The Dark Web…A new frontier for Christianity?

The Dark Web...A new frontier for Christianity?

Have you heard about the deep, dark side of the Internet?

In mid-2014 it was estimated that more than three billion people (about 42% of the world’s population) used the Internet.

The Internet, very much like the real-world. Only virtual. Yes it has a good side, but also it also has a dark side. And by the dark side, it’s not just adult websites that we’re talking about, but something even bigger and more complex. Commonly known as the dark web.

what’s the dark web?

The Dark Web or Dark Net is a subset of the Deep Web with a seething matrix of encrypted websites – also known as the TOR.  It’s a virtual underworld where everything is anonymous and unmonitored, far away from the prying eyes of intelligence law enforcement agencies across the world.

Much like Ebay, transactions take place in online Dark-net markets — hacking or sale of drugs, arms, confidential information, etc. in exchange for money or information. However, while  the Dark Web is full of criminal activity, it’s also a place where dissidents and whistle-blowers can anonymously share information!

Driven underground.

Despite the challenges facing law-enforcement agencies, it would be a serious error to characterize the Deep Web as exclusively a cybercrime ecosystem.

For years, the darknet has been viewed as the criminal underbelly of the internet. In a lot of ways, it is exactly that, but many don’t realize that there is a silver lining to it as well.

The darknet is the home of the whistleblower.

As the underground network provides an  environment that protects valuable user privacy useful if you’re a whistleblower or in fact a Christian  living in a part  of the world that has banned Christian practice. This is because it’s a place where views can be expressed freely without fear of retribution. Considering that whistleblowers, are the enemy of most corporations and governments around the world.

By broadcasting their messages, whistleblowers effectively put their physical, financial and mental wellbeing at risk of harm from their powerful enemies.

The dark-net whistleblower websites therefore provide a means to communication under the cover of anonymity.

Whistleblower Sites


Wikileaks website
This is one of the sites dedicated to whistleblowers

Dedicated whistleblower sites are numerous on the darknet. Starting with the most famous one of all,  WikiLeaks, each one of these sites is dedicated to providing whistleblowers with a platform to express themselves openly to get the right kind of coverage.

The truth.

We found that many Tor sites (called onions) today lie somewhere between tame and useless.  Furthermore new research suggests that the few extant onions that remain are heading towards extinction.

The draw of Tor is its purported ability to keep users anonymous through the “onion routing” that gives Tor its name.


Do you know Christians who use the deep web or dark web to avoid  being persecuted?

We have heard of some missionaries who use the  Tor when communicating with their home church. However, some Christians argue that we should avoid it for the simple reason that we are taught NOT to hide, despite the persecutions that will come because of it. What are your thoughts and suggestions?

When Your Church Fails You: A Message For the Disheartened

When Your Church Fails You: A Message For the Disheartened

The church is meant to be a place of safety, worship, and fellowship. It’s the one place that you do not expect to be judged according to the world’s standard, to see the moral decay of society or meet hypocrites that spew all sorts of profanities. But what if your church has failed you? What do you do?

We are all one Church and the Body of Christ, but Jesus hasn’t come back yet so we are not yet physically united, but we are united in spirit, or at least we should be. For the time being, we are scattered all over the globe and we all have our own churches (a building of some sort) that we go to have fellowship with other Christians. It would be a lie if I said that all churches share the same agenda of worship, preaching, loving, admonishing and encouraging one another, because they don’t. Some churches are there to destroy the faith of Christians, to have them cleave to the world and to get rich by extorting the struggling and the poor. Other churches have good intentions, but there are a couple of goats among the herd of sheep that do not belong there and are causing wave upon wave of problems within the church. Although there are many good churches, the rate of questionable ones are growing and the population of name-only Christians is growing as well.

What if you attend one of the more questionable churches? Your church could be filled with pastors who give false doctrines, backbiters, idolators, gossipers, people committing adultery, having sexual relations out of marriage, occultic practices, lovers of money and haters of generosity, truth, love and the powerful Word of GOD. Maybe you were judged and rejected by members of the church. Day by day your faith starts to weaken. You start to question the foundation of your faith that is Christ Jesus. Can GOD really exist when these people do all of these sins? You came to church to learn about GOD, the Almighty GOD that created the world and created man in His own image. The GOD that sent His Son to earth to die for the sins of man, so that whoever would believe in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. You wanted to experience the presence of GOD, to find your purpose. Instead, you walked into a den of liars and people who seem lost, doing everything but what the Scriptures command. What are you to do? Do you abandon your faith? Do you walk away from your church?

Consider the following five steps before making a decision.

Step One: You identify that there is something legitimately wrong in your church. There will always be some people that are destructive in the church, but that doesn’t mean that the whole church is bad. Make sure that you’re not judging the whole church based on a few people.

Step Two: Read GOD’S Word to find out what He says about the people who follow His commands and those who do not. You will find that the fruits of the person will indicate their position with GOD.

Step Three: Understand that there are people who call themselves Christian and yet their hearts are far from GOD – these people have either backslidden or were never true Believers, to begin with. Be wary and watch out that you do not become influenced by them.

Step Four: If you are certain that the whole church goes against GOD’s Word, then leave the church and look for another church that is obedient to GOD in ALL things.

Step Five: Never lose your faith in GOD because of a couple of ‘goats’ in the church. Follow your Shepherd who is Jesus – He will never fail you or contradict Himself.

Whether you are a teenager, a seasoned Christian or an elderly person, GOD has a purpose for you. There will be many opportunities for you to question the validity of your faith, the grounds for your belief in Jesus, the necessity of the Scriptures, and even GOD’S love for you. Never allow doubt to take away your gift from Him- eternal life in Jesus. Rather than leave your faith, delve deeper into the Scriptures, look for answers, don’t just give up. Jesus is coming and He needs warriors, not lukewarm people who doubt His Word. Time is running out.

Why Followers of Jesus Should Care About Fair Trade

A year ago, I was actively involved in the oppression and enslavement of men, women, and children around the world. Every day, decisions that I made and money I mindlessly spent supported evil businessman that used people in desperate situations to get rich. And I had no idea.

One fall afternoon I was looking for something to watch on Netflix and began streaming the film  The True Cost. What I saw over the next hour and a half incited feelings of nausea, devastation, and rage. And the way I view clothes has not been the same ever since.

The film gives an overview of the fashion industry, and how the majority of clothes around the world are produced. They interviewed actual factory workers who told of their experiences. One woman’s story, in particular, chilled me to the bone. She told of how she tried to unionize for fairer pay, as most garment workers make roughly $2 per day. Due to her request, she and her coworkers were locked in a room, beaten, struck with scissors, and forced to continue working. As she told her story, choking back tears, she cried, “I don’t want people to wear clothes that were made with our blood.”

This is a normal occurrence around the world in garment factories and cotton farms. Children are forced out of school to pick cotton in brutal conditions. People are forced to work in dangerous conditions for little to no money.  

On the other side of the globe, we are fueling this horrible industry. We buy clothes as a hobby, and we never have enough. We trample people for the best Black Friday deals, as if the stuff we can buy is more important than the people around us, and the people making these items for us to purchase.  

Google “Rana Plaza Collapse”. Rana Plaza was a building that housed multiple garment factories in Bangladesh. The factory owners received several warnings about the structural integrity of the building, as large cracks in the building were discovered. Regardless, the garment factory bosses ordered their workers to continue coming to work.  It collapsed in 2013, killing 1,134 people and injuring thousands more.    Many companies were having clothes made in these factories, including J.C. Penney, Walmart, The Children’s Place, Primark, Zara, and more.  

Isaiah 1:17 says, “Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.”

Injustice and oppression are the driving forces of much of the clothing industry. Let’s refuse to turn a blind eye to this. Instead, let’s commit to seek justice and defend the oppressed. Here are a few steps that I have found helpful in this journey:

1.  Buy less.  How many clothes do you  actually  need? Most people around the world, outside of North America and Europe, have a minimal number of outfits if they have more than one. I’m not saying get rid of all your clothes and become a minimalist. But before you buy your fourth pair of black shoes or your seventh blue t-shirt, ask yourself, “Do I  really  need this?”

