God The Healer Of Broken Relationships 

5 Truths about God’s Design for Sex in Marriage

From my own experience, if a husband has an affair, the wife feels hurt and distrusts him. Even if she wants to restore their relationship, trust must also be restored. Sin involves not only violating a command but also betraying a relationship. Not only do we need Jesus Christ to receive the punishment we deserve, but we also need someone to heal our broken relationships. In our sins, we betray God. Genesis says, “The Lord saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth.” 

Today, many ask, “Can couples who have endured the pain of betrayal be reconciled?”

Those who survive betrayal and go on to have a loving, trust-filled relationship almost always need someone to help them. Similarly, because we have betrayed God, we need someone to reconcile us to God. The broken relationship between each of us and God can be restored and healed only through the work of Christ. He came to make all things new, including our relationship with God. Jesus, our reconciler, draws us back to God even when we want to run the other way. Hallelujah! 

God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. – 2 Corinthians 5:19 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, my reconciler, thank you for the ultimate sacrifice you paid, not only to cover the penalty for my sin but also to reconcile me back to God. Yahshua, without you, we would be alone and broken forever. God, I’m sorry for betraying you. please accept my confession in Christ’s name. Amen. 

We All Have Spiritual Gifts

Spirit = Breath

We are all different. God has made us diverse in many ways. The 7.753 billion humans alive today differ in age, intelligence, ability, ethnicity, personality, gender, vocation, interests, and much more. 

In, 1 Corinthians 12 God gave His people a variety of spiritual gifts including wisdom, faith, healing, and speaking in languages. In other places, Scripture mentions other gifts, and each person receives gifts. The Holy Spirit is the one that, “distributes them to everybody, as he determines. “We must learn to see that all people have gifts from the Spirit and the gifts are equal, including people like this: The homeless man who rarely showers and sits in the back of the church. The refugee family who always keeps to themselves at church. The child with ADHD who can’t sit still. 

Today, we hold the spiritual gifts of some people in higher esteem than others, and we question whether some people have any gifts at all. This is none of our business. God esteems each of us and our gifts. To see each other as God sees us, we must know that God gives spiritual gifts to every believer, both young and old, rich and poor, short and tall. Let’s make it a matter of prayer to accept ­others as God sees them, because we all matter to Him. 

To each one, the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 1 Corinthians 12:7 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for distributing your gifts among all believers. Father, open my eyes to see the gifts you have given to me. Lord, give me the strength and power to use my gifts for your glory. In Christ’s name, Amen. 

It’s Important To Pray

What Is the Correct Way to Pray?

Despair and self-pity come more easily than joy and hope. That’s why, in times like these, it’s important to pray. We pray: to thank God for His blessings, to praise Him, to confess and repent of sins, to seek guidance, and to communicate with a God who loves us. 

We also pray to ask God for help. Praying for help is the most natural prayer of all. When a sister was torn from her children and put into a detention center over immigration issues, many of us asked God to help her, and she was released and restored to her family. When I had COVID-19 and was stuck in a hospital not knowing what the end would be, we asked God to spare my life and sustain me. He did, and I am doing well today. 

Today, prayer is needed at times. Sometimes God answers our requests for help exactly as we ask. But we must be faithful in prayer. Pray to give thanks, praise God, confess our sins, and ask for help. Prayer connects us with God. Prayer builds relationships. Prayer strengthens the bond between God and us. When you have a good relationship with someone, hope and patience become a little easier, especially when that someone created and sustains our universe. 

Be faithful in prayer. — Romans 12:12 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thanks for answering my prayers and for helping me when I was in trouble. Father, we pray for hope in these seemingly hopeless times. We also pray for help for our leaders in the world and the church. God help my family, friends, and enemies. God, please help me today in Christ’s name, Amen. 

The Sunset 

Sometimes sunsets make me pull over and take pictures, and I often see others who do the same too. People tend to stop what they are doing to enjoy the beautiful view. Have you ever wondered why people are so amazed by the setting of the sun? The Psalms offer a clue. The psalmist wrote of God ordering the sun to praise its Creator. And wherever the rays shine across the earth, people are moved to praise God for the awesome, spectacular sight. 

