Bitterness Will Hinder Your Prayers 

When you look around at the state of our world, church and community, it’s easy to become bitter. Bitterness is an extremely destructive force. It seeps into the depths of your heart when you choose not to forgive someone. When you hold on to unforgiveness, it closes the door to God’s power working in your life.

Scripture tells us that if we choose not to forgive others, God cannot answer our prayers. Be grateful to God that He has empowered us to forgive and release bitterness! You may have been through unfair situations in your life, but it’s not over until God says it’s over. You can make the choice to get rid of bitterness so you can live in freedom!

Today, we serve a God of justice. God sees every wrong that’s ever been done to you. He sees every unfair situation. If you will stay in faith, He’ll bring justice into your life, including the power to forgive. Let your attitude be, “things may have been unfair, I may have been done wrong, but I WILL NOT get bitter, because my blessings are on the way, and I need my prayers answered.”

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.” (Ephesians 4:31, NIV).

 Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I refuse and rebuke bitterness in my life. Father, I refuse to allow my past to keep me stuck. I choose to forgive all those who have hurt me. God, I pray blessings on those that may have done me wrong, and pray they would come to know Your truth. Thank You for setting my heart free today, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

Alright, you can make one phone call

He couldn’t remember his family members’ phone numbers and the police officer gave him one phone call. The night before, he drank too much, got into an argument, and started yelling at the top of his lungs outside in the street. His phone fell and was lost in the drama. He was arrested for public disturbance, spent the night in jail and woke up in a daze. Again the officer said, “You can make one phone call”.

He rattled off the number of the church by heart to the officer and said, “Ask for the Pastor. They know me there. Tell them I’m in trouble and need some help”.

Today, It’s a great thing to be a part of a church and ministry where the community knows the phone number by heart. On Sabbaths, I meet people who know the number of Adventist Radio London more than their family member’s numbers. Daily we get calls from our community, far and wide, who are in trouble. I am grateful to be part of a church and ministry where somebody in their lowest state, humiliated by bad decisions, disease, addiction, or trouble, can say, “Call them; they know me there”. No matter how badly you have messed up or who you may have become, let us be grateful for a God who we can call on, no matter the situation. He knows you by name and claims you. You belong to Him.

“I have summoned you by name. You are mine.” (Isaiah 43:1).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for allowing us to be a lighthouse for those in trouble. Father, I am grateful that you call me by name and claim me, no matter the mess I find myself in. I am grateful that I belong to you. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

No Map, Just Go

The Bible says, Abraham had lived in Ur (modern-day Iraq), which was a big city in its day. With his extended family, he had moved to Harran (modern-day Turkey). Abraham was prosperous, and even if he wasn’t looking for God to take over his life, God was looking for him with a special plan in mind. Because of this, Abraham’s life changed in a big way. At that time his name was Abram, but God later changed his name to Abraham.

God said leave your country, your culture, your clan, and “follow me”. That’s not easy to do when you are 75 years old and as successful and settled, as Abraham was. Plus, God didn’t give Abraham a map to follow. God said, “Go . . . to the land I will show you”.

Today, when it comes to God’s calling in our lives, we like to have both clarity and content. We want a detailed description of where to go and what to do when we get there. But God seldom works that way. God wants us to exercise faith, not simply our intellect. He wants us to learn to walk by faith in Him, rather than simply by sight. Not every call of God involves relocation, but every call does involve leaving some of our past behind and venturing into the unknown with God as our guide. Are you ready?

By faith Abraham, when called to go . . . obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going. (Hebrews 11:8).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, teach us what it means to listen for your voice and to respond in faith. Lord, remind us that the safest, most joyful place to be is with you and in your will. In Jesus’ name, Amen.


Are you aware God has put a promise inside each one of us? We often must go through the wilderness before reaching our promised land. Oftentimes, like Joseph, we feel like we are in a pit long before we ever see the palace. Maybe you’re in a season right now where you don’t see anything happening. You think, “I’ve been praying and believing for a year, five years, ten years. It’s never going to work out”.

