Getting started with Godinterest Community

Getting started

Let’s walk through the basics.

Create account:   Accounts can be created and accessed by linking Godinterest to  Facebook,  Twitter  or Linkedin profiles.  You can also signup using a valid email address.

To create an account on the web:

  1. Go to  and find the sign up box, or go directly to  
  2. Enter your  full name,  and a  password.
  3. Click  Sign up for Godinterest.
  4. In order to verify your account, we will send you an account activation email message with a link.  Click on this to authorize your account.
  5. Once you’ve clicked  Sign up for Godinterest, you can login, click on your username at the top tight  hand side of the page, scroll down to settings and select a  username  (usernames are unique identifiers on Godinterest) — type your own. We’ll tell you if the username you want is available.
  6. Double-check  your name, password, and username.

Login:  You can then log in using your Facebook, Twitter or Linkedin account, or you can just use your email address.

Posts: It all begins with a Post. Most posts you see on Godinterest links back to the site it came from, so you can learn more.

  1. Click on the the “+” button at the top of the page to upload a image or file, post a link to a website or video or simply start a new topical conversation. Pick an image to upload, and give your “image or video” a name and a good description.
  2. Paste a link (URL) to your photo in the Photo Link box.  A thumbnail of the photo will appear. If for some reason a thumbnail does not appear then you do not have a valid photo link.
  3. Click on the “Upload a photo” link.  Click on “Choose file” and select the photo you want to upload from your computer or mobile device.
  4. Give your photo a “Title”.  It’s always good practice to give your posts a title as it distinguishes it from other posts.
  5. Write a “brief description” about your photo.  This can be added in the last box.
  6. Select a “Category” for your photo from the drop down box.  This will help other users of the site to find your post.

Search: To search for something, click the search bar at the top of any page on Godinterest, enter what you’re looking for and choose from the results. While typing something, you may see suggestions for what you’re looking for. If you see what you’re looking for in these suggestions, click it to save time searching.

Follow members:  Like what you see? Make it a full-time thing. Follow members accounts to see all their Posts. Following people is how you fill up your home feed with good stuff.  Like Twitter, it’s an open network, so follows don’t require permission to follw, and you don’t have to follow anyone back.

Comments and mentions:  You can join conversations on Godinterest by replying to others and by mentioning them in your own Posts. A reply is a response to another person’s Post. When two people are replying to one another, only relevant people, such as those who follow the person who replied and the person in the conversation, will see the reply  in there Notifications tab..

How to post a comment:

  1. Find the Post you want to reply to.
  2. Type in your message and click or tap  Reply  to post it.

Mention overview:

  • A mention is a Post that contains another person’s @username anywhere in the body of the Post. We collect these messages, as well as all of your replies, in your Notifications tab. If you include multiple @usernames in your Post, all of those people will see your Post in their Notifications tab.
  • Visiting another account’s profile page on Godinterest will not display Posts that mention them. However, you can search Godinterest for Posts mentioning their @username.

How to post a mention:

  1. Type your message in the Post compose box.
  2. Type the “@” symbol before the username(s) when addressing a particular account(s).
  3. Example: “I’m Posting on @Gointerest!”
  4. Click or Publish to post.

Categories: Explore Godinterest using the categiories menu or search box at the top of the page  to search for members or discover more beautiful, interesting, and inspiring posts.  Get inspiration from our category feeds, like Bible or Christianity.

Like and Comments: Like or Comment on photos or videos that strike your fancy.

Feed: Your home feed is just for you. When you first log in to Godinterest, you’ll see your home feed empty. Once you follow people your homepage becomes a collection of Posts from the people you follow including your own.  You’ll find lots of new ideas from your home feed, or by browsing through categories or doing searches.

Hashtag:  Wondering what everyone’s talking about? Click on a hashtag and find out. Hashtags connect Posts that talk about the same thing in one place. Find more tips in our  Using hashtags on Godinterest article.

  1. If you post with a hashtag anyone who does a search for that hashtag may find your post
  2. Don’t #spam #with #hashtags. Don’t over-tag a single post. (we  recommend using no more than 2 hashtags per post.)
  3. Use hashtags only on posts relevant to the topic.

What are @, # ?
Confused by our lingo? Don’t worry, check out the Godinterest  glossary  and become a pro in just minutes.