The beauty of nature speaks to our souls as few things do. It not only has the capacity to stop us in our tracks and captivate our attention, but it also has the power to turn our focus to the maker of this beauty, our lord and savior. 

Today, the wonder of God’s vast creation can cause us to pause and remember what’s truly important. Ultimately, it reminds us that there is a Creator behind the stunning sunsets, colourful flowers, and the entrance and sunset of the day. One who so loved the world He made that He entered it to redeem and restore it. Hallelujah! 

Praise him, sun and moon; praise him, all you shining stars. Psalm 148:3 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for your wonderful creation. Father, I enjoy the world you have created with its variety and colours. You and what You have made are awesome, Lord thanks so much for creating beauty like the sunset, the colourful flowers and man’s diversity amid chaos. In Christ’ name Amen  

God Is Always Working 

GodInterest exists to welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds, equipping people with a faith that works in real life and sends them into a world to serve for God and humanity.

Have you ever sent a text message to a friend, in hopes of having a question answered quickly? Their phone’s messaging service showed that they had read the message, so you waited anxiously for a reply. As moments pass, you grow frustrated, groaning in annoyance at the delay. Irritation eroded into worry; you wondered whether the lack of response meant there was a problem. Eventually, a reply came. What a relief. The friend had simply been sorting out the details needed to answer the question. 

In the bible, Daniel the prophet also anxiously awaited a reply. He received a frightening vision of war that troubled him. Daniel fasted and sought God through prayer. For three weeks, he received no reply. Finally, an angel arrived! Hallelujah! and assured Daniel his prayers had been heard by God “since the first day.” In the meantime, the angel had been sorting things out on behalf of those prayers. Though Daniel didn’t know it at first, God was at work during each of the twenty-one days that elapsed between his first prayer and the angel’s coming. 

Today, the confidence that God hears our prayers can cause us to become anxious when His reply doesn’t come when we want it to. We are prone to wonder whether he cares and why the wait. Yet Daniel’s experience reminds us that God is at work on behalf of those He loves, even when it isn’t obvious to us. Remember, your answer is on the way. 

Your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. Daniel 10:12 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for sorting out my life even when I don’t even realise it. Father, help me to trust your care for me even when I can’t see it, understand it, or it seems like you’re taking too long. I will remember that “God is always at work on behalf of His people”. In Christ’s name amen.

Freedom Through Christ

What Would Jesus Pin

All my life I have wanted to be free from bondage and oppression just like Anna. The temple must have been busy the day Mary and Joseph brought Jesus there. They kept bumping into people who were waiting. One of these was a woman named Anna. Anna was devoted to God. She worshipped day and night, fasting and praying. She was one of a group of people who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. 

Redemption can mean paying a price to set someone free. Anna and the people looked forward to redemption because Jerusalem was under siege by the Roman and they wanted freedom. In the New Testament, we learn that others were longing to be free. They were yearning for freedom from religious oppression that burdened them, from sicknesses that plagued them, from spirits that posed them, and from the sin that condemned them. 

Today, although we value our freedom, we often find ourselves trapped, in prison, by debt, in relationships, by scorn, or by circumstances. Sometimes this is because of something we have done. Sometimes it’s a result of what others have done to us. Either way, we long for redemption to be set free. In Christ, Anna the oppressed lady at the temple saw what she was waiting for: the One who could pay the price and set her free. That’s what Christ has done for you receive Him today. 

[Anna] gave thanks to God and spoke about the child to all who were looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem. — Luke 2:38 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for the death of Jesus which gives me freedom from my physical and spiritual oppressors. Father, open my eyes, so I can consistently grasp and appreciate your redemption which gives me total freedom in Christ’ name. Amen. 

Keep Your Obligations

In today’s scripture, David was in a better place when he asked whether anyone was left of the house of Saul. After many years of struggle, he had become king over Israel. David had secured Jerusalem as his city and had brought the ark of the covenant into it. The Lord had given David rest from his enemies and bought peace to Israel. On top of that, God had promised that a son of David would rule forever, a promise that would be fulfilled in Christ. 

However, David had an obligation. Long before, David had made a covenant with Jonathan his friend and Saul’s son. Others may have forgotten but David did not. David set out to find someone from Saul’s family to whom he could be kind. 

