Your Grace And Mercy
In this day and age, many people are filled with worry about their future. They live stressed out, wondering, “What’s going to happen if I lose my job?”, “how am I going to handle it if my loved one doesn’t make it?”, or even “my parents are getting older, how can I take care of them and my own family at the same time?”. As I settle into another year of this thing called life, I have made up my mind that I’m not going to worry or fret anymore. I will trust in God’s grace to be there at every stage of my life, to help me do whatever I need to do.
Remember, God’s grace is what saves us, but that’s not all. His grace is His enabling power. His grace will give you the strength, wisdom and favour to accomplish what you could not normally accomplish on your own. His grace is sufficient for whatever you need in your future. Hallelujah!
Today, if you’re in a difficult marriage, if you’re raising a child that’s going astray or if you’re facing a sickness, one thing you can count on is that the grace of God will be there. Receive it today by faith, and let Him empower you to walk through the difficulty, into a place of victory in Jesus’ name!
“But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out His special favour on me—and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by His grace.” (1 Corinthians 15:10, NLT).
Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your grace and mercy upon my life this past year. Father, thank You for empowering me to rise above every obstacle. God, I trust that You are moving me forward into victory in this next year of life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
God Wants To Set You Free
It’s been a hard school year with the pandemic around. Finally, the school year has ended and the kids and teachers alike shouted “I’m free.” Freedom is something we all crave. Many people have been told that God wants to set them free, but yet they still walk around feeling defeated and carrying unnecessary burdens. But you don’t have to live that way when you embrace the freedom that Jesus paid for you at calvary. You are set free from the bondage of sin, fear, lack, sickness, worry and cares. Hallelujah!
Today, school may be over but in six weeks the cycle starts again. God wants to set you eternally free! Take a minute and think about it. How would you feel if you never had to worry about money, sickness, or fear about anything? God has a plan for you to be “free indeed” in every area of your life. He wants to direct your steps on the path of life, and give you His pleasures forevermore. Accept God’s peaceful, emotional and spiritual freedom, and follow His path, and live the burden free life He has for you!
“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36, NIV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your plan to set me free eternally, emotionally and spiritually. Father, I release every burden, fear and care to You today, because I know You care for me. God, please help me to understand Your goodness, and empower me to walk completely in Your freedom, no matter what’s happening around me, in Christ’s Name! Amen.
We Will Get Through
I hear this question over and over these days – are we going to get through these difficult times? It’s easy to get discouraged during the tough times. Have you ever gone through something that felt like the valley of the shadow of death? But I love what it says in today’s verse, “though I walk through.” This phrase gives us hope.
I know these are hard times with sickness and bereavement at record rates, but know this – you are not alone, and you are just walking through. You don’t have to stop and live in the tough times! They are only temporary. Don’t allow fear to paralyse you in the middle of “the valley of the shadow of death.” God is with you. He is walking beside you. He is strengthening you. He is making a way of escape for you. He will carry you if He has to. He is lining up people and situations to bring you out of these tough places into a place of strength and victory!
Today, why don’t you get a vision of your life on the other side of that trial. See your life without the loss and bereavement of the pandemic more loving, more faithful, stronger and more blessed than before. Keep moving forward and keep walking through. Don’t stay in fear. Press forward in faith into the victory God has prepared for you!
“Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me…” (Psalm 23:4, NKJV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your faithfulness in my life, I pray I will never take it for granted. Father, please continue to walk with me even in these hard times of sickness, death and uncertainty. God, I pray for a vision of the other side of this trial, trusting that You are taking me through my circumstances to a place of victory and strength, in Christ’s Name! Amen.
Next Level Thinking
As you look toward to the future, you may not see how you will ever rise higher or fulfil your destiny. This is because you are looking at things in the earthly, natural realm. But if we’ll set our minds higher, beyond where we are, if we’ll set our minds on things above, we will have a different perspective.
Scripture says we walk by faith and not by sight. This means, we have to believe it before we’re ever going to see it. If we walk only by what we see in the natural realm, we can easily allow circumstances and fear to cripple us and keep us from moving forward. However, when we set our minds higher, we are walking by faith, and we can see things God’s way.
