Are You Waiting for God to Bless You?

I hate waiting. Nowadays there seems to be queues everywhere. What are you waiting for God to do in your life? One thing I’ve learned is that waiting should not be a passive thing. When we’re waiting, we’re on the lookout, we have expectation. We speak what we are expecting from God. We act like it’s going to happen. We spend time making preparations.

When you’re expecting someone special for dinner; you don’t wait till they show up before you decide to start cooking. Most likely you start early in the day. You make sure the house is clean, you go to the grocery store, and maybe you buy some flowers for the table. You make preparations because you’re expecting someone. Staying focused as you wait with excited expectation.

Today, the attitude we need to have while we’re waiting for God’s promises to come to pass, and our prayers to be answered, is one of excited expectation and preparation. Put your faith to work as you prepare for God’s answer to come. Keep standing, keep believing, and keep hoping because your answer is on the way!

“”¦faith without works is dead.”

(James 2:20, NKJV)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I choose to put actions behind my faith today. Father, I trust that You are working in my life as I wait for Your promises to come to pass. God, I will wait the right way – with expectancy and without complaining and worrying, knowing that my faith in You opens the door for Your hand to move in my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.  

Kim Kardashian And Kanye West Go Biblical For Newest Baby’s Name ‘He’s Such a Blessing, So It’s Perfect’

Kim Kardashian West and her husband, musician Kanye West, appear to have drawn inspiration for the name of their fourth child.

The “KUWTK” couple reveals their newborn son’s name one week after Kim announced his arrival.

Keeping Up With the Kardashians source told PEOPLE that the couple “had a name in mind, but wanted to meet the baby before they decided.”

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West were apparently biblically inspired when it was time to name their fourth child.

Here’s a hint: “Psalm” means song in Hebrew

Why Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s 4th Baby Name Is Perfect for Their Family

The couple’s new baby, Psalm, will be the little brother of North, South and Chicago West.

“The inspiration was the Book of Psalms in the Bible,” Jenner told ET Onlineof her daughter Kim Kardashian West and son-in-law Kanye West‘s choice of moniker for their fourth child. “I think it’s just a wonderful way to celebrate how they feel. And he’s such a blessing, so it’s perfect.”

The couple’s newest child was born May 10 via a surrogate, but they waited a week before announcing on Twitter that their baby boy’s name was “Psalm.”

If you’re not up on theology, a psalm is a sacred song or hymn and is also the title of a book in the Bible.

Fan reactions to the name Psalm West have been mixed

As you might expect, the new name inspired strong reactions from social media users. Some despise it and some loved it with one fan writing,

“The book of Psalm was created by King David to give praises to God. This name is perfect for where you and Kanye are in your lives right now. You are publicly giving God praise for the world to see.”

Another fan wrote,

“It’s actually pretty perfect. ”

Despite often criticised over lifestyle choices, the couple have both been open about their Christian faith.

Kanye West has recently shared videos from a church gathering he has been hosting which includes much gospel music.

God is…..

God is our Creator and the Creator of everything that you can see. So…why is it so hard for people to understand that He wants the best for you? Is it because we can’t see Him like we can see a friend or our spouse? Possibly. But according to God’s Word, He has always been available to us through prayer and by reading of His Word. 

I think that the reason that so many people are hesitant or unwilling to follow God and the few rules which He put into place is that it is too simple. Salvation is so simple that a child can understand it and yet when we become “educated” adults we can’t believe that it is that simple. What we should understand is the same thing that the thief on the cross understood, it is our belief in Jesus which saves us. It is not the church or a preacher or a certain ritual which we have to do in order to be saved.

Just believe in Jesus and what He did for you. Do this in the faith which God has granted you and then walk in that faith so that you will be a reflection of Jesus in your life. Because you may be the only Jesus some people may ever see before the end of their life or yours. Your life has an expiration date and it is only known by God, thankfully. But during the time which we have even the small things which we do that people notice because they know that we profess to be Christians can have an impact.

You may not think that a “Thank you” or a blessing said at McDonald’s over your food could have an impact but it can. You may not know about it before you get to Heaven but someone will let you know that it was that word or deed or some small thing that prompted them to seek out what made you different.

God is understanding and loving toward all of His children even though there are many who are hurting and struggling and it doesn’t look like He even cares, but He does. God is awesome because He created all of this universe and we have been studying it for hundreds of years and we’ve only scratched the surface. We have explored our own planet for thousands of years and scientists are still finding creatures which are new to science. 

Why did God make this universe so complex? Because of His power and majesty but also because He wanted us to look at all of the beauty and the awesome size and diversity that is out there and wonder about Him. We would look at the intricate complexity of cells and bacteria and whales and humanity and even into the cosmos and realize that this couldn’t have come into being because of some accidental gathering of dirt and goo. There had to be a Supreme Intelligence behind every atom and molecule and His name is God.

Dusty Trails

We are still finding ourselves as sheep among wolves and that dust is still mercilessly clinging to our feet.

Just shake it off, that dust from your feet. Simply shake it off.  This concept, from a familiar passage of Scripture, was illuminated by God for me through a Bible Study I am doing with a small group The Scripture is:

12 Greet a household when you enter it,13 and if the household is worthy, let your peace be on it. But if it is unworthy, let your peace return to you.14 If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, shake the dust off your feet when you leave that house or town.

(Matt. 10:14-15 HCSB)?

Its context is the sending out of the 70 disciples. The author went on to share how that dust of rejection, if not shaken off, can cling to you and really affect how you walk.

“To be given authorization to shake off rejection and disesteem is no small thing, it helps rescue the servant of Christ from a victim mentality. I get to choose whether or not this rejection accompanies me down the road. I refuse it the right to cling to my feet and affect how I walk. Rejection will not be my co traveler. I’m leaving it right where I found it.”

