Abortion: A License to Kill

Abortion: A License to Kill

The world went from calling a ‘clump of cells’ nonhuman, to allowing abortions when the clump of cells begins to ‘look human’, accepting third-trimester abortions, and now pushing for the termination of babies moments before birth, or in some cases, just after birth. It seems that what they are seeking is an all-inclusive licence to kill.

Just the other day, a cousin wanted help with writing up an argument for a school debate. The debate? Whether you agree with abortion or not, and why. She took the pro-life route, but not without some backlash for it. Another pro-choice family member said that the world did not need any more unwanted children and that women who were not ready to have children and take care of them must abort their babies to save the rest of the world some trouble. I sat there for a moment, merely listening to the debate going back and forth. The pro-choice side was quite strong and appeared to be winning, but I decided to speak up and deliver one line: you will answer to GOD for what you have done, I hope you’re ready for it. Everyone sort of looked away, looking for something to say, but as they were supposed professing Christians, they had nothing to say. Murder is murder, no matter the stage of life. The excuse that a woman should have a right over her own body at the expense of the growing baby in her stomach is weak. No amount of getting angry or violent will change that fact.

I believe that most people reading this are aware of what the Scriptures say about murder, life, and being known by GOD before even conception has taken place. The most beautiful verse about growing life is Psalm 139: 13-18, verses that I take comfort in during times of uncertainty concerning my purpose and worth. As Believers, we know that we can turn to GOD’S Word and find the words that we need to overcome whatever challenges we are facing, but the rest of the world does not. They are hellbent on living their lives as they will, not accepting the consequences for their choices. Every problem must be looked at in context, but sin does not need a framework to be considered sin, it just is because GOD has said it is, and murder is a sin. For example, a young cousin of mine has recently fallen pregnant due to her promiscuous lifestyle. She is 18 this year, and instead of being in her last year of school, she is only beginning her high school year as she has failed several times. This can be blamed on her lack of school attendance. You dig deeper, and you’ll find that she was not disciplined as a child growing up, in fact, she was primarily left to live her life as she wished. Both her parents have now passed away due to AIDS, and she lives with family members but does not respect them. Most of my family wanted her to get an abortion because her baby would mean one more mouth to feed as she is not working. According to the world, this context for abortion would be acceptable, but to GOD it is not. What they are saying is that a life should be extinguished due to the mistakes of the mother. So, if I was to use their reasoning then the family of a murder victim should be allowed to kill the murderer’s mother, father, siblings, or child to atone for what the murderer has done. It doesn’t sound so acceptable when used in another situation, does it?

Another family member had a botched abortion, by botched I mean that the baby lived. She is also living with HIV, and the father of the child is also HIV positive. We all (or should) know that HIV can be avoided being passed down to the foetus; however, her situation led her to take the abortion route. She already has three children by three different men, does not have a stable job, and is an alcoholic. She does not take care of her children, in fact, two are now considered adults and can mostly defend for themselves. The last born is taken care of by family members. The local clinic told her to have an abortion due to these circumstances, but she waited until she was five months to do so. Off to the hospital she went to remove the child from her womb, thinking that she would not have to deal with another baby in her life. They removed the baby, put it in a black bag, and tossed it on the cold floor of the morgue. A nurse entered the morgue several hours later only to find mewling noises coming from the bag. She opened it and realised that the aborted baby was alive! This sent the hospital into a panic. They quickly got the baby into an incubator and informed the mother that the baby was alive. Could you imagine the shock? For the next five months, the baby was kept in an incubator, damaging her eyesight in the process. When she was finally allowed to be taken home, the mother was told that her baby would never be able to walk, talk, and would likely die as a toddler. To top it all off, the baby was HIV positive. Ten years later, the little girl is walking, and though she cannot speak, she uses sign language. She is the sweetest little girl with a cheeky attitude of her own and is well aware of all that goes on around her. She goes to a special school, is learning how to write more clearly, and loves anything to do with drawing and colours. In short, she is a girl like any other, even with her special needs.

Abortions can bring about emotional trauma that may not be experienced immediately after, but let me tell you that when it comes to bite your rear end, it takes a chunk. I know of an old woman who is riddled with guilt for the two abortions she had as a young woman. It gets so bad that she becomes gravely ill and has to be admitted into hospital and put under observation. Her mind comes and goes, sometimes not recognising her living children and calling out for those who have died. Her reasons for abortion were tied to the hard times of the country when Apartheid was still in effect. She is a black woman who had had relations with white men (I do not know if it was rape) resulting in two pregnancies. She managed to abort two of those pregnancies for fear of being found with a mixed-race child, but she was not able to do so with her third pregnancy. Now as an old woman, those abortions have come back to haunt her and do not give her peace.

