For the Single Christian Woman ‘getting on in Years’

For the Single Christian Woman 'getting on in Years'

We hear about the saying ‘age ain’t nothing but a number’, but that only seems to apply to some situations. When you’re a single woman past the age of twenty-five, your age becomes a topic of discussion, especially if you do not have wedding bells on the horizon or even the perfect job. Before you know it, ‘age ain’t nothing but a number’ transitions to ‘you’re getting on in years’ in a blink of an eye.

I’ll be attending the wedding of a relative in just under two weeks. As many women would agree, finding the right outfit to suit the colour scheme of the wedding, settling on the perfect hairstyle to compliment your outfit, and whether or not it is wise to wear heels are the topics of discussion right up until the day of the wedding. The day after and the following few weeks are usually reserved for those who believe themselves to be the fashion police, commenting on the myriad of outfits worn at the wedding. Of course, the anticipation of what the bride will wear and look like is the main reason for our attendance (well, it is for my large family), followed by other reasons such as showing support, joining in the couple’s happiness, and hopefully catching the bouquet to stand a chance of being the next bride. Now, you will likely not find me anywhere near the bride when it is time to catch the bouquet. I will either excuse myself and rush to the restroom until the commotion is over or busy myself with a task that requires me to stay put, such as quickly picking up a relative’s fussing baby to calm them down. You see, when you’re single and nearing thirty, people cannot help but turn to look at you when all the single ladies are called up for the bouquet-tossing, because when you get to my age, it appears to be a downright shame to not even have the sound of wedding bells in your near future.

The thing is, I don’t live my life according to the rules or recommendations of the world. In fact, I’m considered to be a strange woman by many for the beliefs I have concerning dating and marriage. As a Christian woman, whether single or married, you are always aware of Who you serve and your commitment to Him. His ways are not the worlds’ ways, so must be our ways as well. However, seeing as I know nothing about being married and everything about being single, I’m sticking to what I know!

Whenever I meet an old friend or family member (usually in passing), the topic of marriage and children will be brought up 90% of the time. I try my best to steer clear of the topic, but when you’re a certain age, it becomes near impossible to avoid the discussion. Whenever I reveal my single status, they usually look at me with sympathetic eyes and tell me ‘don’t worry, you’ll meet someone soon’. It then becomes challenging for me to either not laugh or become annoyed by the insinuation that I need a husband to complete my life. If I tell them that I’m not concerned about marriage or having children, they look at me as though I have taken leave of my senses!

Marriage is a beautiful covenant between a man and a woman, and having children is a blessing- there is no doubt about that. However, to imply that the primary existence for all women is to get married and have children by the age of thirty at best, or pushing it at thirty-five is ridiculous to me. As Christian women, our first reason for existence is Jesus Himself. We are to put Him first in all that we do, that includes whether or not we get married. I have met far too many distraught single Christian women because they cannot seem to find the right man to marry. That’s our first mistake- worrying about who we are going to marry.

When I turned twenty-five, I still had no urge to find a man and settle down. Of course, I received a few side looks and whispered words about my single status, but that didn’t affect me. I suppose back then people believed that there was still hope for me yet. Nearly five years later, and those same people think my case to be hopeless. Even some Christian women have something to say, which I find odd considering the fact that we know Who the Author of our lives is. I have no doubt in my mind that if I am meant to get married, then I will, and if I am not, then I won’t- I’m not about to force the situation and end up unhappy. GOD has the perfect plan for our lives, and that includes a life-changing event such as marriage. I believe that many Christian women forget this and try to go at it alone, and when they realise that they have made a mistake, they either try to blame GOD for not improving their situation or take the divorce route.

Getting married is a serious matter, and who you get married to is incredibly important. I believe that GOD has this matter in your life sorted before you’re even born! It is essential to marry the man that GOD has set aside for you, whether that man comes into your life at the age of twenty or fifty. It’s no use going hunting for a husband at a church or anywhere else that you believe you’ll find him because you’re going about it the wrong way. When the right time comes according to GOD’S plan for your life, your intended will enter your life. We waste a lot of our time worrying about this aspect of our lives when we should be devoting our time to GOD. In 1 Corinthians 7:25-40, the Apostle Paul gives advice to the unmarried as a man whom the LORD in His mercy has made trustworthy (vs 25). The particular verse that struck a chord in me was verse 34: There is a difference between a wife and a virgin. The unmarried woman cares about the things of the LORD that she may be holy both in body and in spirit. But she who is married cares about the things of the world- how she may please her husband. As single Christian women, our attention is on the LORD (or should be), we don’t have to worry about pleasing a spouse, making a home for a family, or doing other wifely duties. While there is no wrong in any of this (a shout out to all the wives and all that they do for their families), we should appreciate our single status more rather than fret about it. You can serve the LORD without distraction, give Him more of your time, and in return experience the sweetest joy of communion with our Heavenly Father. Instead of wasting your single state on worrying about getting married, rather use it to further your relationship with the LORD.

Stop looking at your age as an indication for where you believe you should be in life. GOD does not work according to man’s time, but His own. Most importantly, stop comparing yourself to the Christian sister who just got married, or the one who is about to get married or you may fall into the sin of coveting. The devil has the ability to strike you where it hurts the most, and if you’re stressing about your single status, he will most definitely use that to his advantage. Your stress indicates that you do not trust GOD’S plan for your life, that He does not have your best interests at heart when in actual fact He knows you better than you know yourself. Some of us are just not ready to get married yet, and forcing marriage will undoubtedly prove disastrous. Also, marriage is not for everyone. There are people that GOD has set apart, those that will not get married. It is not to say that they never wanted to get married, but they would rather obey the Almighty than their own wants and needs. I would rather remain in GOD’S will for my life than take a route that He never intended for me.

Be happy in your position. It is not people that you should listen to, but GOD. Place your focus on Him, get busy with the work of the LORD. You never know, you might look up one day and see your intended standing before you with no help from you. I would take GOD’S best over my own choice any day, how about you?

You Don’t Control The Outcomes Of Your Life, Principles Do.

Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

John 14:27

There always have been and always will be two classes on the earth to the end of time–the believers in Jesus, and those who reject Him.

Sinners, however wicked, sinful, evil, abominable, and corrupt, by faith in Jesus Christ will be purified and made clean, through the doing of His word. and the blood of Jesus Christ which was shed on calvary.

