Stay In Sync With God

God Wants to Take You to the Next Level

You may ask the question “why didn’t it work this time”?  Have you ever tried something and got the results you wanted, and then tried the same thing again only to get a different result? This happened to Moses in Exodus. They needed water and God told Moses to strike the rock. He struck the rock and water flowed out freely. Another time they needed water again, and God told Moses, “speak to the rock.”  He went over and struck the rock. He thought, “Hey, it worked last time, it’ll work this time.” But it didn’t. God had a different plan. 

“The way of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, which shines ever brighter until the full light of day.” (Proverbs 4:18, NLT)

The lesson is that we must listen to God and do what He says. We have to stay open and make adjustments to stay in sync with God’s plan. You can do the same thing the same way you did last time and get different results. It may not be something major, but like Moses, maybe it’s just something small. Something small can have massive consequences. Sometimes a small tweak or a small adjustment can make a major difference in the outcome, as it did with Moses.  

Today, make sure you aren’t doing things just because of tradition, expectation of others, or because it’s the way you have always done it. Instead, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside of you. Follow His leading and stay in sync with the wonderful plan He has for you! 

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps” (Proverbs 16:9, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, I submit my mind, will and heart to You. Father, help me to see clearly and listen to Your plans for me. God, please help me to stay close to You always, not living in the past or following tradition, but pressing forward to the new things You have in store for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Develop A Habit Of Prayer

“God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: I AM has sent me to you.” (Exodus 3:14, NIV)

During these unprecedented times we have to be diligent to make time every day, throughout the day, to stop and pray and call on Him. God promises so many things to those who call on Him. He is always listening, He is always ready to receive us when we come to Him. The question is, how often are you calling on Him? A lot of times people think, “Oh I need to pray about that.” But then they get busy going about their day and distracted with life. But thinking about praying isn’t the same as actually praying. Knowing that you need to pray isn’t the same as praying.  

Scripture tells us there is power in agreement. When two or more come together in His Name, He is there to bless. One way to develop a habit of praying is to have a prayer partner, or prayer warriors, friends who you agree to connect with and pray together. It doesn’t have to be long or formal. If you don’t have a prayer partner, let Jesus be your prayer partner! Talk to Him throughout the day, carve out time each day to develop a habit of prayer! 

Today, start formulating your prayer habit! Open your calendar/diary right now and make an appointment with God. Schedule a daily prayer appointment in your calendar for the next few weeks. Then, choose a prayer partner or friends to hold yourself accountable and agree with. Make a plan of what you will do and your expectations and get started. Please give yourself grace if you miss a day, but then get back on track and keep going. Prayer will be the best habit you ever form! 

“To You, O LORD, I called, and to the Lord I made supplication.” (Psalm 30:8, NASB) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for answering my half-hearted prayers. Thank You for Your promises and blessings, and the awesome benefits for those who are faithful in prayer. God, help me to be faithful, help me to be diligent to keep You first in everything I do. Father, teach me to have deeper conversations with You. Send me praying faithful people to agree and connect with, in Jesus’ Name! Amen. 

A Faithful Servant

You Cannot Serve Two Masters

Are you ready for a blessing? When we are faithful with what God has placed in our hands, we position ourselves for a blessing. Many people pray, “God bless me!” But God is saying, “Are you being faithful with what I have given you?” Scripture tells us that when we are faithful with the little, God will make us ruler over much. 

The biblical principle suggests you can’t reap a harvest without first planting seeds. God has given each of us seeds to sow, so don’t hold on to them! Sow them! You sow when you give. You sow when you are faithful in prayer. You sow when you speak life over your future. You sow when you help others.  

Today, I encourage you to develop faithfulness in the small things. Develop faithfulness in your character. Be on time. Keep your word. Be dependable. As you develop faithfulness, God will see your good works and He’ll make you ruler over much! 

“Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!” (Matthew 25:23, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for being faithful to me. Your promise of faithfulness continues to come to pass in my life. God, make me a faithful follower and sower, as I seek to serve You and others with all You’ve given me, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

The Seeds You Sow Determines The Harvest

Season = Ploughing, Planting, Watering and Harvest

Next to my home just outside of London there are two massive conifer trees. I often wonder how old they are, their trunks are bigger than the houses and they are as tall as skyscrapers. Have you ever looked at a large, old tree and wondered how long it has been there? It’s amazing to think that at one point those gigantic conifer trees were merely tiny seeds. In the same way, our words and actions are seeds. Our words may be small, but they grow when they are planted. We will always reap a harvest on what we sow! 

