Value Every Moment

Our days can be so busy that we forget how fragile life really is. It’s easy to allow little things to creep in and steal our peace and joy. Maybe something doesn’t go our way, or someone says something upsetting. Even traffic can cause us to lose focus if we let it. We have to remember that each day is a gift. If we choose to focus on what’s wrong, we’ll miss the beauty that each day has to offer.

Don’t let the precious moments of life pass you by. Don’t wait for holidays and birthdays to show people that you care. Remember, each day is unique and irreplaceable. You have been given time that can be invested or wasted; hours that can be used or misused. 

Today,  the prayer of the psalmist still applies, “teach us to number our days.” He was saying, “teach us to value every moment we’ve been given.” As you daily keep a proper perspective, you’ll gain a heart of wisdom. You’ll draw closer to God and experience the full blessings that He has for you each and every day!

“Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”

(Psalm 90:12, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of today. Father, I choose to focus on the blessings of each moment instead of allowing the little things to steal my joy. God, keep me close to You always, as I submit every area of my heart and mind to You, in Christ’s name! Amen.


Jesus Christ, our Good Shepherd, finds joy in seeing His diseased sheep progress toward healing.

Four of my friends and I had the privilege of seeing “Healed” an awesome play by Mark Grey, a Christian director. In reflection this sprang to mind, relationships are so important in the eyes of God. As His children, He desires that we live in unity and stay connected with one another. When we are transparent and pray for each other, something supernatural takes place. We open the door for God to pour out His abundant blessing and healing in our lives.

Remember, when we walk in love, forgiveness and unity, our prayers become more effective, and His power is released through us.

Living in peace and unity doesn’t mean you have to agree with everyone around you all the time. It means you look for honest common ground. It means you reach out to others in truth despite how you feel; you pray for them and help meet their needs. 

Today, one way to be healed is to put the needs of others first, God will make sure our own needs are abundantly supplied. When we live with a servant’s heart toward others, it opens the door for God’s complete healing–physically, spiritually and emotionally. Give and it will come back to you!

“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” (James 5:16, NLT)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for revealing the truth to my heart so I can be healed. Father, I desire and beg for total healing in my relationships and in my personal life – mentally, physically and spiritually. God, I choose Your ways above my own, and ask that You open opportunities for me to pray for others, and open the door to Your healing power throughout my life, in Christ’ name! Amen.

Leap Of Faith: How Writing A Faith Journal Will Deepen Your Devotion

A Faithful Guarantee

If you’ve never been in the habit of keeping a faith journal, you might think your meditative prayer and reading scripture has given you a strong spiritual life. But beginning your journaling journey can supplement your spiritual practices and make tangible much of the faith you’ve taken for granted. Staring a faith journal is a great way to track your daily prayers, the gratitude you feel for God’s gifts and offers new ways of exploring scripture. Take that leap of faith today.

1) Creative Prayer

A faith journal doesn’t have to be exclusively about writing. Color, shape and doodling – whatever takes your heart’s desire – can all have its place in your faith journal.

If your prayer is directed at someone special, it can feel exceptionally powerful to write their name and sketch a growing, colorful shape around it. Once their name appears on the page, glorified by color, you can write your prayer for them or simply think about it. But the prayer will have a physical manifestation that can strengthen it.

You can also sketch mandalas in a meditative way. These complex patterns of repeating shapes can be relaxing to sink into, and drawing and coloring them can become a form of prayer in itself. It’s your faith journal, so get creative!

2) Making Prayer Tangible

The time you spend in prayer each day forms a valuable foundation for your spiritual life and strengthens your connection with God. When this takes place in your mind it’s almost a meditative practice, and can often lead to a profound inner feeling.

Writing your prayers down can strengthen them further as the process of putting your thoughts into writing can make them more tangible. Through your faith journal you can pursue a closer connection to God, creating a concrete history of your prayers and devotion on any given day.

