5 Books that Radically Influenced My Life

Guest Post by Brian Ahearn

I’m a reader. I love to read. Funny thing is, when I was young I hated reading. That was probably a function of having to read certain books versus getting to read what I wanted to. Once my love of reading took over it was pretty much the case that I’d read a book a week. That pace has slowed down in recent years with the explosion of Ted Talks, podcasts and other media for getting good messages out, but I still read several books a month.

Because I read so much people often ask me about my favorite books. What I’ll share with you are the five books that have radically  influenced my life.

The Bible  When I really began to take my Christian faith seriously I read through the entire  Bible  many times. In fact, I ended up writing my own commentary, a thousand-page Word document, where I put down thoughts about what I was reading and learning. My inspiration was to give the document  to my daughter Abigail so she would know what dad thought about God.

I equate all the years of reading to eating and living healthy. What I learned day-to-day became the foundation of my thinking, actions, and  shaped my worldview. I believe any good thing within me is a result of my relationship with God.

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People  I read Steven Covey’s best selling book in the early 1990s. The habit  that struck me most was his admonition to “Begin with the End in Mind.” I took Covey’s advice and wrote a personal  mission statement.  In that document, I put down thoughts about how I wanted to be remembered when it came to my faith, family, personal well-being, and career.

The reason  The Seven Habits  was so influential was because I posted my mission statement  and have read it, or parts of it, for more than 25 years. It’s been a guiding force in who I’ve become and who I’m still striving to become.

Influence Science and Practice  I was introduced to  Robert Cialdini’s  work in 2002. His emphasis on how to  ethically persuade  people appealed to my moral side. The  research based approach  appealed to my analytical side. It was a match made in heaven!

It’s not uncommon for many people to spend nearly half of their waking hours trying to persuade others. My goal with Influence PEOPLE is to help them enjoy more professional success and personal happiness. If you read  Influence Science and Practice  and apply what you learn  you’re guaranteed to have more success and happiness. I confidently write that because the science proves you’ll be able to move more people (your boss, coworkers, direct reports, loved ones) to action.

Man’s Search for Meaning  I’ve written about  Viktor Frankl’s book  on a number of occasions. The following quote stands out above all else in this great work,

“everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms— to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

It sounds trite to say,

“It’s not about what happens to us, it’s about how we respond.”

However, when you read about Frankl’s account of the horrors he and others experienced, but  how so many found meaning in their suffering – some in death – you begin to realise life is about how we choose to respond.

The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs  was written by Carmine Gallo. I took seven typed pages of notes on this book! As I read I would flip over to  YouTube  to watch Jobs present to solidify my learning.

The reason I added this book to my top five is because it had a tremendous impact on how I present. Presentation, be it in a workshop, keynote or when  consulting, is primarily what I do with influence. Arguably, nobody did better than  Steve Jobs  so why not learn from the best?

To Do This Week:  I highly encourage you to look into one  of these five books. It’s my sincere hope that they have as much positive impact on your life as they’ve had on mine. If you can’t do that, how about sharing some of  your book recommendations in the  comments section. Thanks!

Brian Ahearn, CMCT ®, is the Chief Influence Officer at  InfluencePEOPLE. His Lynda.com course,  Persuasive Selling, will teach you how to ethically engage the psychology of persuasion throughout the sales process.

Originally Published on  July 24, 2017

Featured in:  Best Advice,  Careers: The Next Level,  What Inspires Me,  Writing and Editing,  Your Career

What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?

What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?

Once upon a time, a mother made her son a wristband. On it was written: WWJD?  The phrase “What would Jesus do?” (often abbreviated to WWJD) became popular in the United States in the 1990s and as a personal motto for adherents of Evangelical Christianity who used the phrase as a reminder of their belief in a moral imperative to act in a manner that would demonstrate the love of Jesus through the actions of the adherents.

The WWJD movement started in 1989 when the youth group at Calvary Reformed Church in Holland, Michigan, studied Charles Sheldon’s 1896 novel, In His Steps.