Those who reject Christ and refuse to believe the truth will be filled with bitterness against those who accept Jesus as a personal Saviour. But those who receive Christ are melted and subdued by the manifestation of His love and His humiliation, suffering, and death in their behalf.

The peace that Jesus Christ gave to His disciples, and for which we pray, is the peace that is born of truth, a peace that is not to be quenched because of division. Without may be wars and fightings, jealousies, envies, hatred, strife; but the peace of Christ is not that which the world giveth or taketh away. It could endure amid the hunting of spies and the fiercest opposition of His enemies…. Christ did not for an instant seek to purchase peace by a betrayal of sacred trusts. Peace could not be made by a compromise of principles.

It is a grave mistake on the part of those who are children of God to seek to bridge the gulf that separates the children of light from the children of darkness by yielding principle, by compromising the truth. It would be surrendering the peace of Christ in order to make peace or fraternize with the world. The sacrifice is too costly to be made by the children of God to make peace with the world by giving up the principles of truth…. Then let the followers of Christ settle it in their minds that they will never compromise truth, never yield one iota of principle for the favor of the world. Let them hold to the peace of Christ.

Taquarius Wair – My Physical Disability Doesn’t Hold Me Back

Photo Credit: Janaye Johnson Photography

“Godinterest want’s to introduce you to a great young man Taquarius Wair (TQ) a high school football player, who is in his senior year.

Taquarius Wair burned 55% of his body and in some places to the bone in a tragic house fire at the early age 4. He lost four fingers on his left hand.

His mother saved him from the fire, but he ran back in trying to save his oldest sister. She didn’t survive, but his hero heart holds her with every stride.

“All I can remember is the fire all around me,” Wair said. “My Mother called my name and I came walking out of the fire. She said it was then that she knew I was going to be special.”

Taquarius Wair

“I don’t remember much of my life before I was 8, but I do know that is when my no quit attitude was developed,” said Wair. “I remember people looking at me and probably thinking I wasn’t going to be good, but I was really good.”

Taquarius Wair
Inspiring story of Taquarius Wair - a high school football player who was burn over 55% of his body. Taquarius never gave up on his dream to play and is playing college football next year!
Inspiring story of Taquarius Wair – a high school football player who was burn over 55% of his body. Taquarius never gave up on his dream to play and is playing college football next year!

He almost didn’t play this year because he thought no disabled person will ever go pro. That was until the Seattle Seahawks drafted a one handed player, Shaquem Griffin, in the 5th round.

Taquarius Wair did not quit and its a good thing because he will now play college football at Mesabi Range College. Taquarius Wair fought through his disabilities and received an offer to play football at the collegiate level.

Wair finished off his first ever complete football season in 2018. He helped lead his team to the 2A State Semi-Finals at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minneapolis, Minnesota. T.Q. will be playing football for head coach Tom Inforzato at Mesabi Range Community College.

His goals are simple.

“My next step is to play in the NFL like Shaquem Griffin,” said Wair. “I look forward to watching Taquarius Wair be an inspiration for kids in years to come.”

Taquarius Wair

My point you have no idea who you can inspire by chasing your God given dreams. Get up and chase down your greatness!“

Abortion: A License to Kill

Abortion: A License to Kill

The world went from calling a ‘clump of cells’ nonhuman, to allowing abortions when the clump of cells begins to ‘look human’, accepting third-trimester abortions, and now pushing for the termination of babies moments before birth, or in some cases, just after birth. It seems that what they are seeking is an all-inclusive licence to kill.

Just the other day, a cousin wanted help with writing up an argument for a school debate. The debate? Whether you agree with abortion or not, and why. She took the pro-life route, but not without some backlash for it. Another pro-choice family member said that the world did not need any more unwanted children and that women who were not ready to have children and take care of them must abort their babies to save the rest of the world some trouble. I sat there for a moment, merely listening to the debate going back and forth. The pro-choice side was quite strong and appeared to be winning, but I decided to speak up and deliver one line: you will answer to GOD for what you have done, I hope you’re ready for it. Everyone sort of looked away, looking for something to say, but as they were supposed professing Christians, they had nothing to say. Murder is murder, no matter the stage of life. The excuse that a woman should have a right over her own body at the expense of the growing baby in her stomach is weak. No amount of getting angry or violent will change that fact.

I believe that most people reading this are aware of what the Scriptures say about murder, life, and being known by GOD before even conception has taken place. The most beautiful verse about growing life is Psalm 139: 13-18, verses that I take comfort in during times of uncertainty concerning my purpose and worth. As Believers, we know that we can turn to GOD’S Word and find the words that we need to overcome whatever challenges we are facing, but the rest of the world does not. They are hellbent on living their lives as they will, not accepting the consequences for their choices. Every problem must be looked at in context, but sin does not need a framework to be considered sin, it just is because GOD has said it is, and murder is a sin. For example, a young cousin of mine has recently fallen pregnant due to her promiscuous lifestyle. She is 18 this year, and instead of being in her last year of school, she is only beginning her high school year as she has failed several times. This can be blamed on her lack of school attendance. You dig deeper, and you’ll find that she was not disciplined as a child growing up, in fact, she was primarily left to live her life as she wished. Both her parents have now passed away due to AIDS, and she lives with family members but does not respect them. Most of my family wanted her to get an abortion because her baby would mean one more mouth to feed as she is not working. According to the world, this context for abortion would be acceptable, but to GOD it is not. What they are saying is that a life should be extinguished due to the mistakes of the mother. So, if I was to use their reasoning then the family of a murder victim should be allowed to kill the murderer’s mother, father, siblings, or child to atone for what the murderer has done. It doesn’t sound so acceptable when used in another situation, does it?

