Surprised by Beauty (Just let go and know)

Surprised by Beauty(Just let go and know)

By: Carole L. Haines

Have you ever planted something in your yard, walked away and forgotten all about it? You didn’t tend it, water it, fertilize it, and yet somehow, it flourished and bloomed. My son was out mowing in an obscure part of the yard and came in to say, “Mom, you’ve got to see these lilies in the corner of the yard behind the gazebo!” I walked out and sure enough, there they were, big beautiful blooms that seemingly came out of nowhere.

The Kingdom of God is like that. We are the fertile ground. God places the seed inside of us. We grow in dormancy, unseen by the world. Then suddenly God pulls back the curtain, at just the right time, and all the beauty He placed in us is displayed before mankind. He is glorified and all we can do, is fall at His feet, and say, “I don’t even remember planting that, Lord!”

That’s because you didn’t, He did! He is growing His grace and beauty inside of us, through drought and dry times. He is sheltering us from the heat of the day underneath the shadow of His wings. We don’t even see it growing inside of us, and we can only stand back in awe as He displays His glory through us for all the world to see.

We know we had nothing to do with it. We are just yielded vessels, striving to love our Heavenly Father and be grateful to Him for His great kindness; when He just blazes glory through us. Our God is so amazing. I have learned, in my many years of being a Believer in Jesus, that it’s more about being yielded and surrendering; than striving and straining. God’s Word tells us to:

10 “Cease striving (to sink, relax, sink down, let drop, withdraw, let go, to be quiet)

and know that I am God; ( Learn to know, recognizeknow by experience)I will be exalted among the nations,

 I will be exalted in the earth.”11 The Lord of hosts is with us;The God of Jacob is our stronghold.

Selah. (Psalm 46 NASB)Just let go and know, know God. Stop trying to figure it all out and get to know God. Get to know Him by experience, by taking your hands off the wheel of your life. Get out of the driver seat and become the passenger. God says: I will be exalted, I will be exalted. God is with us, He is doing a beautiful work in each of our lives. The biggest thing standing in the way of becoming God’s beauty is our own tight grip upon the wheel of our lives. Just let go and know. He will never fail you. You may be bewildered, confused, confounded by some of he ways He works, but He never, ever fails you. I know that after walking with Him for more than 4 decades now. Just let go, cease striving, and Know Him. Invest in your relationship to Him. Yield and surrender, yield and surrender.

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