Should I Do Yoga if I am a Christian?

Recently I’ve been on a spiritual journey that includes deep prayer, meditation, and mindfulness to help me to connect with God. At the same time, I’ve also been on the hunt for some low-impact stretching that could potentially help with chronic pain in a natural way.

Meditation and stretching. Put those two together and what do you get?


So, I’ve said I need to stretch. And I find that meditation brings me closer to God. These all naturally come together in the form of yoga. But, as a Christian, should I do yoga? Am I allowed? Will Jesus love me less?

Well, first, let’s see”¦what does the Bible say about the word “yoga”? Nothing. Zero. There’s no record of that word being used.

So now what do I do? Since the Bible doesn’t talk about yoga specifically, I have to use the brains God gave me to dig a bit deeper. Then I can determine how best to deal with this current cultural trend.

Let’s start with a few of the basics:

Yoga began as a spiritual disciple in Hindu which includes breath control, meditation, and static postures of the body. Some people who practice yoga are active Hindus or Buddhists. Many are not.
In the western world, yoga is a broad term that is often descriptive of people engaging in the physical body postures that encourage strength and stamina. Sometimes this is combined with meditation for mental strength, but not exclusively. Some yoga classes used sacred words such as “Om”, “Namaste”, and certain chants that hint to Buddhism and Hinduism. Other classes make no reference to the spiritual world at all and are simply a form of physical exercise. Yoga potures have Sanskrit names that have spiritual meanings. Many times these are replaced with English names that simply describe the form the body is taking. (For instance, “lotus” has become “criss-cross applesauce”.)

The word “yoga” in Sanskrit means “yoke” or “union with God”. God tells me to not worship another god, and I must obey.

So I know that yoga started as an ancient spiritual practice of another religion which should lead me to move forward with caution. But I also know that Jesus came to redeem all things.

Is it possible to engage in a moderated form of yoga that feeds our Christian souls, or should we avoid it altogether? Can we be aware of the potential pitfalls and dangers of the spiritual side of yoga and then practice it in a meaningful way with a Christian bent and attitude?

The famous American minister John Piper seems to think that we can’t. He says we should avoid yoga completely, citing it as antithetical to Christianity.

Don’t get me wrong, I think Piper has some good things to offer. But in this situation I tend to think that maybe he’s throwing the proverbial “baby out with the bathwater”.

Christians have often taken “secular” symbols or practices and re-stored them into something that is healthy and even God-glorifying. Take Christmas, for example. December 25, the day on which we now celebrate Jesus’ birth, was reclaimed from the pagans. That date was redeemed from a pagan holiday to a Christian celebration.

Jesus has come to redeem all things. Even pagan holidays. Possibly even stretching and meditation and breathing?

Over the ages, Christians have used wisdom and the discernment to choose what is right for them as individuals and as a Body of believers. To apply Jesus’ redemption to various non-Christian things.

“Everything is permissible but not everything is beneficial.” 1 Corinthians 10:23

So I need to decide if yoga could be beneficial (or detrimental) to me. In my case, I truly believe God has given me the wisdom and discernment to be able to stretch and strengthen my body without accidentally worshipping a false god. I even believe that I can meditate and breathe while I simultaneously reflect and contemplate how incredible God is. All without slipping into the devil’s snare.

But I am aware that this may not be the case for all people.

Personally, think that I can apply the idea of a “yoke” or “union with God” in yoga to my relationship with Christ. But that doesn’t mean I’ll just sign up for any yoga class that is offered. I need to be wise and first ask questions about how spiritual a class is before taking it. For my own purposes, I tend to learn at home with videos, so there’s not much of a risk of me getting caught in an awkward situation. If something gets a little weird, I can just turn it off.

Holy Yoga is a practice that is gaining traction, offering the grounding of the Gospel while reframing the positive aspects of yoga in a Christian way.

Holy Yoga embraces the essential elements of yoga: breath work, meditation and physical postures. In all of these elements, Christ is the focus of our intention and worship.”

So as I‘m making a decision about yoga (or anything in my life!), I need to ask if it creates a risk of becoming a detriment to my walk with Jesus. If so, then I absolutely shouldn’t do it! But if yoga can be practiced in a way that is healthy to my body and mind, while drawing me closer to Christ with mindfulness and meditation, then is it possible that even John Piper can’t argue with that?

Where Have All the Fathers Gone?

As soon as Rhys heard the front door open, he jumped up and began shouting for joy, “Mom Daddy’s home, Daddy’s home!”. His heartbeat racing and his brown eyes shining excitedly, anticipating playtime with Daddy. A wide grin spread across Rhys’s face as Daddy acted like a big bear. Daddy quickly dropping down onto one knee so that he’d be at his son’s height to horse around the living room. Sadly this scene is becoming a rear sight to see.

Today let’s talk about the invisible dads, the ones who don’t marry Mummy, don’t support their kids and don’t hang around for the hugs, kisses and nappy changes. There are millions of them around the world, and their numbers are growing.

“Today, more than one in four births is to an unmarried mother, and more than one in 10 births is to a teenager. These numbers portend a future of fragile families. Once considered primarily a racial problem, fatherless homes have increased across a wide range of demographics over the last ten years.”

How have we come to the point where a child with two parents is the exception rather than the norm? It is time that we put the issue of fatherless families front and center on our national agenda.

So who’s the real problem here? And why should we care?

It is time to shift our attention to the issue of male responsibility, and to the indispensable role that fathers play in our society.

Firstly, it would be an oversimplification to assume that two parents are always better than one as there are many courageous and loving single moms and daddy’s who are able to balance the competing demands on their time and attention, to care and provide for their children alone.

However, contrary to the sentiments of our culture and though our society is only beginning to recognize it, the presence of fathers within the home is vital to the moral integrity of a society. The short-term effects are already far too evident as statistics  reveal that the loss of fathers is reverberating throughout the world in the form of social pathologies ranging from teen pregnancy to drug abuse.

Fatherless children are  five times more likely to be poor and twice as likely to drop out of school as children who live with both parents.

Boys, without proper male role models, look to other sources for the male bonding they need. In the inner cities that often entails gangs while in the suburbs it tends to be online.

“According to the latest statistics, the increase in the proportion of single-parent families accounted for about half of the overall increase in child poverty from 1979 through to 1987.”

The Scriptures warn us about the power of fatherhood, as well as the long-lasting impact that fatherhood has on us all. Exodus 20:4-6.” Fatherlessness is the most harmful demographic trend of this generation

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” could be both about habits/behavior and also looks. Have you ever thought about that? Do you often find yourself reacting to a situation the way your father did? or scarier yet…do you ever see your mannerisms in your son? The footprint of a father leaves a permanent mark on the soul of a child.

Fatherhood is under assault

We hear a lot about the war on women…but it is the war on Dads that is causing the greatest damage in the world today. It’s not hard to find. If you watch any popular sitcom on television today, you’ll likely notice that fathers are typically portrayed as childish, irresponsible, lazy, incompetent and stupid.

The doofus dad stereotype isn’t new. There’s Fred Flinstone, and even Charlie Brown’s monotone parents. But according to Tierny, the consistency of these new portrayals has slowly created a new norm opposed to what being a father used to mean.

Dads make a difference. Dads can be heroes – if only we give them the chance. We remain optimistic that family still has more influence than media.

We all need another hero

Fathers are representatives of God on earth; as our heavenly father is the giver of life so also are the earthly father’s givers of life.  Malachi 4:6 says “And he will turn, the hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

God understands the importance of a father’s love and cares towards their children and He has set the standard by being the first example of a loving father.

