Setting Our Hearts At Peace

Last night I came to a serious realisation after what seemed like the hardest week ever. It’s so easy to let the pressures and distractions of life pull our thoughts away from God, which is the enemy’s plan. It doesn’t take long before we are so focused on earthly things, that we feel overwhelmed and all stressed out. But we weren’t meant to live anxious about life; we were meant to live in peace.

Are you struggling with poor health? The best thing you can do for your health is to set your heart at peace with God? It isn’t just a feeling, it’s a powerful mental and spiritual position. Peace literally means “to set at one again.” In other words, when we are in alignment with the Word of God, we are setting our minds at one with God. It is a position of life, strength and confidence!

Today, choose to keep your heart at peace by staying focused on God and His promises. Give life to your body by staying in agreement with Him. Let His peace guard your heart, so that you can be equipped to live the abundant life He has promised to you!

“A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones.” 

(Proverbs 14:30, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which is life to my soul. Father, I praise You because You are the Prince of Peace, and You give peace to my heart and mind. God, I will stay focused on You today, please remove all distractions and pressures that the enemy will send my way. Thank You for guiding my every step, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Child Labor: Not Gone, but Forgotten

WILLS POINT, TX – Gospel for Asia (GFA) Special Report on child labor: Millions of Children Trapped between Extreme Poverty and the Profits of Others

In a report written by Lee Tucker, a consultant to Human Rights Watch, about the problem of bonded labor in Asia, a young girl shared,

“My sister is 10 years old. Every morning at 7:00 she goes to the bonded-labor man, and every night at 9:00 she comes home. He treats her badly. He hits her if he thinks she is working slowly, or if she talks to the other children, he yells at her. He comes looking for her if she is sick and cannot go to work. I feel this is very difficult for her.

I don’t care about school or playing. I don’t care about any of that. All I want is to bring my sister home from the bonded-labor man. For 600 rupees I can bring her home. That is our only chance to get her back.

We don’t have 600 rupees … we will never have 600 rupees [the equivalent of U.S. $17 at the time of writing].”

Global Overview of Child Labor

These girls’ story is heart-breaking.

It is unthinkable that a child would be subject to such mistreatment.

It is deplorable that stories like this are all too common among the most poverty-stricken portions of the world.

It is beyond despicable that an estimated 218 million children as young as 5 years old are employed, and that at least 152 million are in forced child labor, according to basic facts about child labor published by the Child labor Coalition.

The facts also reveal several other startling realities about child labor. Among them:

  • Children under the age of 12 perform up to a fourth of all hazardous child labor.
  • Almost half of all forced child laborers are between the ages of 5 and 11.
  • More than 134 million children in forced labor are in Africa and the region of Asia and the Pacific.

If the 218 million child laborers constituted a country of their own, it would be the fifth largest country in the world, exceeded in population only by China, India, the United States and Indonesia.

Top ten worst countries for child labor

as listed by the Maplecroft Child labor Index


garment factories, farming, manufacturing


agriculture, military


mining, agriculture, industry, military


mining, vending, shoe shining


mining, agriculture, garment factories


hazardous farming conditions


agriculture, construction, small-scale industry


agriculture, street begging, mining, construction


agriculture, garbage scavenging, carpet weaving, coal mining, brick kilns


fishing, threshing, construction, hawking, begging

The International Labor Organization (ILO) maintains a limited list of National Child labor Survey Reports, Baseline Survey Reports, Rapid Assessment Reports and Micro-Data Sets for a variety of countries taken over the past 20 years?—?some as recent as 2018.

Although some participation in child labor can be quantified?—?such as in Nigeria where more than 15 million children are estimated to be child laborers?—?one of the overriding problems with looking at the issue from a global or even a national level is that it is generally agreed “that census data is likely to underestimate the scale of child labor.”

If the 218 million child laborers constituted a country of their own, it would be the fifth largest country in the world.

In areas where national regulations mandate education for children within certain age ranges, the threat of legal consequences likely deters complete reporting of child labor. Census data typically only includes children living within a family household. Children who are orphaned, or living on the streets may go undetected, even when it is those children who may be in greatest danger of child labor. It is, therefore, expected that the occurrence of child labor is higher than reports reveal.

These young boys, deprived of their childhood and forced into child labor, are working hard on a commercial building structure.

What Is Child Labor?

It is important to recognize the prevalence of child labor in order to gain a realistic perspective on how pervasive it is. We need to understand the generally accepted definitions of child labor. Only then can we comprehend the often-irreparable physical and emotional damage inflicted on children, both presently and in their future.

Some child labor is innocuous and, in fact, may generally be regarded as positive. The International Labor Organization recognizes that activities such as doing chores around the home, “assisting in a family business or earning pocket money outside school hours and during school holidays” can “contribute to children’s development and… provide them with skills and experience… that prepare them to be productive members of society during their adult life.”

Therefore, these activities are not officially considered to be child labor.

Child labor is “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.”

The ILO further defines child labor as “work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity, and that is harmful to physical and mental development.”

International law divides child labor into three categories:

The unconditional worst forms of child labor… defined as slavery, trafficking, debt bondage and other forms of forced labor, forced recruitment of children for use in armed conflict, prostitution and pornography, and illicit activities.

“Labor performed by a child who is under the minimum age specified for that kind of work (as defined by national legislation, in accordance with accepted international standards), and that is thus likely to impede the child’s education and full development.

“Labor that jeopardizes the physical, mental or moral well-being of a child, either because of its nature or because of the conditions in which it is carried out, known as ‘hazardous work.’ ”

Notwithstanding a few reasonable exceptions, the ILO Convention Concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment (C138) adopted in 1973 states that:

“Each Member which ratifies this Convention shall specify…a minimum age for admission to employment or work within its territory [that] no one under that age shall be admitted to employment or work in any occupation. …The minimum age specified…shall not be less than the age of completion of compulsory schooling and, in any case, shall not be less than 15 years.”

Similarly, ILO Convention 182 adopted in 2000 defines the worst forms of child labor as:

  • “All forms of slavery or practices similar to slavery, such as the sale or trafficking of children, debt bondage and serfdom, or forced or compulsory labor, including forced or compulsory recruitment of children for use in armed conflict;
  • “the use, procuring, or offering of a child for prostitution, for the production of pornography or for pornographic performances;
  • “the use, procuring or offering of a child for illicit activities, in particular, for the production and trafficking of drugs …;
  • “work which, by its nature or the circumstances in which it is carried out, is likely to harm the health, safety or morals of children.”

Finally, forced labor is defined by ILO Convention 29 adopted in 1930 as “all work or service exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.”

This teenage child soldier endured painful gunshot wounds in battle, after he was pressured to join the militia movement to avoid further torture or arrest. A surge in violent conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo has forced many people (much like the teenager pictured) from their homes. © UNICEF / Vincent Tremeau

Harmful Effects of Child Labor

Childhood is an essential, formative time of life?—?one which many child laborers must leave too quickly. Their lives may long bear the physical, emotional and physiological consequences of their early adulthood. Many child laborers, regardless of whether they are considered forced or not, lack the chance of acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to extract themselves from the poverty they were born or thrust into by circumstances. Many enter adulthood with no means of securing a better life and with few options for jobs, which extends the continuum of generational poverty to their own children.

Child laborers are highly susceptible to become involved in dangerous situations that may result in their illness, injury or even death.

If these were the victims of a war, we would be talking a lot about it.

In an article by Voice of America concerning child labor, ILO Director-General, Guy Ryder, said, “Honestly, the annual toll is appalling?—?2.78 million work-related deaths, 374 million injuries and illnesses. If these were the victims of a war, we would be talking a lot about it. Children and young workers are at greater risk and suffer disproportionately and with longer lasting consequences.”

A World Bank report estimated that 10 percent of all work-related injuries child laborers experience are crushing accidents, amputations and fractures.

