God Wants Diligence

The Gospel: From Oral Tradition to the Written Text

Matthew 25 tells a parable about three men whose employer entrusted them with some money. Two of the men were diligent and invested the money and received a great return. The third man was afraid and buried his money. The first two men were rewarded and praised for their investment and diligence, while the third man was rebuked because he did nothing.

God longs to show you His goodness and provision. He promises to always do His part, but you have to do your part. You have to be diligent. Be diligent in seeking His ways and following His Word. Be diligent with your time and resources. Follow the example of the first two men and look for ways to be diligent with what you have in your hand.

Today, whatever you do, do it with excellence. Be the best you can be, and go the extra mile even when you think it goes unnoticed. Understand that when people don’t notice, God notices and will reward the appetite of the diligent.

“…the appetite of the diligent is abundantly supplied.” (Proverbs 13:4, AMPC)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your favour on my life. Father, I choose to be diligent in all things. I choose to live in excellence and do everything to the best of my God-given ability. God, I will give You all the glory, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Incredible Future

In a sign of things to come, a Swedish train operator is using new technology that employs big data to predict the entire commuter train system two hours into the future.

You may feel right now, like the challenges you face are too big or too overwhelming. We all face challenges. We all have obstacles to overcome. Keep the right attitude and focus, it will help us stay in faith so that we can move forward into victory.  

I’ve learned that average people have average problems. Ordinary people have ordinary challenges. But remember, you’re above average and you’re not ordinary. You are extraordinary. God created you and breathed His life into you. You are exceptional, and exceptional people face exceptional difficulties. But the good news is that we serve a super exceptional God!  

Today, when you have an incredible problem, instead of being discouraged, you should be encouraged knowing that you’re an incredible person, with an incredible future. Your path is shining bright because of your incredible God! Be encouraged today because your life is on an incredible path. So, keep in faith, keep declaring victory, keep declaring God’s promises over your life because you have an incredible future! 

“The path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day…” (Proverbs 4:18, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, today I lift my eyes to You. Father, I know that You are the One who helps me and has given me an incredible future. God, I choose to stand in faith, knowing that You have an incredible plan in store for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


This year I have been studying the book of Joshua, and today’s promise is one of my favourites. God said to Joshua, “today I will begin to make you great in the eyes of all the Israelites.” In other words, “today, I’m going to start releasing more of My favour, My blessings, My increase.” But notice, there was a set time that God began to release favour in a new way. God wants to do the same thing for you. He wants to release His blessings and favour in such a way that it makes you a great parent, a great spouse, a great leader, a great employee, a great friend.  

Today, God is saying to us what He said to Joshua, “this day, I’m going to begin to make your name great. This day, I’m going to begin to release My favour in a new way. I’m going to open doors that no man can shut.” It is the time for God’s favour in your life. Get ready! Make room in your thinking. Stay open to Him and keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, because this day God has something amazing in store for you! Hallelujah!

“That day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; and they stood in awe of him all the days of his life…” (Joshua 4:14, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I bless You this morning. Father, You alone are worthy of all glory and honour. Thank You for pouring out Your favour and blessing on me today. God, I open my heart and mind to receive everything You have in store for me this day. I look forward to You blessing me for the world to see as You did for Joshua, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

God Has A Plan

It doesn’t matter how hard life is, God has a plan to take every adversity and every hardship you go through and use it. He’s not going to let you stay beaten down and miserable forever. No, God’s dream is to take that difficulty and supernaturally turn it around and use it to bring you good. He will use those tough times to bring you out stronger, more mature and prepared for life! Goodness, mercy and unfailing love are God’s plan for you!

Right now, you may not understand everything that’s going on in your life, but I encourage you to keep your head held high. Know that God is working in your life. Keep being faithful. Keep doing the right thing, knowing that in the end God is going to turn things around in your favour.

Today remember, if God is for you, who can be against you? No one. Greater is the One who is in you than anyone who can be against you. No matter what’s going on around you today, you can put your shoulders back and put a smile on your face, because God is working things together for your good because He loves you!

“And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness in my life. Father, thank You for all You’ve done for me in my past, and for what You are preparing for my future. I beg You to turn things around in my life today.  God, help me keep my eyes on You and stand strong, as I look for Your goodness all the days of my life, in Christ’ Name! Amen.

