Satan Is Your Enemy

I’ve learned that in life, some people are peace-stealers. They feel it’s their calling to aggravate you, try to make you look bad, and tell you what you can or can’t do. They’ll try to bait you into an argument to get you upset, annoyed and frustrated. But don’t take the bait! Nothing is worth losing your peace over. They may think they’re getting the best of you, but in the end, God can use that to take you higher.

When people come against you, choose to keep your peace. Choose to forgive. Pray for that person because that’s how you disarm the enemy against you. Scripture says your battle isn’t against flesh and blood. In other words, that person isn’t your enemy; the accuser satan, is your enemy. He’s trying to bring division and get you upset.

Today, when you choose to keep peace, when you keep walking in love and keep a smile on your face, you are overcoming his tactics. That’s how you win. Choose peace today, choose to walk in love, and choose the victory God has prepared for you!

“Bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.” (Luke 6:28, NIV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for giving me Your peace and strength today. Father, I choose to hold my peace and bless those who come against me. I choose to walk in love and forgiveness so that I can honour You. God, help me not to be a peace stealer in the lives of others, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

No Map, Just Go

The Bible says, Abraham had lived in Ur (modern-day Iraq), which was a big city in its day. With his extended family, he had moved to Harran (modern-day Turkey). Abraham was prosperous, and even if he wasn’t looking for God to take over his life, God was looking for him with a special plan in mind. Because of this, Abraham’s life changed in a big way. At that time his name was Abram, but God later changed his name to Abraham.

God said leave your country, your culture, your clan, and “follow me”. That’s not easy to do when you are 75 years old and as successful and settled, as Abraham was. Plus, God didn’t give Abraham a map to follow. God said, “Go . . . to the land I will show you”.

Today, when it comes to God’s calling in our lives, we like to have both clarity and content. We want a detailed description of where to go and what to do when we get there. But God seldom works that way. God wants us to exercise faith, not simply our intellect. He wants us to learn to walk by faith in Him, rather than simply by sight. Not every call of God involves relocation, but every call does involve leaving some of our past behind and venturing into the unknown with God as our guide. Are you ready?

By faith Abraham, when called to go . . . obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, teach us what it means to listen for your voice and to respond in faith. Lord, remind us that the safest, most joyful place to be is with you and in your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Success Comes With Favour

Success in this life isn’t necessarily about how much money, or influence or education someone has. Success is about living a life of excellence in obedience to God’s Word. When we step out to do what God has called us to do, Scripture says that His favour surrounds us like a shield. When we have His favour, we have everything; we have an advantage for success!

Favour opens doors. Favour will bring good breaks. The favour of God will cause you to accomplish what you could not accomplish on your own. It gives you an edge. Now, if you’re going to see the gracious hand of God at work in your life, you can’t go through the day feeling intimidated, thinking that you’re average, looking around and comparing yourself to everyone else.

Today, you have to live like you have His favour, think like you have favour, talk like you have favour, walk like you have favour, dress like you have favour! Not arrogantly. Not in a way that portrays that you’re better than somebody else, but with quiet humility and confidence, knowing that you have the gracious hand of God on your life! Live like you’ve got it because you do! Hallelujah!

“…His favour lasts a lifetime…” (Psalm 30:5, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your grace, favour and mercy upon my life. Father, I praise You today because You are good. I receive Your truth by faith and rise up to walk in my calling. God, I know that You are going before me to prepare the way, as I walk in Your favour all the days of my life, in Christ’ Name! Amen.

The World Needs Prayer

With gun and knife crime high, with kids as young as 8 carrying drugs across the country, things are out of control right now. Our country, and across the entire world, are experiencing wide-spread devastation like never before seen in history. Some places are too hot, others too cold. Floods, diseases, and brokenness seems to be affecting all. The world needs prayer at this time. 

We may not have all the answers about the world’s situation, but we can set our hearts and minds on what we do know. What we know is that God is faithful. What we know is that He is our Deliverer. What we know is that we can trust in Him. He is our hope, He is our peace, and He will carry us through. He promises that no matter what you we be facing, He will empower us to walk through it and overcome.

Today, when you don’t understand, when you don’t have answers, when you are in your darkest hour, God is your light of hope. God will bring restoration and order to your life again. Whether you’re in a storm, or experiencing another type of “trouble,” call on Him. He will deliver you, and in return, you will bring honour and praise to Him.