Today, we accumulate obligations. We make promises that we don’t fully keep despite our best intentions. We also accumulate hurts that we have never really forgiven. Worse yet, we often cause hurts for which we do not fully apologize. Over the years our spiritual debts pile up. The beginning of the year is a good time to consider what we have left undone, and our acceptance of Christ has assured us of God’s peace. With His Gift of peace, we can make peace. Are there any obligations you need to attend today? Stand on God’s word and keep your promises right now.  

David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” 2 Samuel 9:1 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for keeping your promises and obligations to me. Father, I’m so glad your faithfulness endures forever. Lord, help me to be faithful, keeping the promises I make and forgiving others as I have been forgiven. In Christ’ name, Amen. 

Are You Feeling Inadequate?

Overcoming fear

Most of the time I feel completely inadequate for the tasks I face. Whether it’s teaching, preaching, advising or writing articles for publication, the challenge often seems to be larger than my ability. 

The bible speaks about Peter’s shortcomings as he tried to follow Christ. While walking on water to Jesus, Peter began to sink. When Jesus was arrested, Peter swore he didn’t know Him. But Peter’s encounter with the risen Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit changed his life. He came to understand that God’s divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of Him. An amazing realization from a man who had many flaws! 

Today we must not forget it’s, our relationship with Christ that is the source of our wisdom, patience, and power so we can honour God, help others, and meet daily challenges. It’s through Him, we can overcome our hesitations and feelings of inadequacy. In every situation, He has given us everything we need to serve and honour Him. 

His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 2 Peter 1:3 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for being my positive source of wisdom, patience and power. Father, I truly thank you for who I am and for giving me everything I need to serve You and encourage others. God, please take away my feeling of inadequacy so I may honour You in all I do. In Christ name. Amen 

Are You A Witness Or A Spectator?

In court, witnesses are more than just spectators. They are active participants who help determine the outcome of a case. The same is true of the Christian’s witness of Christ. We are to be active participants in a matter of absolute importance— sharing the truth of Christ life, death, and resurrection. 

John the Baptist was the ultimate witness of Jesus. He shared all he could about Jesus, the light of the world. John’s disciples recorded the events, testifying of his experiences with Jesus: “We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth”.  

Today, all Christians have been summoned before the courtroom of this world not to be mere spectators but active witnesses. We must tell the world the truth about Jesus’s life, death and resurrection. Like John the Baptist, the voice crying in the desert, our voices should be heard in our workplace, neighbourhood, church, and among our family and friends. We must be active witnesses, telling all about the reality of Christ who lives in our lives. 

[John] came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. John 1:7 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for giving me the boldness to be an active witness for you. Father, I thank you and glorify you for all the testimonies and experiences you have guided me through, so I can share everywhere I go. Lord, please don’t let the devil silence my witness about you in Christ’s name, Amen.  

Today We Have Relief From The Enemy

Our God has consistently defeated the enemy from Eden to Calvary and will continue to defeat the enemy till the second coming. One of those times was in the biblical story of Esther. The Jews had escaped Haman’s plot of destruction. Haman (the enemy) had fallen into the pit he had dug for others, and many of his followers were destroyed on the day decreed for the Jewish annihilation. That day was celebrated as the day of relief from the enemy. not just a one-time celebration, Purim was to continue through generations. Feasting, joy, gifts to one another and gifts to the poor marked this day every year, up to this very day among Jews. 

As Christians, we too observe a time each year when we remember the day the devil plotted Christ’s destruction and failed, and with great joy we celebrate the day of Christ’s victory over God’s enemy. As instructed by Christ we are to gather as often as possible at the Lord’s table to remember His gifts of body and blood, offered so all who believe in Him may live. Week by week and year by year, we, Christians are reminded to be joyful because death nor the enemy no longer has any power over us. 

Today, the Lord’s Supper, Good Friday, and Easter are celebrations of what God has done for us and continues to do through Christ our messiah. What a mighty God we serve! And because of calvary, the enemy has lost eternally. Today as Christians let’s begin to enjoy our eternal rest from the enemy, as we await the final return of our Lord Jesus Christ. 

These days of Purim should never fail to be celebrated by the Jews — nor should the memory of these days die out among their descendants. — Esther 9:28 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I praise you, my God, for giving me relief and rest from the enemy. Hallelujah! Father, help me to be faithful and honour you by sharing this good news every­where I go. In Christ name Amen. 