In The Day Of Trouble

When we seek God, when we serve Him with our whole hearts, He will hide us in His shelter. Hallelujah! You can be so connected to God that you are untouchable and invisible to the enemy! You are hidden in Him! No matter what is happening around you, you can have strength, confidence and rest.  

In life, challenges may come your way, but don’t be worried about them. You know that ultimately things are going to work out for your good. You know that no weapon formed against you shall prosper.  

Today, people may try to make you look bad, but don’t give it a second thought. Your future is too bright to be distracted. People don’t control your destiny, God does. Just keep on being your best you, walk in integrity, meditate on the Word, and worship throughout the day so you can stay hidden in God! 

“For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock.” 

(Psalm 27:5, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I come to You today with an open and humble heart. Father, I surrender every area of my life to You. Mould me into Your image and keep me hidden in You. God, I bless You and praise You today and always in Christ’s Name! Amen.

God Renew My Mind Daily

Renewal, Of People Of God - Knowing Jesus

Did you know that your life moves in the direction of your mind? So many people today are not really enjoying their lives because of the condition of their minds. They constantly dwell on negative, destructive, harmful thoughts. They don’t realise it, but the root cause of many of their problems is simply the fact that their thought life is out of control. 

Yes our lives follow our thoughts. If you think negative thoughts, then you’re going to live a negative life. If you think discouraging, hopeless thoughts, or even mediocre thoughts, then your life is going to go down that exact same path. That’s why Scripture says, we have to take captive every thought and renew our minds on a daily basis. 

Today, I want to challenge you to think about what you’re thinking about. Don’t let self-defeating thoughts linger in your mind. Instead, speak God’s promises over your life. Declare what He says about you and renew your mind daily through God’s great and awesome promises! 

“We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, help me take captive every thought. Father, I want you to renew my mind according to Your Word. Dear Holy Spirit, please be my teacher and helper. I invite You to direct me in the way that I should go. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Blessings For You

Prayer for Blessings of the Past Year

God has a blessing for every one of us that will cause us to rise from lack into abundance! It will take you from barely getting by to more than enough. God’s blessing brings supernatural increase and peace of mind. We were never created to drag through life constantly struggling. God has commanded blessings when we come into agreement with His Word in our minds and actions. 

In Deuteronomy 28, Scripture tells us that if we will live a life of honour and obedience, then blessings will overtake us. It says that we will be blessed in the city and blessed in the country. God will open up to you His good treasury and cause you to lend and not borrow. He will make you plenteous in goods and give you a surplus in all areas of your life. 

Today, let this thought sink deep down into your spirit: the Creator of the universe has commanded blessings just for you. Receive it today and choose to follow Him in everything you do! 

“If you fully obey the LORD your God and carefully follow all His commands I give you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations on earth. All these blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God.” (Deuteronomy 28:1–2, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for all Your blessings. Father, I receive Your truth which sets me free. God, help me, by Your Spirit, to follow Your commands, so that I may live a life that brings You honour, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

It’s My Emotions

What Type of Christian Are You?

Our emotions are God-given, but too often, people allow their negative circumstances to dictate their emotions instead of the Word of God. If there’s one thing that can lead you away from your God-given potential and seeing the awesome plan God has for your life, it’s your emotions.  

If we allow our circumstances to dictate our emotions, and are moved by what we see and experience, doors of doubt and fear are opened. When we allow doubt and fear in, we become emotionally unstable. The way you feel today has little to do with what God is actually doing in your life. He’s always working behind the scenes even if we don’t realise it!  

Today, don’t allow yourself to be tossed around by your emotions. Instead, choose to be stable minded by focusing your thoughts on the Word of God, and being around positive people. Stand strong in God so you can confidently embrace the plans He has for you! 

“But when he asks, he must believe and not doubt, because he who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” (James 1:6, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which guides my feet and lights my path. Father, I choose to meditate on Your truth which is my source of mental strength. God, please help me to be stable minded as I focus on You and Your Word. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

What To Do In Hard Times

Keeping Faith in God During Hard Times

When trials come what do you do? If you shrink back, get bitter, and lose your enthusiasm, then you are allowing the trial to control your life. Did you know that the way you handle your adversities has a huge impact on your success? You may be allowing hardship to keep you from your God-given destiny.  

