What Type of Christian Are You?

What Type of Christian Are You?

There is truly only one type of Christian, and that is the type who lives by GOD’S Word and obeys Him in everything, no matter the circumstance. However, let’s be honest here: how many of us can say that we live by GOD’S Word in every area of our lives? Let us set aside the ‘mistakes’ that we make every now and then, and focus on our everyday living. To be more specific, let’s focus on how we handle the subject of GOD to non-Believers.

But sanctify the LORD GOD in your hearts and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

1 Peter 3:15?

Some people will say “If GOD is real, show me a sign!” In 1 Peter 3:15, we are told to have an answer to questions about our faith, but how many of us are, indeed, ready to give that answer?

  1. GOD is real, but I don’t know why.

Brett is one of those Christians who attends church on a Sunday, gives generously, joins in community programs, and all around looks like a pretty ‘good’ Christian on the surface. However, he is quite lazy when it comes to spending personal time in GOD’S Word or with Him in prayer. One day at work, a colleague approaches him to ask about what he did over the weekend. Brett mentions something about a church mission in his community, to which the colleague frowns. “How do you know that your GOD is even real?”he asks. What does Brett say? He knows that GOD is real, but he has no idea how to explain why. Brett soon realises that he does not know enough about the faith he professes to live. Stumped for words, Brett confesses that he does not know why. The colleague replies: “If you cannot justify it yourself, then why are you even Christian?”

  • GOD is real, but don’t ask me about it.

Julia is one of those no-nonsense people who tell it like it is. She prides herself on being straightforward- there are no grey areas for her. She takes care of her family, respects her husband, and is raising her children according to GOD’S Word. Her youngest child, however, is a bit of a rebel and always seems to go against everything that Julia has raised her children to believe in. It is not that the child is necessarily bad, but she is not so ready to accept everything at face value as her siblings are. At odd’s end with the child, Julia says: “You can’t go against GOD’S Word!”Unperturbed, the child responds “You keep telling me to follow Him, but how do I know that He’s real?”Julia is taken aback by the question. She has always just believed, she has never had to question anything! “Listen here,”she says. “GOD is real, I just know it. Don’t ask me how or why, He just is!”

  • GOD is real, but I have no answers for you.

Cameron does not like to offend people in any shape, way, or form. He lives his life keeping out of trouble, following the rules correctly, and obeying authorities both in action and thought. After all, isn’t that what the Bible says? Not to quarrel with people? He is currently in his third year of college and has been a Christian ever since he went to Youth Camp seven years ago and gave his life to Christ. Lately, he has felt a deep need to preach GOD’S Word to the Lost on campus, but he is worried about saying the wrong thing. As a result, no one really knows that he is Christian until a girl he has a business class with notices the small compact Bible he carries around with him. “So, you’re Christian?”she accuses. “I think you people are just hypocrites. You judge everyone by some rules that a bunch of old men wrote thousands of years ago, and you try and pass it off as word from ‘your living GOD’. Can you even prove that this GOD of yours is real?”This is precisely the type of confrontation that Cameron hates. What can he say to her? Finally, with much thought to his answer, he says: “GOD is real, Bridgette, but I have no answers for you, okay?”

GOD is real, but talk to someone else.

Brenda is a socially awkward young woman who stutters should anyone try to speak to her. It’s not that she’s stupid, but she hates attention of any sort. She loves Jesus with her whole heart, reads His Word daily with joy, and spends as much time as she can in prayer. Some time ago, the Holy Spirit began to press on her heart that she needs to start spreading the Good News with her friends and family, but she is afraid that she will muddle up her words and fail Him. She knows that it is her fear of being judged that stops her, but she cannot bring herself to go out there and give her testimony about what Jesus has done for her. Brenda is well aware that she is not living GOD’S best, but her own fears seem to drown out his Words whenever presented with an opportunity to pray for someone publically or speak during a weekly woman’s prayer meeting. A teenager who seems mad at the world approaches her as she is coming out of church, and demands to know why she is so confident that GOD is real when He has done nothing to help his sick mother? The answers come flooding into her mind as the Holy Spirit speaks to her, but she looks at the crowd gathering around the boy and chickens out. Instead, she says: “GOD is real, but please talk to someone else who can help you explain why better than I can.”Ashamed, she hurries away, clutching her Bible to her chest.