But the message of WWJD  should not be taken for granted due to overexposure. As simple as it seems, sometimes the question—What would Jesus do?—still leaves people  wondering. However, its not hard  when ones considers that  Jesus said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. #Love

…Little Girl Lost | Our Souls Purpose.  There once was a little girl, she was sweet and loving, the way a child is. She had blonde hair and was ever so tiny. She loved everyone she knew, she looked at the world through eyes that had not been  wounded by this world.  Now the teenager turns into a young woman, wife, and mother. She feels the light but she doesn’t live in the light…  What would Jesus do?
Heart Touching Examples of Documentary Photography  on Godinterest.  What would Jesus do?

What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?

Mandatory Prayer to promote wellness.  The United States Marine Corps recruits take a moment for mandatory prayer before lights out at 9:00 P.M. in Parris Island, South Carolina, January 6, 2005. Recruits go through a twelve-week training program where the objective is to instill self-discipline and confidence, high moral standards, warrior spirit, basic military knowledge and individual skills, physical fitness and wellness as a way of life, respect and love of Country and Corps. Now one might be arrested for leading soldiers into prayer, however,  What would Jesus do?
What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?
 #love letters
What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?
What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?
True love never grows old.  We  love seeing old couples. It gives us  hope that love can still stand the test of time.

What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?

How God’s Broken Through My Walls  This year has been all about learning about the character of God, and also about the character of me. Everyone has thinking patterns and world views that need adjusting; the biggest one for me this…What would Jesus do?

What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?

…..What would Jesus do?  Remember the less fortunate this Christmas,  ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger…

What Would Jesus Do? Do You Really Want to Know?

Beyond the fad

“What would Jesus do?” is an irrelevant question for many people because they don’t know who Jesus is.  Before we can ask the question “What would Jesus do?” we must ask ourselves whether we know Jesus. Knowing Jesus begins with reading about His life, teachings, and claims in the Bible.

So what would Jesus do? He would seek the Father for the strength and wisdom to embrace, restore, confront, teach, serve, and equip the people around him.

This phrase  should drive us back to the gospels to take a fresh look at how Jesus lived. The fad phase of WWJD may be over, but we need to hold on to the phrase even whiles posting images on Godinterest  and keep asking ourselves—What would Jesus do? It’s a great question. But remember: If you’re not sure what Jesus actually did in his life, then you’re just guessing at what he might do in yours.

The Creationist Group Are Building a Life-size Noah’s Ark

In the rolling hills of rural Kentucky, a ship the length of nearly two football fields and the height of a five-story building is rising from the ground.

Young Earth’ Creationists Making $90m Full-scale Ark to ‘bring the Bible to Life’

This isn’t just any ship, but Noah’s Ark, as described in the book of Genesis in the Bible.

The modern-day ark designed by  Indiana firm  Troyer Group  will open in July 2016. Ken Ham, president and founder of Answers in Genesis, the group behind the plan said that “this Ark will be one of the ‘wonders of the modern world’.

The $90 million boat, dubbed the Ark Encounter, will be the eventual centerpiece of a religious theme park aiming to  illustrate the story of the legendary  great flood, in  which  God instructs Noah to build an ark to save his family and a pair of each of the animals in the world. The first phase is expected to cost $73 million.

Ark Encounter Will Be the Largest Timber-frame Structure in the Usa When It Completes in July 2016

LeRoy Troyer, the project’s lead architect stated that, “the vessel, like an Amish barn, is being built with a technique called timber framing, which uses wooden pegs and joints in lieu of nails”.

According to LeRoy Troyer, “the sea-faring craft is being built in accordance with sound, established engineering practices of the biblical era and will be 510ft long,  built using  solid wood, pinned together and covered with pine tar”.

The wood being used in the construction has come  from areas damaged by plagues of beetles or from sustainable forests, according to the organisation.

“We  believe the construction of the Ark took about 100 years,” added Troyer. “So Noah had to have a lot of faith.”

Ark Encounter will be located near  sister attraction the  Creation Museum in the city of Williamstown and will  feature a curved bow, stern and sides and contain three floors of exhibits.

Ken Ham, president and founder of Answers in Genesis said “the ark would open for “40 days and 40 nights” from 7 July 2016, a reference to the number of days rain is said to have fallen during the biblical flood.” Ark Encounter is expected to receive one to two million visitors in its first year.

