Mental Illness: Are they falling into darkness?

Let’s face it, mental illness is part of a lot of people’s everyday lives. They do their best to cope with it, either at work or at home. But one thing is for sure, it is far from being easy. I’ve been there! It’s not a question of lacking faith, or laziness or whether you come from a poor or rich family. Mental illness touches everyone. And it can come when you least expect it.

It doesn’t mean you did something to deserve it, or that you are weak. It simply means, you are human and in today’s world, having to deal with all the negative that surrounds us, all the bills to pay, all the pressure, the lack of money, not knowing if you’ll ever get out of debt or finally become healthy. It can become very hard for anyone to deal with all of that and sometimes, you just fall into that hole. You know the dark place that no one really wants to talk about!

For some it’s a question of weakness and talking about it is out of the question.

For others, it is a very taboo subject. They feel incredibly ashamed of themselves and they surely do not want to be judge or even worse, for someone to preach to them in a condescending way.

You know when you are having a hard time, you battle the enemy as hard as you possibly can, you pray, you kneel down and just beg Him to take everything because you just can’t anymore, and then that “friend” who has it easier than you, tells you that you need to be patient and all will be fine…

Right then and there, there’s an explosion in your head and you want to scream!!!

That dear friend doesn’t really know what else to tell you, understandably!   It’s not easy for them either.   But you know it’s making things worse, not better.

Those little tiny things can make you go down even more. You then hear more and more voices in your head, telling you to do this or that. You have difficulty hearing God’s voice, and it sadly seems to be getting a lot more difficult to hear Him. And the enemy is there, always, waiting for the right moment to attack!

That story is about your friend. It’s about mine too. It can also be my story or yours. But this story is repeated millions of times by people just like me and you, all around the world.

It’s not easy trying to confront human misery. It’s even harder when that misery is close to you or part of you. Holding on and asking others to pray for you when you don’t have the energy or the will to do so, will allow God to intervene. Do not throw the towel! Rather, hold on to it as if it were a lifeboat on its way to calmer waters.

You can overcome the darkness. It’s not easy. In fact, it’s extremely hard. And sadly, not all people will overcome it, but many will and they will come out stronger and victorious on the other side. In the meantime, I suggest we should stop with the smart remarks, the judgmental smirk or that “eye rolling” when we see our friend is still struggling even if it’s been a while and even if we were able to get through our hard times really fast! The worst thing we can do when somebody is struggling, is to tell them how our life is just so great by saying that we got our new boat, we sold our car in less than a day, we got a buyer for our house, we are going on our fifth vacation this year and we won the lottery…while our friend is struggling in all aspects of her or his life! Come on….we’ve all done it! We have all at one point or another, been careless and damage was done!

We need to be careful and just watch our tongue. Not all things are worth saying. Jesus tells us we need to think twice before we speak. Instead, we just might give our friend a hug, a gentle touch, a smile and tell them we can pray with them. If they want to talk, listen or respect if they do not.

Pray, pray and pray for them. Pray for that person to beat the enemy’s schemes. Pray for God to intervene and fast. Pray they get clarity of mind. Pray for the hope of a better life. Pray for joy. They sure need it.

Mental health is not always about the others. It involves you and me. It can be about you and me. The struggles are part of the story and if we take time to listen to the nonspoken words, if we listen with our heart and not always our brain, we can be inspired by those beautiful people, by their pain, by their struggles and wonderful victories, big or small. We have a lot to gain by loving people with the same love, God loves us with!


Fighting to Be a Father

Fighting to Be a Father

I could have been like many fathers and not fought to stay close to my children after a terrible divorce, but I refused to let go of the relationship that I had with my three children. After my wife and I separated, over a year before our divorce, she moved 265 miles away, her desire was to kill the relationship that I had with our children and to be close to her family. It was the worst years of my life but it would give way to one of the greatest miracles that I have ever witnessed.

Going the Extra Miles

The relationship that I had with our three children was strained to say the least after the separation. Every phone call to the children was monitored by my ex-wife or her boyfriend and sometimes both. Every visitation was accompanied by a two to three-hour fight with my ex-wife just to be able to get my children for a weekend once every three weeks. I had no rights; no privileges and I was not allowed to have the children for holidays except New Years. I was not allowed spring breaks and I had one week in the summer with the children. I paid my child support as deemed by the court. My ex-wife even went so far as to tell the children, “I wish your father would just go away and leave us alone.” Traveling to another city and staying in a motel for a weekend visitation was miserable, to say the least. My financial situation was not good but still, I spent almost two weeks pay on a given visitation weekend to be with my children.

I took my wife to court to get my visitation rights upheld but to no avail. It was then my attorney told me to go for custody of the children. I could not prove my wife an unfit mother and I could not prove that I was a better parent to raise our children. The process proved to be time-consuming, monetarily costly and agitating but I believe God had a hand in that as well as the big picture of what was to happen.

Before the Mercy Seat

I prayed night and day and I spent most of my nights on my face before God, asking Him for mercy in the matter of this custody battle. Three things worked in my favor; one, that I believe in prayer, two that I kept impeccable records of phone calls, visitations and anything that I thought would be of interest to my attorney and the judge, and three, that I was relentless in staying in contact with the children by phone calls and visitations.

Do to Others, As You Would Have Them Do to You

In less than two years, God created a miracle that seemed impossible to my family, my church family and most of my friends, I was given custody of my children by my ex-wife, not the court system. Most honorably after this took place, I gave my ex-wife all the rights and privileges that I wanted when she had the children and I kept my part of the bargain until the children graduated from High School, even meeting her halfway to where she lived so the trips would be more bearable.

