Kingdom of God

Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the #kingdom-of-God  was a saying given by Jesus in the New Testament. From Matthew 18:1-6 (KJV)

We Care for Children Because, Whether We Are Aware of It or Not, There Is in All of Us God-Given Knowledge That Little Ones Are So Precious.

They deserve  more  care because they are defenceless. They are a gift. They demand a great deal of attention, oh yes; children are  costly, but there are supposed to be. They teach us that life isn’t just  about us,  but  about others and that we  will be more  fulfilled  and  more happy when we sacrifice our own comforts in order to love our neighbour.

Below are some inspirational  photos about #kingdom-of-God  we found  on  Godinterest

This Life Isn’t Easy; Most of the Stages of Our Lives Are About Sacrifice and Suffering.

The world is surrounded by wars, hunger and poverty. And sometimes it gets hard to find goodness above it all, but we  don’t know if you see this, but this is the exact temptation that we face. Our sin naturally inclines us to see kids not as a blessing but as a distraction, not a joy but a  drain.  How wrong we are, and how rebuked by #Jesus’ example.

A Magic Moment from The #City-Of-God.  

Have you seen the film? Well we truly believe “a child is like a blank canvas On which we  may create a  painting so beautiful. But let me tell you – and make no mistake Whatever the colours are, that we  decide to choose Will make this child a winner or one that may just loose So as you take that paint brush, to leave your lasting mark Remember that your actions, determine this child’s spark Every stroke upon that canvas can never be undone.”  (Deborah Chaplin)

The #Bible Tells Us That Children Are a Reward from #God (Psalm 127:3). According to the Promise of Proverbs, a Child Who Is Diligently Trained in The “Way He Should Go” Will  Remain True to That.

Unfortunately,  Children Are the Real Victims of World Hunger: At Least 70% of the Malnourished People in  the World Are Children and Around Forty Thousand Children a Day Die of Starvation. Many People Are Already Motivated to Help Children in Need , However, What Are You Doing to Help?

Jesus Said, “Suffer Little Children, and Forbid Them Not, to Come unto Me: For of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven”. This Is So Like Jesus. In One Sentence, He Gives Us a Whole Theology of Children, One That Blows  Us Away and Dramatically Redefines  Our Thinking.

Chidren from Afghanistan Grown in Pakistan Refugees Camp by Muhammed Muheisen.

This is who we at Godinterest aspire to help. We  think of there  future all the time. We  write so that someday, she, and others like her, will have an equal chance to succeed and to live a happy and productive live.  Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,  the fruit of the womb a reward Psalm 127:3.

For of Such Is the #kingdom-of-God.

Children  just keep on giving. However, the world has  declared war on our children. They have wiggled and moved and jumped at their parents’ voices, and then they have suffered violence, and writhed in death. This is not sensationalist. It is cold, hard fact.  The gospels leave us with many important clues, none more important than this. How did the Lord Jesus treat children?

And Finally, as a Christian Parent, You Have the Wonderful Privilege, and Responsibility, to Claim the LORD’s Word, His Promises, for the Conversion of Your Children…  Behold, Children Are a Heritage from the LORD,  the Fruit of the Womb a Reward  Psalm 127:3…

What Do You Love Most About Children?

Bibliography Information
The heart of Jesus’ teachings centers around the theme of the kingdom of God. This expression is found in sixty-one separate sayings in the Synoptic Gospels. Counting parallels to these passages, the expression occurs over eighty-five times. It also occurs twice in John (3:3, 5). It is found in such key places as the preaching of John the Baptist, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near” (  Matt 3:2  ); Jesus’ earliest announcement, “The time has come”¦ The kingdom of God is near. Repentand believe the good news!” (  Mark 1:15  ; cf.  Matt 4:17  ;  Luke 4:42-43  ); the prayer Jesus taught his disciples, “your kingdom come” (  Matt 6:10  ); in the Beatitudes, “for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (  Matthew 5:3  Matthew 5:10  ); at the Last Supper, “I will not drink again of the fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it a new in the kingdom of God” (  Mark 14:25  ); and in many of Jesus’ parables (  Matthew 13:24  Matthew 13:44  Matthew 13:45  Matthew 13:47  ;  Mark 4:26  Mark 4:30  ;  Luke19:11  ).


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35 Replies to “Kingdom of God”

  1. Is the kingdom of God something we experience now, or something that is in the future?

  2. A commemorate you all for your willingness to share the Gospel and Love of Jesus Christ! As times get harder, it will be more and more difficult for the Children of God to share their faith openly. The next generation needs to be taught the Love of Christ so that the story of Christ and his loves carries on.