Direct Messages:  DYou can use Direct Messages to have private conversations with people  about Posts and other content. You can start a private conversation with anyone who follows you. Anyone you do not follow can send you a Direct Message if:

  1. You have opted in to receive Direct Messages from anyone or;
  2. You have previously sent that person a Direct Message.
  3. Anyone in a conversation can send Direct Messages to the group. Everyone in a group can see all messages, even if everyone doesn’t follow each other.
  4. In group conversations, anyone in the conversation can add other participants. Newly added participants won’t see the prior history of the conversation.

To send a Direct Message

  1. Tap the  the profile  icon at the top of the page. You’ll be directed to your messages.
  2. Tap the  message  icon, scroll down and select private messages to create a new message.
  3. In the address box, enter the name or @username(s) of the person you wish to send a message to.
  4. Tap  Send.

Who reads my updates?  

Your followers read your Posts. Anyone who runs a search for a keyword in your Post may be able to see that message. Your Posts are public by default.

Blocked accounts:  If your account is blocked you won’t be able to like images, add tags to images or follow more users. You will still be able to log in and browse images on the site. Your account may be blocked due to:

  1. nudity / pornography content
  2. discriminative, xenophobic or racist content
  3. sensitive, disgusting or upsetting content
  4. spam / scam
  5. child abuse
  6. tag abuse
  7. fake profile
  8. posting in the wrong categories
  9. trolling



Godinterest Is Christian Pinterest

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Wishing that your Pinterest was just a little more Christian?

Well, Godinterest is now here to fill that need, with a very dramatic promo video and a family-family friendly social media platform based on Christian values.

The site was developed by Dean Jones, a 35-year-old project manager from London who said in a press release, “The popular photo-sharing Web site Pinterest  is known for allowing its users to post a wide range of content. However, we are mindful of the values that we as Christian’s are bound by. Godinterest will enable our users to share within an Christian Social Network.“

If you’re interested, Jones has a disclaimer to share. He wrote, “Godinterest Christian Social Network is a fun way to put all of your favorite Godinteresting in one spot, but be aware, it is very addictive!”

Read more here!

You’re Possessed, Now What?

You're Possessed, Now What?

“When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’

“And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order.

“Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.” Luke 11:24-26

Demonic spirits are constant – their existence does not change just because the times we live in have changed. While many Christians may believe that demonic possession is not possible for them and may not even be a reality for others anymore, the forces of darkness still continue with their rampage through the earth to take as many souls as they can before Jesus comes again. Instead of burying our heads in the sand, we should arm ourselves with GOD’S Word and remain vigilant because our LORD is fast approaching.

In warfare, it is advisable that each side learns as much as they can about each other. Many a time a spy will be sent to learn secrets that could have one gain advantage over their enemy. With the gleaned information, they can launch an attack that will either defeat their opponent or at least temporarily put them out of action. Based on Scripture, we know that, as Believers, we are in open warfare against “… principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Eph 6:12). Some Christians may say that this Scripture is not as relevant today as back then, but they would be in error. In Matthew 24:3-28, Jesus speaks of the Last Days. He tells us that wickedness will increase upon the earth in various ways, whether it will be a lack of love, false prophets etc. 2 Timothy 3:1-7 also describes these Last Days, how the condition of man will be and what to watch out for. What is behind this wickedness? Do you think that it is just man taking greater liberties in deciding what is right and wrong and even blurring those lines? Perhaps this Scripture will give you an idea: “We know that we are of GOD, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one” (1 John 5:19). Did you catch that last part of the sentence? The world is under the influence of the wicked one, the wicked one is Satan.

Seeing as how the world is being influenced by Satan, how is he doing it? Fallen angels, beloved, demon spirits. Their handiwork is open to your viewing pleasure, just check out the latest movies, the decrease in morals, the increase of hatred (especially towards Christians), popular music and their artists… they are everywhere! Still in doubt? Just go to Youtube and check out what is going on- people are constantly posting about the influence of these fallen angels. Some may not be credible, but I assure you that there are many truthful videos available. Make sure to pray about what you are watching, you wouldn’t want to be deceived into believing the wrong things now would you?