However, look to God, keep pressing forward, put a smile on your face, rejoice even in the hard times, you are allowing God’s character to be developed inside of you. You are setting yourself up for your breakthrough! The only difference between a piece of black coal and a priceless diamond is the amount of pressure that it endures.   

Today, stand strong in the midst of trials and difficulties and allow God to shape and mould your character, it’s like going from a piece of coal to a priceless diamond. Those difficulties are going to give way to new growth, new potential, new talent, new friendships, new opportunities, new vision. You’re going to see God develop your life in ways that you’ve never even imagined! 

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation” (Romans 5:3-4, NLT). 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for giving me strength to overcome every obstacle in life. Father, I will  rejoice no matter what may come against me, because I know You are working all things together for my good. God, thank You for developing Your character in me. In Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Glorious Joy

Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd, finds joy in seeing His diseased sheep progress toward healing.

We all need more joy in our life. It is said, when we choose to believe in God, we are filled with His joy. And not just any kind of joy, but inexpressible and glorious joy! Have you ever seen someone filled with inexpressible joy over something? Their face is beaming, their heart is pounding. They can hardly contain themselves.  

Have you ever been so excited that you can’t think of anything but what is exciting you? You have so much confidence over what’s making you ecstatic that nothing can take away the joy. As believers, that’s how we should be. We should be confident in the goodness of God and filled with His inexpressible and glorious joy that nothing should distract us! 

Today, I encourage you to be bold and believe God. Get to know Him better by knowing His Word. Hold God’s promises close to your heart, so that you can be filled with His confidence and joy all the days of your life. 

Though you have not seen Him, you love Him; and even though you do not see Him now, you believe in Him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy” (I Peter 1:8, NIV). 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your unspeakable and glorious joy. Father, I choose to believe You and trust in Your goodness which will bring me inexpressible joy. God, please search my heart and remove anything that would keep me from all the joy You have in store for me. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

Faith and Righteousness Go Together

GodInterest exists to welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds, equipping people with a faith that works in real life and sends them into a world to serve for God and humanity.

Many people are looking for ways to be righteous or in “right standing” with God. In Genesis 15 it simply says that when we believe God, that’s righteousness. The evidence, of our faith is found in our actions. Faith without works is dead. That means, when we really believe something, our actions will support what we believe. Abraham believed God, he obeyed His Word and left his father’s land, even when he didn’t know where he was going. In the same way, when we believe God, we have to leave some things behind in order to embrace the new life He has in store.  

Today, as you let go of the old and, by faith, embrace God’s promises, know that He is leading you down paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake! Keep believing and keep stepping out, knowing that your best days are ahead of you! 

Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness.” (Genesis 15:6, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for making me righteous in You. Today I choose to accept and believe Your Word by faith. God, help me to follow You all the days of my life in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Your Harvest Will Come

Season = Ploughing, Planting, Watering and Harvest

In my front yard I have two large conifer trees. I often wondered how old they are. Have you ever looked at a large, old tree and wondered how long it has been there? It’s hard to believe that, at one point, that gigantic tree was merely a tiny seed. 

Everything we do are seeds; and we will always reap a harvest on whatever we sow. Ask yourself what are you sowing into the lives around you? What are you sowing into your future? Are you sowing encouragement, hope, blessing, love? Then that’s what you’ll reap. But if you’ve been sowing criticism, judgement, and anger, you’re probably already reaping a bad harvest. It’s time to start changing your seed. 

Today, pray and ask God to help you uproot those negative seeds and start to sow positive seeds for your future. Keep the light of God’s Word shining on your seed by speaking His Word. Allow the refreshing water of His Spirit to pour over you. Keep planting those good seeds of faith, because soon you’ll see growth and enjoy the harvest of blessings God promises. 

“Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant” (Galatians 6:7, NLT). 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for the promise of growth and a great harvest. Father, I choose to guard my heart and plant good seeds for my future. God, please help me, by Your Spirit, to say and do things that honour You and will give me an amazing future. Use me for Your glory. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

A Strong And Stable Mind

What Does It Mean to Have a Sound Mind?

When I was a boy I was always very emotional. I would cry and sulk at the drop of a hat. I would refuse to do things because of how emotional I was. One thing that can lead you away from your potential and seeing the awesome plan God has for your life is your emotions. Emotions are God-given, but too often, people allow their circumstances to dictate their emotions and thoughts, instead of the Word of God.