2.  Buy Fair-Trade.  Clothes that are certified Fair-Trade ensure that people are treated well. By buying these clothes, you can actually support the garment worker themselves, and allow them to continue their craft.

3.  Find a few companies that are committed to treating people well, and become a committed customer.  A few that I have started shopping at are Everlane, Krochet Kids International, Pact, and Oliberte.  

This may be all new for you, and you are processing the devastating reality of the clothing industry. If you are coming to grips with this reality, I encourage you to commit to the charge of Isaiah 1:17. Seek justice. Defend the oppressed.

Mental Illness: Are they falling into darkness?

Let’s face it, mental illness is part of a lot of people’s everyday lives. They do their best to cope with it, either at work or at home. But one thing is for sure, it is far from being easy. I’ve been there! It’s not a question of lacking faith, or laziness or whether you come from a poor or rich family. Mental illness touches everyone. And it can come when you least expect it.

It doesn’t mean you did something to deserve it, or that you are weak. It simply means, you are human and in today’s world, having to deal with all the negative that surrounds us, all the bills to pay, all the pressure, the lack of money, not knowing if you’ll ever get out of debt or finally become healthy. It can become very hard for anyone to deal with all of that and sometimes, you just fall into that hole. You know the dark place that no one really wants to talk about!

For some it’s a question of weakness and talking about it is out of the question.

For others, it is a very taboo subject. They feel incredibly ashamed of themselves and they surely do not want to be judge or even worse, for someone to preach to them in a condescending way.

You know when you are having a hard time, you battle the enemy as hard as you possibly can, you pray, you kneel down and just beg Him to take everything because you just can’t anymore, and then that “friend” who has it easier than you, tells you that you need to be patient and all will be fine…

Right then and there, there’s an explosion in your head and you want to scream!!!

That dear friend doesn’t really know what else to tell you, understandably!   It’s not easy for them either.   But you know it’s making things worse, not better.

Those little tiny things can make you go down even more. You then hear more and more voices in your head, telling you to do this or that. You have difficulty hearing God’s voice, and it sadly seems to be getting a lot more difficult to hear Him. And the enemy is there, always, waiting for the right moment to attack!

That story is about your friend. It’s about mine too. It can also be my story or yours. But this story is repeated millions of times by people just like me and you, all around the world.

It’s not easy trying to confront human misery. It’s even harder when that misery is close to you or part of you. Holding on and asking others to pray for you when you don’t have the energy or the will to do so, will allow God to intervene. Do not throw the towel! Rather, hold on to it as if it were a lifeboat on its way to calmer waters.

You can overcome the darkness. It’s not easy. In fact, it’s extremely hard. And sadly, not all people will overcome it, but many will and they will come out stronger and victorious on the other side. In the meantime, I suggest we should stop with the smart remarks, the judgmental smirk or that “eye rolling” when we see our friend is still struggling even if it’s been a while and even if we were able to get through our hard times really fast! The worst thing we can do when somebody is struggling, is to tell them how our life is just so great by saying that we got our new boat, we sold our car in less than a day, we got a buyer for our house, we are going on our fifth vacation this year and we won the lottery…while our friend is struggling in all aspects of her or his life! Come on….we’ve all done it! We have all at one point or another, been careless and damage was done!

We need to be careful and just watch our tongue. Not all things are worth saying. Jesus tells us we need to think twice before we speak. Instead, we just might give our friend a hug, a gentle touch, a smile and tell them we can pray with them. If they want to talk, listen or respect if they do not.

Pray, pray and pray for them. Pray for that person to beat the enemy’s schemes. Pray for God to intervene and fast. Pray they get clarity of mind. Pray for the hope of a better life. Pray for joy. They sure need it.

Mental health is not always about the others. It involves you and me. It can be about you and me. The struggles are part of the story and if we take time to listen to the nonspoken words, if we listen with our heart and not always our brain, we can be inspired by those beautiful people, by their pain, by their struggles and wonderful victories, big or small. We have a lot to gain by loving people with the same love, God loves us with!


27 Beautiful Bible Verses for Every Woman in Need of Love, Reassurance and Strength.

“The remedy for discouragement is the word of God. When you feed your heart and mind with its truth, you regain your perspective and find renewed strength. “Warren Wiersbe

We all yearn to feel the sense of belonging, loved and appreciated. God is love, He’s the best source of inspiration and we can all learn from Him. Are you looking for scriptures that reflect your emotions or inspire you? Look no further and may these Bible verses help you to see life from a different perspective. May you find strength and experience supernatural peace and comfort. Stand in the promises of God.

1. “God is within her, she will not fall.”Psalm46:5

2. “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”Proverbs31:25

3. “The Lord is my strength and my shield.”Psalm28:76

4. “I loved you at your darkest.”Romans5:8

5. “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go. “Joshua 1:9

6. “She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. “Proverbs 31:26

7. “Under his wings you will find refuge.”Psalm9:1

8. “Don’t worry about anything, instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done.”Philippians4:6

9. “By the grace of God, I am what I am.”1 Corinthians 15:10

10. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not onto your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your path.”Proverbs3:5-6

11. “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill his Promises to her!”Luke 1:45

12. “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”Psalm139:14

13. “Do everything in love.”1 Corinthians16:14

14. “Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight.”1 Peter3:3-4

15. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”Joshua1:9

16. “Mightier than the thunder of the great waters, mightier than the breakers of the sea-the LORD on high is mighty.”Psalm93:4

17. “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created” Esther4:14

18“I am complete in Him.”Colossians2:10

19. “A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies.”Proverbs31:10

20“For the spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.”2ndTimothy1:7

21. “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I lift up my soul.”Psalm143:8

22. “You are loved more than you will ever know by someone who died to know you.”Romans5:6

23. “For I know the plans I have for you,”Jeremiah29:11

24. “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”Exodus14:14

25. “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”Joshua1:5

26. “All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you. “Songs of songs4:7

27. “Whenever you feel unloved, unimportant, or insecure, remember to whom you belong.”Ephesians2:19-22

“Snuggle in God’s arms. When you are hurting, when you feel lonely, left out. Let Him cradle you, comfort you, reassure you of His all-sufficient power and love “Kay Arthur

Is Your Alarm Clock Killing You?

Sleep makes you feel better, but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles.

“On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested.” Genesis 2:2

And then the LORD set his alarm so that he could wake up bright and early the next day…?

Wait. What? There weren’t alarm clocks? Oh, that’s what the sun was for. (I know, I know. God doesn’t need sleep. It’s a joke, folks.)

But humans do need sleep. Most of us probably need alarm clocks, too. Or at least we think we do. But it hasn’t always been that way.

Even after they left the perfection of the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were dependent upon the sun to wake them in the morning. And up until just recently (a century or so), humans have been waking up based upon their own internal alarm clocks.

It’s only natural.  

Scientists today call it circadian rhythm. God created circadian rhythms and sleep cycles to help us maintain the balance of work and rest. But in our modern age of industry and technology, we’ve developed the ability to stay up late into the night and use alarm clocks to awaken us in the morning.

Progress, right?

Well, maybe not. Sleep cycles allow our bodies to flow in and out of deeper or lighter stages of sleep with the proper transitions. When we wake naturally, it develops as a slow dawning into consciousness. A gentle, peaceful awareness of a new day.

By contrast, the physiological responses to sleep being rudely interrupted by an alarm clock are staggering. And they might even be shortening your life!

Here’s what some of the smart, science people have to say:  

Waking Up Abruptly is Bad for Your Heart. One study by the National Institute of Industrial Health in Japan showed that waking up to a loud noise or jolting experience can be unhealthy for your heart. A sudden start from sleep causes a fight-or-flight response, increasing the blood pressure and heart rate. That’s bad.  

Sleep Cycle Interruptions Can Cause Mental Impairment. Your sleep delivers itself in 90-minute cycles. Waking up in the middle of a cycle can derail your sleep benefits. A study published by the American Medical Journal revealed that people who were awoken during the deepest sleep cycles exhibited memory loss, impaired mental processes, and clumsiness—similar to being drunk. It doesn’t last all day, but it’s not a happy feeling.

