Mix Attitude with a Dose of Gratitude

Long ago on Saturday nights, I was allowed one bowl of Corell’s potato chips and a glass of coke. Needless to say, that bowl of potato chips disappeared way too quickly. In time, I figured out how to stretch those delicious morsels. I would suck on them until they were on the verge of soft. Prolonging the sensation made them taste all the better as they slid down my throat.

Going to sound a little trivial, but I really do have a Gratitude Attitude tonight for that bowl of  potato chips.  But mostly, for all the things that surround’s the memory of eating those tasty crunch-ables.

Even 67 year into this journey, I find myself savoring as slowly as possible those small (and I do mean small) bowls of chips – even though they won’t ever be as good as the chips that were once made just down the street from my house. That chip house where we all tried to make multiple stops on Halloween (it never worked since they could see right through those disguises and call us by name).

“But now, this is what the LORD says – he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: “Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine.”  ~ Isaiah 43:1

Potato chips are a form of tasty food though my food conscious kids would probably not agree that it should be classified as food. Then again, it isn’t really the food I treasure – even though its salty taste does seem to balance me out occasionally. It is rather the memories that slide out of my brain every time I bite down on those crispy chips that really catch in my throat.

Sitting with Mom and Dad. Sometimes curled into my dad’s side sharing a bowl of chips as we watched the Saturday night shows. Sometimes standing on Dad’s toes as he taught me to dance. Sometimes watching Mom and Dad dance. Mom and Dad singing along with songs on the turntable like Della Reese or Nat King Cole or Perry Como or Judy Garland. Sometimes all of us singing at the top of our lungs with The Mitch Miller Sing Along Show.


The Gratitude Attitude is real for that small bowl of chips in my hand tonight. Yeah – it isn’t Saturday. Yeah, the parents are dancing in Heaven these days. But – the God who watches Israel continues to watch over me. He sends a tiny Godwink reminding me that He knows me and calls me by name. He put me just where I am supposed to be – at just the right time – with just the right people.

“Close your eyes. Focus on a blessing in your life”¦ something you are thankful for. See an image of this blessing in your mind’s eye. Offer a silent “thank you” to God for your blessing.”

I am overwhelmed with thankfulness tonight and humbled once again.  What are you grateful for today?


China Asks Christians to Replace Images of Christ with Communist President

China Tells Christians to Replace Images of Jesus with Communist President
Jesus  Christ won’t drag you out of poverty or cure your illnesses, but the Chinese Communist Party will
The South China Morning Post (SCMP) reports that Communist Party of China (CPC) officials visited Christian’ homes in Yugan county of Jiangxi province—where about 10 percent of the population is Christian. They told residents to replace personal religious displays with posters of President Xi Jinping; more than 600 replaced Christian artefacts with portraits of the Communist leader, according to SCMP.

Located on the Edge of Poyang, China’s Largest Freshwater Lake, the Impoverished County in the Jiangxi Province Is Known Equally for Its Poverty and Its Large Christian Community

The visits were part of a government campaign to alleviate poverty in the region, as some CPC members believe Christianity is to blame for their financial woes, according to SCMP.

Want to Escape Poverty? Replace Pictures of Jesus with Xi Jinping, Christian Villagers Urged

This move represents the party’s desire for residents look to their leaders, rather than their a Savior, for assistance. The head of the government campaign told SCMP that “many poor households have plunged into poverty because of illness in the family. Some resorted to believing in Jesus to cure their illnesses,”

Thousands of Christians in Yugan County in Rural South East China Have Been Told by Local Officials That Jesus Christ Wouldn’t Drag Them out of Poverty or Cure Their Illnesses, but the Chinese Communist Party Will. Hence, They Should Take down Those Pictures of Christ and Put up a Nice Photograph of President Xi Jinping.

According to reports, some Christians in Yugan county say they were told they would not be eligible for government assistance unless their posters were removed, though the party denies the claim,

Xi continues a longstanding tradition by Chinese leaders to assert state power to reign in social movements that threaten it, according to Brent Fulton, president of ChinaSource.

The Yugan Church Removed Its Cross to Comply With Government Regulations

In September2017 , China passed legislation to further restrict religious gatherings, teachings, and buildings to go into effect until February 2018. Christians in some areas have already noticed a crackdown on their activity.

China Tells Christians to Replace Images of Jesus with Communist President
China Tells Christians to Replace Images of Jesus with Communist President

Chinese House Church Leaders and Toddler Arrested After Singing in Public Park

A Chinese church pastor, her daughter, and her young grandson have been arrested, for overstepping the country’s newly tightened religious restrictions. Chinese officials warned Xu Shizhen in August 2017 that publicly sharing her faith is now a violation of the government policy.