Scripture tells us that “we will always harvest what we plant.” Think about the types of seeds you have been sowing. Are you sowing encouragement, hope, blessing, love and grace? Then that’s what you’ll reap in the future. But if you’ve been sowing criticism, judgement and anger, you’re probably already reaping a bad harvest. It’s time to start changing your seed. 

Today, I beg you to pray and ask God to help you uproot any negative seeds you may have planted in the past, and begin sowing powerful seeds for your future. As you stay obedient and faithful to the Word of God, you’ll see those seeds grow. You’ll rise up higher and enjoy the harvest of blessing God has promised you. 

“Don’t be misled – you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” (Galatians 6:7, NLT) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, search my heart today. Father, show me any bad negative seeds that need to be uprooted. Oh God, help me, by Your Spirit, to plant good seeds for my future and in those around me. Use me for Your glory, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

God Help Me I’m In A Dark Place

Tears, shedding tears

Does something you need seem impossible? With man it may be, but we serve the all-powerful God, and He can create something out of nothing! He can make a way when there seems to be no way, and open doors that seem closed forever!

The Bible says, “in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” but before He spoke the world into existence it was formless and void. If God can make the world out of nothing, He can take the empty places in your life and create something beautiful too! He can speak light into your darkest hour. He can take your formless dreams and give them shape. He can resurrect your dormant gifts and talents! He can make your crooked places straight! Hallelujah!

Today, know that you are created in the image of Almighty God. There’s power in your words, and there’s power when you’re in agreement with Him. Start saying what God says about your situation. Speak life to your broken dreams today. Speak hope into the hopeless places. Keep an attitude of faith and expectancy, because He will turn things around for you and create something out of nothing!

“Now the earth was formless and empty…and God said, ‘let there be light,’ and there was light.” (Genesis 1:2—3, NIV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, I trust that You are willing and able to make a way for me where there seems to be no way in my life. Father, fill me with Your peace and faith. Give me a vision for all You have for me, and help me to always speak Your words of truth and light into my darkness. God, thank You for making me in Your image, in Jesus’ name! Amen.

Peace Is Strength

Blessed Are the Peacemakers

One of the greatest needs of this world is peace. When there is strife and contention, the enemy has an open door to move into your life. There’s a tremendous strength that comes to you when you choose to live in peace. That’s why the Lord commands us in scripture that we live at peace with those around us. When we are at peace with those around us, we are in a position of strength. 

Being at peace with those around you doesn’t mean you have to agree with everyone all the time. It simply means you are choosing to walk in love. It means you are patient and kind, not envious or boastful. It means you are considerate and gracious even when you don’t agree.  

Today, choose peace over strife, choose love over hate, choose positivity over negativity. Beginning right now, make the choice to walk in the strength and blessings the peace of God brings when we obey His Word as He has commanded.  

“If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.” (Romans 12:18, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of peace which is strength. Father, help me to release any strife or contention in my heart today. God, I ask You to fill me with Your peace for everyone around me, so that I can be an instrument of love everywhere I go, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Time To Move Forward


Life is not always fair. In fact, God warns us of just the opposite! People aren’t perfect; we all make mistakes and bad decisions. You may have hurt or been hurt by others in the past, but what’s most important is how you choose to deal with that hurt. If you harbour hurt and offences, it keeps you stuck in the past. It only causes harm in your life.  

If you want to move forward in joy and peace, you have to choose forgiveness, love and positivity. Yes, forgiveness is a choice, and it has nothing to do with the person who hurt you. Forgiveness is the choice to hand your hurts over to God and let Him make the difference. 

Today, if we choose to extend forgiveness, that’s when we choose to receive God’s forgiveness! Begin right now by forgiving yourself and others. Choose His way, choose forgiveness, and choose to move forward in the blessing and victory God has prepared for you! 

“But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father who is in heaven forgive your transgressions.” (Mark 11:26, NASB) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for forgiving me and giving me the gift of forgiveness. Father, I open my heart and mind to You. Please help me understand Your truth about forgiveness so that I can be set free. God, I love You and bless You today, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Be A Victor

Spiritual Maturity: Steps to Growing as a Disciple of Christ

We all need more joy, victory and confidence during these uncertain times. The Bible tells us that what we think about, we will become. You might need to evaluate what you are thinking about on a daily basis. If you go around thinking things like, “I’m just average,” “I’ve already reached my limits,” or “I’ve missed so many good opportunities,” then those thoughts are going to drag you down and hold you back.  

When you think thoughts of success, victory, joy and peace, your life will be filled with success, victory, joy and peace. It doesn’t matter what’s going on around you when the greater One lives in you!  