Scripture says the eyes of the Lord search to and fro to find someone who will be faithful on His behalf. Be the person He finds faithful. Keep believing, keep praying, keep obeying and stay the course.

Today be encouraged. You may be tired, discouraged, and frustrated, but don’t give up on your future. Stay on the high road. Our God is a faithful God. It may be taking a long time, but what He started He will finish in your life. He will lead you into victory!

“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’ ” (Isaiah 30:21, NIV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank You for leading and guiding me in paths of righteousness. Father, I choose to trust even when I don’t understand. God, I believe that You are working behind the scenes for my good. I will stay the course knowing that You have blessing and victory in store for me in Christ’s name, Amen.

Let’s Support

According to recent news, four out of every ten children in our culture live in homes without their

. Close to half of our children are being raised by single parents or find themselves part of a “blended” family. The so-called nuclear family consisting of two parents and their children is no longer the norm.

Single parents face many challenges. Single parents must accomplish on their own what often is a challenge for two parents. Without a partner, however, they need emotional support. Some single parents find themselves deep in debt and often face financial hardship. Some no longer feel accepted by former friends because their partner is gone.

Today, single parents need the help of the Christian community. In the Old Testament, God made provisions for widows and orphans. James calls us to put our faith into practice by reaching out to them. Had James been writing today, he would have included single parents and their children too. You and I may need to step in and help. Look around in your church for such needs and help. You can help care for young children, accept single-parent families into fellowship groups, and provide financial assistance. In the church, everyone should be accepted and included.

Religion that … [is] pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress. (James 1:27).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, help us as members of your church to reach out to all who stand alone as they raise their children, Father give us all the grace to accept and learn from each other. In Jesus, Amen.

Singles Matter Too

Ina is a single older woman, who felt she didn’t belong in her church, as if she didn’t matter even to God. One day after a spiritual gift assessment, people with gifts of compassion and kindness noticed her. Caring people surrounded her with God’s love, helping her to experience community. Now her gifts are being used, her feedback is listened to, and people make time to listen and fellowship with her. Praise God she is now a vital member of her church community, and people look forward to seeing her every weekend at the exit, where she hands out sweets to children. Ina matters to God even though she is single. Every one of us needs to know that.

Today, single or married, we matter so much to God that he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to give of himself so that we can show his love to others. He came to give us gifts of service, kindness, and leadership so that we may be built up and reach unity in the faith, growing and maturing in Christ. As the apostle Paul puts it, all who believe in Jesus make up the body of Christ here on earth, and he is our head. In His strength, the body grows and builds itself up in love. You matter to God and you matter to the people around you. Your gifts, abilities, and presence make a difference to your community, and they make a difference to God!

From [Christ] the whole body . . . builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for loving me and growing me to be a part of your body. Father, thank you for putting people around me who show that I matter. Amen.

Real love

Real love never quits. God’s love is timeless and constant. It is “always” there, without fail. Psalm 103:17 says, “From everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children’s children”. “Everlasting” and “always”, are wide open words that expand our limited view of God’s love.

God’s love is not fickle or wavering, because it does not depend on anything other than God’s decision to love. If God’s love were merely a response to our love or a reward for our good behaviour, it would fluctuate wildly and at times disappear entirely. Fortunately, though, God’s love is deeply rooted in his faithfulness and character, not in our limited commitment or our temperamental love.

Today on this Valentine day, don’t forget Jesus is the ultimate expression of God’s love. He died for us “while we were still sinners”. When we were at our worst, He offered us his best. Though I love my kids even on their naughtiest days, God loves us even more constantly and without condition. God’s love does not waver. It is a constant presence in our lives. God’s love originates and flows from his own character. The greatest blessing and perhaps the only constant in the universe is the mighty force of God’s love. Do you know this love?

[Love] always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:7-8).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for your unfailing love. Father, may your love define me as your child, and may I return it to you and offer it to others in Jesus’ name. Amen.

