Dealing With The Unexpected

Dealing With The Unexpected

When you start serving God with your whole heart, don’t be surprised when you find yourself a target for the enemy. If you know you are going into a challenging season, you can get prepared for it. You can make sure you are mentally ready. But what about the difficulties that we don’t see coming? The unexpected crisis that catches you off-guard? Sometimes, it can seem so overwhelming that it almost knocks the wind right out of you, and leaves you at times questioning God. 

According to God’s Word we shouldn’t be surprised by those unexpected fiery trials. That’s because the forces of darkness would not be fighting against you if they didn’t know that God has something amazing in store for your life! Sometimes, those unexpected difficulties are just a sign that you’re on the right track. It’s always darkest just before the dawn. The enemy always fights the hardest when you are closest to your breakthrough. The key is to stay the course and keep fighting the good fight of faith. 

Today, in these difficult times, keep your joy and keep declaring God’s Word over your future. God has promised that you will overcome every obstacle – even the unexpected ones. You will defeat every enemy, and you will embrace the blessing and victory He has in for you! Hallelujah! 

“Dear friends, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal that has come on you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed.” (1 Peter 4:12–13, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for walking with me in every season of my life. Father, today I cast all of my cares on You. I cast all of my difficulties, all of my questions, and all of my concerns on You. God, teach me how to handle the unexpected fiery trials. Thank You for working all things out for my good, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

GodinterestTV – Breaking Free From Fear & Alcohol (Austin’s Story) – Episode 4

GodinterestTV – Step 4 To Breaking Free TRUTH | with Therapist Fay Lindo and Pastor Ray Patrick – 01/05/21

The 4th in a 12 Week Series on Saturday 8th May 2021 from 2 PM to 3 PM) 

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Abide & Remain

God Doesn’t Make No Junk

Our lives are like roller coasters, we all have ups and downs. There are seasons that are more difficult than others, when our character is being developed and our faith in God is being tested. Sometimes it can feel like you are taking two steps forward and three steps backward. If we’re not careful, we’ll start thinking that life is always going to be inconsistent. 

God doesn’t want us to always have roller coaster lives. He wants to bring us to a place of stability and peace, so we can remain strong in Him. Jesus said, “I am the vine. You are the branches. If you abide in me, you will bear much fruit and your fruit will remain.” The word “remain” means “to be fixed, immovable, not affected by circumstances.”  

Today, if you will just keep abiding in God, by meditating on His Word and staying constant in prayer, He’ll bring you through. He’ll make you strong, He’ll keep you stable and consistent, and you’ll embrace the life God has prepared for you! 

“If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you.” (John 15:7, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I set my heart and mind on You, knowing that You are faithful. Father, I trust that as I seek You and put You first, You will direct my thoughts and my life. God, teach me how to remain in You and follow Your leading in everything I do, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

One Day At A Time

God's grace is His undeserved, unearned and unmerited favour

I always thought that grace was unmerited favour, but recently I’ve learned it’s also God’s supernatural empowerment on your life. Throughout Scripture, we see God giving daily grace, power, and provision to His people. When the people of Israel were in the wilderness headed toward the Promised Land, God gave them manna each morning to eat. It would just appear on the ground. But, He specifically instructed them to gather up enough for that day only. In fact, if they gathered more than that, it would spoil. God was teaching them to trust His grace and that He would bless them every single day. 

God doesn’t give us grace for a year at a time, or even a month at a time. Oh no! Every day God has a fresh supply of grace, favour, blessings, wisdom and forgiveness.  

Today, you may be wondering how are you going to make it through this season in your life? One day at a time. Look for His grace today. Look for His provision today. Look for His hand of favour, because God promises to supply everything that you need just for today! 

“Give us this day our daily bread…” (Matthew 6:11, NKJ) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I thank You today for Your grace and favour. Father, I know that You have a fresh supply of everything that I need physically, spiritually and emotionally, I receive them today. God, help me to trust You more as I seek Your face daily. In Christ’s Name!  Amen.

Be Blessed!

Today Is The Day To Be Happy

God has so many blessings in store for you. So many opportunities, so many doors that will be opened. Do you want to experience those blessings in your life? Living in obedience and integrity is the key that unlocks the door to God’s blessings. When you put God first place in your life, you’ll be blessed in the city and in the country—you’ll be blessed when you come and when you go! 