“…call on Me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honour Me.” (Psalm 50:15, NIV)

Let’s PrayYahweh, today I’m calling on You. Father, I trust that even in my personal darkness, and in the world’s darkest hours, You are my light of hope. God, give me Your peace that passes understanding. Bring order and restoration to my life. Heal this land of crime, abuse and natural devastation as Your people call upon You, in Christ’ Name! Amen.


If you’ve done things wrong (and we all have), the forgiveness that comes from God through the blood of Jesus can lift the guilt and shame, and take the weight from your shoulders. The key to God’s forgiveness is knowing and accepting that Christ gave His life to pay the price for the things you’ve done wrong. There is no sin that God cannot forgive. God’s forgiveness is made complete by asking Christ into your life, and surrendering your life to Him. Remember your sin doesn’t take away your purpose or calling.

Today, God is speaking to your heart and drawing you to Himself. He doesn’t want you to perish. God wants to give you life. He wants you to pass from death to life. He wants to take you out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness and bring you into God’s Kingdom. The way He does that is by saying to you, ‘your sins are forgiven.’ Can you imagine what it’s like to have all your sins forgiven? To have the load taken off of your back and to be set free? Accept it today and experience God’s freedom.

Gods Promises
Claim them today;
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I believe that You are the Son of God. I believe that You are the only Saviour promised to me who will give me eternal life. God, I want to be set free from my sin. I don’t want to be a slave to sin any longer. Take away my guilt and shame today, cover me with Your blood, break the devil’s hold on me and remove the curse. Give me the faith to believe it is done. Christ, I receive You as my Lord and Saviour. I want to be Your child, in Christ’s Name! Amen.
On Fri, 30 Jul 2021 at 08:19, rayofhope 4u <> wrote:

If you’ve done things wrong (and we all have), the forgiveness that comes from God through the blood of Jesus can lift the guilt, shame and take the weight from your shoulders. The key to God’s forgiveness is knowing and accepting that Christ gave His life to pay the price for the things you’ve done wrong. There is no sin that God cannot forgive. God’s forgiveness is made complete by asking Christ into your life and surrendering your life to Him. Remember your sin doesn’t take away your purpose or calling.

Today, God is speaking to your heart and drawing you to Himself. He doesn’t want you to perish. God wants to give you life. He wants you to pass from death to life. He wants to take you out of Satan’s kingdom of darkness and bring you into God’s Kingdom. The way He does that is by saying to you, ‘Your sins are forgiven.’ Can you imagine what it’s like to have all your sins forgiven? To have the load taken off of your back and to be set free? Accept it today and experience God’s freedom.

Gods Promises
Claim them today;
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed” (John 8:36).
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Romans 10:13).
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9 
Let’s Pray
Yahweh, I believe that you are the Son of God. I believe that you are the only Savior, promised to me who will give me eternal life. God, I want to be set free from my sin. I don’t want to be a slave to sin any longer. Take away my guilt and shame today, cover me with your blood, break the devils hold on me and remove the curse. Give me the faith to believe it is done. Christ, I receive You as my Lord and saviour. I want to be your child in Christ’ name Amen.

Sealed With Power And Authority

God Gave Me Power and Authority

Did you know that you were created with power and authority? Today’s scripture tells us that you have the mark of authority of the Almighty. We don’t often hear about signet rings anymore; but in Bible times, they were very significant. The signet ring was used to identify the message or messenger, and the authority they had. In other words, you knew something was from the king because it was marked by his signet ring. It was representative of power and authority. God has chosen and set you apart to be identified with Him. Hallelujah!

When you have someone’s power and authority, it’s like having power of attorney; you have the authority to act on behalf of that individual. As a believer in Jesus, you are marked with His seal. Think of all you have access to today!

Today, think about the authority you have. Everything God has is available to you—healing, provision, strength, peace, joy. You have been given authority to unlock His abundant blessings and power over all the forces of evil in Jesus’ name. Accept His seal, and you will be marked to live the abundant life He has in store for you!

“‘…I will make you like my signet ring, for I have chosen you,’ declares the LORD Almighty.” (Haggai 2:23, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for choosing me and calling me Your own. Father, help me to fully understand the authority and power You’ve placed in me, through Your Son and Holy Spirit. I receive all the supernatural blessings You have for me today, in Christ’ name! Amen.

A Special Place

Don't put fullstop where God has placed a comma in your life

Do you and God have a special place? A place where you meet with Him and He you. It may or may not be physical. God’s special place for you is where you are most content and fulfilled in Him. It may not be a place where you experience prosperity, good health, good emotions, good relationships, or perfect finances. It could be that place where you run to when things are not right. 