If you write in a stream-of-consciousness, letting the words flow out of you, you might be surprised at what you look down to read. New, deep ideas can turn up on the page without conscious effort. Alternatively, writing your prayers in bullet form can help you conceive of them more accurately and make them easier to review in the future.

3) Scripture Is Powerful On The Page

Strengthening your connection to scripture is a great way to explore your faith. We all have particular passages that speak to us, those that we come back to time and again to find peace in or contemplation amongst. Reading scripture is one thing, but journaling scripture can take your understanding of your favorite passages to another level.

Exploring the idea of a crossbook – a book that comes with printed scripture on one side of the page and a blank side opposite for your thoughts and notes – is a great way to begin your faith journal. You can underline and highlight the passages that speak to you on one side, while elaborating on how it deepens your devotion on the other. You’ll be on a path to wisdom and faith.

4) Track Your Holiest Behaviours

A faith journal can also function as a diary for all your holiest habits, letting you reflect on your past week or month and consider ways you can better manifest your faith in the future. You can record how many hours you spent volunteering, how your generosity manifested and how long you prayed for in your faith journal.

Having a record of these behaviours can make it easier to strengthen them as routine habits. All these practices have great spiritual value and your faith journal will encourage you to perform them more often.

5) Express Your Gratitude

There are many spiritual and psychological benefits to gratitude, yet if you don’t make an effort to express your gratitude it can often slip away without being recognized. Journaling gives you an example to record God’s gifts, ensuring that you value them for what they are.

Taking time out of each day to write down what God has brought you can make each day, no matter how hectic or stressful, seem a little brighter.


Keeping a faith journal has so many spiritual and psychological benefits and it’s sure to strengthen your relationship with God as well as developing a deeper understanding of his message. Get creative with your faith journal with colors, shapes and content. You’ll soon find out it’s a habit that’s hard to break.

Katherine Rundell is a spiritual writer at and services. She works with local church groups to inspire young people to explore their faith in new and creative ways. She is also a proofreader at

Overcoming Fears

Overcoming fear

There are times in our lives when the challenges we face are many. Whether there are things happening in your life or to the entirety of the world, fears can get the best of you. This can make anyone too scared to take chances and live their lives to the fullest.

Overcoming fears that are holding you back is challenging and cannot happen overnight. There are a few things you need to be able to include in your life in order for change to take place. Here are five simple tips to help you start dealing with the things that scare you and hold you back.

1. Have faith in change

One of the biggest things you need to keep in mind when trying to overcome fears is that change will take time. The fears you are facing have developed from experiences in your past, which have affected your life strongly. Trying to change the feelings these experiences have caused you is no easy matter. 

Believing that you are able to change these around is the best way to start this journey. While it might take some time, change is bound to happen when there is will. Having faith in your ability to change will help you see things from a different perspective. Through this, you will manage to keep pushing yourself forward. 

2. Focus on positive thoughts

Another thing that can help you come to terms with fear is focusing on the positive instead of the negative. Most of the time, being afraid of something will make you focus on everything that can go wrong. If you allow yourself to feel this way, it will be a lot more difficult for you to see things differently.

No matter what you go through and what you are afraid of, God is on your side. Instead of letting negativity impact your decisions and everyday life, have faith that something good will come out of a difficult situation. This way, you will be able to train your mind to focus on the positive outcomes and overcome the fear certain situations can cause.

3. Pray when you feel overwhelmed

The power of prayer is great and can help guide you when you feel scared and helpless. No matter what fear you are facing, praying about it can make it seem more simple and manageable. When you feel overwhelmed with emotions, taking a step back and thinking about it is important. 

This is something that you can easily do through praying about a situation. During that time, you are talking about your fears and worries to God and asking for help and guidance. Praying when your fears overwhelm can help you see things clearly and get the reassurance that everything is going to be okay.