Alarm Clocks Start the Day with Stress. More than simply a moment of irritation, the stress of waking up to an alarm clock can impact the way you feel mentally and physically throughout the day. When you wake up with a jolt, adrenaline and cortisol hormones are released, causing the body and mind to panic and go into overdrive. Your day begins with stress and it snowballs from there.

Alarm Clocks Can Make You Fat. The use of an alarm clock means that you’re probably sleep deprived. Studies at the University of Munich and Harvard have shown that for every hour a person is sleep deprived, they are 33% more likely to be obese. Yikes!

So that’s the science bit. Now for some of my own experience and practical application”¦..

Recently I’ve been in a stage of life in which I, more often than not, wake up on my own in the morning. I work from home and my teenage children study from home, so I typically don’t need to set an alarm. I wake up naturally when my body is ready. And I feel better than I have for many years, less affected by my chronic pain condition, and much more energetic.

Of course, not everyone can work from home or has capable children. I remember waking up in the night when my kids were little and then depending on my alarm to peel me out of bed in the morning. Certain seasons of life don’t lend themselves well to healthy sleep patterns.

On the other hand, rather than just shrugging shoulders as if there’s nothing that can be done, it may be worth thinking about small lifestyle changes that would allow you to be kinder to yourself. To get back to more natural sleep patterns.

Because it seems that God designed our bodies to wake up naturally. It might sound like a luxury, but maybe it’s more of a forgotten necessity. Maybe it’s part of living a healthy lifestyle and caring for this temple that is your body. (1 Cor 6:19)

Maybe it could change everything!

So What To Do Now?

If you aren’t ready to throw your alarm out quite yet, consider easing into it with these options for your morning experience:

Use a Nicer Alarm Clock.   Instead of using a clock that jars you awake, consider one that lights up gradually like the sun. Or, certain smartphone apps can measure your sleep rhythms and wake you gently at the ideal time in your sleep cycle.

Change Your Bedroom. Moving your bed around and cracking the curtains so that more light shines on your bed in the morning may be a helpful way to awaken gradually.

Healthy Sleep Hygiene. Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning has a significant impact on setting your circadian rhythms. Start by going to bed 15 minutes earlier each night until you find your sweet spot and wake up before your alarm even goes off.  

Set Your Internal Clock. Most everyone has one. I didn’t really believe it until I used my own. But if you tell yourself just before falling asleep that you want to wake up at 6:30, then you most likely will. Set your alarm for a bit later just as a backup, but you likely won’t need it. Your brain is cooler than you probably give it credit for. Give it a try!

Are You Ready For Jesus To Come?

CA Bill Bans the Bible

No one is exempt. Every single one of us has a calling from the Lord. We have a purpose for our time here on earth. We have an assignment from God.  

In 2 Cor. 9:1-5, we see Paul’s continued dedication to the Corinthians. Paul had every excuse to walk away. He could have easily deserted them and moved on. A lot of times…that seems like the best option. But Paul doesn’t throw in the towel and call it quits. Oh, he so easily could have! The oxygen was waning thin. The deep, dark bags under his eyes were showing. However, he stayed in the game…not because he was receiving a pat on the back or high-fives in the air…but merely because God had called him.

The Nature of Readiness

Despite the false teachers, confused Corinthians, and unending hostile work environment–Paul presses on. He fights the good fight. He doesn’t let exhaustion win. Paul continues on because he is smack dab where God assigned him to be. He is living out the calling on his life. And whether you realize it or not, you have a calling too. God has called you to use the gifts He has apportioned to you.  

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). John Piper defines our spiritual gifts as “varied grace incarnate in human personalities which we steward for the good of others.Consider the extraordinary privilege of being useful to God. He has gifted you with spiritual gifts, appointed you as an ambassador, and invited you to be a part of the Great Commission.

Now, it is our responsibility to heed the call. Finish the task. And follow through. In one moment (like the Corinthians) we may be ready. We may be amped up. But then we hop in our car, turn on the radio, and start singing a different tune. Forgetting all about our calling.

The Big Question

Do you have any unfinished business? Have you lacked the resolve to carry it through? Is there anything God has called you to do that has been left undone? Paul gave the Corinthians overseers (a call out to all my accounting friends. whoop!) to help them stay on course and execute the plan. Maybe some of us need an accountability partner. Maybe some of us need to get back in the game. Maybe some of us need reminding that Jesus is coming back soon…and we need to be up and ready with the kettle pot on.

What is your biggest distraction? When Jesus comes back, will you be ready?


God’s Secret of Dealing With a Mean Boss

God's Secret of Dealing With a Mean Boss

Before I knew this secret I dealt with mean bosses in one of these ways:

  • Arguing back.
  • Complaining about them to coworkers.
  • Finding ways to work less.
  • Quitting the job”¦only to find that they were in the next job in another person’s body!
  • And yes”¦indirectly telling them I would love to punch them in the face after work.

I’m not proud of this. But that was before I knew the secret. When I learned the secret, it revolutionized my life. This secret made every obnoxious boss putty in my hand. I will warn you: this secret will forever change you.

If you think you’re ready for it”¦keep reading.

Jesus Hinted at the Secret

Jesus knew how powerful the secret was”¦and yet He only glossed over it. He didn’t delve into it. He didn’t elaborate on it. He just threw it out in the middle of a conversation:

And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two. (Matthew 5:41 NKJV)

He knew everybody wouldn’t want it – so He made it available to those that did.

Before I tell you more, please understand this: You can’t change your boss.  You’re not supposed to. You’re supposed to change you, and as you change so will your boss. Until I understood that I could not find the secret and you won’t until you do.

So what is the secret?

It’s simple: going  the extra mile.

When Jesus shared the secret, He related it to an oppressive custom of the day.

It originated with the Persian government and was later adopted by the Roman government. Under this custom, the king’s messengers had the power to take horses, camels, and men into service against their will. Couriers and messengers were staged in specific locations by the king; if someone were to pass the location the courier rushed out and “compelled” them into service.

Simone of Cyrene was later “compelled” into helping Jesus with His cross.

Rather than quarrel and complain about the treatment Jesus advised otherwise: don’t just comply with the request but exceed expectations in a spirit of love and service. And that’s what I did:

  • If she asked me to do four things I did eight
  • If she asked me to have something done by 1:30 pm I had it finished before lunch!
  • If she needed something done in 20 minutes I did it in 10!

And I did it all with a smile on my face!

Little by little her gruff exterior towards me (I can’t vouch for anyone else) softened, and my influence with her grew. I changed my response to the problem”¦and ended up changing the problem!

The Benefits of the Secret

  • You benefit by the law of comparison.  Most people don’t go the extra mile. They go the first mile and complain all the way there! Some don’t even finish the first mile! When you go the extra mile the spotlight of attention shines favorably on you. And after a while, you soon become indispensable to those around you”¦especially superiors”¦and indispensable employees are always paid more than dispensable ones!
  • You develop greater leadership qualities.  Going the extra develops the habit of the personal initiative–a trait necessary for ANY kind of leadership. As you employ the extra mile your brain looks for more ways to become helpful. Soon you stop waiting for people to tell you what to do–you just do it. You no longer wait for things to happen, you make them happen!
  • God makes sure you’re compensated fairly.  At the end of the day whether we’re salaried or self-employed: we write our own checks! We do this with the service we give to a boss, company, or clients. But even though we write our checks, God is still the Boss. And if the Boss sees you going above and beyond, you can know that He’ll reward you fully.

What do you think? Are there any other benefits of using this secret? What has been your experience with it been?

You Have the Victory, So Why Are You Walking Around Defeated?

You Have the Victory, So Why Are You Walking Around Defeated?

Why are you so downcast? You hang your head down, just ‘getting on with life’, but not truly living. Do you not know that you have victory because of Jesus? Your identity lies with Christ, not with what the world throws at you. You are not your mistakes, you are not your physical appearance, you are not your job, your relationships or your possessions (however grand or meager), you are who GOD says you are.