God Restores

In the book of Ruth in the bible, Ruth’s mother-in-law was bitter and empty after the loss of her two sons. However, isn’t it strange? Ruth was pregnant and gave birth, but the women proclaimed that Naomi had a son. 

This is the point of the story: not only did Ruth fill Naomi’s emptiness with enough food according to the bible, but she also provided a son to replace the ones Naomi lost. Even though Ruth gave birth, the women praised God and responded with excitement toward Naomi. They credit God for bringing food back to Bethlehem and providing a son.

Today, after looking at this biblical story we see that Ruth and Boaz had a hand in restoring Naomi’s well-being after she lost her sons. But God’s people were clear that there is no provision and no children without the Lord’s blessing. God restores loss, He blesses the fruit of our labour and the fruit of the womb. For out of the birth of ruth’s son, Jesus, a descendant of this family, was born in Bethlehem. Through the story of Ruth, we can see that Christ’s birth is part of a family history that depends on God’s abundant blessings and restoration. From this, we learn that it is normal for our God to fill the empty and redeem the lost.

The women living there said: “Naomi has a son!” — Ruth 4:17

Let’s Pray

Yahweh thank you for filling my emptiness and restoring my loss. Father, I shout “Praise be to the Lord”! For your provision, I am so grateful to know that my Redeemer cares. Lord, please live in my heart today and always. In Christ’s name Amen.

Tired Of Waiting

6 Qualities of A Man Worth Waiting For

Much of life is spent waiting. Too often, when things don’t happen on our timetable, we get down and discouraged or anxious and fretful. That’s because we’re not waiting for the right way.

Today’s scripture talks about the return of our saviour, but God has placed dreams and desires in every person’s heart. But most times, there’s a season of waiting involved. Maybe you’re waiting for a relationship to improve; waiting to get married; waiting for a promotion; or waiting to overcome an illness. But there’s a right way to wait and a wrong way to wait.

Notice that today’s verse below doesn’t say if you wait, it says as you wait. The fact is that we’re all going to have to wait. It goes on to say that we should consider how the farmer waits — patiently and eagerly. We’re not supposed to sit around and be discouraged; we’re supposed to be hopeful, positive, and full of expectancy!

Today, no matter what you are praying for, expect things to change in your favour. Today could be your turning point. As you wait with patience and expectancy, you’ll open the door for God to move. He’ll fight your battles, and you’ll see the abundant harvest He’s promised in every area of your life. Hallelujah!

“Dear brothers and sisters, be patient as you wait for the Lord’s return. Consider the farmers who patiently wait for the rains in the fall and in the spring. They eagerly look for the valuable harvest to ripen.”(James 5:7, NLT)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I choose to wait expectantly for You. I know that You are working behind the scenes. Grant me the patience to believe that my wait won’t be in vain, and my spiritual dreams and aspiration will come to pass. I put my total trust and hope in You, knowing that You have good things in store for my future. God, as I wait for Your second coming, teach me to help others to be ready also, in Christ’s name! Amen.

It’s Time To Change Your Focus

Recently it’s been hard to get motivated and to stay focused. We all have those days when we don’t feel very enthusiastic. Maybe you don’t feel like you have any reason to be excited about your life. Today is the day to change your focus! It’s time to set your mind on things above. 

Often, we settle for what we see in the natural – the earthly realm, but God has so much more for us in the supernatural realm. Whatever we choose to focus on is what we will see manifested in our lives. We need to daily set our focus on the goodness of God and keep hope alive.  

Today, don’t give up on your dreams, feed your dreams. That means instead of dragging around finding every reason you can to be unhappy, your attitude should be: “I am not going to live my life defeated and depressed. I may have some obstacles in my path, but I know I have victory. I know God has great things in store for me, so I’m going to get up each day, starting today, anticipating the good things He has in store for me!” 

“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2, NIV) 

Let’s Pray Yahweh, I want to set my mind on You. I know that Your dream for me is so much bigger than my own. God, please help me be more spiritually motivated. Draw me close to You as I daily set my focus on You. Father, I bless You today and always. In Christ’s Name! Amen.

