Set Your Hope

Set Your Hope

Talking to some youth this weekend, amidst the optimism, there also seems to be a lot of hopelessness. It’s time to set our hope so we are not easily swayed by the trials of life.

Setting our hope on God, means we set our lives in the right direction. One translation of today’s verse says, “Look forward to more and more of God’s favour.” God wants to pour out His goodness and grace on you. He wants to help you get ahead in this life. He wants to lead you to the right job. He wants to lead you to the right relationship. But here’s the key: we have to be on the lookout for more and more of God’s favour. More and more of God’s hope. More and more of God’s grace. That tells me that we can’t get stagnant.

Today, meditate on the truth that God wants to do more than you can even ask or think. It says in Ephesians that He wants to show us the immeasurable, limitless, surpassing greatness of His free favour. In other words, God wants to go far and above what we’re used to! He wants to show you favour in unusual and extraordinary ways. Set your hopes dynamically higher today, and increase your expectations of what God will do in your life!

“…set your hope wholly and unchangeably on the grace (divine favour) that is coming to you when Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is revealed.” (1 Peter 1:13, AMP)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your abundance in every area of my life today. Father, I choose to set my hope in You, knowing that You want to do more in my life than I can ever imagine. By faith I receive more of Your favour, grace and hope. God, teach me to be a vessel used by You, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Sealed With Power And Authority

God Gave Me Power and Authority

Did you know that you were created with power and authority? Today’s scripture tells us that you have the mark of authority of the Almighty. We don’t often hear about signet rings anymore; but in Bible times, they were very significant. The signet ring was used to identify the message or messenger, and the authority they had. In other words, you knew something was from the king because it was marked by his signet ring. It was representative of power and authority. God has chosen and set you apart to be identified with Him. Hallelujah!

When you have someone’s power and authority, it’s like having power of attorney; you have the authority to act on behalf of that individual. As a believer in Jesus, you are marked with His seal. Think of all you have access to today!

Today, think about the authority you have. Everything God has is available to you—healing, provision, strength, peace, joy. You have been given authority to unlock His abundant blessings and power over all the forces of evil in Jesus’ name. Accept His seal, and you will be marked to live the abundant life He has in store for you!

“‘…I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the LORD Almighty.” (Haggai 2:23, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for choosing me and calling me Your own. Father, help me to fully understand the authority and power You’ve placed in me, through Your Son and Holy Spirit. I receive all the supernatural blessings You have for me today, in Christ’ name! Amen.

Walking In The Rain

8 Things Hings That a Single or Married Woman Should Never Do with the Opposite Sex

I learnt while in Africa that rain is symbolic of God’s blessing and favour. Someone once said God’s Word is like rain that causes us to flourish and blossom. Scripture says we should live like a well-watered garden, vibrant and growing. We should live under a cloud of God’s blessing.  

I’m told a cloud is formed when moisture rises up from the earth into the atmosphere. Eventually, the moisture is so abundant that the rain begins to fall. In the same way, your praise is like the invisible moisture that rises up to heaven and forms a cloud of blessings which will activate an outpouring of God’s blessing, favour and provision in your life. Hallelujah! 

Today, if you feel like you are in a dry season, begin to praise and thank God that He is bringing you through to a place of refreshing. Praise God and magnify Him for His goodness until your praise forms clouds of blessings. As you turn up your praise, God will send down rain of blessings, and you will experience His abundant outpouring in every area of your life! 

“As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” (Isaiah 55:10–11, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I praise and honour You. Father, thank You for this day. Thank You for giving me life. Thank You for making me new. Thank You for saving me and filling me with Your peace and joy. Hallelujah. I bless Your most Holy Name. God, please rain Your blessings on me today. I love You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

You Were Chosen Before Creation

God had a plan for you before the foundations of the world. He chose you to be His ambassador, His representative. He created you to reflect His glory, character, righteousness, and holiness.  

Part of Your purpose on this earth is to represent Christ the King! That should make you walk a little differently. It should make you talk a little differently. It should make you think differently and a little more carefully about the places you go and the things you do. 

Today, know that God will equip you to do whatever He’s called you to do. If there are things in your life that you need to change in order to represent Him well, God wants to empower you to overcome them. Receive God’s strength today so that you can walk in holiness and be His ambassador everywhere you go! 

??“For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight.” (Ephesians 1:4, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for choosing me before the foundation of the world to be Your representative in the world. Father, please search my heart and remove anything that is displeasing to You. I receive Your holiness and will walk according to Your ways and my purpose, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

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God Can Make Up For Lost Time

During this season, many of us have lost so much – a job, relationship, money and maybe even sanity. None of it may have been your fault. God knows how to make up for the years you’ve lost in your life. No, you can’t re-live your childhood, but God can make the rest of your life so rewarding, so fulfilling that you don’t even miss what didn’t happen in the past. 