Today, make the decision to set your mind on things above; a place of peace, joy, powerful spiritual energy, mansions, no sickness, no corruption and no death. Hallelujah! Oh yes focus on the good things God has in store. Be determined to close the door on fear and doubt, and choose to listen to that inner prompting of the Holy Spirit. Walk and live by faith and set your mind on higher things!
“Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” (Colossians 3:2, NIV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which lights up the path You have for me. Father, show me how to have a next level mindset, keeping my heart and mind focused on You. God, I choose to meditate on Your Word, knowing that it feeds my faith and sets me in a position to receive every blessing You have in store for me, now and in the future, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.
Are you Seeking a personal revival? Join Ray Patrick live on zoom with Palmer’s Green & Holcombe road SDA churches tonight, sabbath 11:15am, Sunday, Wednesday, Friday @ 7:30pm for the 10 days of prayers. Topic: Seeking Revival 6th-16th Jan 2021 @7:30pm nightly (Wed,Fri,Sun) & Sabbaths @11:15am London Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 853 4086 6075 Passcode: 486549
Words Have Life
Anytime we speak something, either good or bad, we are giving life to what we are saying. Too many people go around saying negative things about themselves, their family and their future. Things like, “I’ll never be successful. This sickness is going to kill me. Business is so slow I will have to close it. Flu season is coming. I’ll probably get it, I always get it.”
They don’t realise we are prophesying our future. The Scripture says, “we will eat the fruit of our words.” That means we’re going to get exactly what we’ve been saying.
Today, send your words out in the direction you want your life to go. You cannot speak defeat and expect to have victory. You can’t talk about lack and expect to have abundance. You will produce what you’ve been saying. With your words, you either bless or curse your future. Make sure your words are what God says about you, so you can move forward in the life of blessing He has in store for you!
“The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” (Proverbs 18:21, NIV)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for the ability to change my future with my words. Father, I choose to use my words to bless others, and to receive Your blessing in my own life in return. God, help me to be more positive with what comes out of my mouth, in Christ’ name! Amen.
God Wants To Give You Victory
Are you battling sickness? God wants to give you healing. Are you struggling with a broken relationship? God wants to give you restoration and peace. Are you facing a need–physically, spiritually or emotionally? God wants to give you provision. God desires for you to live in victory in every area of your life.
The Scripture says He always causes us to triumph through Christ Jesus! No matter what you may be facing today, God wants to make you more than a conqueror, and supply all of your needs according to His riches in glory. Today’s verse starts by saying, “Thanks be to God.” In the Bible, when God’s people were going into battle, many times they sent the worshippers out in front of the warriors. When you choose to be thankful and bless the Lord in the midst of your battle, you are making a way for Him to move in your life.
Today, start by thanking Him for His goodness. Magnify your God; don’t magnify your problems. Give Him thanks and make way for victory!
“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory [making us conquerors] through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57, AMP)
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, today I say thank You for Your mercy and faithfulness. Father, thank You for always leading and guiding me into victory! God, I receive my victory right now for this trial I’m going through. I celebrate and magnify You and bless Your holy name for my total deliverance, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.
Spiritual Healing: What Does the Bible Say about Healing?
Over the last 72 hours many people have become sick, many have been asking God for healing in Jesus’ Name! I came across today’s verse that I found so powerful. Do you need healing in your body physically? spiritually? emotionally? Do you believe you can be healed? Your words can bring that healing. Hallelujah! Start speaking pleasant, powerful, potent words–words of life, encouragement and thanksgiving.
Today, guard your heart by making sure you are only listening to pleasant, life-giving and life transforming words. If there’s something on the TV or radio that isn’t bringing life to your soul, turn it off. If someone’s having a conversation that’s not uplifting or productive, don’t be a part of it, walk away.
Today, choose to meditate with God’s Word, and your words which are living and active and full of life. Speak pleasant, powerful, potent words–words of life. Let God’s strength and peace rise in your soul. Keep your heart and mind focused on Him, and always choose pleasant words so you can be healed!
“Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweet and delightful to the soul and healing to the body.”
(Proverbs 16:24, AMP)
Pray With Me
Jehovah Rapha, thank You for Your Word which is truth that heals. Father, I repent today for any words that have brought destruction into my life, or the lives of those around me. God, I ask that You uproot every negative seed, and help me to always choose pleasant words of life, so I can be healed physically, spiritually and emotionally, in Christ’s Name! Amen.