There is also the chance to learn about how the earth was created in six days by God around 6,000 years ago.  Scientists estimate the earth is actually around 4.5bn years old, but Dr Nathaniel Jeanson, a research biologist at Answers in Genesis, said some of the data leading to that conclusion could be skewed.

“A global flood would have dramatically affected geological processes worldwide,” he said. Young earth creationists believe the flood that caused Noah to set sail was around  4,000 to 5,000 years ago.

Unlike Noah’s handcrafted boat, Ark Encounter will not hold livestock. Regarding the question of how Noah would have managed to fit two of all the world’s animals into his ark, Jeanson said it was a misconception that all the animals of today were stuffed into the ship’s hull.

Instead, according to young earth creationists, it was the ancestors of modern-day species that were taken by Noah, and the animals we know today descended from these Animals. Although, scientific consensus is that animal life originated from  tiny organisms  billions of years ago.

The Ark Encounter’s website has a useful  FAQ section for those wanting to know more about this  undertaking.

Ham says “the Ark Encounter will present America and other nations with a reminder about the bible’s account of the ark as reminders in the world  which helped ensure that people would not forget the truths of God’s Word are  increasingly being removed from western culture, including the US”.

“Nativity scenes, Crosses, and Ten Commandments displays have been banned from many public places,” he writes. “The words ‘Merry Christmas’ are being replaced with ‘Happy Holidays’. Creation, the Bible, and prayer have been eliminated from the public education system.”

Rebuilding the Ark would provide “a sign (or a reminder) to this world that God’s Word is true”, Jeanson said.

Up to 900 staff are expected to be employed in the vast 324-hectare-park, which will also eventually  feature themed restaurants,  the Tower of Babel, the parting of the Red Sea and an  expanded large petting zoo  in later phases of the park’s development.

Facebook Apologises for Censoring Christian Mom

Facebook apologised for suspending a Christian blogger for saying the Bible condemns homosexuality.

Elizabeth Johnston, also known as “Activist Mommy” by her fans, was shocked when Facebook shut down her account for expressing biblical views on homosexuality.

She argued that the Bible does not condone homosexuality and quoted scriptures from the Old and New Testament to support her. Facebook quickly removed the post and suspended Johnston’s account on three separate occasions. Facebook told Johnston her post did not “follow the Facebook Community Standards.”

“They are muzzling me and my biblical message while Mark Zuckerberg claims that FB is unbiased,” she said in a statement. “The post Facebook deleted included no name-calling, no threats, and no harassment. It was intellectual discussion and commentary on the Bible.”

Facebook finally apologised and reinstated Johnston’s account after coming under heavy fire from the media.

A Facebook spokesperson said the site suspended Johnston’s account on accident.

“The post was removed in error and we restored it as soon as we were able to investigate,” the Facebook spokesperson wrote in an email. “Our team processes millions of reports each week and we sometimes get things wrong.”

“We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused,” the spokesperson added.

Johnston accepted Facebook’s apology but said the suspension was no accident.

“Saying this was an accident is a joke! They sent me the post and said it specifically violated their community guidelines. Now they are saying they accidentally stated that and banned me for 10 days accidentally? No! It took a national news story to get my content returned to my page. What about the average Facebook user who doesn’t have that luxury?” she asked.

Now, Johnston is on a mission to expose other examples of Facebook censorship.

“I am on a mission now to speak for them. I am receiving messages, screenshots, and evidence from all over the world which proves that Facebook’s system for filtering and banning is punitive against conservatives and Christians.”

Johnston says social media has become a political and ideological weapon.

“Zuckerberg is saying Facebook is unbiased. But in reality, it appears he is using the platform to further his personal political, religious and globalist agenda,” Johnston argued. “He is using Facebook as an ideological weapon and punishing those of us who don’t submit to the agenda with suspensions and deletions of our pages.”

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4253660/Christian-mom-BANNED-Facebook-quoting-Bible.html#ixzz4sA4N1xPo


New in Faith & Family from Sony Pictures Animation: THE STAR

Culver City, Cal., January 18, 2017  – Making good on its commitment to increase output while continuing to offer its distinctive mix of family and faith films, Sony Pictures Animation announces the upcoming release of THE STAR.  