Today, and every morning when you wake up, start your day with thoughts of hope and success. Determine to be a victor! You are an overcomer through Christ. Set your mind on victory and move forward into the victory God has for you! 

“The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory.” (Psalm 118:14, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of another day! Father, today I choose to be a victor and focus on Your goodness and grace. Holy Spirit, help me to stay focused on the blessings and favour You have for me, please renew my mind from defeated to victorious, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Blessings While We Sleep

In this day and age with viruses increasing daily and lock down lasting months, sleep is very important to our wellbeing. God promises to give blessings to His beloved in their sleep! He wants you to rest securely in Him and be rejuvenated nightly, mind and body. Sleep has great benefits – it builds your immune system, it decreases your stress and it increases productivity. 

Did you know sleep is so important not only to our physical health, but also our spiritual wellbeing?  When we are well rested, we are better able to deal with the trials that come our way. It’s easier to keep our hearts and minds in the right place, so we can stand stronger and make better spiritual decisions. 

Today, you may be struggling with sleep, ask God to show you what you need to do to get back on track. Do you have cares you need to cast on Him? Are you worrying instead of worshiping? Has a spirit of fear crept in? Do you need to make better decisions about what time to go to bed? Remember, He said He will give you peace when you lie down, He wants you to be rested. He wants you to be rejuvenated and revived so that you can be the best you! 

“In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety.” 

(Psalm 4:8, ESV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for giving me the gift of sleep so I can be at peace, revived and rejuvenated. Father, help me to cast my cares on You daily. Teach me to make it a priority to stay well rested, so I can live the life physically and spiritually that You have designed for me, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

I Miss Church!

I really miss church – the testimonies, spiritual energy, fellowship, praise, singing and those hugs.  Scripture commands us to come together with other believers as we see the end and the difficult times approaching, for our own good and protection.  

Why you may ask? When we come together, we are strengthened, encouraged and uplifted by each other in a way that cannot happen on any other platform. We are empowered to stay strong in faith day after day. When we are connected to a group of like-minded believers and can feel the pain we are going through, we can hold or lay hands and pray for one another, and help each other through the difficult times. 

Today, please make sure that you stay faithful to a good, Bible-based fellowship despite the pandemic. Be consistent to serve in any way you can. Whether you are a greeter, usher or children’s worker, musician or pastor, you play a vital role in the body of Christ. Together we are His hands and feet on the earth in these unprecedented times. As we see loved ones pass away and get gravely ill, let’s encourage ourselves and others by reaching out however we can. We all need each other!  

“Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one other, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near.” (Hebrews 10:25, NLT) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for my family of believers. Father, in these tough times show me how to connect and encourage them. Please show me how to serve, help and do my best in a practical and tangible way. God, as I await Your return I want to be more faithful to You and Your body of believers, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 


Wise Words

The Word of God is like a sword, the Bible says it has the power to protect you and keep you from sin. The Word of God is powerful in our lives, it’s living and active like food! Did you know that the Word of God when spoken causes evil to flee? 

In the Bible, God’s Word comes in written form, however His Word can come in many other ways. In Scripture, His Word came through a burning bush, a still small voice, and even a donkey! He might speak to your heart through a friend or through a worship song. He may speak to you through creation. But when God does speak, your spirit knows it. There is confirmation in your inner man. You know it’s the voice of Jehovah because He always speaks truth, and truth always sets you free! 

Today, put God’s Word in your heart, so it will prompt you and protect you when sin and evil comes knocking at your heart’s door. Meditate on His Word day and night. Let God’s truth transform you and lead you every day of your life! 

“Your Word have I laid up in my heart that I might not sin against You.” (Psalm 119:11, AMP) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for Your Word which strengthens and protects me from all evil, including my propensity to sin. Father, thank You for speaking Your truth to my heart. God, teach me and help me know how to hear Your voice more clearly, so I will know Your will and live a life that is pleasing to You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

God Open The Window

Godinterest Relaunches its Open Publishing Platform

We are all called to be stewards over the resources God has given us. When we are faithful stewards of our time, talent and money, the Lord entrusts us with more. God wants to open the windows of heaven and pour out blessings the Bible says, but, our part is to be faithful and obedient to what God asks us, that will unlock the blessings from heaven!  

Today, ask yourself what kind of blessing would be so great to come directly from heaven that there would not be room enough to receive? It may be hard to comprehend, but that’s what God’s Word promises. Choose to be a good steward with time, talent and money. Prove the Lord and get ready to watch Him move mightily on your behalf! 