I only wish I could describe the miracle process in length, but that would belabor this article.

Don’t Lose Hope

I, like the writer of the original article; “Where Have All the Fathers Gone“, have heard my share of stories of fathers that just gave up. What a sad situation to allow another person to sever the bond between a child and its father.

Where Have All the Fathers Gone?

As soon as Rhys heard the front door open, he jumped up and began shouting for joy, “Mom Daddy’s home, Daddy’s home!”. His heartbeat racing and his brown eyes shining excitedly, anticipating playtime with Daddy. A wide grin spread across Rhys’s face as Daddy acted like a big bear. Daddy quickly dropping down onto one knee so that he’d be at his son’s height to horse around the living room. Sadly this scene is becoming a rear sight to see.

Today let’s talk about the invisible dads, the ones who don’t marry Mummy, don’t support their kids and don’t hang around for the hugs, kisses and nappy changes. There are millions of them around the world, and their numbers are growing.

“Today, more than one in four births is to an unmarried mother, and more than one in 10 births is to a teenager. These numbers portend a future of fragile families. Once considered primarily a racial problem, fatherless homes have increased across a wide range of demographics over the last ten years.”

How have we come to the point where a child with two parents is the exception rather than the norm? It is time that we put the issue of fatherless families front and center on our national agenda.

So who’s the real problem here? And why should we care?

It is time to shift our attention to the issue of male responsibility, and to the indispensable role that fathers play in our society.

Firstly, it would be an oversimplification to assume that two parents are always better than one as there are many courageous and loving single moms and daddy’s who are able to balance the competing demands on their time and attention, to care and provide for their children alone.

However, contrary to the sentiments of our culture and though our society is only beginning to recognize it, the presence of fathers within the home is vital to the moral integrity of a society. The short-term effects are already far too evident as statistics  reveal that the loss of fathers is reverberating throughout the world in the form of social pathologies ranging from teen pregnancy to drug abuse.

Fatherless children are  five times more likely to be poor and twice as likely to drop out of school as children who live with both parents.

Boys, without proper male role models, look to other sources for the male bonding they need. In the inner cities that often entails gangs while in the suburbs it tends to be online.

“According to the latest statistics, the increase in the proportion of single-parent families accounted for about half of the overall increase in child poverty from 1979 through to 1987.”

The Scriptures warn us about the power of fatherhood, as well as the long-lasting impact that fatherhood has on us all. Exodus 20:4-6.” Fatherlessness is the most harmful demographic trend of this generation

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree

“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” could be both about habits/behavior and also looks. Have you ever thought about that? Do you often find yourself reacting to a situation the way your father did? or scarier yet…do you ever see your mannerisms in your son? The footprint of a father leaves a permanent mark on the soul of a child.

Fatherhood is under assault

We hear a lot about the war on women…but it is the war on Dads that is causing the greatest damage in the world today. It’s not hard to find. If you watch any popular sitcom on television today, you’ll likely notice that fathers are typically portrayed as childish, irresponsible, lazy, incompetent and stupid.

The doofus dad stereotype isn’t new. There’s Fred Flinstone, and even Charlie Brown’s monotone parents. But according to Tierny, the consistency of these new portrayals has slowly created a new norm opposed to what being a father used to mean.

Dads make a difference. Dads can be heroes – if only we give them the chance. We remain optimistic that family still has more influence than media.

We all need another hero

Fathers are representatives of God on earth; as our heavenly father is the giver of life so also are the earthly father’s givers of life.  Malachi 4:6 says “And he will turn, the hearts of the fathers to the children, And the hearts of the children to their fathers, Lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”

God understands the importance of a father’s love and cares towards their children and He has set the standard by being the first example of a loving father.

“The SARRI report quotes research which  found that “the presence of a father can  contribute to cognitive development,  intellectual functioning, and school  achievement. Children growing up  without fathers are more likely to experience emotional disturbances and  depression.”

“Girls who grow up with  their fathers are more likely to have  higher self-esteem, lower levels of risky  sexual behaviour, and fewer difficulties  in forming and maintaining romantic  relationships later in life. They have less  likelihood of having an early pregnancy,  bearing children outside marriage,  marrying early, or getting divorced.”

A father’s touch

The first thing, therefore, that a father can do for his children is to love their mother. Another part of a father’s task is that of a protector for his family. But, Daddy also has another task in the home, which is to combine tenderness with strength, and to model the combination so consistently that the children regard the combination as natural.

Our kids must come to know naturally both that dad’s standards protect them, and that his love makes them strong.

Where have all the fathers gone?

Our courts do not value fatherhood as much as motherhood. In 2015 it is still the case that mothers and fathers do not have equal rights

And herein lies the problem. Our expectation of the role a separated father should play in his children’s lives is so low, that when half of dads who win “access” to their kids can’t even sleep under the same roof as their offspring, academics declare this to be an overwhelming success. One of the fruits of the feminist movement many claim is the idea that a woman is more responsible as a parent than the father is.

“He is not my Dad…he is just someone you sleep with!” How many mothers have felt the sting of those words? That is why God hates divorce. We should too.

Our culture has put asunder things which God has joined together—things such as tenderness and strength. It is the job of the father to put them back together again.

Fatherhood, like Motherhood has is its own rewards – as most dads have found. Sadly, for the others, the invisible ones, it is a gift foolishly squandered.