THE STAR’s executive producer, DeVon Franklin, is well known for now-classic faith films such as HEAVEN IS FOR REAL and MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN.

Kristine Belson, President of Sony Pictures Animation, says, “We are proud of the artist-driven titles we have coming to the marketplace.   The abundance, variety and quality of the features are a testament to the wealth of creative talents who call Sony Pictures Animation their home.”  

THE STAR (November 10, 2017 release)

The voice cast will be led by Steven Yeun (Bo the donkey), Kelly Clarkson (Leah the horse), Aidy Bryant (Ruth the sheep), Keegan-Michael Key (Dave the dove), Kristin Chenoweth (Mouse), Anthony Anderson (Zach the goat), Gabriel Iglesias (Rufus the dog), Ving Rhames (Thaddeus the dog), national radio personality Delilah Rene (Elizabeth), Kris Kristofferson (Old Donkey), Gina Rodriguez (Mary), Zachary Levi (Joseph), with Oprah Winfrey (Deborah), Tyler Perry (Cyrus) and Tracy Morgan (Felix) as the three camels, and Christopher Plummer (King Herod).    

THE STAR is directed by Academy Award ® nominated writer/director Timothy Reckart (HEAD OVER HEELS); executive-produced by DeVon Franklin (MIRACLES FROM HEAVEN), Lisa Henson and Brian Henson (The Jim Henson Company); produced by Jenni Magee Cook; with a story by Carlos Kotkin and Simon Moore; and screenplay by Carlos Kotkin.   Digital animation by Cinesite Studios.  AFFIRM Films also joins in the film’s production and marketing.      

In Sony Pictures Animation’s THE STAR, a small but brave donkey named Bo yearns for a life beyond his daily grind at the village mill. One day he finds the courage to break free, and finally goes on the adventure of his dreams. On his journey, he teams up with Ruth, a loveable sheep who has lost her flock, and Dave, a dove with lofty aspirations. Along with three wisecracking camels and some eccentric stable animals, Bo and his new friends follow the Star and become unlikely heroes in the greatest story ever told – the first Christmas.


Sony Pictures Animation produces a variety of animated and family entertainment for audiences around the world.    The studio is following its worldwide comedy hits—the record-breaking monster comedies  Hotel Transylvania and Hotel Transylvania 2, the hybrid live action/animated blockbusters  The Smurfs and The Smurfs 2,  and the mouth-watering  Cloudy with a Chance of  Meatballs movies—with the fully animated reboot Smurfs: The Lost Village in April 2017; a surprising and comic take at the secret world inside our phones with The Emoji Movie in August 2017; the inspirational The Star in November 2017; Hotel Transylvania 3 in September 2018; and an animated Spider-Man feature from the minds of directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord in December 2018.   The studio, in conjunction with Aardman Animations, has produced two critically acclaimed feature films:   the CG-animated family comedy  Arthur Christmas; and the Academy Award ® nominated stop-frame animated high-seas adventure,  The Pirates! Band of Misfits.   In 2007,  Surf’s Up  also received an  Academy Award ® nomination for Best Animated Feature Film; a sequel entitled Surf’s Up 2: WaveMania will be available on home entertainment in January 2017.   The division, whose first feature film  Open Season  led to a very successful movie franchise including the brand new Open Season: Scared Silly now available on digital, DVD and Blu-ray, was founded in 2002.    Sony Pictures Animation is a division of the Sony Pictures Motion Pictures Group.


Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) is a subsidiary of Sony Entertainment Inc., a subsidiary of Tokyo-based Sony Corporation. SPE’s global operations encompass motion picture production, acquisition and distribution; television production, acquisition and distribution; television networks; digital content creation and distribution; operation of studio facilities; and development of new entertainment products, services and technologies. For additional information, go to  http://www.sonypictures.com.