Of course, the argument of high-risk pregnancies also comes up. Let me stress here that I may speak frankly, but I do not feel disgust for the people but for the sin. People will say that a medical reason to abort the baby is acceptable, especially if it puts the mother at risk. Also, if the baby is to be born with a deformity, then it would be better to abort the baby before he/she is born. I hear what the argument is, but my stand does not change. Abortion is wrong because it is murder. People would sooner laugh in my face when I say that Jesus is the Great Physician than listen, but it is true. Do you not think that He would be able to save both mother and child? Do you not believe that He can help that child with the deformity? The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is within us today if indeed we are His. Nothing is impossible for GOD, but only if we believe. To doubt is to tell Him that we do not believe that He can do anything for us. He created the world, for goodness sake, will He not help a mother in need? But the world chooses to reject Him still, and even His own people doubt His power to heal. People would sooner find an excuse for their sin than humble themselves and fall to their knees before Him to seek grace and mercy. Or, worse yet, His own people deny that He still performs miracles and wonders in the world today.

Forgiveness is available to those who have had abortions in the past but regret having done so. If you serve our Sovereign LORD, then you should know that He will forgive you for there is no condemnation for those who believe. He scatters your sins away and makes you clean. Do not miss this opportunity due to your guilt. He loves you in spite of your sin, but you need forgiveness from Him and yourself to be set free.

All I know is that the GOD we serve does not change, neither is He cold to the plight of people. He loves us all, but not all of us are His. He loves the downtrodden, the deformed, the unwanted- all of them! The world may reject them, but Jesus stands with open arms to accept them. What He did back then He can do today, and what He considers sin is a sin no matter the reasons the world may give. At the end of the day, you need to understand that there are consequences to everything, and perhaps you will not experience those consequences now and go about your life as you want to. But when you stand before the Ancient of Days and give an account of your life, do not say that you were not warned.

25 Extremely Funny Christian Thoughts To Celebrate Every Day

25 Extremely Funny Christian Thoughts To Celebrate Every Day

Christianity is a serious business but everything has its funny side. After all, laughter is the best medicine – which is why we practice it religiously here at Godinterest, especially when it comes to funny quotes.

  1. Some things have to be believed to be seen. ~ Ralph Hodgson
  2. No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says. He is always convinced that it says what he means. ~ George Bernard Shaw
  3. I have wondered at times what the Ten Commandments would have looked like if Moses had run them through the U.S. Congress. ~ Ronald Reagan
  4. When I told the people of Northern Ireland that I was an atheist, a woman in the audience stood up and said, ‘Yes, but is it the God of the Catholics or the God of the Protestants in whom you don’t believe? ~ Quentin Crisp
  5. Most of us spend the first six days of the week sowing wild oats, then we go to church on Sunday and pray for a crop failure. ~ Fred Allen
  6. Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile. ~ Billy Sunday
  7. A real Christian is a person who can give his pet parrot to the town gossip. ~ Billy Graham
  8. The good Lord didn’t create anything without a purpose, but the fly comes close. ~ Mark Twain
  9. The worst moment for the atheist is when he is really thankful and has nobody to thank. ~ Dante Rossetti
  10. On the other hand, the Bible contains much that is relevant today, like Noah taking 40 days to find a place to park. ~ Curtis McDougall
  11. A Christian is a man who feels repentance on Sunday for what he did on Saturday and is going to do on Monday. ~ Thomas Ybarra
  12. Maybe this world is another planet’s hell. ~ Aldous Huxley
  13. Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich. ~ Napoleon
  14. I was thinking about how people seem to read the Bible a whole lot more as they get older; then it dawned on me… they’re cramming for their final exam. ~ George Carlin
  15. If there were no God, there would be no atheists. ~ G. K. Chesterton
  16. The church is prayer-conditioned. ~ Anonymous
  17. The Bible tells us to love our neighbors, and also to love our enemies; probably because they are generally the same people. ~ G. K. Chesterton
  18. If you use the church’s WiFi, are you receiving God’s signal? ~ Anonymous
  19. Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in. ~ Mark Twain
  20. Most people would like to be delivered from temptation but would like it to keep in touch. ~ Robert Orben
  21. I’d rather live my whole life assuming there is a God, only to find out that there isn’t, than to live my whole life assuming there isn’t a God, only to find out there is. ~ Peter Barry
  22. You talk to God, you’re religious. God talks to you, you’re psychotic. ~ Doris Egan
  23. I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ. ~ Mahatma Ghandi
  24. The number of followers you have doesn’t make you better than anyone else.  Hitler had millions, Jesus had 12. ~ Anonymous
  25. Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in.  ~ Anonymous