It is incredibly easy to accept all the negative things of the world. We so readily believe what the world tells us and yet doubt the truths of the Bible. Bit by bit, we are being weighed down by the pressures of society, the pressure to get a well-paying job, the pressure to achieve at school, the pressure of being better than the next person, the pressure of getting married- even when you’re not ready- and even the pressure of accepting beliefs that are not your own. When does it all stop? The truth is, it can only stop with you. You have to decide to trust GOD’S Word above all else and live according to His Word. Perhaps you believe that you have already tried living your life according to GOD’S Word, but it hasn’t worked out for you. I’m going to have to be truthful and say that you probably were not following GOD’S Word, but a watered down version of it. The reality is, we do not want to give up our negative world- we do not want to give up our comfort with the patterns of the world. When you’re not Christain, you do not have much of a choice but to live according to the sway of the world, but when you are, in fact, a Christian, you no longer have that excuse to use for the condition that your life is in. You have no excuse to think negatively, you have no excuse to speak negatively and you have no excuse to accept anything negative.

You do not have to live a life of defeat. I repeat you do not have to live a life of defeat. What did Jesus say in John 10:10: “The thief does not come in except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly.” Jesus came so that you would have a more abundant life! Don’t immediately associate abundance with riches and fame, but instead think about what having a more abundant life means. I think of having joy, peace, security, love, grace, mercy and hope in abundance, and I believe that is what Jesus actually meant. Riches and fame do not make one happy- just take a look at the celebrities. Divorce, substance abuse, violence, and unhappiness are rife among them, despite their wealth and the adoration of their fans. You do not need to be rolling in money or popular with people to have an abundant life, but that doesn’t mean that you have to be poor and alone either. You see, our Heavenly Father already knows what we need, be it food, clothing, a job, or a roof over our heads etc. But be honest with yourself, what matters to you more: attaining your hoard of desired materialistic possessions or seeking a relationship with GOD? I’ll let you in on a ‘secret’ so well-known, that it’s universally dismissed for its simplicity: “But seek first the kingdom of GOD and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.” (Matt 6:33). What are all these things that Jesus is talking about? “Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?” (Matt 6:25). What Jesus is basically saying is that you need to stop worrying about these things, and instead focus on seeking a relationship with GOD. You focus on GOD and He will make sure that you have all that you need. Simple right? Because it is! The world tells us that it’s not possible, but Jesus commanded us not to worry. You say that you follow Jesus, so are you going to ignore the world and obey Him?

So, what does it mean to walk in victory? First of all, it means that we do not have to be afraid of death! John 11:25 says: “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” We have an eternity of being in GOD’S sweet presence in Heaven! You don’t have to be worried about dying- a thought that plagues most of the world- you will die knowing where you are going. And if your loved ones are also saved, then you will all meet again. Having victory also means that even though we may go through trials and difficulties, that we can have peace- “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace” (John 16:33). We do not have to be stressed, full of anxiety and fear. Look at Philippians 4:6-7: “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to GOD; and the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Don’t remain in your state of anxiety, please! Paul the Apostle tells you what to do- pray! Pray, give your worries to GOD, let Him know of your petitions and be thankful to Him. Even when everything is going wrong, remain thankful- it drives the devil wild with anger. When you present your requests to Him, peace will fill your heart. Don’t try to understand it, just accept it. Be child-like when receiving from our LORD, don’t question His gifts to us, accept them and say thank you. Not only that, say thank you before you’ve even received what you have prayed for. Most importantly, do not limit GOD in your life because of your own doubts and insecurities. Choose to believe Him, even when there is no evidence before you- “For we walk by faith, not by sight” (2 Cor 5:7).

In Acts 10:34, Peter tells us that GOD does not show favoritism towards anyone, what He does for one He will do for the other. Stop saying: I believe that GOD can do it, I just don’t believe that He will do it for me. Of course, He will do it for you! It’s your own disbelief that blocks your blessings in your life. Ephesians 3:20 says: “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,…” Did you get that? GOD can do way more than you could ever ask of Him. Our GOD is so mighty and loving, He longs to bless you, but even more than that, He longs to have a relationship with you. The ball is in your court, so what are you going to do about it? Are you going to continue feeling downtrodden and defeated, or are you going to live a victorious life in Christ Jesus?

Ending Thoughts: “For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which GOD prepared beforehand that we should walk in them” (Eph 2:10). You’ve got a purpose, Beloved, time to take your place within the kingdom of GOD and fulfill the plans that He has for you.

The Influence of Godly Mothers

The Influence of Godly Mothers

Mother’s Day is approaching and we will be recognising all of the loving and sweet Mother’s in our lives. One of life greatest blessings is to have a Godly mother. On this special day, we will be sharing words of love and showing appreciation to the women that have loved us before we took our first breath. Paul references the importance of a godly mother and grandmother in 2 Timothy 1: 5 (ESV)

“I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first  in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now,  I am sure, dwells in you as well.”

As a child, I never understood the magnitude of having a godly mother or the blessing of a mother’s love. My relationship with my biological mother was nothing close to what you read in most Hallmark cards and the Foster mother that I had was not a great substitute mother either. What I missed as a child was troubling but Mother’s Day is so much more than celebrating your own biological mother. Mother’s Day is also about celebrating the women that have stepped in that motherly role, the ones that have lifted you up in prayer day after day, loved you, befriended you, and guided you, these are the women that I call spiritual mothers.

What is a Spiritual Mother?

A Spiritual Mother is a woman that lives her life for God and helps and guides you in your walk with God. Like a mentor, only with a mother’s heart. A spiritual mother nurtures, cares, provides and creates an environment that can be trusted in which you can feel safe to grow in. Spiritual Mothers share wisdom and can help with seeing things from a different perspective. A Spiritual Mother will love you despite your shortcomings but help you shine in your strengths. Spiritual Mothers will bless and encourage the call of God on your life. Spiritual moms most of the time are not chosen by you, instead, typically they find you. A real Spiritual mother can sense the void in your life, they watch you and pray for you long before they ever come into a close relationship with you. They will never be pushy, but gently they walk along with you and when the time is right they draw close. A Spiritual mother’s love can be felt in the way they communicate with you. Their demeanor is typically soft if you need soft and firm if you need firm. I believe God has a spiritual mother in the world for everyone whether you have had a great mother or not. The need for Spiritual mothers is great, everyone needs someone to help nurture in time of need.

My Spiritual Mother  

I have a spiritual mother; her name is Crystal. I will never forget when I first became sick and was admitted to the hospital. She was always the first one there and the last one to come back. She took care of the little things and some big things. To say Crystal is just a mere mentor or Spiritual Mother doesn’t even give it justice. She is much more to me that she will ever know. She has been the mother that I never had, the kind of mother I needed so badly when I was younger. She has been the ear to listen, the one to check on me every single week, and she really cares for me. Through Crystal, I have truly had a taste of what a mother truly is and for that, I am so grateful. Crystal has been a grandmother to my kids and has given a lot of herself to me and my family. So right now, I want to take the time to honor my Spiritual Mother and say thank you to Crystal and we love you. Proverbs 31: 30-31 says;

Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman  who fears the  Lord  is to be praised.  Give her of the fruit of her hands,  and let her works praise her in the gates.”  

I praise my Spiritual mother for her works of grace, mercy, and kindness and for taking me underneath her wings.

Being A Godly Mother

One of life’s greatest gifts you can give your children is to be a Godly mother. I will never forget holding my first baby girl just fifteen years ago. When I gave birth to my daughter, my love for her was instant and so great that I would lay my life down for her. I wanted a strong bond with her, and relationship where she knew she could come to me with anything in the world. Most of all I wanted her to know that she was a gift from God. Now, I have two beautiful children that I love so much. We say I love you every day, and we share hugs. We talk with each other, and I guide my children. I teach them the word of God. Proverbs 22: 6 ESV says;

Train up a child in the way he should go;  even when he is  old he will not depart from it.”

I believe that if I train my children to be model citizens, to be respectful, to know what manners are, to follow the ways of God, to live godly lives that not only will they live it out, according to Proverbs 22: 6, they will also teach their children the same values, morals and Christian characteristics.

How Forgiveness Can Make You Love Again

How Forgiveness Can Make You Love Again

I’m bringing you on a personal journey: mine. I strongly believe we can all learn from one another and I hope by sharing this story, it will make you ask yourself some questions. This is the goal of making you rethink your current situation.

You see, like many of you, I come from a broken family. There was a lot of violence in my daily life. No child should ever grow up in that kind of dark atmosphere, but sadly a lot of them, do!