(Beth Moore, THE QUEST, pg 119)?

Jesus knew His disciples would encounter tough things out on the road. They would either be accepted or rejected. He was sending them out as sheep among wolves, as is stated a little further down in the Scripture passage.

Well, things haven’t changed much over two thousand years later. We are still finding ourselves as sheep among wolves and that dust is still mercilessly clinging to our feet. The dust gets caught in the grooves of our sandals and hardens into hard lumps, causing us to walk unsteady and twist our spiritual ankles. God has me in a fantastic group of believers where I am learning to share freely, just exactly where I am, what kind of dust is still clinging to my feet, and how, by the Grace of God, to shake it off.  If you are not in a group like that, find one. If you need help finding one, leave a reply and I will tell you which ministry I am a part of for that purpose. Let’s pray together about freedom from the rejection we all encounter on our dusty trails.

Dearest Lord Jesus, I have twisted my spiritual ankles many times from all the rejection and misunderstandings I have experienced. I also know that I have caused others to twist their precious ankles, due to my lack of sensitivity to where they are at times.  You are still speaking those words to us who follow You today.

16 “Look, I’m sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves.

(Matthew 10:16)

We need You, dearest King, to teach us how to walk amid wolves, while avoiding becoming one ourselves. Teach us what it means to be shrewd as serpents and as harmless as doves.  Keep us close to You, gazing at You and following You step by Step. Thank you for the promise that You, who have begun this good work in each one of us, will be faithful to complete it. (Phil. 1:6) Amen

Speak Greatness Into Our Youth

Speak Greatness Into Our Youth

As the Chaplain of a Christian School, often I see more potential in the students than they see in themselves. When you speak vision into your youth, when you tell them what they can become, you can help set the direction for their life. Your words have the power to push people into their divine destiny.

I believe that the reason some youth are not living at their full potential, is because no one has ever spoken faith into them. No one has taken the time to say, “hey, you’re great at this. You’ve got a gift here. You’re going to do something amazing.” I believe that one of our assignments in life is to call out the seeds of greatness in our youth.

Today, look at the young people God has placed in your life. They’re not there by accident. Take time to study them. See what they’re good at. What are their gifts? What do they excel at? Don’t just think about it, speak into their lives vision and greatness. Tell them what they can become. Let your encouragement ignite greatness on the inside of them. Help them rise up in confidence, so they can be all God has called them to be!

“”¦God”¦calls those things which do not exist as though they did.”

(Romans 4:17, NKJV)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for the young people You’ve placed in my life. Father, I want  to be faithful to our youth, give me the power, despite their behaviour, to speak life and call forth greatness in them. God, thank You for putting them on my mind today, and for bringing them to new levels by faith, as we help them rise higher. Please divorce them from the enemy, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Waiting for the door to open

When baby birds are ready to eat, they open their mouths wide, believing they will be fed. They expect it. They look for it. They are ready for it. It should be the same way with us. We need to keep our spiritual mouths wide open, expecting God to fill it and satisfy us.

Do you have your mouth open wide? Are you expecting God to fill you and increase you beyond measure? Are you ready for Him to satisfy your needs and desires with good things? Are you ready for new dreams and a divine breakthrough? Pray hard, trust God’s Word, open wide and position yourself for your blessing.

Some of us have spiritually closed mouths. Negative thinking is like closing your mouth. A closed mouth can’t be filled. But Jesus is saying today, “why don’t you take the limits off?” Why don’t you trust and believe Him for supernatural opportunities, and allow Him to fill you?

Today, be like that little bird waiting for food. It isn’t concerned about where the mother is going to get it from. It isn’t concerned about how she’s going to dig it up. No, that bird just opens its mouth wide, trusting and waiting. Why don’t you do the same today? Trust God, open your mouth wide. You won’t be disappointed. God is faithful to His Word, and He will fill you and satisfy you when you put your total trust in Him!

“”¦Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it”¦”

(Psalm 81:10, NLT)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I come to You today thanking You for sustaining me, and asking You to continue to fill me. Father, I choose to open my mouth wide like a bird, trusting that You Father, will fill me with blessings and opportunities. Even when I don’t understand how everything is going to work out God, I know that You are a good God with a good plan for my life. Fill me with Your peace and patience, as I humbly wait on You, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

I’ve Paid for an Abortion but Regret It, Says Christian Hip Hop Recording Artist Lecrae Devaughn Moore

I’ve Paid for an Abortion but Regret It, Says Christian rapper Lecrae Devaughn Moore

Whiles laws governing abortion continue to be debated in many parts of the world, heated conversations around the issue of abortion has increased in recent months as countries have continued to pass “heartbeat bills” and other laws restricting abortions.

Voters in Ireland removed a 35-year-old constitutional ban on abortion, one of the strictest in Europe.

In the United States, the departure of Justice Anthony Kennedyand President Trump’s selection to succeed him is expected to redraw the well-established legal battle lines over abortion rights.

And in Poland, politicians are making a renewed push to restrict abortion.

From relief to regret: Readers’ experiences of abortion

Celebrities around the world have weighed in on the matter through sharing personal antidotal stories of relief to regret rallying for boycotts, and starting movements championing for and against change on social media.

Children’s lives outside the womb matter just as much as those inside. I won’t pretend I’m fully educated on the policy nuances or women’s experiences. I just don’t seem to hear the voices crying against the murder of children inside the womb, that are crying about those outside the womb.

Lecrae Devaughn Moore

Recently, Christian rapper Lecrae Devaughn Moore took to Twitter Social Media to share his conventions about what it means to be pro-life, arguing that children’s lives inside the womb matter just as much as those outside which prompted ‘amens’ and ‘hallelujahs’ in support across Twitter

Lecrae also admitted that he paid for an abortion in the past which went from being a relief to a lifetime of regret. Lacrae also said:

“I found a photo of the girlfriend I asked to abort my baby and I ‘just broke down”.