In an August 2017 op-ed for The New York Times, Chinese student Derek Lam called out“perverse” efforts to co-opt Christianity to endorse Xi’s political agenda.

China is officially an atheist country but the Communist Party-run government recognises five religions – Buddhism, Islam, Taoism, Protestantism and Catholicism. Under the Chinese constitution, citizens have the liberty to follow a religion of choice but in reality, freedom of religion is severely curtailed.

“Judging by recent events, the party is very close to completing its mission of bringing Christianity under its thumb,” he wrote. “Although there is nothing I would love more than to become a pastor and preach the gospel in Hong Kong, I will never do so if it means making Jesus subservient to Xi Jinping.”

30 Powerful Bible Verses About Children Being A Blessing

Do you know that God loves children? The first command God gave to mankind was to “be fruitful and multiply” (Genesis 1:28).

The Bible tells us repeatedly in His Word how all children are a gift from God. Every single life, every single child is a reward and a blessing. Whether they’re bringing parents pride and joy, or whether they are teaching us how to be more patient and forgiving, children are a gift from God and a great source for the growth of His Kingdom here on Earth!

These wonderful little ones are beautiful, full of happiness, and are a radiant bright light in this world of darkness.  No matter where you are in the world, or what your background is, children are a gift from God.

God knows that children can bring us closer to Him and help grow our Christian character. Be encouraged by the following Bible verses about children and how our Lord sees them!

What is Your Life?

Every single person has a unique, inherent worth'

Our life was given us of God, and is dependent upon Him, as the leaf is dependent upon the bough for sustenance.

Life is a manifestation of God’s love. It is a talent which God has committed to our care, and it is a very costly talent, as viewed in the light of the sacrifice of God’s Son. It is an expression of the ownership of God. We are His by creation, and doubly His by redemption. We derive our life from Him. He is the Creator and the Source of all life. He is the Author of the higher life which He desires the beings formed in His image to have.

Every One Should Consider the Solemn Question, What Is My Life Toward God and My Fellow Men? No Man Liveth unto Himself. No Life Is Simply Neutral in Its Results

Every soul is under obligation to live a Christian life. Our individuality, our talents, our time, our influence, our abilities, all given to us of God, are to be rendered back to Him in willing service. The aim and object of life is not to secure temporal advantages, but to make sure of the eternal advantages. God claims your soul, your body, your capabilities; for He has bought them by His own precious blood, and they all belong to Him. It is robbery to withhold yourself from God.

The question of importance to us is, Is our life interwoven with that of Jesus?  What is Christian life? It is a life rescued, a life taken out of a world of sin, and attached to the life of Christ.  If our life is hid with Christ in God, we shall, when Christ shall appear, also appear with Him in glory. And while in this world we will give to God, in sanctified service, all the capabilities He has given us.

What is your life? You must meet and answer that question sometime.  

Are We Running Our Christianity like a Business?

Because I was born and raised in the USA, my soul is steeped in attributes promoted by the business culture: efficiency, cleverness, and the ability to get what I want by pushing my way through.

After all, from kindergarten I’ve been taught that

  1. You can do anything, if you only want it enough!
  2. When you work smarter, not harder, you get ahead!
  3. Be confident  – a positive attitude is the attitude of a leader!

The Business of Christianity

And because I always prided myself on being a good student, I unfortunately mastered these lessons, to the point that, when I learned about God and chose to live my life with Him (I’m really trying to avoid the vague term, “came to Jesus”). I brought years worth of corporate teaching into the relationship which was fine, really, in the new church Christian culture I had entered, because the same business maxims I had internalized were here as well, only with different wording:

  1. You can do anything in Jesus as long as you have enough faith, and express it the right way!
  2. When you lead the right life with Jesus — rise early for Quiet Time, participate in church activities, attend Sunday School, join small groups, and pray with positive faith – you’ll get ahead!
  3. Faith never expresses doubt or negativity Faith BELIEVES! If you have chronic problems in your life, it’s because you don’t believe enough!

Obviously, this is a simplification, and the entire U.S. Christianity message isn’t limited to these three statements, but the substance is there: these are some rules to help you succeed, get ahead, or (to put it more spiritually), live the abundant Christian life.

