding Her Inside His Destroyed Home in Alabama Following the Tornado in March, 2012.

You’re Never Too Young to Start Praying! Are  We Right? The Truth Is, We All Need a Moment with God, Whether It’s to Thank Him, Praise Him or Ask Him for a Little.

The scripture is God’s love letter to mankind, the most amazing Valentine card ever written and in its pages is the description of the ultimate act of love and sacrifice and also, Gods blueprints for true love and true romance.

And Now These Three Remain: Faith, Hope and Love. But the Greatest of These Is .And now these three remain: faith, hope and  #love.

So what is your love made of, surface romance or real romance rooted in unselfish sacrifice? Is it about all you want to get from someone else, or all you want to give?

Mom This Is How Godinterest, The Christian Social Network Works

Godinterest  is an online photo-driven Christian social networking tool in which users re-post  images  of whats happening on the web and in their lives along with links to things they think are simply #Godinteresting, funny, or useful to their followers (“following” being essentially what “friending” is on other sites). People use #Godinterest  in many ways, some as a newsfeed by following prominent people or networks, some as a pseudo-chatroom by limiting their followers and whom they follow to close friends and family, and some as a microblog for updating people about the work they are doing and their personal lives using photos.


Godinterest  users choose who they do and do not follow. They have total control of what news they receive on their ‘following’ page. When I refer to your “homepage”, I’m referring to the feed that you see when signed into Godinterest  containing your and your followers posts. This is different from your personal Godinterest  page (Godinterest.com/yourusername) which contains all of your posts  including your replies to other users. You can have an unlimited amount of followers, but only follow a select few people if you want, making it easy to stay in touch with the people you care to stay in touch with.


Anyone that follows @you will see your posts  on their homepage.    By putting another person’s @username at the start of a statement, it will  show up in  their notifications.


Direct Messages are private messengers  (to other Godinterest  users / the general public) that are exchanged between two users that follow each other. You cannot direct message someone that does not follow you and vice versa. Direct messages are the only private way to converse on Godinterest. “DM’s” are basically like emails. They are unsearchable on Godinterest.


Hashtags # are a way to label posts  so that other users can see posts  on the same topic. Hashtags contain no spaces or punctuation and begin with a “#” symbol.

Godinterest  users create trending topics by using hash tags. For instance, a user might create a hashtag as a fun way to start a conversation like #God #Bless #Christian #ChristianSocialNetwork
Lastly, hashtags are used to punctuate statements or jokes on Godinterest. Some Godinterest  users make sentence-long hashtags for comic effect.

Check out some of the most touching images posted to Godinterest today.

….#Christmas Angels By David Brandt Berg For the Christian, every day can be Christmas! #Jesus showers His love down on us every day of the year. But sad to say, it’s not that way for so many poor folk…


…“I’ve Got Some Scars, But I’m Still Alive.” | The Prude Girl’s Blog

…The Destiny of the Unevangelized: Universal Opportunity | #Liberty Community Online


What Would Jesus Pin?

The phrase “What would Jesus do?” (often abbreviated to WWJD) became popular in the United States in the 1990s and as a personal motto for adherents of Evangelical Christianity who used the phrase as a reminder of their belief in a moral imperative to act in a manner that would demonstrate the love of Jesus through the actions of the adherents.  This saying has become a guiding principle for many Christians.

As simple as it seems, the question—What would Jesus Do?—still leaves us  wondering.

However, we’re flipping that around and asking you the question, WWJP—Would #Jesus Pin? or Post?  Do You Really Want to Know?

First Peter 2:21 says that Jesus left us “an example, that we should follow in his steps.” So, it’s admirable and biblical to ask “WWJP  —What would Jesus Pin?”  

Everyone who knows anything about the gospels—and even those who don’t—knows at a basic level that Jesus was a friend of #sinners.  Yet we  find ourselves constantly challenged by Jesus’s example to make sure we do not turn away outsiders in a way that Jesus never would.

If the truth be told Jesus was a friend of sinners not because he winked at sin, ignored sin, or enjoyed light-hearted revelry with those engaged in immorality. Jesus was a friend of sinners in that he came to save sinners.

