
How To Defeat The Enemy

In this fight against unseen foes on this side of heaven, we must take hold of Truth. Scripture has invaluable instructions for us to equip ourselves in the battle with the devil. Remember that victory is yours. Jesus saved us completely on the cross and has provided everything we need to live victorious lives. Even […]


Total Dependence

The story was told of A group of young men that were meeting by a river. During their usual horseplay, one of the men fell into the water. Immediately, this fellow began to thrash around, and it became obvious that he was an inexperienced, weak swimmer. Another member of the group, a strong swimmer, stood […]


Total Dependence

The story was told of A group of young men that were meeting by a river. During their usual horseplay, one of the men fell into the water. Immediately, this fellow began to thrash around, and it became obvious that he was an inexperienced, weak swimmer. Another member of the group, a strong swimmer, stood […]


Wisdom Wednesdays

What did Jesus mean… ‘I have come that they may have life, and they may have it more abundantly’? Jesus was making his intentions very clear, He came to bring abundant life to His people – present and future. “The Greek word for ‘abundance,’ perissos, has a mathematical meaning and generally denotes a surplus… The abundant life is […]



Today is the day my little island of Grenada celebrates its independence. True spirituality shows us the tragic consequences of sin and our search for independence. We are all born with a missing dimension caused by the sin of wanting to live independently of God. This sin separates us from Him. The only way to […]


You Can’t Cleanse Yourself

The little boy’s hand was dirty, so his mum asked, “Are you planning to get the dirt off your hand?” “Sure, Mom” he said “I’ll just wipe it off with my other hand.” There was only one problem with the boy’s plan. One dirty hand and one clean hand rubbed together equals two dirty hands. […]


100 HostRooster Services for Christian Entrepreneurs: Embrace Change, Make Things Happen

“A true leader is someone who steps up and makes the world a better place.” – Cher Wang, co-founder of HTC Corporation. Ladies and Gentlemen, let’s welcome the visionary businesswoman who’s not afraid to dream big and make things happen. Cher Wang, with her innovative spirit and determination, has inspired countless entrepreneurs to turn their […]


Whose Am I

A Christian actress was asked how she could live and work in Hollywood and still be true to her convictions. Her answer was simple: “I always try to remember whose I am.” For her, the most important thing was to keep her identity as a Christian, no matter what. It’s easy to forget whose we […]


Your Curses Can Be Undone

In the beginning, God placed human beings in a garden sanctuary, where God could live and work with them to bring about the flourishing of His world.   Through the deceit of the snake, humans were tempted to disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit. They desired to be “like God, knowing good and evil.” […]


Wisdom Wednesdays

Have you ever been disrespected? Do you remember how you felt in the moment? How you responded? Who disrespected you? Disrespect occurs when a person is regarded or treated with contempt, discourtesy or rudeness. The reality is at some point in our lives we may be disrespected or treat someone disrespectfully. King David, in the […]


God’s Mini-Me

When my Grandson was three-years-old he was full of life and vigour. Whenever he ran into the house or I walked into theirs, he would shout, “Granddad!” and charge towards me. He was my mini me, they would say. We walked the same. We have the same gestures always and he seem so excited shouts […]


Worry That Causes Greed

In the past, I have been called greedy. I didn’t think I was greedy until I read this passage again. Jesus warns us to watch out for all kinds of greed. The kind of greed I usually thought about had to do with very wealthy people wanting more. But Jesus doesn’t focus on that kind […]


5 Ways Christian Apparel Designers Can Use Hostrooster to Grow Their Business

Christian apparel refers to clothing items that are designed and marketed to Christian consumers. These can include t-shirts, hats, hoodies, and other clothing items that feature Christian symbols, messages, or Bible verses. Some Christian apparel designers also create jewelry, accessories, and home decor items that feature similar themes. Hostrooster is a web hosting platform that […]


Hear My Cry

In the Old Testament, The Israelites were the people of God, they were chosen to become a nation through whom God would bless all other peoples. But, we see in the opening chapters of Exodus, God’s chosen people were in a bad way. The people of Israel had become slaves in Egypt. And in this […]


Call On God

David, who was anointed to become King of Israel, had many enemies, and he wrote the words of Psalm 18 at a time when God delivered him from those enemies, including Saul, the King he would then replace. David was so overwhelmed by his enemies that he felt as if “the cords of death entangled” […]


Christ Throughout Creation

In the creation story of the first two humans, the cast of characters is actually more extensive than it appears at first glance. Of course, there are the two humans and God the creator. But, there’s also the Spirit, hovering over the scene. And there’s the second person of the Trinity, the Word who was […]