I Like Your Christ, But Not Your Christians

Do You Know A Hypocrite?

I think we’d be surprised to know how many people in this world actually like the person of Jesus Christ, but aren’t keen on becoming a Christian. Sound familiar?

Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another. Romans 12:10.

We must not allow ourselves to become self-absorbed and so forget the claims of God and humanity upon us…. God would have us more kind, more lovable, less critical and suspicious. O that we all might have the Spirit of Christ, and know how to deal with our brethren and neighbors!

We must forget self in loving service for others…. We may not remember some act of kindness which we do, it may fade from our memory; but eternity will bring out in all its brightness every act done for the salvation of souls, every word spoken for the comfort of God’s children; and these deeds done for Christ’s sake will be a part of our joy through all eternity.

When we pursue toward our brethren any course save that of kindness and courtesy, we pursue an unchristian course. We should manifest courtesy at home, in the church, and in our intercourse with all men. But especially we should manifest compassion and respect for those who are giving their lives to the cause of God. We should exercise that precious love that suffereth long and is kind; that envieth not, that vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, does not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not its own, is not easily provoked and that which is not evil.

Where Jesus reigns in the heart, there will be sweet love, and we shall be tender and true to one another.

You should give no occasion for faultfinding. A moment’s petulance, a single gruff answer, the want of Christian politeness and courtesy in some small matter, may result in the loss of friends, in the loss of influence.

God would have you appear at your best under all circumstances—in the presence of those who are inferior to you as well as in the presence of equals and superiors. We are to be followers of Christ at all times, seeking His honor, seeking to rightly represent Him in every way.

Let self drop out of sight, and let Jesus appear as the One altogether lovely.

We should seek to live for His glory alone, not that men may praise us.

Waiting Happily and Patiently

It goes without saying that people do not like to wait. We want everything asap and grow impatient when there is a waiting period. As Christians, we all go through waiting periods in our lives. We wait on GOD to answer a prayer or to give us a sign that proves that He’s listening. What we fail to understand is that there is a blessing in waiting.

I know what it feels like to wait. To wake up each day, and hope that today will be the day. Days turn into weeks, weeks in months, and months into years, but I’m still waiting. It becomes a struggle to get out of bed, to be happy in the small things of life, to remain grateful for what you have already- the joy you once felt seems to have evaporated into thin air. It becomes easy to look at the next person, to see what they have. You know how hard you’ve been working, but someone else seems to gain success with less effort. You have been praying for a spouse, but someone younger than you has just got married and they are beginning the life that you had always hoped for. Someone else just had a baby, a baby that you’ve been praying for, for years. It doesn’t seem fair, does it? Why would the LORD give them, and not to you? Aren’t you good enough? Doesn’t He love you as well? These questions circle in our minds like vultures circling over a potential meal. Your negative thoughts wait for you to lose your joy and replace it with despair, envy, anger, depression and hopelessness. What can we do when we find ourselves in this position?

Psalm 37: 7-8 gives us great advice that we should all take to heart: Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way, Because of the man who brings wicked schemes to pass. Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; Do not fret- it only causes harm. Do you see how beautiful these verses are? GOD has a word for every situation in our lives, including waiting!

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him

King David knew what it was like to face opposition, to wait for GOD to bring an answer to His prayer. He was human, just like us, so it must have been hard for him a well. However, he learnt the ‘secret’ of waiting: resting in the LORD. Do you know what it means to rest? In the Merriam-Webster dictionary, it means freedom from activity or labour (there are other definitions as well, but they do not fit the context of the Psalm). We do not need to do something while we wait just to feel as though you’re not wasting your time. We do not need to stress because what we have prayed for has not come to pass. GOD has heard our prayers, so we just need to relax and rest in Him. We also need to wait patiently for Him. So often we rush into things, and when they go wrong, we cry out to GOD as if He is the one to blame. Rushing into a job because it’s what we think is right, rushing into a marriage because everyone else is married, rushing into college and doing whatever course you fancy because you’re too impatient to let GOD guide you. No, just be patient and wait.

Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way

We have all done this. We look at a person who isn’t even living their life right, and we see them succeed. The guy who cheated his way through college and now has a successful job, the lady in church who flashed money and now is in a leadership position- we all know of scenarios where things like this and more have happened, and we’ve all been angry about it. Our biggest question is WHY? Why, LORD? But, we cannot think like this because it doesn’t do us any good. We see those people, but we do not have to be moved by the supposed unfairness of it all. GOD sees you, and that’s all that matters. Do not fret, it only causes harm. How much clearer do we need this to be?

There is one last verse that I did not include, but it gives us what to do when we wait: Trust in the LORD and do good (Psalm 37:3). If there is one who deserves our trust, it is GOD. He never lets us down, and He is always faithful. He does exactly what His Word says. Just trust Him to do the right thing for you. It doesn’t mean that you’ll get what you want, but you will receive peace while you wait. GOD knows exactly what we need, and when we need it. When we grow impatient during our waiting period, we lose sight of Him and suffer for it. So, what should you do while you wait? Do good. See to the needs of others, put yourself out there and make yourself available to those in need.   You may not get your prayer answered in the way that you expected, but you will be content with what you have, no matter how much or little it is.

3 Ways to Shine for Christ

The Lord Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world. We are a light meant for people to see and benefit from. To drive home the point, He even said that people do not “light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house.” (Matthew 5:14,15) We are light. We are to shed light for Christ. We are to bring the light of Christ to the people He puts us in contact with.

There are many ways to shine for Christ. Hee are three ways:

Do Good.

In Matthew 5:16 Jesus tells us to “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” To shine for Christ is to do good to others. This day and age has brought forth an abundance of scammers and deceivers in society. It seems no one sees good Samaritans anymore and even if you genuinely want to do good, cautious people will be suspicious. But we are to do good anyway. Indeed, we may be the only Christ people will ever see. In doing good, we introduce Christ to people. We forge openings for people to get curious about Christ because of the difference they see in our lives.

Life is busy. It is filled with preoccupations and responsibilities. Christians must make time for doing good. God’s children must save energy for doing good for others. Christ followers must keep an eye out for simple day to day opportunities of brightening someone’s day. It may be by helping an old lady get an item way up on a grocery shelf. It may be by retrieving a fallen object for someone who dropped it. It may be by opening or closing a door for somebody.

Give often.