“The SARRI report quotes research which  found that “the presence of a father can  contribute to cognitive development,  intellectual functioning, and school  achievement. Children growing up  without fathers are more likely to experience emotional disturbances and  depression.”

“Girls who grow up with  their fathers are more likely to have  higher self-esteem, lower levels of risky  sexual behaviour, and fewer difficulties  in forming and maintaining romantic  relationships later in life. They have less  likelihood of having an early pregnancy,  bearing children outside marriage,  marrying early, or getting divorced.”

A father’s touch

The first thing, therefore, that a father can do for his children is to love their mother. Another part of a father’s task is that of a protector for his family. But, Daddy also has another task in the home, which is to combine tenderness with strength, and to model the combination so consistently that the children regard the combination as natural.

Our kids must come to know naturally both that dad’s standards protect them, and that his love makes them strong.

Where have all the fathers gone?

Our courts do not value fatherhood as much as motherhood. In 2015 it is still the case that mothers and fathers do not have equal rights

And herein lies the problem. Our expectation of the role a separated father should play in his children’s lives is so low, that when half of dads who win “access” to their kids can’t even sleep under the same roof as their offspring, academics declare this to be an overwhelming success. One of the fruits of the feminist movement many claim is the idea that a woman is more responsible as a parent than the father is.

“He is not my Dad…he is just someone you sleep with!” How many mothers have felt the sting of those words? That is why God hates divorce. We should too.

Our culture has put asunder things which God has joined together—things such as tenderness and strength. It is the job of the father to put them back together again.

Fatherhood, like Motherhood has is its own rewards – as most dads have found. Sadly, for the others, the invisible ones, it is a gift foolishly squandered.

5 Truths about God’s Design for Sex in Marriage

5 Truths about God’s Design for Sex in Marriage

Living in an over-sexualized culture, we hear messages about sex, wrong messages.   These messages become more a part of us than God’s truth because we hear them repetitively and churches are scared to address sexuality.

For too long, I believed the world’s message about sex.   That it’s a superficial, feel-good avenue to self-satisfaction.   Wrong, partly.   God did design sex to feel good!

But, there is more than that.   He designed it for profound spiritual, physical, and emotional connection.   It is just a shadow of things to come.

God’s design of sex is too amazing to keep silent about.

Here are five truths about God’s design of sex in marriage.

God designed sex to be bonding.

Not only spiritually bonding, but emotionally and physically.   When the two become one flesh, biochemicals are released in our bodies like oxytocin and dopamine.   Oxytocin, especially, is a bonding chemical.   When I embraced this truth and started engaging in the marriage bed more, the tone of our marriage completely changed.

“This is why a man leaves his father and mother and bonds with his wife, and they become one flesh,” Genesis 2:24 (NIV).

God designed sex for both husband and wife to experience pleasure.

It’s an equal opportunity activity.   Why else would there be a clitoris?   It’s only function is for pleasure.   The Song of Solomon is full of beautiful poetic language about the pleasures of physical love for both spouses.

If one spouse struggles with the ultimate moment, there are Christian resources available to help the couple understand how to achieve mutual enjoyment.

“The mandrakes send out their fragrance, and at our door is every delicacy, both new and old, that I have stored up for you, my beloved,” Song of Solomon 7:13 (NIV).

God designed sex so that we would know yearning.

Before you were married, you yearned for your fianc.   Not only did you crave your fiance’s touch, you craved his/her presence and knowing him/her better.  Even after years of marriage, it is good to remember this yearning.  It mirrors how God desires us to yearn for him.   I believe this is one reason he frequently uses the marriage as a symbol of his relationship with us throughout the Bible.

“Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us?” James 4:5 (NIV).

God designed the marriage bed to be a place to show the fruit of the Spirit.

Peace, patience, love, joy, gentleness, kindness, faithfulness, goodness, and self-control are the foundation of all Christian life, especially the marriage bed.   All conflict surrounding the marriage bed can be managed through employing these key traits.

My own marriage endured a long season of mismatched sex drives.   It was through these qualities and some wise communication tools that we overcame our conflict.

God designed sex as a powerful mystery.

Biblical stories of sex often confused me when I was young.   There was some nasty stuff in the old testament, the rape of Dinah, Lot and his daughters, the men of Gibeah  clammering for the male visitor, Leviticus 20.   And yet, there is the beautiful Song of Solomon.   The New Testament seemed to prefer celibacy, to be honest.   As a teenager, I couldn’t understand why I liked thinking about sex if it was disgraceful and violent.

But, as an adult, I realized the stories were teaching me that sexual intimacy is powerful and mysterious.   It’s OK not to have it all figured out, as long as you respect the power it holds to do good when it is aligned with God’s perfect design.

“For my thoughts  are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the  Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways  and my thoughts than your thoughts,” Isaiah 55:8-9.

Final Thoughts

Don’t let the world’s message of cheap sex destroy the meaningful sex in your marriage.   Sex may only be a small portion of the whole of your marriage.   However, sex matters.   It especially matters if one spouse is more interested than the other.   When we ignore its power and importance in marriage, the relationship suffers.

Now, granted chronic health issues can affect sexual function and that’s a more complicated story.


She’s Interested and He’s Not Pursuing

There’s a joke going around: men in the church are like parking spaces. The good ones are either already taken — or they’re handicapped.

Houston, we have a problem. It’s a problem that will require all of our effort, courage, confidence and creativity to solve.

Christianity is the largest religion in the world, claiming 2.2 billion of the world’s 6.9 billion people, as of last year and dating is a big deal for most young Christians. However, ask any young woman what the Christian dating scene is like these days.

“Christian men … ugh.”  Grim. Impossible. Slim pickings they’ll  say.

Young Christian men simply won’t commit, they’ll  say and if you’re lucky they’ll  call once – never to be heard from again.

And the churchgoing men who are available? Well, there’s a reason they’re single.

“Usually, he respects or admires the godly young woman (or, other people in his Church think he should admire her more), and yet he’s not physically attracted to her. She’s not his “type,” he says.”

So why are all the single Christian ladies having trouble finding single Christian guys for companionship and romance?  A plethora of Christian dating websites, books, blogs, advice columns, and magazine articles have surfaced in the last few years, attempting to give Christian young women some helpful tips for snagging a godly man and achieving that much-desired state of wedded bliss.

  • Date for at least a year.
  • Don’t kiss before you’re married.
  • Be careful how much time you spend together.
  • Date a bunch of people before getting serious.
  • Don’t unless you are ready to move in the direction of marriage.  

It’s not terrible advice— waiting until marriage takes work. But here’s the thing: Relationships take work.  However, while most Chrisitan ladies have internal regulations in the form of our Spirit inspired convictions and knowledge of the Bible, it does not seem to be enough?

Could it be that we screened all the godly young men out of church as boys?  

Probably not entirely, as according to Mark Regenerus, a sociology professor at the University of Texas, young single women in the church outnumber young single men by a three-to-two ratio.

That’s right ladies, you’re not imagining it: there’s a severe shortage of single men in the church. Not just here in the U.S., but also around the world.

“There are almost no men in my country who are following Christ. And French men will not marry a woman whose faith in Jesus is so strong. She is a leper in their eyes.” –  Christian woman from France

A young godly man knows he’s a catch – particularly if he’s dedicated to his faith, good looking and works out and there are hardly any other man is his Church. With each week that passes, he’s presented with a congregation full of single women. Most haven’t been on a date in a while. He has his pick of the bunch.