In Scripture we find a good example in the life of Elijah. In 1 Kings 17:3, God told the prophet Elijah, “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. You will drink from the brook, and I have ordered the ravens to feed you there.” Elijah went to the place where God directed him so his physical, spiritual and emotional needs could be met. It was quite peaceful and in the presence of God. 

Today, be like Elijah who obeyed God and went to that special place of alone time with God, and all his needs were met. If Elijah had decided not to obey God and do things his own way instead, he may not have been in a place to receive God’s blessings. Today, God is calling you to that quiet place to spend time with Him. You will be blessed when you are convinced that God wants to meet all your needs, and you decide to follow Him. 

“Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for loving me and for giving me a place where I can meet with You physically, spiritually and emotionally, so that I can be recharged, fulfilled and blessed. God, give me the wisdom and patience to know where to go to find the special quiet place of Your blessing. In Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Develop A Habit Of Prayer

“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14, NIV)

During these unprecedented times we have to be diligent to make time every day, throughout the day, to stop and pray and call on Him. God promises so many things to those who call on Him. He is always listening, He is always ready to receive us when we come to Him. The question is, how often are you calling on Him? A lot of times people think, “Oh I need to pray about that.” But then they get busy going about their day and distracted with life. But thinking about praying isn’t the same as actually praying. Knowing that you need to pray isn’t the same as praying.  

Scripture tells us there is power in agreement. When two or more come together in His Name, He is there to bless. One way to develop a habit of praying is to have a prayer partner, or prayer warriors, friends who you agree to connect with and pray together. It doesn’t have to be long or formal. If you don’t have a prayer partner, let Jesus be your prayer partner! Talk to Him throughout the day, carve out time each day to develop a habit of prayer! 

Today, start formulating your prayer habit! Open your calendar/diary right now and make an appointment with God. Schedule a daily prayer appointment in your calendar for the next few weeks. Then, choose a prayer partner or friends to hold yourself accountable and agree with. Make a plan of what you will do and your expectations and get started. Please give yourself grace if you miss a day, but then get back on track and keep going. Prayer will be the best habit you ever form! 

“To You, O LORD, I called, and to the Lord I made supplication.” (Psalm 30:8, NASB) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for answering my half-hearted prayers. Thank You for Your promises and blessings, and the awesome benefits for those who are faithful in prayer. God, help me to be faithful, help me to be diligent to keep You first in everything I do. Father, teach me to have deeper conversations with You. Send me praying faithful people to agree and connect with, in Jesus’ Name! Amen. 

I’m Going Further

What does it mean to be crucified with Christ?

Don’t you dare settle for a mediocre life! No matter what’s happening in your life today, you are not limited by resources or family background. God has equipped and empowered you. He has blessed you with creativity, ideas, inventions, skills and talents. Today, call forth those seeds of greatness within you! 

Today, go further and dream bigger, declare that your best days are ahead. Declare that you are going further than anyone in your family ever did, that you are going to dream bigger and live better. No one can put a curse on you when God has put His blessing on you. So, walk and live in that blessing by following His commands and stay fully committed to Him! 

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for blessing me and calling me according to Your purpose. Father, I receive Your Word which is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. God, please bless me to dream bigger and go further in every aspect of my life. I declare I will hide Your truth in my heart, so I won’t sin against You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

5 Ways To Stay Faithful In Your Faith

Nowadays, it’s easy to forget about our faith, since our busy lives and the negativity have taken over, with people dying, many wrongdoings, and sin being evident everywhere we look. Plus, it’s hard to tell who are friends are, especially when someone whom we’re supposed to trust doesn’t really feel accountable for anything”¦ or anyone. Even when people make promises, they either don’t keep them, or they forget about them.

As you can tell by now, sin is detrimental to one’s life; and, it stops us from being that God has created us to be. Just because we don’t have faith-based friends or careers, doesn’t mean that we, ourselves, can’t be faith-based. So, here are five basic tips on how to stay faithful in your faith:

1. Remember That God Is Your Friend

“There’s no denying that God is a friend to those who believe in Him,” says Thomas Gettysburg, a lifestyle writer at Next Coursework. “As Christians, it’s important to spend time with God as often as possible, just as you would with your regular friends.”

You can welcome God as your friend by doing the following:

· Attend church each weekend. (This is just one of the things that Jesus has asked of all his disciples.)

