Godinterest a Christian Social Network

Digital-Journal-LogoGodinterest.com allows members to upload and share photos from across the web with other users and create boards.

For those who love the social media site Pinterest but want to share within a Christian environment Godinterest could be a safe family friendly Christian alternative. A new online photo-sharing platform which strives to have Christian content, the site has been developed by Dean Jones a devoted Christian.

Jones, a 35-year-old Project Manager from London said, ” The popular photo-sharing Web site Pinterest.com is known for allowing its users to post a wide range of content. However, we are mindful of the values that we as Christian’s are bound by. Godinterest will enable our users to share within an Christian Social Network.“

However, should Christians use social media?
Jones said, “In today’s busy world, I believe that Christian ministries need to engage the public with social media and that there is added value in doing so. However, learning even the basics of social media can be a daunting task that’s why like Pinterest, Godinterest was designed with the beginner in mind, this means that people can easily create an account that they can use to market and brand their business.”

Godinterest is presently being used for organizing ideas including Church events, travel planning, inspirational quotes, home decorating ideas, meal planning and advice, wedding or event planning, activities for children, or any combination of ideas one’s heart desires.

When asked what’s special and about Godinterest Christian Social Network? Jones stated the following points:

  • Share Button – “Following in the footsteps of Pinterest’s Pin-It Button, The Godinterest share button makes it easy for users to collect the things they find on the web. After its installed, users just need to click ‘Share on Godinterest’ whenever they see something they want to share.”
  • Visual Imagery – “Imagine getting to do window-shopping of all the best and most creative things in the Christian world without having to go to the mall. Would you rather browse a beautiful shop or a list of items in a catalog? It is the use of visual imagery that sets Godinterest apart (in an important way) from traditional (text based) bookmarking sites.”
  • Organised Sets – “Godinterest has a way to organise these single images into sets. This adds a layer of value (Christian quotes, books, music and so on) to an otherwise Godinteresting photo.”
  • Self Expression – “Another innate human trait, there is a need to leave our mark on the world, to show how we see and experience God worlds. This shows up in how we decorate homes and trips we’ve been on, restaurants we have enjoyed, putting our spin on another person’s picture.Godinterest boards are a form of this self-expression, whether in the topics that interest users, or how they choose to fill a godinterest board to make it inspirational!”
  • Social Sharing – “Once we create something, we naturally want to share it with others. In this respect, I think Godinterest (just like Pinterest) lends itself better to social sharing far more than other services do. Think about how all the distasteful stuff that ends up in the news feed in other sites. But, contrast that with something created by someone else that you might find personally relevant, or at the very least simply amazing.”
  • Simple User Interface – “Want to increase participation in something? Lower the bar on what’s required.”
  • Discovering New Sites – “Use Godinterest to discover more Christian sites and products.”
  • Posts – “Unlike the posts on other sites, the posts on Godinterest have no expiry date.”

Godinterest could also offer both parents and teachers an easy, engaging way to share resources with other parents.

Jones said, “Did you ever notice all of the bulletin boards and posters covering the walls of most classrooms? Teachers have been part of the bulletin board culture for ages. Godinterest gives teachers the ability to do the same thing in a virtual environment. Boards provide a virtual space for teachers to share activities, lesson plans, and ideas.”

Savvy Christian business owners could use this social media site to market their business.

Jones said, “Godinterest Christian Social Network is a fun way to put all of your favorite Godinteresting in one spot, but be aware, it is very addictive! If you serve a congregation, educators or families, you could have a great friend and outreach tool in Godinterest. “

Free registration includes access to all of the website’s features, including sharing images with friends, following friends’ updates and creating boards.

Read more here!

You’re Possessed, Now What?

You're Possessed, Now What?

“When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’

“And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order.

“Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.” Luke 11:24-26

Demonic spirits are constant – their existence does not change just because the times we live in have changed. While many Christians may believe that demonic possession is not possible for them and may not even be a reality for others anymore, the forces of darkness still continue with their rampage through the earth to take as many souls as they can before Jesus comes again. Instead of burying our heads in the sand, we should arm ourselves with GOD’S Word and remain vigilant because our LORD is fast approaching.

In warfare, it is advisable that each side learns as much as they can about each other. Many a time a spy will be sent to learn secrets that could have one gain advantage over their enemy. With the gleaned information, they can launch an attack that will either defeat their opponent or at least temporarily put them out of action. Based on Scripture, we know that, as Believers, we are in open warfare against “… principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12). Some Christians may say that this Scripture is not as relevant today as back then, but they would be in error. In Matthew 24:3-28, Jesus speaks of the Last Days. He tells us that wickedness will increase upon the earth in various ways, whether it will be a lack of love, false prophets etc. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 also describes these Last Days, how the condition of man will be and what to watch out for. What is behind this wickedness? Do you think that it is just man taking greater liberties in deciding what is right and wrong and even blurring those lines? Perhaps this Scripture will give you an idea: “We know that we are of GOD, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). Did you catch that last part of the sentence? The world is under the influence of the wicked one, the wicked one is Satan.

Seeing as how the world is being influenced by Satan, how is he doing it? Fallen angels, beloved, demon spirits. Their handiwork is open to your viewing pleasure, just check out the latest movies, the decrease in morals, the increase of hatred (especially towards Christians), popular music and their artists… they are everywhere! Still in doubt? Just go to Youtube and check out what is going on- people are constantly posting about the influence of these fallen angels. Some may not be credible, but I assure you that there are many truthful videos available. Make sure to pray about what you are watching, you wouldn’t want to be deceived into believing the wrong things now would you?

These demons are affecting the world through people. Demonic possession does not always mean that you’re going to levitate in the air, change your voice, become supernaturally strong etc. It just depends on the situation really. These demons are intelligent- they have been around far longer than you have (obviously), and they have been studying mankind all of this time. They have been essentially monitoring you-possessed or not. Being possessed is different with all people because each person is different. It still all boils down to the same thing really, but the circumstances are always individually influenced. Some people do not realize that they are possessed, they may feel something odd about themselves, but other than that they just don’t know.