Resources are hard to come by. We need to work hard for the things we need. We need to save up for necessities. But Christians are to be known for generosity. All throughout Acts we can see an overflowing generosity among believers. They gave to God’s work; they gave to others; and people recognized their giving and glorified God in the process. Back then, they were unafraid to give all they had and they were blessed to see God work in miraculous ways to sustain their household.

Today, we may practice responsible and wise giving, but we give all the same. Don’t just spend all you earn on yourself and your family. Purpose in your heart to set aside a definite amount you will spend for the benefit of others outside your home. You may buy a book to help inspire and encourage someone at work. You may get some useful items for a neighbor next door. You may personally bless a regular visitor in church with some treats. You may keep some pre-paid coffee or food vouchers to give away to people you come across with.

Love indiscriminately.

Scriptures tell us to love. In Matthew 5:43,44 Jesus reminds us to love not just our friends but even our enemies. We all have our ideas about love but the kind of love that Jesus talks about here is one that “desires the highest good of another.” All people need to feel the love of God and we can help with that. True, humanly speaking, it will be hard to afford an enemy or offender the same intensity of love we have for someone very dear to us but we must practice Christian love all the same. And we can do that in many ways. We can show patience and mercy instead of lashing out in criticism and rebuke. We can suspend punishment and consequence and allow a wrongdoer the opportunity to amend his ways or make up for the error he has committed. We can choose to speak kindly even if the other person is harsh. We can choose to maintain our cool even if another person is very irritating. We can grant second chances. We can love the lovely and “abrasive” by being good-natured towards them both. We can choose to forfeit opportunities of retaliation or “vindication” and remain “discerningly” accommodating and kind towards those who rub us the wrong way.


What makes you think I want your life?

What makes you think I want your life?

by: Carole L. Haines

My husband told me a story about a friend of his who answered an acquaintance’s arrogance with this statement, “What makes you think I want your life?”  The man was a few years ahead in the same line of business as my husband’s friend, and without being asked for advice, was giving out a litany of how to become as successful as he was.  He was basically telling this guy, “Do these things and you can have the kind of life I have.” A life of wealth, luxury and ease was what was being solicited to our friend. I couldn’t help but think of Satan’s Temptation of Jesus. 

Again, the devil *took Him to a very high mountain and *showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory; and he said to Him, “All these things I will give You, if You fall down and worship me.” 10 Then Jesus *said to him, “Go, Satan! For it is written, ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only.’” (Matthew 4:8-10)

O, how the world loves to think we want to have what they have, be who they are, do what they do.  We hear it from Movie-dom, Sports Arenas, Business offices, and unfortunately, even the occasional pulpit.   Hebrews 12 gives us a list of what we now have in Jesus Christ:

22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God,the heavenly Jerusalem, and to myriads of angels,23 to the general assemblyand church of the firstborn who are enrolled in heaven,and to God, the Judge of all,and to the spirits of the righteous made perfect,24  and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant,  and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel.(Hebrews 12:22-24)Then, as if all that was not enough, God tops it off with:

26 And His voice shook the earth then, but now He has promised, saying, “Yet once more I will shake not only the earth, but also the heaven.” 27 This expression, “Yet once more,” denotes the removing of those things which can be shaken, as of created things, so that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.28 Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let us show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; 29 for our God is a consuming fire. (Hebrew 12:26-29)

A kingdom that cannot be shaken.  God actually desires to remove from our lives, our dependence upon the very things the world runs after, brags about and tries to peddle to us. But just look at our beautiful inheritance in Christ. I don’t want or need anything the world is peddling. I echo the sentiments of our friend, “What makes you think I want your life?”  Jesus speaks the truest of Words when He says this:

31 Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ 32 For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. 34 “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:31-34)

Thank you, Dearest Lord Jesus, for the life You have bought for me, and freely given to all who believe in You as Savior.

Stop Going To Church

Stop Going To Church

Okay, before I get into it, keep in mind that this is my own spiritual journal before it became a public post. Everything that I write is from my own reflection and my own personal journey with God – it is not so much an instructional blog as it is my way of pouring my heart out.

This post is no different.

So last week, I happened to be out of town for an over-the-weekend trip, and due to the schedule, I was unable to go to church on Sunday. So the night before, I was apologising to God for being unable to attend church, and I vividly remembered there was this sense of guilt gripping me that evening in my hotel room.

And right then, as I was doing my personal devotion, this thought came to me:


Should not going to church, or doing ministry while we’re at the topic, be the overflow/product of God’s love for you? Not the means for you to earn His love? Sure, this is something that we have heard numerous times, and sounding like a broken record is the last thing i want to do. But while we are familiar with the concept, that’s not really the case when it comes to its practice – we don’t live out our lives like that.

I believe that the two biggest enemies of dynamic Christian living, to truly living out the lives God wants you to live, are complacency, and routinely. Christianity, for most people, has been degraded into just a day of the week when it’s supposed to be  all of your life. It has been reduced to following a dull system when it’s supposed to be unpredictable and dangerous. Church is now just a place we go to on Sunday, when it is supposed to be something that we become, and we live out. And the thing is, people are happy with just that – we have become complacent.

Let me tell you this; Jesus is a lot of things, but one thing that He’s not, is boring.

The guilt I felt was a proof, that for me, Christianity, and church, have become my way of earning God’s love. If I go to church, and serve there, then God is cool with me. If I missed a day of church, then God is angry with me. This could not be further from the truth. Call it a stretch if you will, but if we have a strong relationship with God, should not there be a sense of security in God’s love for us? Now, I am not advocating not going to church, I am a big believer that if you’re a Christian, we have to gather together with a group of believers to worship God together. That’s one of God’s will.

What I am saying that, it becomes wrong, when going to church and serving in a ministry become more an obligation that it is an overflow of your love for God.

“These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.”  Matthew 15:8

That’s the last thing we want to be said of us. So here’s what I am learning, and what I am encouraging all of us to do: step out of the routinely, LOVE GOD CRAZILY, and let everything that you do be the products of your love for God. GO CRAZY.

Stop going to church, and start being the church.

Stop doing ministry out of an obligation, let it be an overflow

If there is one thing I am for, and if there is one thing I am advocating, to be a Christian rebel. To refuse to be a part of the ‘system’ and be different. There is more that I could say about this, but that would be a post in itself. Till next time.

In His love,


Blessings from God or Just Luck

This is the first of a two part blog series on the topic of ‘Blessings’. How do we view blessings? Do we see them as coming from God, or are they just luck?  