· Speak to God, and listen for Him every morning and every night. Offering yourself to God each day and night allows you to be closer to Him.

· Volunteer to help others (e.g. helping out in soup kitchens, offering your services to homeless shelters, etc.). In this way, you’ll not only help others, but also help yourself know and love God more.

· Go to confession at least once a month. Sacramental reconciliation allows you to “begin again,” to restore and strengthen your friendship with God.

· Seek counsel from someone trustworthy (e.g. a good priest or well-informed lay person) that you can talk you whenever needed.

2. Call Up A Friend

In today’s world, most people can’t live without their cell phones for more than .003 seconds away at any given moment of the day. So, why not make some good use with your phone by calling up a friend, and checking in with them.

You may want to have someone you trust on speed dial, so you could have them on the phone within seconds. Just keep in mind: don’t vent to them if you don’t want to; you can always start a conversation about something else, in order to take your mind off the negative. And

ultimately, God knows about your personal woes; so, give up all the negativity for Him to take care of.

3. Keep Your Rosary Handy

There’s nothing wrong with carrying a rosary with your in your pocket (or in your bag or purse). Or, you can wrap your rosary around your wrist; though, don’t make it seem like a fashion accessory, rather than a scared tool. Wear it (or carry it) as a constant reminder of Mary saying “yes” to God even when times are tough. Let your rosary encourage you to say “yes” to God, even when it seems impossible. And finally, don’t be afraid to pray with it, either.

4. Remember Your “Alternatives”

Let’s face it: temptation is where. So, if you’re not with accountable people, have an alternative activity that is your “go to.” Train yourself to avoid sin.

The best way to avoid sin is to use your gifts and talents the right way. For example, if you’re an athlete, you must make it your job to keep training and exercising to stay active. Another example is that if you have an interest or hobby, find an alternative way to do these things, so that you can use your gifts to glorify God, not sin against Him with.

5. Surround Yourself With Inspiration

Looking for inspiration from your faith? Why not have visuals inspire you?

One way to do this is to change the background on your cell phone and computer to show an inspiring Scripture verse, or even a picture of Jesus. Basic? Yes. However, this will remind you of your commitment to Christ each time you might be tempted to use your devices to sin.


Ultimately, the key to staying faithful in your faith is to commit to being faithful, and not straying from the path. As you stay on the path with these 5 simple tips, not only will you grow in holiness, but you’ll also grow with God.

Michael Dehoyos writes for Dissertation writing service and Write my assignment. He also contributes to numerous publications, such as Origin Writings. As a content marketer, he helps companies improve their marketing strategies.

What To Do When Your Best Friend Leaves The Church?

I have a best friend. That alone is a shocker statement, as a lot of people I’ve come in contact with have fickle or fake “friends” that they maybe talk to once every two weeks. But my best friend and I talk to each other almost every day and see each other at least once a week. If we know that plans are going to change and we won’t see each other when we normally do, we try to plan a different day to hang out just so that we won’t have a week without physically seeing each other. Texting is great, but I wanna see her reaction every time I say something stupid that I think is funny.

Both of us had gone to the same church, and that’s actually where I met her. We both served in the Youth Group, and we both attended Bible study together. But one Friday night, we were out shopping for our Easter dresses when she broke the news to me; she and her family would be leaving the church. Three more Sunday’s and she wouldn’t be the first person who greeted me at the door. Three more Sundays and we would no longer serve in ministry together. Three more Sundays before I had to wonder, “is church just going to be super lonely now that pretty much the only one I talk to isn’t going to be here anymore?” Obviously, that’s not what the church is about, but for that entire time before the final Sunday I was missing her, and she hadn’t even left yet.

She and her family are starting a new church, and so entering a new season means leaving the old one behind. I understood that, and of course, I wanted her to do what God called her to do, but that didn’t mean my heart wasn’t broken. Eventually, the day came when neither she nor her family was there to give me a hug just before service. Honestly, walking through the doors knowing that things would be different was gut-wrenching. I didn’t want to talk to new people, I didn’t want to pretend that I could just move on so easily, but somehow I got through that first Sunday and sure enough, I and her went out to celebrate her bother’s birthday right after the Pastor concluded. It’s not like she’s moving away, this is just a new season and she’s doing great things for the Kingdom.

