What Or Who Am I Reflecting?

Like a mirror, when you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Jesus. We shouldn’t only have His features, like in a mirror, but most importantly – His attitude.

That may sound like a pretty tall order; after all, Jesus was the Son of God. But remember, when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, we become sons and daughters of the Most High God, too. We become empowered by the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. That means we have the same spirit of humility—the same strength, the same love, and the same power on the inside. We are equipped to follow His example and do what He did. He went around doing good and bringing healing to others – physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Today, we have to let God work on our attitudes and actions. We have to open the door and invite Him in. Make the decision to open every area of your life to Him. Reflect Him and do good everywhere you go!

“Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]” (Philippians 2:5, AMP).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, right now I invite You to dwell in my thoughts, my heart and my attitude. Father, I want to be a true reflector of You. A pure reflection of Your  love in everything I do. God, I choose to follow Your example and bring good to others. Help me, in Jesus’ name! Amen.


Like a mirror, when you reflect something, you are exhibiting its likeness. You are displaying its characteristics. the Bible tells us that we should reflect the character and likeness of Christ. We shouldn’t only have His features, like in a mirror, but most importantly – His attitude.

That may sound like a tall order; after all, He was the Son of God. But remember, when we accept Him as our Lord and Saviour, we become sons and daughters of the Most High God. We become empowered by the same Spirit that raised Christ from the dead. That means we have the same spirit of humility—the same strength, the same love, and the same power on the inside. We are equipped to follow His example and do what He did. He went around doing good and bringing healing to others – physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Today, we must let God work on our attitudes and actions. We must open the door and invite Him in. Decide to open every area of your life to Him. Reflect Him and do good everywhere you go!

“Let this same attitude and purpose and [humble] mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus: [Let Him be your example in humility:]” (Philippians 2:5, AMP)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, right now I invite You to dwell in my thoughts, heart, and attitude. Father, I want to be a true reflector of You. A pure reflection of Your love in everything I do. God, I choose to follow Your example and bring good to others. Help me, in Christ’s name! Amen.

Peace, Not As The World Gives

Worldly Peace Vs. God’s Peace

We are all in need of inner peace. We look to relationships, addictions, money, gadgets and even religion to try to find something that will fill our void. But true peace isn’t found in anything this world has to offer, it can only be found through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Only He can satisfy the longing in our souls and give us true, lasting peace.

Remember, God gives freely, not as the world gives. You can’t earn it, and you can’t pay for it. There’s no catch, no fine print and no strings attached. You can rest assured that He’s not ever going to take His peace away; His peace is eternal!

Today, begin your life of peace by inviting Jesus to be your Lord and Saviour. Then as you align your thoughts, attitudes and actions with His Word, that peace will flood every area. Peace is how we know we are following God’s plan, because God’s plan always leads to peace! If you’re looking for peace today, call on His name. Make Him your Lord and Saviour, follow His Word and allow His peace to flood every area of your life.

“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.”(John 14:27, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for the gift of peace which passes all understanding. Father, I receive Your peace today, and trust that You are leading and guiding me in the way You want me to go. Thank You, in Christ’ name! Amen.

Don’t Let Jealous Folk Stop Your Praise

"Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name." ?

Across the world, from Japan to the UK, we have experienced major droughts. In the Bible Isaac was in a great drought, but he went out and planted crops right in the middle of the famine. It didn’t make any sense, but somehow in that same year of drought, the Bible says, “Isaac received 100 times what he had sown, because the Lord blessed him.” Hallelujah!

What’s interesting is that when Isaac got blessed, the people around him, the Philistines and his friends, all of a sudden got jealous of him. They were fine as long as he was broke. As long as they were at the same level it was no big deal. But when he stepped up to a new level, when he began to wear his blessings well, the scripture says, “The Philistines hated Isaac.”

Today, you may have noticed, when you start to do better, the people around you don’t celebrate. They become jealous. But you can’t allow the attitudes of others to hold you back and cause you to live in mediocrity. Instead, when you’re blessed, brag on God! Shake off the criticism of others and receive His blessings. Wear it well because when you honour Him, He will continue to increase and promote you all the days of your life!

“Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him.” (Genesis 26:12, NIV)

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for every good and perfect gift that You have poured out on my life. Father, in humility, I choose to wear my blessings well. I won’t shrink back at the criticism of others; but instead, I will walk forward with You into the life of blessing You have prepared for me, in Christ’ name! Amen.

What Are You Thinking?

When You Think of the Word Home, Does Jesus Come to Mind

Did you know that what you think affects your behaviour? Psychologists say “you are what you think.” Sometimes we need to just stop and think about what we are thinking about! The Bible tells us that what happens on the inside of us – our thoughts, attitudes and motives – are more important to God than what happens on the outside.  

The Scripture reminds us that God is looking at our hearts. You can fool people all day long by saying the right things, but God wants our thoughts and attitudes to come into alignment with His Word, so that we can see His promises come to pass in our lives. Please understand, your life will follow the course you set with your mind.

Today, align your thoughts with God’s thoughts through meditating on His Word, and your life will follow. Jeremiah 29 tells us that His thoughts are for our good. His thoughts are for our peace. His thoughts are for our victory! Embrace His promises so that you can move forward into the life of victory He has prepared for you! 

“For as he thinks in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV) 

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, please change my thinking and help my thoughts line up with Your Word. Father, bring Your promises to my remembrance today as I meditate on You. Almighty God, I surrender every area of my life to You, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

It’s Time To Take Your Life Back

GodInterest exists to welcome people of all faiths and backgrounds, equipping people with a faith that works in real life and sends them into a world to serve for God and humanity.

Now, more than ever, our lives seem out of control, with governments making decisions for our every move. Have you ever felt like things in your life are out of control? That happens when you allow circumstances to dictate your thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “well, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business.” Or, “this relationship is just too far gone, it’s not worth trying.” My message to you today is “this is the day to take your life back!”  

Today’s verse tells us we must take control of every thought which is not a natural idea. We live in this natural realm, but as believers, we are not limited by this natural realm. We can tap into God’s supernatural power. But it starts by making every thought line up with the Word of God, and declaring I’m taking my life back in Jesus’ Name! Hallelujah!  

Today, from the government to the church, nobody seems to know what to do, and this confusion sows seeds of fear. By faith today I say take your life back. You may ask how? By taking your thoughts back from secular natural agencies. Don’t allow the enemy to have access any longer. Instead, meditate on the Word of God daily, and allow His truth to sink down deep into your spirit. Let His truth set you free! Hallelujah! 

“…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

(2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV) 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for empowering me to live in victory. Father, today I choose to take my life back from the enemy and his agencies by taking captive every thought and submitting it to You. God, help me to live a life that is pleasing to You, starting now and throughout my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

What Does #MeToo: Stories of Sexual Abuse, Harassment Have to Do with You?

How to cope with a mis-sold job

There is a concept that some in the field of neuroscience call “increased integration.” Apparently, when someone tells his or her story and is truly heard and understood they feel a greater sense of emotional and relational connection, decreased anxiety, and a greater awareness of and compassion for others’ suffering.

In recent months the #MeToo  has spread virally as a two-word hashtag used on social media in October 2017  by women around the world who shared their experiences of sexual harassment and assault on social media.

The allegations of sexual assault and rape against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein also saw tens of thousands of people taking to social media to share their stories using the hashtag, ‘#MeToo’. Additionally, an assertion that being “touched upon the metro” should be a “non-event” also provoked fury.

“There is a line, obviously, between [sexual] desire and realization, and some cross it and some don’t.”

Thanks to women coming forward to tell their stories about being raped, fondled or harassed by men, we can now see the prevalence of this practice.

The tweets show that people of all ages, genders, backgrounds and sexual orientations are vulnerable to sexual violence.  The perpetrators also ranged in age, background, and ethnicity.

So what could possibly be fueling this upsurge in harassment?

Perhaps the breakdown of morality, lack of a spiritual life and old-fashioned selfishness. But is that all there is? There have been men who exhibit high morals who have harassed women. There have also been Pastors who have done the same.

So what is the common denominator?