Annual toll of child labor:

World Vision reported the story of Jean, an 8-year-old boy who worked in a mine alongside his mother in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, (DRC) where 40 percent of artisanal mine workers are children. He said he had developed a number of physical problems since working in the mines. Children in the mine are susceptible to falling down shafts, being trapped in collapsed tunnels or drowning. Children working in the mine reported having seen other children die at the site. Two-thirds had developed persistent coughs, while 87 percent had been injured or were suffering from body pain. Some girls reported genital infections from working in waist-deep acidic water.

Mired in Mining

An article in Fortune magazine told how 15-year-old Lukasa rises at 5 a.m. to begin his 12-hour workday. He leaves his family’s mud-brick home in a tiny village in the southern region of the DRC, and he walks two hours to a government-owned mining site. He spends the next eight hours hacking away at rock in a cobalt mine.

He typically hoists a sack of as much as 22 pounds of cobalt up and out of the pit, then carries it on his back for an hour to a trading depot where he sells it to one of the Chinese trading companies who dominate the market in the area.

On a good day, the teenager can earn as much as $9 before making the long walk home.

Cobalt is key to the DRC’s economy?—?it produces an estimated 65 percent of the world’s cobalt supply?—?but child labor is rampant in its mining industry. The same Fortune story said, “While it is impossible to know how many underage miners there are, Congolese activists working to end child labor say… there are about 10,000 of them.” 

A National Bureau of Economic Research on child labor found that “most child labor occurs in countries with extremely low per capita GDP and that per capita GDP (and its square) explains 80 percent of the worldwide cross-country variation in child labor.”

The GDP per capita for the DRC was $439 in 2017, in contrast to the GDP per capita for the USA in 2017, which was $59,531.

Photo by Compassion UK

Enslaved in Fishing

“Workers at sea are among the world’s most vulnerable,” according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Various factors, such as working in international waters, produce gaps in applicable laws leaving workers without adequate labor protections in countries like Honduras, Philippines, Bangladesh, Ghana, Haiti, Cambodia, Indonesia and Thailand.

James Kofi Annan lives in Ghana. His story is typical of child laborers trapped in the commercial fishing industry.

“I started my working life early. My parents had 12 children, none of whom were educated. By the time I was six years old, I was the only person my father could control. All the others were older and most of them had already been given away to work. As the youngest, I was the only one still available. My father saw the opportunity and gave me away for fishing work. The way it works is that the person who takes charge of you now has control over you.

I was first trafficked with five other children. Out of the six of us, three lived, and three did not. I saw many children die from either abuse or the rigorous work they were obliged to do.

There, I was forced to work excruciating hours catching fish on Lake Volta. On a daily basis, my day started at 3 a.m. and ended at 8 p.m. It was full of physically demanding work. I was usually fed once a day and would regularly contract painful diseases which were never treated as I was denied access to medical care. If I asked for even the smallest concession from my boss, I was beaten. Despite all my hard work, I was often not allowed to sleep because I had to take care of all the other tasks, such as mending nets and cleaning fish.”

It took James seven years to escape his slavery.

Surrounded by Tobacco

Investigations by Human Rights Watch found consistent, significant risks to children’s health and safety who are working on tobacco farms in Zimbabwe, the United States and Indonesia.

The children are exposed to nicotine and toxic pesticides. Every child interviewed described having illnesses with specific symptoms associated with acute nicotine poisoning and pesticide exposure, including nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headaches, dizziness, irritation and difficulty breathing.

Ironically, it is still legal in the United States for children as young as 12 to work on tobacco farms, as long as they have parental permission. There are no age limitations for children who work on small, family-owned farms.

A 2018 special series on NPR’s “Here & Now” reported finding children as young as 7 working during the picking season in North Carolina where tobacco farming is regarded as a legacy.

These children labor in Turkey’s cotton fields in hard conditions. During cotton season, they cannot go to school.

Hemmed In by Cotton, Clothing and Chocolate

Cotton is the best-selling fiber in the world, making the cotton market very appealing.

But according to a New Lanark article, “Children & Cotton”, child laborers in cotton fields and factories may work for up to 12 hours a day, seven days a week during the harvest period for less than $1.50 a day. The article further states, “Without the child workers, the landowners wouldn’t manage to harvest all of their crops.” In some countries, including Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and China, child labor in cotton fields is actually sanctioned by the government.

The beatings were a part of my life.

Bithi is a 15-year-old girl in Bangladesh. She began working in a garment factory in the capital city of Dhaka when she was 12. Her job was sewing pockets for designer blue jeans that will be sold “in affluent countries.”

Sewing blue jeans may not seem like a burdensome task, but it becomes one when her production quota is 60 pockets per hour, every hour, every day she works. That’s 480 pockets over an eight-hour shift. For this, she earns the equivalent of about $1.00 a day.

The Food Empowerment Project investigated the cocoa industry, where the supply chain for major chocolate manufacturers begins. Their findings read:

“On average, cocoa farmers earn less than $2 per day, an income below the poverty line. As a result, they often resort to the use of child labor to keep their prices competitive. … Often, traffickers abduct the young children from small villages in neighboring African countries, such as Burkina Faso and Mali, two of the poorest countries in the world. Once they have been taken to the cocoa farms, the children may not see their families for years, if ever. … Some of the children use chainsaws to clear the forests. Other children climb the cocoa trees to cut bean pods using a machete. …

“The farm owners using child labor usually provide the children with the cheapest food available, such as corn paste and bananas. In some cases, the children sleep on wooden planks in small windowless buildings with no access to clean water or sanitary bathrooms. … Former cocoa slave Aly Diabate told reporters, ’The beatings were a part of my life. I had seen others who tried to escape. When they tried, they were severely beaten.’”

Children just like this young girl suffer verbal and physical abuse while working up to 16 hours a day at brick factory.

Burdened in Brick Kilns

A special report by Gospel for Asia shared the results of an investigation into slave labor by the International Justice Mission (IJM). After IJM workers helped 260 people?—?including children forced into labor?—?escape from one brick factory, a father shared how he and his family were tricked into working there.

Instead of receiving the good salary they were promised, his trapped family worked 16 hours a day, seven days a week. Their employer denied them hospital visits for injuries sustained while mixing or forming the bricks. Children caught playing during work hours received a torrent of verbal abuse and beatings with a pipe.

The cost of child bonded labor is paid over a lifetime through the loss of health, education, and opportunities.

According to an 86-page report by ILO, 56 percent of brick makers in Afghanistan are children.

One of those is 11-year-old Sima. She works 13 hours per day, six days a week. At the time of the report, she had already been working in brick kilns for five years. She has never attended school and is illiterate. Sima’s circumstances are typical of children laboring in brick kilns. Many begin working at the age of 5.

The report also explains the physical implication of “manual handling of heavy weights … long working hours with awkward posture [and] monotonous and repetitive work.” Child laborers in brick kilns have a high risk of developing health problems like as musculo-skeletal issues, poor bone development and early-onset arthritis.

The ILO further observed that “the cost of child bonded labor is paid over a lifetime through the loss of health, education, and opportunities.”

These are only a few of the industries in which child labor continues to exist.

Many children have no choice but to work to survive. This child is taking a moment to eat a stick of bamboo while working in the fields in northern Vietnam.

Why Are These Children Working?

Many children work to survive, but it is a combination of perverse incentives and unjust business practices that creates the demand for child labor.

The Families’ Context

Families caught in generational or situational abject poverty are desperate. Some are suffering from the social inequities of the culture in which they live. Others have been displaced by war or famine and have no source of income at all. Either of these exacerbates the situation.

In many cases, the parents are illiterate and have no skills, and whatever jobs they have pay very little. These families are so poor and often in so much debt that they are not likely to recover from either without enlisting their children as breadwinners. They can see no way out of their poverty, so they sacrifice the future (the education and success of their children) on the altar of the immediate (survival now).

This mother and her five children are returning home from a ten-hour work day in the fields
Some poor families see artisanal mining and other occupations as their chance to rise above their poverty. In fact, families of children working in the cobalt mines of the DRC have proven to be strongly resistant to efforts to establish or enforce child labor laws, as doing so would eliminate a reliable source of family income.