You may be sitting there thinking about wasted years in relationships that didn’t work out. But God can bring somebody into your life so great, so fun, so friendly, so attractive, that you don’t even remember the years that you’ve lost. You may have spent years in a job that turned out to be a dead end. You were working your way to the top; things didn’t turn out like you had hoped, and now it looks like it was a big waste of time. You may not see how you could ever get to where you want to be, but don’t believe the enemy’s lies. God knows how to make up for lost time. Hallelujah! 

Today, God can change things in your life. He can bring opportunities back that you missed, that will thrust you years ahead of where you are. It may not have happened the first time, but God will always give you another chance. He’ll make up for the lost time and bring you out better and stronger than ever before! 

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…” (Joel 2:25, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, You are my Great Redeemer. Father, thank You for Your promise to restore to me the years that have been lost or wasted – some through no fault of my own. I receive this promise by faith. God, I claim my job back, my finances back, my relationship back, my dignity back, and I put my trust and hope in You, and believe that my best days are ahead of me, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

The Enemy Did It

The Enemy Will Flee

Have you ever done what you thought was right, only for everything to go wrong? in Matthew 13 there is a parable about a man who went out to his field and planted wheat in the ground. He sowed good seed. But while he slept, an enemy came in and planted weeds. The man didn’t know what had happened. He was expecting to have a great harvest; after all, he did all the right things, but the weeds sprang up among his wheat.  

This represents that the man did the right thing, honouring God with his life, and being good to others, he sowed good seed. Sometimes, things happen in life. Weeds spring up that we didn’t have anything to do with, it was the enemy. The key is to keep the right attitude and stay focused on the goodness of God. When these unexpected challenges happen, we can say, “It’s just another weed. I didn’t sow it. I don’t have to reap it.” Then we let God handle what the enemy has done. 

Today, don’t let the enemy’s weeds take root in your life. Don’t let him choke your good deeds. Don’t let discouragement creep in. Instead, lift up your eyes of faith to what your Father God can do for you. Keep believing, keep praying and keep hoping, because your harvest is on the way! 

“Jesus told them another parable: ‘The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, and went away.’” (Matthew 13:24–25, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which sets me free. Father, help me to keep my heart and mind focused on You. Please destroy the evil weeds the enemy has planted in my life. God, give me Your peace so I can focus on the harvest that You have for my future, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

An Appetite of Diligence

God Wants to Take You to the Next Level

We serve a God of favour and blessings. He longs to pour them out on you. He wants to show you His goodness and provision. Your part is to be diligent. Be diligent in seeking His ways and following His commands. Be diligent with how you treat others and what you have in your hands, your time and your resources. 

The Bible tells us a parable about three men whose employer entrusted them with some money. Two of them were diligent and invested the money and received great returns. The third man was afraid and buried what he was given. The first two men were rewarded and praised for their diligence, while the third man was rebuked for not being diligent. 

Today, look for ways to be diligent with what you have in your hands. Whatever you do, do it with excellence. Be the best you can be and go the extra mile even when you think no one notices. When people don’t notice, God notices, and He promises to reward the appetite of the diligent. 

“…the appetite of the diligent is abundantly supplied.” (Proverbs 13:4, AMPC) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your favour and blessings on my life. Father, I will be more diligent. Teach me how to live in excellence and do everything to the best of my ability. God, I give You all the glory for my past, present and future, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Fiery Trials

Christianity in India Standing Strong Despite Growing Persecution

After some strange turbulent weather, it has made me reflect on life’s unexpected and strange moments. Sometimes, if you know you are going into a challenging season, you can get prepared for it. You can make sure you are mentally ready. But what about the strange and the difficult situations that we don’t see coming? The unexpected crisis that catches you off-guard? Sometimes, it can seem so overwhelming. 

In Scripture we are told not to be surprised by fiery trials. That’s because the forces of darkness would not be fighting against you if they didn’t know that God has something amazing in your future! Sometimes, those unexpected difficulties are just a sign that you’re on the right track. The enemy always fights the hardest when you are closest to your breakthrough. Stay on course, keep the faith and leave the fighting to God. 

Today, if you’re in the difficult times, keep your joy and declare God’s Word over your trial. God has promised that you will overcome every obstacle. You will defeat every enemy, and you will embrace the blessings and victories God has in store for you! 

