
What “It Takes A Village to Raise a Child” Really Means

It takes a village to raise a child couldn’t be more true, or more biblical, except that we often leave out one vital group from the child-rearing village. This group isn’t left out on purpose. They are usually included when you answer who is responsible for rearing and raising a child. They are seen as […]


Every Promise of Your Word: The Gospel According to Joshua

The gospel is the message of what God has done for us to redeem us for himself. For us this finds its fullest expression in what God accomplished for us in his Son’s death and resurrection, namely, forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Yet this gospel grace existed before Jesus. Immediately after God pronounced the appropriate curses on rebellious Adam and Eve, he promised them a redeemer and sacrificed animals to cover their shame (Genesis 3:15, 21). From the beginning, the gospel has been the same: God does for us what we cannot do for ourselves, that we might belong to him. Our only response is to receive this by faith.