Even In The Midnight Hour”¦

While in Copenhagen this past week I spoke on Acts 16, where Paul and Silas were beaten and accused without a trial, then put in jail for the gospel’s sake. It wasn’t fair. As they sat in the prison, bloodied, bruised and helpless, it looked like things were over for them. They had no human help, nowhere to turn. When they were literally trapped and bound in their circumstances, they began to sing praises to God at midnight during their darkest hour. Then suddenly there was a great earthquake. The prison doors flung open, their chains fell off, and they walked out as free men! Hallelujah!

We’ve all had times when we felt completely trapped by circumstances. We’ve all felt lonely and hopeless. So many people today are facing their darkest hours, and feel humanly there is nowhere to turn. You’ve done nothing wrong that’s directly linked to your current situation, but still life has beaten you and you feel helpless.

Today, I encourage you to do what Paul and Silas did and begin to praise God! When you praise Him no matter what, that’s when God enters your situation. That’s when He can break the chains that hold you back and that hold you down, and set you free. Praise Him in your midnight hour and watch Him show up and set you free. When things are at it’s darkest, pray and sing praises, and watch Him shake your darkness away. Hallelujah!

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.” (Acts 16:25-26, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, right now I lift my heart to You. Father, You are worthy to be praised! I will bless You in my midnight hour when I feel victimised and beaten up by life for nothing that I have overtly done wrong. God, I know that You are good, and You have victory and freedom in store for me despite the darkness that’s all around, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

A special word from the Lord, from Pastor Ray Patrick

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Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.

Our Location: The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London, W1H 5JE

Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

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