Rules Become Laws

But these rules don’t work, really, because they have nothing to do with Jesus, His words, His love for us, and His incredible example (which He’s constantly, and gently, teaching us to follow) of trusting our Father in heaven. All cultures bring their unique aspects – both good and bad – into the Christian arena, and because the U.S. culture is strongly influenced by making money and getting ahead materialistically, these particular idols set themselves up on the raised dais, well disguised behind esoteric terminology.

The Statements Are True, Sort of, But with a Twist

There’s nothing wrong with hard work, brainstorming, and taking initiative – indeed, because we are made in our Father’s image, we share his love for creativity and joy. But it’s very easy to confuse hard work with busyness, brainstorming with cunning, and taking initiative with pushing others out of the way – all actions not remotely associated with Christ’s work on earth – or in heaven.

When Jesus expressed confidence, it was in the love of His Father; when He prayed, it was frequently in an isolated place,  in conversation with His Father and ours; when He chided His disciples for their lack of faith, it was not prelude to punishment; when asked to define the greatest, most important commandment, He emphasized love – for God, and our neighbor.

Faith, hope, love, trust – these are not attitudes we put on like a suit; they are attributes we develop when we become like the children in our Father’s household. And children, as any savvy CEO will tell you, are not cutthroat businessmen.

Why We Brought Our Children to Christ to Be Blessed?

But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.

As Christian parents, Julie and I decided to bring our children to Christ to be blessed moments after they were born. I remember clearly in that miracle moment following the births of our children, lifting them up to Christ for His blessing. We still bring our children to be blessed in prayer.

Matthew 19:13 says,  “One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so He could lay His hands on them and pray for them.”

What I love is that children were received by Jesus. He was more than willing to take time and pray for them.

After birth, the spiritual prayers of righteous people are important for their lives. James 5:16 (NLT) says  “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.”

Laying His hands on these children was a way of identifying with them in order to symbolize the bestowal of blessing from God and dedication to God (Genesis 48:14; Numbers 27:23).

As I was reading the POSB commentary recently on this passage, I was prompted to think of the reasons why we bring our children to Christ to be blessed. These six reasons express the deepest prayers I have for my own children, even though they are now adults with children of their own.


Not science, technology and medicines as wonderful as they may be.We believe that their only hope in this world is through relationship with Christ. Jesus made it clear. He said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but through Me” (John14:6).

1 Timothy 2:5 says  “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus”

We bring our children to Christ because we have personally experienced what it means to become born again into the family of God ourselves and know the reality of Salvation and new life in Him. We want them to be blessed with new life in Christ


In Matthew 19:14, Jesus says,  “Let the children come to Me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to those who are like these children.”

We refuse to allow them to grow up neglected, ignored, by-passed, and pushed aside, given no direction and left to fend for themselves. We care enough to want the best for them, too.

We want them trained up in the ways of God, not squashed by the world’s values by being left unrestrained to express whatever sinful desires they like and indulged to the point of being totally selfish.

Because they belong to God, He wants the best for them. I want so much for them to look outside themselves and acknowledge that they need the help of God for the challenges they face in life. He wants to bless them with guidance.


He knows them better than they know themselves. They are unique and God has a unique destiny and purpose for them. We want them to learn that they are created by God for a purpose and that they make a difference in the world for Christ.


Not simply look towards the popular opinions of the media. I don’t want the world and its influences to shape their thinking.

The TV and social media might be useful in their lives but I don’t bring them to the TV or computer to be blessed. I believe in helping them to shape their spiritual values and beliefs on what the Bible says. And this will be a blessing.

We want them to grow up with discernment about what is sin and not simply embrace the world’s popular values. We refuse to contribute to them becoming weak spiritually and feeling as if they have to accept anything and everything the world offers. We don’t want to leave them struggling to swim and sink in the cultural assault of a valueless society.

We are not so preoccupied with life that we don’t see our responsibility and the importance of raising our children in the ways of the Lord.


That they know God’s love and learn to love others, which incidentally, is not necessarily accepting the lifestyle choices of others.


Although God entrusted them to us, we want to acknowledge that they are His, which is why we raise them according to the principles of the Bible.

In Isaiah 64:8 (NLT), Isaiah sees a people that have deliberately chosen to be shaped by the world’s values, and he says  “Yet You, Lord, are our Father.We are the clay, You are the potter; we are all the work of Your hand.”


The invitation is that we might bring our children to Christ that they may be crafted with a distinctive identity and future, not in our image but in the design and purpose of God for their lives.May the blessing of the Master Potter uniquely shape the lives of our children with His blessing, to be all they were intended to be.