The Internet is really really great”¦ FOR PORN!
I’ve got a fast connection so I don’t have to wait”¦ FOR PORN!
There’s always some new site”¦ FOR PORN!
I browse all day and night”¦ FOR PORN!
It’s like I’m surfing at the speed of light”¦ FOR PORN!
The Internet is for porn!
The Internet is for porn!
Why you think the net was born?
Porn! Porn! PORN!

In 2003, these lyrics were heard on the Broadway stage courtesy of Jeff Marx, Robert Lopez and the puppets of musical show  Avenue Q. It would quickly become a famous Internet meme and catchphrase. But why?

In the last 30 years, pornography has grown to be a multi-billion dollar a year industry. Today’s children live in a digital world that has embraced sexuality. Images of sex abound on the internet, and are freely accessible to children with the simple click of a computer button, or by downloading an image on a cell phone.

Pornography is not just something a few men view in the late hours in the privacy of their homes.

According to recent statistics at least 70 percent of porn is downloaded during work hours (9 am to 5 pm).

The wages of sin are enormous when pornography is involved.

“The societal costs of pornography are staggering. The financial cost to business productivity in the U.S. alone is estimated at $16.9 Billion annually ; but the human toll, particularly among our youth and in our families, is far greater.”

I heard from a young woman the other day who didn’t get why I was anti-porn. “It’s a great way for my fianc, to meet his needs when I’m not in the mood. I don’t want him to keep bugging me if I’m not into it that night. And he shouldn’t just have to ‘deal’ with frustration, either.”  

So What’s Not to Love About Porn?

Well, Patrick F. Fagan, Ph.D, psychologist and former Deputy Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary research states that pornography hurts adults, children, couples, families, and society. It also states that among adolescents, pornography hinders the development of a healthy sexuality, and among adults, it distorts sexual attitudes and social realities. In families, pornography use leads to marital dissatisfaction, infidelity, separation, and divorce.

The average age when a man is first exposed to pornography is at 11 years of age and the largest consumers of porn are 12 to 17-year old’s. Victor Cline, a psychologist, documented how men become addicted to pornographic materials, then begin to desire more explicit or deviant material, and finally act out what they have seen.

He maintained “that memories of experiences that occurred at times of emotional arousal (which could include sexual arousal) are imprinted on the brain by epinephrine, an adrenal gland hormone, and are difficult to erase. This may partly explain pornography’s addicting effect.”

The next step is escalation. Previous sexual highs become more difficult to attain; therefore users of pornography begin to look for more exotic forms of sexual behavior to bring them stimulation and so on.

A Biblical Perspective?

God created men and women in His image (Gen. 1:27) as sexual beings. But because of sin in the world (Rom. 3:23), sex has been misused and abused (Rom. 1:24-25). The act of sex was originally meant to bring a husband and wife into a close, intimate relationship that only they could share. Pornography attacks the dignity of men and women created in the image of God. Pornography also distorts God’s gift of sex which should be shared only within the bounds of marriage (1 Cor. 7:2-3). After years of watching it, consciences become  smeared and he or she can no longer see what is right and wrong. – Timothy 4:2

Are You Addicted?

Some of you reading this may have already developed an addiction to porn. If you see any of the patterns I’ve described above in your life, you need to put the brakes on right now. Is porn beginning to control your life? You can’t put it down — you keep going back for more? Perhaps you find yourself needing to see increasingly graphic pornography. You’re starting to take risks or act out physically for sexual thrills.

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”¦” Romans 12:2

The Bible also warns against the misuse of sex. Premarital and extramarital sex is condemned (1 Cor. 6:13-18; 1 Thess. 4:3). Even thoughts of sexual immorality (often fed by pornographic material) are condemned (Matt. 5:27-28). Christians, therefore, must do two things. First, they must work to keep themselves pure by fleeing immorality (1 Cor. 6:18) and thinking on those things which are pure (Phil. 4:8).