Another family member had a botched abortion, by botched I mean that the baby lived. She is also living with HIV, and the father of the child is also HIV positive. We all (or should) know that HIV can be avoided being passed down to the foetus; however, her situation led her to take the abortion route. She already has three children by three different men, does not have a stable job, and is an alcoholic. She does not take care of her children, in fact, two are now considered adults and can mostly defend for themselves. The last born is taken care of by family members. The local clinic told her to have an abortion due to these circumstances, but she waited until she was five months to do so. Off to the hospital she went to remove the child from her womb, thinking that she would not have to deal with another baby in her life. They removed the baby, put it in a black bag, and tossed it on the cold floor of the morgue. A nurse entered the morgue several hours later only to find mewling noises coming from the bag. She opened it and realised that the aborted baby was alive! This sent the hospital into a panic. They quickly got the baby into an incubator and informed the mother that the baby was alive. Could you imagine the shock? For the next five months, the baby was kept in an incubator, damaging her eyesight in the process. When she was finally allowed to be taken home, the mother was told that her baby would never be able to walk, talk, and would likely die as a toddler. To top it all off, the baby was HIV positive. Ten years later, the little girl is walking, and though she cannot speak, she uses sign language. She is the sweetest little girl with a cheeky attitude of her own and is well aware of all that goes on around her. She goes to a special school, is learning how to write more clearly, and loves anything to do with drawing and colours. In short, she is a girl like any other, even with her special needs.

Abortions can bring about emotional trauma that may not be experienced immediately after, but let me tell you that when it comes to bite your rear end, it takes a chunk. I know of an old woman who is riddled with guilt for the two abortions she had as a young woman. It gets so bad that she becomes gravely ill and has to be admitted into hospital and put under observation. Her mind comes and goes, sometimes not recognising her living children and calling out for those who have died. Her reasons for abortion were tied to the hard times of the country when Apartheid was still in effect. She is a black woman who had had relations with white men (I do not know if it was rape) resulting in two pregnancies. She managed to abort two of those pregnancies for fear of being found with a mixed-race child, but she was not able to do so with her third pregnancy. Now as an old woman, those abortions have come back to haunt her and do not give her peace.

Of course, the argument of high-risk pregnancies also comes up. Let me stress here that I may speak frankly, but I do not feel disgust for the people but for the sin. People will say that a medical reason to abort the baby is acceptable, especially if it puts the mother at risk. Also, if the baby is to be born with a deformity, then it would be better to abort the baby before he/she is born. I hear what the argument is, but my stand does not change. Abortion is wrong because it is murder. People would sooner laugh in my face when I say that Jesus is the Great Physician than listen, but it is true. Do you not think that He would be able to save both mother and child? Do you not believe that He can help that child with the deformity? The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is within us today if indeed we are His. Nothing is impossible for GOD, but only if we believe. To doubt is to tell Him that we do not believe that He can do anything for us. He created the world, for goodness sake, will He not help a mother in need? But the world chooses to reject Him still, and even His own people doubt His power to heal. People would sooner find an excuse for their sin than humble themselves and fall to their knees before Him to seek grace and mercy. Or, worse yet, His own people deny that He still performs miracles and wonders in the world today.

Forgiveness is available to those who have had abortions in the past but regret having done so. If you serve our Sovereign LORD, then you should know that He will forgive you for there is no condemnation for those who believe. He scatters your sins away and makes you clean. Do not miss this opportunity due to your guilt. He loves you in spite of your sin, but you need forgiveness from Him and yourself to be set free.

All I know is that the GOD we serve does not change, neither is He cold to the plight of people. He loves us all, but not all of us are His. He loves the downtrodden, the deformed, the unwanted- all of them! The world may reject them, but Jesus stands with open arms to accept them. What He did back then He can do today, and what He considers sin is a sin no matter the reasons the world may give. At the end of the day, you need to understand that there are consequences to everything, and perhaps you will not experience those consequences now and go about your life as you want to. But when you stand before the Ancient of Days and give an account of your life, do not say that you were not warned.

What Am I Putting First?

What Am I Putting First?

One of the most charming love stories in recent history was that of former United States President, Harry Truman, and his wife of 53 years, Bess. Having met in Independence, Missouri, in 1890, the love story began to unfold. Harry wrote 1,300 letters to his beloved wife during the war, his career and tenure of presidency. Harry had a lifelong rule: write to Bess every day they were apart.

Diplomatic and historical scholars examining these letters hoped to shed some light on historical events of the time. However, what is more fascinating and striking is Harry’s simple desire to continually write to his wife amidst dealing and negotiating with the world’s most powerful leaders. Priority. Harry desired Bess to know that she always came first, no matter what business and political decision-making he was in the process of. Harry prioritised his beloved wife.

Just as Harry wanted to demonstrate that Bess came first, in Luke 2:41-52, Luke wants the Christian to see what comes first in their life. What is the priority for the Christian? Who or what is the primary object of our affection and devotion? I wonder, is God our priority?

After Jesus parents have been on a wild search for their only child, they find Jesus sitting in the temple. Residing there, Jesus claims “why were you looking for me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49). Instead of an apology, which we expect following his parents’ stressful and anxious search (2:48), Jesus insists they should have known where he was. In a moment of tension between parents and son — Jesus claims a priority to God above all. Jesus is claiming it is necessary he be about the Father’s business first and foremost. As John Calvin highlighted:

The responsibility that Jesus owes to his Father in heaven ought to be immeasurably preferred to all other human responsibilities.

This does not mean we become lazy and laid-back to the responsibilities of life. It means in view of everything we do, God must be first priority. Preferring Him and His business to everything else.

Revolving Around:

For the Christian, God is our priority now on earth. Not soon, not when you think you have sorted everything out, not when you clean up your act or tick off that bucket list! God as priority tops every list.

However, it can be difficult. We live in a ‘revolving around’ generation. There is so much information coming our way: notifications, alarms, buzzers, texts, emails, news alerts, an endless list. We are stressed and anxious; exhausted with the toil of life. What often happens is that our world revolves around ourselves. Revolving around our own heads and hearts we try to press through life.

Yet, Jesus, in the very first recorded words we have from him, indicates everything revolves around God. The priority for Jesus is God. With all the noise around us, why do we not take the time to sit with our Father like Jesus?

Yes, we will fail. But, we stand in great recognition of the grace God has lavished on us through His Son. Put aside the weights and burdens of this world, deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Christ. It is not an easy call; trials and tribulations will come. But even when we fall in our sin, Jesus upholds us. The mistakes and failings of our lives can be taken to the cross and forgiven. Past, present and future.

With the indwelling Spirit, pray God would point us towards Him first that we may grow to be more like Christ. And to recognise He is the centre of it all. The first words of Jesus are some of the simplest, but they capture the essence of Christian living. It is not about us; it is about submitting gladly and obeying joyfully the Father first because of His great love for undeserving sinners.

Riches I heed not nor man’s empty praise; Thine my inheritance now and always. Thou and thou only, first in my heart. High King of Heaven, my treasure thou art.


