You’re Genesis

“You’re Genesis”

What if this week was your Genesis moment?

“In the beginning God”

Dare we begin another day without God? How deep the darkness, how void our lives would be, how aimless and without purpose our lives would be without his direction. ‘Lord, create in me a new heart and renew a right spirit within me’ Psalm 52:10. On the first day as you take your first borrowed breath give thanks as the Holy Spirit begins to awaken you to a new dawn… and listen carefully for God to speak. 

And God said: ‘Let there be light’

Thank God for his light, thank God he separated us from the law of sin and death and from self destruction. Thank God for his gift, the gift of his own Son who gave his life a ransom for us all. ‘Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning’ James 1:17 Lord; thank you for your light for it leaves no shadows where sin can hide in me, no place to run to, no area of my life which he cannot enable me to be an over comer by his power. 

And God said…‘Let there be a firmament, a sky, a heaven’

To daily awaken with his voice separating us unto himself, drawing us closer, inviting us into realms of glory, to live in the world still but not to be worldly, and so he separates us unto himself.  ‘But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.’ 1st Peter 2:9 Lord; what a privilege you have afforded us that we should be called the sons and daughters of God, to view the majesty of a sunrise, the beauty of an evening sky, and to stand admiring your stars which illuminate the night sky. 

And God said…Let the waters be gathered together and let dry land appear’

Note for diary; I will not drown today… Listen; regardless of how dark things might be this morning know this God is still on the throne. 'when you walk through the waters He will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you, Isaiah 43:2in Christ there is safety for he is the rock of your salvation, a shelter from every storm, a strong tower, a place of refuge. Listen no evil shall befall you nor any plagues come near your dwelling place. Thank you Lord for liberty to serve you without fear knowing that around about and underneath are your everlasting arms.

And God said…‘Let the earth bring forth’

News flash; Look up, open your eyes and see the abundance of God, see him so desirous to bring life that he sows it into the earth as soon as the waters were removed. Life here, life there, from the highest mountain top to the lowest valley, Life poured out from the giver of life… life with a capital L. No more fear of dark days and lonely nights. 'Christ in us the hope of glory' the comforter had come and visited our once void and dark lives and brought with him light and life. Lord; let every flower I see today, every tree shout loud enough to remind me; ‘I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me’ Galatians 2:20 

        And God said…Let there be Lights in the heaven, the sun by day and the moon by night’

Another diary note; URGENT reminder to brain; it might look dark, things may look gloomy but take a plane journey, get above the clouds and see the truth, there is no darkness day or night! The sun literally shouts out at the top of its voice to those that sit in darkness; ’Fear not for Christ the true light has come into your world.' John 1: 9 The moon whispers to those whose strength is failing; 'he will never leave you nor forsake you, Hebrews 13:5They are a reminder that even when darkness is all around us his face still shines upon us. Lord; never allow me to take your creation for granted again for everything has your fingerprint, all things point to you and reveal the depth of your love for me. 

And God said…‘Let the waters the seas bring forth life in abundance’

Dear diary; emboss this note, write it indelibly on my faithless heart. 'The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want' Psalm 23:1 Remove far from me the notion that poverty honours God, remind me that he desires to create abundance in every area of my life even those that are hidden from view even as he did with the seas and the skies. Lord; let every bird remind me that I am to soar like an eagle by trusting in your strength and not my own, let the abundance of the seas remind me that 'the wealth of sinner is laid up for the just' Proverbs 13:22 and that ‘wealth and riches shall be in the house of the righteous’ Psalm 112:3

And God said…‘Let us make man’

Gods workmanship, his masterpiece, his finest work, but above all a mirror image of himself, his image, his likeness in human flesh destined to become the  'Light of the world' a city set on the hill that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14A people so special that he didn't just create us, he made us, fashioned us with his own hands out of the dust of the earth. Important? Yes, of great value? Oh yes indeed, his treasure hidden in earthen vessels. Special? Adam was blessed above all that God had created, so special that when it came to giving him life he breathed into Adam his own breath and life and he became a living soul. Lord; remind us daily as we look in the mirror that we are not some animal to live and die, that we are made in your image and likeness, living souls. A pearl beyond price to you.

‘God rested’ Hebrews 4:4

URGENT MEMO For immediate attention; its okay to rest on Sundays, seriously, it is all right to take a day off, have you not heard that the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath? Sometimes we feel guilty about not going to church and end up going because of duty, sound familiar?  

Think on this as you step into this awesome ' God day' there is a rest for the people of God' Hebrews 4:9

Christ is our Sabbath rest, seven days a week. As believers we are called to rest in the Lord 7 days a week whether it be in the work place or in fellowship for we are called to enter into your rest. Called to trust you with every minute of our lives, in every fearful moment, in good times and in bad troubled times.

Lord I invite you to be Lord of my whole life, to be the Genesis of every bright morning, the day star of every dark night. I invite you to be my shield and my fortress against every enemy real or imagined, to be my strength when I am weak, my joy in sorrow, my peace in turmoil, the health of my countenance and my God… Thank you for hearing me always and for answering me according to your promises and thus your will…

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    David Robinson
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