Again I Ask, Do We?

Who is to Blame?

Do we?

Do we blame the murderer?

Or do we blame his alcoholic father who beat him and his mother?

Do we blame the weak mother who stayed with the alcoholic father and allowed it to happen?

Or do we blame the mother’s stepfather who raped her every other night for three years?

Do we blame the stepfather’s uncle who snuck into his room one night when he was visiting from out of town?

Or do we blame the uncle’s mother who died or his father who abandoned him for a life of drugs?

Do we hate and look down on them for not having the strength to break the cycle?

Or do they hate and look down on us for not loving them, our neighbors, as ourselves?

Do we think our sins are less than theirs?

Or do we see our pride and judgment for what they really are?

Do we think it’s okay to hide in our ignorance and in our safe bubbles?

Or do we see what it means when we ignore or condemn the freaks, the ones we don’t understand, or the ones whose sins are “greater” than ours?

Do we think we are good or better than anyone?

Or do we see our own sins and especially our “lesser” sins that contribute to the sins of others?

Do we blame ourselves for what we’ve done or haven’t done, for what’s been done or not done, and for whats been given or not given to us?

Or do we go to the beginning and blame the serpent who orchestrated all the sins of yesterday, today, and tomorrow?

Do we strive to do better once we know this?

Or do we know we can’t trust in ourselves to do better, but only in God’s love, goodness, and power that works through us?

Again I ask, do we?

Is Being a Virgin a Bad Thing?

Is Being a Virgin a Bad Thing?

Before the age of 19, I couldn’t have cared less about what people had to say about sex. That all changed, however, when I left home for college. My 19th year was a tumultuous time for me: it was my first time away from home, I was struggling to appear adult-like while still holding onto the innocence of my previous years, and most importantly, I became a born-again Christian towards the end of that year.

I was not prepared for the culture that surrounded campus life. People around me were talking about sex, having sex, who they had sex with, who wanted to have sex with them… I was horrified. I couldn’t believe that people my age were sexually active (I come from a conservative family and hardly ever went out). During free periods, I used to sit among newly-made friends and listen wide-eyed as they openly spoke about their sexual exploits. I wouldn’t say that I felt left out, but I did feel quite naïve. Oddly enough, up until the last few months of the first year in college, I didn’t hear much about sex. Nevertheless, it didn’t take me long to realize that I was uncomfortable with the topic of sex, but I didn’t want to come across as being judgemental (especially with being born-again), so I stuck it out. My reasoning was that Jesus Himself had sat down to dinner with prostitutes and taxpayers, so who was I to dissociate myself from them just because they were sexually active? Looking back, I can see that my reasoning was flawed, but it took me years to understand that. I essentially became the poster girl for 1 Corinthians 15:33: Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” I was well on my way to being corrupted.

During my early 20s, I sought to convince myself that if I knew enough about sex, and was comfortable with it, then it wouldn’t irritate me and cause me much discomfort when people talked about it. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, not understanding the peril that I was putting my soul into.

After a few years, I realized that no amount of sex talk would make me any more comfortable with it. I grew tired of speaking about the same things over and over again- how to spice up your love life with different sex positions, how kinky BDSM was, how irresistible Christian Grey was (I didn’t really think that- I just went with the flow), how empowering it was to be in control of your own orgasms with masturbation (something that I have never done) and how sex was totally natural and healthy, especially between two (or three, or more) consenting adults. I twerked along to catchy tunes with suggestive lyrics (all about sex in some form or another), and I danced with the ease of a seductress laying a trap for her prey (okay, I didn’t actually dance in public, but I did do it within the comfort and privacy of my own home). I had become as knowledgeable as an inexperienced person could be, loaded with ammunition to go out and ‘do the nasty’ if I so chose to. But I didn’t choose to. I was at war within myself and felt like a fraud, both as a Christian and a worldly- wannabe- person.

When you sin and do it repeatedly, the Holy Spirit starts to convict you of that sin in order to lead you to repentance. Sure, I was not having sex, but because I thought about it in its various forms, it was just as bad. It is amazing to me as to how I continued to talk and think about something that I truly was not comfortable with!

The Holy Spirit began to counter all of my worldly ways with the Word of GOD. I started to read the Bible more every day and to ask GOD to show me what areas of my life were displeasing to Him. You see, I had a deep yearning within me to get to know GOD, not because someone told me that it was the right thing to do, but because I needed to. I had received a taste of GOD’S presence once before and I wanted more. If you’re Christian, you will know that only the pure-hearted will see GOD. There was no way that I was going to draw near to Him with all the sexual immorality in my life! Needless to say, I repented of my sins and began to purify my mind with GOD’S Word. That meant cutting out secular music, erotic romance novels (not the clean and sweet type), other types of literature pertaining to sex, and refusing to talk about it unnecessarily. It was while removing these factors out of my life that I realized how accustomed I had become to surrounding myself with things of a sexual nature, especially when I still was not comfortable with it.

