Can You Be Trusted?

Nowadays, trust is like a precious commodity people carefully bestow on others. It is a blessing to be given one’s trust on the onset for in today’s system of affairs, you need to gain one’s trust. You need to earn the right to be trusted with responsibilities and privileges. To lose the trust of your boss or loved one would be a big, big blunder because trust lost is often rarely and most difficultly regained. Lose someone’s trust and your integrity may instantly crumble before that person’s eyes.

Trust defined is a “firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something.” In this context, can you, a child of the King, be trusted? Indeed, those who live the faith life must be so for it is an essential mark of godliness. Remember that strength and intellect are not most crucial to obtaining and keeping the trust of others. Trust is less about capabilities and more about character.

Never Overcommit.

It happens. In our eagerness to help, we can offer more than what we can deliver; we can try to do things we aren’t equip to do. Understand that there are better ways to be of assistance. Do what you can and where you are limited, just help direct people to right avenues that will provide solutions to their needs.

Be honest about your failings and learn from them.

It happens. We make mistakes. Often, it is not the mistakes that turn people away from us but the way we handle those mistakes that cause others to trust and regard us less or more. Take responsibility for wrong choices. It is not the excuses or rationalizations that count in people’s ears. Proverbs 24 talks about how the righteous can fall seven times but rise again. So, it is your maturity in accepting your failings and being honest about your limitations that say a lot about your character and trustworthiness.

Speak of what you know and only when you need to.

People like having chats with bubbly, talkative folks. They are entertaining. They are fun to be with. But when it comes to deep, sensitive, and personal issues, people are selective about what they share and with whom they share their personal affairs with. People who look for meaningful conversations gravitate away from potential gossipers and nonsense talkers. Avoid being identified with any of them. Proverbs 10:8 says that a chattering fool comes to ruin. So, be discerning about what you say and who you say your words to. Talk about matters you have knowledge of and never pass suppositions as facts. Be a wise talker and be a wise listener.


You don’t need to be well-endowed with skills and resources to be capable of trust. At any stage and level of life you are in, you can be trusted. And if you are a child of God, walking in the light of His Word, the people that matter will naturally trust you. Know who you are in Christ; be available; be honest about your capabilities and lacking; and always, speak what is true and helpful.

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Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.

Our Location: The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London, W1H 5JE

Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

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2 Replies to “Can You Be Trusted?”

  1. You last paragraph would indicate that you know that Christ dwells within you and that there is only one God, one faith, one baptism. I like the last paragraph keep walking back to lands of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the Old Testament and find yur way back to paradise in the Garden of God.

  2. You last paragraph would indicate that you know that Christ dwells within you and that there is only one God, one faith, one baptism. I like the last paragraph keep walking back to lands of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob the Old Testament and find yur way back to paradise in the Garden of God.

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