That resistance is not uncommon. A single child working in cotton fields can contribute as much as a quarter of the family’s income. Why would a family want to give up 25 percent of their income when it is already nearly impossible for them to meet their family’s needs for food, clothing and shelter? Their focus is on staying alive.

Partly to blame for their decision to send their children to work is their lack of understanding of the world outside their limited geographic sphere. They have little or no concept of the profits being made at the end of the supply chains that are linked to their hands and feet.

Remember Lukasa? On a good day, he makes about $9 mining about 22 pounds of cobalt. That’s $0.41 per pound. The market price of cobalt reached $80,490 per metric ton in 2018. That is $36.52 per pound or 89 times what Lukasa makes. On a good day.

These people live in desperate circumstances. Losing income will only make matters worse.

The Employers’ Context

Employers are responsible for generating a reasonable return on shareholders’ investments. It’s all about profitability. No business can continually operate at a loss. The highly competitive nature of international trade is predicated on getting products to market quickly, efficiently and at the lowest prices possible for consumers. Each level of the supply chain, from the top down, pushes the entire chain to reduce costs. The key for each link is to acquire at the lowest possible cost and to sell at the highest cost the market will bear.

When businesses throughout the chain fail to manage this dynamic, they go out of business. When they succeed, the two links at the far ends of the chain suffer the most. The first-touch laborers are destined to subsistence wages or less, and the consumers expend more for the final product. There are no winners at either end of the chain.

Many employers maximize their gain from production by employing low-cost labor. Children are the least expensive labor; they have little or no bargaining power, and they are easy to manipulate. Because of the desperate status of millions of families in developing countries, unscrupulous employers take advantage of their willingness—or force them—covertly or otherwise to minimize their costs.

One hundred and fifty-two million children are in forced child labor worldwide. Children are the least expensive, have no bargaining power and are easy to manipulate. Because of this, many employers sadly see this as an opportunity and take advantage of children.

Other Obstacles to Ending Child Labor

Child labor is a well-known evil, and it is receiving global resistance. In Target 8.7 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, member nations are obliged to take “immediate and effective measures to … secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labor, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labor in all its forms.”

UNICEF is the UN torchbearer for changing the cultural acceptance of child labor and offering “supporting strategies and programming to provide alternative income to families.” They expect to employ a multi-prong agenda, including legal reform; education; social protection; and access to health services in cooperation with other organizations, including corporate, governmental and NGOs, to accelerate child labor reduction in countries around the world.

Groups such as these are making headway in combatting child labor, but this global problem is not going down without a fight.

Obstacle 1: Lip Service

Maplecroft’s insights and analysis on Child Labor Index exposed the ease with which countries can and do pay lip service to the advancement of child labor eradication and other human rights. They simply sign a commitment that makes them acceptable in the sight of their peers but which they have no intention to keep. For that reason, successful eradication of child labor may be predicated upon the ability to “differentiate between the states taking appropriate action to stop child labor and those that are just paying lip service.”

Obstacle 2: Intransigence

Intransigence is being discovered within all levels of both government and industry.

Pakistan has ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child and enacted laws to deal with eliminating child labor. However, an investigation launched by Dawn News discovered that the departments responsible for implementing those laws showed little or no concern about doing so.

The laws have been written. They just aren’t enforced.

Article 11 of the Pakistan Constitution states, “No child below the age of fourteen years should be engaged in any factory or mine or any other hazardous employment.”

Nonetheless, the Dawn report revealed that around 1.5 million children were engaged in labor work across a single province. The laws have been written. They just aren’t enforced.

In June 2017, the International Labor Rights Union reported that not only is leading chocolate company Godiva not fully onboard with actively reducing the use of child labor, but it is “lagging furthest behind in their commitments and urgently needs an added push to improve.”

In yet another incident, Human Rights Watch reported in 2016 that by the order of local officials in Uzbekistan, classes were cancelled and children as young as 10 years old were removed from school and sent to pick cotton.

As these examples illustrate, economic results were considered more important than the morality of employing child labor.

In Pakistan, economic results are considered more important than the morality of employing child laborers. The laws have been written that no child below the age of 14 should endure work in a hazardous environment. Sadly, these laws aren't enforced, and many children suffer because of it. © ILO

Obstacle 3: Limited Resources

Sometimes what looks like intransigence is simply a lack of resources.

Laws, regulations, mandates, goals, and agendas require resources to implement, monitor and enforce.

According to the Viet Nam News, “Vietnam was the first country in Asia and second country in the world to ratify the United Nations’ International Convention on the Rights of the Child.”

Yet an estimated 1.75 million children are working in the nation. The labor inspectorate there is noted as “chronically underfunded and understaffed,” and if penalties are imposed, they often “amount to no more than a slap on the wrist.”

Although signs are posted, child labor still flourishes. One of the most needed areas of law enforcement is the ability to enforce laws where the laws already exist.

Tulane University professor William Bertrand has studied lofty aspirations, including federal and international mandates, and found that some?—?if not many?—?are “totally unachievable.” But it sure looks good on paper?—?especially to constituents.

From a corporate perspective, even if a company or entire industry budgets substantial financial outlays to prevent child exploitation as evidence of their “commitment”, that often does not reflect progress on the ground. One insider observed, “They talk a lot about the money spent on various activities related to child labor, but when we did the calculations, a fair proportion of that money was spent on sitting around and talking about it in London and Geneva.”

Funds spent on pontification in luxurious facilities have no effect on the places where they are most needed.

Included in the “most needed” is the ability to enforce laws where they exist.

Valiant Richey of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, told Reuters, “We can’t prosecute [cases of labor exploitation] fast enough. … The scope of the problem exceeds our ability to respond to it as law enforcement.”

A 2018 study by the Kyrgyzstan Federation of Trade Unions (KFTU) found that implementing and enforcing are inconsistent at best. Although it had been 10 years since the country ratified the International Labor Organization convention for the elimination of the worst forms of child labor, more than 250,000 children were still subjected to hazardous work. The KFTU said the lack of ability to enforce the child labor laws is the greatest single obstacle to the elimination of child labor in the country.

Obstacle 4: Pushback

Unfortunately, this problem of pushback is as apparent in the United States as it is anywhere else in the world. In 2011, the Department of Labor (DOL) attempted to update the list of agricultural jobs dangerous for children under the Fair Labor Standards Act, but it was stymied by resistance from farm lobbying groups, including the American Farm Bureau.

The lobbying association reminded the DOL that "Farm Bureau advocates for the interests of farmers." The powerful group is composed of farmers and related parties. Those delegates and their representatives seek to protect the farming industry, not to ban the employment of children on tobacco, cotton, or other farms. Farm lobbying groups say that restricting child workers in the agricultural industry threatens the fabric of American farms. Their position is that farms are generally family-run businesses. Evidence, however, suggests that child labor is more of a problem on large, industrially-operated endeavors.

This 17-year-old young woman began working on a tobacco farm in America when she was just 13 years old. She shared, "None of my bosses or contractors or crew leaders have ever told us anything about pesticides and how we can protect ourselves from them…When I worked with my mom, she would take care of me, and she would like always make sure I was okay… Our bosses don't give us anything except for our checks. That's it."
© 2015 Benedict Evans for Human Rights Watch

Once again, there is a subtle undertone in pushback that child labor helps the families of these children to have food, clothing, and shelter that would not be available otherwise.

When we understand that this is the nature of the beast in the United States, it should increase our awareness of the severity of pushback faced in developing countries.

There is a subtle undertone in pushback that child labor helps the families of children to have food, clothing, and shelter that would not be available otherwise.

Consider the case of Alternative Turkmenistan News (ATN) reporter Gaspar Matalaev. He is an investigative reporter working undercover to expose the state-run nature of forced and child labor during cotton harvests in Turkmenistan. Matalaev was arrested in 2016, two days after he published a report on the newspaper's website about the state-orchestrated forced labor of children.

Refusal to contribute to the cotton harvest is considered insubordination, incitement to sabotage and contempt of the Turkmenistan homeland. Reporting on it is even worse.