How to Deal with Chronic Fear and Anxiety

How to Deal with Chronic Fear and Anxiety

Fear is something that we will all experience in our lives, but fear is actually an emotion that we can control.

Fear is an emotion that brings on a reaction of fight or flight. Fear can manifests itself in all areas of our lives. When fear comes, we generally choose one of two pathways; we either stand and battle out whatever is causing the fear, or we run away from the fearful situation. Fear is the most powerful weapon that the enemy can use against us. Living in fear can absolutely can kill, steal, and destroy. Isn’t this the scheme of Satan?

As I am watching the latest on the school shooting here in my home state of Florida, many thoughts are running through my mind. I wonder how many parents are thinking they need to homeschool their children.

I wonder how my daughter and son would react in the same situation if it happened in their schools. Would they give in to fear, would they be able to react in time and overcome their fear to survive? How many teachers are thinking they need to resign?

Last night one of the schools in a nearby small town cancelled school today because of a potential threat. This morning, I watched my kids walk out the door for school, and worry did run through my mind, but I also know that I cannot give into fear. I lived in fear for many years of my life as a result of an abusive childhood.

It took a long time for me to learn how to control my fear but once I did my life changed dramatically. First, I had to accept that there are some things in life that I am not going to be able to control. I have to live my life, and stop merely existing. Fear can paralyze even the strongest of person, and the grip is so tight it’s almost impossible to get out of its hold. Fear would give me overwhelming anxiety and take over all of my senses. Understand that fear is a product of the evil in this world and that evil uses fear to control. Once you allowed fear to enter into your mind you are already suffering.

There are a lot of things going on in the world right now and we can choose to be afraid, to send our kids to school and or we can teach them to speak up when they see questionable Snapchats, texts, or whatever.

We can equip our children to live in their generation without being afraid. Our kids will emulate our actions and reactions so we need to learn how to deal with fear first and foremost.

One of the ways that I battle fear is to control my mind and it’s thought processes. Satan can do a lot of things but he cannot control your thoughts. The mind can occupy just one single thought at a time.

So, in order to keep fear at bay, I have learned the key point to getting out of the emotion of fear is to stay positive. I have learned to make positive statements to myself almost repetitively. I have found that when I think on the positive aspects of my life or the positive things around me, my conscious mind eventually accepts my subconscious mind. I have learned to make positive statements to myself almost repetitively. I have found that when I think on the positive aspects of my life or the positive things around me, my conscious mind eventually accepts my subconscious mind.

One other thing I hold on to keep me calm is reading my favorite passages in the Bible. The Bible holds a wealth of comforting words to keep me calm and serein, so, often I go to the Bible to read passages that hold fearful situations back.

Fear is the opposite of faith, and as long as I have God in my life I trust in His plan for me and my family. The Bible says, “For God has not given us a spirit of fear”¦” (2 Timothy 1: 7a NKJV) Because I know that fear is not of God, I choose to not let fear control me. Satan would have me to doubt and fear, God would have me to trust Him and live a happy fulfilled life despite what terrible things happen to me and around me. God didn’t give us the Spirit of fear. We can’t control what is going on in the world, but we can control our emotions and how we allow fear to play a part in our lives.


Why Is the Relationship between a Father and His Daughter So Special?

Why Is the Relation between a Father and His Daughter So Special?

On the first day of their marriage, wife and husband agreed not to open the door for any visitor! That same day, the husband’s parents came to see them and knocked on the door. Husband and the wife looked at each other. The husband wanted to open the door, but since they had an agreement, he did not, so his parents left. After a while, the same day, the wife’s parents came visiting. Wife and husband looked at each other, and even though they had an agreement, the wife with tears on her eyes whispered and said “I can’t do this to my parents”, and she opened the door! Husband did not say anything. Years passed and they had 2 boys. Afterwards, they had a third child which was a girl. The father planned a very big and lavish party for the newborn baby girl, and he invited everyone over. Later that night, his wife asked him what was the reason for such a big celebration for this baby, while we did not do so for the boys!

The Husband simply replied, “because she is the one who will open the door for me!”

One of the most beautiful things in this world is – A Father-Daughter relationship.

We now live in a culture where Dad is an equal partner in caregiving. From day one, dads are encouraged to be hands-on, changing diapers, giving baths, putting Baby to sleep and calming her cries. That presence and effort is the beginning of a very important relationship.

Daughters are so special.  However,  a daughter needs a dad to be the standard against which she will judge all men.  It is also the reason why fathers are very influential in their daughter’s lives, especially when it comes to self-esteem and decision making.  A father may  hold his daughter’s hand for a short while, but she holds his heart forever.  Their inside jokes and understanding for each other make them absolutely adorable.

“How Dad approaches life will serve as an example for his daughter to build off of in her own life, even if she chooses a different view of the world,” says Michael Austin, associate professor of philosophy at Eastern Kentucky University and editor of Fatherhood — Philosophy for Everyone: The Dao of Daddy.

Let your heart be captivated as you go through these cute and short  father daughter quotes.