Disclaimer: I do not profess to teach or have any sort of authority over men. I share the Word of GOD and any matters of the world that directly applies to our lives and walk as Christians.

Many churches have been brought down by individuals who came in with their yeast and let it spread among the members. Fellowship has been tainted, churches have lost their way, and people are lost in the wilderness. Is the Church in need of a purge?

I have been to a handful of churches in the past, and as with many people unaware of the Born Again factor, you just attend church, listen to the sermon, and then go home. Unchanged. No spiritual growth. No closer to GOD than before. It used to upset me that I could read the Bible and understand the words I read, but not truly understand what I was reading. It was only when I became Born Again that I realised that you need the Holy Spirit in your life if you hope to understand His Word as He intended. Before then, I would open my Bible every now and again, read it, think that I had done my job as a Christian, and then go about my life as per usual. Listening to church sermons was no help either as everything sounded monotonous. We were told to be good, to love one another, follow GOD’S commandments and a bunch in between that I cannot remember. Back then I was unaware of wolves in sheep’s clothing; people who were not true Christians but called themselves that to keep up a certain image of propriety in the community. I genuinely believed that the people who attended church every Sunday were good people, upstanding members who were involved in community projects and life in general. When I became Born Again, it was as though a veil had been lifted from my eyes (2 Cor 4:3). I began to see a whole lot of wrong that I had never noticed before.

When we, as the Body of Christ, gather together in a building or even out in the open, our fellowship must be Spirit-led. The word/message that the preacher will share must be from the Holy Spirit, we need to listen with a discerning spirit, and we need to be open to the teaching from the man of GOD. Our worship and praise need to be in truth and spirit, and when we offer up our prayers to our Heavenly Father, it must be with a clear heart. This is how I believe that the church in the Book of Acts was like. The first Christians were so grateful, humbled, and appreciative of their salvation that they wholeheartedly served the LORD mind, body, and spirit. Of course, there were a few bad eggs, but they were dealt with. I do not recall a professing Christian being allowed to bring sin into the Body of Christ without being called out for it. It was a serious thing back then! However, it seems that we have lost this principle. 

Judgement is lumped up into one bag of avoidance. We all know that we are not to judge each other for we have all sinned and fall short of the glory of GOD (Rom 3:23), but there is a type of judgement allowed, and that is the judgement of immorality within the Church. As I grew in the LORD, I started to notice unsavoury details about professing Christians. While I endeavoured never to judge them (I failed at times), I could not ignore that their lives did not reflect the fruits of the Spirit. It bothered me to sit in church, knowing that there were people who disregarded GOD’S Word in their lives. They were living in sin, but somehow they vindicated themselves because of how ‘good’ they otherwise were. As far as I know, no one is good but our LORD, but we must be faithful.

Grown men would be out partying the night before and come to church reeking of hard liquor, but because they attended church, were helpful in the community, and good givers (money wise), it was deemed okay. You can’t judge, right? No one is perfect. But I didn’t buy that. I have taught myself to think in Scriptures, so when something good or bad happens, I have a Scripture for it- this helps me to avoid temptation as well. Well, these men didn’t just slip up, this was their life, this was how they lived. Now, we have to understand that we are to be ambassadors of Christ, our lives are meant to be a reflection of Him. Of course, we don’t always get it right because we are at war with our own flesh, but to live in sin, justify it, and have the world see you doing it, what kind of message are we sending out to non-Believers?

One of the churches that I attended had a Whatsapp group chat. It was a handy thing because we were able to communicate with one another, notices could be sent out quickly, any events happening in the church would reach all the members, and basically, any updates would be given. One of the leaders of the church, a woman, posted a crude and vulgar joke. Of course, the other women were quick to tell her that it was not acceptable and she apologised, but I had to wonder why she herself thought it was acceptable even to wish to read and share such a thing? As a leader, you lead by example, and I couldn’t help but think about her own state of mind. Did she find this type of thing funny? And if she did, had she never read GOD’S Word concerning coarse jesting? What message was she giving to the people in her life? I was worried for her and the people that she was influencing! One last example that I wish to give is concerning a sangoma (traditional African witchdoctor) who also professed to be Christian. Now we know that Deuteronomy 18:10-12 forbids the consulting of spirits, charms, incantations, etc., but this woman was and is living a dual existence with her life as a sangoma and a Christian. This is simply not possible. Again, what message is she giving out to others concerning our faith? I am sure that many of you are aware of this type of problem in churches, and there is a solution for it, but it’s not exactly an easy one to do. 

1 Corinthians 5:9-13 is clear that immorality in the Body of Christ must be judged. A little earlier, the Apostle Paul states that a little leaven leavens the whole lump (1 Cor 5:6). Paul said: But now I have written to you not to keep company with anyone named a brother, who is sexually immoral, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner- not even to eat with such a person (1 Cor 5:11). He is saying that if someone professes to be Christian, but does these things, then you should have nothing to do with them. This is the last resort for an erring brother or sister in Christ. First, I imagine that a leader of the church would sit down the person and speak with them concerning their sin. If they are unwilling to repent of it, then out they must go. We cannot have their sin influencing our weaker brothers and sisters in Christ. This is easily enough done in smaller churches, but I do not know how this would be monitored in mega churches.

I know that many people would have a problem with asking members to leave a church, but how can we continue to allow blatant sin in the church? Doesn’t it bother us? By telling them to leave the church does not mean that we do not love them, but that we do not accept their sin. Now, we are not to go all willy nilly telling people that they need to leave the church, this is for the leaders of the church to do so. There must be order in a church, and appointed leaders are the ones to make the final decision (after prayer) based on the situation. Too often we will begin to gossip, condemn people, ostracise them, and basically forget Whose we are and Whose they are. If we cannot do something in love, even when disciplining, then we should not do it at all. Imagine a non-Believer were to come to church, searching for Someone whom they do not know but need. He/she would witness the division in the church, perhaps even recognise a local club goer singing praises to the LORD. What would be going through that person’s head? Likely that Christians are no better than the rest of the world. A young Muslim girl once questioned me about this: why were supposed Christians frequenting bars, going to parties, drinking, and carrying on like the rest of the world? What were they doing in church? She concluded that Jesus had to be a weakling for His own followers not to be obedient. Of course, I explained things to her and told her what a mighty GOD we serve. She went away thoughtful that day.