Matalaev was tortured with electric shocks until he reportedly confessed to filing a fraudulent report.

He remains imprisoned in a labor camp and is suffering from ill health as a result of the poor conditions.

There is pushback against attempts to eradicate child labor from the children and their families to the executive boardrooms, to the halls of humanitarian aid institutions, and to the highest national political offices.

This mother is hugging her 7-year-old daughter Daoussiya tightly with a smile full of joy. This is the first time she has seen Daoussiya in four months. The young girl left home with her father to beg in Algeria as a means of living, against the mother's will. She was caught by police during a migrant round up and was re-united with her mother in Niger. © UNICEF / Gilbertson

New Developments to End Child Labor

Supply Chain Enforcement

If this special report accomplishes nothing else, even though it is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, it should make readers aware that every effort to eradicate child labor has failed. That is substantially the reason for the title being "Child Labor: Not Gone but Forgotten."

Despite consistent failures, new proposals continue to be set forth. The two most recent propose supply chain management solutions.

A number of countries that are major importers, including the United States, have launched campaigns that place the onus on prohibiting the importation of products that have been produced using child labor and all forms of forced labor or debt bondage. The U.S. program is operated under the auspices of the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Forced Labor Program.

The results of the program thus far indicate that in FY 2017, ICE:

  • Spent $12,682,597 investigating cases of international forced child labor.
  • Spent $16,660,000 investigating cases of domestic forced child labor.
  • Made 150 domestic and 66 international arrests related to forced child labor.
  • Obtained 120 domestic and two international indictments related to forced child labor.
  • Obtained 73 domestic and no international convictions related to forced child labor.
  • Seized a total of $626,327 in assets from domestic and international investigations on forced child labor.

You do the math. Is there any better way to spend nearly $30 million to aid the cause of child labor?

Blockchain Enforcement

In an effort to combat forced labor, major corporations, including IBM, Ford and Coca Cola, are advocating the use of the current poster child of rapidly evolving technology: blockchain. It is a potentially effective means of ensuring that the products they market do not include child labor or any kind of forced labor from the beginning to the end of the entire supply chain process.

Blockchain proposes to be a secure and accurate digital ledger for recording assets, how and where they were obtained, and by whom.

Theoretically, companies would refuse to purchase from suppliers at any point in the supply chain who use child labor. All assets, locations and employees would be required to be "tagged" so they could be identified as a legitimate part of the supply chain. Miners like Lukasa and indentured fishermen like James Kofi Annan would not be able to work because they would not be registered in the blockchain.

Products sourced from conflict zones or that were created using child labor would not be able to enter the global market.

Exhausted and broken, these children carry the weight of the world on their shoulders. Already, more than 152 million children worldwide have exchanged their futures for only a few dollars, and more join them every day. Enslaved in forced labor with no hope of a better future is no way for a child to live. CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO / © ILO/Joseph Fortin

What Can We Do About Child Labor?

The answer to that question will depend upon who answers it. Well-meaning individuals from the philosophical to the practical will take positions on both sides of the argument of whether or not the practice of child labor can be eradicated. Even the philosophical and the practical will be divided in their opinions.

One thing we do know is that nothing has succeeded thus far. That does not bode well for future success.

But this report does not propose the eradication of child labor. Rather, it is intended to draw readers' attention to its continuing existence. The issue of child labor is a Gordian Knot, the size of which cannot be cut even with the sword of Alexander the Great.

"…Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.."?-?Matthew 25:40

The problem of child labor is inexorably linked to the poverty that enslaves nearly half the world's entire population. We must take God at His Word; Jesus reminded His disciples that there will always be people living in poverty (see John 12:8). When Jesus referred to the poor, He used a word that specifically describes people who are destitute, helpless and powerless.

Three billion people in the world live on less than the equivalent of $2.50 USD per day. More than 84 percent of those living in Sub-Saharan Africa live on less than $5.50 per day.

While various and sundry organizations and institutions attempt to solve the child labor problem, the church's task remains what it has always been: Be the hands and feet of Jesus to "the least of these" (see Matthew 25:40).

The Lord never called us to eradicate either child labor or poverty. He will do that someday when He returns to earth to rule and reign. In the meantime, we are called to serve.

Ours is not a race to eradicate child labor. It is a journey to provide and care for those who are relegated to the lowest positions in life. Relentlessly ministering to the needs of "the least of these" is visible evidence of the love and grace of God in action.

These GFA-supported Bridge of Hope students are getting ready to begin class after breaking for lunch. As children's lives are transformed in Bridge of Hope, they bring new aspirations and knowledge home with them, and their families benefit as a result. Even beyond this, GFA's Bridge of Hope program does much to uplift the communities it serves.

God's Grace in Action at Gospel for Asia

For 40 years, the singular focus of Gospel for Asia has been "to take the love of Christ to people who have never heard His name before."

We must understand that Jesus looked upon people with such compassion that He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see. He didn't just tell them that He loved them; He demonstrated His love in ways that changed their lives.

Representing Christ on earth requires that we demonstrate the same love and compassion that He did while He was here. We are, from a heavenly perspective, blessed to be able to feed the hungry, tend to the sick and give a cup of cold water to the thirsty in Jesus' name. These are people who know they have great needs. The Lord has granted us the high honor to love them and to serve them as His representatives. As He came to us as the "express image" of God the Father, so should we reach out to others in the express image of Jesus Christ (see Hebrews 1:3).

Poverty Alleviation

Poverty, as we have shown, is at the root of the child labor problem. Regardless of any other peripheral factors, poverty is always the driving force behind either willing or forced child labor. Therefore, much of Gospel for Asia's work among the people of South Asia is related to rescuing families from the clutches of poverty.

Literacy and Vocational Education

Providing men and women with sewing machines and tailoring classes is one thing GFA-supported workers are doing to enable people to break out of poverty.
The inability to read and write is a major hindrance that, unless addressed, becomes a generational curse.

Illiterate people lack essential tools needed to rise above a subsistence-level existence. Furthermore, illiteracy leaves people in a position where others can easily take advantage of their situation, including entrapping them and their children in bonded labor.

Gospel for Asia's field partners host literacy classes and vocational training classes for adults and youth, equipping them with skills that can break them out of the cycle of poverty. GFA-supported workers guide class members through an understanding of basic entrepreneurial skills to empower them to create a better future for themselves. In addition, gifts such as sewing machines, fishing nets and rickshaws are just a few of the income-generating resources distributed among families who are in dire need of an income.

Farm Animals

GFA sponsors around the world give generously to provide farm animals for families in rural Asian villages. Chickens, goats, and cattle produce products like eggs, milk and meat, which can be sold for a good price or used to feed the family. Breeding the animals also allows the owners to expand their businesses, continually increasing their incomes to better serve their families.

Jesus Wells

Clean water is taken for granted by Westerners. However, in Africa and South Asia, women and children spend hours fetching water?-?not from a faucet, but from a ground source several hours away. In some cases, they must make the journey multiple times each day in order to meet their family's needs.

Jesus Wells are such a blessing to the communities that receive them. They help women and children in villages all over Asia have more time to learn and spend less time walking miles just to fetch filthy water.
By installing and maintaining Jesus Wells within poverty-stricken villages and communities, GFA provides a source of free clean water that can supply as many as 300 people with clean water for up to 20 years.

Not only do these people now have clean water, but it is also readily accessible. The women who fetched the water gain up to six hours a day that can now be used to obtain literacy and vocational training or to tend to their homes and children.

Bridge of Hope Centers

Children who formerly had to fetch water are now able to attend school, thereby avoiding the illiteracy and vocational poverty their parents and grandparents had suffered.

Enrollment in GFA-supported Bridge of Hope centers is offered freely to children whose parents commit to keeping their children in school. The Bridge of Hope Program is a continuation of the school day, in which the children received enhanced and advanced training.

GFA's Bridge of Hope Program provides backpacks and school supplies, relieving students' parents of the pressure of those expenses. Children also receive a nutritious meal each day and free health checkups. As they experience holistic growth through the program, students gain a vision for a life away from the cheap labor in brick kilns and factories?-?and they are equipped to fulfill that vision.