  1. He is the first man she looks up to and he totally brings out the best in her.  — Unknown
  2. There is this girl who stole my heart and she calls me Daddy.  — Unknown
  3. Dear Daddy, no matter where I go in life, you’ll always be my number one man.  — Unknown
  4. Fathers, be your daughter’s 1st love and she’ll never settle for anything less.  — Unknown
  5. Husbands, love your wives well, your children are noticing how you treat her.  — Unknown
  6. Some people don’t believe in heroes but they haven’t met my dad.  — Unknown
  7. The greatest thing a father can do for his daughter is to love her mother.  — Unknown
  8. As a daughter of the king of kings, your purpose is not to turn heads but to turn hearts toward our Heavenly Father.  — Unknown
  9. He gives her the confidence to do things on her own and become independent.
  10. It is admirable for a man to take his son fishing, but there is a special place in heaven for the father who takes his daughter shopping. —John Sinor
  11. Behind every great daughter is a truly amazing dad.  — Unknown
  12. When it comes to careers, a father is the first person every daughter goes to for proper guidance and advice.  — Unknown
  13. A real man treats his lady the same way he wants another man to treat his daughter.  — Unknown
  14. I’m so glad when daddy comes home, I would hug him and give him a great big kiss.  — Unknown
  15. Guns don’t kill people”¦ dads with pretty daughters do.  — Unknown
  16. I am the daughter of a King who is not moved by the world for my God is with me.  — Unknown
  17. You are a daughter of an Almighty God, you are a princess destined to become a queen.  — Unknown
  18. No matter when a girl finds her Prince Charming, her father always remains the king of her life.  — Unknown
  19. A father opens doors for his daughter pulls her seat out and treats her with the utmost respect.  He sets a daughter’s expectations on how a man should treat a lady and that she should not settle for anything less.  — Unknown
  20. DAD – A son’s first hero. A Daughters first love.  — Unknown
  21. Fathers give the best piggyback rides. They are ready to do anything that makes their daughter smile.  — Unknown
  22. He dreams for you and takes pride even in your smallest achievements.  — Unknown
  23. He makes you feel like the most important person, most beautiful girl and the most capable person on earth.  — Unknown

Are you inspired by these cute and short father daughter quotes?

It’s ‘DAUGHTER’S WEEK’, and if you are a daughter or have a daughter who makes life worth living, by just being around – and you love her as much as your own breath. if you are proud of your daughter or being a daughter, send this to other people who have daughters or who are daughters. Daughters are angels!

What Is Family Worship and Why Is It Important?

What Is Family Worship and Why Is It Important?

If ever there was a time when every house should be a house of prayer, it is now. Infidelity and skepticism prevail. Iniquity abounds. Corruption flows in the vital currents of the soul, and rebellion against God breaks out in the life.

“Family worship, sometimes simply family prayer, is prayer, bible reading, and singing of psalms and hymns conducted in private homes.”

Family Worship—Vital for Survival!

Enslaved by sin, the moral powers are under the tyranny of Satan. The soul is made the sport of his temptation; and unless some mighty arm is stretched out to rescue him, the man goes where the arch-rebel leads the way. And yet in this time of fearful peril, some who profess to be Christians have no family prayer.

“Many Christian families have never experienced the joys and benefits of family worship. But as Donald S. Whitney makes clear, the daily worship of God by families at home is a practice rooted in the Bible and common throughout Christian history.”

Family worship glorifies and honors God, it centers the Home, encourages Christian character and binds the Family members together. Family worship also provides common knowledge, trains Children for corporate worship, reinforces Spiritual Headship and  provides systematic discipleship.

The Importance of Having a Time for Family Worship

The idea that prayer is not essential is one of Satan’s most successful devices to ruin souls. His target is to separate the children from the parents. He always tries to trap the mind of the children. Every Christian parent should convene the family worship to protect his or her children from the peril.

Prayer is communion with God, the fountain of wisdom, the source of strength and peace and happiness. Jesus prayed to the Father “with strong crying and tears.”  “Pray one for another,” James says; “the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”

Be Consistent

By consistent sincere, earnest prayer parents should make a hedge about their children. They should pray with full faith that God will abide with them, and those holy angels will guard them and their children against Satan’s cruel power. How appropriate it is for parents to gather their children about them before the fast is broken and point them to the heavenly Father, who so liberally gives them the bounties of His providence!

How fitting for them to thank Him for His protection during the night and to ask for His help and grace and the watch care of His angels during the day! How fitting, also, when evening comes, to gather once more before Him and praise Him for the mercies and blessings of the day that is past!

Through Hope, In Faith and By Prayer

I think that sometimes when we don’t see results we can sometimes feel that we are praying in vain. That our prayers are not always heard. It’s a human response to feeling that you are praying your last prayer, due to sheer exhaustion, because of what is happening in your life or the situation you are praying for. I have been told many times to give up and almost as many times I have been told that there is always hope.

I don’t know if I even have the ability to give up hope. I’m not sure it is part of who I am or ever will be. For me to give up hope would be like giving up on my faith, admitting that there is nothing to become, to look forward to nothing to love. Hope is never giving up on what you love, to not believe the impossible can happen when you are surrounded by everything that someone once told you was impossible.

In this life I have had to learn so many difficult lessons and I don’t think that learning and growing will ever end for me. Some of those lessons came easily while others were, each time I went through something, I thought was the hardest thing I ever had to do. Forgiveness took me over 40 years to learn and it was a struggle every time I had to do it but now it comes easier through hope, my faith and a lot of prayers while kicking and screaming all the way.

“If you try and lose then it isn’t your fault. But if you don’t try and we lose, then it’s all your fault.” ’- Orson Scott Card, Ender’s Game

I’ve had to learn to take responsibility for my actions and for my inaction. I had to look at myself, be honest and move forward without answers. Then I think the hardest was having to go back to revisit forgiveness of everyone, everything and myself. I had to see that I wasn’t perfect, people aren’t perfect and situations and decisions have consequences. I learned to be ok with all of that through hope and faith that I could do better and be praying for help and strength.