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 4:12–13, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for walking with me in my strange and difficult trials. Father, I cast all of my cares on You. God, I give You all of my difficulties, all of my questions, and all of my concerns. Thank You for working all things out for my good, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

From God With Love

GodInterest exists to welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds, equipping people with a faith that works in real life and sends them into a world to serve for God and humanity.

A few nights ago, I was sitting in my car reflecting on my day. I looked up and it was amazing – the lights, the stars and the bright moon all seemed so surreal, it shouted I love you! All through the world we see God’s love, even in the midst of chaos. There is tremendous power in love! In the same way that a tree will grow taller and stronger when its roots grow deep, you will be stronger and rise higher when you are rooted in God’s love. 

Love starts with a choice. When you say “yes” to God, you are saying “yes” to love, because God is love! According to 1 Corinthians 13, love means being patient and kind. It means not seeking your own way, not being jealous or boastful. When you choose love instead of choosing to hate, you are showing the world that God is first place in your life. The more you choose to love, the stronger your spiritual roots will grow. 

 Today, let me remind you, love is the greatest principle and it’s the currency of heaven. Love will last throughout eternity. Choose to love today, and let it be strong in your heart. Let His love build security in you, and empower you to live the life of kindness, patience and peace God has for you. 

“…May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.”(Ephesians 3:17, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, today and everyday, I choose love. Father, show me how to love You and others the way You love me. Give me patience and kindness. Take away selfishness, jealousy and pride. God, thank You for setting me free and empowering me to live the life You have for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Don’t Worship Your Dreams

You Should Never Give up on Your Dreams

Have you heard the saying “what goes around comes around?” God has a system in place in order to bless you, and it works on the principle of sowing and reaping. What you pour out to others, it will come back to you in increased measure. When you give generously, a generous harvest will return to you. When you help others succeed, you will find abundant success on your own path too.

Remember there are people in your life who will help you reach your full potential. These are people that God has placed in your life for you to help along, for you to sow into. The higher they rise up, the higher you will rise up too. When you give generously of your time, talent and resources, you are setting yourself up for greater success.

Today, what are you doing to invest in the lives of the people around you? Are you helping others get ahead? Step out and sow a seed, not necessarily of money. Look for ways to help others. As you sow success, you’ll reap success, and move forward and upward into the life God has in store for you!

“Send your grain across the seas, and in time, profits will flow back to you.” (Ecclesiastes 11:1 NLT)

Pray With Me

Jehovah, I open my heart to You and the success You have in store for me. Use me to be a blessing in the lives of others, helping them become successful in You. Show me where to invest my time, talent and resources, to help others succeed for Your glory, in Christ’ name! Amen.

Don’t Worship Your Dreams

After a year of lockdown, are you frustrated because a dream or a goal didn’t happen or wasn’t reached? It’s good to be passionate about your dreams, but did you know a dream can become an idol? Here’s how. If that’s all you think about and you’re not going to be happy unless it happens your way, that’s not balanced. 

Many times, we hold on to things too tightly, but when we let them go, that’s when it will come to pass. If you’ll release that frustration and not let it become the centre of your attention, that’s when God can begin to move. So, use the same time and energy to thank God for directing your steps, and watch how it opens the door for God to give you the desires of your heart. 

Today, remember God already knows what we want and what we are in need of. He’s the one who put those desires in us. We shouldn’t be consumed with trying to make things happen. Instead, a greater act of faith is to be happy right where you are and with your circumstance! Stay open minded and trust God, because He has good plans in store for you! 

“I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives.” (John 12:24, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for placing dreams and goals in my heart. Father, today I release my dreams and desires like seeds falling to the ground. God, I know that You have a plan for my future, and I trust that Your plans will unfold in every area of my life and lead to true success, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

I Am Your Everything

“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14, NIV)

In Scripture God is called the Great I AM – to many – the greatest title for God. Through this title He’s saying, “I am everything you need. I am the Creator of the universe. I am the one who spoke the worlds into existence. I am your strength. I am your wisdom. I am your protection. I am your provider. I am your way-maker. I am your problem solver. I am your dream giver. I am your victory!” Hallelujah! 

In Scripture David says “Though I am surrounded by troubles, You will bring me safely through. Your fist is clenched against my enemies. Your power will save me” (Psalm 138). Do you feel like David today? Are you surrounded by all kinds of difficulties and enemies? Maybe you are tempted to just settle right where you are.  

Today, you need to get your fire back! Instead of focusing on how big your problems are, focus on God the I AM. Your water when you’re thirsty, your food when you’re hungry, your helper when you’re helpless, your hope when you’re hopeless. He is everything you need. He is the Great I AM, and He is the one leading and guiding you into victory! 