These demons are affecting the world through people. Demonic possession does not always mean that you’re going to levitate in the air, change your voice, become supernaturally strong etc. It just depends on the situation really. These demons are intelligent- they have been around far longer than you have (obviously), and they have been studying mankind all of this time. They have been essentially monitoring you-possessed or not. Being possessed is different with all people because each person is different. It still all boils down to the same thing really, but the circumstances are always individually influenced. Some people do not realize that they are possessed, they may feel something odd about themselves, but other than that they just don’t know.

There are demons for everything! Lust, hate, addiction, covetous, idolatry, adultery, murder, destruction, witchcraft, unbelief, death- you come up with the rest. Not only are there demons for everything (of an evil nature), but through these demons, you can receive counterfeit gifts. You know about the gifts of the Holy Spirit, right? Prophecy, healing, wisdom… read 1 Corinthians 12 to find out what the others are (by the way, each Believer has a gift/s, it’s a matter of prayerfully finding out what they are). The dark kingdom also has their version of these gifts, thus counterfeit gifts. Remember when Paul and the other disciples had that one girl following them around and proclaiming them as servants of God (Acts 16:17)? The Scriptures tell us that she had a spirit of divination and earned her masters a living by fortune telling. This would be a counterfeit gift of prophecy. Well, Paul became quite annoyed with her and eventually commanded the spirit to come out. Boy, were her masters mad!

The counterfeit gift of tongues is often mistaken for the true one in many churches. Instead of communing with GOD, they are uttering curses down on the church. It’s sad really, this kind of atrocity can be prevented if only people adhered to John’s words in 1 John 4:1-3 and Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 14:27.

Let’s tackle a more taboo subject among Christians: demon possession of a Believer. You might say: Oh come on now, Steph, that’s not possible! When we accepted Jesus, those evil spirits had to go! Okay then, perhaps they did, but did you close your doorways? Doorways are the openings that you give the demons to dwell within you in the first place. Some doorways are through your own sin, some come about through dreams, others through traumatic events (eg rape, molestation etc) and others are hereditary.

Okay, you’re born again now. You have been freed from bondage to sin and the works of the devil. Perhaps for a few weeks, everything is okay, but suddenly all hell breaks loose. What could have happened? Read Luke 11:24-26 again. That demon/ s that were cast out of you, they roamed about, looking for somewhere to dwell. Well, they couldn’t find anything and decided to come back to you, just to see if they could try their luck. It turns out that you’re available and there is ample room for them to bring in seven more demons,   more wicked than the first lot. Now your situation is worst off than when you began. They came into your house (your body), through the door (your doorway). This doesn’t mean that you’re no longer Christian- salvation doesn’t work that way. It is by grace that you have been saved, not through what is going on with you. But guess what? According to Luke 10:19, you’ve got power and authority over these spirits and you can rebuke them and cast them out of you. If you’re not certain about doing it yourself, rather find true Believers to help you. Repent of the sin, ask for forgiveness from GOD, and finally, close that doorway in Jesus’ name, praying the blood of Jesus to seal up that door.

Some Believers are probably up in arms because of this, but I’ll explain this demonic possession a bit further- with Scripture of course. Look to Ezekiel 8:1-18. There were abominations in the temple of GOD, while the glory of GOD was there! So how does this fit in with us? We are the temple of GOD (1 Cor 3:16 & 1 Cor 6:19), the Holy Spirit dwells within us. So, if the abominations could dwell in the sanctuary of GOD while He was there, why wouldn’t a demon dwell within us if we commit a sin that opens a doorway for them or, through lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6), we neglect to close the doorways already present? Instead of shying away, examine yourself. Were you involved in the occult? Did you dabble in occultic games? Were you raped, whether as a child or adult (please, I am not seeking to lay blame on rape victims, but this doorway is a major one), had an abortion? There are others, but I would advise you to please pray about this and get others to be in agreement with you. You are a child of GOD, you do not have to suffer alone. You can walk around, pretending that everything is okay, or assume that whatever problems are befalling you are trials sent by GOD. Often times certain sicknesses have demonic origins, some traumatic events happening (losing a loved one) have been caused by demons- there are just so many things caused by them because of their possession of you. And they have the right to- you didn’t close the door. Throughout the Scriptures, examples of spiritual laws are given- how the spiritual world operates, etc. That is why GOD has commandments in place, they are to protect you! When He says do not do something, He is keeping you from harm.