This first series focuses on my testimonial of blessings and whether we see blessings as just ‘luck’.

My Testimonial of Blessings

I want to start my first ‘proper’ blog by discussing something positive. ‘Blessings’.

I personally feel truly blessed in my life. Now I’m not saying this to boast or to show off. People who know me know that I’m not that kind of person. All I want to do is to just show you the wonderful things that God has done for me and can do for you too.

Now, I have the privilege of working and running my own business from home. I feel that I have now been blessed with this way of life which I have wanted for a big part of my adult life, and all my life as a parent. I can now spend time at home with my young children; I can take them to school, pick them up, help them with their homework, bathe them and put them to bed and make warm nutritious meals for my family. These are all the blessings that I am truly thankful to God for and don’t take them for granted even though I do sometimes moan about all the work I have to do.

As I said before, having a business is something that I have wanted for a long time. I have worked hard on business ideas which have just not come to fruition. And I believe that those times were not God’s times for me to start those businesses, and possibly were not the businesses that God wanted me to get involved in.

Now, some of you reading may ask, but didn’t you work hard to get to where you are now with your business? The answer is yes. I do have to work hard on my business now that I have it, but to be honest, my current business came about without me trying hard at all, and actually came about at a time when I had given up on business completely.

The reason that I got back into the business world was after I had read a report on something Pope Francis had said at World Youth Day in Krakow in 2016:

“Jesus can give you true passion for life.  Jesus can inspire us not to settle for less, but to give the very best of ourselves.Jesus challenges us, spurs us on and helps us keep trying whenever we are tempted to give up. Jesus pushes us to keep our sights high and to dream of great things”¦”¦”¦”¦..In life there is a dangerous kind of paralysis. It is not easy to put our finger on it. I like to describe it as the paralysis that comes from confusing happiness with a sofa. In other words, to think that in order to be happy all we need is a good sofa. A sofa that makes us feel comfortable, calm, safe”¦..A sofa that keeps us safe from any kind of pain and fear. A sofa that allows us to stay home without needing to work at, or worry about anything. ‘Sofa happiness’! That is probably the most harmful and insidious form of paralysis, which can cause the greatest harm to young people. And why does this happen?… Because little by little, without even realizing it, we start to nod off, grow drowsy and dull”¦”¦

We didn’t come into this world to “vegetate”, to take it easy, to make our lives a comfortable sofa to fall asleep on. No, we came”¦”¦ To leave a mark”¦”¦ But when we opt for ease and convenience, for confusing happiness with consumption, then we end up paying a high price indeed: we lose our freedom”¦”¦. Jesus is the Lord of risk, he is the Lord of “eternal” more. Jesus is not the Lord of comfort, security and ease. Following Jesus demands a good dose of courage, a readiness to trade in the sofa for a pair of walking shoes and to set out on new and unchartered paths. To blaze trails that open up new horizons capable of spreading joy, the joy that is born of God’s love and wells up in your hearts with every act of mercy”¦”¦ God expects something from you”¦.. God hopes in you. God comes to break down all our fences. He comes to open the doors of our lives, our dreams, our ways of seeing things. God comes to break open everything that keeps you closed in. He is encouraging you to dream. He wants to make you see that, with you, the world can be different”¦”¦ Unless you offer the best of yourselves, the world will never be different. This is the challenge.”

Not to go off the point too much, I have added this lengthy quote not only to show you how this moved me to do something more meaningful with my life, but also that it may motivate any of you out there who feel like you’re stuck with no direction to go and not worthy of doing much with your life. Just know that God wants you to work hard on your goals and make something great of yourselves which you are proud of.

So back to the point about blessings, by coming across this report from the Pope which was handed out in church, I feel completely blessed, as it got me out of my comfy sofa state to start my business. And as I said before, I am truly grateful.

So yes, I do believe that these blessings are from God. Of course, I do have to work hard to keep my business going, but I would always look to God to give me the motivation and diligence to continue to grow my business.

It’s Luck And the Choices that we Make NOT Blessings from God!

Yes, some people who have good things come their way say that it is good luck, and I guess when you don’t believe in God, then it is good luck. But if God is in your life, then you should believe that it is coming from God.

Some people may say that it’s about the choices that we make in our lives; the person they chose to marry; the school they chose to send their kids to; the area they chose to live in; the education they chose; how hard they chose to work; the medications they chose to take and so on”¦.

But if you believe in God, then you should understand that God puts these things, these ‘blessings’ in your life. God puts a good spouse before you, God puts a good school in your reach and so on”¦”¦

We then all have free will and are able to then decide whether to follow what God wants from us. Do we go for the good guy that God has put before us, or go for the bad guy who already has two girlfriends because he’s exciting to be with?

One example that I will give you is the choice of Primary school for my daughter. We had several ‘outstanding’ rated non faith schools in the area that we lived, and a ‘good’ rated catholic school. The focus of the outstanding schools were children excelling in different subjects and really pushing them to do well academically which is of course highly commendable.

In the Catholic school which myself and my husband chose for our daughter, their mission statement is “We love to learn in Jesus. In Jesus, we learn to love”. To me, that shows a Jesus centred school. And although we too want our children to excel academically, we always believe in putting God first, and trust that God will bless our children with the best education for them. So, I believe that our children will be blessed in whichever way God chooses because we their parents have put God first in their lives.

Domestic Violence in the Church

Domestic Violence in the Church

The words ‘domestic violence’ and ‘church’ do not belong together and do not exist in the same context. To deny this would seem traitorous and unfaithful, and yet, to ignore it would bring into question our faith, values, and beliefs as Christians. Domestic violence is alive and kicking in the church, and turning a blind eye to the plight of women, children, and men will only strengthen the excuses made for the abuse.

I once volunteered in a trauma center in a place where alcoholism, domestic violence, drug addiction and sexual abuse were rife in the area. The trauma center was situated in a police station which meant that I was exposed to countless cases that opened up my small town perception of the world. To a certain extent, I had been shielded from such situations- they always seemed far away from me, and thus not my concern. I always had sympathy for the victims and a sort of ignorance that only a naïve person could achieve, but I lacked the compassion and a sense of duty to help these victims.