There’s even a joke about the gender imbalance. It goes like this:

“Men in the church are like parking spaces. All the good ones are either already taken, or they’re handicapped.”

Furthermore, it has been confirmed that the supply of young women grows with each passing year.

So whats the solution?

God Will Orchestrate the Love Story

Do you find yourself becoming resentful that God is withholding something from you?

  • Still waiting to find the man of your dreams
  • Your greatest desire is to have a baby
  • You want to experience the joy of being “equally yoked” with a godly husband

Desperation is dangerous because it focuses on self: What I want. What I must have. What I cannot live without. Firstly,  if and when the time comes for you to be married, God will orchestrate the love story. But in the meantime, your focus is to be on serving God and pouring your life out for God, not on getting serious about getting married. The timing is up to God, not you.

Singled Out in Church

Secondly, research shows that single men are more likely to attend churches that fit the following profile:

  • Large
  • Headed by a male pastor who’s bold and outspoken
  • Offers intentional male discipleship
  • Worship service is done in under 90 minutes

Apart from salvation, there is perhaps a way that the concept “God helps those who help themselves” is correct. We’re not suggesting you switch churches over this issue. It probably wouldn’t hurt to visit another church once in awhile – especially if your church offers nothing for singles.

Also remember that there are actually some Christ-men out there who are praying and hoping for a set-apart young woman – one who is not following after the trends of the culture, or who are not wallowing around in discontentment or on the constant prowl for a guy.

Any pastors who are reading, have you ever stopped to listen, really listen, to the women in your church about how they feel they are treated or perceived?

Any other advice?


Married to Their Smartphones (Oh, and to Each Other, Too)

Married to Their Smartphones (Oh, and to Each Other, Too)

Neither Joe or Willy are having an affair. But one of them has found a new object of affection, which has become a new companion and inspires a surprising amount of jealousy among her spouse – its the new relationship buster: the smartphone.  “It helps me wake up,” she said.

“Experts say that smartphone use is meddling in our marriages in ways that are sometimes benign, and often forcing couples to address an ever more important question: At what point are we choosing to spend more time with our smartphones than with our spouses? (Christian Marriages, Too)”

Slowly, almost imperceptibly, the warmth and intimacy of marriages are ebbing away  with a culture of dings, beeps and buzzes as most people manage everything from bank accounts to fantasy football teams on mobile phone devices.

It’s almost at pandemic levels now. Married or not, most of us sleep with our phones right next to us, pocket them as we go from place to place and think nothing of using them whether our partners are talking or not.

“Therapists say that when a marriage hits a rocky patch, they’ve seen one or both partners hide behind their phones.”

If you’re still reading this article  then we can safely assume you know what we’re talking about. The US divorce rate hovers at 40 per cent, but that’s not the whole story. Many sound relationships are on life support. According to a survey by the National Opinion Research Centre.

You’d think this problem would exist only outside the church, wrong.

Pope Francis says most marriages today are ‘invalid’ because couples don’t go into them with the right intentions. This is a disaster for the Church much less society as a whole.

“When a Christian marriage unravels, many questions rise to the surface.”

It’s a shame that most of our relationships are in shambles.  However, its time to put down the Smartphone and save your marriage.  But how?

1. The first year of marriage is hard”¦really hard.

In an increasingly individualistic, “me” culture, weddings create a potentially dangerous situation for a newlywed Christian couple. If you are empty, broken, or insecure, and you believe a spouse is the silver bullet to your a problems”¦buckle up. The marriage will be bumpy-ride.

Don’t buy the wedding day lie. Marriage is not about you. Take this as a warning”¦the first year of marriage is difficult and you will never be able to enjoy the beauty of marriage if your spouse’s job is to complete you.

In Saudi Arabia, a newlywed husband filied for divorce after his wife stopped his attempts at consummation to reply to wedding messages. Whiles this is simply over the top.  Yes, it can be partially about not texting on your wedding night!

We know marriage is hard, but walking away from it will have a lasting impact. Marry a  Christian, yes. But maybe go even further and marry somebody with similar passions and dreams.

2. Prioritize Your Partner Over Your Phone

“Marital bliss is fictional, but marital happiness can be a reality.”

This is an obvious point, but it’s still one that most people tend to disregard.  Sex is a gift from God. So explore It.  Make no mistake”¦God created sex. But through the years, God’s people allowed Satan to steal this gift. Without a fight.

God created sex. If your married, here’s a challenge. Explore sex. Explore the fullness of it and pray for  sexual intimacy with your spouse.

3. There is more than one person out there for you.

Marriage is a huge choice, and so is divorce. Soul mates are made”¦not born. We are not sure where this idea of a soul mate originated, but it is false. Maintaining a healthy relationship is more about commitment than perfection.  Marriages are complex –  they’re filled with compromise, balancing expectations and maintaining a foundation built on trust.  A successful marriage is one where you serve your spouse and both of you serve God. You see the closer you get to God the closer you will be to each other.

“The success of marriage comes not in finding the “right” person, but in the ability of both partners to adjust to the real person they inevitably realize they married ” – (John Fischer).

To God be the glory forever. Amen!

What Does It Really Mean to Be a Child of God?

Child of God

Becoming  more  Christlike  is the result of freedom from sin.  The influence of grace is to soften the heart, to refine and purify the feelings, giving a heaven-born mindset and sense of property.

A Christian cannot be self-exalted, for this is not Christlike.

The world’s Redeemer, the sinner’s saviour says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28)

But let us continually bear in mind that the meek and lowly Jesus has the spirit and the ambition of a conqueror. The vast dominions over which God holds sway form no adequate theater for the exercise of His grace, the expression of His love, and the manifestation of His glory.

He who loves the Lord Jesus Christ in truth and sincerity will love those whom Christ died to save, and will eagerly embrace every opportunity to minister of Christ to non believers.

We must look at our lives as sons and daughters of God, as laborers with Jesus Christ, living for a higher purpose. We are representatives of Jesus Christ in character and are to serve Him with our undivided affections. Not only will we reveal the fact that we love God in our actions, but will, in accordance with His holy character, live a pure and perfect life.

We must live in perfection because Jesus is the embodiment of perfection, and the great Center upon whom our hope of eternal life and happiness is centered will lead us to unity and harmony.

The life we now live must be by faith in Jesus Christ. If we are Christ’s followers our lives will not be moved by little actions according to circumstances, envious faultfindings, jealousy, and selfish vanity. These put us out of harmony with the life of Jesus Christ, and we cannot be overcomers if we retain these defects.

When exposed to the unfolding scenes in life, and words are spoken that are calculated to cut and bruise the soul, speak the following to yourself:

“I am a child of God, an heir with Jesus Christ, a co-laborer with God. I must not, therefore, have a cheap mind, easy to take offense, always thinking of myself, for this will naturally produce an inharmonious character. It is unworthy of my calling. The heavenly Father has given me my work to do; let me be worthy of the trust.” Amen

Is God Calling You?

Is God Calling You?

Worthless, reject, loser, hopeless … the words played over and over in her head. She tried to ignore them but they had awakened something deep inside her. An overwhelming sense of inadequacy and despair washed over her. These were words she had heard many times before. She felt trapped by them. No matter how hard she tried to escape them they sat there deep inside like an anchor. They weighed heavily on her. The truth was, somewhere along the line she started to believe them.