I’m not saying that all sins lead to demonic possession, of course not! But there are sins that do and you need to be aware of them. Please, study the Scriptures- the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit. It is mighty indeed. There is life in the Word of GOD, and you need it amidst all this evil.

Ending Thoughts: “If anyone sees his brother sinning a sin which does not lead to death, he will ask, and He will give him life for those who commit sin not leading to death. There is sin leading to death, I do not say that he should pray about that. All unrighteousness is a sin, and there is a sin not leading to death” (1 John 5:16-17).

Christian Social Network

London, UK – The Web as a medium is so broad that for any person it can be ‘what you want it to be’. For some, it is merely best way of keeping in touch with friends and family by email. For others, it can be any or all of: finding new friends, seeking information and doing research, hearing news, playing online games, networking with others about a hobby or interest, sharing opinions, asking questions, making choices about purchasing, publishing their writing, photographs or videos, and much more. And so the opportunities for online evangelism are equally wide. And it is, in many ways, an ideal  mission  field.

Godinterest Christian Social Network allows members to upload and share photos from across the web with other users and create boards.

For those who love the social media site Pinterest but want to share within a Christian environment Godinterest could be a safe family friendly Christian alternative. A new online photo-sharing platform which strives to have Christian content, the site has been developed by Dean Jones a devoted Christian.

[waveplayer ids=”12677″]

Jones, a 35-year-old Project Manager from London said, ” The popular photo-sharing Web site is known for allowing its users to post a wide range of content. However, we are mindful of the values that we as Christian’s are bound by. Godinterest will enable our users to share within an Christian Social Network.“

“On Facebook you see a lot of violence and pornography,” explained Dean Jones. “That’s why we thought of creating a network where we could talk about God, love and spread His word.”

However, should Christians use social media?
Jones said, “In today’s busy world, I believe that Christian ministries need to engage the public with social media and that there is added value in doing so. However, learning even the basics of social media can be a daunting task that’s why like Pinterest and Twitter, Godinterest was designed with the beginner in mind, this means that people can easily create an account that they can use to market and brand their business.”

Godinterest Christian Social Network is presently being used for organising ideas including Church events, travel planning, inspirational quotes, home decorating ideas, meal planning and advice, wedding or event planning, activities for children, or any combination of ideas one’s heart desires.

Godinterest virtual meeting place at a whole range of levels. Users can contact other people, post blogs, videos, and pictures, or discuss issues and interact in many other ways. Of course, it has long been possible to do these things online – but the Godinterest Christian Social Network combines them together in an easy coherent whole.

When asked what’s special and about Godinterest Christian Social Network? Jones stated the following points: ”

  • Visual Imagery – “Imagine getting to do window-shopping of all the best and most creative things in the Christian world without having to go to the mall. Would you rather browse a beautiful shop or a list of items in a catalog? It is the use of visual imagery that sets Godinterest apart (in an important way) from traditional (text based) bookmarking sites.”
  • Organised Sets – “Godinterest has a way to organise these single images into sets. This adds a layer of value (Christian quotes, books, music and so on) to an otherwise Godinteresting photo.”
  • Self Expression – “Another innate human trait, there is a need to leave our mark on the world, to show how we see and experience God worlds. This shows up in how we decorate homes and trips we’ve been on, restaurants we have enjoyed, putting our spin on another person’s picture.Godinterest boards are a form of this self-expression, whether in the topics that interest users, or how they choose to fill a godinterest board to make it inspirational!”
  • Social Sharing – “Once we create something, we naturally want to share it with others. In this respect, I think Godinterest (just like Pinterest) lends itself better to social sharing far more than other services do. Think about how all the distasteful stuff that ends up in the news feed in other sites. But, contrast that with something created by someone else that you might find personally relevant, or at the very least simply amazing.”
  • Simple User Interface – “Want to increase participation in something? Lower the bar on what’s required.”
    – Discovering New Sites – “Use Godinterest to discover more Christian sites and products.”
  • Posts – “Unlike the posts on other sites, the posts on Godinterest have no expiry date.”

Godinterest could also offer both parents and teachers an easy, engaging way to share resources with other parents.