We also need to bear in mind that there are Christians new to the faith, those who are still growing. They need guidance, not condemnation. I was quite stubborn as a new Believer, and there were some areas of my life that I would not change out of pride and fear. I found it difficult to forgive people who had wronged me, and I hated to be told that I was wrong. I did not yet see wrong in what I was doing, I believed that I was justified. I would hold onto a grudge as though my life depended on it. I actually removed myself from a church because some members would speak to me about it and I just didn’t want to hear it. Sometimes when you carry deep emotional scars, it’s difficult to listen to the truth. It was in the ‘wilderness’ that GOD taught me the importance of forgiveness. It is better to have a person leave the church than have them believe that their sin is justified.

Of course, there will always be wolves in sheep’s clothing in the church, those who are not Christian but use the cover of Christianity for their own means. These people are more difficult to pick out especially if you are not as spiritually discerning as you should be. Then again, some churches have ceased to be a place of true fellowship, and it is far better to leave that church than to sit through services/sermons that do not honour GOD. I love my brothers and sisters in Christ, although I do have moments where I wish to give them a piece of my mind. The Holy Spirit will always then remind me of where I came from, how I started this walk of faith. That is quite humbling, to say the least! At the end of the day, you have to make sure that you are right with GOD because there is nothing that you can hide from Him. Search your hearts daily for anything contrary to Him, and keep Jesus at the centre of all you do. 

Note: Perhaps the word purge sounds harsh, but according to the Oxford Dictionary, it means to make yourself sb/sth pure, healthy, or clean by getting rid of bad thoughts or feelings. Now we know that sin starts in our minds- we think it before we do it. These bad (sinful) thoughts often driven by emotions or vice versa. Get the sin out, and keep the Church clean:)

Disclaimer: I do not profess to teach or have any sort of authority over men. I share the Word of GOD and any matters of the world that directly applies to our lives and walk as Christians.

More than these

More than these

Growing up with several siblings can make you feel like you have fallen through the cracks. This creates in you a desire to be special, a favorite of somebody’s, anybody’s. Thus, began the life pursuit of trying to be somebody’s favorite whatever. I tried it on as a favorite child, a favorite friend, a favorite singer. I even used to want to be one of God’s favorites. But, Praise God, He doesn’t have any favorites, and that is where healing from this malady began. I picked up on what may have been a similar struggle in the Apostle Peter’s life.

So when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter,

“Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Tend My lambs.” 16 He said to him again a second time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” He said to Him, “Yes, Lord; You know that I love You.” He said to him, “Shepherd My sheep.” He said to him the third time, “Simon, son of John, do you love Me?” Peter was grieved because He said to him the third time, “Do you love Me?” And he said to Him, “Lord, You know all things; You know that I love You.” Jesus said to him, “Tend My sheep.

(John 21:15-17)

This is a precious passage where I believe Jesus is restoring Peter from the three denials he committed, as Jesus stood being questioned before His death (John 18:25-27). By asking Peter if he loved him three times, Peter was able to be restored by saying three times. “Yes, Lord, I love you.” But I believe there is more going on here than just restoration.

The first time Jesus asks Peter if he loves Him has an extra phrase, “more than these.” Peter was a natural leader, which is seen as you watch him in several passages of Scripture, which I cannot expand on now. But one obvious indication of his leadership call, is prophesied by Jesus Himself.

And Jesus said to him,

“Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18 I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.

(Matthew 16:17-19)

Now perhaps I am taking liberties here but bear with me. Peter perhaps thought he must be a favorite of Jesus by being called the Rock and building the church on that rock. Perhaps we have thought more highly of ourselves through a similar call or position God has put us in.

I believe the fall of Peter, through the denial of Jesus, was something Jesus used to help Peter realize that God has no favorites. “Do you love me more than these?” is a question that God has shown me I was unconsciously asking and believing for quite a long time. I longed to be somebody’s favorite, so I tried to be God’s.

But the true freedom is found in belonging to a God who has no favorites in His Kingdom at all. He just has Beloveds. He loves us all equally, completely, perfectly. Perhaps God is having to show you that He has no favorites, just beloveds. He showed me through the same kind of fall that Peter went through. I was knocked off my high horse like the Apostle Paul in Acts 9. But it was the love of God that knocked me off that horse, and it was the love of God that left me in a suffering situation longer than I would have liked. It was the Love of God that told me I was not a favorite of His because He has none. I don’t try to be a favorite anymore. I don’t need to because like all the children of God, I am a favored one, a beloved one, a treasured one; as are you all, Dear Believers. Rest in His all-consuming, never-ending, completely restoring Love.

A Letter to YOU from the Devil

A Letter to YOU from the Devil

I am working.

I do not care, and although people tend to depict me as an ugly two horned beast and a fork tail, this is false.

The truth is whoever knows the bible knows very well that I can still appear as an angel of light.

Actually, I go to church more often than many and feel particularly happy when I come across Christians who neglect to pray or read the Bible on a regular basis.

It is in this that I am filled with joy and even applaud.

This is because the less you pray and read the Bible, the more control I can exert over you.

My greatest joy is when at the moment of preaching, many are talking, distracted on the their mobile phones or to concerned with their appearance.

My greatest sadness is when I see the church singing. I turned against God along time ago, because I wanting to be his equal. As a result I was expelled from heaven and lost all my privileges and so I have made this earth my home.

Today in the church, *music is what I hate most*.
Therefore *I have set a spirit of pride and prostitution for the musicians*, (Ezekiel 28: 12,13,14,15).

*My end is near*. That is why in recent times I am working hard to bring crowds with me to hell.

My mission is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10).

I attract crowds with songs, dances, parties, alcoholic drinks, drugs, social networks, soap operas, movies, fame, fashion, lust, money, sexual pleasures etc.

I like to see women exposing there bodies to arouse the sensuality of men.

Many go to church with tight pants and short skirts.

I’m not afraid to reveal my secrets. I know very well that even when all this is said, there will be no improvement in you.

The things that make me angry in the church are: *fasting, prayers, intercession, and offerings*.

When I want someone not to go to church, I put thoughts like:

‘You are tired’, you are not fit to go to church … Then do not go!

‘The services are long and tiring’, do not go !!!

‘Rest, enjoy the TV!’