We  looked at the four gospels with the  above  question in mind and discovered seven priorities that guided Jesus.  He would seek the Father for the strength and wisdom to embrace, restore, confront, teach, serve, and equip the people around him.

These seven priorities should drive us back to the gospels to take a fresh look at how Jesus lived. As users of the social networking websites  we need to keep asking ourselves—#What Would Jesus Pin?  or Post. It’s a great question. But remember: If you’re not sure what Jesus actually did in his life, then you’re just guessing at what he might do in yours.

We’ve included some of the most compelling photos posted to Godinterest this week.

I love doing these portraits, and our friend suits them perfectly!

Lucky enough to go into the enclosure with Mia, this gorgeous female #cheetah at the WHF Centre in Smarden, Kent

A  Chinese paramilitary police recruit being shipped to start his service in the Zhejiang province began to tear up in this photo, taken on Dec. 12, 2010.

Kevin Berthia was talked out of jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge by this police officer in 2005. He has since become an advocate for suicide prevention and has started a family.

Starving boy and #missionary

True  #love

We  want to hear  from you, when you write a message, share a photo, or a video online, do you stop and think about what it says about you as a  believer?  


What Would Jesus Pin?

What Would Jesus Pin

The phrase “What would Jesus do?” (often abbreviated to WWJD) became popular, particularly in the United States but elsewhere as well, in the 1990s and as a personal motto for adherents of Christianity who used the phrase as a reminder of their belief in a moral imperative to act in a manner that would demonstrate the love of Jesus through the actions of the adherents.[

In popular consciousness, the acronym signifying the question–WWJD–is associated with a type of bracelet or wristband which became a popular accessory for members of Christian youth groups, both Catholic and Protestant, in the 1990s.[

Theological background

The Roman Catholic Church emphasizes the concept of Imitatio Christi (imitation of Christ), which is summarized well in the English phrase “What Would Jesus Do?”

The phase What would Jesus pin? was coined in 2014 with the relaunch of Godinterest.

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, in 1766 postulated the concept of Christian perfection, a moment in the life of a Christian at which the regeneration effectuated by the Holy Spirit results in a “perfection in love” which means that at least at that moment one is being motivated wholly by love of God and neighbor, with no taint of sin or ulterior motives in effect. While such Christian perfection is expressed in outward action, it is also the effect of grace. Indeed, Wesley could speak of sanctification by faith as an analogous doctrine to the more widely held belief in justification by faith. Because Christian perfection is also visible in outward good works and a rigorously moral lifestyle, adherents of the Holiness movement assumed that a perfectly moral lifestyle is a consequence (not the cause) of the state of grace and ultimate salvation.

Earlier appearances of the term, 1420s—1891

Charles Spurgeon, a well-known evangelical preacher in London, used the phrase “what would Jesus do” in quotation marks several times in a sermon he gave on June 28, 1891.[5] In his sermon he cites the source of the phrase as a book written in Latin by Thomas à Kempis between 1418 and 1427, Imitatio Christi (The Imitation of Christ).

13 Powerful Photo Stories That Captured Our Attention This Year

Another year over, a new one about to begin. What better time to remember the visual stories from 2014 that reminded us humanity is a beautiful, complicated mess?

We cannot be everywhere, yet photographs take us nearly everywhere. Our vision is formed by what we see from those images. For example their  was a  recent trending discussion on how terrible it was that young children, as young as two, were smoking in parts of Indonesia. Why? Because visuals of children smoking were posted on Godinterest. Such images hit us right in the gut.

Every week 100s  of pictures are shared on Godinterest. In this post we are going to show you some of the images that caught our attention this week. Powerful pictures that everybody in the world should see. Photographs that will make you think, will make you stare  and feel the emotions of that moment and perhaps will make you weep.

Some of them are popular photos that you probably have seen before, and others are pictures telling stories of ordinary people.

You will see desperate people facing the end, photos of unexpected events  and photos about affection, stories of war and stories of love.