Jones said, “Did you ever notice all of the bulletin boards and posters covering the walls of most classrooms? Teachers have been part of the bulletin board culture for ages. Godinterest gives teachers the ability to do the same thing in a virtual environment. Boards provide a virtual space for teachers to share activities, lesson plans, and ideas.”

“Savvy Christian business owners could use this social media site to market their business.”

Jones said, “Godinterest Christian Social Network is a fun way to put all of your favorite Godinteresting in one spot, but be aware, it is very addictive! If you serve a congregation, educators or families, you could have a great friend and outreach tool in Godinterest. ”

Free registration includes access to all of the website’s features, including sharing images with friends, following friends’ updates and creating boards.

Anti-Christian Bigotry and Censorship Tactics Surges, Godinterest an Oasis Online

Christian Censorship

This press release was orginally distributed by ReleaseWire

Great Denham, Bedford — (ReleaseWire) — Social media sites (such as Wikipedia, WordPress, Facebook and Twitter) have played critical roles in real-world revolutions. The ability for the average person to spread news, ideas and general information – without corporate or government censorship has brought about massive power and freedom to people. But what happens when these key websites – the ones people rely upon to spread those messages start censoring that content? Bad things, right? Well, this seems to be happening a lot recently, especially to Christians and most recently to Elizabeth Johnston, also known as “Activist Mommy”, who was shocked when Facebook shut down her account for expressing biblical views.

So what’s the alternative?

Godinterest a Christian social networking service created in 2014. Its core purpose is to promote Christian values and facilitate spiritual inspiration through the sharing of photographs and other media in the style of Pinterest and Twitter. Its content includes media about Christian history, personal, family oriented stories and various contents from a Christian viewpoint.

The site was developed by Dean, a 39-year-old Construction Project Director from London. Jones said, “We are a Christian social networking website and are mindful of the values that we as Christian’s are bound by. God is the creator, his creation is not only humans but extends further than we can imagine. Godinterest enables users to capture elements of life from different points a view within a Christian environment and will never BAN users for quoting verses from the Bible unlike other mainstream social networking sites who have liberal agendas, including Wikipedia who mysteriously deleted the Godinterest page after a long reoccurring online debate.”

Jones said “Although this is the Golden Age of censorship, it’s hard to express the degree to which the Internet is changing society. With mobile technology becoming such a huge part of our lives most people couldn’t envision life without it. At every point within the bible God made a way for His Church to embrace the opportunities to tell more people of His love, and I believe that the Internet is no different. At Godinterest we couldn’t be more convinced that God has a purpose for this technology, and so Godinterest is dedicated to utilising it to empower believers throughout the world to share the life changing message of Jesus.”

“Churches can register and share their sermons, videos, photos and updates online. Church members can converse with other likeminded individuals in the safe knowledge that the information shared and stored will not be used for marketing or promotion. Non-Christians are also welcome.”

Other reasons to sign up?

  1. “Godinterest will not BAN users for quoting verses from the Bible unlike other mainstream social networking sites who have liberal agendas. Godinterest continues to withstand attacks by hackers and censors as the media outlet expands.”
  2. “There are no adds. I repeat, there are NO ADS. Users will never again click on a sponsored post which inevitably leads to a popup advert.”
  3. “If users decide to leave Godinterest their posts are deleted from the site forever.”
  4. “Our users friends won’t know your exact location If you’ve updated your Facebook app recently, you may have noticed that you now get a lovely notification whenever one of your Facebook friends is nearby. Luckily, it won’t happen with Godinterest. According to the website’s Godinterest collects only anonymous info about a users location, language, referring website and time spent.”
  5. “Godinterest isn’t trying to be the next Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter “Because Godinterest does not sell ads, Godinterest does not consider them to be competitors,” Dean said. “Godinterest considers mainstream social networking services as an advertising platforms. Godinterest operate’s on a non for profit basis.”
  6. “Godinterest lets users upload full-screen, high quality photos or animations to their profile.”

It’s clear that Godinterest values privacy in a way that no other social media site does. Jones said “Godinterest is not trying to sign up everyone in the world, if people are not into what Godinterest provides, they can go use Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter instead. Non-Christians are welcome.”