Pastor Ross

Denzel Washington’s Latest Movie and Hollywood’s Quest to Score the Faith Audience

Denzel Washington’s Latest Movie and Hollywood’s Quest to Score the Faith Audience

Roman J. Israel, Esq. is set in the underbelly of the overburdened Los Angeles criminal court system.

Denzel Washington stars as a driven, idealistic defense attorney whose life is upended when his mentor, a civil rights icon, dies. When he is recruited to join a firm led by one of the legendary man’s former students – the ambitious lawyer George Pierce (Colin Farrell) – and begins a friendship with a young champion of equal rights (Carmen Ejogo), a turbulent series of events ensue that will put the activism that has defined Roman’s career to the test.

An Oscar winner accepted among the mainstream elite, for Christians, Denzel Washington comes across as the ideal film star, he is also open and even evangelical about his Christian beliefs.

Face to face, the 62-year-old speaks like a Pentecostal preacher about his belief in Jesus Christ and his new movie, Roman J. Israel, Esq. Denzel Washington says the legal drama, like many other projects in his repertoire, is influenced by his faith.

“I’m doing what God told me to do from the beginning.  It was prophesied that I would travel the world and preach to millions of people. It was prophesied when I was 20. I thought it would be through my work, and it has been.”


Its no wonder why Hollywood has used Washington’s to attract faith audiences around the world like 2010’s Book of Eli.

Washington’s character in Roman J. Israel, Esq., puts his values ahead of anything else in his life. To stay true to his ideals, he sacrifices relationships, money, and reputation – a true believer in justice.

“He’s working toward a better humanity,” said Dan Gilroy, the movie’s writer and director, describing Israel as intentionally drawn as a Christ figure. “He’s a role model in the sense that he’s overlooked … yet he’s an absolute hero.”

The desire to stick to one’s values, even in the face of hardship is a theme Christians can get behind and relate to. However, Roman J. Israel, Esq. is more about the inspirational power of humanity than the power of God.

Washington said that the good intentions of the movie and the characters were a big part of the reason he joined the project.

How to Experience the Outpouring of God’s Love

How to Experience the Outpouring of God’s Love

The worship song entitled “Good, Good Father” (by Anthony Brown and Pat Barrett) reminds us that God is a good, good Father. That’s who He is. The goodness of God is a largely interesting and encouraging truth to meditate upon. This life, this world is filled with His goodness. That man is fallen and our world is broken do not contradict the truth that God is good. On the contrary, it further supports that we are upheld by the goodness of God.

Moral Rightness

What does it mean to be “good”? To qualify as good, the person or thing has to be morally right (or righteous). God fits the description. He is righteous and His judgment of rightness is consistent and unchanging. What is right will always be right. What is wrong will always be wrong. There is no swaying Him, there is no bribing Him. God cannot be good nor loving without being right. God cannot be all about love and none about judging wrong and falsehood. True love is right love. A love that is not founded on rightness is not real love. If you love someone, you don’t want anything wrong happening to them and you don’t want that person to be tangled in wrong affairs because you know the hurt and danger that may befall them if they persist in treading the wrong path. And God is that very same way with us.

The Devil has worked hard to blur the line that separates right from wrong. From generation to generation, the territory has been shrinking on the side of right while the side of wrong has been gaining ground. Rightness has become subjective. If it works for you, if that’s what you prefer, then it must be right. In the homes, children are growing up confused about what’s right and wrong because of parents who inconsistently uphold the measure of rightness. At times, discipline is severe; at other times, misbehavior and wrongdoing are overlooked. Sometimes, parents can be hard on children but lax on themselves. Sometimes, the parents do the very things they forbid their children from doing.

More than ever, we need to look to God for guidance. We need the Word of God to teach us what is indeed right and what is indeed wrong. We need to open the pages and allow God to correct our thoughts and emotions. In reading and applying God’s Word, we can truly learn to live and do right. God’s Word helps us see the issues we must strongly contend for. God’s Word also helps us discern matters that need understanding and freedom or liberty. Through the Bible, God teaches us what we need to be strict about and what we need to be forgiving and patient about.


What else does it mean to be “good”? To qualify as good, the person or thing has to bear a benefit (or advantage) to another. To be good for you, something or someone must actually be beneficial for you, helping better your life and personhood. God is exactly like that. He is good and He fills our lives with good things.

Psalm 103 says that He loads us with benefits. The favors He bestows on a daily basis are too numerous to count. But it’s good to try to keep tabs for encouragement and assurance. Try to at least count up to 10 blessings you receive from God each day and you will be more positive and joyful in life.