There are demons for everything! Lust, hate, addiction, covetous, idolatry, adultery, murder, destruction, witchcraft, unbelief, death- you come up with the rest. Not only are there demons for everything (of an evil nature), but through these demons, you can receive counterfeit gifts. You know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, right? Prophecy, healing, wisdom… read 1 Corinthians 12 to find out what the others are (by the way, each Believer has a gift/s, it’s a matter of prayerfully finding out what they are). The dark kingdom also has their version of these gifts, thus counterfeit gifts. Remember when Paul and the other disciples had that one girl following them around and proclaiming them as servants of God (Acts 16:17)? The Scriptures tell us that she had a spirit of divination and earned her masters a living by fortune telling. This would be a counterfeit gift of prophecy. Well, Paul became quite annoyed with her and eventually commanded the spirit to come out. Boy, were her masters mad!

The counterfeit gift of tongues is often mistaken for the true one in many churches. Instead of communing with GOD, they are uttering curses down on the church. It’s sad really, this kind of atrocity can be prevented if only people adhered to John’s words in 1 John 4:1-3 and Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 14:27.

Let’s tackle a more taboo subject among Christians: demon possession of a Believer. You might say: Oh come on now, Steph, that’s not possible! When we accepted Jesus, those evil spirits had to go! Okay then, perhaps they did, but did you close your doorways? Doorways are the openings that you give the demons to dwell within you in the first place. Some doorways are through your own sin, some come about through dreams, others through traumatic events (eg rape, molestation etc) and others are hereditary.

Okay, you’re born again now. You have been freed from bondage to sin and the works of the devil. Perhaps for a few weeks, everything is okay, but suddenly all hell breaks loose. What could have happened? Read Luke 11:24-26 again. That demon/ s that were cast out of you, they roamed about, looking for somewhere to dwell. Well, they couldn’t find anything and decided to come back to you, just to see if they could try their luck. It turns out that you’re available and there is ample room for them to bring in seven more demons,   more wicked than the first lot. Now your situation is worst off than when you began. They came into your house (your body), through the door (your doorway). This doesn’t mean that you’re no longer Christian- salvation doesn’t work that way. It is by grace that you have been saved, not through what is going on with you. But guess what? According to Luke 10:19, you’ve got power and authority over these spirits and you can rebuke them and cast them out of you. If you’re not certain about doing it yourself, rather find true Believers to help you. Repent of the sin, ask for forgiveness from GOD, and finally, close that doorway in Jesus’ name, praying the blood of Jesus to seal up that door.

Some Believers are probably up in arms because of this, but I’ll explain this demonic possession a bit further- with Scripture of course. Look to Ezekiel 8:1-18. There were abominations in the temple of GOD, while the glory of GOD was there! So how does this fit in with us? We are the temple of GOD (1 Cor 3:16 & 1 Cor 6:19), the Holy Spirit dwells within us. So, if the abominations could dwell in the sanctuary of GOD while He was there, why wouldn’t a demon dwell within us if we commit a sin that opens a doorway for them or, through lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), we neglect to close the doorways already present? Instead of shying away, examine yourself. Were you involved in the occult? Did you dabble in occultic games? Were you raped, whether as a child or adult (please, I am not seeking to lay blame on rape victims, but this doorway is a major one), had an abortion? There are others, but I would advise you to please pray about this and get others to be in agreement with you. You are a child of GOD, you do not have to suffer alone. You can walk around, pretending that everything is okay, or assume that whatever problems are befalling you are trials sent by GOD. Often times certain sicknesses have demonic origins, some traumatic events happening (losing a loved one) have been caused by demons- there are just so many things caused by them because of their possession of you. And they have the right to- you didn’t close the door. Throughout the Scriptures, examples of spiritual laws are given- how the spiritual world operates, etc. That is why GOD has commandments in place, they are to protect you! When He says do not do something, He is keeping you from harm.

I’m not saying that all sins lead to demonic possession, of course not! But there are sins that do and you need to be aware of them. Please, study the Scriptures- the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. It is mighty indeed. There is life in the Word of GOD, and you need it amidst all this evil.

Ending Thoughts: “If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death, I do not say that he should pray about that. All unrighteousness is a sin, and there is a sin not leading to death” (1 John 5:16-17).

Christian Social Network

London, UK – The Web as a medium is so broad that for any person it can be ‘what you want it to be’. For some, it is merely best way of keeping in touch with friends and family by email. For others, it can be any or all of: finding new friends, seeking information and doing research, hearing news, playing online games, networking with others about a hobby or interest, sharing opinions, asking questions, making choices about purchasing, publishing their writing, photographs or videos, and much more. And so the opportunities for online evangelism are equally wide. And it is, in many ways, an ideal  mission  field.

Godinterest Christian Social Network allows members to upload and share photos from across the web with other users and create boards.

For those who love the social media site Pinterest but want to share within a Christian environment Godinterest could be a safe family friendly Christian alternative. A new online photo-sharing platform which strives to have Christian content, the site has been developed by Dean Jones a devoted Christian.

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Jones, a 35-year-old Project Manager from London said, ” The popular photo-sharing Web site Pinterest.com is known for allowing its users to post a wide range of content. However, we are mindful of the values that we as Christian’s are bound by. Godinterest will enable our users to share within an Christian Social Network.“

“On Facebook you see a lot of violence and pornography,” explained Dean Jones. “That’s why we thought of creating a network where we could talk about God, love and spread His word.”

However, should Christians use social media?
Jones said, “In today’s busy world, I believe that Christian ministries need to engage the public with social media and that there is added value in doing so. However, learning even the basics of social media can be a daunting task that’s why like Pinterest and Twitter, Godinterest was designed with the beginner in mind, this means that people can easily create an account that they can use to market and brand their business.”