If something like this has happened to you, I’d encourage you to read the book of Acts. This book has a lot of instances where Paul had to leave people that he loved and considered family in order for him to go where God was calling him to go. It’s okay to mourn the changes ahead, but just as God’s Word says, “In your anger do not sin,” in your sadness, do not sin. This is a difficult time for your friend too. He or she does not want to leave you, but obeying God’s call for their life is first and foremost. Encourage them, talk to them just as much as you normally would. Especially in an era of Facetime and social media, there’s no reason why you still can’t be best friends.

Be grateful to God for the new opportunities; for you and for them. Change is hard, but in time, things will settle into place. It’s okay to make new friends at church, and you never have to stop being someone’s best friend just because God took them in a different direction. God works all things together for good.

Are You Ready For Jesus To Come?

CA Bill Bans the Bible

No one is exempt. Every single one of us has a calling from the Lord. We have a purpose for our time here on earth. We have an assignment from God.  

In 2 Cor. 9:1-5, we see Paul’s continued dedication to the Corinthians. Paul had every excuse to walk away. He could have easily deserted them and moved on. A lot of times…that seems like the best option. But Paul doesn’t throw in the towel and call it quits. Oh, he so easily could have! The oxygen was waning thin. The deep, dark bags under his eyes were showing. However, he stayed in the game…not because he was receiving a pat on the back or high-fives in the air…but merely because God had called him.

The Nature of Readiness

Despite the false teachers, confused Corinthians, and unending hostile work environment–Paul presses on. He fights the good fight. He doesn’t let exhaustion win. Paul continues on because he is smack dab where God assigned him to be. He is living out the calling on his life. And whether you realize it or not, you have a calling too. God has called you to use the gifts He has apportioned to you.  

“As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace” (1 Peter 4:10). John Piper defines our spiritual gifts as “varied grace incarnate in human personalities which we steward for the good of others.Consider the extraordinary privilege of being useful to God. He has gifted you with spiritual gifts, appointed you as an ambassador, and invited you to be a part of the Great Commission.

Now, it is our responsibility to heed the call. Finish the task. And follow through. In one moment (like the Corinthians) we may be ready. We may be amped up. But then we hop in our car, turn on the radio, and start singing a different tune. Forgetting all about our calling.

The Big Question

Do you have any unfinished business? Have you lacked the resolve to carry it through? Is there anything God has called you to do that has been left undone? Paul gave the Corinthians overseers (a call out to all my accounting friends. whoop!) to help them stay on course and execute the plan. Maybe some of us need an accountability partner. Maybe some of us need to get back in the game. Maybe some of us need reminding that Jesus is coming back soon…and we need to be up and ready with the kettle pot on.

What is your biggest distraction? When Jesus comes back, will you be ready?


How Billy Graham Became the Most Famous Preacher in America

How Billy Graham Became the Most Famous Preacher in America

My journey into Billy Graham’s life was absolutely fascinating! I always loved M. Graham and his teachings but I thought, even if he inspired millions of people around the world, for sure, he must have gotten some inspiration from those who were closest to him.  

Who was Billy Graham?

I’m convinced most people know who Billy Graham was unless you live under a rock! But just in case some of you don’t know who this man was…

The Christian evangelist William Franklin Graham was born on November 7, 1918, in Charlotte, North Carolina. Billy Graham was an evangelist at revival meetings and on radio and television for over 40 years. He was basically the greatest evangelist there ever was. He preached the Christian gospel to as many as 220 million people in live audiences over 185 countries.   He was credited with preaching to more individuals than anyone else in history, not counting the additional millions he has addressed through radio, television and the written word.  

How it all started for Billy

 It was a traveling evangelist Mordecai Ham, who would set Graham on a profound spiritual path. At the age of 16, he attended a series of revival meetings done by M. Ham and his sermons really spoke to him. After high school, he enrolled in a conservative Christian school and later to the Florida Bible Institute.   After graduating from the Florida Bible Institute with a bachelor in theology, Graham moved to Illinois and he enrolled at Wheaton College for further spiritual training. At the tender age of 19, he got baptized in a southern Baptist Church and one year later, he was ordained.

It was there, at Wheaton’s College that he met, Ruth McCue Bell, who would later become his wife.  

Then came Ruth

Ruth was born in China in 1920. Her parents, Dr. Nelson Bell and Virginia McCue Bell, were medical missionaries with the Presbyterian Hospital. Ruth never intended to marry, since she knew how hard the life of a missionary was but all changed when she met Billy at age 17, in 1937. She said, she loved Billy’s gentle spirit and prayed to God, she would be able to serve Him, with Billy, whom she wished would become her husband.  