Britain Is No Longer a Christian Country and Should be Systematically de-Christianized, Panel Said

London Mayor Boris Johnson has said  £1.3tn of investment is needed over the next 35 years in order for London to retain its world class status

LONDON — Nearly two years ago, the “Commission on Religion and Belief in British Public Life” published a report on the role of religion in society. The paper made it clear that Britain is no longer a Christian country in any meaningful sense and should be systematically de-Christianized due to the decline of church-going and the rise of Islam and other beliefs.

Britain Is No Longer A Christian Country

The commission has attracted particular controversy because of the authority of those behind it. Patrons include Rowan Williams, the former Archbishop of Canterbury; Lord Woolf, the former chief justice; and Sir Iqbal Sacranie, the former general secretary of the Muslim Council of Britain.

“Britain is no longer a Christian country and should stop acting as if it is, a major inquiry into the place of religion in modern society concluded in 2015, provoking a furious backlash from ministers and the Church of England.”

The report triggered a argument as it was condemned by cabinet ministers as “seriously misguided,” while the Church of England said it appeared to have been “hijacked” by humanists.

Remarkably, the overall decline of religion in Britain has coincided with the arrival of three million migrants who tend to have more religious belief than British Christians. In particular, the visual impact of Islam, most obviously expressed in the proposal for a 9,000-capacity ‘super-mosque’ in east London that was rejected by planners about 18 months ago, might give the impression that migration has brought a religious revival to Britain.

You Can’t Throw the Baby Out With the Bathwater

Inevitably, the question of what is to be done about our national Christian institutions will soon arise. Is it appropriate that we are still invited to swear on the Bible in court?

Down The Inquiry Rabbit Hole

The Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life document said that faith schools are “socially divisive” and the selection of children on the basis of their beliefs should be phased out. The report claimed that the number of Church of England bishops in the Lords should be replaced with imams, rabbis and other non-other non-Christian clerics as well as evangelical pastors. The report also backde moves to cut the number of Church of England bishops in the Lords and give places to imams, rabbis and other non-other non-Christian clerics as well as evangelical pastors. It also recommended that the coronation service for the monarch ought to be overhauled to include other faiths and that thought for the Day on BBC Radio 4’s should include non-religious messages. And it recommended new protections for women in Sharia courts and other religious tribunals — including a call for the government to consider requiring couples who have a non-legally binding religious marriage also to have a civil registration. Most controversially, perhaps, the report also called for a rethink of anti-terror policy, including allowing students to voice radical views on campus without fear of being reported to the security services.

Some will find this sad, others as a sign of progress, but the greater majority will view it with indifference.

Educating The Public

Given all that, why do Christians in the country have so much political and educational power?

“England has an established Church. Its bishops sit in the House of Lords. The Queen is both head of state and also supreme governor of the Church of England. One of the monarch’s titles is Defender of the Faith.”

Because of this, Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith has told the Daily Telegraph that claims the UK was not a Christian country ignored “both historical and constitutional reality”, its not fact.  The Bible features heavily in the architecture and decoration of the Houses of Parliament, paying silent tribute to its significance in English jurisprudence. Most British law is ultimately derived from the codes of law within the Bible, of which the Ten Commandments is pre-eminent.

“The Equality of All People Before The Law is Another of The Bibles Legacies.”

In short the social institutions and safeguards, as well as many of the benefits people take for granted, were supported by the understanding of human life which was found within the Bible. In this sense, the foundations of Britain’s culture and society can truly be said to be biblical.

The report is dominated by the old-fashioned view that traditional religion is declining in importance and that non-adherence to a religion is the same as humanism or secularism.

Today, as people are facing ever more clearly the perceived threats of global war, the Bible, with its vision of man’s position within creation and responsibility under God to care properly for it, still has a major contribution to make to the future of all humankind.




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