Almost Done

Math is not a strong suit of mine. I can do it, I’m just not crazy about it. I can perform math functions without even realizing it and it pleases my brain to do so that way. If math turns out to be a side note or byproduct of another action, even better. But perform math deliberately, nah.

As I was eating breakfast this morning it dawned on me that as I was equally distributing my portions, I was actually performing mathematical functions. Perhaps percentages, as I needed to know how much bacon per forkfull of cakes. Maybe some geometry and a little algebra. I frequently needed to solve for “x” or what it was I was going to put into my mouth next to complete this full bodied, flavorful bunch of sweetness.

Have you ever noticed the way that we eat our food? I mean the way that we portion each item just so. I ate each bite of pancake with a bite of bacon. I even took a sip of juice according to the amount of moisture, or lack thereof, into my mouth as needed. Why is this topic important you may ask. Well, it shows that we are much smarter than we think.

Here I am performing percentages and partial geometric equations and solutions over a stack of pancakes and bacon. Including the liquid adds another dimension of smarts to my repertoire. It reminds me that being intelligent is apart of our being whether we’re conscious of it or not. We are smart. You may say, “That doesn’t take smarts, just hunger.” and you would be partly correct. However, that’s even more of the miraculous about our makeup as human beings.

Even in a state of lack or deprivation, our brains still have the capacity and wherewithal to perform the most trivial of tasks by proportionately allocating bite-sized morsels into our mouths in just the most satisfying of combos. Whew, that was a mouthful. (no pun intended) If God created, and he did, such seemingly complex features in just this small area of our makeup, how much more will he complete the major things in our lives. Especially when it comes to our purpose.

God always finishes what he starts, know that what he started in you he will most definitely complete. So the next time you sit down to have a stack of pancakes remember, you’re a mathematical genius and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you too are not half done.

Scripture references: Colossians 2:10; Philippines 1:6

dorothy’s page © 2018 Dorothy E. Young

I’m here

I'm here

If I’m with you when it’s cool

And not with you when it’s hot

What kinda friend am I

When courage I have not

To shield you

To stand in the gap

To intercede for you

As a matter of fact

My love is proven

As I’m with you in life’s heat

Good times are for fairweatherers

But true loyalty isn’t beaten

When public opinion yells

“Crucify him! Hang him high!”

I’ll still be in your corner

Sending prayers toward skies

Of God’s mercy and

His unmerited Grace

For he alone is able

To save you, today

Dorothy’s page © 2019 Dorothy E. Young

Modern Hero’s for God

Modern Hero’s for God

What makes someone a hero? Are they perfect in every way, like Superman? Or, are they flawed like the rest of us? And what about the anti-hero, those who have deep flaws and yet at times display great courage and make a stand for what is right? Where do we see these people around us, and what can we learn from them? And, what about those who are famous and lots of people follow them but are not heroes at all?

He has conquered self–the strongest foe man has to meet. The highest evidence of nobility in a Christian is self-control. He who can stand unmoved amid a storm of abuse is one of God’s heroes.

He who has learned to rule his spirit will rise above the slights, the rebuffs, the annoyances to which we are daily exposed, and these will cease to cast a gloom over his spirit. 

It is God’s purpose that the kingly power of sanctified reason, controlled by divine grace, shall bear sway in the lives of human beings. He who rules his spirit is in possession of this power. 

The man or woman who preserves the balance of the mind when tempted to indulge passion, stands higher in the sight of God and heavenly angels than the most renowned general that ever led an army to battle and to victory. 

What young men and women need is Christian heroism. God’s Word declares that he that ruleth his spirit is better than he that taketh a city. To rule the spirit means to keep self under discipline”¦. They need to seek earnestly to bring into their lives the perfection that is seen in the life of the Saviour, so that when Christ shall come, they will be prepared to enter in through the gates into the city of God. God’s abounding love and presence in the heart will give the power of self-control and will mold and fashion the mind and character. The grace of Christ in the life will direct the aims and purposes and capabilities into channels that will give moral and spiritual power–power which the youth will not have to leave in this world, but which they can carry with them into the future life and retain through the eternal ages. 

Youth Today

Heroes for God

Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Christ told His disciples that in the world they should have tribulation. They would be brought before kings and rulers for His sake; all manner of evil would be spoken against them falsely, and those who destroyed their lives would think they did God service. And all, in every age, who have lived godly lives have suffered persecution in some form or sanother. They have suffered every indignity, outrage, and cruelty which Satan could move upon minds to invent.

The world is as much opposed to genuine religion today as it ever has been. The spirit of persecution will be aroused against the faithful ones, who make no concessions to the world, and will not be swayed by its opinions, its favor, or its opposition. A religion that bears a living testimony in favor of holiness and that rebukes pride, selfishness, and fashionable sins will be hated by the world and by superficial Christians.

Marvel not, then, my youthful Christian friends, if the world hates you; for it hated Jesus before you. When you suffer reproach and persecution, you are in excellent company; for Jesus endured it all, and much more. If you are faithful soilders for God, these things are a compliment to you. It is the heroic souls, who will be true if they stand alone, who will win the imperishable crown.

The way to eternal life is straight and narrow, and you will have to press through many difficulties; but by persevering effort you may win eternal life–the future, immortal inheritance. And the rest, the peace, the glory at the end of the journey, will a thousand times repay every exertion and sacrifice that you can make.

Kisses from God: When God is in the waiting

Kisses from God: When God is in the waiting

It was my usual routine of rising around 5:30 (body-clock, not by choice). I went out to the kitchen to get a tea and there was a mess from the day before. I never do dishes and such at night because I am a morning person, so I even cook dinner in the morning some days and have it ready before 10 a.m. As I was cleaning, washing, preparing; etc. the “feel-sorry-for-myself” bug began to bite. I was moaning inwardly about how I do this stuff every day and no one even knows it. They just have a fresh breakfast, clean dishes, folded laundry and a hearty lunch and dinner. Yes, I work, part-time, but this routine has been part of my life for 34 years, daily. I have never achieved the dreams I thought I was destined for, so I was be-moaning that too.