God's Grace in Action Through You

None of Gospel for Asia's efforts to free families from poverty and their children from child labor would be possible without people like you. The prayers and financial support of GFA friends drill wells; open Bridge of Hope centers; pay for literacy classes, vocational training and farm animals; and equip all of the ministries of national missionaries who are sharing Christ's love through practical ways that change lives both now and for eternity.

We may never end child labor, but we must never forget it or those working to combat it?-?and we must remain relentless in being the only Jesus some will ever see.

Source: Gospel for Asia Special Report, Child Labor: Not Gone, but Forgotten

Learn more about the children who find themselves discarded, orphaned and abused, and the home and hope that they can be given through agencies like Gospel for Asia.

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Be Like A Tree

Troubles and Trials Are Momentary

Living in California I saw all kinds of trees. Large trees represent power, majesty and stability. I also noticed the difference between a tree planted by the water and a tree far away from water? The tree next to the water was much more healthy and vibrant. Its fruit and blossoms were the most beautiful.

The same way, when you are “planted” in the Word of God, your spirit is fed and you grow strong, just like the tree by the water. You’ll bring forth fruit at the proper season. In other words, you’ll be in the right place at the right time. You’ll be productive and fruitful. But notice the end of today’s verse. It says that whatever you do will prosper!

Today, do you want to prosper in your relationships? Seek God’s Word regarding relationships. Do you want to prosper in your health? Seek God’s Word about healing. Do you want to prosper in your finances? Seek God’s Word regarding finances. Make sure your heart and mind are planted in the Word of God. Let Him illuminate your heart with truth. Let Him wash over you with His promises. Seek Him, trust Him and obey Him, and everything you do will prosper in Jesus’ Name!

“He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season and its leaf does not wither; and in whatever he does, he prospers.”

(Psalm 1:3, NASB)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I love You so much. Father, thank You for Your Word which is truth and water to my soul. God, make me like a strong tree planted and rooted in Your Word. Search me, know me, and guide me in the way that I should go, as I stay focused on You and planted in Your Word, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


Unsplash - Andre Guerra

This year I received a pleasant surprise. After my accident I was blessed with a very nice car. A surprise is normally something good that you weren’t really expecting. It’s something that makes you feel special and lets you know that someone is thinking about you. Surprises should normally bring us joy and lift our hearts. Your heavenly Father wants to surprise you and overtake you with His goodness. He wants to do things that make your life easier, and lets you know how much He loves you.

In our Scripture today the word “overtake” can also be translated “to catch by surprise.” God longs to be good to you, He wants to catch you by surprise! He wants to help you accomplish your dreams and overcome your obstacles. He wants to amaze you with His goodness and mercy. We should wake up every morning with the attitude, “I can’t wait to see what God is going to do for me today!”

Today, make room in your heart and mind for what God wants to do in your life. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. As you do, you’ll see His surprises pour into your life. You’ll see His hand of blessing overtake you and bring you to new levels in every area of your life!

“If you will listen diligently to the voice of the Lord your God, being watchful to do all His commandments which I command you…all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you”¦”

(Deuteronomy 28:1-2, AMPC)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I open my heart and mind to You right now. Father, fill me with Your goodness and overtake me with Your blessings and give me a massive surprise. God, I honour You today and invite You to use me to be a blessing to others, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Today Is A Gift

My days can be so full and busy that I forget how precious and fragile my time on earth really is. It can be so easy to allow little things to creep in and steal my peace and joy. If something didn’t go your way, or someone upset you, you encountered bad traffic or poor driving – these can all cause us to get off focus if we let them.

We must remember that each day is a gift. If we choose to focus on what’s wrong, we’ll miss out on the beauty that each day has to offer.

Today, don’t let the precious moments of life pass you by. Don’t wait for holidays and birthdays to show people that you care. Remember, each day is unique and irreplaceable, a gift from heaven above. You have been given time that can be invested or wasted, hours that can be used or misused. That’s why the psalmist prayed to God, “teach us to number our days.” He was saying, “teach us to value every moment we’ve been given, so we can live a life pleasing to You.”

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

(Psalm 90:12, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for the gift of today. Father, I will focus on the blessing of each moment, instead of allowing the little things to steal my joy. God, teach me how to prioritise for the good and not get caught up in the bad and negative. Keep me close to You always, and help me to show love at all times, as I submit every area of my heart and mind to You, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

What Are You Seeking God For?

What Are You Seeking God For?

What are you seeking God for? Does it seem like it’s taking a long time to come to pass? Please be encouraged, because the Scripture says that through faith and patience, you will inherit His promises! If you’ll stay in faith, if you’ll keep on seeking Him, it won’t be long until you see that breakthrough. Hallelujah!

Many of us give up just before we get our miracle. We stop when things get hard, or when we don’t get the answer we want the first time. Today’s verse encourages us to continually ask and continually seek. That doesn’t mean that we seek Him one time and then stop. No, we seek Him until we have the promise!

Today, submit your most desperate prayers to the Lord, and keep an attitude of faith and expectancy. Keep asking. Keep seeking. Keep knocking on the door, and it will be opened to you. Know that God is perfecting whatever concerns you. Don’t give up! Instead, start thanking Him for His faithfulness in your life. Thank Him for His promise that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him! Hallelujah!

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

(Matthew 7:7, NLT)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for blessing me with a diligent spirit. Father, thank You for Your faithfulness. God, give me strength to stand and seek You, until I see Your promises fulfilled in every area of my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Cares And Worries Be Gone

Cares And Worries Be Gone

Today, God invites you to give your worries and cares to Him, simply because He loves you!

How do you give Him your cares? First of all, understand that cares show up in your mind. When negative, self-defeating thoughts of worry come, you have to recognise them as cares, and replace them with the Word of God. For example, if you are concerned about a need today, say out loud, “my God shall supply all my needs according to His riches in glory.” If you have fear about something, say out loud, “God has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.” If you have sickness in your body, declare, “by His stripes I am healed.” As you meditate on the truth, and focus your heart and mind on the Father, those cares and concerns will disappear.

Today, thank Him for giving you peace and joy. Thank Him for working in your life. As you keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, give Him your worries and cares, and get ready for the blessings He has in store for you!

“Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.”

(1 Peter 5:7, NLT)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I come to You today casting all my cares and worries on You. Father, I believe Your Word and trust that You are working on my behalf. God, I give You all of my worries and declare them gone so I can praise and glorify You, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

I Need More Power

Yesterday was a very long and hard day. Today I need to be motivated and empowered. The good news is God wants to empower us. He wants to strengthen us, and equip us to rise higher in every area of life. He wants to see us become all that He has created us to be, and to walk in victory each and every day.

When Jesus left the earth, He told the disciples that He was sending a comforter. He was talking about the Holy Spirit – God’s power source. The Holy Spirit is not only our comforter, He’s our power bank, he empowers us when we are weak and tired. He strengthens us for the battle ahead, and lifts us when we feel low. He searches our hearts and helps us understand Scripture.

Today, if you’re feeling weak and tired and in need of a special charge, and desire to be filled with God’s power, invite the Holy Spirit of God to do a work in you. When you read the Bible, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart and reveal God’s plan to you. As you invite the Holy Spirit to operate in your life, today’s Scripture says that you’ll receive God’s supernatural power! You will be strengthened and equipped for everything the enemy throws at you, and for what God has in store for you!

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me”¦” (Acts 1:8, NKJV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for the Holy Spirit who is my helper and empowerer in this life. God, I open my heart to Your Word to receive more power, so that I can walk and live in the victory You have prepared for me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

God Is A Finisher

How long will it take? This is taking way too long. Is there something you’ve been waiting for? Something you’ve been hoping for that’s taking longer than you expected? You might be tempted to just accept things the way they are. You might be tempted to think it’s never going to happen. Be encouraged, because God is a finisher! He will complete what He’s started in you!