One particular case stuck with me, not due to the severity of it (I had seen many horrendous cases of rape, violence etc) but because it involved a well-known church in the area. A woman, whom I had surmised to be in her early thirties, was being routinely abused by her husband. Her two daughters were witnesses to these beatings and were beginning to accept it as a way of life (they were around six and nine years of age). The woman had approached the church on more than one occasion for help, but their advice to her was always to submit to her husband, avoid doing anything that angered him and to pray for him. She followed their advice, but it did nothing to protect her from his fists. When she told me her story, I couldn’t believe that the church had basically turned their backs on her. They were quick to point out that a wife must respect and submit to her husband as the church does to Christ, but they failed to mention that a husband should love his wife as Christ loves the Church. Her husband had failed her, her church had failed her, and it seemed that GOD had failed her too. Her daughters had begun to see her abuse as a joke, no doubt a way for them to handle the situation. I believe that is what led her to seek help from the trauma center. I was assigned to her case (I suppose that they assumed that as I was studying Psychology at the time I would be perfect for the case, but I was way out of my depth) and I just started to speak to her from my heart, letting her know of the love that Jesus has for her. It took a couple of weeks, but she eventually got the courage to leave her abusive husband and her church. It was a scary thing for her to do, but once she understood the love that Jesus has for her, she mustered up the courage and started her life all over again with her two daughters, attending a different church.

This woman is just one example of the hundreds of cases where the church has failed to help their people. A research was done to reveal the prevalence of domestic violence amongst churchgoers, and it was found that one in four people have experienced abuse in their current relationship.

“Domestic abuse happens in churches too,” Dr. Kristin Aune of Coventry University, who led the research, said. “A quarter of the people we heard from told us they had, for example, been physically hurt by their partners, sexually assaulted, emotionally manipulated, or had money withheld from them. This includes 12 women who have experienced between 10 and 20 abusive behaviors and six women who are currently in relationships where they fear for their lives.”

Only two in seven churchgoers felt their church was adequately equipped to deal with a disclosure of abuse.

Although the research surveyed churchgoers in the north-west English county of Cumbria, I believe that it represents other areas around the world as well. The statistics may be different, but their situations remain largely the same. There are certainly many Christian organizations that are working to highlight domestic violence in the church and to address it accordingly, but individual churches themselves and the men within it (even the women) are not doing enough to challenge the attitudes and behaviors that promote this violence.

Scripture on marriage and relationships is often misinterpreted and used to justify abuse, but GOD will not be fooled. Abusers love control and will do anything to maintain it. They seem to find their identity in being respected and feared by others, and this fuels their desire to gain control through abusive behavior. What they lack is an understanding of their identity in Christ, so trying to build their self-esteem or suggest anger-management classes are not longterm ‘fixes’.

The church needs to step up to the plate and really address domestic violence. Abuse in the church has been going on for centuries, mostly due to powerful people within the church justifying it. We are no longer living in times where women are seen as property, where men are laughed at for having their wife beat them, or where children are seen as replaceable and used to bargain with. Yes, it may still happen around the world, but we are all aware of how wrong, barbaric and inhumane it is. We should give a voice to the voiceless, and protect those who come to us.

Can Going to Church Make Me Live Longer?

Can Going to Church Make Me Live Longer?

Religion and faith regularly come under the scrutiny of those in the camp of science, medicine, and ‘rational’ thinking. Yet many studies conducted over recent years continue to reveal (intentionally or accidentally) that people are likely to live longer when they have a personal faith and attend religious services.

Here’s a rundown of some of the studies:

  • A recent study, published in 2016 in the JAMA Internal Medicine, showed that women who attended any kind of religious service more than one time a week were 33% less likely than their non-religious peers to die during the 16 years of follow up
  • A 2006 University of Texas study showed that those who attended church weekly were expected to live 7 years longer than those who never went to church
  • An Ohio University study of obituary records showed that religious people live about 4 years longer than those who are atheist
  • According to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health, Californians who regularly attended religious services were 36% less likely to die during a 5 year follow up. And even those who attended sometimes (but not weekly) were expected to live longer than those who never attended services at all
  • One study showed that people who had a personal faith and belief were likely to live longer, even if they didn’t attend church regularly. So it’s not just about getting your backside into the pew.

Modern research goes on and on, linking religious activity and faith with health aspects such as:

  • faster recovery from breast cancer
  • lower blood pressure
  • less depression and shorter hospital stays for hip replacement patients
  • more successful in-vitro fertilization (IVF) experiences
  • strengthened immune system
  • lowered stress response
  • faster recovery from depression
  • less likelihood of committing suicide

Some non-religious people chalk all of this up to the placebo effect of prayer, or simply a boost in good vibes. Many attribute the benefits of gathering with a community of like-minded people or higher rates of social support.

Still, others who were once skeptics have reported that this information is changing the way they think about faith.

Now, before you start trying to get your friends and family members to fill a pew at church because they are guaranteed to live longer, just hold on a minute.

It is important to note that most of these studies were based on general religious participation and not narrowed down to Christianity. And it often has to do with people who have a personal faith experience as well as friendships within the church community. Not much information was gained for pew-sitters who were simply checking ‘go-to-church’ off of a long to-do list.

Going to church is not a cure-all.

Let no one hear me say that, if you go to church, you won’t get sick or die prematurely. Going to church, or even having a deep faith, doesn’t mean you will always feel happy, that nothing bad will happen, and you won’t struggle. Because that’s just not true.

What I am saying is this: I believe that God created our bodies and souls to work in tandem with one another. When our spirits are healthy and whole (fed by regular communion with God and his people), then our bodies are more likely to be healthy as well. And this is evidenced time and again by the studies listed above.

In my experience, community with fellow believers and the worship of the Almighty offers deep, immeasurable benefits to spiritual and physical well-being. So even while we are here on earth, living on this broken planet riddled with sickness, destruction, and death, we can live in joy and relative health because of our faith in Him.

And the best news of all? As Christians, we have Hope in something that is much more than this life on earth. In Christ, we are promised a new life that never ends. Our limited life here isn’t the end of the story.

So if you’re worried about dying prematurely, you don’t need to.

Not because you’re promised to live longer if you’re a Christian (although you might!). But because our omniscient God tells us that we don’t need to be anxious about the future.

As Christians, we can rest in the fact that our perspective is not limited to just this life. We can live each day for itself, bringing glory to God, gently sharing our faith to benefit others, and peacefully trusting that God has everything in his very capable hands. Right down to the number of days we will live on this earth.