Ruth was an amazing Christian author and Billy respected her work very much. He was very proud of what she was accomplishing as a mother and as a writer. He said about his wife, that she was also a marvellous cook and a fabulous mother. He often turned to her for advice about his ministry. Often being away from home, He was so respectful of his wife that he swore he would never be alone with another woman other than her. He would ask members of his team, to go into his hotel room and check before he came in, just in case a fan might be there waiting for him. He also shared that his greatest temptation was wanting on a few occasion, to not listen to God and his calling because he wished he could stay home with his wife and children. He found leaving them to be very hard. He struggled many times with that. But he also knew how is calling was important and he did not want to disobey God.  

Ruth knew how important her role was as a wife and mother. She treasured her role as Billy’s confident, advisor, administrator and closest friend. She preferred to stay away from the spotlight and was more at ease working behind the scenes. She helped him with the research for his books and was a very important helper when came time to prepare his sermons. She was an amazing writer and poet and she authored as well as coauthored 14 books.  

Billy had Ruth as a firm anchor, she would stand by him and make sure he stood firm whenever he would become tempted to dive into politics which fascinated him so. In 1964, when rumors were circulating about Billy Graham running for the White House, she told him boldly, “If you run, I don’t think the country will elect a divorced president”.  

Ruth always helped her husband who was always facing many temptations. She was a strong and talented woman. She was a gifted evangelist too but a more private one. She was sharing the gospel with their circle of friends including the First Families.  

Reverend Graham’s wife had also a very witty sense of humour. Barbara Bush once said, that Ruth had been asked if she ever thought about divorce, she answered: “ Divorce? No. Murder? Yes”.  

Like M. Graham said many times, he could not have done what he has, if it was not for the support of his dear and beloved wife who inspired him so. She was behind the scenes most of the time, but played a major role in Billy Graham’s life and who he became, which is the greatest evangelist there ever was.  


Hamilton and the Life Altering Power of Encouragement

Hamilton, An American Musical, at the Richard Rodgers Theatre

Can you remember a time when someone saw potential in you and called it out? A time that someone encouraged you, believed in you, and cast a vision for your future? These moments have the power to alter the entire direction of our lives.

In my upcoming book, God and: Spiritual Themes From the Life of Alexander Hamilton & the Broadway Musical He Inspired, I highlight different themes found in Hamilton that engage and challenge audiences in their own spiritual journey.

The first chapter from my book talks about the grace given to Alexander Hamilton when some local businessmen in the Caribbean read an essay he wrote, recognized the intellectual potential within Hamilton, and raised money to send him to America to get his education.

The resources given to Alexander represent a gift of grace that he could never have earned for himself. Everything that Hamilton would become in America was built on the foundation of this grace.

Recently, I recognized that an entirely different grace existed in this moment as well, in addition to the monetary gift. These businessmen offered a grace to Hamilton by encouraging him – by seeing the potential and calling that potential out of him.

I like to imagine the conversation between these businessmen and Alexander, and how deeply their words impacted him. Living as an impoverished orphan boy, with no one caring about him or his future, these words were quite possibly the most meaningful words ever spoken to him.

“Son, we read your essay. We see great potential in you.”

“Alexander, you have a rare intellectual gift. We want to help you develop that gift.”

“We expect great things from you Alexander. You are going to America. Never underestimate what you can accomplish there.”

I like to think that these words shaped Hamilton’s entire future. Certainly, the money given opened up a new world of possibility for Hamilton. But what if the words were spoken to him we just as important as the money donated? What if their belief in his potential inspired Hamilton’s belief in himself, and propelled him into his role in shaping our country?

God and Hamilton

The Book of Ephesians says that we should use our words “for building people up and meeting the need of the moment.” Never underestimate the power of your words. When you call potential out in someone else, your words contain the power to change the entire direction of someone’s life. Just like they did for Alexander Hamilton.

Album Review: Andrew Serino – The Golden Thread

Andrew Serino - The Golden Thread

Partially paid for via crowdfunding website IndieGoGo, ‘The Golden Thread’ is Portland, Oregon singer-songwriter Andrew Serino’s first full-length album. An incredibly talented multi-instrumentalist and songwriter, Serino has been in bands for most of his life and made a name for himself on his local scene, as well as auditioning for American Idol. He plays every single instrument on the album, resulting in a time-consuming recording process that took many months to achieve. Now finalised and released, it’s an album that Serino has a right to be proud of, and will certainly get him some of the attention he deserves further afield from Portland.