Words have tremendous power. We can use them to call out the best and inspire strength. Alternately, we can use them to plant distortion, limitation and shroud others with a crippling sense of incapacity. Before Jesus was crucified and his disciples were tested he choose to call something out of them. He called out hope, restoration, purpose, identity and promise. His exact words were:

“…You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I’m no longer calling you servants because servants don’t understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I’ve named you friends because I’ve let you in on everything I’ve heard from the Father.”

“You didn’t choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil.” (John 15:15-16, The Message Bible)

Jesus removed the labels that limited and restricted. He uproots them and plants life. He secures what he seeds in their hearts and minds with a reminder. “You didn’t choose me, I chose you,” he said. These words remind them that there is no dependency on them. Who they were or what they did had no influence on his choice. Their identity was solely dependent on him. The fact is nothing they would or could ever do had the power to uproot what he established in them. He called them his friends. That declaration inspires awe, humility and deep gratitude.

What are you letting others call you? What identity have you adopted that is not your own? Let it go and let God’s declaration take root in your heart. He calls you chosen. He calls you friend.

Who’s Pimping Who…?

Who’s Pimping Who…?

A man and a woman coo over each other. A bystander turns to another and says, “What does she see in him?” Or, conversely, “What does he see in her?”

She’s tall, he’s short, shes from the city, his from the country, she  talks a lot, he’s quiet, he likes Australia, but she likes New York, he’s a Hill-song gospel music fan, she’s a Marilyn Manson fan. She also loves the bright lights and big options, shes unholy, she’s not righteous, she’s impure, she’s been around the block. People know her by what she does, not by her name. There the ‘odd couple’.

Now it’s been said that “Men marry women  with the  hope they will never change. but that “Women marry men  with the  hope they will  change.”

But not in this case. God has told this holy man to marry an unholy woman, a woman which will not be faithful, a woman by her wicked nature is sure to commit adultery, a woman that will cause endless frustration and monumental grief.   Hosea is a prophet, his wife is a prostitute. He’s a man of God, she’s a woman of the night, he is faithful, she is unfaithful, he peaches the power of the living God, she provides ungodly considerations for cash. The story of Hosea puzzles even the devout and zealous Christian. There an ‘odd couple’.

Why did God ask his own prophet to marry a prostitute?

An immense allegory can be interpreted from the depths of Hosea’s life.  The prophet Hosea was commanded to marry an unfaithful wife, and this set up a model of our broken relationship with God.

Hosea’s wife: an allegory of God’s undying  love

The LORD is the husband of Israel, and Israel’s passionate, chronic attraction for idols was like the lust of an adulterer. His people were as unfaithful as a prostitute.  For the land had committed great whoredom by forsaking the LORD.

Could you imagine Hosea’s, groomsman – you’re respected, a wise man, but your decision making is in question? Your wife is a disgrace. Why on earth are you married to a woman like that?

The reply, why on earth is such an awesome, good and powerful God married to a people like you?

Young people and self-esteem

Self-respect is perhaps the most essential quality for young women, especially in our generation.

We live in an era where girls as young as middle school are posting provocative things online. It’s a cry for attention being sought from boys or anyone else who will listen.  The story is told of a young girl who had a male friend who came to her with an article  in the classified section of a newspaper. The proposal was, if you have sexual relations with a stranger for 1 million dollars there are three things you are guaranteed:

  1. Nobody will ever know
  2. No disease
  3. No baby

1 million dollars, no questions asked, out the door, he asked her, would you do it? She thought about it, like some people reading this article.

The girl the said, are you kidding me, nobody will ever know, no disease, no baby, sure i’ll do it. Well then he said, would you do the same for $10?

She replied, “What, do you think I’m a prostitute?” To which he replies,  “We’ve already established that — I’m just haggling over the price.”

However, young ladies, you don’t have to lower your standards or provide ungodly considerations for cash. Tell that young man, I’m not for sale and because you’re not for sale, take off all those for sale and on sale signs.  Hug appropriately, speak appropriately.  Text appropriately, stop posting  barely-clothed photos, sexual innuendos, and explicit language. Be honest in your motivations for being  in a relationship.

Young ladies, if he can’t take care of himself now,  how is he going to take care of you later.

So the question today is who’s Pimping you?

Sorry boo-boo”¦ hate to burst your bubble, but you have been bamboozled, conned, led astray , run amok, dupe, tricked, fooled, swindle, hoodwink; you have been deceived”¦

You see, Satan has been pimping from the third chapter of the Bible onward and is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. The pimp of all pimps and you want to hang out with him!

But he has no power in the life of a believer unless we give it to him. That’s right! Regardless of how you’ve been thrown out to the trash,  we want you to know that Jesus loves you.  Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made you free, and do not be entangled again with the yoke of bondage. (Gal. 5:1) Refuse to make deals with Satan, no matter how attractive the trinkets. Refuse to be a commodity that is for sale to the highest bidder.

Prayer: Are We Doing It Right?

Prayer: Are We Doing It Right?

Do you know that you can talk to God and not actually pray? You can ask God for things and not really pray. You can “tap into the spiritual” and be religious or pious yet not be in prayer. So what is right prayer?

For John Bunyan, notable author of “The Pilgrim’s Progress”, prayer is more than talking. He said, “When thou prayest, rather let thy heart be without words than thy words without a heart.” He realized that in praying, we can go past the words and converse with God directly from our silent hearts.

Right prayer is like love.

As the Bible moves us to love in deed and to love God with our whole hearts so should we pray. Prayer is to be an act of submission and dependence upon God and a heart’s resolve to keep God in one’s life.

Right prayer is continual.

1 Thessalonians 4:17 instructs us to pray “without ceasing”, rendered in the original to mean “without interval”. It is continuous. It means our prayers are to go beyond talk. It means our hearts are to be in a posture of prayer continually.

Right prayer is easy.

It does away with much talk, empty words, and senseless utterances. It seeks to express oneself to God frankly. With friends, peers, and family we still need to be careful with our words. We have to watch that we don’t get misinterpreted. We have to speak elaborately at times so that people understand what we mean to communicate. But with God, communication is never hard work. God knows what is in our hearts before we express it. We come to a Father that discerns us wholly. There is no need to explain nor defend ourselves. There is no need to be careful with our words. We can come and talk with Him plainly. We can approach God in reverent submission and stillness knowing that He accepts and understands us. He will respond rightly. We will never be rejected or refused. We will find the forgiveness and direction we need.

Prayer Is More Than Asking.

Mahatma Gandhi, an iconic Indian nationalist, articulated his view of prayer this way, “Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is a daily admission of one’s weakness.

Indeed prayer brings to God all our needs and worrying. Philippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious about anything but to present our requests to God. But if that is the only time you pray, if making petitions is the only kind of prayer you make, then that is wrong. That is not all there is to it.

Right prayer is an act of trust.

God has promised to meet our needs. In Matthew 4:6 God tells us to do away with unnecessary babbling because God knows what we need before we even ask. Knowing these truths doesn’t mean we don’t need to talk with God about our daily needs and struggles. We are most welcome to do that. For sure, God loves hearing about our day.   But we must stay conscious of this, that when we pray, we entrust all our lacking to God, trusting that He will provide.

Right prayer is an act of yielding.

We can pray for anything and ask God for anything we desire. But we must understand that God is not bound to respond the way we always want Him to. Right prayer seeks God’s desires not our own. Right prayer seeks His direction, not our own way. From Jeremiah 29:11 we know that God’s plans are for our best. He knows how to work things out for our good. Right prayer causes us to lean less on our limited minds and to learn more on an all-wise and all-loving God. Right prayer yields itself into the hands of Someone Greater and Wiser.