However, if people are ready to see what’s happening on Godinterest? Sign up today at

For more information on this press release visit:
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2 Misconceptions About Prayer

2 Misconceptions About Prayer

Prayer. As a word of expression, it is commonly used. As a religious activity, it is widely known and even practiced. Christian churches know all about prayer. You can pretty much guarantee that no church gathering ever takes place without prayer taking place at some point during the gathering. Individually, Christians may engage in prayer occasionally or as a regular habit.

Much can be discussed about what prayer is all about and what it isn’t. Let’s take time to clear up and correct 2 misconceptions about prayer.

Misconception #1.  Prayer is NOT about a scheduled activity.

1 Thessalonians 5:17 says we are to pray without ceasing. That means incessantly, without remission, without stopping. When we think of something we actually do without stopping, it’s probably breathing. Breathing is a part of life. It is necessary to life. We can see prayer in that light as well. It is not a scheduled activity or appointment you make with God sometimes. Prayer is an ongoing communication and connection with the Father.

Prayer must be your lifestyle. It must be part of your daily life for it is necessary to maintaining a well-grounded life on this earth. God must be in our everyday. The more we keep Him out, the more difficult and complicated life becomes. The more we keep Him in, the more manageable and more joyful living becomes. God is ever present and we are ever before Him. It is our sad choice to shut Him out and ignore Him during the day (or night). We can and we should maintain easy communication with Him because the access is always there.

Let prayer be your way of life. Send breath prayers to God all day. Stay your Spirit in His presence and be attuned to Him throughout your day.

Misconception #2.  Prayer is NOT about asking.

In prayer, there is asking. But, there is much much more. In Matthew 6, the Lord Jesus Christ tells us that the Father knows full well what we need of even before we ask. Technically, there is no need to ask our Father because He knows exactly what we need and we know that He will come to our aid and provide what we need. He will supply us with what He knows is best for us. So, why ask anyway? Because prayer is about seeking.

By prayer, we seek the heart and mind of God. He knows what’s good for us. He knows what we need. But many times, it is us who are not sure of what’s best for us. It is us who cannot distinguish between real need and ‘just’ felt need. When we ask and God provides, we learn that we asked for the right thing. When we ask and God withholds, we learn that we asked for the wrong thing. This guides us towards making better requests to Him and seeking better things in life the next time around.

By prayer, we witness the power and realness of our God. When we pray and wait for God’s answers, we become more observant of His workings. We become more sensitive and aware of His movement and dealings in us and around us.

Prayer is not about asking. It is about knowing and discovering more of God and more of ourselves. That is why in Matthew 7:7-8 Jesus encourages us to literally keep asking, keep seeking, and keep knocking. In doing so, we will give our full attention as we receive, as we find, and as we see doors open before us.

Maintain prayer in all its aspects as much as you can. Ask, praise, have sorrow for your failings, seek guidance, seek the giver. Do these and see your prayer life deepen, see yourself grow more secure in His love and wisdom.

3 Ways That You’re Wasting Your Time

We’re all guilty of wasting time at some point in our lives. Some of us will leave doing household chores until the last minute because we’re too busy watching TV, or we will finish a project late because we were out with friends. We constantly put ourselves through the stress of trying to do something at the last minute, however, there will come a day when ‘last minute’ isn’t going to cut it, especially when you’re a Believer. As Christians, we too waste our time doing things that are useless.

I’ve compiled a short list of 3 things that we’re better off not doing because it just wastes valuable time.

1. Trying To Change A Person

Some people like to play GOD. We go about trying to change our spouses, children, parents, co-workers, friends… but let me tell you something, friend: we do not have the power to change anyone! That’s GOD’S job, not ours. GOD is the one that can harden or soften a person’s heart- remember Pharoah? The guy that wouldn’t let GOD’S people go? GOD hardened that man’s heart to show His might as the great I Am. GOD would also soften the hearts of people in power so that favor would be shown to His chosen people, and then when the Israelites rebelled, well, let’s just say that GOD really knows how to make a point. Of course, we can pray for these people, we can share the Gospel with them, and we can make our lives a living example of Christ’s love for the Lost. You cannot force Jesus on the Lost- not even GOD forces Himself on anyone. They have to be ready to come to Him on their own and accept Him as their LORD and Saviour.