Everything Remains The Same

Renewal, Of People Of God - Knowing Jesus

Wow! We’ve reached the second day of the second month of this new year. That was quick! It’s possible that, for many of us, this year may already be “the same old same old” as many years before with promises of new beginnings dashed, resolutions faltered, and hopes receded. 

I have learned that newness does not come with a New Year; nor does it age by the last day of an old year. Newness and change can happen every day through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who makes all things new. Hallelujah!

In scripture Ruth did not look for anything new or exciting at the end of the year; she embraced God’s kindness and integrity daily, and she immersed herself in living out her days with her God. The ancient, living Word of God kept her young and refreshed till the day she died. Esther too didn’t wait till the New Year when a change was needed, she made it and she was done with anxiety and the evil of Haman’s persecution. She found out that victory is gained by doing God’s will in her life daily. 

Today, wisdom invites us to eat what refreshes and keeps us ever new daily which is God’s word. Folly waits till the end of a year for new things to happen, which only embitters and binds us to perpetual old age. Take, eat, and drink of God’s wisdom every second, every minute, every hour, and every day and be ever new in Jesus! In so doing you will not have any regrets and life will never be “the same old, same old” 

Praise the Lord, my soul . . . who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles. — Psalm 103:1, 5 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, I praise and magnify you, for your limitless grace which comes to me daily. Father, I bless your name for providing for me and all the good things you continuously do for me. God, thank you for your love. In Christ, Amen.

Wait Until Harvest

Season = Ploughing, Planting, Watering and Harvest

Digging up weeds is one of my least favourite activities. But I know that weeds can kill, overtake and ruin my garden, and I want my garden to thrive. So, I cultivate my young plants and pick and pull weeds trying not to pull or disturb the plant. Because even though I try to be careful, I sometimes pull up plants along with the weeds. At these times, I remember keenly the wisdom of the gardener in Jesus’ parable. “Wait until harvest” 

However, there are some critical differences, between weeds in my garden and the weeds in Jesus’ parable in Matthew. Those weeds were deliberately and liberally sown by the enemy. And the weeds looked like the young wheat plants and the roots of the wheat and weed plants were tightly intertwined before the act of sabotage was detected. So, weeding would have destroyed the good with the bad. Not weeding made good sense in that scenario. Hence the advice to “wait until harvest” 

Today, the parable of the wheat and tares (wheat and weeds) in the book of Matthew reveals God’s wisdom and mercy toward us. Our enemy, the devil, is actively working overtime sowing weeds among the good seeds and plants in God’s Garden. We may wonder why God does not weed out wicked and evil from this world, but we can be thankful that he is most intent on preserving His people and allowing for life’ changes instead of destroying us once evil is present… Christ says He’ll “wait until the harvest.” 

While you are pulling the weeds, you may uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest. (Matthew 13:29-30) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I praise you for your wisdom, mercy, and patience with me. Father, please protect me from evil and preserve me, together with all my friends and family, until the day of harvest. When We will live with you forever In Christ’ name, Amen. 

Not The Time For Fading Light

During autumn in the UK, the dwindling of harvest becomes noticeable as winter kicks in, and the leaves on plants, trees, and bushes begin to brown and fall. The days grow shorter, and darkness comes earlier. The race against time to bring in a harvest of fruits and vegetables seems to be coming to an end. 

Thinking about fading light brings to mind Jesus who urges His disciples to walk while they still have the light, Jesus Himself.  Jesus spoke these words, knowing His upcoming death on the cross was just around the corner. And that event would become the one most single-handed attempt to snuff out the His light. 

Today, people who follow Jesus need to be aware. Jesus, the Light of the world, has come to overcome darkness by paying for our sin by His death giving us victory. Hallelujah! But sin, the currency of the wickedness of this world, and the banker the devil persistently continues their efforts to snuff out the Light. Apathy and complacency conspire within and around us to diminish the Light like the short days of winter. When we lose our awareness of Christ power darkness moves in. If your light is dwindling, what are you doing about it? It’s time to make the most of every opportunity to let the light of Christ flood your soul again.  

Jesus told them, “You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before the darkness overtakes you.” — John 12:35 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for being my consistent Light inspiring me to follow you faithfully. Yahshua, shine in me and through my words and actions so that I can be an overcomer and my harvest for souls increase. In Christ name. Amen. 


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