AFFIRM Films is a division of Sony Pictures Worldwide Acquisitions (SPWA), a Sony Pictures Entertainment (SPE) company, dedicated to producing, acquiring and marketing films that inspire, uplift and entertain audiences. For more information go to www.AFFIRMFilms.com

Story of ‘Samson’ Comes to Sight and Sound Theatres (Interview)

Sight & Sound Theatres rarely do anything small. So no surprise that its new show,  “Samson,”  is on an epic scale.

“This is our 27th original production,” Josh Enck, president and chief creative officer of Sight & Sound, told the crowd of almost 2,000. “And this is our 40th year. We started in 1976 and we are (now) the largest faith based theater in the world.”

Sight & Sound tells Bible stories. In the past, they’ve tackled the stories of Moses, Jonah, Noah, Daniel, Joseph and Ruth. Shows generally run a year and the tourism here gets a boost every spring when Sight & Sound opens a new show.

“It’s the biggest tourist attraction in the county, with an average of 800,000 people visiting the theater each year according to Sight & Sound.”

Plenty of souvenirs will be sold. The gift shop is filled with all things “Samson,” from magnets to T-shirts to mugs to water bottles.


European Court of Human Rights: Same-sex ‘marriage’ is not a human right

European Court of Human Rights: Same-sex ‘marriage’ is not a human right

STRASBOURG, France, June 29, 2016 (Godinterest) Unanimously, the World Court of Human Rights has established, verbatim, that “there is no right to homosexual marriage”, making it clear that homosexual partnerships do not, in fact, equal marriages between a man and a woman.  

The 47 judges of the 47 countries of the Council of Europe, which are members of the full Court of Strasbourg (the world’s most important human rights court), issued a statement of great relevance that has been surprisingly silenced by information progressivism and its area of influence.

In fact, unanimously, the 47 judges approved the ruling that “there is no right to homosexual marriage” as announced June 9 in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg, France, and closed out a discussion dating to 2004.

The court’s decision was in response to an unlawful same-sex “wedding” conducted June 5, 2004, by Noël Mamère, mayor of the French city Bègles and a member of the Green Party and  based on a myriad of philosophical and anthropological considerations based on natural order, common sense, scientific reports and, of course, positive law. Within the letter, in particular, the judgment was based on Article 12 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

Mamère had advocated same-sex “marriage” since 2002 and chose to approve the 2004 “wedding” despite 4,000 letters sent to him. “I take the risk, I accept to be a provocateur,” Mamère said. The “marriage” was canceled shortly after and the mayor was suspended from office for one month.

This month, 12 years after the incident, the European Court has put an end to the matter with a ruling that is  equivalent to the articles of human rights treaties, as in the case of 17 of the Pact of San Jos and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. In this historic but not disclosed, Resolution, the Court decided that the concept of family not only contemplates “the traditional concept of marriage, that is, the union of a man and a woman”, but also that they should not be imposed on governments to “obligation to open marriage to persons of the same sex”.

As for the principle of non-discrimination, the Court also added that there is no discrimination, since “States are free to reserve marriage only to heterosexual couples.”

The decision of the European Court for Human Rights should bring to a halt pressure exerted by the ILGA and similar groups, especially in Eastern European countries, who fight for legislation that recognizes the uniqueness of a marriage between one man and one woman.

‘Creation From Catastrophe’ a New exhibition looks at how architects are doing more to prepare us for disaster – but is it enough?

Out of the ashes rises great opportunity. That is the theme of the new exhibit “Creation from Catastrophe — How Architecture Rebuilds Communities” at the Royal Institute of British Architects. Featuring a number of impressive projects dedicated to rebuilding communities after a disaster, the exhibit explores the evolving relationship between man, architecture, and nature.

In an interview with Dezeen magazine, curator Jes Fernie said the exhibit reveals an “expanded idea of what architecture is and what architects can do.”

From Floating Schools to Unseen Plans for an Alternative London, a New Exhibition Showcases the Good, the Bad and the Ugly Architectural Responses to Urban Disasters

The exhibit, which opened on Jan 27  and runs through April 24, spans nearly four centuries riddled with successful disaster relief projects. It features designs for rebuilding after London’s Great Fire in 1666 as well as plans for water communities in Nigeria, which could be affected by unpredictable coastal water levels in Africa’s near future.