Godinterest Christian Social Network is presently being used for organising ideas including Church events, travel planning, inspirational quotes, home decorating ideas, meal planning and advice, wedding or event planning, activities for children, or any combination of ideas one’s heart desires.

Godinterest virtual meeting place at a whole range of levels. Users can contact other people, post blogs, videos, and pictures, or discuss issues and interact in many other ways. Of course, it has long been possible to do these things online – but the Godinterest Christian Social Network combines them together in an easy coherent whole.

When asked what’s special and about Godinterest Christian Social Network? Jones stated the following points: ”

  • Visual Imagery – “Imagine getting to do window-shopping of all the best and most creative things in the Christian world without having to go to the mall. Would you rather browse a beautiful shop or a list of items in a catalog? It is the use of visual imagery that sets Godinterest apart (in an important way) from traditional (text based) bookmarking sites.”
  • Organised Sets – “Godinterest has a way to organise these single images into sets. This adds a layer of value (Christian quotes, books, music and so on) to an otherwise Godinteresting photo.”
  • Self Expression – “Another innate human trait, there is a need to leave our mark on the world, to show how we see and experience God worlds. This shows up in how we decorate homes and trips we’ve been on, restaurants we have enjoyed, putting our spin on another person’s picture.Godinterest boards are a form of this self-expression, whether in the topics that interest users, or how they choose to fill a godinterest board to make it inspirational!”
  • Social Sharing – “Once we create something, we naturally want to share it with others. In this respect, I think Godinterest (just like Pinterest) lends itself better to social sharing far more than other services do. Think about how all the distasteful stuff that ends up in the news feed in other sites. But, contrast that with something created by someone else that you might find personally relevant, or at the very least simply amazing.”
  • Simple User Interface – “Want to increase participation in something? Lower the bar on what’s required.”
    – Discovering New Sites – “Use Godinterest to discover more Christian sites and products.”
  • Posts – “Unlike the posts on other sites, the posts on Godinterest have no expiry date.”

Godinterest could also offer both parents and teachers an easy, engaging way to share resources with other parents.

Jones said, “Did you ever notice all of the bulletin boards and posters covering the walls of most classrooms? Teachers have been part of the bulletin board culture for ages. Godinterest gives teachers the ability to do the same thing in a virtual environment. Boards provide a virtual space for teachers to share activities, lesson plans, and ideas.”

“Savvy Christian business owners could use this social media site to market their business.”

Jones said, “Godinterest Christian Social Network is a fun way to put all of your favorite Godinteresting in one spot, but be aware, it is very addictive! If you serve a congregation, educators or families, you could have a great friend and outreach tool in Godinterest. ”

Free registration includes access to all of the website’s features, including sharing images with friends, following friends’ updates and creating boards.

Organ Trafficking: a Deadly Trade

Organ trafficking

One January night in 2004, Susan Sutovic was woken from her sleep by a persistently ringing phone. “It was an international call from Belgrade,” she says. “Telling me my son Petar was dead.” Twenty-four-year-old Petar Sutovic was, at the time of his death, staying in his mother’s holiday apartment in Belgrade and studying law. Petar’s body was allegedly discovered in his bed late at night by his flatmate.

The demand for organ transplants is so high that people are willing to pay a large sum on illegal organ trafficking. The growth of illegal transplants has risen due to the decrease of legitimate organs available. Fewer young people die in vehicular accidents on the road. The transplant waiting list continues to grow each year and as a result, unscrupulous organisations harvest kidney, heart and pancreas for rich clients.

Groups involved in illegal organ trafficking have set up websites where poor people can sell their organs to a broker, who in turn will deal with the traders. According to a study made by the World Health Organisation, traffickers unlawfully obtained around 7,000 kidneys in 2013.

In some instances, healthy individuals are kidnapped and forced to give up an organ. Other cases showed that some people were made to believe that they need an operation and didn’t know that the organ was removed during the surgery. Some people were just desperate to make ends meet and resorted to selling an organ or two.

Organ trafficking takes place at a rate of one per hour. This was according to an estimate made by the WHO. The practice has led to five to ten per cent of the total kidney transplants around the world. Majority of the victims of organ trafficking are children from poor backgrounds or children with disabilities.

Organs sold in the black market vary in prices. A heart can cost up to £1 million.

It is not only parts for transplant that are sold illegally. There is also a market for hip, knee and whole cadavers. In the UK, it is illegal to sell any organ but that doesn’t stop desperate people offering their kidneys, lung, or a piece of their liver in exchange for a large amount of money.

Organ trafficking is an organised crime that commonly involves a recruiter, transporter, medical professionals, contractors, buyers and the banks where the organs are stored before the actual transplant. The seller usually receives the smallest portion of the take as the largest portion of the money goes to the broker, medical professionals, and towards travel expenses.

Patients who are on the transplant waiting list are tempted to buy organs illegally on the black market.

Some people who sold their kidneys have stated that they do it for the money and said that what they did save lives.

Organ trafficking should be stopped. The EU has stepped up its efforts to curb the practice in Europe. One way of doing so is to promote legal organ donation. More people should be willing to donate their organs. This is the only way to finally end the practice of illegal organ selling.

How to Raise a God Fearing Child?

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

It’s every parent desires to raise up their kids in a Godly way and for them to follow and love Christ passionately. It becomes a tragedy when you as a parent does not have any idea on how to. What a hard nut to crack if the children decide to be rebellious and as a parent or guardian you are not rooted in the word of God?

This pushes me to ask this annoying question, “Are you living a life your child would love to emulate?” Live as an example and whatever principles you set he will follow them wholeheartedly.

Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Children are a blessing from God and it’s a joy when they are following the footsteps of our Lord Christ Jesus and doing things according to his will. As we were all born sinners, children aren’t an exception and unless you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in parenting, I tell you this is not for the faint-hearted but I’ll take you through ways on how to help you raise Godly children and for them to learn His attributes.