I am an only child and I learned very quickly what “hate” felt like.

My dad was a hard-working man who spent more than 80 hours a week at work while my mom stayed home with me. I realised pretty young that I wasn’t wanted and nothing would ever be good enough, no matter how hard I tried.

She beat me every single day. Put me in diapers and made me parade in front of the big window in the living room when friends would walk by. She would scream and swear, shout for everything and nothing at all. She would pick up the phone and act as if she was talking to the police, saying I had been a very bad girl, then made my suitcase and put me in front of the door. We were “waiting” for the police car to come and get me. I was going to jail. That’s what she told me many times and every single time, I was certain I was going to jail forever!

I spent many days in my teens wishing her dead! No, I wasn’t a Christian at that time and knew nothing about God. And the fact that my dad wasn’t present didn’t help at all. He was trying to escape the madness so he stayed at work as much as he could.   And when he came back, he drank himself into a coma accompanied by my mom.

That’s why I learned to drive at around 12 or 13 years old. I could drive them back at our house all the while my dad passed out in the back and mom sitting in front. At 16, I was already a very experienced driver!

Life eventually went on, and I moved out at around 20. I had a nice job and a decent apartment apart from the fact that the bathroom ceiling in the shower fell on my head! But that’s another story…

I was at least finally away from the beast! Through the years, she remained an angry and frustrated woman. But still, she could show some love on some occasions and it felt good when she did. Surprisingly, when I was sick, she was the best mom ever! But she went back to her old self as soon as I started to feel better.

Things changed and fast

In my forties, my dad got sick. The first time, I was on the road with my then boyfriend (we were driving tractor trailers in the United States), and my dad told me, over the phone, he had prostate cancer. I was in Las Vegas, very far from home.

After being operated on, dad beat cancer only to get some more bad news a few years later, that he had stage IV colon cancer. My dear father stayed strong during the battle. He fought so hard because he didn’t want to leave my mom behind. He knew she was very dependent on him. She didn’t even walk 20 feet outside to go get the newspaper. She knew nothing about paying bills, could not drive and was afraid of her shadow. Dad knew all that, and the more death’s door was knocking the more he became very angry and frustrated.

They eventually spoke frankly to one another and forgave each other. One morning dad asked mom to call the ambulance, he knew it was time for him to leave home. Mom could no longer take care of him.

She told me, it was the hardest thing she ever had to go through. They embraced each other very hard, dad was put on a stretcher and outside, he waved saying with all his strength, that he loved her very much. That was the last time they spoke. A few hours later, I went to the hospital and he could no longer recognize me or her.

My mom found herself all alone for the first time in her life! She fell into a deep depression and started to change. She went from a strong and very intimidating woman to a frail and very scared one.   Everything changed so fast. I didn’t have time to deal with my dad’s passing that my mom was transforming herself into someone I didn’t know.

Five years later, she was diagnosed with dementia and had to go to the hospital emergency because of liver cirrhosis. She stayed in the hospital almost 2 months and came very close to dying. Even the doctor thought it was a miracle she had not.

That’s where the story changes and you see the greatness of God. In 2011, I was a believer, so every time, I went to see mom, I would pray with her. Pray at home, in my car, everywhere and constantly. I asked God to please help me forgive her so I could have a few moments with her before he decided to come and get her.

I was able to have one year with my mom. One day, I spoke to her in her hospital bed and told her how I felt about her old self. She didn’t remember how she was, to the point that she was now a new woman. She spoke differently, she laughed always and was loved by everyone at the hospital. She was an extremely loving person.

After I was done talking to her, I promised her I would never abandon her. She asked for forgiveness and accepted my apologies. That day, we stood there in that hospital room hugging for hours. I was blessed enough to spend one year with that new mom. Even if she forgot things and could not remember where she lived or who my husband was, I didn’t care. I had been blessed by God in a big way, and I was able to have one full year with the loving woman. I know if I had not been keen on forgiving her, I would have missed the boat and would probably live with a lot of regrets.

The day she died, I was with her, alone in the room. The Holy Spirit told me to go to her quick. I took her hand, she squeezed it very hard, smiled and I stroke her hair, telling her how much I loved her. She let out 3 breaths and she was gone.

I drove one hour to go back home and I was crying all the way back. Not just because she was gone, rather for the privilege I had to be with her that last year.

The act of forgiveness had made it possible for me to love my mom again. Love her dearly and sincerely. Plus, it made it also possible to give her pure love, while she was on her way home.

Love waved goodbye, and love reached out to welcome her.


The Awkwardness of Witnessing at Work

The Awkwardness of Witnessing at Work

Telling someone about God is not the easiest thing in the world. I don’t understand every single thing about Him, I mean, he’s God. I can’t answer you when you ask me how in the heck He was there before there ever was a beginning; my human mind can’t comprehend how that’s even possible. I can’t tell you why bad things happen to good people, I can’t tell you why we are always at conflict with other countries when an all-powerful God could just say “Stop being stupid” and we would all just get along. I don’t have the answers to the world’s toughest questions about God, all I’ve got is faith based on the knowledge that I do have. I do know that God answers prayer, I do know that He gives me peace and strength, and I do know that before God, all I ever did was sit around, get fat off of junk food and feel sorry for myself.

I tell people about God because I want them to know Him like I know Him. I want them to know what it feels like knowing that God comforts us in the storm and protects us from harm. But how do I convey that in spoken form? How do I describe a feeling that’s unlike any other? Most of the time I fail, and then things get awkward.

“God loves you. I know you may not believe in him, but he believes in you!” Cringe. Why did I say that? I used to work at a Fast Food joint, not Hallmark. She turned right around to face me and said, “Alisha, I don’t NOT believe in God, I just don’t go to church. Who told you that I was an atheist?” Ummm awkward! What’s even is worse is the fact that I ratted on my friend and said that she did it. I really didn’t think that through, I should have had more coffee before I decided to open up my big mouth cause for the rest of that week everybody was making fun of how ignorant I was.    

I had another situation where I was trying to witness to someone and I just went right along with their answers so that I could seem relatable. Big mistake. “Yeah,” he said. “I just don’t know if God is real or not. He could be, but he might not be. I just don’t know, so I don’t believe.” I told him that I was right in the same boat as him, which was a lie. I told him the cliche line of “too many things have happened to me for me to not believe,” and the cringe continued. No, my grade A witnessing skills did not make this person desperately want to give his life to The Lord. I wasn’t being truthful, I believe in God and in no way do I have any doubts. There was a time I didn’t, but not now. I don’t know how I thought lying just to seem relatable would do anyone any good.  

I haven’t mastered the arts of genius witnessing tactics, but now I’m realizing that the best way is to live by example. People are going to notice I’m different, people are going to be curious on their own, and then I can tell them what I know and be honest about what I don’t know. Witnessing isn’t about obnoxiously asking them if they want to learn about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it isn’t about making people feel weird or uncomfortable, it’s about leading people to God on their own terms. Let your light shine for itself, people will notice, and when they do, they will find a love like they’ve never known before.


They Cried Out: Miracles in the Midst of Storms

Miracles in the Midst of Storms

In Acts 14:11 the crowd cried out. They were amazed. A man lame from birth was walking about. The crowd starting announcing thanks to Hermes and Zeus. The apostles were distraught. How dare they when they had witnessed a miracle in the name of Jesus, the son of God. Where is their faith?

Fast-forward 2,000 years. Are we any different? A beloved friend is given a chance to hold her grandchild while cancer whittles and distorts her bone marrow. Her prognosis was death at 45 years of age but she is now 48 and cherishing her first grandchild. Do we cry out and worship the science and doctors?

Look at the seven year old who had a tragic, fatal ATV accident giving him a traumatic brain injury. He should be severely damaged or dead. Today, he prepares to re-enter school this fall. To whom do we cry out and give credit? The EMT Team, the doctors, or the advancement of surgical techniques are they the gods of this miracle?

Today we have miracles, but do we see God in the mist of each one? For humans when people leave this earth too soon, live with horrific diseases, or suffer daily, we begin to cry out, “Where is God? How could God let this happen?” This is tough, but God is always beside and in those who need him. We want magic. God wants faith. He is close to the broken-hearted. He is with the suffering and those crippled by disease. The ones who acknowledge him are those who smile through the struggles of wearing diapers, withstanding chemo, and letting go to become whole again in death.