My oldest son has problems and I don’t know if they will change. I don’t know if he will change. I see the issues, I know the solution and there is nothing I can do to change any of it. All I can do is have hope that there is a piece of the boy I used to know deep inside, have faith that he will be the man he has been raised to be and pray that one day he will feel the love and compassion that God has for him. That what seems impossible is possible because he has been forgiven and anything that is wrong can be made right through hope, in faith, and by prayer.

August 3, 2017 8:17am ~ Heavenly Father, thank you for this beautiful day and the chance to do your will and read your scriptures. Thank you for having the blessing of another day to do your will and worship you.

Today more than ever bless and watch over Ja.G. as he is released form jail entering into evil temptations. May he find his way to you to find peace and salvation. May he find the desire to be forgiven by you Lord Jesus, to desire your blessing of the Holy Spirit.

Give his family the ability to forgive him and to find your love and desire to worship you and receive the blessing of the Holy Spirit.

Bless us as we go through our day. AMEN!

John 5:5-9 ~  One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years.  When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?”    “Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.”    Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.”    At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked.

Be well and get up, always.

Bear Grylls Shares The Heartbreaking Story That Led To His Faith In Jesus Christ

Edward Michael “Bear” Grylls was born 7 June 1974 and is a British adventurer, writer and television presenter from Northern Ireland. He is widely known for his television series Man vs. Wild (2006–2011), originally titled Born Survivor: Bear Grylls in the United Kingdom.

Bear Grylls May Be  known  for His Wild Ways  and Impressive  survival Skills, but There’s a Side to Him That Many Haven’t Seen.

Grylls is also involved in a number of wilderness survival television series in the UK and US and in 2009 was appointed the youngest-ever Chief Scout in the UK at age 35,  but there’s a side to him that many haven’t seen.

Bear Grylls is a born again Christian and if you happen to meet him in person, you’ll quickly learn that he’s unashamed to tell you so.  Whilst Bear  Grylls  doesn’t claim to be a perfect Christian, it was his deepest struggles in life which caused him to give his life to Jesus Christ.

When he was 4-years-old, Grylls’  family shifted to Bembridge village on the easternmost point of the Isle of Wight.  From an early age, the adventurous little tyke  learned to climb and sail with his father, who was a member of the prestigious Royal Yacht Squadron. But his curious ways and tendency to run towards  danger made him a handful.

Grylls said, “I behaved badly at school, perhaps in part because Dad was working very hard, and often late. My mum, as his assistant, worked beside him.  I remember once biting a boy so hard that I drew blood, and then watching as the teachers rang my father to say they didn’t know what to do with me. My father said he knew what to do, and came to the school at once. With a chair placed in the middle of the gym, and all the other children sitting cross-legged on the floor around him, he whacked me until my backside was black and blue.”

Bear  became a Cub Scout at the age of eight, earning a dan black belt in Shotokan Karate when he was eleven. He learned to skydive as a young teen, and also was one of the youngest in the world to scale Mount Everest at the age of 23, but  all the while, he  clung to his Faith in Jesus Christ.

“I had a very natural faith as a kid,” Grylls told Relevant Magazine. “As a really young kid, I never questioned God. I just knew God existed and it felt like He was my friend.”

Young Grylls’ adventurous spirit and wild heart didn’t make it easy on his parents — and he has an endless amount of escape  stories to prove it.  Unfortunately in  high school,  Grylls  came across several ‘believers’ that distorted his view of  Christianity,  and over time, Bear  abandoned his Faith.

“When I got to school it [Christianity] became a lot more religious and I thought, ‘I don’t like this,’” he told CBN. “It was all about church-going and people telling you not to smoke behind the bike shed. I thought, ‘If this is God, maybe I’ve got the whole deal wrong.’ So I kind of ditched my faith.”

With stories like  miraculously surviving  a  sinking mud-pit, and getting dismissed from prep school  for kissing the headmaster’s daughter; Grylls’ teenage years make  even the wildest teenagers appear to be god saints.

Reflecting back on his rebellious ways, Bear said, “I would explore all the forbidden areas of the school and grounds, and I knew I was faster and more agile than any of the security guards. One night, I attempted an ascent of the 120ft-high school library dome. Sir Ranulph Fiennes, a pupil before me, had conquered it by improvising a stepladder. I used the lightning conductor.”

At the age  16, Grylls  lost his godfather who had been like a second father. Overtaken with grief and not knowing where else to turn, Bear found a refuge in God.

“I remember wanting to pray, but not knowing how to,” he recalled to CBN.  Grylls climbed up in a tree and poured his heart out to God. “Will you be that friend to me that you were at five or six when it felt natural?” he asked.

Bear told  Relevant Magazine,  “It was no more complicated than that. And actually the amazing thing is that all God asks is that we sort of open the door and He’ll do the rest.  So often we kinda hide behind our yearning for love and acceptance with loads of complicated theological questions, and actually once that’s stripped away, what we really are is just somebody who wants to have that relationship with your Father.”

With a  renewed spirit and faith in Christ, Grylls  joined the ‘Territorial Army’ (Army Reserve UK) after high school and worked at the Special Air Service unit of the army for three years.  During a SAS skydive in 1996, Grylls survived a horrifying parachuting accident in Zambia. His parachute ripped at 16,000  ft, partially opening, causing him to free-fall and land on his back, but by the grace of God, Bear survived.