Religious prayer is automatic or routine.

The religious prayer says grace before every meal. Religious prayer happens during prayer fellowships. Religious prayer is public prayer. Religious prayer is scheduled prayer. Religious prayer is required or “expected” prayer. Religious prayer is hurried prayer.

Right prayer is more.

Right prayer is thankfulness and appreciation for God’s provision. Right prayer meets with the unseen God in the secret place. Right prayer is worshipful communication that approaches the Father in reverent and joy-filled adoration. Right prayer does not leave until it has stilled its heart in the presence of God. And when the heart is finally stilled, the seeker is blessed with communion with an ever-present, all-abiding God.

God delights for us “to seek Him, to feel after Him and find Him, because He is not far from each one of us.” Let right prayer lead us to Him and His heart.

What Does #MeToo: Stories of Sexual Abuse, Harassment Have to Do with You?

How to cope with a mis-sold job

There is a concept that some in the field of neuroscience call “increased integration.” Apparently, when someone tells his or her story and is truly heard and understood they feel a greater sense of emotional and relational connection, decreased anxiety, and a greater awareness of and compassion for others’ suffering.

In recent months the #MeToo  has spread virally as a two-word hashtag used on social media in October 2017  by women around the world who shared their experiences of sexual harassment and assault on social media.

The allegations of sexual assault and rape against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein also saw tens of thousands of people taking to social media to share their stories using the hashtag, ‘#MeToo’. Additionally, an assertion that being “touched upon the metro” should be a “non-event” also provoked fury.

“There is a line, obviously, between [sexual] desire and realization, and some cross it and some don’t.”

Thanks to women coming forward to tell their stories about being raped, fondled or harassed by men, we can now see the prevalence of this practice.

The tweets show that people of all ages, genders, backgrounds and sexual orientations are vulnerable to sexual violence.  The perpetrators also ranged in age, background, and ethnicity.

So what could possibly be fueling this upsurge in harassment?

Perhaps the breakdown of morality, lack of a spiritual life and old-fashioned selfishness. But is that all there is? There have been men who exhibit high morals who have harassed women. There have also been Pastors who have done the same.

So what is the common denominator?


The Internet is really really great”¦ FOR PORN!
I’ve got a fast connection so I don’t have to wait”¦ FOR PORN!
There’s always some new site”¦ FOR PORN!
I browse all day and night”¦ FOR PORN!
It’s like I’m surfing at the speed of light”¦ FOR PORN!
The Internet is for porn!
The Internet is for porn!
Why you think the net was born?
Porn! Porn! PORN!

In 2003, these lyrics were heard on the Broadway stage courtesy of Jeff Marx, Robert Lopez and the puppets of musical show  Avenue Q. It would quickly become a famous Internet meme and catchphrase. But why?

In the last 30 years, pornography has grown to be a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Today’s children live in a digital world that has embraced sexuality. Images of sex abound on the internet, and are freely accessible to children with the simple click of a computer button, or by downloading an image on a cell phone.

Pornography is not just something a few men view in the late hours in the privacy of their homes.

According to recent statistics at least 70 percent of porn is downloaded during work hours (9 am to 5 pm).

The wages of sin are enormous when pornography is involved.

“The societal costs of pornography are staggering. The financial cost to business productivity in the U.S. alone is estimated at $16.9 Billion annually ; but the human toll, particularly among our youth and in our families, is far greater.”

I heard from a young woman the other day who didn’t get why I was anti-porn. “It’s a great way for my fianc, to meet his needs when I’m not in the mood. I don’t want him to keep bugging me if I’m not into it that night. And he shouldn’t just have to ‘deal’ with frustration, either.”  

So What’s Not to Love About Porn?

Well, Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D, psychologist and former Deputy Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary research states that pornography hurts adults, children, couples, families, and society. It also states that among adolescents, pornography hinders the development of a healthy sexuality, and among adults, it distorts sexual attitudes and social realities. In families, pornography use leads to marital dissatisfaction, infidelity, separation, and divorce.

The average age when a man is first exposed to pornography is at 11 years of age and the largest consumers of porn are 12 to 17-year old’s. Victor Cline, a psychologist, documented how men become addicted to pornographic materials, then begin to desire more explicit or deviant material, and finally act out what they have seen.

He maintained “that memories of experiences that occurred at times of emotional arousal (which could include sexual arousal) are imprinted on the brain by epinephrine, an adrenal gland hormone, and are difficult to erase. This may partly explain pornography’s addicting effect.”

The next step is escalation. Previous sexual highs become more difficult to attain; therefore users of pornography begin to look for more exotic forms of sexual behavior to bring them stimulation and so on.

A Biblical Perspective?

God created men and women in His image (Gen. 1:27) as sexual beings. But because of sin in the world (Rom. 3:23), sex has been misused and abused (Rom. 1:24-25). The act of sex was originally meant to bring a husband and wife into a close, intimate relationship that only they could share. Pornography attacks the dignity of men and women created in the image of God. Pornography also distorts God’s gift of sex which should be shared only within the bounds of marriage (1 Cor. 7:2-3). After years of watching it, consciences become  smeared and he or she can no longer see what is right and wrong. – Timothy 4:2

Are You Addicted?

Some of you reading this may have already developed an addiction to porn. If you see any of the patterns I’ve described above in your life, you need to put the brakes on right now. Is porn beginning to control your life? You can’t put it down — you keep going back for more? Perhaps you find yourself needing to see increasingly graphic pornography. You’re starting to take risks or act out physically for sexual thrills.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”¦” Romans 12:2

The Bible also warns against the misuse of sex. Premarital and extramarital sex is condemned (1 Cor. 6:13-18; 1 Thess. 4:3). Even thoughts of sexual immorality (often fed by pornographic material) are condemned (Matt. 5:27-28). Christians, therefore, must do two things. First, they must work to keep themselves pure by fleeing immorality (1 Cor. 6:18) and thinking on those things which are pure (Phil. 4:8).

General pornography stats

  • Every second 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet
  • Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the internet
  • Every second 372 people are typing the word “adult” into search engines
  • 40 million American people regularly visit porn sites
  • 35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography
  • 25% of all search engine queries are related to pornography, or about 68 million search queries a day
  • One-third of porn viewers are women
  • Search engines get 116,000 queries every day related to child pornography
  • 34% of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to pornographic content through ads, pop up ads, misdirected links or emails
  • 2.5 billion emails sent or received every day contain porn
  • Every 39 minutes a new pornography video is being created in the United States
  • About 200,000 Americans are “porn addicts”

Valerie Hughes co-wrote this post and is the founder of Sufficient Grace Ministries offering hope and healing to women who have been involved with a porn addiction. Her current book “When Porn Takes the Place of Love” tells of her journey of healing and includes a 10-part Bible Study.  

Disclaimer:  Fighting the stigma faced by sexual violence survivors is a crucial step in forcing the change referenced by Tamblyn. The “#MeToo” hashtag shows that more and more people are ready to share their stories and change the dialogue surrounding sexual violence.  The article attempts to shed light on one of the overlooked influences that help develop a man’s mindset on how they treat women.

What Does Spiritual Power Look Like for Christians Besides Reading Scripture?

I watched a local football match in a school playing ground. As I sat down, I asked one of the boys what the score was.  With a smile, he replied; “They are leading us 3-0”. and I said, REALLY!