3 Christian-Themed Films To Consider This 2018

While Hollywood has produced a good share of well-made movies that are clearly Christian through-and-through (A Man For All Seasons, The Passion of the Christ), it has also produced countless other gems that are deeply Christian at their core despite not looking so on the surface.

After a long week of school, corporate office, or church ministry duties, you may favor watching films to unload the stress or just relieve your body of tiredness. Here are some Christian-themed titles for you to consider:

The Riot And The Dance

It’s also popularly known as Planet Earth. This is a nature documentary shared with us by Biologist, Dr. Gordon Wilson. Enjoy a variety of awe-striking nature and wildlife footage. This cinematic exploration may cause you to stop and pause in adoration of our great Creator God. Part 1 came out on March 19 with Part 2 set for a 2019 release. Get more info and watch the official trailer here.

Here are some notable feedbacks on the film:

John Piper, the founder of DesiringGod.org, said, “My wife and I loved it.”

Timothy G. Standish, a Ph.D. Senior Scientist Geoscience Research Institute, commented, “If your world has faded to black and white, The Riot and the Dance is the cure for colorblindness.”

Ken Ham, Founder and President of Answers in Genesis, said, “The stunning cinematography and explanations of God’s design will leave you giving our awesome Creator the praise He deserves.”

Paul, Apostle of Christ

The film retells the story of Luke the physician and the Apostle Paul, whom he visits in Rome during the latter’s imprisonment. The time is set during the reign of Nero who was then determined towards getting rid of Christians everywhere. Basing content from Scriptures, you will see Paul and Luke’s struggle depicted including the persecution of the Christian Church. Expect some deviations of course, as embellishments and extra-biblical rendering is often the norm when Christian accounts are turned into a film.


The cast includes Jim Caviezel (The Passion of The Christ), James Faulkner (Downton Abbey), Olivier Martinez (S.W.A.T.), Joanne Whalley (A.D. The Bible Continues), and John Lynch (The Secret Garden).

The film came out on March 23 with digital viewing for release on June 12. A Blu-ray and DVD release is also scheduled for June 19. Get more info and watch the official trailer here.

I Can Only Imagine

“I Can Only Imagine” is a beloved worship song that has impacted church people all over the globe. Matt Ballard, lead singer of MercyMe crafted the song in a matter of minutes but it took a lifetime of God’s crafting on his heart for it to reach a place of wondering about God and pursuit of Him. The film retells the lesson-filled life of Bart from a young age, touching on his broken relationship with an abusive father. It tells how he was encouraged and guided towards a musical pathway.

Here are some notable feedbacks on the film:

Jim Ward of USA Today found it “both beautiful and emotionally powerful.”

MovieGuide believes “Directors Andrew and Jon Erwin ”¦ deliver their most resonant, effective movie yet.”

Amy Grant said, “In the amazing new movie I CAN ONLY IMAGINE, there is an overarching story of redemption. And the beauty of the story of God’s redemption is: everybody can be included!”

The film came out on March 16. The DVD, Blu-ray, and Digital release are on June 12. Get more info and watch the official trailer here.

Rare Justice for Christians in Pakistan after Toddler’s Rape

Rare Justice for Christians in Pakistan after Toddler's Rape

Pakistani Christians are in the minority in their country, posing no threat to those who are of the Muslim faith, and yet they are being targeted. Two-and-a-half years ago Christians raised concerns about the growing influence of the Islamic State in Pakistan-government officials ignored their concerns.

Wilson Chowdhry of the British Pakistani Christians Association (BPCA) told CBN News, “Christians are a highly vulnerable and regularly persecuted body of people in Pakistan and justice is hard to come by as families are either forced to accept a bribe under duress in exchange for an acquittal of perpetrators, or face another family member being attacked or killed.”

So when little Saiba’s rapist was sent to jail for 25 years and fined the equivalent of $1300 for the crime he committed in December 2016, Chowdhry described it as a “highly unusual case of justice for Christians.”  

The day of the rape, then 2-year-old Saiba was left with her 10-year-old brother at home while their mother and older brother went to work. Mohammed Abbas, a neighbor of the family, knew that the adults were away, so he made his move. He visited the home and asked Daoud, Saiba’s brother, to go to the store and buy him some cigarettes. When Daoud returned home, he found the door locked.

“I could hear Saiba crying and screaming louder than I have ever heard her scream before. I knew there was a problem and banged loudly on the door but no one was opening the door for me,” he recalled.

After about 30 minutes, Abbas came out of the house and took the pack of cigarettes from the 10-year-old boy. He opened the package, lit a cigarette and smiled at Daoud before walking away. The young boy rushed into the home and comforted his baby sister as best as he could until his mother returned from work.

“When my mum came minutes later she cleaned the blood off Saiba’s naked body and wrapped her in a towel. We both hugged her to bring peace to her,” said Daoud.  

Two years later, Saiba is suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and is regularly having nightmares due to her brutal attack.

Due to the brutality of the rape, she suffered massive physical damage to her reproductive organs. The hospital officials who treated Saiba believe that her chances to bear children will be slim to none.  

Saiba’a family, who Chowdhry describes as ‘brave and devout Christians’, continue to receive help from their church family as well as the BPCA.

I cannot begin to fathom the pain and trauma that Saiba family is going through, especially Saiba herself, who is now 4 years old. Her legal victory gives hope to other Christians in the Muslim-majority country. As Chowdry says, it is showing the world that Christians are strong and brave people who are willing to fight and stand their ground, even when the odds are against them.  

I ask that we include Saiba and her family in our prayers, that Father would heal her both physically and emotionally, and continue to provide for her family in every way possible.

Resources: CBN News

8 Things Hings That a Single or Married Woman Should Never Do with the Opposite Sex

8 Things Hings That a Single or Married Woman Should Never Do with the Opposite Sex

Ladies, we are walking on thin ice. There are just some things that you cannot do with the opposite sex, but so many women are falling into that trap. A wink here, a too tight hug there, a bit of confiding when your husband is ‘trippin’ or a too long gaze across the sea of heads at church. Nah-uh ladies, antics like this can only end up in sexual sin.