On 16 May 1998 just 18 months after his horrific accident,  Grylls achieved his childhood dream of climbing Mount Everest in Nepal and was later recognised in the  ‘Guinness Book of Records’  as the youngest Briton to climb Ama Dablam, a peak described by Sir Edmund Hillary as “unclimbable”.

Bear met his wife, Shara,  after he had finally recovered from his parachute accident.  It was love at first sight.  And from that moment forward, the two wild-hearted adventurers were inseparable.

Grylls  revealed, “I pulled out the ring from my butt cheeks,’ the TV personality explained during an episode of Piers Morgan’s Life Stories with a grin on his face. Despite the bizarre proposal, Shara said ‘Yes’.”

Grylls explained, “We figured that if [marriage] was the most important thing we were ever going to do, we should do everything we could to stop it breaking in the first place.  At our wedding, we asked our guests for their best marriage advice. We got some gems of replies but the best came from a couple who had been married for 50 years. It was also the simplest: ‘Never stop holding hands.’ That’s what Shara and I have always tried to do, both physically and metaphorically.”

But within a year of  their wedding, Grylls’  father – the most inspirational figure in his life – passed away at the  age of 66.

“Losing my dad when we had just got married was a really tough one,” he admitted in an interview with The Telegraph. “Suddenly it was like, ‘Bang! OK. How are we going to pay the electricity bill? How are we going to look after our mothers?’ I felt totally thrown in the deep end. It always felt too early. We had to lean on each other, and that was when our marriage really started.”

Despite all of his accomplishments, Bear Grylls considers his Faith and family his greatest joys.  He explained  that activities don’t have to be “expensive or fancy” — it’s more about spending quality time together. “Togetherness is what it’s all about,” he added.

Bear and Shara have three sons, Jesse, Marmaduke and Huckleberry — the last of whom was born on their Thames River houseboat.

“We’ve been married almost 10 years, and that’s been a great glue to our family, actually. I look back now and I think it’d be really hard without that faith together — that sustained us.”

Grylls’  hosted  eleven successful television shows, authored  several books, and accomplished  dozens of personal goals such as hiking Mount Everest, becoming the youngest Chief Scout ever (at the age of 34-years-old),  wrestling an alligator, and holding  the world record for the “Highest Open-Air Formal Dinner Party” — held in a hot-air balloon at 7,600m.

But despite his many achievements, Bear Grylls remains a humble  family man who honors his wife and trusts in  his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Christianity is not about religion, it’s about faith, about being held, about being forgiven. It’s about finding joy and finding home”¦ I’ve yet to meet anyone who doesn’t want to be forgiven or held or find peace or joy in their life.

“The simple things is what I try to keep my faith like: Jesus is unchanging and we are forgiven”¦  I for one, do not want to reach the end of my life in a perfectly preserved body. I want to come flying in sideways, covered in scars, beaten up and screaming: ‘Yahoo! What a ride!’” – Bear Grylls  



After 21 Years of Marriage, My Wife Wanted Me to Take Another Woman out to Dinner

Wife Asked Hubby to Go on a Date With Another Woman, It Changed His Life Forever

While we all know it’s important to spend time with the ones we love, how often do we go out of our way to make the effort to see them?  This story is heartwarming and tragic in equal measure, but will definitely have you thinking about the quality time you spend with the people closest to you.

After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie.  She said I Love You but I know this other woman loves you too and would love to spend some time with you.

The other woman that my wife wanted me to take out was my MOTHER who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.

That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie.  ‘What’s wrong, are you well,’ she asked?  My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news.  ‘I thought that it would be pleasant to be with you,’  I responded. ‘Just the two of us.’  She thought about it for a moment, and then said,  I would like that very much.’

That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous.  When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she too seemed to be nervous about our date.
She waited in the door with her shawl on.  She had set her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last Wedding Anniversary.
She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an angel’s.  ‘I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they were impressed,’ she said, as she got into the car.  ‘They can’t wait to hear about our date night’.

We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy.  My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady.
After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Large Print; half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting
there staring at me.  A nostalgic smile was on her lips.

‘It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were young,’  She said.

‘Then it’s time that you relax and let me return the favour,’  I responded.

During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation, nothing extra-ordinary, but catching up on recent events of each others life.  We talked so much that we missed the movie.
As we arrived at her house later,  She said, ‘I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.’
I agreed.

‘How was your Dinner Date?’ asked my wife when I got home.  ‘Very Nice. Much more so than I could have imagined,’ I answered.

A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack.  It happened so suddenly that I didn’t have time to do anything for her.  Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined.

An attached note said:

‘I paid this bill in advance.  I wasn’t sure that I could be there;  But nevertheless, I paid for two plates one for you and the other for your wife.
You will never know what that night meant to me.  I Love You, My Son.’

At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time: ‘I LOVE YOU!’ and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than parents, your family and friends.

Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till ‘some other time.’

Pass this story on  to a child, adult, parent,  friend  you care for.

So beautiful! I had tears in my eyes after reading this guest post!  I believe in God, family, truth between people, the power of love.  When we think of our family, our spouse, parents, or children, let us see them as a gift from God.

43 Great Quotes To Inspire You To Be a Better Christian Leader

Anyone who has responsibility for the work of others understands the unique challenges that come with managing people.

Over the years, various thought leaders have come up with pearls of wisdom in the form of quotations that when given some thought, have a lot to teach us.  Sometimes a simple quote is just the thing to lift our spirits, to make us smile or to give us the energy to keep going when we’re feeling low.

Here are 43 such quotes to make us better Christian leaders.