GOD is REAL! I can show you how.

Abraham knows who he is in Christ. He wakes up every day with joy in his heart because he knows that GOD might use him to further His kingdom. He relishes the opportunity to speak GOD’S Word both to Believers and non-believers, knowing that it is not he who gives the increase, but GOD. It is his responsibility to obey GOD and preach His Word. Yes, he may fall at times, but the GOD he serves is merciful, never holding anything against him once he has repented. Abraham’s life is certainly not a bed of roses, but he is thankful to GOD for everything, knowing that he has life in Jesus. Most people think him an odd sort and tend to stay away from him.

Some have even attacked him for his faith, accusing him of hate speech. As he is active and takes care of himself, he enjoys going to the gym and sometimes speaks to his fellow gym-goers about Christ. The owner of the gym, who quite likes Abraham although he does not agree with his faith, has begun to receive many complaints about him always trying to evangelise people in his building. Forced to proceed with some sort of action, he approaches Abraham and asks him to stop speaking to people in the gym about Jesus. Abraham only smiles and say:“That would be like telling me to stop breathing, Mr Jones. Jesus is my life.”The man shakes his head. “What is up with you and this Jesus? There is no proof of His existence, Abraham. The sooner you realise this, the better. I mean, can you even prove that He is real?”Abraham isn’t rattled by these types of questions, he knows who his GOD is. “Mr Jones, have I got good news for you,” he says.“GOD is so real, and I can show you how!”

Now, these might not apply to many of you because we all have different lives and situations, but I know that many of us can identify in some way with these people. The comforting thing to remember is that you can change (I’m talking scenarios one to four) because of Jesus. GOD is ready to give wisdom to all who would ask (James 1:5), so all you need to do is pray about it and read His Word. We do not have to complicate things when we have the Holy Spirit to guide us, but we do have to learn to listen to His voice. Even after you have prayed, studied GOD’S Word, fasted etc. you might not necessarily feel prepared to give an answer to all who would ask about the hope we have in Christ. However, if you would but open your mouth and begin to speak, you might just be surprised. 

(Yes, this is an incredibly long post, but when the Holy Spirit says to do something, you do it.) 

The Miracle of Tears and Redemption

The Miracle of Tears and Redemption

I caught a tear from my eye this morning as it began to meander down my cheek. Soon I began to wonder about the purpose of tears.  Why do we have them? What purpose do they serve? My search took me to the phrase I heard a friend utter the other week. “This life is but a Valley of Tears,” she said, “It says so in the Bible.” I was intrigued by this phrase and went to look for it in the Scriptures. I found in in the Psalms.

Happy are the people whose strength is in You,whose hearts are set on pilgrimage. As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a source of Springwater; even the autumn rain will cover it with blessings.  They go from strength to strength; each appears before God in Zion.

(Psalm 84:5-7 HCSB) 

Baca means weeping. A Vale of Weeping,, a Valley of tears. I looked up the composition of Teardrops, and what I found was amazing. Here is the quote below:

How the Composition of a Teardrop Changes

Tears that protect your eyes every day are slightly different from those that flush away irritants or those you cry in response to emotion. Here are the three main types of tears:

Basal Tears: These are typical tears that keep the eye hydrated, clean, and nourished.

Reflex Tears: Reflex tears are produced in response to irritation from chemicals, bright light, or foreign matter. 

Weeping Tears: Crying as an emotional response or from pain is termed “weeping”.  These tears contain the protein-based hormones prolactin, which acts as a natural painkiller.
(by Anne Helmenstine (updated on September 6, 2018), online magazine:Science Notes)

I just find it amazing that Our God would fashion three different kinds of tears, for three different purposes. His intimate, Sovereign Care over us is such a blessing, so detailed, so well-planned out .  He even knew that we would sin before he created us. The plan to redeem us was in place before the foundation of the world.

Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavens. For He chose us in Him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in His sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted through Jesus Christ for Himself, according to His favor and will, to the praise of His glorious grace that He favored us with in the Beloved.

(Ephesians 1:3-6) 

Ahhh, the miracle of tears and redemption. Every tiny detail of God’s plan was in place and our creator/Savior knew us before it all (Psalm 139) Rest in His Sovereign care and provision this day.