Deuteronomy 28 also says that you will be so blessed that you will lend and not borrow. Can you see yourself in that position? Can you see yourself living in that kind of abundance? 

Today, know God doesn’t want you to be living with a barely-get-by attitude. We don’t serve a barely-get-by God; our God has more than enough! Hallelujah! He wants you to have more than enough to meet all your needs and to be a blessing to others. Make room in your life for the blessings of God. Choose to live in obedience and be blessed wherever you go! 

“If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands…you will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country.” (Deuteronomy 28:1–3, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. Father, I choose today to put You first in everything I do. God, please help me to walk in integrity and follow Your commands, so that I can honour You always and be a blessing to others, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

God Can Transform Your Mind

10 Scriptures That Remind Us We Are Showered in Grace

What are you thinking? Did you know Your life will move in the direction of your dominant thinking? If you’re constantly down on yourself, thinking you’ll never get ahead, then you won’t. But if you’ll choose to believe that you are an overcomer, that you have victory ahead, that God has good things in store for your future, then that’s what you’ll end up with. 

We must guide our thoughts, it’s so important to make sure our thoughts are the same as God’s Word. Just like your computer or smart phone, whatever you allow into your mind is what will come out in your attitude and actions. The more you meditate on God’s Word, the more you will transform your thinking to be like God’s thinking. 

Today, you must choose to focus on the Word of God. Allow your mind to be renewed and transformed. As you focus on God’s Word, His will and His way, you will become more like Him, and you will see His hand of blessing and favour in your life.  

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…”  (Romans 12:2, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray 

 Yahweh, thank You for the promise of transforming my sinful mind. Father, I submit to You everything I am. I ask that You renew my mind by Your Word, so that my thoughts are Your thoughts. God, please transform me into Your image in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

God Will Rescue You

While in Malawi I came face to face with a lion – albeit a blind one. Most people won’t ever literally come face to face with a hungry lion, but we’ve all been in situations where we feel like we are about to be destroyed. In the Bible we are told Daniel lived a life of excellence and the king kept promoting him and giving him authority, which made the other administrators jealous and angry. They manipulated the king into putting an unfair law in place that Daniel broke. 

Even though Daniel prayed, he still found himself in the den of lions as a punishment. How would you respond in that situation? I’m sure Daniel believed that God would deliver Him. I’m sure he hoped it would be before he was thrown into that den. Have you ever prayed and prayed for something and it looked like things just kept getting worse? Daniel trusted that God would work His supernatural plan for His glory. But he still had to go through the hardship of the lion’s den. 

Today, your friends may have turned on you, or you may feel like you’re in a lion’s den about to be devoured by the trials of life. Don’t be discouraged because God has the final say. Keep believing Him, keep trusting Him. He’s promised to never leave you or forsake you. He’ll shut the mouth of the lions that surround you; He’ll silence your accusers; He’ll stand with you in the fire, and He will lead you into victory in every area of your life. 

“Daniel, servant of the living God! Was your God, whom you serve so faithfully, able to rescue you from the lions?” (Daniel 6:20b). 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for being my light in dark times. Father, I thank You for Your faithfulness, and trust that You have a wonderful plan for my life. God, silence those who seek to do me harm, and vindicate Yourself through me. Almighty God, no matter how things seem, I will put my hope and trust in You. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

Diligence Brings Rewards

Everybody likes a reward whether earned or unearned. God likes to give rewards He longs to pour out His favour and blessings on you. He wants to give you His goodness and provision. He promises to do His part, but you have to do your part and be diligent. First of all, be diligent in seeking His ways and obeying His commands. Then, be diligent with what He has already given you, your time and resources. 

Scripture says in Matthew, there were three men whose employer entrusted them with some money called talents. Two of the men were diligent and invested the talents, used them and received a great return. The third man was afraid and buried what he was given. The first two men were rewarded and praised for their diligence, while the third man was rebuked. He got no return or reward! 

Today, follow the example of the two men who used their talents. Look for ways to be diligent with what the Master has placed in your hand. Whatever you do, do it with excellence. Be the best you can be and go the extra mile, even when you think it goes unnoticed. Understand that when people don’t notice, God notices and promises to reward the appetite of the diligent! 