What about the 48 year old with cancer? What about the 7 year old with the traumatic brain injury? Was it modern medicine? Was it luck? Was it Hermes or Zeus? God is in everything. He is in science. He is in doctors. He is in the development of medicines and techniques. He guides EMTs, hospice nurses, and people. Today as you see the miracles of God cry out with me, “Thanks be to God.”

Sarah Anderson Alley.  Thanks be to God.  Dedicated to Teresa & Kyler

Quotes of the Day:

“I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles.” –  Audrey Hepburn

“Miracles happen everyday, change your perception of what a miracle is and you’ll see them all around you.” –  Jon Bon Jovi

“Miracles are a retelling in small letters of the very same story which is written across the whole world in letters too large for some of us to see.” – C.S. Lewis

How Billy Graham Became the Most Famous Preacher in America

How Billy Graham Became the Most Famous Preacher in America

My journey into Billy Graham’s life was absolutely fascinating! I always loved M. Graham and his teachings but I thought, even if he inspired millions of people around the world, for sure, he must have gotten some inspiration from those who were closest to him.  

Who was Billy Graham?

I’m convinced most people know who Billy Graham was unless you live under a rock! But just in case some of you don’t know who this man was…

The Christian evangelist William Franklin Graham was born on November 7, 1918, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Billy Graham was an evangelist at revival meetings and on radio and television for over 40 years. He was basically the greatest evangelist there ever was. He preached the Christian gospel to as many as 220 million people in live audiences over 185 countries.   He was credited with preaching to more individuals than anyone else in history, not counting the additional millions he has addressed through radio, television and the written word.  

How it all started for Billy

 It was a traveling evangelist Mordecai Ham, who would set Graham on a profound spiritual path. At the age of 16, he attended a series of revival meetings done by M. Ham and his sermons really spoke to him. After high school, he enrolled in a conservative Christian school and later to the Florida Bible Institute.   After graduating from the Florida Bible Institute with a bachelor in theology, Graham moved to Illinois and he enrolled at Wheaton College for further spiritual training. At the tender age of 19, he got baptized in a southern Baptist Church and one year later, he was ordained.

It was there, at Wheaton’s College that he met, Ruth McCue Bell, who would later become his wife.  

Then came Ruth

Ruth was born in China in 1920. Her parents, Dr. Nelson Bell and Virginia McCue Bell, were medical missionaries with the Presbyterian Hospital. Ruth never intended to marry, since she knew how hard the life of a missionary was but all changed when she met Billy at age 17, in 1937. She said, she loved Billy’s gentle spirit and prayed to God, she would be able to serve Him, with Billy, whom she wished would become her husband.  

Ruth was an amazing Christian author and Billy respected her work very much. He was very proud of what she was accomplishing as a mother and as a writer. He said about his wife, that she was also a marvellous cook and a fabulous mother. He often turned to her for advice about his ministry. Often being away from home, He was so respectful of his wife that he swore he would never be alone with another woman other than her. He would ask members of his team, to go into his hotel room and check before he came in, just in case a fan might be there waiting for him. He also shared that his greatest temptation was wanting on a few occasion, to not listen to God and his calling because he wished he could stay home with his wife and children. He found leaving them to be very hard. He struggled many times with that. But he also knew how is calling was important and he did not want to disobey God.  

Ruth knew how important her role was as a wife and mother. She treasured her role as Billy’s confident, advisor, administrator and closest friend. She preferred to stay away from the spotlight and was more at ease working behind the scenes. She helped him with the research for his books and was a very important helper when came time to prepare his sermons. She was an amazing writer and poet and she authored as well as coauthored 14 books.  

Billy had Ruth as a firm anchor, she would stand by him and make sure he stood firm whenever he would become tempted to dive into politics which fascinated him so. In 1964, when rumors were circulating about Billy Graham running for the White House, she told him boldly, “If you run, I don’t think the country will elect a divorced president”.  

Ruth always helped her husband who was always facing many temptations. She was a strong and talented woman. She was a gifted evangelist too but a more private one. She was sharing the gospel with their circle of friends including the First Families.  

Reverend Graham’s wife had also a very witty sense of humour. Barbara Bush once said, that Ruth had been asked if she ever thought about divorce, she answered: “ Divorce? No. Murder? Yes”.  

Like M. Graham said many times, he could not have done what he has, if it was not for the support of his dear and beloved wife who inspired him so. She was behind the scenes most of the time, but played a major role in Billy Graham’s life and who he became, which is the greatest evangelist there ever was.  


Life Or Death – It’s Your Choice

Life Or Death - It's Your Choice

Whether you wanted to or not, you have picked a side. There is no such thing as sitting on the fence. You are a slave to whatever side you have chosen – make no mistake about that. Your choice becomes a life sentence – you are going to adhere to the ‘rules’ of that side. Ask yourself this: does your choice lead to life or death?

Life Sentence One (The Broad Path)

  1. But even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing, whose minds the god of this age has blinded, who do not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of GOD, would shine on them (2 Cor 4:3-4).

I am enjoying my life doing what I want to do and how I want to do it. I believe that I am a kind and generous person- I regularly donate to charities, help out the poor and needy etc. I’m not a criminal of any kind, well maybe I once stole something, but nothing hectic. I’m nothing like the murderers who take the lives of innocent people, I have not raped anyone or done any other major crime. I am good to my family, I earn an honest living and when I can, I take vacations. I am essentially a good person- an upstanding member of the community. If what I choose to do does not hurt anyone else, why should it be wrong? I do not need organized religion to tell me right from wrong! I don’t need some non-existent GOD to tell me what to do! As far as I’m concerned, these religious people are the problem to society- especially these stupid and judgemental Christians. Well, maybe some are alright- they do not try to evangelize me or something. In fact, I don’t even believe that some of them are so-called Christians- they do all the things that the rest of us ‘heathens’ do! Isn’t their GOD against sex out of marriage, getting drunk, going to the clubs and that sort of thing? Anyway, I’ve seen plenty of that type- they are not going to recruit anybody with that sort of double standard. But really now, I don’t want to hear about some fictional character called Jesus! I mean, what proof is there that He actually exists? Just a bunch of lies if you ask me. If He really existed, why would this so-called Almighty GOD send His son to die such a horrible and demeaning death? What kind of loving GOD does that?! No, I do not want any part of a religion that allows innocent people to be killed and even justifies itself! If I believed in a higher power, then I would rather be Buddhist or something- they are far more honest, non-judgemental, non-violent and more loving and generous than this bunch of hypocrites! You know what though? This is the only life that we are going to get, and I’m going to make the best of it. There is no life after death.

All Scripture is given by inspiration of GOD and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of GOD may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim 3:16-17).

Listen here, you don’t need to tell me anything about GOD! I believe that there is a GOD and I will worship Him how I want to worship Him. Why do I need to read some book about events that probably didn’t even happen? Those are all just stories that teach us lessons. I mean, come on! Just think: a man’s daughters slept with him just to fall pregnant! What kind of sick thing is that? That couldn’t have happened- it’s just a story. How are you going to prove that it happened? You need to take into account that the Bible has been translated several times already! Who knows what is true and what isn’t. You can’t base your whole life on a book that probably isn’t even true. I do pray you know. I pray to GOD every day and it’s a personal relationship- I don’t want to talk about my faith and beliefs with you. I’m going to heaven either way- I’m a good person.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘LORD, LORD,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father in heaven (Matt 7:21)/ “But in that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” (Matt 24:36).

I’m not stupid you know. I do believe that there is one GOD and that He sent His Son to die for my sins on the cross. But right now, I don’t want to change my life to become a Believer. Look, I’m going to do it soon- just don’t rush me okay? It’s not like He is coming now! For centuries people have been telling us to get ready because Jesus is on His way, but in all that time He hasn’t appeared yet. Some people have even given dates of His arrival for goodness sake! But did He come on those dates? Nope! I just think that some Christians are just trying to scare us into accepting something that we are not ready for. So just chill please, I’ll come to Him in my own time. In all truth, I’m already a Christian because I believe, I’m just not fanatical like some of them- they take it a bit too far you know, what with talking about demons and spiritual realms and all that. Where do they get stuff like that? Sounds pretty mental and far-fetched to me. Nah man, I’ll change my ways in my own time. GOD loves me- He will forgive me anyway. I said I believe right? So there you go.