Why Retirement Is The Perfect Time To Build On Your Faith

Why Retirement Is The Perfect Time To Build On Your Faith

“Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the elderly and revere your God. I am the Lord,” says the words of Leviticus.

When it comes to retirement, it’s likely that most people will have more spare time — and money — than ever before. People are retired for longer than ever — but no matter what stage of retirement you’re at, you’re never too old to devote this new-found spare time to Jesus. Many older Americans are already religious, and there’s a 17% spike in religious affiliation among older people compared to those under 40. It’s not uncommon for churches and other religious establishments to be heavily populated by older people. But there’s still plenty for those in retirement to do to devote their time to God: helping in the community is one such way, while studying the Bible is another.

Bible study

Partly, opportunities for religious exploration as a senior are due to demographic trends. Retirement now is longer than it ever has been before: the average life expectancy in the US is now around 80, and many people are not called to Heaven until they are in their nineties — meaning that some spend almost as much time retired as they do in work. Also, there are some that can leave their career early, as they’ve accumulated enough savings to enjoy early retirement. But what’s a useful, and holy, way to spend all of that new-found free time? The option many people choose is Bible study. As you may already know, it’s one of the best ways to fall deeper in love with God’s word, and learn more about His creation. And one very interesting detail about studying the Bible during the golden years is the ability to understand it from an angle that you couldn’t have been able to in a younger age. In other words, with all your past experiences, you get to analyze the scripture with a new perspective, filled with seasoned wisdom that you didn’t have in your 20s and 30s.

Work in the community

For those who are either already conversant with the Bible or who feel that their vocation is something a little more practical, meanwhile, spending your new-found spare retirement time on helping your community is also a sensible choice. “And let us not grow weary of doing good,” says Galatians — and working in the community during retirement is a great way to achieve this end. You may want to volunteer to lead some groups in your church, or perhaps to become a reader at services. If you have specific skills such as fundraising or the law, you may find that you’re in high demand as a practitioner — and that church could be a good way to stay in touch with your workplace skills.

“Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone,” read the words of Deuteronomy 34:7.

Retirement may seem like a long way off to you, or perhaps it’s right around the corner as it is for an increasing number of Americans. But no matter what retirement looks like to you, one thing’s for sure: using it to follow in Moses’ path and for holy purposes is a good idea, and it’s one that will stand you in good stead as you move from this life to the next.

When Everything Seems To Be Going Wrong

Everyone goes through times when they feel overwhelmed or outnumbered by whatever is coming against them. Just about the time the car needs repairing, the power goes out in your house and the doctor gives you bad news. It can seem like one thing after another.

You might be in despair, worrying, and stressed out. It may feel as if all the forces of darkness are coming against you. But Scripture promises that with God on your side, you have everything you need to overcome every situation. The truth is, you are never outnumbered. You and God are a majority! Hallelujah!

Today, you may be feeling anxious, fearful or worried about something, but remember – if God is for you, who can be against you? Difficulties may come, but He promises to guide and protect you. The story isn’t over until God says its over and you end in victory!

“‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’” 

(2 Kings 6:16, NIV)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for Your faithfulness to me. Father, thank You for the peace You give me even in the midst of the storms in my life. God, I know that You are with me, and will always be by my side no matter what the enemy does. Today, I can stand strong, because You will always lead me into victory, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.


God’s value system is very different from the value system of the world. In scripture He values harlots, prostitutes and criminals.  Today, people are considered to be important for so many different reasons: titles, position, possessions, where you go, what you drive. God cherishes and values you so much, simply because He made you. You are His beloved creation–the apple of His eye; the centre of His world!

Maybe you’re thinking God has too many other important things on His plate to be concerned with your life. But know this, you are God’s number one priority. There’s nothing you can do to be more important or less important to Him. He loves you the same today as He did the day you were born. He values you today, and your value will never change. You are significant. Your life is significant. The things that concern you, concern God, there is nothing too big or too small for His attention.

Today, in the midst of life’s busyness, get excited about God’s love for you. Don’t be hesitant to take your concerns and cares to Him. He loves it when you come to Him, and He’s ready to receive you with open arms, because you are the apple of His eye!