4. Discuss your fears with people that care 

No matter what it is that scared you, talking about it with people that care about you is going to help you tremendously. Your family, your friends, and the members of your church are all people you can trust and ask for some of their time. Opening up about the things that scare you will make them a lot more manageable. 

In addition to that, you will be able to see how someone else understands and perceives what exactly scares you. In certain cases, they will be able to relate to your fears. Other people will be able to break your fears down and help you see just why they should not hold you back. 

5. Take some time off

If you find that certain fears are affecting your everyday life in a negative way, it might be necessary to take some time off. Something as simple as spending some time at home or going on a short trip can help you feel better very quickly. 

It is possible that the fears you are dealing with are caused by stressful situations in your everyday life. Taking some time to reevaluate certain scenarios and situations will help you seek new ways to overcome them.  

Facing your fears with the help of others

Facing your fears alone is a very difficult task. Having the help and support of other people in your church and your community is important. The best way to overcome situations and things that scare you is through finding your strength. God can provide you with a safe place where you can think about everything that scares you. This way, you will be able to think about them more logically and know that you will overcome every challenge that comes your way. 


Bridgette Hernandez is a professional writer and editor who works with websites such as TrustMyPaper and SupremeDissertations. Brid loves to educate her audience on the power of writing, and oftentimes creates blog content for platforms such as GrabMyEssay. In her spare time, she loves spending time with friends, cooking, and listening to audiobooks.

Supernatural Currency

Everyone needs money – it is the currency of our world. In the natural, we exchange money for the things we want and need. But in the supernatural or spiritual realm, faith is our currency and what we exchange for what we need or want. 

The Bible tells us that when we pray, if we have faith, we will receive what we pray for.

Faith is heaven’s currency. Faith moves mountains. Faith opens doors. Faith pleases God. What is faith you may ask? It is simply believing and trusting God and His Word. It’s believing in His goodness, and knowing that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek after Him. Faith is trusting that the promises of God are true. It’s obeying His Word. Where does faith come from? Everyone is given a measure of faith. Romans tell us that faith grows by hearing the Word of God. 

Today, the more you hear the Word of God, the more real it becomes in your life, and the easier it is to believe His promises. It doesn’t matter how much faith you have today, begin investing your faith in God’s Word so that your trust will grow. As you hear and obey the Word, you will be empowered to move forward to receive every good gift God has in store for you.

“And whatever you ask for in prayer, having faith and [really] believing, you will receive.”

(Matthew 21:22, AMP)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the supernatural currency of faith which gives Your Word power to work in my life. Father, I submit myself to You today, and ask that the seeds of faith in my heart grow stronger with each new day. God, I trust You and I open my heart to You, and ask You to remove doubt and unbelief, so that I can trust and serve You with my whole heart, all in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Now Faith = Now Blessings

A Faithful Guarantee

The goal of every believer is to please God. We are told  that faith is what pleases God. It gives substance to the things we hope for and makes them tangible. Faith opens the door to God’s favour and shows our dependence on Him. 

The Bible tells us we’ve all been given a measure of faith, but it’s up to each of us to nurture it, develop it and use it. We develop our faith by surrendering our lives to God and meditating on His Word. We exercise our faith through our prayer and actions. Today’s verse starts by saying, “Now faith.” It’s not “later” faith or “one day” faith. We have to have faith for today, right now.  

Today, do you believe that God has blessings in store for you, right now? Do you believe He wants to pour out His favour on you right now? Put your faith into practice by speaking and believing that His promises are coming to pass right now in your life. Use your “now” faith and see “now” blessings! 

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” 

(Hebrews 11:1, KJV) 

Let’s Pray  

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of faith that can move the mountains of trials in my life. Father, I choose to trust Your promises which are a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. Oh God, show me how to totally surrender to You, so that I can continue to grow in faith. I really want to please You in every area of my life, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Move Past Your Disappointments And Setbacks

A mountain is a large unmovable mass. People climb them or go around them, many camp at its base, or live in its caves to be shielded from the elements. Do you go out each day knowing that favour is already in your future? Or, have you gotten stuck in a rut staring at a mountain of disappointment, a mass of setbacks or unmovable difficulties?