2. Waiting For A Wife/Husband

Oh, the futility of this. Are you that woman who scans the church for any male newcomers, hoping that one may be your intended? Or are you that man who hunts through Christian dating sites (huh? A dating site for Christians? It’s like no one believes that GOD will bring them their spouse at the right time) for a potential wife? Maybe some of you are even flicking through people’s profiles on social media and sending them messages when one happens to catch your eye. Stop. Just back up a bit there and relax. GOD has got this figured out, Beloved. He knows who you’re going to marry and when you’re going to marry. Focus on GOD, get involved in church, go on outreach missions, reach out to people- you might just find your intended when you least expect it. So, just breathe and give all that valuable time to GOD.

3. Being Angry At GOD

Some of us like to throw little temper tantrums when we don’t get our way. We might even shake our fists at GOD and ask why. We are wasting our time, Family. You can’t get mad at GOD! We are just mere humans who only understand in part- how dare we question the Almighty? It’s not going to change anything (or you might just get a nasty surprise). I understand that sometimes we may be hurt because a loved one died even though you prayed and fasted for them, or disappointed when you hear of GOD’S inaction when it comes to child rape and molestation. Let me make one thing clear: it is not GOD’S will that people should suffer, but we do live in a fallen world filled with people hellbent on destroying their own lives and the lives of others. And yes, Satan is constantly pushing iniquity (just look at society now). Your prayers may not have been answered or answered in the way that you would have liked, but that doesn’t mean that GOD has stopped listening or that He doesn’t care. First, examine your life and make sure that there isn’t anything blocking your prayers, and then remain confident in GOD no matter what happens. That’s what having faith means- you need to believe even when you do not see anything happening or when things are falling apart.

There are rules to everything. There is a lot that goes on in the spiritual realm that we are not aware of, things that impact the physical realm. When we are praying for someone’s salvation, there is a war going on in the spiritual realm. You are essentially pushing back evil with your prayers so that Jesus may shine the light of His Gospel on them. Just because you cannot see anything happening, does not mean that all things are as they seem. Do not give up praying for your family and friends, because your prayers are doing something.

GOD’S timing is always perfect; He is never late or early, He is always right on time. That job that you need, that spouse you’ve been praying for, the grandchild that has gone off the deep end- GOD hears your prayers and He is working on it. You need to be faithful though, do not doubt today and then believe tomorrow.

Finally, you need to rest in GOD. Your life may be in chaos or things just don’t seem to be happening, but you need to rest. That doesn’t mean waiting around for things to happen- that is being passive. Be active in your faith and continue to do GOD’S work.

3 Truths About Christianity

3 Truths About Christianity

Is Christianity about religion? Is it about a particular group of people, organization, or movement? Christianity can be viewed in so many ways. Here are 3 truths about what Christianity is about.

1. It’s about being in a relationship with Christ.

John 1:12 says that all who receive Christ and place their faith in His name are children of God. By faith in the saving work of Jesus on the cross, we are given new life. We become born of God.   Before salvation, God is just our Creator, but at the point of salvation, our Creator God becomes our actual Father. Galatians 4:6 says through the Holy Spirit given to us, we can now boldly cry “Abba, Father.” Strong’s explains this Greek word Abba to be a [tender endearment by a beloved child – i.e. in an affectionate, dependent relationship with their father; “daddy,” “papa.”] The highlightt is not just on our position in God but on our relationship with Him. We enter into this new relationship once and forever. No one and nothing can ever take us out of God’s hand and love. (John 10:28 and Romans 8). No one can take our sonship away and God Himself will in no way disown us.

2. It’s about being a follower of Christ.

A Christian bears the name of Christ. He is marked by Christ. To be a Christian is to bear the identity and character of Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says that one who is in Christ is a new creation. Everything is not instantly perfected but literally all things are in the process of becoming new and better. As a Christian, I am now enabled to living and becoming better than before. As I abide in Christ I am transformed into His image from one degree to another. There is no stand still for a Christian and there is no hopeless case. It is false to believe that “I am just this way. I can’t help it. There’s nothing I can do about it. Life’s just bad. I can’t do anything about it.” 2 Timothy 1:7 says God has not given us a spirit of timidity but of power, of love, and of a sound mind.