When I say that I am an observant person, I really mean that I will scrutinize everything down to the last detail. This has gotten me out of some hairy situations and has gotten me into trouble (sigh). Don’t get me wrong, I’m not studying people because I want to be judgemental, nope, I’m just interested in the behavior of people. In my 29 years of life, I have picked up major mistakes that women make when it comes to the opposite sex. These mistakes have ended in stalkings, murder, pregnancies out of marriage, affairs, domestic abuse, rape, scandal- I have seen it all. Now, as Christian women, we have to be mindful of our behavior- we cannot be acting in just any manner with men. There have to be boundaries. These are the 7 things that I believe you should avoid:

  1. Flirting

There is no such thing as harmless flirting. All flirting is suggestive to some degree and we are better off without it. Perhaps you find flirting fun and meaningless, but it ceases to be that when you direct it at someone who does not share the same opinion of it as you. There are compliments, and there is flirting, but the lines can become blurred rather quickly. Flirting is a dangerous game for Christian women because it reeks of worldly ways. We have no business trying to attract men or be attracted to them with the use of smooth one-liners that have no purpose in the Christian life. Do you want a godly husband? Then you need to be a godly woman who seeks the LORD first, and because of your relationship with GOD, the man of GOD will see you as a potential wife. If you are married then you should only have eyes for your husband. Do not make light of your marital vows by entertaining a flirtatious manner.

  1. Accepting Gifts

Refusing a gift from a man is not looking a gift horse in the mouth. What are the man’s intentions by giving you that gift? What does he expect in return? I don’t care whether the man is Christian or not if you are not married or at least betrothed to the guy, you have no business accepting his gifts. That slab of chocolate may seem harmless at first, but if that man is interested in you and you’re not, then you’re heading for a difficult time trying to shake him off. Just be upfront with the guy and say that you would rather not accept anything from him.

  1. Not Nipping Unwanted Attention in the Bud

Okay, I understand the lure of having someone interested in you. It’s mighty flattering. However, if you’re not interested in the guy, why on earth are you leading him on? Why are you leaving him hanging? That is only asking for trouble. You need to remember that men and women think differently and we cannot read each other’s minds, so you can never comprehend what is going on in the interested guy’s mind. Keep it godly and keep your intentions clear. There is a very thin line between love and hate; the guy that professed love to you a month ago can seek your destruction now.

  1. Discussing Your Spouse

Discussing your marital issues with the opposite sex is inviting trouble into your life. Just think about. You have been talking to brother Fred about your husband’s shortcomings and he has been taking note. He begins to fulfill the role that you had hoped your husband would fill, and before you know it, you both succumb to adultery. It’s frighteningly easy to give into temptation, especially when you are outside the will of GOD. Keep your issues between yourselves and a trusted counselor,

  1. Seeking “Comfort” From Opposite Sex

When you are feeling vulnerable, receiving support from a fellow Christian is a natural thing to do. But when you actively seek out comfort from the opposite sex… So many scandals have started this way. A Christian woman sought the guidance and comfort of her pastor, spending countless hours in counseling sessions. Their willpower began to weaken and their flesh took precedence over everything else. Next thing you know, the woman is pregnant with the pastor’s baby. Or perhaps a man and woman in the church sought comfort from each other and committed fornication. The list goes on. Just take your troubles to the LORD first and then seek out suitable comfort and guidance from a sister in Christ.

  1. Inappropriate Speech

Ther are just some things that you cannot discuss with the opposite sex. Topics of a sexual nature are definitely a big no-no. We have to remember that the flesh is weak, and if you do not take care to watch your words or the words of others spoken to you, you’re opening yourself up to some sinful thoughts that you have no place thinking about. Do not entertain inappropriate speech from men and do not be the one speaking it. Out of your mouth will flow what comes from your heart, remember that.

  1. Entertaining Relationships with Non-Believers

Why would you want to be unequally yoked with a non-believer? Is there a problem with waiting on GOD for the right man for you? We cannot be seeking people that belong to the world because they can pull you away from GOD probably quicker than you can draw them to GOD. What we should be attracted to is a man who puts GOD first in everything, not a handsome face, an athletic body, a rich man, a charming man or even someone who makes you laugh. Look for that godly trait first and you might just find that the man that GOD sent to you is the perfect fit for you. If you are already married and your husband is not a Believer, then just keep on praying and being faithful and obedient to GOD.

  1. Too Much Physical Contact When Dating/Courting

I know that many women will argue with me concerning this, but let’s be honest: kissing, petting, cuddling… all inappropriate when you’re not married to the guy. Keep your hands and your lips to yourself until you get married. When you’re dating someone, it should be for the purpose of getting married, not companionship or love out of marriage. We all know that the flesh is weak, right? So when you’re dating a guy and you kiss him or he kisses you, lust is going to come speeding in faster than you realize. If we say that we are women of GOD, then we need to start acting like it in word and in deed. We are not like other women. We are the daughters of the Most High and Holy GOD. We have a standard to uphold before the world. It will not do for a non-believer to see us French kissing our boyfriends/intended like they do, or having him put a hand on our bottoms or even pressing up against us in an intimate manner. Until you are ready for marriage, dedicate yourself to things of the LORD and keep yourself pure. If your boyfriend tries to make you feel guilty, then he does not fear the LORD because he should know how to treat the daughter of the Almighty GOD.


Ladies, this is not the time to be living like the world and doing the things of the world. Keep your conduct holy and your thoughts pure. We are still living in the flesh and the flesh is a wicked thing- it fights against the things of GOD. There are many hardships and temptations that we face on a daily basis, we do not need to add to them by behaving inappropriately with the opposite sex. Always seek GOD before doing anything.

I’m White, Privileged With a Message on Racism That The World Is Missing

Racism is a pretty controversial topic, especially in the world we live in today. Among Christians, things can get especially dicey, as the rest of the world’s eyes are just staring and waiting for us to make a mistake.

Remember in Matthew 22:39 when Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself?” Right there, the Bible is directly telling us that to loathe someone based solely on the color of their skin, is a sin. But I didn’t always understand that.

It’s easier to admit to sin when everybody else has done it, but here I am today doing something that’s far from easy; I struggled to love my neighbor as myself. It wasn’t how I was raised, but the environments I was around in every single job situation planted seeds of hate into my heart. I pushed away when God started to deal with me about it. I’d say things like, “I’m not racist. I have diversity in my life. I’m not a hater.”