Here are five other unique projects you can follow up on when visiting the Catastrophe exhibit this spring:

The Reliance Building
The Reliance Building

1. The Reliance Building, Atwood, Burnham and Co., North State Street, Chicago, 1890-1895
While devastating, Chicago’s Great Fire of 1871 paved a new way for architectural design. Considered by many to have birthed the Chicago School architectural style, the disaster also led to a new type of architectural design: the skyscraper.

In an effort to create fire-retardant buildings, designers utilized tools such as steel frames and sheet glass coverings. The Reliance Building, constructed by Atwood, Burnham, and Co, is one of the first post-fire buildings that fathered a design very similar to the modern day skyscrapers we know.

Nepal Project by Shigeru Ban Dezeen
Nepal Project by Shigeru Ban Dezeen
The Architect Bringing Cheap, Super-Light Disaster Shelters to Nepal
The Architect Bringing Cheap, Super-Light Disaster Shelters to Nepal

2. Housing for Nepal earthquake victims, Shigeru Ban, 2015
Simple, traditional homes in Nepal were the ones that withstood the catastrophic earthquake in 2015. As a result, Pritzker Prize-winning, disaster-relief architect Shigeru Ban designed housing structures for the victims.

Ban’s modular housing concept is modelled on the traditional homes that survived the earthquake. His design uses wood frames for the structure, cardboard tubes for the truss system of the roof, and debris from the disaster as infill for the wall. Thatch and plastic sheeting provided an extra layer of protection on the rooftop.

Women’s Centre in Darya Khan
Women’s Centre in Darya Khan

3. Women’s Centre in Darya Khan, Pakistan, Yasmeen Lari, 2011
Pakistani architect Yasmeen Lari (the first woman architect in Pakistan) showcases architecture’s role and influence in society. Throughout her career, the 75-year-old designer has built over 36,000 homes for earthquake and flood victims throughout Pakistan. She is also the founder of Heritage Foundation of Pakistan, which allows architecture students to train local residents to rebuild their homes and communities after a disaster using natural resources like bamboo and mud.

One of her well-known projects includes the Women’s Centre in Darya Khan, Pakistan. Lari holds a deep affection for Pakistani women, who are typically displaced and struggling with the care of their children following a natural disaster. The layout allows women to unite and socialize and keep their children safe. And in the event of a flood striking, the first floor is high enough so that waters cannot reach it.

Sustainable post-tsunami reconstruction master plan for Constitución
Sustainable post-tsunami reconstruction master plan for Constitución

4. Post-tsunami sustainability plan for Constitución, Chile, Elemental, 2014
After 2010’s deadly earthquake shook the coastal cities of Chile, plans for rebuilding and protecting cities like Constitución became a priority. In an effort to work with nature and the community, Pritzker Prize-winning architect Alejandro Aravena’s firm Elemental, proposed the intriguing method to plant more trees along the coast to absorb waters and prevent flooding.

The idea is that there is an opportunity to do something that would have long-term positive impacts, rather than a temporary fix that might be ruined by another major earthquake or tsunami in the area. The project will hopefully address short-term needs as well as potential long-term problems.

Ideas for rebuilding Hoboken, New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy.
Ideas for rebuilding Hoboken, New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy.

Resist. Delay. Store. Discharge. A Comprehensive Urban Water Strategy

Resist. Delay. Store. Discharge. A Comprehensive Urban Water Strategy
Resist. Delay. Store. Discharge. A Comprehensive Urban Water Strategy

5. Rebuilding of Hoboken, New Jersey after Hurricane Sandy, OMA, 2012
Following the disastrous Hurricane Sandy that struck the Northeastern United States in 2012, about 80 percent of Hoboken, New Jersey homes were flooded, leaving the community wondering how to rebuild itself with an emphasis on flood defense.

That’s when Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas’ firm OMA offered a solution that would combine hard infrastructure and soft landscaping, integrating coastal defense and natural drainage to protect against future flooding. The ideas between OMA’s and Elemental’s projects are very similar in that they look to work with nature rather than avoiding it.

Fernie told Dezeen that OMA offers a multi-pronged approach: resist, delay, restore and discharge. It acknowledges the complex water system and works with it, he said.


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