3. It’s about having a family stronger than flesh and blood.

John 1:13 talks about being born into the family of God. The family of God is also referred to in the Bible as the Church. Romans 12:5 talks about the church being one body while Colossians 1:18 talks about Christ being the head. In these passages we understand that all of God’s children are related and connected. Our bond is spiritual. The Holy Spirit links us all. He is our spiritual genetic trace. Our connection is tight. Ephesians 4 16 says the whole body is joined and held together.

All of God’s children have one Father, one Lord. Black Panther says in the MCU movie, “More unites us than separates us.” The same holds true among God’s people. Denominations and methodologies vary but there is only one Lord and one fundamental to faith and relationship with God. It’s sad that preferences and traditions become a point of heated conflict among Christian groups and churches today. It should not be so. Error to faith and doctrine is a serious thing that Christians should guard and reason against. But when it comes to extra Biblical matters, no Christian should hate or disown a brother just because they differ in the way of worship, music, evangelism, or even holding church worship programs and events. There is what we call respectful and loving disagreement and Christians should apply that when necessary.

Bible Illiteracy in Churches Today

Bible illiteracy, a lack of knowledge or ignorance of Scriptures, is happening in our very churches today. There are churchgoers and practicing Christians who are Bible illiterate.

A 2017 research conducted by Lifeway in Christian churches across America possibly yields similar results across other countries. Among those surveyed, only 19% read their Bibles regularly. 18% of the respondents read their Bibles rarely or never. 14% do it once a week and 22% do it once a month.

This is a sad fact and a highly concerning problem. Biblical understanding is foundational to genuine faith and growth in the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 10:17 clearly states that faith comes by hearing the message of the Word. 2 Timothy 3:15 teaches us that in knowing Scriptures we become wise unto salvation and the faith life. A shallow grasp of Biblical knowledge will definitely lead to shallow faith. If one fails to grow in the Word, one will have great difficulties navigating the faith life and one would hardly know God.

The Causes of Bible Illiteracy

Preaching and teaching ministers who are lazy

The number of weekly church gatherings vary. Some churches have multiple Sunday services plus weekday ones. Others have single or double Sunday services and no weekday meetings. That Christians meet only once or a few times a week shows how crucial the preaching and teaching of the Word is. Ministers should be driven to make sufficient preparations in the delivery of the Word. The personal study and development of preaching and teaching material should be carefully crafted. One should do a word study, a context and historical study, and the like. These procedures help one fully understand the thought and purpose of Scripture passages. These help one avoid speaking personal viewpoints that may not be in agreement with what God actually has to say.

Readers of this article may have their own experiences of listening to a lazy teacher or preacher who:

  • was unclear or made little sense, meaning, he did not seem to have prepared for the message,
  • had little Biblical content,
  • had lots of personal stories and opinions,
  • repeated previous messages and themes with no new study imparted,
  • shared personal or conflicting views with little or no Biblical basis
  • and more.

Leaders (Pastors, Preachers, Teachers) who lack qualification or training.

At times, the minister is zealous and diligent. However, he got into preaching and teaching too early. This may be because of need or impulsive desire. A passionate preacher and teacher should make himself accountable and be responsible enough to pursue further training and gain qualifications so that he can be a better handler and deliverer of God’s Word.

Congregants who are lazy.

Christians should know by now that we are to be responsible for our own growth in the faith. Sunday feeding will not sustain you in your Christian walk. You must open the pages of the Holy Book yourself. Reading God’s Word is essential to knowing more of Him and His purposes for your life. Reading God’s Word is also essential to making sure that you can discern right teaching from a wrong one.

Churches that prioritize political correctness.

The Bible is never politically correct. Its truths are plain. Its stand on issues is simple. God weighs issues according to rightness or wrongness. The Bible is not a people pleaser. The Bible is not a pacifier. God deals with issues directly for it is the only way to bring full resolution and understanding.

When churches shrink from their responsibility to be a light in this fallen world, Biblical illiteracy will settle in. Instead of preaching and living the Word of God in its entirety, censorship comes in. Instead of having boldness to correct sin and error, tolerance and acceptance of wrongdoing prevails. The focus will become all about loving people in the wrong way. True love needs proper rebuke and loving guidance. Else, it is not a helpful kind of love.


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