I have to say you don’t look discouraged. Discouraged, the boy asked with a puzzled look.  Why on earth should I be discouraged when the referee has not blown the final whistle?  I have confidence in the team and the managers; we shall overcome.

The match ended 5-4 in favor of the boy’s team.  The boy waved at me gently, with a beautiful smile as he left. I was amazed, mouth wide open. Such confidence, such beautiful faith.

As I got back home that night, his question kept coming back to me,

“Why should I be discouraged when the referee has not blown the final whistle?”

Life is like a game.  Why should you be discouraged when the almighty God is your manager? Why should you be discouraged, whilst there’s still life? Why should you be discouraged when your final whistle has not sounded?

The truth is that many people blow the final whistle themselves, but as long as there is life, nothing is impossible and it is never too late for you.  Halftime is not full-time and God’s calendar for your life is not man’s calendar. However, everyone needs a bit of encouragement from time to time. Thankfully we have the Bible as our ultimate source of encouragement!

Let your heart be captivated as you go through these encouraging quotes that inspired us:

  1. “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.”  – (2 Corinthians 4:18)
  2. “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows; it empties today of its strength.”  – Corrie Ten Boom
  3. “Forgiveness is the fragrance the flower leaves on the heel of the one who crushed it.”  – David Jeremiah
  4. “Love covers a multitude of sins. So loving the unlovely and moving in love gives us strength, power, and victory.”  – Unknown
  5. “Waiting on God builds spiritual muscles. This transforms us, develops our character, and deepens our relationship with God.”  – Unknown
  6. “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”  – Augustine
  7. “Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.”  – Bernard Branson
  8. “Do all the good you can,  By all the means you can,  In all the ways you can,  In all the places you can,  At all the times you can,  To all the people you can,  As long as ever you can.”  – John Wesley
  9. “The Christian life is not a constant high. I have my moments of deep discouragement. I have to go to God in prayer with tears in my eyes, and say, ‘O God, forgive me,’ or ‘Help me.”  – Billy Graham
  10. “We may speak about a place where there are no tears, no death, no fear, no night; but those are just the benefits of heaven. The beauty of heaven is seeing God.”  – Max Lucado
  11. “Your potential is the sum of all the possibilities God has for your life.”  – Charles Stanley
  12. “The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.”  – Helen Keller
  13. “Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, and cleave to it as the highest price of every pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain. What was once foolishness to us—a crucified God—must become our wisdom and our power and our only boast in this world.”  – John Piper
  14. “Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at things in life that don’t really matter.”  – Francis Chan
  15. “Let God’s promises shine on your problems.”  – Corrie ten Boom
  16. “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.”  – Mother Teresa
  17. “Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.”  – Elisabeth Elliot
  18. “The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time.”  – Abraham Lincoln
  19. “This is our time on the history line of God. This is it. What will we do with the one deep exhale of God on this earth? For we are but a vapor and we have to make it count. We’re on. Direct us, Lord, and get us on our feet.” –Beth Moore
  20. “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” –Chuck Swindoll
  21. “The will of God will not take us where the grace of God cannot sustain us.”  – Billy Graham
  22. “You are the only Bible some unbelievers will ever read.”  – John MacArthur
  23. “Know therefore that the LORD your God is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and steadfast love with those who love him and keep his commandments, to a thousand generations.”  – Deuteronomy 7:9
  24. “He who lays up treasures on earth spends his life backing away from his treasures. To him, death is loss. He who lays up treasures in heaven looks forward to eternity; he’s moving daily toward his treasures. To him, death is gain.”  – Randy Alcorn
  25. “God does not give us everything we want, but He does fulfill His promises, leading us along the best and straightest paths to Himself.”  – Dietrich Bonhoeffer
  26. “There is no one who is insignificant in the purpose of God.”  – Alistair Begg
  27. “Relying on God has to start all over every day as if nothing has yet been done.”  – C. S. Lewis
  28. “Always, everywhere God is present, and always He seeks to discover Himself to each one.”  – A.W.Tozer
  29. “His grace is cheapened when you think that He has only forgiven you of your sins up to the time you got saved, and after that point, you have to depend on your confession of sins to be forgiven. God’s forgiveness is not given in installments.”  – Joseph Prince,
  30. “God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.”  – Augustine
  31. “God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile.”  – Max Lucado
  32.  “Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.”  – The Holy, Mark 9:23 (KJV)
  33. “God will meet you where you are in order to take you where He wants you to go.”  – Tony Evans
  34. “Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.”  – Winston Churchill
  35. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him” – John Piper
  36. “Christ literally walked in our shoes.” – Tim Keller
  37. “He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep, to gain what he cannot lose.”  – Jim Elliot
  38. “Life is wasted if we do not grasp the glory of the cross, cherish it for the treasure that it is, and cleave to it as the highest price of every pleasure and the deepest comfort in every pain. What was once foolishness to us — a crucified God—must become our wisdom and our power and our only boast in this world.”  – John Piper,
  39. “If you can’t fly, then run, If you can’t run, then walk, If you can’t walk, then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”  – Martin Luther King Jr.
  40. “If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things.   It is we, of course, to whom things look ‘little’ or ‘big’.”  – Elisabeth Elliot
  41. “As long as you do things for God, you are a Hall of Famer on heaven’s list.”  – Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?

Pastor Rick Warren wrote that when he feasts on the Word of God, he feels even hungrier for the presence of the Lord.

We don’t need temporary pleasures that bring only momentary satisfaction. Keep your eyes on that ultimate prize of heaven, eternity, paradise! Don’t lose heart – Jesus is making you new!BE ENCOURAGED! DON’T GIVE UP.

Why Is the Relationship between a Father and His Daughter So Special?

Why Is the Relation between a Father and His Daughter So Special?

On the first day of their marriage, wife and husband agreed not to open the door for any visitor! That same day, the husband’s parents came to see them and knocked on the door. Husband and the wife looked at each other. The husband wanted to open the door, but since they had an agreement, he did not, so his parents left. After a while, the same day, the wife’s parents came visiting. Wife and husband looked at each other, and even though they had an agreement, the wife with tears on her eyes whispered and said “I can’t do this to my parents”, and she opened the door! Husband did not say anything. Years passed and they had 2 boys. Afterwards, they had a third child which was a girl. The father planned a very big and lavish party for the newborn baby girl, and he invited everyone over. Later that night, his wife asked him what was the reason for such a big celebration for this baby, while we did not do so for the boys!

The Husband simply replied, “because she is the one who will open the door for me!”

One of the most beautiful things in this world is – A Father-Daughter relationship.

We now live in a culture where Dad is an equal partner in caregiving. From day one, dads are encouraged to be hands-on, changing diapers, giving baths, putting Baby to sleep and calming her cries. That presence and effort is the beginning of a very important relationship.

Daughters are so special.  However,  a daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.  It is also the reason why fathers are very influential in their daughter’s lives, especially when it comes to self-esteem and decision making.  A father may  hold his daughter’s hand for a short while, but she holds his heart forever.  Their inside jokes and understanding for each other make them absolutely adorable.

“How Dad approaches life will serve as an example for his daughter to build off of in her own life, even if she chooses a different view of the world,” says Michael Austin, associate professor of philosophy at Eastern Kentucky University and editor of Fatherhood — Philosophy for Everyone: The Dao of Daddy.

Let your heart be captivated as you go through these cute and short  father daughter quotes.

