Gospel Lessons From a Grocery Store perspective

I was in a grocery store looking for a particular snack. I couldn’t find it. I had traveled those grocery store aisles for at least 30 minutes.

Moments later a friend of mine who works in the store asked me what I was looking for. I told him and he immediately pointed me in the direction I was supposed to go. I got my snack and was headed to the checkout line when he said, “Rev, all you had to do was look up and you would have seen where it was.” He was right. I looked up and the information was on the signs hung above each aisle.

Then the Spirit spoke to me. I said, “Hold up brotha, you mean to tell me if I had just looked UP I would have found what I was looking for?” He smiled. “Yeah man, if you had just looked UP, you wouldn’t have wandered around for so long looking for what you wanted.

“You mean that sometimes the answers are right there only if I look up? “


We were laughing because we knew what we were saying, and it wasn’t about snacks. The Gospel has a way of connecting us all. He knew that I knew that’s a powerful Bible lesson. You see, sometimes we spend more time wandering around the aisles of life when all we had to do was look up and we would have been given the answer. However, I did find the provider of that information that directed me to that thought. You see, Christians need to remember that to get to the answers of life, we need to find the provider, and that is Jesus Christ! Psalm 121 confirms this thought. The first two verses say:

  1. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.
  2. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth

Look for Jesus. Don’t wander around.  Sometimes if you had just looked up to God, you would have found what you were looking for and would have been on to the next journey.  He has the answers. Just look up!

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