Lecrae Devaughn Moore

Lecrae’s public message sparked a wide range of responses, both from those who agree and disagree and felt the comment was completely out of line.

In response Lecrae wrote,

“Haven’t seen the same support for the marginalized communities I’ve served in for 15 years. Most of my friends in urban ministry lack support. They are dealing with the families and societal injustices AFTER the kids are born.”

Many were surprised and grateful when they saw the video clip from Passion Life Ministries on January 9th described as “A conversation with Lecrae, John Piper, and John Ensor on the story behind Good, Bad, Ugly, the remorse of abortion, and the healing of the gospel of Christ.

Lecrae is seen by millions as a relevant leader with a voice worth listening to. John Piper and John Ensor are powerful leaders as well. Both Christian ministers have faithfully spoken out against abortion for years.

In the video, Lecrae shares the meaning behind the lyrics of his song “Good, Bad and Ugly,” which shares his personal experience with abortion. Live Action wrote about this song when it was first released. Lecrae goes even deeper in this new video clip, sharing details of the pain he suffered years after the abortion of his child. Lecrae tells of the time he found a picture of his ex-girlfriend, the mother of his aborted child.

NFL tight end Benjamin Watson also joined in on the conversation and said in response to Lecrae’s comment:

here I am bruh “In the womb, outside the womb, conception to grave count me in. Standing for life does not have to be a mutually exclusive event.”

Benjamin Watson

Watson has also been a vocal opponent of abortion and spoke at the 2017 March for Life.

As a husband and father of seven children (two currently in the womb), the NFL star explained that men should “step up and lead,” which could “eradicate” many of the abortions occurring today.

He added that abortion is “the ultimate form of sexism against women.”

“And that’s a challenge to myself, that’s a challenge to all men who are listening, that’s a challenge to men everywhere to step up and be men.

“A lot of the issues that we face in our country, whether it’s the abortion issue, or education, or whatever it may be, sometimes incarceration, whatever it may be, if men were doing their job, these things would be eradicated.

“My message to men is a lot of times, me looking in the mirror and encouraging myself as a father, as a husband, to do what it takes to stand in the gap, to step out, and to lead, because manhood is really falling by the wayside.

“The crazy thing is that abortion itself is really the ultimate form of sexism against women. And if men were standing up doing what they were supposed to do, much of this would be eradicated.”

The battle between life and choice is being fought one story at a time.

Abortion facts:

  • Abortion i`s the #1 cause of death for African-Americans. Abortion disproportionally targets minority babies. Whatever the intent of the abortion industry may be, by functional standards, abortion is a racist institution. In the United States, black children are aborted at 5 times the rate of white children and Hispanic children don’t fare much better. Abortion is the leading cause of death among black Americans. We can debate the racial intent of Planned Parenthood past and present, but we cannot debate the results. Abortion is by no means an equal opportunity killer.
  • Every new life begins at conception. This is an irrefutable fact of biology. It is true for animals and true for humans. When considered alongside the law of biogenesis — that every species reproduces after its own kind — we can draw only one conclusion in regard to abortion: every single abortion ends the life of an innocent human being.
  • Abortion is more dangerous than childbirth. Among the physical risks of abortion are infection, perforation of the uterus, hemorrhage, cervical incompetence, cancer, and even death. Among the psychological risks are depression, nervous disorders, sleep disturbances, sexual dysfunction, alcohol and drug abuse, eating disorders, child neglect or abuse, divorce or chronic relationship problems, and suicide. The Elliot Institute. “Research on the Psychological and Physical Effects of Abortion.” Accessed October 17, 2013.
  • The 8 week+ unborn baby feels real physical pain during an abortion. Yes, every abortion kills an innocent human being. Even more alarming is the fact that beginning at the 8th week of development, an unborn baby that is aborted feels pain during the abortion. The baby feels both psychological and real physical, organic pain. Let that sink in. Of course, whether or not abortion is a painful experience to the unborn child being aborted, the child is left no less dead as a result. In talking about the question of fetal pain, we must remember that it ultimately has no bearing on the morality of abortion.
  • 70,000 women world-wide die each year from back-street abortions.One in three women in the UK have an abortion in their lifetime.
  • Abortion has become a form of gendercide, shrinking the global female population at an alarming rate. On top of the fact that every abortion kills an innocent human being, abortion has also become the driving force in eliminating females around the globe. Estimates put the global gender gap somewhere between 100 and 200 million people. Abortion has become the most effective means of sexism ever devised, ridding the world of multitudes of unwanted females.
  • Around 180,000 abortions a year take place in England. About 10,000 are on women from other parts of the UK including Ireland, where it is illegal. 10,000 are performed in Scotland. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
  • Women between 20- and 24-years-old are the largest users of abortion services. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
  • Since being legalised under the 1967 Abortion Act, on average around one fifth of all pregnancies in the UK have ended in abortion.
  • World-wide, around one quarter of pregnancies end in abortion – nearly half are illegal. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
  • Almost 90% of abortions take place in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy.
  • 76% of adults in the UK are pro-choice. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
  • The NHS is not required by law to perform abortions. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
  • In England nearly a quarter of women pay for their abortions because NHS services are restricted. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
  • Abortion on request is the general rule in most European countries and in the US but not in the UK where the permission of two doctors is required. Source: Abortion Rights, UK
  • In a saline abortion, amniotic fluid is removed from the uterus and replaced with a saline solution, which the fetus swallows. The fetus is killed by salt poisoning, dehydration, brain hemorrhage and convulsions. Saline abortions, typically performed in the second and early third trimester, are rarely used today, due to the risk of particularly serious health complications to the woman. Clowes, Brian, PhD. The Facts of Life. Front Royal, VA: Human Life International, 2001.
  • Suction aspiration, the most common abortion method, is typically performed at 6-12 weeks gestation, but can be used up to 16 weeks. The cervix is dilated, and a hollow plastic tube with a sharp tip is inserted into the cervix and then into the uterus. An aspirator attached to the tube tears the body of the fetus apart and suctions the pieces through the tube. Willke, John, MD and Barbara Willke. Abortion: Questions & Answers. Cincinnati: Hayes, 2003.
  • Since the legalization of abortion in 1973, there have been approximately 56 million abortions performed in the United States.
    Guttmacher Institute. “Facts on Induced Abortion in the United States.” July 2013.