Romans 8:28 says God is constantly working out the details of our lives for our utmost good. In staying intimate with Him, we find guidance for daily living and decision making. God is a great influence, He will help us think and do right. He will also bring us to the right people we ought to surround ourselves with. He will position us in places that will better our character and state of living.

6 Simple Alternatives to Sharing the Four Spiritual Laws in Evangelism

6 Simple Alternatives to Sharing the Four Spiritual Laws in Evangelism

I am not totally anti-four spiritual laws (although I prefer to call them, “spiritual truths”), especially if they include a call to repentance (and not just “belief” in God—Mark 1:15).

Nevertheless, I am among those who wonder if there is perhaps a better way to approach evangelism than starting with “you’re a sinner” (that sure is “good news!” isn’t it). What might be some other approaches to evangelism?

  1. Invite a friend to talk with God (just wherever you are or perhaps invite them to Church). Basically, if salvation includes a relationship with God, then why not introduce people to God,  instead of just teaching people concepts about God.
  2. Related to the above, help a person identify how God has already been at work in or around them. Ask them a question like, do you think God has ever spoken to you? How do you see God in the world?
  3. Pray with people. God will work in their life and they will see it.
  4. Ask people about what matters to them. What do they crave in life (love, a sense of value, adventure, etc.)? And then consider how God might be the answer to those existential needs. From the documentary “Crave,” I gather this is the idea behind Erin McManus’s book Soul Cravings. Some philosophers are also moving in the direction of considering existential reasons for belief in God rather than only rational arguments.
  5. Tell somebody about Jesus. I don’t mean tell them the “spiritual laws.” I just mean, tell them about Jesus. Who is he? What did he do in life? What did he teach? It is interesting that the four “Gospels” (meaning, good news!) talk a lot about Jesus, not just about his death!
  6. Tell people how God has changed your life. What difference has Jesus made for you? Isn’t that good news? (That is, “gospel.”) The 4 Gospels in the Bible were once titled, “The Gospel According to Luke” (John, Matthew, etc.). And the stories in these 4 Gospels include many stories about how Jesus made a difference in people’s lives (for example, John 9:25). If Jesus makes a difference in your life, that is your “Gospel.” You might even call it the “Gospel According to Andrew (or whatever your name is).”

I don’t know about you, but I think in most situations I’d be more comfortable with one of the above approaches to evangelism than starting with, “you’re a sinner,” or even, “do you know where you would go if you died tonight?” And the above approaches definitely fit better with the “relationship evangelism” that many people talk about, which is less a shot-gut approach to evangelism and more so an approach to evangelism that takes place over time.

I don’t think the above approaches are a cop-out. Rather, they are about sharing the Gospel, which is the very essence of evangelism (“evangelism” comes from the Greek euangelizomai, meaning, “I proclaim” and related to the Greek euangelium, meaning, “good news”).

Question:  What are some more  ways to evangelize other than through sharing the four spiritual laws?

Jesus, Please!

Jesus never wrote a book, yet all the libraries throughout the country couldn’t hold all the books written about him. Jesus never wrote a song, but he is the theme of more songs than all song writers combined.

Jesus never founded a college or university, but all the schools together cannot boast of how many students he has. Jesus never practiced sociology, but the bible says he has healed more broken hearts then doctors have healed broken bodies.

Jesus never marshalled an army, drafted a solider or fired a gun, but no leader has had more volunteers who have under his order made army’s cease without a shot being fired.

Jesus is the central figure of the bible. The Old Testament talks about the Jesus that is to come and the New Testament talks about the Jesus that has come and is coming back.

Jesus is Under Fire in The Public Eye

However, whiles Jesus followers have numbered in the millions, his detractors are increasing by the minute. Not everybody believes Jesus is real, or the messiah. There are many who question the authority and legitimacy of Jesus.

Did he really turn water into wine? Did he really heal the sick? Did he really spit on the ground to make mud and rub it on a mans eyes to make him see? Did Jesus really walk on water and feed five thousand people with two fish and five lofts of bread? Was Jesus really God? Or was Jesus merely a good person who walked the earth and preformed good deeds?

The World is Full of Jesus Naysayers

We live in a world of Jesus Naysayers. Jesus doubters who are confusing Christianity, dividing churches and deceiving people.