Suddenly I heard that familiar voice inside my thoughts and He said to me,” She rises up early and cares for the needs of her family.” God was encouraging me in the midst of my self-pity. For those who may not know where this quote is from, it’s from Proverbs 31. I avoid this Proverb as much as I can because it details a woman that I think I can never be.  Let’s read some of it below:

10 An excellent wife, who can find? For her worth is far above jewels.11 The heart of her husband trusts in her, and he will have no lack of gain.12 She does him good and not evil All the days of her life.13 She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight.14 She is like merchant ships; She brings her food from afar.15 She rises also while it is still night and gives food to her householdAnd portions to her maidens.16 She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard.17 She girds herself with strength and makes her arms strong.18 She senses that her gain is good; Her lamp does not go out at night.19 She stretches out her hands to the distaff, and her hands grasp the spindle.20 She extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches out her hands to the needy.21 She is not afraid of the snow for her household, For all her household are clothed with scarlet.22 She makes coverings for herself; Her clothing is fine linen and purple.23 Her husband is known in the gates, When he sits among the elders of the land.24 She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies belts to the tradesmen.25 Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.26 She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.27 She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.28 Her children rise up and bless her; Her husband also, and he praises her, saying:29 “Many daughters have done nobly, But you excel them all.”30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised.31 Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. (Prov. 31)

Pretty daunting list, huh! No wonder I have avoided it.  I highlighted the one God spoke to me this morning for you.  But as I read the list just now, I felt His kind prodding that there were other things on that list that I do as well, and He is pleased with me. He also pointed out one that I could work more diligently on, as well.The point is, God let me know that He is pleased with me this morning! There can be no higher praise in all the world.  It was like what we do with our kids when they are hurting from a fall. We call them close and we kiss their hurt. There is no magic in that kiss, not to physically heal the wound, but just the sense of being loved and cared for is enough to send a child skipping off believing all is right now. Just because of that act of caring, that kiss on a wound.  God kissed me this morning in a place I have been hurting, and there can be no greater blessing in all the world.  Pour out your heart before Him this morning, Dear Believer, and may He kiss you where you hurt.

By: Carole L. Haines

The Rise of False Prophets and Preachers

We are living in an age where anyone can call themselves a prophet, a teacher, a preacher or any other authority in the Christian body. All that is required is a silver tongue, charisma, and no conscience. Combine this with social media, and the media in general, and you’ve got yourself a circus.

Many desperate people are seeking a Messiah, but rather than turn to Jesus, they turn to a supposed man of GOD (or woman in some cases). They put their trust, their common sense, and their money into the hands of this man, hoping that he will bring them deliverance, health, prosperity, and love. This man will then capitalise on their need, exploit it, and use it to his advantage. This has happened in the past, and I am sure that many people are aware of the stories of charismatic leaders who declared themselves to be men of GOD, or even the Messiah himself. Their dangerous teachings brought people under bondage, going so far as to convince them to take their own lives. As outsiders, we may look at these unfortunate victims and shake our heads, wondering how they could have buried themselves so deeply in the cult that they believed the radical teachings and lies of the leader, but it’s simple really. If someone has a problem, and you claim that you and you alone have the answer to the problem, people will listen. Perhaps it may be out curiosity at first, but if you have the gift of the gab and you know how to appeal to the needy part of a person, you have them. Once you gain their trust, you can begin to take over their thoughts, beliefs, and will. Before long, you have a group of people who will do whatever you tell them to do. It is this type of person that has made Christianity a detested, hypocritical, and dangerous faith to many in the world.

In years past, these dangerous leaders would pop up here and there on the news, and then only if something horrific had taken place. These days, false prophets and preachers may not be asking you to kill yourself, but that does not mean that they are any less dangerous. In Africa alone, there have been countless stories of these leaders who abused their power by making their congregations do ridiculous and often dangerous things. A couple years ago, right here in South Africa, we had a pastor who sprayed insect repellent in the face of people to remove demons. Insect repellent? Really? I remember watching the video in disbelief, watching this supposed man of GOD spray Doom (insect repellent) into the faces of many people. This had my country in an uproar, with people making negative comments about Christians and painting us all in the same light as this pastor. It didn’t end there. We had another pastor who had his entire congregation eat grass like a cow. They were literally on their hands and knees eating this grass like animals. Funny thing was, I did not seehimdo it. Another pastor, who called himself a prophet (most of them do), had the congregation bring their underwear to church, hold it in front of their intimate parts, while he cast out devils. He actually had a bag full of underwear that he handed out to the church. This particular prophet was documented by an Englishman who had heard about the infamous church leader. The documentary actually aired some months ago on BBC.

Several religious channels in South Africa feature these false prophets and preachers. The latest one that caught my eye while channel surfing was a man who claimed to heal people by kissing them. Interestingly enough, he was picky about who he kissed. You had to be of a certain age (not too old), and you could not be an ugly duckling either. I watched this man put his lips on this woman, and hold her there for at least two minutes. Whether or not this method ‘worked’ I will never know as I changed the channel- I had had enough. These leaders have Youtube channels, reaching a wider audience than they normally would have. Some use Facebook to promote their false teachings, and even Twitter. They use these platforms to sell their ‘anointed’ products as well, whether it be a lotion, lip ointment, clothing, holy water, and other items that bring their followers under stronger bondage. You’re also always sowing into their ministry, but instead of them using that money for the poor and helpless, they use it to further themselves. As their church grows, so does their wealth and their heads. New cars, houses, girlfriends, clothing, and bodyguards are all the rage. They call it their ‘due’ as glorious and obedient servants of the Most High (what a load of blasphemous rubbish). While their church suffers, they thrive? I do not know of any teaching from Scripture that promotes this type of life.

Africa is not the only one with these type of people. America also has its fair share of false prophets and preachers who are glorified by their church members. They make a show out of their sermons, filling it with distracting effects so as to dull what little discernment the congregation has. Flying over the congregation’s head by means of a skillfully positioned rope, worship music that gets the listener into a frenzy that is far from godly, watered down Scripture that promotes tolerability of non-Christian values and lifestyle choices, drama-filled people who love to satisfy the flesh, busybodies intent on sowing disruption in the body of Christ, and people filled with the self who love to be praised and glorified for the supposed anointing on their lives. I don’t hear much about Europe or any other areas of the world, but I’m sure that there are plenty of these false leaders looking to fool an unsuspecting Christian.