When we allow our circumstances to dictate our emotions, it opens the door for doubt and fear to come in. If we allow doubt and fear in, we become unstable. Understand this key: the way you feel has little to do with what God is actually doing in your life. He’s working in realms you cannot see, whether you realise it or not!

Today, don’t allow yourself to be tossed around by your emotions any longer. Instead, choose to be stable-minded by focusing your thoughts on the Word and promises of God. Never serve God out of just feelings. Stand strong in Him. Ask God to replace your thinking with His, so you can confidently embrace the plan He has for you!

“But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.” (James 1:6, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Father, I will meditate on Your truth and promises, which is my source of mental and emotional strength and faith. God, please help me to be steadfast and strong, not doubting, as I set my focus on You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

The Lord Your God Is With You

Kisses from God: When God is in the waiting

As a believer in Jesus, you can approach each day with boldness and confidence. Why? Because He is with you, and in Him is everything you need. That means if you need provision for something today, provision is with you. If you need wisdom today, wisdom is with you. If you need strength, joy or peace today, they’re with you. Hallelujah!

Friends, you can be confident today, knowing that all of your needs are supplied spiritually, physically and emotionally, because the Lord is with you. And best of all, He’s promised never to leave you! Isn’t it good to know that you will always have whatever you need, any time you need it?

Today, please don’t let the devil’s lies, or pressure from the world, keep you from taking hold of everything the Lord has in store for you. Open your heart by faith, and receive whatever it is that you need right now. Just begin to thank Him for His provision in your life, and move forward in confidence and strength, knowing that the Lord is with you!

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9, ESV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for loving me. Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. I know that You are closer to me than the air I breathe. Thank You for supplying all my needs. Today, I receive Your promises in faith, and choose to cast all of my cares on You, in Christ’ Name! Amen.

What Do Others See?

What Do Others See?

We all like to dress up, some people spend large amounts of money on brand name clothes, how they look is important. They want to portray a certain image. When people look at you, do they see the love of God at work? Can they see growth and change? Do they know you are a follower of God? Can someone see beyond your clothes and see the love of God?

Remember, the real evidence of who and whose you are is in your words and actions, not necessarily in what you wear, or your hairstyle. The most important thing you can do with your life is live as an example of God’s love. His love empowers us. His love changes us. It takes us to new levels. His love blesses others through us. His love gives us eternal life.

Today, open your heart fully and receive His love. Wear it like clothes, because it’s designed by the best designer. Then turn around and let it flow naturally, reaching all those you come into contact with. Show your love for Him by following His commands. Live in His love and show His love, so that others will be drawn to Him. Hallelujah!


“We know, dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be his own people.” (1 Thessalonians 1:4, NLT)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for loving me, for empowering me, and changing me to be more like You. Father, have Your way in my heart, so the light of your love can shine through me, and I can be a shining light of Your love to the people around me. God, let me spend more time and money on the things that matters eternally, and that will help me reach others for the kingdom. Lord, please let your love shine through me today in Christ’s Name! Amen.

What Are You Saying?

What Are You Saying?

After listening to comments made to Naomi Osaka about her mental wellbeing, I said to myself – words have tremendous power. No matter what you may be facing today, the words of your mouth can help set the course for victory or defeat.  

When you wake up with an attitude of faith, hope and expectancy and declare out of your mouth that God is your refuge, you will be strengthened and empowered by His Spirit. When you talk like you are blessed, when you walk like you are blessed, then you will live like you are blessed! When you declare favour and blessing, you are sowing favour and blessing, and you will reap a harvest of favour and blessing in return.  

Today, it’s so important to take inventory of what you are saying on a regular basis. Even when challenges and obstacles arise, you have to rise up and say, “If God is for me, who can be against me?” Every day, let go of the weeds of unforgiveness and bitterness. Water your seed with the Word of God so you can move forward into the abundant life God, has for you! 

“I will say of the Lord, ‘He is my Refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust [with great confidence, and on whom I rely’]!” (Psalm 91:2, AMP). 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which is like refreshing water to my soul. Father, help me choose the right things to say, so that I can live in victory all the days of my life, in Christ’s Name! Amen.


Sharing the life changing Gospel message found in Jesus Christ

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