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Winners & Losers

After spending the night looking at the Super Bowl it made me think about winners and losers. In the Bible, Jonathan became a close friend of David. The Bible describes their friendship as becoming “one in spirit”, and “Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him as himself”.

As the son of King Saul, Jonathan had every right to oppose his father’s warrior. Yet maybe Jonathan had seen things in his father that he did not want to imitate. Jonathan saw David as someone who had the same human hopes, dreams, and aspirations that he had. Jonathan did not dehumanize David as an enemy. Instead of looking with wary eyes of jealousy and suspicion against the young warrior, Jonathan extended generosity of heart, openness of mind, and a spirit of charity.

Today, as we consider winners and losers – David was a winner. He rose through the ranks like a stunning rookie rushing through the NFL. Soon people were not praising King Saul anymore; they were raving about the young sensation who was breaking records left and right. David changed the game. His victories went viral in Israel. All of this made Saul boil with jealousy. All he could see was that David was a threat to his throne. Saul dehumanised David and tried to kill him (the characteristics of a loser). But God had other plans, and if Saul tried to oppose them, he simply could not win.

Saul was very angry. . . . And from that time on Saul kept a close eye on David. (1 Samuel 18:8-9).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for making me a friend when I was your enemy. Father, please make me a winner for your sake. God help me to care about and love people who seem to be my enemies. Help me to live like you. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Heavenly Joy

Are you tired of sorrow and sadness? I have good news for you; get to heaven, there will be no sorrow and sadness there. In the final book of the Bible, heaven is described as a place of wonderful freedom from pain, sorrow, and suffering. Joyful moments here are just that—moments. They seem to end quickly. In heaven joy is eternal. Hallelujah! Your best memories are those that are timeless, that seem to live on in your mind and in your heart forever. They seem so crystal clear and so crisp. That’s because the joy that surrounds those moments is of the Lord.

Scripture tells us that joy is a fruit of the Spirit, and the Spirit is eternal. So when you experience His joy, it is eternal. It becomes timeless. Joy-filled moments down here on earth are like sneak previews to whet your appetite for heaven. I think that’s God’s way of getting your heart every once in a while, a little closer to heaven and out of the mess of earth and onto the solid, real ground of heaven.

Today, rest assured there won’t be any violence or death in heaven. We won’t have to worry about nation against nation, or if a bomb is going to be dropped in heaven. We don’t have to worry about the atmosphere or pandemics killing us, because our bodies are going to be glorified, and we’re going to be eternally happy. We’re going to smile. We won’t have any more tears. I’m so looking forward to being with my family members and my friends in heaven. Will you be there?

“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalm 16:11).

Let’s Pray
Yahweh, thank You for the joy of heaven, so that my joy will be full as I live in Your presence now and forever. Father, I’m so glad that the pain and emptiness of this world will not exist in heaven and I will be totally free, hallelujah! Thank You! In Christ’s Name! Amen.

Don’t Sweep It Under The Rug

Do you remember the popular song with a catchy tune called “Don’t Worry, Be Happy”? It’s bright melody and simple message could almost convince you that by brushing all your worries under a rug and forcing a smile, you could fill yourself with happiness. But true happiness doesn’t work like that. Instead, it is bundled up with gratitude.

Gratitude depends not on ignoring what’s going on in our lives, but in choosing to see and accept the deepest reality about our existence. Jesus’ encounter with the woman “who lived a sinful life”, demonstrates this beautifully. You see, the Pharisees had swept all their sins under the rug of self-righteousness and self-sufficiency. They chose to ignore the truth of their brokenness and his deep need for forgiveness. Their ingratitude produced a toxic bitterness that caused them to completely miss the fact that the Saviour of the world, and their souls, was standing right in front of them.

Today, this sinful sex worker who anointed Jesus didn’t miss her Saviour. There could be no sweeping of sins under the rug for her. Everyone seemed to know about them anyway. So, in acknowledgement of her brokenness and receiving the forgiveness Jesus offers, her heart and her hands poured out her gratitude. What’s under your rug? What’s under mine? Let’s bring it out, acknowledge it, and accept the forgiveness that only Jesus offers.