  3. Children are precious to our holy God yet our culture teaches us that they don’t have a right to live. That human selfishness excuses death. Murder has become “choice.” Just in the US alone 3,500 babies are murdered every day. 1.2 million a year. Lives snuffed out. God loves his most innocent children. What are we as Christians doing for the voiceless?
    Thank you for sharing that children are a blessing from the Lord. Please help me be a voice for the voiceless.

  4. IS ACTS 2:38 SUBJECT TO INTERPRETATION? by steve finnell

    Should Scriptures be interpreted or should they be read and understood? When men claim that Scriptures are subject to interpretation, what they normally mean is subject to explanation according to their denominational view point. Case in point Acts 2:38.

    God’s Point of View: Acts 2:38 Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let everyone one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall received the gift of the Holy Spirit. (NKJV)

    Man’s Interpretation: Peter said to them your sins were forgiven and you received the gift of the Holy Spirit the minute you believed. Repentance and water baptism follow forgiveness from sins and reception of the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    God’s point of View: Acts 2:38 Peter, “All of you must turn away from your sins and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then your sins will be forgiven. You will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.(New International Reader’s Version NIRV)

    Man’s Interpretation: Water baptism is simply an act of obedience and is not essential to the forgiveness of sins. Receiving the gift of the Holy Spirit precedes repentance and water baptism.

    God’s Point of View: Acts 2:38 Reconsider your lives; change your direction. Participate in the ceremonial washing of baptism in the name of Jesus God’s Anointed, the Liberating King. Then your sins will be forgiven, and the gift of the Holy Spirit will be yours. (The Voice VOICE)

    Man’s Interpretation: Bible commentaries and church catechisms are more accurate than the Bible.

    God’s Point of View: Acts 2:38 Peter replied, “Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ so that your sins may be forgiven. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. (The Thompson Chain-Reference Bible NIV )

    Man’s Interpretation: God is not smart enough to guide men into an accurate translation of the Bible. It has to be explained by Priests, Preachers, and denominational leaders.



  5. Thank you for stopping by my place recently as it gave me the chance to visit you. I may not have a “label” anymore in regards to my spirituality but my walk began with Christian and later Catholic roots. I would say the story of Jesus is my favorite part of the Bible and I wish more attention would be paid to the parts of it you seem to emphasize here – the good parts, of the Good book. If the Bible is to be cherry picked…pick the best fruit! This post emphasizing the importance and potential in children and the post you did on Love really stand out to me. In the Bible I have (The NIV Study Bible, 10th Anniversary Edition 1995), in the concordance, the word Hate is referenced over barely 2 pages and Love in almost 4 full pages. Someday I hope to see this same, drastic contrast in our world.

  6. Awesome! The very best part of all you have said also applies, in a very special way, to every grown up. If we understood that what Jesus said also reflected the Fathers love and consideration of His children, the things called for here and always true for how to care for children, would become a most common occurrence! Shine On! Laurie

  7. “We as a people have care for children because, whether we are aware of it or not, there is in all of us God-given knowledge that little ones are so precious.”
    I would like to add to the above that it gets even better because we as adults are also very precious in His sight, we too His very own children.

  8. Wow! I was unaware of the scripture you referenced in regards to Jesus’ outlook on children. The combination of the Jesus’ words and the photos pierce deep into my being. This post has affirmed by desire to do anything I can to assist impoverished children.

  9. Amen! Wonderful piece, impactful imagery, words of Truth… hopefully, more than a brief glimpse, but action will be induced!

  10. Absolutely lovely post. Children need encouragement. Colossians 3:21 say, “Fathers, provoke not your children to anger, lest they be discouraged.” Don’t put them down, lift them up instead.

  11. Their innocence.They say what is really on their mind not what is sugar coated politically correct; and they assume everyone else tells only the truth also.

  12. Children are lovely, extremely cute and never hide their feelings. They absolutely innocent and seldom try to get favors from anyone. They have skins I would kill for and they bodies feel even better than clean pillows. I love their smiles, their laughs and even their cries. I love the way they slept right beside me. I even love the looks on their faces when they did something wrong. I remember how happy they were when sitting on my husband’s shoulder and how adorable they were while opening their Christmas presents. I watched them grown up day after day until they all left home for college. Now that my son don’t even shaves on weekends and my daughters are regularly having make-up on their faces. But to me, they are just as lovely as they were 20 years ago. Too bad that my husbands and I won’t be having babies any more! If I were given a choice now, I honestly don’t mind having another one or two.

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