* The average length of a full-term pregnancy is 38 weeks. Obstetricians normally use a figure of 40 weeks, but this is actually the time between the first day of the last menstrual period and childbirth. On average, the first day of the last menstrual period occurs 2 weeks before fertilization.[

* The following scientific facts about human development are organized according to the number of weeks since fertilization. The number of weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period (LMP) are shown in parentheses.

Fertilization (2 Weeks Post-LMP)

* Fertilization normally takes place within one day of intercourse but can occur up to six days later.

* At fertilization, the genetic composition of humans is formed.[ This genetic information determines gender, eye color, hair color, and facial features. It also influences characteristics such as intelligence and personality.

* The medical textbook The Developing Human: Clinically Oriented Embryology states that “fertilization” creates “a new combination of chromosomes that is different from that in the cells of either of the parents,” and this “is the beginning of a new human being.”[

* The four defining characteristics of life are present at fertilization:[

  1. growth
  2. reproductioN
  3. metabolism
  4. response to stimulI

* Genetically speaking, with the exception of identical twins, once a woman conceives a preborn human, the odds against her conceiving the same one again are greater than 10600 to one.[ In comparison, there are roughly 1080 atoms in the known universe.

* Identical twins are biologically unique from each other due to epigenetic differences that affect the expression of their genes.[

3 Weeks After Fertilization (5 Weeks Post-LMP)

* The eyes and spinal cord are visible and the developing brain has two lobes.

4 Weeks After Fertilization (6 Weeks Post-LMP)

* The heart is beating and a circulatory system is in place.[ Specific brain components and internal organs such as the lungs are beginning to develop and can be identified.

7 Weeks After Fertilization (9 Weeks Post-LMP)

* Muscles and nerves begin working together. When the upper lip is tickled, the arms move backwards. The cerebrum has divided into hemispheres.

7 Weeks After Fertilization


9 Weeks After Fertilization (11 Weeks Post-LMP)

* More than 90% of the body structures found in a full-grown human are present. The medical classification changes from an embryo to a fetus. This dividing line was chosen by embryologists because from this point forward, most development involves growth in existing body structures instead of the formation of new ones. The preborn human moves body parts without any outside stimulation.

10 Weeks After Fertilization (12 Weeks Post-LMP)

* All parts of the brain and spinal cord are formed. The heart pumps blood to every part of the body. The whole body is sensitive to touch except for portions of the head. The preborn human makes facial expressions.[

11 Weeks After Fertilization (13 Weeks Post-LMP)

11 Weeks After Fertilization

12 Weeks After Fertilization (14 Weeks Post-LMP)

* Electrical signals from the nervous system are measurable. After an abortion, efforts to suckle will sometimes be observed.

13 Weeks After Fertilization (15 Weeks Post-LMP)

14 Weeks After Fertilization (16 Weeks Post-LMP)

* The preborn human makes coordinated movements of the arms and legs.[

16 Weeks After Fertilization (18 Weeks Post-LMP)

* The preborn human makes eye movements.[

16 Weeks After Fertilization

18 Weeks After Fertilization (20 Weeks Post-LMP)

* The portion of the brain responsible for functions such as reasoning, memory and language (the cerebral cortex) has the same number of nerve cells as a full-grown adult. Pain sensory receptors have spread to all portions of the skin and mucous membranes.[

20 Weeks After Fertilization (22 Weeks Post-LMP)

* The preborn human sleeps, awakes and can hear sounds.[

20 Weeks After Fertilization

* For detailed facts about the capacity of humans to feel pain at this stage of development, read Just Facts’ article, “When Do Humans Begin to Feel Pain?”

* Up through approximately this point in time, according to the Supreme Court’s rulings in Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a pregnant woman can abort at will. (More details in the section on Constitution and Law.)

24 Weeks After Fertilization (26 Weeks Post-LMP)

* The blink-startle reflex and taste buds are functional. The preborn human will swallow more amniotic fluid if a sweetener is added to it. The grip is strong enough to hold onto an object that is moving up and down.[ If born and given specialized care, the survival rate is more than 80%.

28 Weeks after Fertilization (30 weeks Post-LMP)

* If exposed to an 85 decibel noise while sleeping (about as loud as a blender), preborn humans exhibit the “motor behaviors that accompany the crying state.”Premature infants born at this time are more sensitive to pain than infants who are born at 38 weeks, and infants who are born at 38 weeks are more sensitive to pain than infants at 3—12 months after birth.[

* If born and given specialized care, the survival rate is more than 95%.[

32 Weeks After Fertilization (34 Weeks Post-LMP)

32 Weeks After Fertilization

(Premature infant 3 days after birth)

38 Weeks After Fertilization (40 Weeks Post-LMP)

* Average point in time when humans are born. At birth, the medical classification changes from a fetus to a neonate.[

* At any point prior to birth, according to the Supreme Court’s rulings in Roe v. WadeDoe v. Bolton, and Planned Parenthood v. Casey, a pregnant woman can abort to preserve her “health.” One example from Roe v. Wade of what may be considered harmful to a mother’s health is the work of caring for a child. (More details in the section on Constitution and Law.)