I will be 29 in about 2 months time. I have never had sex, let alone kissed a guy. Even with all the sex talk, I did not feel the need to date or have sex or even go around kissing guys. In fact, I find the act of kissing rather gross and unsettling. There are people that refuse to believe that I am a virgin and have never been kissed and that’s okay- I don’t expect anyone to believe me, and neither is it my concern. Do I think that I’m better than the non-virgins, especially the Christian ones? Certainly not, and neither do I go around judging people. You do not need me to tell you that sexual immorality is a sin- you already know that the wages of sin is death. I would, however, advise you to consult your Bible to see why you should abstain from sex until marriage. The major reason for me is because I know that I am the Temple of GOD. All other sins happen outside of the body, but when you have sex, you sin against your body. GOD hates any type of sin, whether outside of the body or against the body. What you need to understand is the impact of your sin in the spiritual realm. By sinning, you have basically told Satan: Open gates, come and get me. It is important to examine your own life and your relationship with GOD. Being truthful with yourself is the first step to destroying any strongholds in your mind.

My virginity has nothing to do with being forced. I chose to physically remain a virgin because I want to please GOD and I do not want to open up such doorways for Satan to afflict me. However, it can be said that for a few years, I could not have called myself a virgin due to sexually sinning in my mind. It was only when the Holy Spirit showed me the error of my thinking, that I repented and was forgiven- that sin no longer has any hold over me. Thus not only am I physically a virgin, but I am also a mental virgin (that sounds a bit odd-‘mental’- it’s as if I am calling myself crazy!). If it were up to society, I would have succumbed to peer pressure a long time ago and had physical sex with numerous partners by now. I thank GOD every day that at least some part of me held onto my values and abstained.

Ending Thought: If you are a virgin, then do not let anyone convince you that you are wrong by choosing to remain a one. It’s your choice and it’s your commitment to GOD. You are the only one who will need to give an account for your actions to GOD one day, so stop worrying about the opinions of others. By now you will have no doubt realized that anything contrary to GOD is going to get you into a load of trouble.

Now, if you are not a virgin but you have given your life to Jesus, do not feel condemned for your past choices. Jesus has redeemed you and you are a new creation. All you need to do is repent of your past sexual sins and then believe (key word here is believe) that you have been forgiven. Jesus is not condemning you and neither can anyone else condemn you. He called you for a reason, so get yourself right with Him and start living a life worthy of the calling on your life.

24 Lecrae Quotes that Will Challenge How You Practice Faith

Lecrae Devaughn Moore

He performs to packed venues all around the world, he has sold millions of albums and he has countless fans that hang on his every song. Most people reading this could tell their own stories. He has that effect on people.

Lecrae Devaughn Moore (born October 9, 1979), might be best described as a poet. Someone with a rare gift to channel his mighty intellect and generous spirit through an artful, unparalleled mix of wit, and spectacular clarity using rap music.

Born and raised by his single mother in Southern Houston, Texas. As an American Christian hip hop recording artist, songwriter, record producer, and actor Lecrae is the president, co-owner, and co-founder of the independent record label Reach Records.

Reach’s mission is “changing the way people see the world.”

Experiencing abuse and neglect during his childhood, Moore used his ability to rap as a source of significance. Lecrae eventually turned from drugs to alcohol consumption and a party lifestyle and became a “misfit of a person.”  Moore currently resides in Atlanta since relocating there from Memphis in 2009 and is married to Darragh Moore, who also handles the business portion of his career. The couple has three children together.

Lecrae is one of very few artists operating in the Christian genre to hit No. 1 on the Billboard. To date, he has released seven bestselling albums, two mixtapes and won two Grammy awards and a Billboard Music Award in the process and landed a global distribution deal with Red Distribution/Sony Music for the record label he co-owns, Reach Records.

Critics are  uncomfortable  with Lecrae’s recent music because it is no longer a monologue preaching an agenda.

 “Lecrae engages with culture and dialogues with the modern secular world and is looking to break mold of a Christian rapper.”