So what do I do while waiting? Your part is to believe. Your part is to keep your eyes on Him. When you believe, you have the Creator of the universe fighting your battles, arranging things in your favour, going before you, moving the wrong people out of the way. 

Today, don’t be intimidated by the size of a problem, or the size of your dream! Don’t let circumstances convince you to stop believing. Jehovah Jireh, the Lord our Provider, is still on the throne. One touch of God’s favour and you’ll go from barely getting by, to having more than enough! Begin to thank Him and declare that God is at work. Declare that He is perfecting what concerns you. Declare that He will complete everything He’s started in your life!

“And David said to his son Solomon, ‘Be strong and of good courage, and do it; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God–my God–will be with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you, until you have finished all the work for the service of the house of the LORD’.” (1 Chronicles 28:20, NKJV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I thank You for completing every good work in my life. Father, I believe Your Word, even when things look impossible. I know that You are working behind the scenes, and that You will bring victory and breakthrough to every area of my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Victory Is Coming

Maybe something has happened that could easily discourage you and cause you to give up on your goals and dreams. I want to remind you today that where you are is not where you are going to stay. God has a plan in store for you. Stay in step with Him and you’ll walk right into victory.

God wants to take you from victory to victory. Even if you are between victories right now, keep your passion. Keep your enthusiasm. Focus on the fact that God has another level for you, another level of glory, another level of increase, another level of His favour.

Today, go out with a smile. Give Him your best. When you thank God for what He has done, you are sowing a seed that He will use in your future. Keep praying, keep believing, keep hoping, and stand strong, because another victory is coming your way! Hallelujah!

“But thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal procession, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of Him everywhere.” (2 Corinthians 2:14, ESV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, right now I will focus my mind and heart completely on You. I will step out of discouragement, step out of complacency, step out of worry, and step into Your glory. You alone are worthy, and I thank You for the victory You have in store for my future, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

The Seven Christians

Revelations is a book of the Bible that used to strike fear in me whenever I would read it. Of course,  I was either not Christian or knew that I was not right with GOD at the time. Now, it fills me with excitement with what is to come, waiting for Christ to return.

In the book, Jesus speaks about seven churches that were physically in existence during that time: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea. Although Jesus’ words were specifically for them, I believe that we can learn something from them. In a sense, these churches represent individual Christians, and it is beneficial for us to take note of their obedience and disobedience as well as how their actions pertain to our walk with Christ right now.

Ephesus/A Backsliding Christian (Rev2:1-7)

Jesus acknowledges their hard work and perseverance. They did not tolerate wicked men who claimed to be apostles but clearly were not, they also hated the Nicolaitans as Jesus did. However, their problem was that they had forsaken their first love.

Were you once on fire for Christ, but are now becoming indifferent? Have you lost your zeal for Him?

Jesus’ command to the church was to remember, repent, and return to their previous works. If they fail to do this, they will have their lampstand removed. Heeding His command came with the promise of eating from the tree of life.

Smyrna/A Steadfast Christian (Rev2:8-11)

This church withstood poverty and affliction without turning from GOD. They were slandered by people who claimed to be Jews, but Jesus labelled as the ‘synagogue of Satan.’ They suffered greatly for their faith, and Jesus was pleased with them.

You may be persecuted and poor, but you have remained faithful and resolute.

Jesus asked them to be faithful to the point of death because they would be rewarded with the crown of life and will not be hurt by the second death.

Pergamum/A Licentious Christian (2:12-17)

The good thing was that they held true to Jesus’ Name even after one of their members were put to death, however, they were not without their issues. The church was in a city where Satan thrived, with some bowing to the teaching of Balaam, eating food sacrificed to idols and given over to sexual immorality. Some people in the church even held to the teachings of the Nicolaitans!

Are you permissive in your faith? Are you sheltering false preachers, refusing to step away from them? Are you following false doctrines?

Jesus told them to repent, or they would face war from the sword of His mouth. Obedience to Him came with the promise of being given hidden manna and a white inscribed stone.

Thyatira/A Lax, Pagan-like Christian (2:18-29)

This church was known for their love, faith, service and perseverance. Their problem was their tolerance of the false prophetess, Jezebel, who had misled some into eating food sacrificed to idols and sexual immorality.

You are likely an idolatrous individual, worshipping ideas and paying honour to things that are not of GOD. You have allowed yourself to be seduced into corrupt beliefs (e.g. health, wealth, and prosperity gospel) and pagan rituals (e.g. Halloween, etc.).

Their command was to reject false teachings and hold fast to Jesus. Failure would lead to tribulation and death, obedience would give them authority over the nations as well as the morning star.

Sardis/A ‘Dead’ Christian (3:1-6)

Some people of the church were found “worthy” of Christ, but as a whole, they had the reputation of being a spiritually dead church. Their deeds done for the kingdom of GOD were not complete as they had no spiritual growth to propel them forwards.

Are you a Christian in name only? Without results and spiritless?

Their command was to wake up, strengthen their faith, and repent. Disobedience would bring them opposition from Jesus, who will come like a thief. Obedience would give them the promise of walking with Jesus, be clothed in white, and have their names in the book of life, as well as be confessed by Jesus before the Father and the angels.

Philadelphia/A Favoured Christian (3:7-13)

This church could be on their last breath, but they would still endure whatever was happening to them, keeping Jesus’ Word and not denying His Name. Jesus gave them the promise that those who claimed to bee Jews would be forced to bow down and acknowledge Jesus’ love for them. As they endure patiently, they would be kept from the “hour of trial.”

You are an exemplary Christian, faithful to GOD’S Word and filled with His love.

Jesus asked them to hold fast, and that they would be kept from the hour of trial and made a pillar in the temple of GOD, and have the name of GOD, New Jerusalem, and Jesus written on them.

Laodicea/ A Lukewarm Christian (3:14-22)

They had good deeds, but they were about to be ‘spewed out of Jesus’ mouth’ because of their lukewarm faith. These were the ‘rich’ folk, the ones that didn’t think that they needed anything from Jesus. Oh, but how mistaken they were.

Are you a self-indulgent Christian? Ostentatious? Full of worldly pride?

Jesus told them to buy spiritual gold and salve to become spiritually rich, clothed and seeing, and then they will eat with Him and sit with Him on His throne.

We must be truthful and examine ourselves, making sure that our lives reflect GOD’S Word. Some people prefer to mock this truth, thinking that it is not real or nothing contained in Revelations is likely to come to pass anytime soon, but why worry about the time? Why not just be ready for Jesus’ second coming? You do not know if you will live to see the next day, therefore it is only wise to remain prepared, to be faithful with what GOD has deposited in you. Come out from the world, you must know that it will pass away and be no more. Why not live in preparation and anticipation of the new Earth and Jerusalem? Look at your life here on earth as a ‘job’, where you preach GOD’S Word to the Lost even at the expense of your life, knowing that you will never face the second death. Not everyone will face a physical death, but if we say we are His, then we shall all suffer because He suffered. The world does not like us, but that shouldn’t concern us. If they do not like us, then it only means that we are doing something right!

I pray that we may all be found faithful when the time comes and that every person that reads this is aware of Christ’s love and sacrifice for them. Amen.

Quotes by Charles Haddon Spurgeon

We have been become so accustomed to TV preachers that sugarcoat everything or take things out of context, that a Christian needs to switch the ‘looking box’ off and get stuck in the Bible to drown out the filth. If we are looking for good Christian material to read, look no further than books authored by Mr Spurgeon. He was a man who understood his position as a Christian, delighted in GOD’S Word, and sought to strengthen the faith of his hearers.

Often referred to as the ‘Prince of Preachers’, he was a man who never minced his words when it came to his faith. He said himself, “I am perhaps vulgar, but it is not intentional, save that I must and will make people listen. My firm conviction is that we have had enough polite preachers.”

A preacher during the Victorian era, he was a man that offended many, but never flinched from strong preaching.

Below are just a few quotes to give you a taste of his steadfast and strict adherence to GOD’S Word.

