How to Ask for Help When Your Life Is in Shambles?

No Christian has a perfect life even if they try hard to make you believe they have everything under control. A lot of Christians do not talk about their problems thinking it is not what a “perfect Christian” must do. I met a lot of nice people in different churches through the years and most of them never talked about their problems only their victories and their successes, which might have a tendency of making you feel less than perfect if you know what I mean!

You know in your heart, you are doing your best. You read the scriptures, go to church, take part in many things to help others, go to Bible studies, pray, worship and much more. And you start to ask yourself if you are the only one with your life in shambles.

I strongly believe that if some scriptures tell us to give God our burdens it is probably because He knew we were going to face a few in our lifetime, and some more than others.

God doesn’t give us more than what we can handle right? But in the meantime, we have to get through those difficult times and if you are surrounded by people who will not even admit they themselves are facing those hard times, how can you get help and will you even dare to ask for help?

Please do ask for help. Be the first to admit you are facing difficulties and you might be surprised how people will react. A lot of brothers and sisters in Christ were thought to keep their feelings inside. Sharing them is a sign of weakness or even worse, sharing your feelings is a true sign you are not doing what you must. Meaning you don’t pray enough and you don’t have enough faith. Sadly I heard that too many times, and this can have a huge impact on someone’s faith. They might feel so inadequate and so ridiculous that they will even leave the church or go into deep depression.

It is so true that words can kill. They do. They can lift you up or bring you down. We need to be careful how we use them.

I also discovered through my spiritual journey that we need to surround ourselves with non judgmental people. We sometimes have to let go of some of our friends, even more so if they are bringing us down most of the time.

What we rather need is people with big hearts and open arms. You will know who they are when you meet them. Your heart will feel the automatic connection. The tender eyes on that person’s face, will tell you it is time to share your burden with that friend in God. It doesn’t mean you stop asking God for guidance, it just means that you are still human and sharing with friends or sisters and brothers who will become good friends, is the way to a healthy life in Christ. We all need each other. Each and every one of us, will eventually go through something very difficult,  and if you think you can get through it by staying alone all the time, you will eventually hit a brick wall and it will hurt real bad! That will be the “pride” in you crying out in pain. Let it cry! It needs to go anyway. Replace it with “confidence in God”.

Let go of all the doubts. Just share, cry, laugh and go on with the help of our beloved Father. He will guide you, only if you let Him. And while He is, your friends will be there to hold your hand. And as a bonus, after they’ve helped you, you too will be able to do the same for them, when they eventually need it!

This is what God wants for us. Help each other. Love one another. It’s that simple. Really!


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3 Replies to “How to Ask for Help When Your Life Is in Shambles?”

  1. Wow, very beautiful text! It is not a shame to go through difficult times: it allows us all to grow together as Christians! Be blessed!

  2. So true and if those judgmental people are family we need them in small doses.
    We need to reach out to the hurting because we (as His own) know what it’s like.
    Thanks Claudia – well stated.

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