Islamist War on Christians is extending into Turkey.  Turkey’s President Erdogan is already facing international calls to respect human rights in Turkey following last weekend’s failed coup. Now he’s also being encouraged to champion the rights of Christians living in the country as well. The call is coming from the Anglican Church’s venerable man in Istanbul, Canon Ian Sherwood, who for 28 years has been chaplain of the British consulate there and priest of the Crimean Memorial Church in the city. ‘As long-centuries established Christians in Turkey we are alarmed at how life is evolving in Turkey,’ says Sherwood, who warns that the climate of tolerance has changed in the country, which is more than 99 per cent Muslim, mainly Sunni. ‘We wish Turkey peace and tolerance – the same tolerance that most societies west of Turkey enjoy.’

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Bruno Morandi captures a tribal Chhetri woman in Nepal. [2009]

Survivors of Super Typhoon Haiyan, which left 1.9 million homeless, take part in a #religious procession in Tolosa on the eastern Philippine island of Leyte.

Reflections of a Hurting #Missionary

Fatherless | #God Loving Woman

The Cost of Routine Booze Madness | Walking Is Still Honest –  One Dollar by Ryan Hardgrove

3 weeks old infant with albinism snuggles up to his cousin for a snooze.

Giving Freely of Your Resources as Unto the #Lord.  Keep in mind how little you know about people, situations and circumstances in life.

Daddy’s Slippers – #God  is Good Thank you Abba for your Love❤️ ❤️ #God  the Father God the Son God the Sprit ❤️ Thank You ❤️

A Rwandan boy left scarred after being liberated from a death camp.

Hhaing The Yu, 29, holds his face in his hand as rain falls on the decimated remains of his home near Myanmar’s capital of Yangon (Rangoon). In May 2008, cyclone Nargis struck southern Myanmar, leaving millions homeless and claiming more than 100,000 lives

Latest in the  children of war series. A young african boy is not even given a glance as a soldier walks by. children are discarded and tossed away…

Thanks for visiting us today! Check back at #Godinterest  for more original breathtaking photo-stories every week

Thousands watch Passion of Jesus Performance in Trafalgar Square

Christian Man Sentenced to Death for Blasphemous WhatsApp Message

A Pakistani Christian man has been sentenced to death for blasphemy after he sent a Muslim friend a poem on WhatsApp that insulted Islam, a lawyer said on Friday.

Nadeem James  was charged in July last year  after his Muslim friend, Yasir Bashir, complained to local police that he received a poem on the messaging app that was derogatory towards the Prophet Mohammed.

“Mr James was handed a death sentence by the court on Thursday on blasphemy charges,” Anjum Wakeel, the lawyer of James  told AFP.

“My client will appeal the sentence in the high court as he has been framed by his friend, who was annoyed over Mr James’ affair with a Muslim girl.” Wakeel added.

He said the trial was held inside a prison due to security reasons after local Muslim clerics had threatened James and his family.

Court officials confirmed the sentence.

A sensitive topic in Pakistan

Source: Wikimedia
Source: Wikimedia

Within the deeply conservative Muslim-majority country, blasphemy is seen as a sensitive issue and legally punishable by death, where often unproven accusations can stir violence.

In 2011, a personal  bodyguard assassinated the provincial governor  of Punjab, Salman Taseer, after he called for the existing blasphemy laws to be reformed.

In 2014, a  Christian couple was lynched  in a kiln in the province of Punjab after being falsely accused of desecrating the Quran.

Several rights groups have said the laws are routinely abused to seek vengeance against ethnic and religious minorities.

Link to Original Post

When Images Speak Louder than Words

They say, “a picture is worth much more than a thousand words”. When we read a story about the someone’s life experience  — it often has a lot less impact on us than seeing the emotions captured in a photograph.

To illustrate this further, here are some  of the most powerful and captivating photo’s added to Godinterest this week.

Philemon 1:4 I Thank My , Making Mention of You Always in My Prayers  as Our  Praise Is Not Predicated on What  Does, Are Praise Is Contingent on Who  Is and Since He Never Changes Our  Praise Should  Never Change.

Russian Soldier Preparing Himself for the Battle of Kursk, July 1943.  #God  #Jesus

Cardiac Surgeon After an 23 Hour (Successful) Heart Transplant.

Living on a Dollar a Day – Co.Exist

Chile’s Puyehue Volcano Erupts.

Children Crying War



As seen on