“Bring all the tithes (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” (Malachi 3:10, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for blessing me. Father, I choose to obey You and thank You in advance for opening the windows of heaven in my life. God, help me to be obedient to Your Word and be a giver of all my God given resource, in Christ’s Name! Amen. 

Get A Vision

Looking at the world’s current situation, it’s hard to believe at times that God desires that you be blessed and prosperous. But it’s true, He wants you to have so much peace, joy and victory that it spills over onto those around you. He desires that you be so blessed that you can turn around and be a blessing everywhere you go.  

In the Psalms, David said, “My cup runs over.” He was saying, “I’m so full of God, I’m overflowing!” So don’t settle for a barely-get-by-mentality. Jesus came so that you can live an abundant life. That means an abundance of joy, an abundance of peace, an abundance of health, an abundance of finances. An abundance in every area of your life. 

Today, you may not see your abundance or prosperity. You may not feel like things are going your way, but don’t get complacent and just settle where you are. Get a vision from God’s Word for your future! Get a vision of God’s purpose for your life, and remember He delights in your prosperity! 

“…Let them say continually, ‘The LORD be magnified, Who delights in the prosperity of His servant.’ ” (Psalm 35:27, NASB) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your hand of blessing on my life. Father, help me develop a vision for the abundant life You have in store for me. God, please show me how to be a blessing to You and all those around me, and increase my prosperity so that You can be glorified, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Automatic Thanks

10 Scriptures That Remind Us We Are Showered in Grace

Being thankful is a biblical command. This will happen naturally as we allow the peace of God to rule in our hearts. Did you know peace is a choice? You don’t have to let things upset you. You don’t have to be anxious and worried. Peace means to set at one again. When you set your mind at one with God and His Word, you will have peace.  

Today, God leads us to peace. If you don’t have peace about a decision, wait and follow the direction of the peace in your heart. When you have peace, you can’t help but be thankful! You can’t help but have a song in your heart and a spring in your step! Choose right now to let the peace of Christ rule in your heart, which will automatically give you an attitude of gratitude toward the Lord. 

“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” (Colossians 3:15, NIV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for Your peace that rules my heart. Father, today I choose Your peace, thank You for guiding my every step. God, I thank You and bless You for Your faithfulness to me, my family, and friends, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Don’t Water Down Your Dreams

Do You Love The American Dream More Than Jesus?

Life will always have critics and naysayers, but It’s not what people say about you that affects your life, but it’s what you say and believe about yourself that really matters. Have the opinions of others caused you to water down or walk away from your dreams? One of the most important things you can learn is that other people don’t have to believe in you in order for your dreams to come to pass. Other people don’t set the limits for your life, you and God do.  

Scripture say in Romans 3:3, “It doesn’t matter if other people don’t believe. Their unbelief is not going to keep me from believing in my dreams.” When God puts a promise in your heart, it’s not up to other people to bring it to pass; it’s up to you to believe God! You don’t need anyone to validate you. You have to follow the voice of God for yourself, and allow Him to keep His promises through you. 

Today, God sees and knows the hidden treasures that’s buried inside of you. He wants to bring those treasures out and make your dreams a reality! As you get rid of old, defeated thoughts and people, and replace them with what God says about you, you will remove the limits in your life, and live the abundant productive life God has for you! 

“What if some did not have faith? Will their lack of faith nullify God’s faithfulness?” (Romans 3:3, NIV) 

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for another day where I can see Your awesomeness in my life. Father, help me to see myself the way You see me. Help me to take the limits off my mind and dreams. Help me to see the plans You have for me, so that I can be empowered by You to fulfil my destiny. God, please help me not to water down my dreams based on naysayers. I love You and bless You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.  

Anointed & Equipped

God Rewards The Diligent

Not only has God equipped you, but He is also working in you. He has already lined up everything you need to live a victorious life. You were created to excel! Greatness is inside of you. Don’t settle where you are. Have the attitude, “I am anointed. I can accomplish my dreams. I can overcome any obstacle”. God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfil your destiny through His Word!  

The scripture says as believers in Christ, we are anointed. The word “anointing” is the power of God which gives you courage, strength and ability. That means you are well able to do what God has called you to do.  

Today, because of your gift of anointing You can accomplish your goals. You can become more creative with talents success. You can overcome any obstacle and you’re equipped with strength for every battle! Remember the heavenly hosts that are with you are greater than the forces that are against you! Hallelujah! 

“Every Scripture is God-breathed…so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16—17, AMP) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank You for equipping me. Father, thank You for anointing me and empowering me through your Spirit. God help me to stay focused on Your Word and Your plan for my life today and in the future. I bless You and honour You alone in Christ’ name. Amen 


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