  1. He is the first man she looks up to and he totally brings out the best in her.  — Unknown
  2. There is this girl who stole my heart and she calls me Daddy.  — Unknown
  3. Dear Daddy, no matter where I go in life, you’ll always be my number one man.  — Unknown
  4. Fathers, be your daughter’s 1st love and she’ll never settle for anything less.  — Unknown
  5. Husbands, love your wives well, your children are noticing how you treat her.  — Unknown
  6. Some people don’t believe in heroes but they haven’t met my dad.  — Unknown
  7. The greatest thing a father can do for his daughter is to love her mother.  — Unknown
  8. As a daughter of the king of kings, your purpose is not to turn heads but to turn hearts toward our Heavenly Father.  — Unknown
  9. He gives her the confidence to do things on her own and become independent.
  10. It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping. —John Sinor
  11. Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.  — Unknown
  12. When it comes to careers, a father is the first person every daughter goes to for proper guidance and advice.  — Unknown
  13. A real man treats his lady the same way he wants another man to treat his daughter.  — Unknown
  14. I’m so glad when daddy comes home, I would hug him and give him a great big kiss.  — Unknown
  15. Guns don’t kill people”¦ dads with pretty daughters do.  — Unknown
  16. I am the daughter of a King who is not moved by the world for my God is with me.  — Unknown
  17. You are a daughter of an Almighty God, you are a princess destined to become a queen.  — Unknown
  18. No matter when a girl finds her Prince Charming, her father always remains the king of her life.  — Unknown
  19. A father opens doors for his daughter pulls her seat out and treats her with the utmost respect.  He sets a daughter’s expectations on how a man should treat a lady and that she should not settle for anything less.  — Unknown
  20. DAD – A son’s first hero. A Daughters first love.  — Unknown
  21. Fathers give the best piggyback rides. They are ready to do anything that makes their daughter smile.  — Unknown
  22. He dreams for you and takes pride even in your smallest achievements.  — Unknown
  23. He makes you feel like the most important person, most beautiful girl and the most capable person on earth.  — Unknown

Are you inspired by these cute and short father daughter quotes?

It’s ‘DAUGHTER’S WEEK’, and if you are a daughter or have a daughter who makes life worth living, by just being around – and you love her as much as your own breath. if you are proud of your daughter or being a daughter, send this to other people who have daughters or who are daughters. Daughters are angels!

“Britain should take pride in its Christian heritage” says Theresa May

Portrait of British Prime Minister Theresa May. Author Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office. This file is licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0 (OGL v.3).

The Prime Minister referred in her UK Christmas message to taking pride in Britain’s Christian heritage – in which  some considered a bold  statement for a politician in an increasingly secular and politically correct society in which Christianity is tolerated less in favour of other faiths. However,  Teresa has previously said there is “no way” Christianity will be marginalised in the UK while she is Prime Minister.

“In the face of unspeakable suffering, Christian  faith has provided solace where no other source of comfort could.”

The  UK prime minister paid tribute to the Churches Together initiative, an ecumenical organisation that brings together the vast majority of Christian denominations in Britain and  to the armed forces and emergency services. Mrs May mentioned that the response to terror attacks in Manchester and London earlier this year, and to the Grenfell Tower disaster, “inspired the nation” and  acknowledged that the action of the emergency services “saves lives every day, including on Christmas Day.”

Mrs May, whose father was an Anglican vicar and who is a regular churchgoer, has  already spoken of the influence of her Christian faith on multiple occasions, saying in an interview earlier this year that it “guides me in everything I do”.

“Theresa May was voted the Conservative party leader most like Jesus in a poll carried out by Christian radio station Premier.”

In her Christmas message Mrs May  added:

“As we celebrate the birth of Christ, let us celebrate all those selfless acts – and countless others – that epitomise the values we share: Christian values of love, service and compassion that are lived out every day in our country by people of all faiths and none.”

“Let us take pride in our Christian heritage and the confidence it gives us to ensure that in Britain you can practice your faith free from question or fear.”

She also added: “Let us remember those around the world today who have been denied those freedoms – from Christians in some parts of the Middle East to the sickening persecution of the Rohingya Muslims.”

And let us reaffirm our determination to stand up for the freedom of people of all religions to speak about and practice of their beliefs in peace and safety.”

Unlike last year, May made no mention of Brexit in the Christmas message.

In contrast, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s Christmas message made no mention of  Christianity or any other religion, but instead emphasised a message of ‘compassion’. Not surprising as Jeremy Corbyn’s has previously refused to discuss whether he holds any religious beliefs, probably in fear of losing votes.

In recent years the Church of England has reported relatively steady Christmas attendance figures of around 2.5 million across the country – more than three times the average total Sunday congregation. But for the vast majority, the festival has become purely secular.

Recent surveys suggest that persecution of Christians in the past few years has, on a global level, reached unprecedented levels. For Christians in the UK there is a sense of being a target: sometimes for aggression, but primarily for ridicule or simply bemusement by non-believers. Therefore, Theresa May’s words of encouragement are not only timely and most welcomed, but also come at the end of a year where  the British  government has proposed radical social policies that have caused major concern  throughout the  Christian community in England.

“May’s message  in one of  encouragement to practice  Christianity ‘free from question or fear.”

Teresa’s message also directly follows  the treasurer, Scott Morrison, message in which he recently  vowed to stand up to “mockery” and jokes about Christians.

We have seen this so often from Christians facing disciplinary action at work for sharing their faith and wearing crosses to businesses being sued and forced to close for refusing to serve openly gay people, to nativity plays being banned in schools for fear of offending other religions. Christians in the UK also raised concern over their freedoms to live out their faith with Lord Pearson leading the way suggesting that it would soon become a hate crime to proclaim Christianity.

Numerous street preachers  have also been  arrested throughout the year – yet all (eventually) had charges dropped against them.

“The paradox of a secular Christmas, perhaps, is that it is no less Christian for that.”

“Every year, the straws in the wind seem to come a little harder. Plummeting church attendance; ignorance of the most basic details of the Bible; advent calendars filled with chocolates or sex toys rather than illustrations of the nativity.” a nation newspaper reported.

However, the Church  has nothing  to worry about for if  we ask, if we seek and when we knock, God will answer, we will find and  God will open the door.

Secularists may take pride in having transcended the religious identities that prevail elsewhere — but they are no less Christendom’s heirs for that.

The paradox of a secular Christmas, perhaps, is that it is no less Christian for that as our secular society continues to  draws from the well of Christian tradition that is embedded in the frantic of British society.

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year.

Things You Deserve To Leave Behind In 2017

Praise God that, by His Grace, we are able to come to see, reach, and experience a new plan in our lives for 2018. The beginning of a new year is always an opportunity to leave bad habits behind, set goals, and wipe the slate clean to begin again.

What should you leave behind in 2017?

Leave the job you don’t like and stop investing time and energy into something you’ve outgrown. That’s why it’s not working. Leave behind that relationship that isn’t going anywhere. Leave behind stress and anxiety and depression and all of your past pains and suffering that came along within this year and understand those things are a sign something in your life needs to change. I agree with you that it hurts to lose a loved one, it hurts to lose your favorite possession like a car, a home, or even your pet, but I’m pretty sure that they (including your former car) wanted you to keep on pushing forward. Think about it: Why do we have cars? As my grandmother puts it: “To get her from Point A to Point B.” It made it with you through the storms, and now it time to accept that maybe this chapter in your life is over and it’s time to move forward.

What upset you the most in 2017?