How Can Your Faith Make You a Better Dog Owner?

How Can Your Faith Make You a Better Dog Owner?

Around 36.5% of all American households own dogs – according to the American Veterinary Medical association – which just goes to show what an important part they are of daily life. If you love dogs and are also a Christian, you may have recently heard the news about Pope Francis stating that all dogs go to Heaven. He was consoling a grieving boy who had just lost his furry BFF, he said, by telling the boy that “Paradise is open to all of God’s creatures.” What a beautiful thought and how inspiring it is to the millions of people who consider dogs to be family.

Is the Bible Really Silent on Dogs?

There are very few references to dogs and pets in the Bible, with the word ‘dog’ often used in a symbolic/pejorative sense to describe negative actions of human beings. For instance, Philippians 3:2 says: “Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.” The passage does not refer to canines per se, evidently, but to those who look out for themselves, are aggressive, and do not show concern or humanity for others.

However, we can seek the inspiration we need to be better dog owners in other parts of the Bible. Genesis 1:21, for instance, says: “So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living thing with which the water teems and that moves about in it, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.” This is just one of many passages in the Bible that highlight the innate goodness of animals, and indeed, of all sentient things.

 The Benefits that Dogs Bring to Our Lives

“Ask the animals and they will teach you,” says Job 12:7. It is a powerful statement that hints at the many ways that dogs can enhance our health and happiness. Studies have shown that dogs lower stress levels in human beings, providing the kind of companionship and unconditional love that can be hard to find.

To celebrate these benefits, why not take part in Take Your Dog to Work Day, which will be celebrated across the globe on June 21? This special day is held for two important reasons: to encourage dog adoption, and to highlight the benefits that dogs can bring workers. These benefits include creating a calmer and happier environment, and encouraging social interaction between employees. 

The Importance of Being a Good Pet Owner

Proverbs 12:10 states that “The righteous care for the needs of their animals, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.” It is a good reminder that pets have needs owners should cater to. These include food, veterinary visits, and of course, practical aspects of pet care – such as monthly flea and tick treatments, anti-worm treatments, nail trimming, etc. It is also important to ensure your pet gets at least two good walks a day. This is key both for their health and fitness, and their socialization skills. Dogs need to play and encounter other dogs since they are young so they learn to do so in a calm, non-aggressive relationship.

There is a good reason why dogs are used in therapy to heal so many conditions. They have a unique ability to lift the mood and battle stress in such a natural manner. The Bible says little about pets but when it does mention dogs in the literal sense, it is in a positive manner. Your faith can deepen the sense of appreciation you feel for your dog, but also inspire you to keep being the best, most responsible owner you can.

Don’t Put A Period Where God Put A Comma

Don't put fullstop where God has placed a comma in your life

Over my years in church and having been the subject of much gossip, I have concluded that one of the tactics the devil employs is the negativity of other dream killers. 

Question: have the negative opinions of others caused you to water down your dreams?

I had to learn that there will always be critics and naysayers in life. It’s not what’s said about you that affects your life, but what God has said, and what you say and believe about yourself.

The greatest thing I believe we must learn, is that other people don’t have to believe in you in order for your dreams to come to pass. Other people don’t set the limits for your life–you do. In  the book of Romans, the apostle Paul is saying, “it doesn’t matter if other people don’t believe. Their unbelief is not going to keep me from believing in my dreams.” Remember, when God puts a promise in your heart, it’s not up to other people to bring it to pass; it’s up to you! You don’t need everyone to validate you. You have to believe and follow the voice of God for yourself, and allow Him to order your steps.

Today, God sees the hidden treasures that He has buried on the inside of you. He wants to bring those treasures out and make your dreams reality! As you get rid of negative people, defeated thoughts and dream killers, and replace them with what God says about you, you will remove the limitations off your dreams and goals, and live the abundant life God has in store for you!

“What if some were unfaithful? Will their unfaithfulness nullify God’s faithfulness?”

(Romans 3:3, NIV)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for another day to see Your goodness in my life. Father, thank You for the dreams and successes You have buried in me from the day I was conceived. I refuse to listen to the naysayers, critics and dream killers that the enemy has placed in my life. God, today I choose take off the limits in my mind and of the people around me, and embrace the dreams You’ve placed in my heart. I beg you God, to empower me by Your Spirit to fulfill Your plans for me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen

Schools around the UK are ‘discriminating against pupils with Afro hair’

Every one in six children with afro-textured hair are being ‘discriminated against at school, according to a report from the charity World Afro Day.

World Afro Day organisers are worried that some school hair policies can negatively affect children with afro-textured hair.

The investigation, led by De Montfort University Leicester,  showed a 66% rise in negative hair policies towards Afro hair Additionally, 95% of adults surveyed said they would like to see the introduction of hair protection laws — similar to those introduced recently in New York — brought to the UK.

Researchers conducted a survey with 1,000 people, looking into attitudes, school policies and the experiences of children in partnership with the group World Afro Day.

Of the children responding, nearly half (46%) had issues with the hair policies, compared with just 27% of adults saying it was an issue when they were at school.

At present neither the Department for Education nor Ofsted monitor school uniform policies, which cover hair, so they don’t know how many schools are breaking UK equality laws. ‘This is a really important issue that needs to be highlighted,’ said Sarah Younie, Professor in Education Innovation at DMU. ‘Nobody should be discriminated against because of their natural appearance and we wanted to find evidence that this was happening in UK schools, because we had heard anecdotal stories that it was. ‘The education research team at DMU worked collaboratively to support World Afro Day by creating the survey and gathering a large sample in a short period of time.’

It’s because of school rules surrounding hair and how you wear it.

These rules can include how short students wear their hair or what styles they wear it in.

