How to Reset Your Joy in God

I had to ask God the question “where is the joy You promised me?” I had a great weekend, saw many souls baptised, had many friends come to visit from around the world, had a great radio programme, but still I’m left looking for joy. I used to believe the greatest need in this life was peace, however my mind has changed to joy being the greatest need. Jesus came to give us joy and joy to the fullest! When your joy is full you will feel it, and it can be seen and experienced by others. Joy is supposed to be displayed. As believers, we should have a smile on our face and a spring in our step. We should be kind and friendly. We should be fun to be around. We should be full of His supernatural joy!

Have you, like me, allowed the pressures of life to push you down? Have you been more focused on your circumstances than on your God who is joy? If you’re not enjoying your life or relationships, it’s time to refocus and tap into the full joy that the Spirit brings. It’s time to draw the line in the sand and say, “that’s it. I’m not going to live another day negative, discouraged, sour or grumpy. I’m going to pray and attempt to put a smile on my face. I’m going to let my God-given joy be seen so I can brighten somebody else’s day. I’m going to live my life happy and full of joy!”

Today, take a step of faith and choose to trust God with your present and your future, believing that something will change on the inside. Your feelings will soon line up. Your faith will tap into God’s supernatural joy. And when you tap into His joy, you tap into His strength and victory, so you can live the full, abundant life of joy God has prepared for you!

“These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”

(John 15:11, KJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for the gift of joy. Father, thank You for lavishing Your love and grace on me. Please fill me with Your power, strength and virtue, so I can look beyond despair and discouragement, and remain faithful and focused on You. God, change my circumstances right now, so that my joy will overflow and be a blessing everywhere I go, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

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