Atheists are on the rise, in fact, according to the Pew Research Center (a nonpartisan American think tank based in Washington, D.C.) , the number of atheists in the US has doubled in the last seven years and this figure is rising fast. This is not limited to the US, but a worldwide crisis. The medium age of people turning to atheism is 34 years of age, which means most people who don’t believe are young people.

There is Power In The Name of Jesus

Despite all of this the church is called to preach that there is power in the name of Jesus to make disciples of people.

Raising G-Rated Kids in An X-Rated World

That’s why a foundation in Jesus for our young people is so important. We are raising G-rated kids in an X-rated world. That’s why an environment that is conducive to their growth, where Christian principals are promoted, fostered and the authenticity of Jesus is not questioned is now more important than ever.

The final outcome of our child-rearing is the combined result of four influences.

  • God—The Ultimate Influence
  • Parents—The Ordained Means of Influence
  • The World—The Unavoidable Influence
  • The Child’s Heart—The Overlooked Influence

I can think of no more urgent need in our urban context than to raise up a generation of children who love God and hate evil (Ps 97:10). Satan himself seeks to devour them. And what, do you ask, is God’s appointed means of grace to help your children? That answer is simple. It is you, God fearing parents.

8 Reasons You Should Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

8 Reasons You Should Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

1992 is in the books. Literally. I finally finished putting all the photos from my mom’s box and our albums combined into one album. That means that I have completed all the Kaufman photo books from 1981 to 1992. Phew!!! Who knew it would take four years to get only this far in putting our history in order?

Then I looked at all the photos on the computer that have not ever seen the light of day and began to estimate how long it might take for me to print and put them into an album. Hubby thinks it might be – never.

He might be right.

“Devote Yourselves to Prayer, Being Watchful and Thankful.”-    Colossians 4:12

Thus – the Gratitude Attitude #15 is being thankful for the simple things. Achieving goals that I have set for myself and enjoying the blessings that continue to enrich our lives on the home front.

  1. THANKFUL  FOR: A remote control that turns on the gas logs that keep our home toasty – not to mention the propane in the tank.
  2. THANKFUL  FOR: The walk-in tub that has bubbled and swirled the soreness out of my touchy, feeble knee much faster than the usual routine of stretches, braces and over-the-counter oils and meds.
  3. THANKFUL  FOR: Puppies and kitten who come back to the bedroom just to sleep outside the bathroom door while I am enjoying the exciting world of a book as the bubbles do their job. Our pets really are fur-babies. Even now – one is curled into my side, one at my feet, and the injured one just a few feet away on the soft couch in front of the fireplace.
  4. THANKFUL  FOR:  “The word of God is living and all-efficient, and much sharper than a double edged sword, and it pierces to the separation of soul and spirit and of joints, marrow and of bones, and judges the reasoning and conscience of the heart.” –  Hebrews 4:12
  5. THANKFUL  FOR: Putting up our outside Christmas lights and deciding what patio lights we should add to the mix. Even though we won’t light the outside lights until next Wednesday night, at least they are (pretty much) up, and now I can concentrate on the inside – “hanging of the greens”. Isn’t Christmas the best time of the year?
  6. THANKFUL  FOR: A voice that seems to be returning after being – largely, missing for the past 3 years. Still creaky in places. Still rough in others. However, God hears the song in my heart, and that is all that matters.
  7. THANKFUL  FOR:  Former students. Their comments. Their posts. Their notes of thanks. Their joy of who they are becoming.
  8. THANKFUL  FOR: “And the peace of The Messiah will govern your hearts, to which you are called in one body; and give thanks to The Messiah.” –    Colossians 3:15

Indeed – with all these physical blessings that I have written about tonight, it is Abba, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit that truly bless and enrich this tiny particle of creation and to Whom all thankfulness and praise of this one life belongs.

Thanksgiving is almost here. Time to have a deep Gratitude Attitude to the One who made it all possible.

What “It Takes A Village to Raise a Child” Really Means

What “It Takes A Village to Raise a Child" Really Means

It takes a village to raise a child couldn’t be more true, or more biblical, except that we often leave out one vital group from the child-rearing village.

This group isn’t left out on purpose. They are usually included when you answer who is responsible for rearing and raising a child. They are seen as foundational in taking a baby through life into adulthood.

But too often this group is relieved of power and responsibility. They are left on the sidelines or pushed out completely. This isn’t the sole fault of any one particular. The leftover group is also to blame.

They leave as soon as they can. They delegate the raising and rear of kids to someone else. They are not “cut out” for that kind of thing, or “it isn’t natural” so someone else must take care of the children.

But there is not a basis for this in scripture. Rather the opposite is true.