  • “There is no form of sinfulness to which you are addicted which Christ cannot remove.”
  • “The law is meant to lead the sinner to faith in Christ by showing the impossibility of any other way.”
  • “We hear complaints that the minister speaks too harshly and talks too much of judgement. Saved sinners never make that complaint.”
  • “Self is the worst enemy a Christian has.”
  • “We shall not grow weary of waiting upon GOD if we remember how long and graciously He once waited for us.”
  • “You do not know who the elect are. You do not know whose heart will be broken by the divine hammer of truth. But it is your responsibility to use the divine hammer on the hard heart. And as the Gospel is preached, it will attract to itself, by its own power, through the Holy Spirit, those whom GOD has ordained into eternal life.”
  • “It is a good rule never to look into the face of a man in the morning till you have looked into the face of GOD.”
  • “Beware of those who say there is no hell and declare new ways to heaven.”
  • “The same sun which melts wax hardens clay. And the same Gospel which melts some persons to repentance hardens others in their sins.”
  • “Satan tells me that I am unworthy; but I always was unworthy, and yet You have long loved me; and therefore my unworthiness cannot be a barrier to having fellowship with You now.”
  • “You stand before GOD has if you were Christ, because Christ stood before GOD as if He were you.”
  • “The Scripture does not say ‘Ye must be improved,’ but, ‘Ye must be born again.”
  • “It is not the doctrine of justification that does my heart good, it is Christ, the Justifier.”
  • “Prayer and praise are the oars by which a man may row his boat into the deep waters of the knowledge of Christ.”
  • “Discernment is not knowing the difference between right and wrong. It is knowing the difference between right and almost right.”

A Grace Moment with David Robinson

A Grace moment with David Robinson 

‘Touched by God’s grace’ 

Amazing Grace, amazing love, amazing gift. It’s the favour of God who stooped down in kindness and mercy to save and rescue broken mankind from the power of sin. 

It is God in Christ dying for the ungodly, God taking our infirmities and carrying our sicknesses, God in Christ suffering rejection and being despised for the ungodly, the worst of the worst and the best among us”¦ amazing grace that touches and every heart and heals every broken place in our lives.

Grace, Gods favour revealed in a stable among the poorest of the poor, revealed in love that reached out and touched the untouchable leper, grace that fed the hungry, delivered the demon possessed, and healed all of all diseases regardless of colour class or creed. Grace that had compassion on a widow whose only son had died, grace sufficient to raise him from the dead.

We are saved by grace through faith. God loved us so much that he even give us the gift of faith to believe in his grace, his favour and his desire to rescue us all. Ephesians 2:8

You may have been abused, rejected and have spent your life wondering what you did to deserve all that the world has thrown at you, please know this they threw it at Gods Son first and more. You may have led a life and it seems as though no one cares well; Jesus went through more on your behalf.

No one suffered like this man, God made manifest in the flesh, stricken, smitten, wounded, beaten, chastised, falsely accused, imprisoned, butchered, and murdered by the very people he came to seek and to save.

Grace is the wrath of God poured out upon the innocent Lamb of God Jesus Christ because he chose to take upon himself the sin of the whole world knowing that the wages of sin is death. It was on the cross that grace and love combined to destroy the power of sin in every surrendered life, hell and the devil himself is powerless to overcome anyone who has been Born Again through a personal relationship with Christ   

A simple touch of God’s grace will cause even the biggest rogue to be accepted in Christ, grace so rich that we have forgiveness of our sins and redemption through his blood. Grace so powerful that those who are in Christ are justified as though we had never sinned”¦ Ephesians 1:6-7, Romans 3:24

Listen; not only is God’s grace more than enough to bring forgiveness to all who believe regardless of how ungodly their lives have been. It brings his salvation, his peace, his health, his joy, his provision, his protection, his deliverance and his wholeness. 2nd Corinthians 12:9, Titus 2:11

I remember one evening talking to an elderly lady when the Lord revealed to me that she had been abused at 4 years of age by her father and an uncle. She spoke of how in her 70+ years she had never known a moment without pain. Often the Lord reveals such things to me but this time I asked for something that would not bring such horror back into her mind. He told me to ask her who killed Jesus; she replied; ‘the Romans’ to which I replied no, ‘the Jews’ she said and again the answer was no. She continued; ‘I suppose it was my sins that killed him for he died for my sin and in my place’ 

I answered her saying; ‘No it was not you, it was God who killed his own Son as Isaiah said in chapter 53:4; ‘we did esteem him (Christ) stricken smitten of God and afflicted’ ‘You see it was God who loved you so much that he killed his own Son so that you would not perish but have everlasting life’ 

She immediately stopped weeping and whispered; ‘Oh he does love me doesn’t he? Every pain left her body and she was free for the first time in her life. The revelation of God’s amazing grace and his love healed her of her past hurts the abuse she had suffered and all her pain. She was set free… joy flooded her soul as she was touched by God’s grace  

The very nature of God is revealed in the truth that Jesus healed all who came to him and all who were brought to him, revealed in the truth that it is not his will that any perish but that all have everlasting life’ John 3:16

He is waiting for whosoever will call upon the name of the Lord so that he can save their sin sick soul. 

He is waiting with patience for you and every man woman and child in the world regardless of class creed or colour to come as they are with nothing to offer him except for faith in Jesus once for all sacrifice for their sin; I wonder do you know this man Jesus?

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.  Revelation22:21  

  1. David Robinson


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How Are You, Really?

How are you? Everyone says these three little words on a daily basis and the typical, easy answer to reply is, “I’m fine.” There is never a need to elaborate on that.  Many of us are private and reluctant to tell others about the issues going on in our lives. We have become such a private culture that even our family and friends are unwilling to ask us too many questions or to answer them when we ask. So many of us feel reluctant to disclose too much about ourselves particularly if it involves troubling issues. It has been researched that even when we go to the doctor, we may minimise or fail to mention the problems we are having. But why? Are we afraid to be helped or admit that we have problems just like everyone else? Do we really believe that no one really cares about what we say?

Offering Our Anxieties Up To God

This post goes out to all those who are anxious and feel like they have to constantly hide behind the “I’m fine” answer. But you’re never alone. God is in control. The Bible itself is filled to the brim with helpful and calming verses in it. “Put your trust in God…” (Psalm 56:3), “Cast all your cares on the Lord…” (Psalm 55:22) and the one I spoke about last week; “Do not worry about tomorrow…” (Matthew 6:34). For some of my Christian friends in the past have been told that anxiety (or any mental illness) is a sin and that they had to have more faith, believe or pray more. Anxiety is NOT a sin and you are not a defective.

For many of us, our anxieties, our fears and our feelings aren’t things we can control on our own. At least, not straight away. It usually shows up unannounced, unwanted and takes up residence, like a stain you can’t get out of a pristine, white shirt. It’s a medical condition that needs care, intervention and management that goes beyond quoting a few Bible verses and saying a lovely prayer, thinking that they’ll be quick fixes. When it comes to anxiety and other overwhelming feelings like grief, fear and anger, our first port of call, particularly as Christians, is to shove them away as hard and as fast as we can push them. We use all manner of things for that to happen; prayers, scriptures, declarations. We play worship songs at full volume in our attempts to drown the thoughts out. But, as much as we try, we can’t change the thoughts we have.

Jesus Shifts Our Focus

In the Bible, in Matthew 6.25-26, Jesus starts the discussion about understanding the fears and anxieties buried deep in mankind, that we can all take hold of:

“Do not be worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they don’t sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they are?” (NIV)

Look up. There are five hundred million hungry birds flying around. They don’t sow, reap or gather into barns and yet your Father in heaven knows their need and feeds every single one of them. If God feeds animal, essentially His pets, will He not feed you? Jesus, in these verses, shifts our focus to the “more” in life – what our hearts crave. There is a different kind of life we experience in fellowship with our God that is supernatural. That’s where our lives become more than “food and clothing.”

These verses go on to say, in Matthew 6.27, “Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” God is in control! The minutes, hours, days and weeks we spend being anxious amount to wasted, stolen time. Concerns from health, to money, to the future of the human race are all matters for God. He will be concerned about them  because He cares for you and wants to guide you into living a fruitful life.