“…the appetite of the diligent is abundantly supplied.” (Proverbs 13:4, AMPC) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the favour and blessings You’ve placed in my life. Father, today I will be diligent. I will strive to live in excellence and do everything to the best of my ability. God, I give You all the glory for every reward I have and will receive, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Sphere Of Influence

Sphere Of Influence

During this pandemic and periods of lockdown, one thing that God has done for us is that He has given us more ministry opportunities. Reaching out to neighbours, friends, and the vulnerable. Millions have started online ministries and businesses. What about you! Don’t just sit there and watch the world go by. God wants to bless you and enlarge your territory. Your territory can be your sphere of influence, or your realm of responsibility or authority.  

Are you ready for increase in your life today? You may desire God’s increase, but the Bible says we have not because we ask not. Are you asking for God’s blessing and ministry opportunities? Are you asking Him to enlarge your territory to make things bigger and better for you and your sphere of influence? When you ask God to bless you, your faith is activated, which opens the door for Him to work in your life. 

Today, ask for God’s blessing, ask for His discernment and wisdom. Ask Him to make you more effective on your job; ask Him to increase the quality of your life and relationships; ask for more people to love and encourage. Ask Him to enlarge your territory so that you can be a greater blessing to those around you. Why not take one step of faith in prayer, God will open doors that no man can close, and He will pour out abundance in every area of your life! Hallelujah! 

“Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory…” (1 Chronicles 4:10, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I open my heart to You and ask You to bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory and my sphere of influence. God, I ask You to increase me in every area, and teach me to be faithful to You always, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 


“...May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.” (Ephesians 3:17, AMP)

Love is such a precious gift from God. It’s a word that many take for granted. There is tremendous power in love! In the same way that a tree will grow taller and stronger when its roots grow deep, you will be stronger and rise higher when you are rooted and grounded in love. How do you ground yourself in love you may ask? It starts with a choice. When you say “yes” to love, you are saying “yes” to God, because God is love!  

According to 1 Corinthians 13, love means being patient and kind. It means not seeking your own way, not being jealous or boastful. When you choose love instead of choosing your own way, you are showing the world that God is first place in your life. The more you choose to walk in love, the deeper and stronger you grow in God and bond with others. 

Today, remember, love is the greatest gift, and it is all that will last in eternity. Choose to establish yourself in love, and let it be firm within you. Let His love build security in you, and empower you to live the life of blessing He has in store for you. 

“…May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.” (Ephesians 3:17, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for loving me unconditionally and for giving me the gift of love. Father, today and every day, I choose love. Show me how to love others the way You love me. God, thank You for setting me free and empowering me, through love, to live the life You have prepared for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

A Special Place

Don't put fullstop where God has placed a comma in your life

Do you and God have a special place? A place where you meet with Him and He you. It may or may not be physical. God’s special place for you is where you are most content and fulfilled in Him. It may not be a place where you experience prosperity, good health, good emotions, good relationships, or perfect finances. It could be that place where you run to when things are not right. 

In Scripture we find a good example in the life of Elijah. In 1 Kings 17:3, God told the prophet Elijah, “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there.” Elijah went to the place where God directed him so his physical, spiritual and emotional needs could be met. It was quite peaceful and in the presence of God. 

Today, be like Elijah who obeyed God and went to that special place of alone time with God, and all his needs were met. If Elijah had decided not to obey God and do things his own way instead, he may not have been in a place to receive God’s blessings. Today, God is calling you to that quiet place to spend time with Him. You will be blessed when you are convinced that God wants to meet all your needs, and you decide to follow Him. 

“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for loving me and for giving me a place where I can meet with You physically, spiritually and emotionally, so that I can be recharged, fulfilled and blessed. God, give me the wisdom and patience to know where to go to find the special quiet place of Your blessing. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Life Blessings

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

Every time you choose to obey the Word of God, you are choosing blessing. When you put God first in your life; when you walk in love toward others even when it’s difficult, you are choosing blessing. God desires that you live in blessing in every area of your life. He’s given promises in His Word and established a plan for you to live in total victory. He promises to give you the answers, but you have to be the one to decide to obey His voice. You have the final choice, so choose life and blessing! 

Today, turn away from ungodly influences and give to others, then God will pour out His blessing on you in return. Start now and do what you know to do. Obey God’s Word, and His blessing will overtake you! You’ll rise higher and higher and live the abundant life He has for you. 