It takes a village to raise a child, but more important, children need to be raised by their fathers.

This isn’t new. This isn’t news to anyone. The reality that children with fathers actively being a part of their lives performing better in school is well documented. That doesn’t need to be rehashed.

But what does need to talk about, what does need to be understood that fathers being a major part of their childrens’ lives isn’t just about good school marks? This isn’t just about less criminal offenses because dad is at home. This isn’t just about happier, healthier kids because their father is at the dinner table.

All these things are important. But we should be present and be rearing and raising our kids for more pressing reasons than these.

Scripture calls us to be present as fathers. The Written Word of God tells us, with no “ifs, and, or buts”, that men need to be taking the role of parent as serious as they do anything else. If not more seriously.

“Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord.”- Ephesians 6:4

The Apostle Paul doesn’t mincemeat when it comes to the role of fathers in his letter to the Ephesians. It is a father’s role (also a mother’s, but we are focusing on fathers) to be training and raising up a child in the ways of God. The spiritual well being of a little boy or girl is completely related, though not dependent, on the training and instruction that a father gives to his kids.

Paul emphasizes this idea that dads need to be serious about raising and rearing their kids when he made this comment in another letter.

“I was advancing in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people and was extremely zealous for the traditions of my fathers.” – Galatians 1:14

He was zealous for the Lord, passionate about God and doing His work because Paul was raised by his father. Taught by his father, who was taught by his father, who was taught by his father. Paul was the product of generations of fathers taking seriously the role of dad and taught what it meant to serve God.

Without that rearing and raising, we may not have the Bible as we know it today. Because one father stepped up, did as the Bible called him to do, we have powerful portions of the New Testament that would be otherwise lost.

It isn’t just the Apostle Paul that believes this. The mystery author of Hebrews likewise encourages fathers to be involved. Especially because it affects our children’s faith.

“Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live!” – Hebrews 12:9

Fathers are called to disciple, to correct, to admonish, to instruct their children. Just as human fathers do this, so our Father in Heaven does. And if our Father in Heaven does something, shouldn’t we, with great effort and heart, do as He does?

Yes, we should.

Jesus said,

“Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” – Luke 11:11-13

Not only are we as fathers supposed to train and instruct, raise and rear our children, we are a prime example of what God is like.

Think about that. We as human fathers are a dim reflection of what God is like.

Or we are supposed to be. Like Jesus and the author of Hebrews say, we are to be an example of the love and grace and blessing of God, and the instruction, discipline, and training from God.

These are important roles. These things cannot go undone. The lack of a father in a child’s life, missing these things, could and will have a deep spiritual impact. And not in a good way.

It does take a village to raise a child. But that doesn’t excuse fathers from the rearing and raising of their own kids.

Fathers, we have a very serious role to play in our kids’ lives. Not just because study upon study shows how important we are to their growth. But because God has called us to fulfill a vital role in the lives of our children.

It is the time that we took up our place in the village and in our children’s lives.

This article originally appeared in Christian Thought Sandbox.

Gratitude Attitude 2017 #11

I have absolutely no idea what to write about since there are tons of things running around in my mind that I am so thankful to have in my life. Yesterday, there was no doubt. Devotions led me deeper into the WORD, and that put it front and center.

So a list of random thankfulness that have flittered through my scattered brain tonight seems rather appropriate.

Mom’s voice waking me up this morning singing,  “When the red, red robin”¦”

Off-beat Christmas music that pulls at my spirit even more than Perry Como or Nat King Cole or Andy Williams or Carpenters. (I never would have believe it was possible – but it’s true.)

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”~1 Chron 16:34

Two random ladies blessing me at church with their words and thoughts.

A wise man’s words about defeating the  ‘obs-tackles’  that the evil one places in our path of our God given vision for our life. (Still thinking about this one, but I need to go back and read a few chapters in Nehemiah again)

The quiet of a morning walk after church with the girls.

“Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.”~Col 4:2

An early afternoon nap while Sunday dinner cooked (I am really not cut out for early morning risings anymore).

Roast chicken, potatoes and gravy. Yum!!!!

Devotions and taking time to write a note of Thanksgiving to one of my former teachers. A teacher who was one of the ones to help me see what a teacher could be in a classroom of crazy kids with  Senior-itis.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name.”~Ps 100:4

Hallmark, DVD’s, Christmas movies that inspire the Spirit.

Pine tree smells that can blossom in my home even without a live tree. (sniff, sniff – can’t talk Hubby into one).