HAIR EQUALITY REPORT 2019 “More than just Hair”

This study is in response to the OFSTED Education Inspection Framework 2019. World Afro Day has conducted – The Hair Equality Report, including a survey of 1000 respondents with support from researchers at De Montfort University.

Aim of the study

The Hair Equality Report aims to provide evidence to quantify the problem of hair discrimination in schools. How pupils are affected by it and what can be done to change it? The aim is to provide robust evidence so that the problem is no longer hidden and creates a motivation and impetus for change. The report will look at how this area of inequality has changed over time by comparing the current generation of children’s experiences to previous generations. The report will make recommendations and call for changes to address this discrimination.

The Rationale

The report is needed because there is a lack of awareness about this problem within governing bodies, school authorities and the general public. Hair discrimination has gone unrecognised for decades and needs to be addressed. Evidence was needed to support the calls for change and to educate people about the problems. Afro hair bias has been a global topic, gaining momentum but some of the key flash points, have been discrimination against children.  

So what do you think, should you be told how to have your hair at school? Has this been a problem for you?

This Baby Is Gift from God Declares a 14-year-old Girl Raped in Parents’ Basement, But Refuses to Have an Abortion

Many media outlets express shock and are unable to conceive of a world in which a child of rape or incest could be considered a divine gift. Note the tone and disgust of the Atlantic Wire summary of the story.

14-Year-Old Is Raped in Parents’ Basement, Refuses to Have an Abortion: “This Baby Will Be a Gift From God”.

P.J, became pregnant after being raped by a man who was supposedly a friend of a friend when she was 14 year olds.

P.J grow up in a military family and with very protective parents who weren’t typically the kind to let their kids hang out with just any and anybody.

However on one occasion the teen’s friends invited P.J to hang out with a boy from the military who was home for Christmas leave and her parents were comfortable with that.

P.J. friends got together in her parents’ basement, and P.J. was then raped right in front of several over people who all remained silent about what actually happened.

The truth about what had happened in the families basement came out five months later after P.J. found out that she was pregnant.

P.J.s parents were horrified and felt a sense of guilt and shame about the whole situation and P.J.s mom admittedly considered taking their daughter to get an abortion.

Angela is pro-life, but in the past would have made an exception in the case of rape or incest.

“I really thought I would take her to terminate the pregnancy,” Angela explains. “I was pro-life but with exceptions. I didn’t want to do that, but I was always told it was the thing to do in the case of forcible rape. My husband, however, said he couldn’t have anything to do with the death of a child. That it was still a human life. Everywhere we went, friends and religious people were very adamant that we should terminate.”

Angela P.J.s mom struggled continuously with what happened and was completely and utterly at a loss of how to best care for her daughter. Many close friends and family members were encouraging her to help P.J. terminate the pregnancy, but her husband, Doug, was encouraging the opposite. Angela was reminded of her own experience with abortion.

“In college, I got pregnant and I went to a health clinic. I was 24 weeks, and I had an abortion. My mother forced me to because she didn’t want to be embarrassed by my poor choices. We never spoke about it again. I have never gotten over it.”

A baby from rape is ‘something beautiful from something terrible’

Not wanting to repeat past mistakes and P.J. to suffer with regret that she was forced to experience every day of her life Angela came to the realisation that even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen. A friend called Angela and referred her to Trisha, who runs a Birth Right. She begged her to take P.J. there before they made any decisions.

“Trisha was the first person to say it was going to be okay. She was the first person who actually encouraged us to keep [the baby]. As a woman, even if you’re pro-life, you’re told there’s nothing worse you can do to a rape victim [than tell her to keep her baby]. I’ve been told by everyone, especially the media, that abortion is what you do. Trish gave us Rebecca Kiessling’s pamphlet. We prayed about it and it was the best thing we had ever done. After we left Birth Right, P.J. cried–not because she was upset–but she said she felt relieved and like we were in a safe place. She said she knew Miss Trisha had her best interest at heart. When we heard [the baby’s] heartbeat, it was over for me. This child will be a gift from God. P.J. spent a lot of quiet time reflecting. She had a wisdom I didn’t have. Her strength and wisdom is what got us through.”

It wasn’t P.J.’s choice to be attacked, but it was her choice to keep the baby.
P.J.’s family decided to throw a baby shower and then she prepared for James to make his grand entrance into the world. While the circumstance was horrid, the life of this beautiful baby was well worth celebrating!

While the circumstance was unfortunate, the life of this beautiful baby was completely worth celebrating!

Something that seems so “obvious,” isn’t actually legislation, which is unbelievable.

P.J. gave birth to her son, James, in the fall of 2011. However, after the authorities investigated the man who raped her, they uncovered some disturbing facts that may severely endanger both P.J. and James because where they lived, there were no laws presently in place to protect women and their children conceived in rape from the rapist. The rapist is legally permitted to seek custody and parental rights.

In addition the rapist had previously raped another male and was in the process of being discharged from the Army for illegal drug use. Thankfully, the rapist’s attempts at getting partial custody of James failed.

“The minute we laid eyes on this child, we didn’t once equate him to the rapist. He’s just as much a victim. He has healed our family in ways we can’t explain. He is the most amazing gift from God. I don’t even know how to put it in words.”

Today, P.J. attends a women’s Bible study once a week, and she prays with James every day, constantly reminding him that he has always been wanted and loved and as for their decision not to terminate the pregnancy, well, Angela couldn’t be more grateful.

Pregnancy is a potential result of rape. It has been studied in the context of war, particularly as a tool for genocide, as well as other unrelated contexts, such as rape by a stranger, statutory rape, incest, and underage pregnancy. The current scientific consensus is that rape is at least as likely to lead to pregnancy as consensual sexual intercourse, with some studies suggesting rape may actually result in higher rates of pregnancy than consensual intercourse.


What happens after birth is completely up to you; there are always options. ALWAYS people to help.  

