- It would be filled with millions of unsaved and accessible youth and young adults.
- It would be a place where people openly, regularly, and publicly share their opinions, thoughts, feelings, concerns, fears, and needs.
- It would be a place where people connect with other people in community, and people like and expect to meet new people.
- It would be a place where many people provide a picture and a little information about themselves so you can know a little about them before you communicate with them. It would be a place where it is okay to be creative, different, and to just be you.
- It would be a place where people openly debate, discuss, and exchange ideas on spiritual matters.
- It would be a place where people like to go and hang out.
- It would be fun and people would smile and laugh.
- It would be a place that is very close to home so we could get there quickly and getting there would not require immunizations, or passports, or plane trips and it would all be free.
The Truth Is, We Are Not Called to the Perfect Church; We Are Called to the Mission Field.
As we seek God’s will, it is helpful to analyze who we are: our abilities, our interests, our opportunities, the counsel of wise friends we respect, what gives us the greatest joy, and also the tug of our hearts.
This perfect mission field exists right now, down to the last detail. It exists on the Internet in a public online service that connects people in community: blogs, personal webpages, and discussion groups on Godinterest.
Visit Us
Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.
Our Location: The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London, W1H 5JE
Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM
Godinterest is sponsored by Jamaica Homes
Reblogged this on 2inspire4ward and commented:
This is a GREAT place to learn from others, gain spiritual inspiration!
Reblogged this on Ashley Frerking and commented:
This is pretty dang awesome!