That’s what happened to the children of Israel in the Bible. They were headed toward their God-given promised land. They had big goals and big dreams, but along the way, they hit some setbacks and had some disappointments. They got so discouraged that they gave up on their dreams and just settled where they were. One day God said to them, “you have dwelt long enough in this unproductive stale mountain.” He was saying, “It’s time to move past your disappointments and embrace the blessings in your future.” Hallelujah!

Today, I believe God is saying to each one of us, “you’ve been where you are long enough.” Looking at your broken dreams, negative issues and problems. God is saying, “this is a new day. Time to get your fire back. Where you are now is not where you’re supposed to be, you’ve stayed in that emotional, negative setback way to long.” If you’ll be determined to move past your mountain through prayer and biblical positivity, He will lead you and empower you to live in favour and blessing in every area of your life!

“…you have stayed long enough at this mountain.” (Deuteronomy 1:6, NIV)

Let’s PrayYahweh, today I give to You every area of my heart. Father, I give You my broken dreams, my setbacks, my disappointments, my doubts and my fears. God, I have decided to trade in my sorrow for Your joy. Today I will press past my mountains, so I can embrace the amazing promises and enormous, gigantic blessings You have in store for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Is Your Faith Dead Or Alive?

Cultivating Fresh Faith Through Your Lifetime

If ever there was a time we need more faith than fear, it’s now. What type of faith do you have? Did you know that your faith can be alive or dead? Dead faith doesn’t do anything but talk and remain stagnant. There are a lot of people who love God, but they aren’t overcoming obstacles or accomplishing their God-given dreams, and are spend time worrying and fearful, simply because they are not putting any action or belief behind their faith. Their faith is simply dead.

With that in mind what can you do today to make your faith alive and not dead? It doesn’t have to be anything big. By simply believing, standing and obeying God’s Word, putting it to the test, doing your best and allowing it to motivate and move you upward and forward, then your faith is alive. When you go to work every day despite how you feel and what’s going on in the world, and give it 100% and encourage those who are down, you are demonstrating your faith.

Today, putting a smile on your face when you feel down or discouraged, believing God’s promises and not your feelings is putting action behind your faith. Taking time to go to church when others say stay home, that’s faith that is alive. Believing that prayer is still the greatest weapon in this warfare, that’s faith that activates God’s power. That’s faith that opens the door for God to move on your behalf! With faith that is alive, you’ll rise up higher. You’ll overcome obstacles, and you’ll move forward, not relying on the government but on God, moving into the blessing and victory He has in store for you!

“…faith without works is dead.” (James 2:20, NKJV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which is life to my soul. Thank You for the gift of faith, please show me how to exercise it. Father, show me ways to put my faith into action and make it alive. God, guide my steps and keep me close to You, so that everything I do brings honour to You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Sowing Seeds

Yesterday I celebrated my birthday and I had a great day. I received so many well wishes, some from individuals whose lives God allowed me to touch through ministry, those little seeds from a sermon, a prayer, or a devotion. Thank You God! God has provided us with seeds so that we can invest into the lives of others. 

There is tremendous potential in any seed. A single seed can produce a harvest of 30, 60 or 100% return! But that seed has to be planted. You can have a packet of seeds sitting in a drawer for years and nothing will happen. But when you plant that seed in the ground, water it and tend to it, that seed will begin to grow. It may not take long before the bountiful harvest is ready.

Today, remember, we have seeds of greatness on the inside of us. God has placed within us everything we need to be successful. But, we have to step out and sow those seeds. we have to boldly declare our faith and put action behind it. We must keep an attitude of expectancy, and go out believing that great things are coming our way. Be obedient to His Word, because those seeds you sow will produce a harvest all the days of your life!

“Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed, and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.”