Facts about rape.

  1. Low estimate of the number of women , according to the Department of Justice, raped every year: 300,000
  2. High estimate of the number of women raped, according to the CDC: 1.3 million
  3. A woman’s chance of being raped in the U.S.: 1 in 5
  4. Chances that a raped woman conceives compared to one engaging in consensual sex: at least two times as likely
  5. Number of women in the US impregnated against their will each year in the U.S. as a result of rape: 32,000
  6. Number of states in which rapists can sue for custody and visitation:
  7. A woman’s chance of being raped in college: 1 in 4 or 5
  8. Quote in the New York Times regarding the rape: “They said she dressed older than her age.”
  9. Percentage of men who have been raped: 3 percent
  10. Percentage of rapists who are never incarcerated: 97 perent
  11. Percentage of rapes that college students think are false claims: 50 percent
  12. Percentage of rapes that studies find are false claims: 2-8 percent
  13. Number of rapes reported in the military last year: 16,500
  14. Pentagon’s estimated percentage of military assuaults not reported: 80-90 percent
  15. Percentage of military rape victims who were gang raped/raped more than once: 14%/20%
  16. Percentage of military rape victims that are men: 8-37 percent
  17. Percentage of military victims who get an “involuntarily” discharge compared to percentage of charged and accused who are discharged with honor: 90 percent involuntary to 80 percent with honor
  18. Chances an incarcerated person is raped in the U.S.: 1 in 10
  19. Increase in chance that LGTB prisoner is raped: 15x greater chance
  20. Country where women are imprisoned for being raped: Afghanistan
  21. Worldwide number of “child brides” under the age of 18 forced to marry every day: 25,000
  22. Ages of girls forced to marry a 59-year-old at the Tony Alamo Christian Ministry in Arkansas: 8, 14, 15

The Miracle On The Hudson

Whilst on a plane a few years ago, I watched the movie called “The Miracle on the Hudson,”  about how a pilot successfully landed a plane on the Hudson River in New York. All the passengers survived. A news reporter asked one of the passengers what was going through his mind. He was wet, cold and shaking, but he also appeared excited, when he said, “I was alive before, but now I’m really alive.” This made me ask myself the question, “am I really alive?”

 What about you? Are you excited about your life? Do you get up every morning with enthusiasm, are you pursuing dreams and desires? God doesn’t want you to just “be alive” or just exist or endure. He wants you to be really alive.

Today, God has something more for you to accomplish. It doesn’t matter how miserable and gloomy life may seem, pinch yourself and say – I’m really alive. Now get excited about what God is doing! Lift up your eyes of faith to Him. Keep hoping, keep believing, keep trusting and keep living, because God has a wonderful plan in store for you!

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”

(John 10:10, NIV)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for making me alive in Christ! Father, the enemy tried everything to destroy me, but this morning I’m not just living, I’m really alive in Jesus’ Name. I declare that Jesus is my Lord and Saviour, and because He died for me, I can be excited about the abundant life He has for me. God, please help me stay focused, and live with the enthusiasm that comes from knowing You, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

US Airways Flight 1549
US Airways Flight 1549 was an Airbus A320 which, in the climbout after takeoff from New York City’s LaGuardia Airport on January 15, 2009, struck a flock of Canada geese just northeast of the George Washington Bridge and consequently lost all engine power. Unable to reach any airport, pilots Chesley Sullenberger and Jeffrey Skiles glided the plane to a ditching in the Hudson River off Midtown Manhattan.[ All 155 people aboard were rescued by nearby boats and there were few serious injuries. The accident came to be known as the “Miracle on the Hudson“,[ and a National Transportation Safety Board official described it as “the most successful ditching in aviation history”. The Board rejected the notion that the pilot could have avoided ditching by returning to LaGuardia or diverting to nearby Teterboro Airport. The pilots and flight attendants were awarded the Master’s Medal of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators in recognition of their “heroic and unique aviation achievement”.[

62 Reasons Why I Love My Mom

“...May you be rooted deep in love and founded securely on love.” (Ephesians 3:17, AMP)

My mum is a lovely person — she’s kind, fun to be with and very supportive. Se runs fast for a 61-year-old. She’s small – 5.2 ft – and clocks in at just over 100 lbs. She’s been a wonderful mum to me and is a fantastic grandma. My mom is about to turn 62 this year, so here’s 62 REASONS WHY I LOVE MY MOM AND SHE IS AMAZING.