“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for being the I AM – everything that I need to live. Father, I choose to focus on Your greatness today despite my difficulties and enemies. God, I receive Your provision and victory, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

How To Get Rid Of Stress

Dealing With The Unexpected

One of the number one killers of all time is stress and not enough rest. Sometimes the daily pressures of life can cause unnecessary stress. In fact, many people lose sleep worrying about things or people in their lives. But God doesn’t want us to live stressed out and overwhelmed. He wants us to live a life of rest and peace.

As Jesus walked on this earth, He took time for Himself. He got away from the crowds. He spent time with the Father. That’s how He found rest. He was gentle and humble in heart. Have you noticed that when you don’t take time out you are stressed, worried and less tolerant of others? You’re more likely to say or do something you don’t really mean.

Today, God wants you to cast your cares on Him and live with a gentle and humble attitude. When you release your burdens and rest and don’t worry, like Jesus, you will find rest for your soul. You will be rejuvenated and refreshed! You will find peace in your heart, so you can move forward in the abundant life God has for you!

“Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.” (Matthew 11:29, NIV

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I cast my cares on You. Father, teach me to have a gentle and humble attitude. God, help me find rest for my soul and not live with stress and worry, so that I can love You and others the way You love me, in Christ’s name! Amen.

It’s Your Imagination

If there were no limitations on your life, if anything were possible, what would you be imagining for you life? When was the last time you imagined God doing something supernatural in your life? Is there a relationship that needs restoration? Is there a business you’ve wanted to start, but you are holding back? It’s time to get rid of your limited imagination and focus on God’s promises. 

Do you know the only limits on your life are the limits you place in your mind, and God wants to do exceedingly more than you can even imagine! He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness and amaze you with His faithfulness. But in order for Him to exceed what you’ve imagined, you have to at least start imagining!  

Today, why don’t you take a step of faith and let your spiritual imagination run wild? Begin to see in your mind’s eye all the possibilities for your present and future. Meditate on the amazing things God has done throughout history. Let that seed of faith take root in your heart. Hold on to His promises because He is faithful and able to exceed your expectations and go beyond what you can imagine today! 

“For who knows a person’s thoughts except for their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God’s except the Spirit of God.” (1 Corinthians 2:11, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Father, I submit my imagination to You. Help me to see what You see for my future. God, help me to take the limits off my thinking, so that I can receive everything You have in store for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

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Making Up For Lost Time

Are You On God's Timetable?

Many of us have lost things during this pandemic – a job, house, relationship or even credibility, which may not have been your fault. I have good news, God knows how to make up for the things you’ve lost, not only during the pandemic but in life. No, you can’t re-live your childhood, but God can make the rest of your life so rewarding, so fulfilling that you don’t even miss what didn’t happen in the past. Hallelujah! 

Many of us feel like we’ve wasted years in a relationship that didn’t work out. But God can bring somebody into your life so great, so fun, so friendly, so attractive, that you don’t even remember the years that you’ve lost. You may have spent years in a job that turned out to be a dead end, it was a big waste of time. You may not see how you could ever get to where you want to be, but don’t believe the enemy’s lies. God knows how to make up for lost time by a better job, or with an unexpected promotion. 

Today, I declare God can accelerate things in your life. He can bring opportunities back that you’ve missed that will thrust you years ahead. Things may not have happened the first time, but God will always give you another chance. Your God will make up for lost time or things, and bring you out better and stronger than ever before! 

“I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten…” (Joel 2:25, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, my Great Redeemer and Lord. Father, thank You for Your promise to restore to me the years the locusts have eaten, the years that have been lost or wasted. I receive this promise by faith in Jesus’ Name. Father, we claim jobs back, finances back, dignity back and new relationships. I put my trust and hope in You, and believe that my best days are ahead of me, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Think About It

Thinking about all you have to appreciate can boost your happiness and your overall sense of well-being, according to psychologists.

Did you know that God wants us to live an abundant life? Scripture says that Christ came so we can have abundant life, but it all starts in our thinking. What should we be thinking about? The Scripture says, things that are noble, right, lovely, pure and praiseworthy.  

When a thought comes to your mind that you’re never going to be successful, replace it by saying, “Father, You said that if I would put You first, You would crown my efforts with success. You said that You surround me with favour like a shield. You said that Your blessings would chase me down and overtake me!” That’s how you take every thought captive, that’s how you change negative thinking by replacing it with God’s Word! 

Today, don’t allow any negative thoughts to take up space in your mind. Fill your heart and mind with the Word of God, and open the door for His hand of blessing in every area of your life! 

“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your truth which sets me free. Father, I choose to meditate on Your Words and goodness and dwell on the right things. God, help me to keep my heart and mind set on all that is pure, lovely and true, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


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