
It’s Time To Take Your Life Back

Now, more than ever, our lives seem out of control, with governments making decisions for our every move. Have you ever felt like things in your life are out of control? That happens when you allow circumstances to dictate your thoughts and attitudes. You might say, “well, the economy is wreaking havoc on my business.” Or, “this relationship is just too far gone, it’s not worth trying.” My message to you today is “this is the day to take your life back!”  

Today’s verse tells us we must take control of every thought which is not a natural idea. We live in this natural realm, but as believers, we are not limited by this natural realm. We can tap into God’s supernatural power. But it starts by making every thought line up with the Word of God, and declaring I’m taking my life back in Jesus’ Name! Hallelujah!  

Today, from the government to the church, nobody seems to know what to do, and this confusion sows seeds of fear. By faith today I say take your life back. You may ask how? By taking your thoughts back from secular natural agencies. Don’t allow the enemy to have access any longer. Instead, meditate on the Word of God daily, and allow His truth to sink down deep into your spirit. Let His truth set you free! Hallelujah! 

“…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

(2 Corinthians 10:5, NIV) 

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for empowering me to live in victory. Father, today I choose to take my life back from the enemy and his agencies by taking captive every thought and submitting it to You. God, help me to live a life that is pleasing to You, starting now and throughout my life, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

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Our Location: The Advent Centre, Crawford Place, London, W1H 5JE

Regular Meetings Divine Service: Every Saturday from 11:15 AM

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