(2 Corinthians 9:10, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for entrusting me with seeds to sow in everyone I meet. Father, I want to be a wise steward of all Your resources. God, give me wisdom and discernment to be obedient to You. Let everything I do bring honour to You and bless others, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Fill Me Now

During lockdown many are lonely, depressed and going hungry in the natural. What do you do when you’re hungry and just not sure when or what will satisfy you? You may try to think of what to eat, but maybe you’re not sure when you will get it. Spiritual hunger works the same way. You may feel a restlessness or unsettled, but you can’t quite figure out what will satisfy you. You may try to fill that need with other things– addictions, people, or negative behaviour, but only God can fill that spiritual void, and He can also supply your physical and emotional needs. Reach out to Him today.

In today’s verse we are told what will fill the hunger in our souls – God’s righteousness. When you hunger and thirst for righteousness, which is God’s way of doing good things, you will be spiritually satisfied. But just like you have to take time to eat in the natural, you have to take time to “eat” or partake of God’s righteousness. Doing right and feasting on His Word.

Today and every day, take time and devote it to the Lord with prayer. State your physical needs, spend time in worship and the study of His Word. Stay in fellowship with other believers by attending church regularly, stay amongst the righteous and doing righteous acts. As you focus your hunger on God’s righteousness, you will be filled and live satisfied in Him all the days of your life.

“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.”

(Matthew 5:6, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for the promise to fill my hunger both physically and spiritually. Father, I open my heart to You and ask that You draw me by Your Spirit. God, I beg You to teach me to walk in Your ways of righteousness, Your right doing, that I may honour You and be satisfied, physically, emotionally and spiritually all the days of my life. I receive this by faith right now. I bless You always, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Get A Bigger Blessing Bucket

Many churches have seen their numbers increase at weekend services, at prayer meetings, and at youth meetings since lockdown. Zoom, Google meets and Facebook have reached more people spiritually than at any other time in the history of the internet. Could it be that God allowed covid because He wants to enlarge our territory and also to increase our capacity?

Trials come to enlarge us and increase us. God has many blessings in store for you! He has favour in your future like you’ve never imagined. He wants to take you places that you’ve never even dreamed. But in order for us to partake of all these blessings, we have to increase our capacity to receive.

You may have heard me say this before, if you have a one gallon bucket and someone has fifty gallons to give you, the problem is not with the supply. The problem is that you don’t have the capacity to receive the fifty gallons. But, if you get rid of that small container and get something larger, then you will be able to receive more. It’s the same way with God. If we think we’ve reached our limits, the problem isn’t that God doesn’t have the resources or the ability. The problem is that our container is too small. So, God will allow trails like covid to stretch us. 

Today, we have to enlarge our vision and make room for the new things God has for us. After covid and lockdown our attitude should be, “yes, the economy is down, but I know God is still on the throne. I know wherever I go His goodness and mercy follows me.” When you have that kind of attitude, you’re increasing your capacity to receive in abundance, so get ready with your bigger blessing bucket, so that you can receive all He has in store for you.

“Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back”¦”

(Isaiah 54:2, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I thank You in advance for giving me abundant blessings. Thank You Father that during Covid-19 you are, and have, increased my capacity to receive from You. God, I let go of limited thinking and old mindsets, and I open myself to everything You have in store for me. Show me Your ways that I may walk with You, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Trust God During The Delay

What a weekend. Lots of marching, lots of talking, and lots of emotion, and all these are all good. We cannot forget the spiritual element of fighting injustice. You may have been praying and standing on God’s Word for something and haven’t seen the results yet. The Bible has principles of what to do while waiting on the Lord, and how to make a God-given plan and develop faith as you wait.