Yet all the while, I wouldn’t speak up when my coworkers at a freelance writing gig would tell racist jokes, sometimes I’d even play along just because “everybody else was doing it.” I worked for almost eight months for an internet political publication; an environment that was toxic waste disguised as candy. Some of the articles I was assigned to write were satirical and entertaining, but then there was a vast majority that I was told to write, that made ugly and cringy remarks about other races, cultures, and people in general in ways I wasn’t comfortable doing. But like an idiot, I didn’t refuse to do the work; I played along in hopes of gaining everybody’s favor.

After a while, all the jokes and satirical remarks started to become more than just horseplay; I started to really believe the things I was being told and dwelled on how much I didn’t like people who weren’t like me. Still, when God would deal with me about it, I would shove it off and say that “I just wasn’t like that.” That it was all fun and games. I was living a lie.

Eventually, the publication went out of business, and I went on to pursue other writing opportunities. I was upset at the time, but now I thank God that he took me away from all that stress.

It was at a church conference that God started to deal with me again. I realized that though I wasn’t as “extreme” as people you might see online, I was enabling it, writing and promoting it, and thinking those thoughts. God told me that he did not call me to be a hater, and during the altar call I ran, fell to my knees and poured my heart out to Him and told him how sorry I was. I know that He has forgiven me, and restored me to a place of love rather than hate.

I’m telling you all of this because I know I’m not the only one who has struggled in this area. I didn’t like the person I let the world turn me into, and God didn’t either. God has commanded us to love, not hate.

Today I am not the same person I was when I began my pursuit of writing. God took away the ugly sin and created a beautiful testimony; one that I will not shy away from. Am I ashamed of all the ugly things I published during my first writing gig? Absolutely. But it is a reminder of who I was before God totally transformed my mindset. I am no longer addicted to outrage, hatred is not in my heart; instead, God’s love has completely and totally transformed me.

God wants to deal with you about some stuff too; stuff that may not necessarily be easy to admit to yourself that you’ve done. But once you’re honest with both yourself and God, and ask for His forgiveness, it will radically change your life.

Controversial Topics in Church Today

Controversial Topics in Church Today

The drama that we find in our churches today remind me of soap operas or telenovelas. We are one Church and have one Bible, and yet we act as though we are on opposites sides of the ring, just waiting for the referee to give us the go-ahead before we bash each other with our opinions about what GOD’S Word really means.

It is a puzzling thing to behold when churches of different denominations have such differing views and beliefs of what a Christian is, what we should believe and how we should portray ourselves to the world, and here I’m thinking that GOD’S Word is very clear on the matter! Based on news around the world and arguments that I have come across, these are the eight most controversial topics that we have subjected ourselves to:


Why are we so obsessed with this fermented beverage? The Bible forbids drunkenness, full stop. What else is there to know? We shouldn’t be asking ‘Can I have that glass of wine?’ but rather ‘Will that glass of wine make me tipsy?’. I have found that there are three types of Christians when it comes to alcohol: 1. “Jesus turned water into wine at the wedding in Cana, surely it’s okay to enjoy alcohol?”, 2. “Alcohol is the devil! It has destroyed the lives of many people- we will not touch it!” and 3. “I know that GOD forbids drunkenness, therefore I will not drink to excess, but if I have a conviction within me to refrain from drinking alcohol, then I will do so without judgement for those that continue to do so.”

In high school, when we still had a period for Christian teaching (the school has since removed it), a pastor told me that wine in the New Testament was not a fermented drink, but grape juice. I was surprised, to say the least, but I wasn’t sure if I believed him. I know that there are some churches that have collectively decided to refrain from any alcohol, I once attended such a church a few years ago. Each member would eventually make a covenant with GOD concerning this, as the Holy Spirit moved them. I do believe that GOD calls certain people to keep themselves from fermented drink (not entirely sure if this includes vinegar?) just as he did John the Baptist. I grew up in an Anglican church and they always used Old Brown Sherry for holy communion- as a child, I used to wonder what on earth I was drinking! Currently, I attend a Methodist church and they use grape juice for holy communion, but I do know that the members enjoy an ice cold beer on a hot day or a good glass of wine during dinner time. I personally do not like the taste of alcohol when drinking it, but it does wonders for a meaty dish or a creamy white sauce.  

In all truth, should this really be a controversial topic? If you’re drinking to get drunk, then there is a problem.  


Oh, but church members love to argue about this. Some can be near self-righteous concerning the act of baptism. Before I had taken the time to study GOD’S Word, I believed that because I had been baptized as a child, then it was not necessary to be baptized as an adult. My resistance to being baptized was also linked to my embarrassment at the thought of being dunked under water in front of other people. Questions such as ‘Will I still remain modest when my clothes are wet on my body? What can I wear to cover up my form so that no one looks at me? Will I even do it the right way? What if people laugh?’ I was worried about the physical aspects of it instead of the spiritual. When I took it upon myself to study GOD’S Word, I began to see the importance of being fully immersed during baptism, not just the sprinkling of water I received on my forehead as a three-year-old in the Anglican church.  

Some churches baptize babies and children, other churches have parents dedicate their children to the LORD, and others hold by a baptism that only takes place when you have personally accepted Jesus as your Saviour. This baptism takes place in a pool, a river, lake or anything that has enough water to thoroughly immerse the person.  

I think of it this way: Jesus was baptized, Paul was baptized, and anyone else who professed Jesus as their LORD (in the Bible, such as the Ethiopian Eunuch) was baptized in a body of water. I rest my case.

Spiritual Gifts

Let’s be honest, this topic is more of a case of faith. Do we have the faith that the Holy Spirit can and will bestow spiritual gifts upon us? You see, I’m finding that the faith of the Church is failing them, not GOD Himself, therefore people are making all sorts of excuses as to why those gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 12: 1-11 are not what Paul states them to be. Crazy, huh? To cover up our own shortcomings, we distort the Word of GOD. Perhaps a pastor has fallen short because his faith is not true. We expect the pastor to have some spiritual gift, right? Maybe the gift of healing, speaking in tongues (not different languages in this case) or discernment of spirits. However, he doesn’t, so is he really Spirit-led? In order to avoid embarrassment, the pastor will create a lie and somehow back it up with Scripture, influencing the members of the church to believe his lie. I’m not saying that all pastors have to have the ‘big’ spiritual gifts, some have the gift of wisdom and knowledge etc, but it is true that many leaders in churches are twisting the Word of GOD and discrediting the Scripture that I mentioned above. Just because you cannot speak in tongues, does not mean that you won’t! GOD sees your heart. Do you want those gifts for His work, or do you want it for your own pride?