Jesus said to him, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6)/ “You shall have no other gods before Me.” (Exodus 20:3).

I go to church every Sunday you know. I do everything that I’m supposed to do. I keep myself away from the eight deadly sins like any good person and I say my prayers every night. Because of this, I know that I’m better than the others. At least I’m going to heaven. Well okay, I let Bryan go a little bit further than I intended to, but I didn’t go all the way! I’ll just go to confessions and do however many Hail Mary’s I need to do. I’m sure that the Blessed Virgin will forgive me- I’m just human, I make mistakes like any other person. I’ve got a small statue of her at home, I’ll just pray to her and ask her to speak on my behalf to Jesus so that He can help me from this temptation. Bryan says that we’ll get married soon so it’s okay, but it still seems like a sin to me. You know, I sometimes wonder to myself about these other so-called Christians; don’t they understand that the Pope is GOD’S elected representative of the church after Saint Peter? He is a holy man of GOD and deserves their respect. Whatever he says comes straight from GOD. It’s blasphemy for these Christians to think that they know better than him just because they read the Bible.

Do not be carried about with various and strange doctrines (Heb 13:9)/ Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons,” (1 Tim 4:1).

It doesn’t matter what religion you follow because they all lead to GOD. I like immersing myself in different cultures and their religions. They are quite similar you know. They all have that message of doing good to others, living an honest life- stuff like that. I regularly go into different temples dedicated to all these different gods. I will admit that some of these gods are freaky, what with all this sacrificing stuff, but I guess that it’s just one side of GOD. I like knowing about my angels, how I can pray to them, how they help me… they are sent by GOD- you should know that. Meditation is such a huge stress reliever. I’m not at that point where I can access my third eye yet, but my guru says that I’m close. I need to learn how to make my mind blank- it’s the only way for the spirits to contact me. I’m excited to get my own spiritual guide! I’m quite a spiritual person, so getting my own spiritual guide will just take my spirituality to the next level.   I think that I should light a few candles tonight before I meditate, maybe even get a few more crystals and concentrate on my chakras. I wonder what it would be like to have some power? I’m sure GOD wouldn’t mind. Those Wiccan witches seem good and peaceful- like a mother earth type of people. I won’t go to the dark side though, with all that sacrificing of animals and stuff. I’m sure that if I just slit my wrist though, my blood should suffice, then I won’t have to kill another living thing. I feel so odd sometimes though as

Life Or Death – It’s Your Choiceif something else within is trying to control me.

…being filled with all unrighteousness, sexual immorality, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness;…who, knowing the righteous judgments of GOD, that those who practice such things are deserving of death,… (Rom 1:29 & 32).

I’m going to do what I want to do, and you cannot judge me because only GOD can. If I want to take drugs, steal or drink heavily, who are you to judge me? Are you GOD? Man, sometimes I feel like I just can’t get out of this hell-hole. If GOD loves me so much, why doesn’t He help me? But anyway, you have got to do what you have got to do- nobody is going to help you in this life. Do you need money? You go and get it. You might need to steal it or kill others for it, but you can’t survive without it. Besides, I like the power that comes with doing whatever I feel like doing. And those whores? They just ask for it man. I give it to them good too. They might kick and scream, but they like it- it just shows that I’m doing a good job. Sometimes you need to silence them up forever, it’s nothing personal. I can’t handle snitches! That one dude tried to do me in, so I got rid of him- it’s only justice. You need to get your own justice in this world- GOD’s not going to do it for you. I have respect for GOD- I don’t want to hear you say anything against Him, you hear? One day He is going to judge me, and I’ll probably end up in hell man. But that’s life you know. Maybe there isn’t even a heaven or hell- who knows? Sometimes I feel like I got the devil living right inside of me- I get so angry and just lash out. But you know, no man can judge me, only GOD can. I’m going to live my life like I want to.

Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it (Col 2:15)/ For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing,… (1 Cor 1:18)/ And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14).

Jesus was a fool. There was no victory there. Satan got the victory- he triumphed the day that Jesus died on that cross. He is more powerful than anything! What is this GOD that you speak of? Who is He? He wasn’t even powerful enough to save His Son from the cross! These Christians are all fools. Satan, he is our salvation and our light. Lucifer is far more intelligent and more powerful than any simpering and foolish GOD. It is fitting that we sacrifice our children to Lucifer. In return, he promises to give us great riches and power. The demons dwelling within me do what I want them to do. Perhaps there are times when they overpower me and use my body against my will, but I’m still more powerful than any stupid Christian will ever be. I’m not always comfortable with kidnapping people to sacrifice them, but it has to be done. Our great lord Lucifer needs these sacrifices- it shows our loyalty to him. I’ve gotten used to the taste of blood mixed in my drink- sometimes the priestess will even grind up some flesh and give it to people to eat it. If you’re willing to do this, you get even stronger demons in you. I enjoy the orgies, but the demons mingling among us can be brutal. There are so many lies that we get other people to believe- they do not even realize the destruction that we do. Just the other week I astral projected with my fellow brothers and sisters and we went to some church. A few of our people managed to infiltrate the church some months back because we had ground to. It’s amazing how these Christians are not aware of some pagan practices that they allow in church! Well, they infiltrated the church and began to carry out the plan to destroy that church. There is so much strife and division there! They have no power against us. Funnily enough, we couldn’t get through this other church though. They literally had these massive angels standing right around them. When the people started to shout out the name of Jesus and worship GOD, the demons ran away. We couldn’t get through because of the angels, so we turned back. If Lucifer was so powerful, why did the demons run away at the mention of Jesus?

These are just a few of the broad path life sentences, there are many others. With the broad path, you probably believe that you have it chosen for yourself, that nobody coerced you or influenced you, but that’s not true. You make choices based on what you see and learn and are readily deceived: For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage” (1 John 2:18-19). Let no one deceive himself. If anyone among you seems to be wise in this age, let him become a fool that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with GOD (1 Cor 3:18-19).

Life Sentence Two (The Narrow Path)

According to Romans 10:9-10, I am saved because I have confessed with my mouth the LORD Jesus and I believe in my heart that GOD has raised Him from the dead. I have been forgiven of all my sins and washed in the Blood of Jesus (Eph 1:7). I believe that he who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:16). Because I confess Jesus before men, He will also confess me before our Father in Heaven (Matt 10:32). For I know that if I deny Him, He will also deny me (Matt 10:33). I understand, that because I am of GOD, there will be persecutions- “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” (Matt 10:16). However, I will not fear those who can kill my physical body but cannot kill my soul. I will fear GOD who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell (Matt 10:28). I am complete in Him Who is the Head of all principality and power (Col 2:10). I am free from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2). I am submitted to GOD, and the devil flees from me because I resist him in the Name of Jesus (James 4:7). GOD has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a disciplined mind (2 Tim 1:7). It is no longer I who live, but it is Christ Who lives in me (Gal 2:20). I know that I am the temple of the Holy Spirit; I am not my own (1 Cor 6:19). I can do all things through Christ (Phil 4:13). I am more than a conqueror through Him Who loves me (Romans 8:37). I understand that faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of GOD (Romans 10:17).

There are so many other Scriptures to use here. There is so much more to expect and enjoy when you follow the narrow path. Yes, it is difficult and there will be suffering- if Jesus endured it, why can’t you? Our suffering is but for a little while on earth, after this is eternity with Jesus. We could never imagine what GOD has in store for us! Does that mean that we can never be happy here on earth? Of course not! We can enjoy our everyday lives because of the promises of GOD and His peace in our lives. His mercy is so great and His grace abounds to us. No matter what we may go through, He is right there. Listen to what Jesus says: “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (Matt 11:28-30). Isn’t that beautiful? What a wonderful promise!

Ending Thoughts: My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (Jam 1:2-3). For he who is called in the LORD while a slave is the LORD’S freedman. Likewise, he who is called while free is Christ’s slave (1 Cor 7:22).