Using Anxiety To Your Advantage

Breathe. trust. Transfer your anxiety to God and place your concern where it belongs; on the things of God. I used to hate having anxiety. Now I don’t mind it as much because in those moments when I wake up at three in the morning in a cold sweat, my mind racing with concerns of money, the past and the future. I roll of my bed to sit on the floor and pray… especially hard to do when you’re at your parent’s house and you sleep on a bunk bed. I ask God to transition my anxieties from the things of this world into the things that God is concerned about.


Don’t Fear, Only Believe 

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You’re Genesis

“You’re Genesis”

What if this week was your Genesis moment?

“In the beginning God”

Dare we begin another day without God? How deep the darkness, how void our lives would be, how aimless and without purpose our lives would be without his direction. ‘Lord, create in me a new heart and renew a right spirit within me’ Psalm 52:10. On the first day as you take your first borrowed breath give thanks as the Holy Spirit begins to awaken you to a new dawn… and listen carefully for God to speak. 

And God said: ‘Let there be light’

Thank God for his light, thank God he separated us from the law of sin and death and from self destruction. Thank God for his gift, the gift of his own Son who gave his life a ransom for us all. ‘Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning’ James 1:17 Lord; thank you for your light for it leaves no shadows where sin can hide in me, no place to run to, no area of my life which he cannot enable me to be an over comer by his power. 

And God said…‘Let there be a firmament, a sky, a heaven’

To daily awaken with his voice separating us unto himself, drawing us closer, inviting us into realms of glory, to live in the world still but not to be worldly, and so he separates us unto himself.  ‘But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that you should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light.’ 1st Peter 2:9 Lord; what a privilege you have afforded us that we should be called the sons and daughters of God, to view the majesty of a sunrise, the beauty of an evening sky, and to stand admiring your stars which illuminate the night sky. 

And God said…Let the waters be gathered together and let dry land appear’

Note for diary; I will not drown today… Listen; regardless of how dark things might be this morning know this God is still on the throne. 'when you walk through the waters He will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you, Isaiah 43:2in Christ there is safety for he is the rock of your salvation, a shelter from every storm, a strong tower, a place of refuge. Listen no evil shall befall you nor any plagues come near your dwelling place. Thank you Lord for liberty to serve you without fear knowing that around about and underneath are your everlasting arms.

And God said…‘Let the earth bring forth’

News flash; Look up, open your eyes and see the abundance of God, see him so desirous to bring life that he sows it into the earth as soon as the waters were removed. Life here, life there, from the highest mountain top to the lowest valley, Life poured out from the giver of life… life with a capital L. No more fear of dark days and lonely nights. 'Christ in us the hope of glory' the comforter had come and visited our once void and dark lives and brought with him light and life. Lord; let every flower I see today, every tree shout loud enough to remind me; ‘I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me’ Galatians 2:20 

        And God said…Let there be Lights in the heaven, the sun by day and the moon by night’

Another diary note; URGENT reminder to brain; it might look dark, things may look gloomy but take a plane journey, get above the clouds and see the truth, there is no darkness day or night! The sun literally shouts out at the top of its voice to those that sit in darkness; ’Fear not for Christ the true light has come into your world.' John 1: 9 The moon whispers to those whose strength is failing; 'he will never leave you nor forsake you, Hebrews 13:5They are a reminder that even when darkness is all around us his face still shines upon us. Lord; never allow me to take your creation for granted again for everything has your fingerprint, all things point to you and reveal the depth of your love for me. 

And God said…‘Let the waters the seas bring forth life in abundance’

Dear diary; emboss this note, write it indelibly on my faithless heart. 'The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want' Psalm 23:1 Remove far from me the notion that poverty honours God, remind me that he desires to create abundance in every area of my life even those that are hidden from view even as he did with the seas and the skies. Lord; let every bird remind me that I am to soar like an eagle by trusting in your strength and not my own, let the abundance of the seas remind me that 'the wealth of sinner is laid up for the just' Proverbs 13:22 and that ‘wealth and riches shall be in the house of the righteous’ Psalm 112:3

And God said…‘Let us make man’

Gods workmanship, his masterpiece, his finest work, but above all a mirror image of himself, his image, his likeness in human flesh destined to become the  'Light of the world' a city set on the hill that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14A people so special that he didn't just create us, he made us, fashioned us with his own hands out of the dust of the earth. Important? Yes, of great value? Oh yes indeed, his treasure hidden in earthen vessels. Special? Adam was blessed above all that God had created, so special that when it came to giving him life he breathed into Adam his own breath and life and he became a living soul. Lord; remind us daily as we look in the mirror that we are not some animal to live and die, that we are made in your image and likeness, living souls. A pearl beyond price to you.

‘God rested’ Hebrews 4:4

URGENT MEMO For immediate attention; its okay to rest on Sundays, seriously, it is all right to take a day off, have you not heard that the Sabbath was made for man not man for the Sabbath? Sometimes we feel guilty about not going to church and end up going because of duty, sound familiar?  

Think on this as you step into this awesome ' God day' there is a rest for the people of God' Hebrews 4:9

Christ is our Sabbath rest, seven days a week. As believers we are called to rest in the Lord 7 days a week whether it be in the work place or in fellowship for we are called to enter into your rest. Called to trust you with every minute of our lives, in every fearful moment, in good times and in bad troubled times.

Lord I invite you to be Lord of my whole life, to be the Genesis of every bright morning, the day star of every dark night. I invite you to be my shield and my fortress against every enemy real or imagined, to be my strength when I am weak, my joy in sorrow, my peace in turmoil, the health of my countenance and my God… Thank you for hearing me always and for answering me according to your promises and thus your will…

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    David Robinson


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Ah justice, sweet justice!

My shield is God Most High,
who saves the upright in heart.
God is a righteous judge,
a God who displays his wrath every day.
If he does not relent, he will sharpen his sword;
he will bend and string his bow.
He has prepared his deadly weapons;
he makes ready his flaming arrows.

Whoever is pregnant with evil
conceives trouble and gives birth to disillusionment.
Whoever digs a hole and scoops it out
falls into the pit they have made.
The trouble they cause recoils on them;
their violence comes down on their own heads.

I will give thanks to the LORD because of his righteousness;
I will sing the praises of the name of the L
ORD Most High. 
(Psalm 7: 10-17 NIV).

Ah justice, sweet justice! When we take justice into our own hands, it always has a boomerang effect. I am reminded of Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner when I read these words from Psalm 7: Whoever digs a hole and scoops it out falls into the pit they have made.

In those Saturday cartoons of my youth, poor Wile E. must have dug a hundred pits and he fell into them every time. Every clever scheme backfired catastrophically. The Roadrunner always escaped. To paraphrase the words of this psalm, the trouble Wile E. caused recoiled on him; his violence came down on his own head. Even now can you picture the anvil falling on the hapless coyote, as he lies in a crumpled heap at the bottom of the canyon? The cartoonist and the psalmist must have been reading from the same script!

Somehow we often have the mistaken impression that getting even works–that scoring points at the expense of our neighbour elevates us somehow. If snide sarcasm and putdowns elevate us, then it’s the kind of elevation we often see in cartoons. Our clever, cutting remarks run us out off the edge of a cliff, and like the cartoons, there we stand in the middle of thin air–the last one to realize we are heading down fast. That’s justice, sweet justice, Psalm 7 style. 

If as this psalm states, God displays his wrath every day, it’s because we reap the reward of our sinful actions. In our selfishness, we harm instead of building up those around us. We try to pull ahead by pulling others down. It’s a strategy that’s doomed to failure. It always backfires. God and the Roadrunner will see to that.   

Response: Heavenly Father, today show me how I can build others up instead of tearing them down. I want to be more like you, Lord Jesus. You came to lift others up. In my interactions today, help me do the same. Amen.

Your Turn: Have you encouraged someone lately with a positive word? Did that bring a reward?


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