Mom This Is How Godinterest, The Christian Social Network Works

Godinterest  is an online photo-driven Christian social networking tool in which users re-post  images  of whats happening on the web and in their lives along with links to things they think are simply #Godinteresting, funny, or useful to their followers (“following” being essentially what “friending” is on other sites). People use #Godinterest  in many ways, some as a newsfeed by following prominent people or networks, some as a pseudo-chatroom by limiting their followers and whom they follow to close friends and family, and some as a microblog for updating people about the work they are doing and their personal lives using photos.


Godinterest  users choose who they do and do not follow. They have total control of what news they receive on their ‘following’ page. When I refer to your “homepage”, I’m referring to the feed that you see when signed into Godinterest  containing your and your followers posts. This is different from your personal Godinterest  page ( which contains all of your posts  including your replies to other users. You can have an unlimited amount of followers, but only follow a select few people if you want, making it easy to stay in touch with the people you care to stay in touch with.


Anyone that follows @you will see your posts  on their homepage.    By putting another person’s @username at the start of a statement, it will  show up in  their notifications.


Direct Messages are private messengers  (to other Godinterest  users / the general public) that are exchanged between two users that follow each other. You cannot direct message someone that does not follow you and vice versa. Direct messages are the only private way to converse on Godinterest. “DM’s” are basically like emails. They are unsearchable on Godinterest.


Hashtags # are a way to label posts  so that other users can see posts  on the same topic. Hashtags contain no spaces or punctuation and begin with a “#” symbol.

Godinterest  users create trending topics by using hash tags. For instance, a user might create a hashtag as a fun way to start a conversation like #God #Bless #Christian #ChristianSocialNetwork
Lastly, hashtags are used to punctuate statements or jokes on Godinterest. Some Godinterest  users make sentence-long hashtags for comic effect.

Check out some of the most touching images posted to Godinterest today.

….#Christmas Angels By David Brandt Berg For the Christian, every day can be Christmas! #Jesus showers His love down on us every day of the year. But sad to say, it’s not that way for so many poor folk…


…“I’ve Got Some Scars, But I’m Still Alive.” | The Prude Girl’s Blog

…The Destiny of the Unevangelized: Universal Opportunity | #Liberty Community Online


Visit Us

Godinterest Community Fellowship is dedicated to proclaiming Christ and set apart to save and empower lives. Sign-up to receive inspiration to draw closer to God each day.

Our Location: The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London, W1H 5JE

Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

Godinterest is sponsored by Jamaica Homes

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5 Replies to “Mom This Is How Godinterest, The Christian Social Network Works”

  1. Merry Christmas my friend and a happy new year to you and your family.

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