If you do not know what your spiritual gift/s is/are, then I would urge you to communicate with the Holy Spirit, to inquire of the LORD and ask Him about your gift/s. Quite a bit of fasting and prayer will be needed. Make sure that you do everything without doubting, because if you have some doubt, then you’re biting off your own nose to spite your face. Now, I do know that some people will receive their gifts at the very moment they accept Jesus, but that is how the LORD wills it for some. There’s no point in asking him about that. But be careful that the gifts are of the Holy Spirit and are not counterfeit gifts- this, Family, happens a lot in churches.

 Type of Worship Music

Do we stick to the hymns, or do we mix it up with more modern worship music? Is it really a problem which one we use when we are worshiping GOD? There is a time and a place for different types of worship music. There is a time when a hymn such as ‘How Great Thou Art’ and ‘Amazing Grace’ are the only songs that can describe what we are feeling for our LORD, and there are also times when songs like ‘My Future Decided’ and ‘Do It Again’ can communicate the words that we wish to express in song form. I will say that I am not so keen when Christian music artists take a secular song and just change the words to fit our faith music. With so much suspicion and many conspiracies involving how songs and their tunes are created in the world of secular music, why would we take songs and tunes like ‘Single Ladies’ and ‘Havana’ and turn them into Christian songs?

 There is a line that you should not cross when it comes to worship music. Every word, tune, tempo etc must be offered to GOD as praise, and only Him. The creation process must always have Him in mind. If the LORD Himself moves you to write a certain song and gives you the melody in your heart, then no amount of critics can take away that joy from you. We cannot take what is of the world, change up the words, and expect it to be okay.  

If you only enjoy hymns, then you go ahead and enjoy those hymns. If you identify with more recent worship music, okay then. Our ages seem to dictate our taste in music. I’m caught in between; I find myself howling (crying) in utter abandonment when worshiping the LORD singing hymns, and jump around dancing like no one is watching when praising GOD with a more recent song.

Women in Leadership

I don’t have much to say about this, but other people sure do. Paul the Apostle said that women should remain quiet in the church and cover their heads. I don’t really know what was going on in the church at that time that he needed to write that. Were women interrupting services? Was this said in an effort to maintain the roles of men and women in marriage? If I think about Christ and His Church (aka husband and wife), the Church should remain silent when Jesus speaks, but I am sure that He would not expect them to not take part in their relationship. Women also have a part to play in the Church, that fact is undeniable, and it’s not just in the supporting role to men. GOD sees us as equals; men are not better than women and women are not better than men. GOD bestows spiritual gifts upon all of us, and we are all to use them according to His will. He has a plan for each and every one of us. Think of Deborah from the Book of Judges, or even Rahab. These women had vital roles to play in GOD’S plan for His people.

 I agree, GOD made us differently, and we should rejoice in our femininity as women and masculinity as men. That’s not to say that women cannot be strong and men cannot show weakness, that’s quite stereotypical, isn’t it? I have probably ventured off the topic a bit, but it all boils down to the same thing. You do not need to have a woman in the pulpit in order to exercise equality in the church, but neither should you keep women from the pulpit. If the LORD has called a woman to preach, then don’t hinder her! Likewise, be mindful of the busybodies of the church that talk too much and cause dissension.

When it comes to hair covering, I do cover my hair when in church, when I’m praying and when I’m fasting. It was more of a personal decision, something between GOD and I. Women should pray about it, rather than start arguments about it.

Politics from the Pulpit

Talking about the political issues of your country in church so that the members may pray about it is one thing, but when you’re trying to get opinions swayed, trying to get support for a political party or causing division in the church because of politics, then it’s better left out. After all, people come to hear about GOD, not the latest news about the government or who is running for office for whatever agenda. If members of the church wish to know more about what is happening in their country concerning politics, then they need only watch the news. Let your time in the church be spent fellowshipping together, growing in wisdom, faith, and knowledge, strengthening love and praising GOD.


Really? What part of ‘thou shalt not kill’ do people not get? If Jesus considers being angry with someone the same as committing murder, then why would we kill a defenseless baby? And that argument about the baby just being a fetus and therefore not human is absolute rubbish.

I covered a study some time back about Christians in Europe, and how there is growing support for legal abortion. What hope do these unborn children have if GOD’S people start to accept their murder? If GOD knew us before we were formed in our mother’s womb, then there is a plan for our lives. Each of those aborted babies had lives to live, but society decided that it was legal to kill them. It’s mass murder, really.

 That After Pill is an abomination as far as I’m concerned. Once life has been formed, it is a life and is acknowledged by GOD. No amount of science and lies will cover up the sin of murdering a defenseless unborn baby.

These are perilous times indeed if the Church chooses to argue about such a heinous crime. We are here to protect life before birth and after birth. I am not advocating that we cause a raucous or judge people who have had abortions, but neither can we ignore the loss of life.

 Gay Marriage

The Prince of the Air really is pushing this, isn’t he? Anything to defile the sanctity of marriage and GOD’S perfect plan for mankind. How can we, as the Church, water down GOD’S Word concerning this? Did GOD say that a man would leave his parents and be joined to his husband/partner? Nope. Did he create Greg as Adams helper? Nope. Was Eve created out of Samantha’s rib? Nope. We cannot use the excuse of love to turn a blind eye to this. Yes, GOD loves each and every person on this earth, but He certainly does not accept the sin in our lives. We should not confuse the two. We as Christians are called to love people, but that doesn’t mean that we agree with sin in their lives. If a gay/lesbian person calls themselves Christian, and yet they refuse to obey GOD concerning their sin, then we are told by Paul the Apostle to remove ourselves from them. But this concerns a Believer, not those who are not Christian. We have to understand that GOD hates sin! And it’s not just the sin of homosexuality, it’s also about lies, gossiping, slander etc.

Allowing a gay marriage in church is almost like flipping a bird at GOD, it’s unacceptable.

The early Church also had issues of their own. Paul talks about those who were teaching something other than what they had first heard and believed. Some were abusing the power that they had and were leading people astray- it’s all in the New Testament, I encourage you to go and read it. Those of us who have chosen to follow and obey GOD fully, who take the time to spend time with Him and study His Word, who take care in not grieving the Spirit and who discipline their flesh and make it subject unto Jesus, we are the ones that must remain immovable and the pillars of strength for those who are faltering. Speak the truth, no matter the cost.


As seen on