  1. You have always supported me.
  2. You are preceptive.
  3. You persists in prayer at all times.
  4. You keep it real.
  5. You have helped deter me from making bad decisions.
  6. You taught me to dance like no one is watching.
  7. You always find the good in people around you.
  8. You let me follow my dreams and always support everything I want to do.
  9. You cultivated a joyful environment when I was a kid.
  10. You taught me patience.
  11. You show me how to treat a woman.
  12. You taught me how to love myself.
  13. You’re strong and taught me to stand up for others.
  14. When life gets so stressful that I practically forget who I am, your always there to reminds me.
  15. You’re independent.
  16. You’re honest.
  17. You take my call no matter what.
  18. You make me laugh.
  19. You-always tried to give me honest answers to the hard questions.
  20. You’re humble.
  21. You’re selfless when it comes to your children.
  22. You exhibit steadfastness in the Word of God.
  23. Your always my No. 1 fan. Ya!
  24. You work hard.
  25. You taught me compassion.
  26. You had to carry me around for like 9 months.
  27. You took me to church every week so faith would be a part of my live.
  28. You always believed in me.
  29. You are obedient to God.
  30. You make the lives of everyone you touch happier.
  31. You give me a kick in the ass when I need it.
  32. You-always made sure I knew I was loved.
  33. You have showed me how to be the best version of myself.
  34. You always pick me up when I’m down.
  35. You still wake up early just to warm up my breakfast when I visit you.
  36. You have a great taste in music and know how to get a party started.
  37. You have supported me when I didn’t know what I wanted for my future.
  38. You always call me to make sure I’m OK.
  39. You’re always thinking of what’s best for my future.
  40. You taught me humility.
  41. You’re intelligent and direct.
  42. You raised two amazing children.
  43. You let me choose my path in life.
  44. You take your responsibilities very seriously.
  45. You always tell me to be happy and look on the positive side.
  46. You have taught me the power of giving and receiving advice.
  47. You make amazing cakes.
  48. You find fascination in the little things.
  49. You call me silly nicknames.
  50. You give me love but also enough space.
  51. You listen to me when I have problems.
  52. You have shown me what it takes to make a good marriage work from experience.
  53. You embraces a spirit of contentment.
  54. You gave me life and brought me into this world.
  55. You love me just the way I am.
  56. You love me unconditionally.
  57. You taught me to go above and beyond in my career and personnel endeavours.
  58. You trust in God and have kept the faith.
  59. You taught me how to preserve through the toughest of times.
  60. You always try to bring order to chaos in the family.
  61. You generally hold to what is right and are generous as well as lovely and kind.
  62. Most of all”¦ I love you for who you are and who you’ve helped me become”¦ you’re my role model, my mother and my friend. I love you more than life itself and would do anything for you! You’re the best Mom and deserve so much more than I can give you. Happy 62th Birthday!

My mother was crazy about us.  And that unconditional love was expressed by helping us to engage in many, many shared, complex, and flexible activities that helped us learn, express ourselves, and play well with others.

Of course there are still many other reasons why our loving, caring, forgiving, and very supportive mothers deserve our love more.

So what are you waiting for? Go and tell your mom how much you love her.

You Should Never Give up on Your Dreams

You Should Never Give up on Your Dreams

Have you ever been passionate about a dream or vision, only to have it never come to pass? Scripture tells us that God has an appointed time to fulfil the visions, dreams and desires He has placed in our heart. Just because it has taken a long time, or you’ve tried and not succeeded, doesn’t mean it’s not going to happen.

Don’t give up on those dreams! Don’t be complacent about pursuing what God has placed in your heart. God is a faithful God. No matter how long it’s been, no matter how impossible things seem, if you’ll stay in faith, your God appointed time is coming. Hallelujah! Remember, every dream that’s in your heart, every promise that has taken root, God put it in there. And not only that, but He has every intention of bringing it to pass. 

Today, hold on to your vision or dream by declaring, “my time is coming. God is working things out on my behalf. I will fulfill my destiny!” As you continue to hold on to that vision and daily speak life over your dreams, you’ll see them begin to take shape. You’ll see your faith grow, you’ll see your hope strengthen, and you’ll see yourself step into the destiny God has prepared for you at the appointed time!

“For the vision is yet for an appointed time”¦though it tarry, wait for it”¦”

(Habakkuk 2:3, KJV)

Pray With Me 
Yahweh, I receive Your truth today. I receive Your promises. Father, ignite my visions and dreams with Your holy fire, so that I can pursue Your perfect plan for my life. Make my thoughts and words agreeable to Your will. God, give me the faith I need to hold on when life’s failures seem to get me down and rob me of purpose, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


We are asking that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, 10 so that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every good work and growing in the knowledge of God. 11 May you be strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for all endurance and patience, with joy 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the saints’ inheritance in the light. 13 He has rescued us from the domain of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son He loves. 14 We have redemption, the forgiveness of sins, in Him.

(Colossians 1:9-13)

Clearly, I’m missing something here in this transference from the Domain of Darkness into the Kingdom of His Beloved Son. This transference is our spiritual reality, but some days I feel like I still have more parts of me stuck back there in the Dark Domain, than feeling like a Child of Light. I have wrestled with this truth, as well as the Scripture passage in 2 Corinthians 5:7, about being new creatures in Christ, often in my life. Paul speaks about the battle with his own dark side in Romans 7, concluding that he needed rescue from the body of this battle over flesh and spirit.  He kisses us with Romans 8:1, in the answering of his own question about deliverance: “There is therefore now, no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.”

I have tended to think of verses 9-12, of Colossians 1, as a duty list that I must somehow conjure and keep, as a follower of Jesus Christ. But that is not what it is at all. It is a prayer of the Apostle Paul’s, over these precious believers in Colossae, to experience the reality of this transfer that has already taken place in the Spiritual Realm.

I have used this prayer to pray over my husband and children often, but never thought to speak it over myself, embracing it as my new, solid, and firm foundation. I have failed to fully embrace the new Reality into which I have been transferred. So, I will now speak it here:

God will fill me with His will, give me all wisdom and spiritual understanding. He will enable me to walk worthy of Him, fully pleasing Him. That’s my Spiritual inheritance. I will bear fruit in every good work, growing in my knowledge of God, because He is faithful and will finish what He has started. I will be strengthened with all power, not according to what I can conjure or manifest in my own strength, but according to His power, His glorious might. I will have all endurance, patience and joy available to me as I embrace my New Reality in Christ with every ounce of my spirit, soul and body. I will forever give thanks to my Heavenly Father who has enabled me to share in the inheritance of the Saints of Light. 

I have been, (paste tense-finished work) transferred from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of His Beloved Son, in whom I have redemption, the forgiveness of my sins, fully. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, this is your new Reality. All that still feels somehow stuck in the Dark Domain is, in reality, already transferred. It’s the believing, embracing and walking out of our New Reality in Jesus that enable us to see ourselves as free from this once Dark Domain that ruled over and within us for too long.  Speak these truths out loud to yourself, and any discouraged Christian you may know. We need to rest in His promises, and not our feelings.


Sharing the life changing Gospel message found in Jesus Christ

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