Christians should not be able to be fooled, especially if they read their Bibles. However, many Christians are lazy. They are happier to let someone else teach them than actually meditate on GOD’S Word for themselves. With social media being such an essential aspect of a great percentage of peoples’ lives, it is easy to find a leader who you like, follow them, and then wait for them to post teachings, twisted Scriptures, videos, and the like. Not many Christians actually question teachings by Christian leaders anymore merely because their teachings ‘seem right’. Well, the Bible has something to say about ‘seemingly right leaders’.

2 Corinthians 11:13-15: For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.

Just in case some Christians are not aware of what these leaders are actually meant to do in the Body of Christ, I’ll let this Scripture speak for itself:

Ephesians 4:12-14: …for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of GOD, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,…

The Church, the Body of Christ, is more divided today than ever before because of these false leaders. Christians are arguing over problems that the Bible has already clarified, but due to their loyalty to their pastors, prophets, and the lot, they will take false teaching over truth because it suits them better. Sometimes you’ll come across a leader who knows the Scriptures so well that he can twist it to sing to his tune and then proclaim it as the truth. These leaders may not be physically leading people to their death, but they are taking them with on a one-way ticket to hell. 

Brethren, we are not here just to plod along until Jesus returns! This is a fight! In 1 Corinthians 9:26, Paul the Apostle says: Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. You need to put on the armour of GOD and be ready for any evil, whether it be in the form of false preachers or prophets, persecution, attacks by the devil, or anything that opposes the Kingdom of GOD and His servants. I am not saying physically go out there and fight people, no. The Bible says that we do not wrestle with flesh (Eph 6:12), nor do we war according to the flesh (1 Cor 10:3). Spend more time with GOD in prayer, read His Word, study and meditate upon it, memorise Scripture, get into the habit of regular fasting, be sensitive to the voice of the Holy Ghost, and do not lose your faith. Know Whose you are, and Who you serve. Only then will you be equipped to suss out those who are not of The Body.

Disclaimer: I do not profess to teach or have any sort of authority over men. I share the Word of GOD and any matters about the world that directly applies to our lives and walk as Christians.

Higdon Name Meaning & Higdon Family History

Delicate, rare and striking - forgotten photographs of black Britons in the late 19th and early 20th century have been unearthed from the depths of the Hulton Archive -- one of the world's oldest and largest archives holding over 80 million images.

Pictured is the Higdon family. This photograph was taken in the year 1898 in Britain. Who were the Black Victorians? Mainstream history has virtually erased them from our minds and history books. We have been filled with images of slavery in America and across the world, but why is it that this chapter in black history was skipped? Why isn’t it equally common knowledge that in the midst of all of that darkness there was Victorian Britain have been revealed to the public for the very first time.

Delicate, rare and striking – forgotten photographs of black Britons in the late 19th and early 20th century have been unearthed from the depths of the Hulton Archive — one of the world’s oldest and largest archives holding over 80 million images.

Black Chronicles II, a photographic exhibition at Rivington Place in East London is currently showcasing over 200 images that explore black presences in Victorian Britain, the majority of which have never been revealed to the public.

Part of “The Missing Chapter” — a three-year project devoted to researching and revealing the earliest imagery of black people in Britain — curators Renée Mussai and Mark Sealy of archive and research centre Autograph ABP have re-introduced a neglected part of history to the public consciousness.

“We have been doing this work around black representation through the prism of photography for 25 years,” says Mussa.

“What we wanted to do with this research project was to expand, if you like, the narrative back to the very early days – to the invention of photography in 1839.”

Going far back in time

The history of black people in Britain is most commonly traced back to 1948, when the “Empire Windrush” ship carried 492 Jamaican passengers to British shores, following an ad in a Jamaican newspaper promising affordable carriage on board for those seeking a new life and work in the UK.

Searching for images taken prior to this moment proved to be both exciting and overwhelming.

“We didn’t know what we would find in the archive.” Mussai exclaims.

“The Hulton Archive didn’t know what they had because they didn’t look at it with this particular remit in mind, and with 80 million records, you can imagine things get lost!”

After extensive rummaging, a wealth of hitherto unknown photographs, carte-de-visites (thin paper photograph mounted on thick paper card), cabinet cards and albumen prints resurfaced.

At one point in history, people of color were included in high society and walked the cobbled streets of Britain. The women wore intricate, voluminous gowns and wore their hair in curls and chignons. The men in suits and fair business. This may not have been the case for all black people in Britain, but for some it was. 

The Victorian Era was ruled under Queen Victoria, an era that is described as an opulent culture, although there were underlying bouts of poverty and child labor. History would like you to believe that black people didn’t arrive in Britain until 1948 during “The Empire Windrush”, when many Jamaican descendants entered the country, but that is not so. There has been proof to suggest otherwise. There is documentation that proves that it wasn’t uncommon to see black faces at a Shakespeare show. We’ve been there all along, humming softly in the background.These images prove that you can’t take mainstream history at face value. Take the time to look behind the curtain and uncover OUR history. It’s as if our ancestors are just waiting for us to seek them out.

How to Love the Sinner & Hate the Sin

How to Love the Sinner & Hate the Sin

It’s a catchy phrase. Everyone uses it whenever there is a discussion about Christians interacting with people that live counter to Scripture (or their interpretation of Scripture).

“Love the sinner, hate the sin.”

But how do we do that? It’s easier said than done. It can be difficult to see the distinction between sinner and sin.

Thankfully, C.S. Lewis has some wise words to help get us see the line between.

“I remember Christian teachers telling me long ago that I must hate a bad man’s actions but not hate the bad man: or, as they would say, hate the sin but not the sinner. ”¦I used to think this a silly, straw-splitting distinction: how could you hate what a man did and not hate the man?

But years later it occurred to me that there was one man to whom I had been doing this all my life –namely myself.

However much I might dislike my own cowardice or conceit or greed, I went on loving myself. There had never been the slightest difficulty about it. In fact the very reason why I hated the things was that I loved the man. Just because I loved myself, I was sorry to find that I was the sort of man who did those things.”

– C.S. Lewis

It isn’t as hard to love the sinner and hate the sin as we often think, because we are doing it all the time. We love ourselves even though we do things that we hate and condemn in ourselves.

The problem is, we don’t know it. We don’t see it that way.

But when we do, when we turn those eyes of grace from ourselves to others, it is easier to see the sinner and not just the sin. It becomes that much easier to share the love of Christ because we know what it like to receive it.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins.

1 John 4:10

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”

John 13:34-35

This article first appeared on Christian Thought Sandbox.


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