‘Wake Up’ is essentially the opening track after the short ‘Introduction’ and it certainly sets us off with a bang. It’s a thumping, fist pumping post-hardcore/emo rocker that will sound familiar to fans of the likes of At The Drive-In, Fall Out Boy and Anberlin. “I know that feeling, believe me,” he admits in this catch and feel good song exploring the bad habits we can all easily find ourselves falling into, urging the listener to “wake up” and fight their way out of it, or even perhaps, to wake up and see the light!

Andrew Serino - The Golden Thread
Andrew Serino – The Golden Thread

Andrew Serino – The Golden Thread

‘Arrogance’ goes further down into the pop-punk style, as does ‘Broken Record’, which has the slick, modern feel of current Paramore and Panic! At The Disco, with yet another catchy chorus. Serino has said it’s “his version of a love song”, and it’s a track that could be taken at face value as an actual love song, or it could easily be a love song to God. It’s up to the listener to make up their mind and take from it what they will. Serino readily admits he’s like a broken record because of how often he talks about the subject of the song, declaring he “will try to find the tallest mountaintop just to prove what I’d do to show my love”.

Andrew Serino - The Golden Thread
Andrew Serino – The Golden Thread

‘Honestly’ is a stand out track, featuring an appearance from Justin Abel, who produced the record but has an excellent voice too! It’s got more of a metalcore/emo Pierce The Veil type feel, as does ‘Deal With It’, a fast-paced hard rocker.

“I’m not a perfect person, I’m not a perfect person man, I’m trying to stay humble and I do the best I can” Serino sings in the title track ‘The Golden Thread’ which finishes off the collection of twelve songs, before screaming, “don’t let me stay broken” in a desperate plea to God to help him. It’s heartening to see someone unafraid to expose their fears and imperfections in such a way, and readily admit that we can’t all be perfect Christians. Towards the end of the song, there’s a repetition of the chorus from ‘Wake Up’, which echoes the theme of the album perfectly. It feels like the whole thing is calling society to open their hearts to God and allow him to heal and help us.

Both ‘Unwavering’ and ‘Shadows’ show Serino’s softer side with beautiful soaring power ballads and swirling soundscapes, the latter of which features a duet with his wife Heidi. With lyrics such as “I question what is real but you fight for me still” and “I’ll always love you cause you have found me”, again, it’s ony of those that could work as a simple love song to his wife, or a love song to God, which makes it a perfect fit for believers and non-believers alike.

It seems to be a recurring theme in the style of his writing. Anyone could enjoy Andrew Serino’s music, and that’s the beauty of it. For those ‘in the know’, the lyrics have multiple meanings. They work on the surface as regular songs, but you can also easily see the spiritual nuances that are clearly important to Serino. Presumably the hope is that this way of writing will cause secular listeners to think on different levels and dig a little deeper, a subtle evangelising tactic which has merit and does actually work.

In short, it’s an excellent debut album with lots of potential for future growth. Andrew Serino is a vibrant, exciting songwriter with an important message delivered in an accessible and fresh style.


Is Being a Virgin a Bad Thing?

Is Being a Virgin a Bad Thing?

Before the age of 19, I couldn’t have cared less about what people had to say about sex. That all changed, however, when I left home for college. My 19th year was a tumultuous time for me: it was my first time away from home, I was struggling to appear adult-like while still holding onto the innocence of my previous years, and most importantly, I became a born-again Christian towards the end of that year.

I was not prepared for the culture that surrounded campus life. People around me were talking about sex, having sex, who they had sex with, who wanted to have sex with them… I was horrified. I couldn’t believe that people my age were sexually active (I come from a conservative family and hardly ever went out). During free periods, I used to sit among newly-made friends and listen wide-eyed as they openly spoke about their sexual exploits. I wouldn’t say that I felt left out, but I did feel quite naïve. Oddly enough, up until the last few months of the first year in college, I didn’t hear much about sex. Nevertheless, it didn’t take me long to realize that I was uncomfortable with the topic of sex, but I didn’t want to come across as being judgemental (especially with being born-again), so I stuck it out. My reasoning was that Jesus Himself had sat down to dinner with prostitutes and taxpayers, so who was I to dissociate myself from them just because they were sexually active? Looking back, I can see that my reasoning was flawed, but it took me years to understand that. I essentially became the poster girl for 1 Corinthians 15:33: Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” I was well on my way to being corrupted.

During my early 20s, I sought to convince myself that if I knew enough about sex, and was comfortable with it, then it wouldn’t irritate me and cause me much discomfort when people talked about it. I pushed myself out of my comfort zone, not understanding the peril that I was putting my soul into.