General pornography stats

  • Every second 28,258 users are watching pornography on the internet
  • Every second $3,075.64 is being spent on pornography on the internet
  • Every second 372 people are typing the word “adult” into search engines
  • 40 million American people regularly visit porn sites
  • 35% of all internet downloads are related to pornography
  • 25% of all search engine queries are related to pornography, or about 68 million search queries a day
  • One-third of porn viewers are women
  • Search engines get 116,000 queries every day related to child pornography
  • 34% of internet users have experienced unwanted exposure to pornographic content through ads, pop up ads, misdirected links or emails
  • 2.5 billion emails sent or received every day contain porn
  • Every 39 minutes a new pornography video is being created in the United States
  • About 200,000 Americans are “porn addicts”

Valerie Hughes co-wrote this post and is the founder of Sufficient Grace Ministries offering hope and healing to women who have been involved with a porn addiction. Her current book “When Porn Takes the Place of Love” tells of her journey of healing and includes a 10-part Bible Study.  

Disclaimer:  Fighting the stigma faced by sexual violence survivors is a crucial step in forcing the change referenced by Tamblyn. The “#MeToo” hashtag shows that more and more people are ready to share their stories and change the dialogue surrounding sexual violence.  The article attempts to shed light on one of the overlooked influences that help develop a man’s mindset on how they treat women.

Bridge House, Croydon, Is Prefab Really Prefabulous?

Prefabricated homes have been available for years and date back at least a century. The Sears Roebuck index made and offered prefab homes to the public as early as 1908, and Prefab was later explored by famous twentieth-century architects, such as, Walter Gropius, Le Corbusier, Marcel Breuer, Frank Lloyd Wright, who saw the method as a likely solution to the dilemma of housing in modern society.   Interest in Prefab grew in the first half of the twentieth-century, with the outburst of manufacturing expertise and the creation of the assembly line.

Historically the mention of prefabricated houses invokes memories of housing built to cover in the temporary a deficiency of housing in the UK following the World Wars.

The Government promised ‘homes fit for heroes’, however, negative public attitudes surfaced towards prefabricated housing because of substandard building materials used and poor workmanship.

A staggering 1 million of these homes were built during the 20th century and more than half a century on, many are still standing despite no foundations.   A few are listed while others have been demolished.

Today people remember the shabby mobile classrooms as in, bitter cold in winter and like an oven in summer.   Therefore, memories have rendered the concept of prefabricated houses an unattractive idea.   Talk about the term prefabricated housing to an architect, and their eyes will beam with visions of fascinating contemporary homes.   However, talk to the ordinary person on the street and people immediately think that we are going down the same path, a pretty hard image to shake off.   The very factors that are presented as positive advantages of prefabricated homes became liabilities in the eyes of homeowners who wanted a durable appreciating asset.


An example can be found by looking at the prefabricated houses on Catford estate built by German and Italian prisoners of war in 1946.

Catford prefab estate. Robin Bell: 2008
Catford prefab estate. Robin Bell: 2008

‘They were not built to last and need regular maintenance.   They are just large sheds really and taking up a lot of space.   They should really be demolished.’   (Drake 2008)

Over the ten years, Lewisham Council has tried to develop the site many times and a review    found none of the dwellings met Decent Homes Standard.

So why do more and more developers  choose prefabricated construction?

First and foremost – Speed. “It may  take a bit longer in terms of design,  preparation and planning but site based  activities are taking up to 30%  less time and allowing homes to  reach the market sooner. Other  reasons cited include, in order of  preference:

  • Design Quality
  • Cost
  • Previous Experience
  • Funding

Source: Design and Modern Methods of  Construction. The Housing Corporation  and CABE 2004″

Bridge House (Example)

Croydon Vision 2020  is a regeneration programme by the  London Borough of Croydon  for the centre of  Croydon  in  South London.  The Old Town Masterplan focused on the area between the High Street and Roman Way, one of the oldest areas of Croydon.

Formerly the site of a telephone exchange, Bridge House is  a £20 million  development that has provided 27 private  and 48 affordable apartments, above  ground and mezzanine retail spaces.

The block wraps around an existing  multi-storey car park and offers the  opportunity for cafs and shops to  open onto the new square. A mix of  green and brown roofs, to support  biodiversity, form part of a series of  environmental measures and the  scheme is to be of modular  construction.

The Croydon  chose the modular  approach principally because of the  speed of construction offered. The  project began on site in the spring  of 2006 and the  75 flats were  stated to have been erected in  approximately 26 days, vastly  outperforming the time taken by  traditional construction.

Client: Howard Holdings plc

Architect: AWW

Structures: Walsh Associates

Principal Supplier: MC First

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