Scripture says in John 11 verse 6, “When Jesus heard that Lazarus was sick, He stayed where He was two more days.” One translation says, “He sat down.” Now, that was the opposite response to what Lazarus’s family was looking for. “Jesus, don’t sit down when we need You the most.” In other words, “God, don’t sit down when I’m fighting racial injustice, when my finances are this low.” “Don’t sit down when my problems are big.” However in the end, God not only healed Lazarus, He raised him from the dead! Hallelujah! You will get frustrated and even angry, but when you deal with God’s way, based upon His Word and prayer, your breakthrough will come even if God has to raise the dead!

Today, your mind may be telling you it’s a waste of time, it’s too late, it’s never going to happen, things will never change. No, you’ve got to know at times there is a God-given reason for the delay. God is planning something greater. You’re thinking of a healing, He is thinking of a resurrection. You may be thinking how I can survive, but God is thinking how you can thrive. Remember, His ways are higher than your ways, and you can trust that He is going to amaze you with His goodness in every area of your life!

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

(Isaiah 55:9, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, today I choose to trust in You even when I can’t trace You. Father, I trust that You are working behind the scenes on my behalf. I release all of my cares and concerns to You, knowing that You have a greater plan in store for me. God, give me the strength to hang in there during the time of delay, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Meditation Is Part Of The Solution

“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14, NIV)

One of the things that will bring you sanity during these chaotic times is meditating, particularly before you start your day, or at the end of the day. To meditate on something simply means to think about it, and let the meaning of it sink deep down into your heart. 

Meditation is a spiritual practice that’s encouraged throughout scripture. The key is to draw on God’s wisdom found in His Word, which is filled with the blessings and benefits of meditating on its principles. For example, meditating on God’s Word will give you spiritual, physical and emotional success. That’s exactly what God told Joshua as Israel got ready to enter the Promised Land.

Today, when everyone is looking for solutions and success, God’s definition of both of these is to know Him better. One way you can do that is to read and understand His Word. Another benefit of meditating on God’s Word is that it will help you keep your heart and mind right before Him, especially in these times. The Bible is like a mirror and a lens that accurately shows you where your heart really is, and how to move forward.

“Study this Book of the Law continually. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed.” 

(Joshua 1:8, NLT)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, You have said that Your Word is living and active. Father, help me have the appetite for meditating on Your Word daily, so I can live and be successful. God, today I pledge to spend time allowing this living Word to search my heart, and make sure I am right before You, moving forward with vision and vigour, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Enthusiasm Is What We Need Today

Despite the storms, the Christian should be enthusiastic and excited because of the gift of the Holy Ghost which lives inside of them. The word “enthusiasm” comes from the Greek word “entheos.” “Theos” means God. When you’re enthusiastic, it simply means you are full of God. When you get up in the morning you should be excited about your future, recognising that today is a gift. Go out with a spring in your step, pursue your goals and be passionate about life, because God has breathed into you His Spirit.

Studies tell us that people who are enthusiastic seem to get better breaks. They’re promoted more often and people love being around them. That’s not a coincidence. When you’re full of spiritual passion and enthusiasm, you have the favour of God. God didn’t breathe His life into us to drag through the day. He didn’t create us in His image, crown us with His favour, and equip us with His power to just go through the motions of life.

Today, you may have had some setbacks, the wind may have been taken out of your sail because of this current situation, but this is a new day! God wants to breathe new life back into you, so you’ll get your fire back, your passion back, the wind will start blowing once again. When you’re in agreement with God, He will cause the winds of favour to shift in your direction!

“You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace”¦ 

(Isaiah 55:12, NIV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for allowing me to see another sunrise, another day, and have another opportunity to praise You and pursue the dreams You’ve given me. God, help me to stay filled with enthusiasm, joy and passion, so I can serve You with my whole heart in everything that I do for You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

What does the Bible say about Judgment Day?

I was recently looking into “life expectancy” rates and discovered that they are all over the map. Quotes from various websites, for example, set mine at 67, 78 and 88. (Suzie Orman says that it’s in the 90s!)

Here’s another surprise…… you age, your life expectancy can actually increase because by then, you will have survived many of the things that could have brought about an earlier death.