I tell you, her many sins have been forgiven—as her great love has shown. But whoever has been forgiven little loves little. (Luke 7:47).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I overflow with gratitude for your forgiveness of all my sins. In Jesus name, Amen.

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Don’t Worry About It!

Do you worry? Some of us worry about paying the monthly rent or mortgage. Some of us worry about the choices our children are making. Others are anxious about the big decisions we must make about our future. With all the concerns in life, can Jesus be serious when he tells us not to worry?

While we will never know a life without concern, Jesus assures us we can know without worry. He points out that worry—any manner of ‘pace-the-floor’, ‘can’t-sleep-at-night’ fretting—is not helpful, because it changes nothing. Worry doesn’t add a single hour to life; it doesn’t solve a single problem. Worry isn’t helpful because life is more than our worries make it out to be! Followers of Jesus are called to live for so much more than the fleeting things we worry about.

Jesus reminds us that worry isn’t necessary for a child of God. Your heavenly Father knows precisely what you need and when you need it. Your heavenly Father is good. The same God who paints the flowers of the field and tends the birds of the air, holds every part of your life in his nail-pierced hands. The same God who loved you so much that he went through the hell of Calvary for you, loves you too much to leave your life to chance. Don’t worry! God is in control!

“Do not worry about your life …” (Matthew 6:25).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, you hold the vastness of the universe and the intricacies of the smallest molecules in your hands. Please help me to trust in your perfect care for me, so that I may be free to build my life in you. In Christ’s name, Amen.

Worship Instead Of Worry

With loved ones dying, funds low and many job losses, the enemy would love to get you worrying instead of worshipping. When the enemy brings you thoughts of worry, anxiety and fear, let them be a reminder to thank God that His answer and blessings are on the way. 

Do what King Jehoshaphat did. Rebuke the enemy, then say, “Father, I thank You for working on my behalf”. The people of Judah were surrounded by three major armies. It didn’t look like they had a chance. This godly King was probably bombarded with thoughts of fear and anxiety but he gathered the people together, lifted his eyes toward heaven, and prayed a simple prayer, and Jehoshaphat’s prayer was answered. Hallelujah! 

Today, know that God still answers simple prayers, like in the story of Jehoshaphat. God told the people to march right into the enemy’s camp, worshipping, singing and shouting praises on their way. Notice, they weren’t worrying, they were worshipping and God delivered them. Friend, it’s time to worship and praise your way out of your problems. No need to struggle and become negative, stop fighting and stressing and trust God and receive victory in your life. Please let’s worship instead of worrying! 

“…We have no power to face this vast army that is attacking us. We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on You.” (2 Chronicles 20:12, NIV).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, You are truly the great God who is the Provider of everything we need and much more. Father, teach me to be a worshipper instead of a worrier. God, today I claim Your promise of deliverance from thoughts of fear or anxiety. Thank You for giving me the victory, in Christ’s Name! Amen.

God Has A Promise For You

This devotion begins with humans being called to reflect the rule and reign of God. But people turned away, seeking to build their own Kingdoms. This quickly turned to violence and oppression. Humans lived in rebellion rather than in harmony with God. 

Amidst this situation, God called Abraham and Sarah. He came into their lives to make covenant promises, to re-establish them as a people living in harmony with Him. 

Scripture says Abraham and Sarah were an old and childless couple. The new start God made with them didn’t look very promising, but God makes promises in unpromising situations. God promised to be their God, to bless them, and to make them a blessing on the earth. Then, a powerful little seed was tucked in with this packet of promises. God said to Abraham, “Kings will come from you,” and God said about Sarah, “Kings of peoples will come from her”. What would that have been like, to hear God say that your descendants would be Kings and Queens on the earth? 

Today, just like in the lives of the old couple Abraham and Sarah, God is in the business of re-establishing Kings and Queens in our families and communities. His promises to Abra­ham and Sarah would, in time, bear good fruit for their descendants and for the whole Earth. Remember, God wants to do the same for us. For if we are in Christ we will bear good fruit and prosper. Let us trust His promises.   