After a few years, I realized that no amount of sex talk would make me any more comfortable with it. I grew tired of speaking about the same things over and over again- how to spice up your love life with different sex positions, how kinky BDSM was, how irresistible Christian Grey was (I didn’t really think that- I just went with the flow), how empowering it was to be in control of your own orgasms with masturbation (something that I have never done) and how sex was totally natural and healthy, especially between two (or three, or more) consenting adults. I twerked along to catchy tunes with suggestive lyrics (all about sex in some form or another), and I danced with the ease of a seductress laying a trap for her prey (okay, I didn’t actually dance in public, but I did do it within the comfort and privacy of my own home). I had become as knowledgeable as an inexperienced person could be, loaded with ammunition to go out and ‘do the nasty’ if I so chose to. But I didn’t choose to. I was at war within myself and felt like a fraud, both as a Christian and a worldly- wannabe- person.

When you sin and do it repeatedly, the Holy Spirit starts to convict you of that sin in order to lead you to repentance. Sure, I was not having sex, but because I thought about it in its various forms, it was just as bad. It is amazing to me as to how I continued to talk and think about something that I truly was not comfortable with!

The Holy Spirit began to counter all of my worldly ways with the Word of GOD. I started to read the Bible more every day and to ask GOD to show me what areas of my life were displeasing to Him. You see, I had a deep yearning within me to get to know GOD, not because someone told me that it was the right thing to do, but because I needed to. I had received a taste of GOD’S presence once before and I wanted more. If you’re Christian, you will know that only the pure-hearted will see GOD. There was no way that I was going to draw near to Him with all the sexual immorality in my life! Needless to say, I repented of my sins and began to purify my mind with GOD’S Word. That meant cutting out secular music, erotic romance novels (not the clean and sweet type), other types of literature pertaining to sex, and refusing to talk about it unnecessarily. It was while removing these factors out of my life that I realized how accustomed I had become to surrounding myself with things of a sexual nature, especially when I still was not comfortable with it.

I will be 29 in about 2 months time. I have never had sex, let alone kissed a guy. Even with all the sex talk, I did not feel the need to date or have sex or even go around kissing guys. In fact, I find the act of kissing rather gross and unsettling. There are people that refuse to believe that I am a virgin and have never been kissed and that’s okay- I don’t expect anyone to believe me, and neither is it my concern. Do I think that I’m better than the non-virgins, especially the Christian ones? Certainly not, and neither do I go around judging people. You do not need me to tell you that sexual immorality is a sin- you already know that the wages of sin is death. I would, however, advise you to consult your Bible to see why you should abstain from sex until marriage. The major reason for me is because I know that I am the Temple of GOD. All other sins happen outside of the body, but when you have sex, you sin against your body. GOD hates any type of sin, whether outside of the body or against the body. What you need to understand is the impact of your sin in the spiritual realm. By sinning, you have basically told Satan: Open gates, come and get me. It is important to examine your own life and your relationship with GOD. Being truthful with yourself is the first step to destroying any strongholds in your mind.

My virginity has nothing to do with being forced. I chose to physically remain a virgin because I want to please GOD and I do not want to open up such doorways for Satan to afflict me. However, it can be said that for a few years, I could not have called myself a virgin due to sexually sinning in my mind. It was only when the Holy Spirit showed me the error of my thinking, that I repented and was forgiven- that sin no longer has any hold over me. Thus not only am I physically a virgin, but I am also a mental virgin (that sounds a bit odd-‘mental’- it’s as if I am calling myself crazy!). If it were up to society, I would have succumbed to peer pressure a long time ago and had physical sex with numerous partners by now. I thank GOD every day that at least some part of me held onto my values and abstained.

Ending Thought: If you are a virgin, then do not let anyone convince you that you are wrong by choosing to remain a one. It’s your choice and it’s your commitment to GOD. You are the only one who will need to give an account for your actions to GOD one day, so stop worrying about the opinions of others. By now you will have no doubt realized that anything contrary to GOD is going to get you into a load of trouble.

Now, if you are not a virgin but you have given your life to Jesus, do not feel condemned for your past choices. Jesus has redeemed you and you are a new creation. All you need to do is repent of your past sexual sins and then believe (key word here is believe) that you have been forgiven. Jesus is not condemning you and neither can anyone else condemn you. He called you for a reason, so get yourself right with Him and start living a life worthy of the calling on your life.


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