  1. “The Christian leader of the future is called to be completely irrelevant and to stand in this world with nothing to offer but his or her own vulnerable self.” –  Unknown
  2. “In most cases being a good boss means hiring talented people and then getting out of their way.” –  Unknown
  3. “The good news is, God has provided us with a LifeBook to help us – the Bible.” –  Unknown
  4. “Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.” –  John Maxwell
  5. “There’s only two things you can start without a plan: a riot and a family, for everything else you need a plan.” –  Unknown
  6. “Rejection is an opportunity for your selection.” –  Unknown
  7. “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” –  John Maxwell
  8. “Leadership is getting people to work for you when they are not obligated.” –  Fred Price
  9. “Running a project without a work breakdown structure is like going to a strange land without a roadmap” – J Phillips
  10. “You don’t have to hold a position in order to be a leader.” –  Henry Ford”
  11. “Have a good plan, Execute it violently, Do it today” – General Douglas McArthur
  12. “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that is has taken place.” –  Unknown
  13. “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.”  –  Winston Churchill
  14. “A project without a critical path is like a ship without a rudder.” – D. Meyer
  15. “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” – John Quincy Adams
  16. “What’s measured improves.” –  Unknown
  17. “A goal without a plan is just a wish.” –  Antoine de Saint Exupry 1900-1944, French writer and aviator
  18. “If it is not documented, it doesn’t exist. As long as information is retained in someone’s head, it is vulnerable to loss.” –  Unknown
  19. “It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out nor more doubtful of success nor more dangerous to handle than to initiate a new order of things.”  –  Machiavelli 1446-1507, Italian statesman and philosopher
  20.  “No one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra.” –  Unknown
  21. “Luck is for the ill-prepared.” –  Unknown
  22. “Tell me and I’ll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me and I’ll understand.”  –  Chinese Proverb
  23. “Of all the things I’ve done, the most vital is  coordinating the talents  of those who work for us and pointing them towards a certain goal.” –Unknown
  24. “PMs are the most creative pros in the world; we have to figure out everything that could go wrong before it does.” – Fredrik Haren
  25. “Why do so many professionals say they are project managing when what they are actually doing is firefighting?” –Unknown
  26. “The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant.”  –Unknown
  27. “Ensure your documentation is short and sharp and make much more use of people-to-people communication.” –Unknown
  28. “Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.” –  Henry Ford
  29. “Leadership offers an opportunity to make a difference in someone’s life, no matter what the project.” –  Bill Owens
  30. “Leaders must be close enough to relate to others, but far enough ahead to motivate them.” –  John C. Maxwell
  31. “Leaders have two characteristics: first they are going somewhere, and second they are able to persuade other people to go with them.” –  John Maxwell
  32. “The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” – Kenneth Blanchard
  33. “The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.” – Warren Bennis
  34. “The best example of leadership is leadership by example.” –  Jerry McClain
  35. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” –  John Quincy Adams
  36. “The authority by which the Christian leader leads is not power but love, not force but example, not coercion but reasoned persuasion. Leaders have power, but power is safe only in the hands of those who humble themselves to serve.” –  John Stott
  37. “We can be tired, weary and emotionally distraught, but after spending time alone with God, we find that He injects into our bodies energy, power and strength.” –  Charles F. Stanley
  38. “Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” –  Mark 10:45
  39. “We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.” –Unknown
  40. “Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies.” –  Mother Teresa
  41. “The greater your knowledge of the goodness and grace of God on your life, the more likely you are to praise Him in the storm.” –  Matt Chandler
  42. “Continuous effort  – not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking our potential” –  Winston Churchill
  43. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” –  John Piper

If you know a great quote or scripture that will inspire others to lead their churches better, please feel free to share it in the comments below.

Prefab Comeback

Prefab  housing suffers from bad stigma due to the fact that some people saw the prefabs as ugly and characterless, and were afraid they would become slums – hardly the promised housing fit for heroes  following the second World War. However, building homes from pre-made parts can save time and money.  The term prefab or prefabrication often evokes thoughts of poor construction, substandard living conditions and a long-standing “temporary” solution.

Prefab dwellings are making a comeback driven by a lack of affordable housing, a rapidly growing economy and changing demographic trends.  

Methods Methods of Construction (Mmc) Offer Significant Potential to Minimise Construction Costs

The term ‘Modern Methods of Construction‘ refers to a collection of relatively new building construction techniques that aim to offer more advantages over traditional construction methods. Off-site construction (OSC) is a modern method of construction, based on off-site manufacturing of building elements.

With exponentially lower construction costs, quicker construction, reduced  labor costs and having the ability to achieve zero defects, MMC is gaining a lot of attention as the  potential answer to the UK’s housing crisis.

In a valiant attempt to strip away prefabricated housings’ bad rep are MMC with contemporary sleek designs, and constructed to withstand the test of time. MMC housing has the capability to deliver both quality and quantity housing to the tune of ‘ £50,000 per unit.

MMC units hold the promise of being extremely  energy efficient and environmentally sustainable. Many versions of MMC take into account how to utilise natural resources and reduce each unit’s carbon footprint. In addition, MMC also addresses environmental concerns by creating much less waste than a standard brick-and-mortar project. While it is plausible that a traditional build could hire a waste removal company who would have the ability to recycle up to 90 percent of the construction waste; with MMC projects, this will automatically happen.

M-house (pronounced “mouse
M-house (pronounced “mouse”)

There have already been a number of successful examples of MMC housing constructed in various parts of the United Kingdom. The M-house (pronounced “mouse”) is designed and constructed to last an upwards of 100 years. While Architect Alford Hall have created quality MMC apartment buildings proudly showcasing a patio and private entrance for each flat.