A silly kitten that runs into a wall as she tries to turn the corner into her room when I am bringing her supper. (I hope she doesn’t hurt herself – I can’t afford any new vet bills)

A few teacher-preachers on TV.

God’s vision for my life.

“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ‘God is a consuming fire.'”~Heb 12:28-29

As I re-read these Gratitude Attitudes, I began to see a pattern of my day. A pattern that points to the vision. Still a little blurry. Still a little ways off in the distance. Time for prayer. Time for clarity. Time to kick the ‘obs-tackles’ (don’t you love a Southern accent?) to the curb. If Nehemiah could do it, so can I.

God and Hamilton

I will never forget the moment I walked out of the Richard Rogers Theatre in New York City, having just experienced Hamilton the musical. Hamilton has captured our culture’s imagination like no Broadway musical ever before. It currently has almost 700,000 fans on Facebook, plays to sold out shows every night in New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles, and is beginning a forty-plus city national tour in January.

Hamilton Mania Has Taken over Our Country

There are many reasons this musical resonates so deeply with audiences across the country.   The lyrics, music, and songwriting truly are genius.   The innovative decision to cast the Founding Fathers with actors of colour creates all kinds of imaginative possibilities. Hamilton’s life itself offers a compelling storyline, with huge triumphs and disastrous failures.

But another reason exists that explains why Hamilton impacts audiences at the level that it does. Hamilton offers people a transcendent experience, a story that draws audiences into the presence of the Holy. Actress Rosie O’Donnell, who has seen the show over fifteen times observes that Hamilton “is medicine that I need for my soul.   It feels vital to me; it feels like going to church.”

Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of Hamilton, gave a speech recently where he talked about one of his favourite aspects of live theatre: its ability to create moments of transcendence. Hamilton teems with such moments.   Moments where a poignant scene takes place on stage, an act of betrayal, an offer of forgiveness, the grieving of a loss of a child, and the entire atmosphere changes in the theatre. Everyone watching can feel the weight, or the presence, of an important truth, or even of God himself.

After my experience watching Hamilton, I read Ron Chernow’s biography of Hamilton. As I read more about Alexander and his wife Eliza, my conviction grew that this story was a deeply spiritual one.   Alexander grew up with a robust faith, prayed and studied the Scriptures in college, and interpreted the world through a spiritual lens. His wife Eliza might have been even more devout. She followed God faithfully and served him throughout her life.

God and Hamilton

After experiencing the musical and reading the biography, I felt compelled to write a book that connected this cultural phenomenon with the spiritual themes found at its centre. Themes such as grace, despair, surrender, death, and redemption. Themes that are not only at the centre of Hamilton’s life, but at the centre of our lives as well. By diving deeper into these themes, and their presence in Hamilton’s life, this story and musical have the power to transform our lives. We only need to open ourselves up to it.

What Does It Mean to Pray in Jesus Name?

Life Or Death — It’s Your Choice

And whatever you ask in My name, that I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask anything in My name, I will do it. John 14:13, 14, NKJV.

The Lord Is Disappointed When People Place a Low Estimate upon Themselves. He Desires His Chosen People to Value Themselves According to the Price He Has Placed upon Them.

God wanted us, else He would not have sent His Son on such an expensive errand to redeem you. He has a use for us, and He is well pleased when we make the very highest demands upon Him, that we may glorify His name. We should expect large things if we have faith in His promises.

But to Pray in Christ’s Name Means Much

It means that we are to accept His character, manifest His spirit, and work His works. The Savior’s promise is given on condition. “If ye love me,” He says, “keep my commandments.” He saves men and women, not in sin, but from sin; and those who love Him will show their love by obedience!

All true obedience comes from the heart.

It Was Heart-work with Christ. And If We Consent

He will so identify Himself with our thoughts and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we shall be but carrying out our own impulses.

The will, refined and sanctified, will find its highest delight in doing His service. When we know God as it is our privilege to know Him, our life will be a life of continual obedience. Through an appreciation of the character of Christ, through communion with God, sin will become hateful to us.

We cannot depend for counsel upon humanity. The Lord will teach us our duty just as willingly as He will teach somebody else.

If We Come to Him in Faith, He Will Speak His Mysteries to Us Personally

Our hearts will often burn within us as One draws nigh to commune with us as He did with Enoch.

Those who decide to do nothing in any line that will displease God will know, after presenting their case before Him, just what course to pursue. And they will receive not only wisdom, but strength.

Power for obedience, for service, will be imparted to them, as Christ has promised.


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