Here’s an example that I found online”¦”¦”¦”¦..

In 2006 the life expectancy at birth of someone born in 1942 was about 68 years. If that person survived to 65, they could expect to live another 18.4 years, meaning their life expectancy was no longer the same as it was at birth.

The biggest surprise to me, however, was to realize that half of the people who shared the same life expectancy died earlier than their expected end.

Consequently, for those who plan to turn from sin and accept Christ’s offer of forgiveness at some point in the future, it is a foolish and perilous thing to do. It is a sign that deep in your heart, you are more in love with the world than with God (1 John 2:15; Matthew 7:21-23).

But God said to him, ‘You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?’

(Luke 12:20)

The same principle applies to believers who have decided that they will get serious about living for God at some point in the future. They say to themselves: “I’ll just be glad to get into heaven.” And certainly, we’ll all be glad to get into heaven!

However, the crowns and rewards that are on offer will be ours for all eternity! So also will the loss of such crowns and rewards — making this a far more important issue than is often realized.

What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived — the things God has prepared for those who love Him — these are the things God has revealed to us by His Spirit. The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God.

(1 CORINTHIANS 2:9-10)

Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us”¦”¦..

(Ephesians 3:20)

Salvation by God is a Limited-Time Offer!

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom!

(Psalm 90:12)

The Bible teaches that the number of our days are fixed and are already known by God. In other words, salvation by God is a limited-time offer!

From one man He made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek Him and perhaps reach out for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are His offspring.’

(Acts 17:26-28)

Man’s days are determined; You have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed.

(Job 14:5)

For You created my inmost being; You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from You when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one of them came to be.

(Psalm 139:13-16)

You Have Been Designed to Win Big!

This explains why so many people who have had near-death experiences are met by loved ones who are already in heaven – who have obviously been alerted to their arrival. It also explains why some are told that they have to return to earth because their “time” has not yet come.

Based on the character of God, I believe that the number of days assigned by God, whether many or few, has been calculated to produce the greatest, eternal outcome for us on the Day of Judgment. Even the severity of a negative outcome may be lessened in this way.

It’s true that King Hezekiah begged God to allow him more time on earth. After many tears, God relented and gave him an extra 15 years beyond what had been allotted. (See Isaiah 38-39).

However, during those extra 15 years, Hezekiah foolishly invited the king of Babylon to see all the treasures of Israel, only to see those treasures stolen, his sons kidnapped, castrated and sent into exile.

This is where the exception proves the rule. God had calculated the years Hezekiah should live — I believe, in order to maximize his eternal and temporal blessings and to save him from the disasters that would come upon him should he live longer.

You see, God knows our hearts. He knows our sins – past, present and future. And He knows whether we will repent of sin and surrender our lives to Jesus Christ. He also knows the number of days that will optimize the outcome of our final judgment.

The “Bema Seat” vs the “Great White Throne” Judgment

I believe that God’s judgment for the lost will be designed to limit the eternal suffering that will be the consequence of their earthly lives. In some cases, God may shorten their earthly years in order to limit the number of sins for which they will be penalized. (This is speculation on my part, but it is based on the merciful goodness of God).

For believers, God’s criteria for final judgment, (and all the evidence that pertains therein), is based on what we have done in the body since our salvation (2 Corinthians 5:10). It perfectly flows from His omniscience (Romans 2:5-7; Psalm 18:30) and like the judgment of the unbeliever, cannot be appealed.

Again, for believers and unbelievers alike, it is likely that God plans the number of our days on earth so that we will have the best possible outcome on Judgment Day (Matthew 25:31-46; Hebrews 4:13).  Yes, He is that good!

The “Bema Seat” judgment of believers will determine the rewards, or loss thereof, for those who gave their life to Jesus Christ and have therefore escaped eternal separation from God. (See Romans 8:1-2; 14:10c-12; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Hebrews 9:27-28; Revelation 14:13). They will be saved, but as through fire (1 Corinthians 3:15).