What If Your Child Doesn’t Like the Gender GOD Gave Them?

Disclaimer: I acknowledge the fact that this article may be incredibly offensive to some, even those that I call friends. However, this article is in NO way saying that I hate transgender/homosexual people. I love and respect them as humans (and friends!), I just simply don’t support their decision. I want to freely express my views and this article happens to hold a view that has recently been quite controversial in American culture.

You are a parent who loves the LORD and seeks to obey Him in all things, and you raise your children to do the same (Deut 6:6-7). What happens though, when your child tells you that they do not like the gender that GOD gave them? Do you accept them as they are to avoid possibly ostracizing yourself from your child’s life, or do you call the fires of heaven upon them because their dislike of their gender will lead them away from GOD’S truth?

You’re going to have to just pause and really listen to your child. Ask them questions. Hear what they have to say about what they are feeling and believing. You need to remember that you remain an example for your child- if you, a Believer, chooses to speak rashly and say the first things that come to mind (which will most likely be negative) to your child, then you stand a greater chance of losing them. James 1:19 says: So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of GOD. You need to readily listen to your child, you must choose your words carefully and you cannot afford to get angry. After all, you are an ambassador of Christ (2 Cor 5:20), you cannot misrepresent Him.

If anything, be angry at Satan- he is the one influencing your child. Am I saying that your child is possessed and needs an exorcism? No, but you do need to be sensitive to the situation. Satan wants to lead your child away- he seeks to pollute every creation of GOD. Think about it for a moment: why on earth would GOD have your child be born male/female, and then, a few years later when they are able to give voice to their feelings, they believe that they should have been something other than what they are? Do you not know that Satan is a deceiver? Do you understand that all he wants is your destruction? What better way to cause destruction than to separate you from GOD? The Scriptures say this about our adversary: Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour (1 Peter 5:8). Our Heavenly Father will continue to love your child- His love is not dependent on who you are, but who He is- but if they do not realize that being transgender goes against GOD, then they will be lost (it doesn’t have to be permanent).

Our feelings are not reliable, in fact, they can often lead us astray. You may find your child saying: “I don’t feel female, I should have been a male” and vice versa. Once their feelings and thoughts are strong enough and most likely justified by society, then they start to believe that they should be female/male. What makes them feel this way? Let me create a scenario for you: one day you wake up, and a sudden thought just pops into your head. The thought is that you find your neighbor annoying. You didn’t find him annoying yesterday, but you do today. You start to think of all the things that annoy you about your neighbor: he doesn’t close his car door properly, he sometimes talks while chewing gum etc. Now you’re working yourself up with all of these thoughts and feelings, but you have not even stopped to question them. You walk out of your house with these feelings swirling about in you and lo and behold, you see him doing the very things that you find annoying. Now you feel angry at him- why can’t he just shut his car door properly? Why doesn’t he just spit that gum out before talking to people? Doesn’t he know that it’s rude? You’re quite worked up now. The neighbor sees you and waves at you with a smile on his face. Oh, but you’re angry, so you glare at him and storm back into the house, banging the door closed behind you. The neighbor is naturally taken aback by your reaction to his friendly greeting- you were not like this yesterday! One day GOD tells you to speak to your neighbor about Christ, but guess what? Your neighbor does not want to hear anything that you have to say about Jesus because of the way that you once acted towards him. Now you’re questioning yourself- why were you so annoyed with him? Why did you get so angry with him when you really don’t have a problem with him? Do you want to know what happened? You didn’t filter your thoughts! You didn’t stop to think: is this thought mine? Or is it coming from somewhere else? You just accepted that you felt annoyed with your neighbor and then like a wildfire, it got out of control. You took it to another level. Do you know that Satan can put thoughts into your head? He cannot read your thoughts, but he can plant a thought in your mind. Why do you think we were given this Scripture: …casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor 10:5). Jesus said to love your neighbor right? How were you showing love when you chose to accept that negative thought and so treat your neighbor poorly? Do you understand how your thoughts exalted themselves against the knowledge of GOD? By accepting those thoughts and acting out your feelings, you disobeyed GOD and you gave Satan a stronghold in your mind (see 2 Cor 10:4). He planted a thought in your head and sat back to watch you run with it- you did all the work of disobeying GOD.

Let’s use this knowledge to now figure out what is going on with your child.

A thought gets put into your child’s mind- they do not feel male/female. Obviously, they do not think that there is an outside spirit force trying to influence them, therefore they accept the thought as their own: ‘I thought it, therefore it must be mine’. Guess what happens now? Since your child accepted the thought, the devil now has a stronghold in your child’s mind. You see, there are spiritual laws that all spirits must abide by. When GOD tells us not to do something, it’s for a reason! It’s not just about controlling us! When we go against GOD, we give the devil legal ground to afflict us.

Now your child’s mind is the devil’s playground. He is going to continue to inject thoughts contrary to GOD’S Word into your child’s mind. When under such an onslaught, your child has no way of fighting it, not on their own. Eventually, your child will not only be influenced by thoughts alone, but the devil will purposefully put certain people in your child’s life that will convince them that it is okay to feel and believe that lie.

Transgender people say they were assigned a sex that isn’t true to who they are. They will even tell you that it’s not about sexual orientation, how they dress or even surgery. It’s about how they feel inside. Did you know that suicide attempts are significantly quite high for transgender people? In particular for those who went as far as to have a sex change op? Go and research it for yourself. Even such actions as cutting oneself and other activities aimed at bodily harm are reported among transgenders. Now, if they were so certain about what they feel they should be, then why would they want to harm themselves or commit suicide? Professionals will chime in and say that it is a psychological problem, which is partially right- it did start in the mind after all. So they will either seek to align their patient’s thoughts and feelings with their ‘true gender identity’ or prescribe the medication to deal with their troubling thoughts. Do you see how everything revolves around thoughts and feelings? The devil is a master manipulator- we can never know where his blows are going to come from. What is worrying is that his lies have become mainstream truths. This means that GOD’S Word becomes the lie (in their eyes), and all who go against these mainstream truths are hypocritical, judgemental, unloving and dangerous people to society. What a mess.

So what can you, the parent, do? If you cannot reason with your child by using Scripture, then they need to know that you love them unconditionally, but you do not accept them seeking to change their gender in any way. Now it’s time for you to kneel down before the LORD in earnest prayer. You are going to have to pray and use the Word of GOD as a weapon against the forces of evil. Didn’t Paul the Apostle say that we ‘…do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places’ (Eph 6:12)? You’re not fighting against your child or even against the people that are trying to influence him/her. No, your fight is against Satan and his demons. They are the ones that are taking your child away, not just from you but from GOD as well. They want your child’s soul, and the only way to get it is to be separated from GOD through sin. When you pray, make sure to fast as well (look to Isaiah 58 to find out what a fast should be like). Prayer, fasting and using GOD’S Word are our weapons against evil principalities- ‘…for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds…’ (2 Cor 10:4).

Some people might say that your child being transgender does not mean that they will be taken away from you, but those are just lies. Your child changes, not only physically (with the help of hormones, the sex op or clothes), but also in personality, beliefs, etc.

If you do not know where to start when using Scripture, read 2 Peter 3:9 and 1Timothy 2:4. These Scriptures tell us that God wants everyone to be saved- that’s the basis of your petition. In 1 John 5:14-15, it tells us that when we ask according to GOD’S will, then He will hear us and that we will have the petitions that we have asked of Him. That’s a promise!

Do not expect your child to change their minds overnight. Continue to pray and believe in GOD. It could take years, but your job is to continue to have faith in GOD and in His promises to us. Do not give up.

Ending Thoughts: The devil will most certainly try to deter you in any way that he can. His most powerful weapons against us are fear and doubt. Jesus has the victory (Col 2:15), so all he can do is try to get us to think contrary to GOD’S Word.

When in doubt, look to Luke 10:19 and Acts 16:31, and for fear, look to 2 Timothy 1:7. There are many other Scriptures that you can use, these are just the main ones that I use when I go into open warfare against the devil. Get deep into the Scriptures and study them. If you do not understand something, then ask GOD for wisdom according to James 1:5, but do not doubt, for if you doubt, do not expect to receive anything from GOD (James 1:6-8).


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