Lecrae isn’t alone. Artists like Propaganda, Andy Mineo, John Givez, JGivens, Beautiful Eulogy, Trip Lee, KB, Jackie Hill Perry, Social Club, and Tedashii are engaging culture and bringing restoration to hip-hop and the world through great music.

Here are some of Lecrae’s most powerful quotes that can help re-inspire the way you live your faith.

  1. “Why live for the approval of men when you can have the approval of their Creator? What can they give you that God can’t?” – Lecrae
  2.  “Suppressing your hurts is like not tending to a bullet wound. Eventually, you will bleed out. Don’t numb pain, express it.” – Lecrae
  3. “Live like someone died for you.” – Lecrae
  4. “If people throw stones at you, pick ’em up and build something.“ – Lecrae
  5. “The less time you spend with Truth, the easier it is to believe lies.“ – Lecrae
  6. “Life is like a dice, so watch the ones you’re rolling with.“ – Lecrae
  7. “We fear circumstances so much because we fear God so little.” – Lecrae
  8. “If I’m wrong about God then I wasted my life. If you’re wrong about God then you wasted your eternity.“ – Lecrae
  9. “People will hurt you. But don’t use that as an excuse for your poor choices, use it as motivation to make the right ones.“ – Lecrae
  10. “Prayer doesn’t bend God’s arm but it’s guaranteed to bend our hearts toward His will. Worry less. Pray more.” – Lecrae.“ – Lecrae
  11. “Christians aren’t people who never sin or always do the right thing. We’re people who live in continual repentance.” – Lecrae
  12. “Don’t follow your feeling. Just follow the word.” – Lecrae
  13. “I’m not a Christian because I’m strong and have it all together. I’m a Christian because I’m weak and admit I need a Savior.“ – Lecrae
  14. “Better to have a small role in God’s story than to cast yourself as the lead in your own fiction.“ – Lecrae
  15. “God gave you your own race to run, stop comparing yourself to other people. They have their race and you have yours. Run hard and don’t quit.“ – Lecrae
  16. “Some work hard to acquire money only to find in the end that money acquired them.” – Lecrae
  17. “When you’re worrying you’re not praying. Stop worrying start praying.” – Lecrae
  18. “Believe the best about people. Pray for their shortcomings. You are not the standard. We all need grace.“ – Lecrae
  19. “Character isn’t who you are when life goes your way. Character is who you really are when the bottom falls out.“ – Lecrae
  20. “God is never late, we’re just impatient.“ – Lecrae
  21. “Don’t waste your time explaining who you are to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.” – Lecrae.“ – Lecrae
  22. “A man who is too afraid to admit his fears is a man who won’t overcome them.” – Lecrae
  23. “God is not bothered by your persistence. Keep asking.“ – Lecrae
  24. A controversy has been brewing in Christian hip-hop and at the center of this controversy is rapper Lecrae and the record label he co-founded, Reach Records.

Lecrae: “Jesus Muzik”

Jesus Muzik” is the second single from  Lecrae’s second studio album,  After the Music Stops. It is critically acclaimed and was nominated for two GMA Dove Awards.  The song also features fellow  Christian hip hop  artist  Trip Lee. The lyrics discuss the problems with the content of secular  hip hop, and the importance for  Christians  of listening to  Christian music  to glorify God.

Christian Hip Hop (Originally Gospel Rap, Also Known as #Christian Rap, Gospel Hip Hop, or Holy Hip Hop) Is Hip Hop Music Characterized by a Christian Worldview.

One thing that is clear, is that for as long as we can remember  Christian flavored Hip Hop was looked upon as a step child of the genre.

Most Would Agree That the Extent to Which Christian Hip Hop Lyrics Are Explicitly Christian Seems to Vary Between Bands.

That is  until artists such as #Lacrae  Moore emerged a  Grammy Award–winning rapper who now, like it or not, represents the face of the gospel hip-hop movement  with hit  songs like “#Jesus Muzik,” “Don’t Waste Your Life” (based on the sermon by John Piper), and “Black Rose. Hashtag #Lacrae  has also been trending on Godinterest since Godinterest  introduced YouTube, Vimeo, Sound Cloud and various other social media post embedding.

Another thing that is clear is that Bible Christianity, if practiced properly, will make you extremely UNPOPULAR with the world, just as it did John the Baptist, and the early Christians in the Book of Acts.

And so we seem to have two main groups:

  1. A  large proportion of Christians that  say you can’t repackage secular  music and label it as being “Christian”  (it  maybe  “religious hip-hop”; but it  certainly  isn’t  Christian like), and
  2. A group  who  firmly believe that  it all depends on who your singing too?

So which group  are you and why?



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