Assuming that the ”crowns” given to believers are different than the “rewards” cited above, those too can be won or lost at the judgment of believers. (See 2 Timothy 2:5; 4:8; James 1:12; 1 Peter 5:4; Revelation 2:10).

As for the “Great White Throne” judgment, which is for those who never repented of their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, they face a divine determination of what their experience in Hell will be like for all eternity. In other words, Hitler’s experience of Hell will undoubtedly differ from that of the sweet lady next door who never surrendered her life to Jesus Christ. (See Matthew 12:36-37; Luke 23:41; John 5:29; Romans 2:5-11; Hebrews 2:1-3; Revelation 2:23c; 20:11-15).

So for both believer and nonbeliever, the Bible declares”¦”¦

I urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain. For He says, ‘In the time of My favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.’ I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.

(2 Corinthians 6:1-2)

How can I teach my children to resist temptation?

How can I teach my children to resist temptation?

It seemed to Eve a small matter to eat of the forbidden tree, the fruit was pleasant to the eye and to the taste desirable to make one wise. But what terrible results!

It was not a small matter to forfeit allegiance to God. It opened the floodgates of sin to our world. Oh, the amount of evil which can come from one false step in life! Our eye must not be fixed on earth, but upward to Heaven. We must pass through dangers and difficulties, making advance at every step, gaining victories in every conflict, still rising higher and higher our standard of Christianity. As you do this the earth’s attractions will sink out of sight and the heavenly landscape opens with clearness and beauty. You will see the crown, the white robe, the harp, the palm branch of victory and immortality will be within your reach.

If we lose everything else, we should keep conscience pure and sensitive. When asked to go where there is the least danger of offending God, doing that which you cannot do with a pure conscience, do not fear or hesitate. Look the enemy of God firmly in the face and say, “No; I will not imperil my soul for any worldly attraction. I love and fear God. I will not venture to dishonor or disobey Him for the riches of the world or the love and favor of a host of worldly relatives. I love Jesus who died for me. He has bought me. I am the purchase of His blood. I will be true to His claims, and my example shall never be an excuse for any to turn from the straight path of duty. I will not be the servant of Satan and of sin. My life shall be such as to leave a bright track heavenward.”

The time has come when every Christian must stand or fall according to his own merits. A few righteous acts, a few good impulses, may be presented to the mind as evidences of righteousness, but God requires the our whole heart. He will accept no divided affections. The whole being must be given to Him or He will not receive the offering.

We must now be learning the lessons of faith if we would stand in that time of trouble which is coming upon all the world to try them who dwell upon the face of the earth. We must have the courage of heroes and the faith of martyrs.

10 Ways To Resist The Devil

God gives us specific guidance to counteract the devil and his influence.

1. Be Ruled by the Word.

2. Beware of Grieving the Holy Spirit.

3. Labor for Wisdom.

4. Resist the First Stirring of Temptation.

5. Labor to Be Filled With the Spirit.

6. Keep Humble.

7. Be Constantly on Guard.

8. Continue Communing With God.

9. Do Not Engage Satan In Your Own Strength.

10. Pray Constantly.

A Prayer to Guard Your Heart  
Lord God, Captain of my heart, Satan knows if I follow Your Greatest Commandment — to love You with all my heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37) — he is powerless over me. Guard my heart, Lord Jesus, so that it beats for You alone. Don’t let me grow complacent toward You or be lured to love anyone or anything more than You. Remove the idols from my heart so that You alone command my allegiance and utmost affections Help me to love and forgive others as You have forgiven me so the enemy can get no foothold through hate or bitterness on my part. Cultivate in my heart Your love that “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Corinthians 13:7, NASB). Finally, Lord, set my heart on things above, not on earthly things. Help me to remember that You died for me and my life is now hidden which Christ in God (Colossians 3:1-2). Increase my longing for heaven so this world holds no power over me.   


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