Pray for wisdom

James 1:5 says “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Praying, reading the word and exercising wisdom as you wait on God unlock many puzzles which the enemy can use to draw your children far away from his love. It doesn’t act like magic but takes the grace of God which will always sustain you. Implementing on what you learn from God’s word is highly recommended.

Protect your children

In this generation we are living in, children are surrounded by perverts, ungodly media and all negative influencers. As a parent, you need to take full responsibility to ensure that your children are protected from all vices. It’s your mandate for the Lord has entrusted them to you.

Control your children

Parents allow too much freedom to their children and it turns out to be very difficult to withdraw that freedom while they are older. You have the right to supervise what they’re watching, sites they log into to protect them from cyberbullying and to avoid technology controlling them. Monitoring whom they spend their time with is advisable. Teach them to walk in the “fear” of God and make them understand that there are boundaries. Be firm but with a lot of love.

Trying to turn children away from their wayward behavior comes with a lot of emotional burdens that takes massive effort to heal.

Have commitment and determination

Amos 3:3 says, “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?”

It’s obliviously a no! As parents, you need to agree and purpose on how to raise your children in a Godly way and with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit you’ll definitely emerge victoriously. Determination comes from within and the higher the commitment; awesomeness will be experienced by all.

Bless your children

Speak positively concerning your children. Bless them and speak to their future. The tongue has the power to curse and bless and you may not wish your child to live in resentment for the rest of his life because of the choice of your words.

Proverbs 12:18 says, “The words of the reckless pierce like swords but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Sieve every word that comes out from your mouth. Children can be rebellious at times and no matter how irresponsible they are, thank God for blessing you with that child. Talk to them about how their behaviors are weighing you down and at the same time appreciate them for their best part. Dwelling on the negativity will tear both parties down. Be wise.

Proverbs 23:13-14 says, “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die. Punish them with the rod and save them from the death.

Children are bound to be rebellious and little spanking is allowed as long as it won’t cause bodily harm. Do it with a lot of love though. Involve your children in daily prayers and set family devotional times.

Inspired by the Need for Wholesome Content Sharing, Godinterest Offers a Pinterest Alternative

Yahoo-Finance-LogoLONDON, April 23, 2014 For those Christians, entrepreneurs and ministries that use Pinterest but want to share within a Christian environment, Godinterest could be the answer to your dreams.

Speculation is growing about the content the owners of Godinterest will and will not permit, but how does it actually differ from Pinterest?


Godinterest was founded by Dean Jones, a Christian, to allow people to post within an environment that prohibits ill-mannered language and distasteful images.

Jones, a 35-year-old Project Manager from London, said,  “Pinterest is one of the leading social media sites; however, posts on Pinterest are not always guaranteed to be suitable for the whole family.  We are mindful of the values that we as Christians are bound by and therefore  Godinterest will help to provide an additional cushion of safety. I see this as a ministry and to that degree, non-Christians are most welcome; however, Christianity is not up for debate.”

Godinterest strives to have Christian content and like Pinterest, people can use Godinterest to  collect and share photos of their ffavoriteevents, interests and hobbies.

Jones said,

“Godinterest acts as a bespoke Christian media platform, whereby users’ content and the content of others can be browsed on the main page.  Its mission is to connect Christians through the interests they share. Users can upload images and embed videos to boards, which can be used to organise images they love from around the web or from their very own work.”


“Boards can also be used by educators to plan lessons and for later referral. Students can post and organise sources.   Each user’s boards are potential inspiration for the rest of the community and ‘re-posting’ is highly encouraged.”

Godinterest  also allows businesses to create pages aimed at promoting their businesses online.

Jones said, “A friend of mine who happens to be an atheist recently asked me where he could purchase a Bible. I stated that Amazon or eBay might be a good starting place. However, wouldn’t it be great if everybody could go to one location for everything Christian and find and create lists of what they wanted? There are millions of small businesses around the world; however, not all have a voice. Godinterest hopes to fill that gap by providing virtual store fronts.”

Accounts can be created and accessed by linking Godinterest to  Facebook,  Twitter  or LinkedIn profiles.

Read more here!

Anti-Christian Bigotry and Censorship Tactics Surges, Godinterest an Oasis Online

Christian Censorship

This press release was orginally distributed by ReleaseWire

Great Denham, Bedford — (ReleaseWire) — Social media sites (such as Wikipedia, WordPress, Facebook and Twitter) have played critical roles in real-world revolutions. The ability for the average person to spread news, ideas and general information – without corporate or government censorship has brought about massive power and freedom to people. But what happens when these key websites – the ones people rely upon to spread those messages start censoring that content? Bad things, right? Well, this seems to be happening a lot recently, especially to Christians and most recently to Elizabeth Johnston, also known as “Activist Mommy”, who was shocked when Facebook shut down her account for expressing biblical views.

So what’s the alternative?

Godinterest a Christian social networking service created in 2014. Its core purpose is to promote Christian values and facilitate spiritual inspiration through the sharing of photographs and other media in the style of Pinterest and Twitter. Its content includes media about Christian history, personal, family oriented stories and various contents from a Christian viewpoint.

The site was developed by Dean, a 39-year-old Construction Project Director from London. Jones said, “We are a Christian social networking website and are mindful of the values that we as Christian’s are bound by. God is the creator, his creation is not only humans but extends further than we can imagine. Godinterest enables users to capture elements of life from different points a view within a Christian environment and will never BAN users for quoting verses from the Bible unlike other mainstream social networking sites who have liberal agendas, including Wikipedia who mysteriously deleted the Godinterest page after a long reoccurring online debate.”