“…I have set before you life and death, the blessing and the curse. So choose life in order that you may live…” (Deuteronomy 30:19, NASB) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your consistent blessings. Father, today I choose life in You and blessing through obeying Your Word. God, Keep me close to You so that I can honour You in all that I say and do, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

God Will Respond

Have Needs? God Will Provide Your Every Need.

Have you ever wondered where God is when you call on Him in the midst of your trial?  Scripture promises that He is near to those who call upon His Name. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re going through; He is your deliverer. He’ll bring light into your darkest hour; He’ll bring rain into the dry places; He’ll bring restoration and healing to the broken places. Hallelujah! 

When you call on His Name, you can be assured that He will respond. As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, God will faithfully respond when you seek Him. 

Today, you may think you have to clean up or change your behaviour or habits before you can turn to God, or before He will respond to you, but that’s not what God says. He is ready to receive you just as you are. Even if you feel like a mess, He’ll take your mess and turn it into a message. God’s arms are open wide right now. Open your heart and call upon Him. Draw close to Him and His goodness.  

“Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring” (Hosea 6:3). 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for always receiving me with open arms. Father, I love You and choose to give You all that I am. God, I choose to press on that I may know You better. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

God Will Respond

God-Sized Vision

Have you ever wondered where God is when you call on Him in the midst of your trial?  Scripture promises that He is near to those who call upon His Name. It doesn’t matter where you are or what you’re going through; He is your deliverer. He’ll bring light into your darkest hour; He’ll bring rain into the dry places; He’ll bring restoration and healing to the broken places. Hallelujah! 

When you call on His Name, you can be assured that He will respond. As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow, God will faithfully respond when you seek Him. 

Today, you may think you have to clean up or change your behaviour or habits before you can turn to God, or before He will respond to you, but that’s not what God says. He is ready to receive you just as you are. Even if you feel like a mess, He’ll take your mess and turn it into a message. God’s arms are open wide right now. Open your heart and call upon Him. Draw close to Him and His goodness.  

“Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know Him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring” (Hosea 6:3). 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for always receiving me with open arms. Father, I love You and choose to give You all that I am. God, I choose to press on that I may know You better. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Beyond Your Limits

God’s Heart-Fires Set His People Free

When you are incarcerated – physically or emotionally – you are stuck, limited and in trouble. When Paul in Scripture wrote he was in chains, arrested for preaching the gospel, everything in his surroundings was “limited.” But instead of looking at his surroundings, Paul kept his eyes on the limitless God. Paul, kept looking for the open door of opportunity that God would have for him next. He was physically in chains but spiritually and emotionally free. 

Today, no matter what chains may be limiting you or holding you back, remember, we serve a God who’s in the business of setting people free, and He has equipped you with His power. When doors seem closed all around you, when your surroundings look limited, when you feel like you’re in chains, God is still at work. He will walk with you all the days of your life. Keep your hopes up and keep expecting. Like Paul, pray for opportunities to be opened to you, look beyond your limits and focus on your limitless God! 

“Pray for us, too, that God will give us many opportunities to speak about His mysterious plan concerning Christ. That is why I am here in chains.” (Colossians 4:3, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I choose to take my eyes off of my limited surroundings and focus on You. Father, I trust that You are working for me, opening doors of opportunity. Thank You God for giving me the power to look beyond my limits, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Overflowing With Abundant Life

What Kind of Life is This?

Have you ever wanted a better life? You may not have the biggest house or newest car, but God promises abundant life for you. His abundant life goes way beyond the things we can see in this natural world. His abundant life means that you can have peace in the midst of life’s storms. His abundant life brings you joy when things are uncertain. You can have hope when circumstances seem hopeless. You can live and enjoy life to the fullest every day because you have the Creator of abundant life. 

Today, you may look at life and think, “God is going to give me abundant life someday”, but the truth is, God wants you to have abundant life right now. Ask Him to show you His abundant favor, blessing, and peace. As you focus on God’s promises of abundance, your life will feel free and more satisfying, and you will overflow with His abundance, the way God intended! 

“I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10, ESV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I know that You want the best for me today and every day. Father, thank You for Your promise of an abundant life. God, teach me to share Your abundance with others. I love You and bless You today. In Christ’s Name! Amen.


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