“I will make you very fruitful; I will make nations of you, and kings will come from you.” (Genesis 17:6).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, thank you for your promises. Fill me with your Spirit so that your Kingdom may come and your will may be done in me today. Please bless my family and community, in Christ’s name. Amen. 

Far From Home

Have you ever looked back over your life and said ‘I’m far from home’? What happened when you realised?

In scripture, Naomi had been away from Bethlehem in the land of Judah for a long time. She and her husband had moved to Moab because of a famine, and their sons had grown up there and married. Naomi also experienced deep grief when her husband and then later her sons died.

Being a widow in those days was very difficult because a household depended on men to provide food, shelter, and support. So when Naomi heard that God had provided food in Bethlehem, she was motivated to go back there.

Isn’t it interesting to see how God works in our lives. Wherever we go, God watches over us. And sometimes, in dire situations, we may be drawn to seek him in renewed ways. In this story, as we learn later, God was drawing Naomi back to Judah because he had a special plan for her family. But Naomi didn’t know that at the time.

Today, like Naomi, you may be dealing with some adversity. Maybe it’s the death of a loved one or the unexpected loss of a job. Maybe it’s some trouble you brought on yourself. Whatever the case, difficult situations can lead us to focus on the goodness of God and how he provides us a spiritual home for us. Wherever you are at this moment, may God help you see that our true home can only be found in Him, through the gift of Christ, His Son.

She left the place where she had been living and set out on the road that would take them back to the land of Judah. (Ruth 1:7).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, thank you for the hope of an eternal home. Father, wherever I am in my life, help me to hear your voice and to know that my home is with you. In Christ’s name, Amen.

A Beautiful Thing 

The woman’s act of anointing Jesus with expensive perfume, was such an important gesture. Jesus called what she did “a beautiful thing” because it flowed from the love in her heart. She came to Jesus unexpectedly and poured perfume on his head. 

Scripture suggests her deed was also beautiful, because it was costly. The perfume was soo expensive. She could have purchased much with the money it was worth. Thus, the fact that her action was sacrificial, made it beautiful in the eyes of the Lord. 

Today, as we contemplate the woman with the alabaster box of expensive perfume, Jesus saw that the woman had seized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to anoint his body for burial, according to their custom. Her act was also beautiful because of her deep devotion. The disciples criticized the woman for wasting valuable ointment, but Jesus saw that she acted out of love and gratitude to him. 

Today, why not ask God for opportunities you can use to do beautiful things of gratitude for your saviour.

“Why are you bothering this woman? She has done a beautiful thing to me.” (Matthew 26:10).

Let’s Pray 

Yahweh, in response to your love for me, I want to grow in love and gratitude to you. Father, help me fill my life with beautiful deeds that honour you. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 

You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet!

Today’s verse is really an encouragement for all of us to raise our level of expectancy! It’s like God is saying to us, “You think you’re blessed? You haven’t seen anything yet!”. I’m sure God has been good to you, but He also has things for your future that, if He told you right now, would boggle your mind – you wouldn’t even believe it.

If you had told me years ago that one day I would be a minister, speaking in front of thousands of people I would have said, “You’ve totally lost your mind!”. At the time, I could not even fathom that! Friend, that is how God wants to bless you in your future. He wants to overwhelm you with His goodness and with things so wonderful you can’t even fathom it!

Today, get ready for an increase. Get prepared for promotion. This year is the year to step into blessings you can’t even imagine. Keep believing, keep obeying His Word and keep your heart and mind open to what He has for you because you haven’t seen anything yet!

“Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him” (1 Corinthians 2:9, NKJV).

Let’s Pray

Yahweh, today I raise my level of expectancy. I choose to take the limits off of my thinking. I know that You can do exceedingly, abundantly above all I could ever ask, think or imagine. Thank You for the blessing You have in store for me in 2024! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


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