Jones said “Although this is the Golden Age of censorship, it’s hard to express the degree to which the Internet is changing society. With mobile technology becoming such a huge part of our lives most people couldn’t envision life without it. At every point within the bible God made a way for His Church to embrace the opportunities to tell more people of His love, and I believe that the Internet is no different. At Godinterest we couldn’t be more convinced that God has a purpose for this technology, and so Godinterest is dedicated to utilising it to empower believers throughout the world to share the life changing message of Jesus.”

“Churches can register and share their sermons, videos, photos and updates online. Church members can converse with other likeminded individuals in the safe knowledge that the information shared and stored will not be used for marketing or promotion. Non-Christians are also welcome.”

Other reasons to sign up?

  1. “Godinterest will not BAN users for quoting verses from the Bible unlike other mainstream social networking sites who have liberal agendas. Godinterest continues to withstand attacks by hackers and censors as the media outlet expands.”
  2. “There are no adds. I repeat, there are NO ADS. Users will never again click on a sponsored post which inevitably leads to a popup advert.”
  3. “If users decide to leave Godinterest their posts are deleted from the site forever.”
  4. “Our users friends won’t know your exact location If you’ve updated your Facebook app recently, you may have noticed that you now get a lovely notification whenever one of your Facebook friends is nearby. Luckily, it won’t happen with Godinterest. According to the website’s Godinterest collects only anonymous info about a users location, language, referring website and time spent.”
  5. “Godinterest isn’t trying to be the next Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter “Because Godinterest does not sell ads, Godinterest does not consider them to be competitors,” Dean said. “Godinterest considers mainstream social networking services as an advertising platforms. Godinterest operate’s on a non for profit basis.”
  6. “Godinterest lets users upload full-screen, high quality photos or animations to their profile.”

It’s clear that Godinterest values privacy in a way that no other social media site does. Jones said “Godinterest is not trying to sign up everyone in the world, if people are not into what Godinterest provides, they can go use Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter instead. Non-Christians are welcome.”

However, if people are ready to see what’s happening on Godinterest? Sign up today at https://godinterest.com.

For more information on this press release visit: http://www.releasewire.com/press-releases/anti-christian-bigotry-censorship-tactics-surges-godinterest-oasis-online-874270.htm
Read more: http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/3514545#ixzz4wGngug8D

Let’s Talk About Heavenly Calling

What is a heavenly calling? Is it common to all believers or is it unique and specific to each one? Clearly, God has set each of us on a unique path that we must travel on for His purposes. But common to all of us is our one united purpose: to give God the praise and glory in everything we become and do. (1 Cor. 10:31). Hebrews 3:1 talks of a heavenly calling that all believers are partakers of. ‘Calling’ in this verse means a “summon” and this particular passage points to a calling that all believers have been summoned to. Scriptures give various insight on our heavenly calling or what we are called to.

Called out of Darkness into Light

In 1 Peter 2:9 we find that the redeemed “are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” 1 Cor. 1:9 says, “God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Acts 1:8 tells us that with the Holy Spirt inside us, empowering and guiding us, God’s children will bear witnesses of Him across the globe.

God has called His elect for redemption and that doesn’t stop there. We are called out of darkness into His wonderful light. This means there is a change of destination, a change of direction, and a change of situation. We now are destined for heaven, walking in pursuit of His plans for our lives, and walking in the light of His Word. We also know that in all pursuits, bearing witness of the God who saved us is the utmost goal. A life lived in the light will demonstrate to the lost a very big difference in how we are faring compared to how they are faring. There is spiritual clarity and in the midst of doubts and changes, we stay solidly strong because we trust in a loving and an unfailing God.

Called to a Holy Life

God, the Holy One, desires holiness in our lives. In Leviticus 11:44 He says, “I am the Lord your God; consecrate yourselves and be holy, because I am holy.” He repeats immediately in the following verse: “Be holy, for I am holy.” Paul in 2 Tim. 1:9 gives insight by saying, “He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace.”

To live holy is to live separate and unique. It is to be different in mind and heart from those who live worldly or unspiritual. It is not a call to sinless perfection in rituals, but there is a call for growth and change, for betterment. It is a call for a heart and life that imitates the heart and life of God. It is a call to take on the mind of Christ, to be imitators of Him in every way possible. (Philippians 2).

Christians are not called to cut themselves off from the world nor to distance themselves from the lost. We are Christ bearers. We are to be among the people so that they have easy access to finding God through us. But as ambassadors for Christ, we are not to take on their identity nor their priorities and methodologies which go against the delight and honor of God. Let us be careful to fulfill our heavenly calling and never sacrifice it just so we can blend in with the crowd and be accepted of them. Let’s be bold about being different as God desires us to be so that they will know their need and seek the God they see at work in our lives.

11 Valuable Lessons We Learned from Noah’s Ark

Prayer for the End of The School Year

Everything I needed to know about life, I learned from Noah’s Ark (Author Unknown)

  1. Don’t miss the boat.
  2. Remember that we are all in the same boat.
  3. Plan ahead, it wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.
  4. Stay fit. When you’re 600 years old, someone may ask you to do something really big.
  5. Don’t listen to critics, just get on with the job that needs to be done.
  6. Build your future on high ground.
  7. For safety’s sake, travel in pairs.
  8. Speed isn’t always an advantage. The snails were on board with the cheetahs.
  9. When you’re stressed, float a while.
  10. Remember, the ark was built by amateurs; the Titanic, by professionals.
  11. No matter the storm, when you are with God, there’s always a rainbow waiting.

Now wasn’t that nice? Pass it along and make someone else smile too.

Noah’s Ark (Hebrew: תיבת נ×–’Ž’Ž; Biblical Hebrew: Tevat Noaḥ) is the vessel in the Genesis flood narrative (Genesis chapters 6–9) by which God spares Noah, his family, and a remnant of all the world’s animals from a world-engulfing flood.  In Genesis the first book of the bible, God gave Noah instructions for building the ark. Seven days before the flood, God told Noah to enter the ark with his household and the animals. The story goes on to describe the ark being afloat for 150 days and then coming to rest on the Mountains of Ararat and the subsequent receding of the waters.  The story is repeated, with variations, in the Quran, where the ark appears as Safina NÃ…«Ã¡¸¥ (Arabic: سفÙŠÙ” Ã˜© Ù” Ã™Ë†Ã˜­’Ž’Ž “Noah’s boat”). The Genesis flood narrative is similar to numerous other flood myths from a variety of cultures.




Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey was a Jamaican political leader and civil rights activist who advocated for the rights of people of African descent. He is best known for his vision of an independent, self-governing black nation and his promotion of the “Back to Africa” movement, which encouraged people of African descent to return to their ancestral homeland.

Garvey believed that people of African descent, who had been dispersed around the world as a result of the slave trade, needed to come together in order to achieve political and economic power. He felt that they would never be treated as equals in white-dominated societies and that their only hope for true freedom and self-determination was to create their own independent state.

He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in 1914 and worked to build a sense of pride and unity among people of African descent. Through the UNIA, he encouraged the development of businesses, schools, and other institutions that would serve the black community. He also organized a “Back to Africa” movement, which sought to establish a new nation in Africa where black people could live free from discrimination and oppression.

In addition to his work to promote the rights of people of African descent, Garvey also advocated for the rights of workers and the poor, and spoke out against colonialism and imperialism. He was a charismatic leader who inspired many people and his ideas continue to have an impact on the lives of people of African descent around the world.

It’s worth noting that Garvey’s ideas and movement also met with a lot of criticism and opposition, specially from the Jamaican political and economic elite and some black leaders.

Theology in Worship and Music

Theology in Worship and Music

Some people think of theology as dry. However, theology is found in anything that expresses our ideas of God and all things in relation to God. Hence, theology is found not only in textbooks—it is also found in places like art and music.

With respect to worship and music specifically, it is important for us to be thoughtful about the theology that is conveyed in the songs that we sing in church (if worship leaders don’t feel equipped to do this, they might enlist the help of a pastor). People are more likely to remember the latest Chris Tomlin worship song that the church has been repeating for a few weeks than they are to remember the sermon from last Sunday (even if the three points in the sermon did all start with the letter “c”).

The songs that are sung in a church say a lot about the theology of the church, or at least the worship leader. Do they focus on feeling God? Do they focus on the love of God? The majesty of God? So, for example, it should come as no surprise that a church that emphasizes the “prosperity gospel” would sing a song that talks about expecting a “new season ”¦ of power and prosperity” (It’s a New Season, by Israel Houghton).

Some songs can be theologically problematic. While I deeply appreciate most of the lyrics in the song “Eagles Wings” (by Hillsong Church) the song asks God, “abide in me, I pray” and the chorus similarly requests, “come live in me, all my life take over.” However, Scripture makes clear that if you are a believer, then God already dwells within you by the Spirit (1 John 4:13)—even though the Spirit might come in a more intense manner. A little adjustment can easily fix the theologically problematic statement—“you live in me” rather than “come live in me.”

Besides ensuring that the songs we sing are theologically correct, we should also sing a variety of songs that communicate  the key teachings of the Church. I don’t mean to imply that a song isn’t worthy of including in a worship service if it doesn’t significantly address a key theological topic—there is a place for some songs that express our feelings to God and songs that are prayers to God can also be very powerful. However, since songs can serve as a means of reinforcing good theology,  then over time we should plan to sing songs about various foundational Christian beliefs as well.

It is easy to find hymns about various theologies since most hymnbooks list their songs by topic (check the index and table of contents). And many hymns are still “cool” when “cool” people sing them :) (e.g., This is My Father’s World, as performed by Gungor).


How To Handle The Uncertainties of Life

How To Handle The Uncertainties of Life

The uncertainties of life are things beyond our control and knowledge. We cannot predict the outcome. Maybe we can do little to influence it. These can keep us awake at night. Not only do they bother us all night long, they are ghosts that troll us during the day. We lose focus. We are unable to connect with people around us because these uncertainties have taken hold of our mind and heart.

“Is my job secure?” “Do people approve of what I’ve done?” How can we handle these kinds of uncertainties? How do we fruitfully manage them?

1. Trust the love of God.

At times, failings and incapability cause other people to lose love and confidence in us. Friends shy away. Relationships end because you lost your job or you made a complete fool of yourself in public. But God is not repulsed by any of that. He loves us passionately. He loves us the same, whether we do well or not. Lamentations 3:22 says God’s love is stedfast. It never stops. His love never wavers. His love is forever loyal.

Trusting the love of God allows us to remain secure in the middle of uncertainties. God loves us. He will work things out for our good (Romans 8:28).

2. Trust the wisdom of God.

That we do not know something can be very debilitating. We are unable to proceed because we don’t know what’s ahead. Decisions are hard to make because we are banking on predicted outcomes before we even take the plunge. We don’t want to act aimlessly. We don’t want to invest efforts and emotions into something or someone when there is no promise of fruit.

It is in these times that the follower of God needs to trust the wisdom of God. Keep holding on to Him and the truths and promises of His Word. Maintain a life guided by the principles of His Word. Joshua 1:8 assures that those who live by the wisdom of His Word will be prosperous and have good success in his life. Although this may be material in nature, it is not solely so. The Hebrew root word translated as prosperous carries the meaning of “advancement” while the root translated as success carries the meaning of “to understand, to gain insight”. This means Scriptures are never dated or obsolete. This means dedication to God’s Word leads to advancement and understanding in life. This means that in God’s Word you find what you need for right and fruitful living.

Best-selling books sold on shelves today talk about how to be successful in dealing with people. People buy pricy self-help books and attend expensive seminars to hear life coaches encouraging them towards positive and successful living. But in the very pages of God’s Word are all the tools we need to live positive in this negative world. In His Word are principles for right communication and relationships with the people around us.