Architect Alford Hall
Architect Alford Hall
Compass House by AHMM
Compass House by AHMM

While many of the MMC homes  are still in their early years the upkeep and maintenance will be reduced by 50%  since the OSC  process lowers the risk of non-conformities.

MMC homes are being fabricated and designed to accommodate many different lifestyles, such as, two-story homes, tall six-story apartment buildings, single-family homes and log cabins are all available options for families looking at MMC.

While there is a plethora of design options available all MMC  OSC  projects have a common theme. The internal workings of the homes are fabricated off-site, while only the “outer skin” comes to fruition on-site. To even further streamline the process, it has been suggested that having a “catalog of pre-selected materials increases supplier relationships and makes the design process more streamlined.”

With the small sample available with progressive MMC systems, it is currently reasonable to conclude that using modern methods of construction to build homes can cost more than traditional home building procedures; due to the need for specialised MMC design consultants. However, outside of costs, MMC remains a faster home building method than traditional brick and block house building and is slowly  becoming a relevant front-runner to answer the  UK’s housing shortage.

How to Raise a God Fearing Child?

Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.

It’s every parent desires to raise up their kids in a Godly way and for them to follow and love Christ passionately. It becomes a tragedy when you as a parent does not have any idea on how to. What a hard nut to crack if the children decide to be rebellious and as a parent or guardian you are not rooted in the word of God?

This pushes me to ask this annoying question, “Are you living a life your child would love to emulate?” Live as an example and whatever principles you set he will follow them wholeheartedly.

Proverbs 22:6 says “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Children are a blessing from God and it’s a joy when they are following the footsteps of our Lord Christ Jesus and doing things according to his will. As we were all born sinners, children aren’t an exception and unless you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you in parenting, I tell you this is not for the faint-hearted but I’ll take you through ways on how to help you raise Godly children and for them to learn His attributes.

Pray for wisdom

James 1:5 says “If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”

Praying, reading the word and exercising wisdom as you wait on God unlock many puzzles which the enemy can use to draw your children far away from his love. It doesn’t act like magic but takes the grace of God which will always sustain you. Implementing on what you learn from God’s word is highly recommended.

Protect your children

In this generation we are living in, children are surrounded by perverts, ungodly media and all negative influencers. As a parent, you need to take full responsibility to ensure that your children are protected from all vices. It’s your mandate for the Lord has entrusted them to you.

Control your children

Parents allow too much freedom to their children and it turns out to be very difficult to withdraw that freedom while they are older. You have the right to supervise what they’re watching, sites they log into to protect them from cyberbullying and to avoid technology controlling them. Monitoring whom they spend their time with is advisable. Teach them to walk in the “fear” of God and make them understand that there are boundaries. Be firm but with a lot of love.

Trying to turn children away from their wayward behavior comes with a lot of emotional burdens that takes massive effort to heal.

Have commitment and determination

Amos 3:3 says, “Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?”

It’s obliviously a no! As parents, you need to agree and purpose on how to raise your children in a Godly way and with the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit you’ll definitely emerge victoriously. Determination comes from within and the higher the commitment; awesomeness will be experienced by all.

Bless your children

Speak positively concerning your children. Bless them and speak to their future. The tongue has the power to curse and bless and you may not wish your child to live in resentment for the rest of his life because of the choice of your words.

Proverbs 12:18 says, “The words of the reckless pierce like swords but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Sieve every word that comes out from your mouth. Children can be rebellious at times and no matter how irresponsible they are, thank God for blessing you with that child. Talk to them about how their behaviors are weighing you down and at the same time appreciate them for their best part. Dwelling on the negativity will tear both parties down. Be wise.

Proverbs 23:13-14 says, “Do not withhold discipline from a child; if you punish them with the rod, they will not die. Punish them with the rod and save them from the death.

Children are bound to be rebellious and little spanking is allowed as long as it won’t cause bodily harm. Do it with a lot of love though. Involve your children in daily prayers and set family devotional times.

The Ideal Home Exhibition: Live-in Quarters

The Ideal Home exhibition has not always been the first place to look for cutting edge housing design in recent years. But in 2002 two ground-breaking apartments were demonstrated – the Live-in Quarters concept house and the Space over keyworkers prototype. Over 10,000 visitors to the exhibition registered their interest in gaining further information when construction started, thus proving the enormous demand for high-quality accommodation of this kind.

Live-in Quarters (LQ) is both developer and manufacturer waiting to supply the London market. It has produced a family of concept houses for low-cost accommodation designed to suit single people and key workers. It has been set up specifically to deal with the problems of London and anticipates high rise schemes of six to 12 stories built in a galvanized lightweight steel frame. LQ propose to have their own factory located in East London. LQ customers are seen as those who wish to get on to the first rung on the property ladder, frequently key workers and single people earning less than £30,000 a year. They took a brief from Keep London Working, the result of which was the 26m2 flat exhibited at the Ideal Home Exhibition which provided total privacy and security with individual showers, WC, and kitchens. They also exhibited a two-story unit where the first floor contained an executive 33m2 studio. In addition to the normal options for mortgage purchase, shared equity and rent, they are planning to offer a new form of tenure called equity rent. In simple form, this enables residents to convert their rent into a percentage of the equity depending on the period of time they stay in the property without any risk of negative equity.

Architect: The Design Buro, Levitt Bernstein


As seen on