For me, it was a sad year. I say this because it felt as if our deceased ancestors and loved ones went through and already fought the toughest battles, even had served in the military / army for everyone’s freedom and for any conflict to finally desist or stop. But this year (as a millennial, born in 1988) it felt as if everyone was living back in history, a past that should not be duplicated. This was one of the reasons I kept away from media news often. I’d rather live for the future in my life instead of flowing with the crowds. No offense to anyone, but I’m speaking my truth and what is true. Realize this is your life and it isn’t your role to play someone else puppeteer just because you don’t like letting people down.

What are you leaving behind in 2017?

I’m dropping off all of my bags and luggage that held my pain and sorrow within that year. It’s time to achieve my best and focus on myself; apologies for sounding so selfish, but it’s true. Realize this is your life and it isn’t your role to play someone else’s puppeteer just because you don’t like letting people down. I know that everything will continue to get better for me because God has never left my side. The Devil has attempted to deceive me, and still does, to force me to go against God and fall for his temptations. No longer can I continue the reckless lifestyle that the enemy desires for me to pursue.

I have made up my decision…  THAT I WILL WALK WITH GOD. My God loves me, as I do Him. He is the only Man in my life that I find comfort in. Here is a toast to all of you as we approach 2017. Let’s go in this thing together. Love you all.

What Does ‘True Beauty’ Mean to You?

What Does ‘True Beauty’ Mean to You?

We live in a society that places a high degree of importance on physical appearance.  Beauty is commonly defined as a combination of qualities, such as shape, skin color, or form that pleases the aesthetic senses.

True beauty has also commonly been tied to good works. However, people have done good works that were later found to be wicked. Adolph Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Mao Tse Tung come to mind.

Probably the most famous quote about beauty comes from Margaret Wolfe Hungerford in her book Molly Bawn, in 1878, where she wrote;

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

It’s never been truer! Especially when the fashion and entertainment industry try to shove their idea of beauty down our throats. That quote deters from looking at a physical appearance for God looks at the heart of all people and things. Use these 30 hand-picked quotes to find the real beauty in yourself, others, and what surrounds us.

  1. “Beauty is a heart motivated by a love of God and a love of our neighbor.” – Unknown
  2. “We become truly beautiful by becoming like Christ.” – Unknown
  3. “What it means to be beautiful is when I found my most authentic self, that’s when I truly knew I was beautiful.” – Brely Evans
  4. “Accepting me, my good, my bad, my indifference, my flores, but loving me in spite of me, that’s  beautiful.” – Wendy Raquel  Robinson
  5. “It looks like actions and behaviors of Jesus Christ that are demonstrated by believers who are diligently seeking to become like Christ.” –  Dr. Michael Williams
  6. “Can be summed  up in one word, family.” – Malis Family
  7. “Having fun and expressing myself.” – Journey
  8. “Beautiful means to be confident, secure, and aware.” – Robin Reed
  9. “Someone who has gone through a lot in life and they may fall down a bunch of times, but they are determined in there heart to get up, to never ever, ever give up, that to me is beautiful.” – Sophia Luke
  10. “It was when I was happiest that I longed most. The sweetest thing in all my life has been the longing to find the place where all the beauty came from.” – C.S. Lewis
  11. “Outward beauty gets the attention, Personality gets the heart.” –  Tehreem
  12. “The most beautiful people we have known are those who have known defeat, known suffering, known struggle, known loss, and have found their way out of the depths. These persons have an appreciation, a sensitivity, and an understanding of life that fills them with compassion, gentleness, and a deep loving concern. Beautiful people do not just happen.” – Elisabeth Kubler Ross
  13.  “True beauty is commonly regarded as beauty on the inside.” – Unknown
  14. My eyes saw your unformed substance (Psalm 139:16).” – The Bible
  15. “Inner beauty is inside each of us. We are all beautiful in God’s eyes as we are created in the image of God.” – Unknown
  16. “Sensual pleasures are like soap-bubbles, sparkling, evanescent. The pleasures of intellect are calm, beautiful, sublime, ever enduring and climbing upward to the borders of the unseen world.” – James H. Aughey
  17. “Beauty is not who you are on the outside, it is the wisdom and time you gave away to save another struggling soul like you.” ’- Shannon L. Alder
  18. “Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God’s handwriting.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
  19. “Prayer beautifies you” ’- TemitOpe Ibrahim
  20. “God crowned you with glory and honor as the pinnacle and final act of the six days of creation.” – Unknown
  21. “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others.” – Unknown
  22. “I am the Creator and you are my creation. I breathed into your nostrils the breath of life (Genesis 2:7).”- The Bible
  23. “I knit you together in your mother’s womb.” (Psalm 139:13) – The Bible
  24. “Beauty is about being comfortable in your own skin. It’s about knowing and accepting who you are.” – Ellen DeGeneres
  25. “There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others.” ’- Mandy Hale
  26. “Please girl don’t act beautiful, be beautiful.” – Unknown
  27. “You are fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) – The Bible
  28. “True beauty is measured by the number of pearls within you, not those around your neck.” – Suzy Kassem
  29. “A true beauty radiates from the most beautiful feature in the world – the heart.” – Unknown
  30. “Look to Jesus. Keep your eyes on him. He is the author and perfecter of your faith.” – Unknown
  31. “Unless you break free from the shackles of beauty as dictated by the media and society, true beauty will be elusive.” – Khang Kijarro Nguyen

God told me to tell you He’s by your side

In Proverbs 3:3-6 (NIV), says:

” Let love and faithfulness  never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man. Trust in the  Lord  with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths  straight.

All I can do is admit my personal truth to all of you: I had a very ‘crooked’ or unaligned life. I say that I “had” a crooked life because this was during a time that I did not know much about Jesus Christ. After years of learning, being taught, and asking Christians questions, I felt so much freedom afterward in receiving the answers to every short and long confusing question I had.

I say all of this to you because it took me years to learn how to love God and to learn about Him. I remember one of the questions I wondered as a teenager was  “Why do people love God so much?”

I was someone that wasn’t raised up in a Christian home or had frequent lessons about Jesus Christ, whom He was, and what He did. I will share how I am doing today.

He held my hand in bringing me out of my darkest times as a child, He rescued me from the devilish spirits that were scaring and hurting me, and He continues to be there for all of us… and for me. As I look back on my past pains and difficult life situations, I praise God’s Name for holding my hand and continuously lifting me up out of danger, darkness, and being hurt.

The Lord is your keeper; the Lord is your shade on your right hand. –  Psalm 121:5

He loves me and He loves you too. All you have to do is talk to Him and pray to Him about whatever your problem may be. Believe me when I say that He will, in fact, help to fix your life in remarkable ways. It took me years to find out about Jesus Christ, but now, I know Him a lot more… even though I’m still yearning and craving to learn more; and you know what. I am excited hearing from others and reading His Word every day I love it.

Despite how rocky and treacherous your path or life may be, you’re not going to face it alone. God wants you to know and be assured of is this, HE IS BY YOUR SIDE.

“God is working in you.” The word “working” in Greek is the word energos, from which we get the word “energy.” God is the energy driver in your life. You’re not just going on willpower. You’re not just going on your own power. God says he will give you the power you need, no matter what you’re facing.

Isn’t that great news? If God is with you, and God is in you, and God is for you, who on earth can stand against you?

Father God, I pray that all who read  this message will be encouraged, strengthened and bless.   Let them know in their spirit that they are not alone.   Let them know without a doubt that you are with them.   Give them the strength and courage to keep moving, show them the path to take, show them the steps to make, by your power Guide them, Lord, for you alone know the way.   We wait on you. We love you and we praise you.   In Jesus name, I pray, Amen.


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