Now, in immersing yourself with the guidance of His Words, uncertainties will still present themselves. It is in these moments that you need to trust the wisdom of an all-knowing God who plans good things for you, never evil. When you doubt and worry about the things He allows to happen in your life, seek assurance and comfort from His Word. Never let the enemy sow lies. God promises to never abandon us. (Hebrews 13:5) So at all times, run to God and not away from Him.

Godinterest: The 'Christian' Version of Pinterest?

https://www.philcooke.com/godinterest/Do we really need Godinterest?  Another Christian version of a successful idea?  (Right down to the font style of the logo).  When will we start creating instead of simply ripping off the world?   I find it fascinating that God chose to introduce Himself to us in the first verse of the Bible as a ‘Creator.’  We’re made in His image, and yet we refuse to embrace that calling.  Let me know what you think, because I believe it’s high time we started leading the culture instead of doing a poor imitation. 

Tame the Wilderness of Your Mind…Or Let the Wilderness Control You

Tame the Wilderness of Your Mind...Or Let the Wilderness Control You

The Wilderness is a dangerous place to be. You never know what to expect on any given day. One day you could be facing overgrown pythons in Indonesia, another day could be a hippopotamus when cruising down the Zambezi river or perhaps meeting a grizzly bear somewhere in North America. Not to mention the insects, poison ivy, malaria… You get the picture, right? When you allow every type of thought to nest in your mind, to grow weeds, and saturate you with confusion, doubt, and negativity, you will find yourself being taken over by the wilderness.

The wilderness represents the world. It’s full of unexpected events that render you speechless and often times thoughtless. There are countless people carrying out their evil urges on unsuspecting victims, natural disasters occurring more often than seems ‘natural’, emotional turmoil affecting the masses, money woes pushing individuals to do the unthinkable, immorality keeping a watchful eye on society- the list is endless. It’s a common thing to experience dread, fear of the unknown, depression, anxiety, betrayal, rejection and every other negative leech that exists in this fallen world, but if we would just tame the wilderness and turn it into a beautiful garden, the world will not have the power to control you.

2 Timothy 1: 7 informs us of our disciplined mind. Our spirit is one of love, power, and a sound (disciplined) mind. We have the means to control the thought patterns of our minds, but many of us choose not to. It certainly is not easy to control one’s mind; it may just be one of the most difficult tasks that you will ever do, but it is doable. When there was still enmity between you and the Ancient of Days, you did not see the need to filter your thoughts. Perhaps you followed some teachings of a lifestyle guru or the life lessons of a charismatic leader. These people probably explained the merit of positive thinking, how to focus your thoughts on what you want (think of the Law of Attraction), and how to manifest your dreams into reality. These teachings (although around for centuries), have been termed New Age, which refers to a range of spiritual and religious beliefs with its conception happening around the 1970s. I will burst that New Age bubble and state that none of these teachings can bring you the true peace of GOD that has been made available to all of His saints. Sure enough, you’ll probably access your third eye (aka spiritual eyes) and that will make you feel nearly invincible, reach the highest level of consciousness, or walk around with a reverent expression on your face and chant peace, love, and light wherever you go, but I guarantee you that one substantial life upheaval will have you scrambling around like headless chickens or, worse yet, you will get to the end of your life and realize the futility of it all.

We have a wonderful Mediator that understands our struggles – after all, He walked on this earth for 33 years. He understands the human condition from a firsthand experience- although He lived a life without sin. When He left our midst, He didn’t leave us helpless and alone. He sent the Helper to abide with us forever (John 14:13-18). What we need to understand is that we cannot do anything worthwhile without the Holy Spirit. We cannot live holy lives without Him, we cannot overcome adversity without Him, we cannot stand our ground against the devil without Him, and we cannot become the people GOD called us to be without Him. It stands to reason that we cannot control the wilderness without Him either. No amount of human effort will prune that wilderness into a beautiful garden. It can only be done with the Holy Spirit.

There are three types of thoughts: yours, ones that GOD gives to you and ones that the devil sends to you. People are always surprised to know that the devil can do such a thing. Their first argument is that they have a hedge of protection around them, so surely the devil cannot touch them? Sending a negative thought to you is not touching you. The devil has not afflicted you with some disease, caused financial woes or some other misery. What he has done is sent you a thought to war with you in your mind. 2 Corinthians 10: 3-5 explains this to us: “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in GOD for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of GOD, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,”

Note how this Scripture talks about making every thought obedient to Christ, and how our war does not take place in the physical realm (the flesh). Have you ever had a thought pop into your head out of nowhere? Perhaps you were concentrating on cooking, but suddenly thoughts of child’s bad behavior pops into your head. You have already disciplined your child and the issue has been resolved, but that thought brings back all the anger and it soon manifests into a shouting match with your child. Sometime later, you’re sitting in bed and wondering how the issue had escalated when you had sorted it out hours before. This is the time to really sit and think about it: GOD did not send you that thought because of the result, and why would you choose to fight with your child over a resolved matter? Who is the one who enjoys dissension, a broken family, poking at tempers and causing all sorts of chaos? That’s right, Satan. He revels in the wilderness of people’s minds- it’s his playing field. He will build strongholds in your mind with which he will use to control you. But do not be discouraged, Beloved, because GOD has given us weapons to pull down those strongholds, but it takes commitment.

The best way to tame the wilderness is to address it according to Scripture. Whenever I come across a thought that I know does not belong to me or the Holy Spirit, I immediately said out loud: “I do not accept the thought of ”¦.., I refuse it in Jesus name, and according to 2 Corinthians 10: 5 I bring it into captivity to the obedience of Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Once I have spoken this, I force myself to think of something else such as Scripture, sing songs of praise or think of anything that is beautiful. It’s not enough to rebuke that thought, you have to actively turn the direction of your mind. If you are having difficulty trying to think of something, follow Paul the Apostle’s advice in Philippians 4: 8.

