God Rewards The Diligent

God is still in the blessing business. He longs to show you His goodness and provision. He promises to do His part, but you have to do your part too. You have to be diligent. First of all, be diligent in seeking His ways and following His commands. Then, be diligent with what you have in your hand, with your time and resources.

In the New Testament, Jesus tells a parable about three men whose employer gives them money (talents). Two of the men were diligent and invested the talents and received a great return. The third man was afraid and buried what he was given. The first two men were rewarded and praised for their diligence, while the third man was rebuked.

Today, be diligent with what you have in your hand. Whatever you do, do it with excellence. Be the best you can be and go the extra mile, even when you think it goes unnoticed. Understand that when people don’t notice, God notices, and promises to reward the appetite of the diligent.

“”¦the appetite of the diligent is abundantly supplied.”

(Proverbs 13:4, AMPC)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your favour and blessing on my life. Father, I choose to be more diligent. I choose excellence, and will strive to do everything to the best of my ability. God, I will  give You all the glory, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

A special word from the Lord, from Pastor Ray Patrick

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8 Replies to “God Rewards The Diligent”

  1. ad hominem is still the same using King James Old , Using your own scripture against you. A Talent is using your understanding of knowledge to use Wisdom on how to use it.
    KJV 1 Kings 4:29
    29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore.
    But you teach that a talent is money that Jesus gave us and we are to give it back every Sunday so people like you can do miraculously work.
    First Kings is a precept to get you where you”re at in Matthew 25. preaching that God sent his son down here to give us money to see what we would do with it. I have been out of the church 15 yrs and the message is still the same.
    “Talent,” like “pound,” is used metaphorically in the New Testament for mental and spiritual attainments or gifts.
    Metaphors are what you call Aramaic idiomatic expressions that were deliberately not translated into the Greek Bible. As far as the Talmud I just asked if you read it. You think your playing with a child your wrong. I boxed you in with your own words context context.. A talent is not money. Jesus did not give money men or God would have given Solomon money.
    You responded to Pastor X and faithfulness to God. Pastor X is talking money(talent) so your faithfulness is on how much money you give him or any church. That is the core of your statement that I responded to . You tie faithfulness by how much money you give in order to serve God. That is a lie from hell , carry on troop.

  2. You make another rabbit trail and ad hominem again without replying to my initial point. Please quit replying unless you respond directly to my argument.

    You last comment is another ad hominem. STOP replying!!! You do not know what you are talking about.

    You comment shows you do not even know the Talmud

  3. You are institutionalized to religion you forgot Precept follows Precept out of the Old Testament which is Aramaic in translations from the Hebrew Talmud. Then you can uppercase the word content to show your strength. Keep your fruit it spoiled a long time ago.

  4. Ronald, I do know the rest of the story. It is called stick with the text and its context. You have to show how Matthew intended to discuss wisdom and knowledge within the context of not only the immediate context but also the entire context of his gospel. There is no indication within the context to suggest any allegorical reading of the text as you insist. There is no reference to to 1 Kings, and you have shown no evidence for accepting any Leningrad codex. You stretch interpretation by going to external sources without warrant. In fact, you do not show that you read the chapter in question. Provide an exegesis.

    Proper interpretation derives from CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT and not from unrelated and spurious sources. Furthermore, if the author give no reason to take the text metaphorical, it should be taken literally, that is, “talent” as it was used in the context. You stretch it to allegory for no reason.
    In fact, one cannot even derive the application Jesus intended by rendering an allegorical meaning. Jesus was not even discussing wisdom and knowledge but faithfulness. Your reply never addresses that major theme from the passage. Until you can address the major theme of faithfulness, then you have not addressed the truth Jesus discusses.
    Until you do, any further discussion with you would not be fruitful.

  5. Floyd perhaps you do not know idiomatic expressions . Talents is a literal translation but Pastor forgot to tell you the rest of the the story.
    1 Kings 4 : 29 Leningrad Codex Aramaic Translation…..and·he-is-giving Elohim<> wisdom to Solomon and understanding to be much exceedingly and width of heart as sand as on the shore of the sea…….King James29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea-shore.
    Perhaps you need study more instead of assuming it is talking about faithfulness.
    Perhaps you should have your talents in place, wisdom and understanding before you tell someone they are misinterpreting anything. You god wants money(talents).

  6. Ronald, you did not reply to my posts. I was not addressing the wage but the interpretation of what Jesus taught. Besides, you engage in allegory when allegory was never intended. Jesus taught this in a parable. In this parable, Jesus drew His own application – faithfulness (Matt 25:14-30). He used the this narrative to illustrate the faithfulness to Him until He returns. That faithfulness arose in response to what the Lord gives each person and the corresponding faith in return. The Lord “entrusted” a work to each of the three men (25:14). Two of the men showed their faithfulness to the Lord by investing what He gave them. One of the servants was not faithful. That is, he failed to commit himself to the Lord out of fear rather than expressing faith. The words faith and faithfulness appear numerous times throughout the passage, indicating its importance to the author.

    You allegorize what Jesus says by connecting the talents to knowledge and wisdom when Jesus nowhere discusses either. You read into the passage what is not there and thereby ignore the author’s intent. For these reasons, your interpretation is incorrect, because you fail to read what the author (Matthew) is sharing. You cannot read your own meaning into the text of Scripture. If you do, you destroy its meaning.

  7. Talents is an idiomatic expression , literally it is talking about a roman talent worth about 116 dollars made of silver. Since the three men worked for someone they would not have had that much money at any given time. They were poor men. Talents is a figurative expression for Knowledge and Wisdom. King Solomon knew this at the end of the day. 5 talents is a measure of weight, Knowledge and Wisdom the age of a man, two talents, Knowledge and Wisdom refers to a younger man, the man who hid his talent, Knowledge and Wisdom refers to a younger man who denies his creation The older man gained 5 converts the younger man gained two converts and the other man denied himself and his Creation. In the end the Church wants your money not your Knowledge and Wisdom just ask King Solomon about these things if you do not believe me.

  8. Faithful, not diligent. This article reads into the biblical text. Besides the text never says God rewards. That would be works salvation. We should never be seeking rewards but God himself.

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