Do not be mistaken: it takes time to change the way that you think. It certainly will not happen overnight and it will not be easy. The devil will not readily give up any strongholds in your mind- you can be sure of that. However, you continue to train your mind and lean on the Holy Spirit, all that wilderness will eventually become a pruned garden. Be careful to not grow lazy though; you will need to regularly remove weeds that have crept up around your flowers, get rid of dead leaves, remove branches that do not bear fruit and trim down hedges that threaten to grow wild. And always remember: you are never alone, GOD is always with you.

Wise Counsel for Naive Christian Artists and Designers

Wise Counsel for Naive Christian Artists and Designers

1″ Do this one cheap (or free) and we’ll make it up on the next one.”

No reputable business person would first give away their work and time or merchandise in the hope of making it up later. Can you imagine what a plumber would say if you said: “come in, provide and install the sink for free and next time we’ll make it up when we need a sink.” You would be laughed at! Also, the likelihood is that if something important came along, they wouldn’t use you.

2″ We never pay a cent until we see the final product.”

This is a baloney unless the person is leaving the door open to cheat you out of your pay. Virtually every profession requires a deposit or incremental payment during anything but the smallest project. Once you have a working relationship, you may work out another arrangement with a client. But a new client should not ask you to go beyond an initial meeting and, perhaps some preliminary sketches without pay on the job!

3″ Do this for us and you’ll get great exposure! The jobs will just pourin!”

Baloney. Tell a plumber “Install this sink and my friend  will see and you’ll get lots of business!” Our plumber friend would say “You mean even if I do a good job I have to give my work away to get noticed? Then it isn’t worth the notice.” Also, the guy would likely brag to everyone he knows about how this would normally cost (X) dollars, but brilliant businessman that he is he got if for free! If anyone calls, they’ll expect the same or better deal.

4″ On looking at sketches or concepts: “Well, we aren’t sure if we want

to use you yet, but leave your material here so I can talk to my partner/investor/wife/clergy.”

You can be sure that 15 minutes after you leave he will be on the phone to other designers, now with concepts in hand, asking for price quotes. When you call back you will be informed that your prices were too high and Joe Blow Design/Illustration will be doing the job. Why shouldn’t they be cheaper? You just gave them hours of free consulting work! Until you have a deal, LEAVE NOTHING CREATIVE at the client’s office.

5″  Well, the job isn’t CANCELLED, just delayed. Keep the account open  and we’ll continue in a month or two.”

Ummm, probably not. If something is hot, then not, it could be dead. It would be a mistake to *not* bill for work performed at this point and then let the chips fall where they may! Call in two months and someone else may be in that job. And guess what? They don’t know you at all…..

6″ Contract? We don’t need no stinking contact! Aren’t we friends?”

Yes, we are, until something goes wrong or is misunderstood, then you are the jerk in the suit and I am that idiot designer, then the contract is essential. That is, unless one doesn’t care about being paid. Any reputable business uses paperwork to define relationships and you should too.

7″ Send me a bill after the work goes to press.”

Why wait for an irrelevant deadline to send an invoice? You stand behind your work, right? You are honest, right? Why would you feel bound to this deadline? Once you deliver the work and it is accepted, BILL IT. This point may just be a delaying tactic so the job goes through the printer prior to any question of your being paid. If the guy waits for the job to be printed, and you do changes as necessary, then he can stiff you and not take a chance that he’ll have to pay someone else for changes.

8″ The last guy did it for XXX dollars.”

That is irrelevant. If the last guy was so good they wouldn’t be talking to you, now would they? And what that guy charged means nothing to you, really. People who charge too little for their time go out of business (or self-destruct financially, or change occupations) and then someone else has to step in. Set  a fair price and stick to it.

9″ Our budget is XXX dollars, firm.”

Amazing, isn’t it? This guy goes out to buy a car, and what knows exactly what he is going to spend before even looking or researching? Not likely. A certain amount of work costs a certain amount of money. If they have less money (and you *can*) do less work and still take the job. But make sure they understand that you are doing less work if you take less money than you originally estimated. Give fewer comps, simplify, let them go elsewhere for services (like films) etc.

10″ We are having financial problems. Give us the work, we’ll make  some money and we’ll pay you. Simple.”

Yeah, except when the money comes, you can expect that you will be pretty low on the list to be paid. If someone reaches the point where they admit that the company is in trouble, then they are probably much worse off than they are admitting to. Even then, are you a bank? Are you qualified to check out their financials? If the company is strapped to the point where credit is a problem through credit agencies, banks etc. what business would you have extended credit to them. You have exactly ZERO pull once they have the work. Noble intentions or not, this is probably a losing bet. But if you are going to roll the dice, AT LEAST you should be getting additional money for waiting. The bank gets interested and so should you. That is probably why the person is approaching you; to get six months worth of free interest instead of paying bank rates for credit and then paying you with that money. Don’t give away money.

Now, this list wasn’t meant to make anyone crazy or paranoid but is designed to inject some reality into the fantasy. You are GOING to be dealing with people who are unlike yourself. Their motivations are their own and their attitudes are probably different than yours. There are going to be demands, problems, issues and all the hassles that go with practically ANY work/job/money situation. Too many times I see the sad example of someone walking into a situation with noble intentions and then getting royally screwed because what they see as an opportunity and a labor of love, the other party sees as something else entirely, not at all romantic or idealized, but raw and simple.

How can you deal with this stuff and still do good creative work? Good question. THIS is why an education is important. You learn, out of the line of fire, how to deal with the art at it’s own level and also how to deal with the stuff that surrounds it. You may have tough teachers and think that it can’t be worse, but wait until a business person has a hundred grand riding on your art! Then you will know what “demanding” means. You will then thank all those tough teachers for building up the calluses that enable you to enjoy the  job rather than just feeling like it is all a big waste of time!

In the end, working commercially, being a terrific artist is about 25% of the task. If that is the only part of the task that you are interested in, do yourself a favour. Don’t turn “pro.”


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