“Keep me as the apple of Your eye”¦” (Psalm 17:8, NIV)

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for loving me and making me Your number one priority. Father, thank You for keeping me as the apple of Your eye. God, I open my heart and mind to You, and cast every care on You. I receive Your love for me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Praise Him Always

Praise Him Always

Scripture reminds us that we were created to praise God. When you wake up in the morning, do you expect the goodness of God in your life? Do you set the tone of the day for success, favour and blessing with your words and your worship? Scripture tells us that life and death are in the power of the tongue. That’s why it’s so important to declare praises to God all throughout the day. 

Things may be going wrong all around you, people may be negative, complaining and discouraging, but don’t let that spirit rub off on you. The worse it gets, the brighter you’re going to shine. The good news is that no matter how you feel, no matter what’s going on around you, you can choose what you think, and you can choose your words. There’s nothing that can stop you from constantly speaking His Word of praise!

Today, be determined to set the tone for your life by praising God, and speaking words of faith over your future. Remember, when you put God first, He promises to honour you. He will pour out His favour on you, and lead you into life, health, strength and blessings all the days of your life!

“I will praise the Lord at all times. I will constantly speak His praises.”

(Psalm 34:1, NLT)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, I choose to bless You at all times. Father, I will set the tone to receive Your favour, grace and mercy by my constant praise to You. Thank You for Your faithfulness at all times, which is greater than my sin and my praise. God, thank You for giving me a reason to praise and lift You up, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Victory, Not Just Today, But Always

Victory, Not Just Today, But Always

While pastoring in the USA  one of my favorite songs was “victory is mine, victory is mine, victory today is mine.” Isn’t it wonderful to know that God promises to always lead us into victory? So no matter what’s going on in your life today, no matter what’s happening in the world, no matter what anybody says, you should always be thanking God, because victory is always present, or on the way!

Faith says, you don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect before you decide to celebrate what God is going to do in your life. Praise is putting action behind your faith. In the middle of adversity or a tough time, start planning your victory party. That means if you’re in the hospital, start planning what you’re going to do when you get out. If you lost some money when the stock market went down, start planning your coming-out-of-debt party.

Today, when things don’t look good in the natural, remember, we serve a supernatural God. With God leading you into victory, you can always plan for increase and favour. You can plan for restoration. You can plan for a comeback. And you can plan for victory. So get excited, because God has promised you victory, not just now, but always, in Jesus’ Name!

“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ”¦”

(2 Corinthians 2:14, NKJV)

Pray With Me
cYahweh, I give You thanks and praise today for the promise of victory. In the midst of my adversity I celebrate my victory. Father, thank You for giving me Your vision for my future, so that I can move confidently into the abundant life of victory You have for me, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

Where You Look Is Where You Go

Where You Look Is Where You Go

Answer me when I call to you,
my righteous God.
Give me relief from my distress;
have mercy on me and hear my prayer.

How long will you people turn my glory into shame?
How long will you love delusions and seek false gods?
Know that the LORD has set apart his faithful servant for himself;
the LORD hears when I call to him.

Tremble and do not sin;
when you are on your beds,
search your hearts and be silent.
Offer the sacrifices of the righteous and trust in the LORD.

Many, LORD, are asking, “Who will bring us prosperity?”
Let the light of your face shine on us.
Fill my heart with joy when their grain and new wine abound.

In peace I will lie down and sleep,
for you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety 

Psalm 4 (NIV) For the director of music. With stringed instruments. A psalm of David.


Where are you looking? 

Think about it for a moment, where you look is where you go. If you are walking, you are looking where you are going. If you are driving, you are looking where you are going, and if you don’t fix your eyes on where you are going, your journey will surely come to an abrupt end–an accident. As you move through your day–as you move through life–where you look is where you go.

If you look to the internet for porn, you are sure to find it, and be trapped by it. If you look to television for entertainment, you are sure to find it. It too in subtle ways can ensnare and deaden the spirit. If you look to others, they will often disappoint you. As David points out in this Psalm, all too often we love delusions and seek false gods. We are looking in the wrong places and consequently we steer our life into the ditch. 

In Psalm 4, David’s approach is totally different. He is looking to the LORD. He is calling out to God. He fears the LORD (trembles and does not sin). In silence he searches his heart and encourages us to do the same. Have you offered a sacrifice of righteousness recently? Right living has a cost. But it also pays enormous dividends.

As we trust in the LORD and look to Him, as a loving Father, He turns His face to us. The light of His face shines on us. Wow! That fills my heart with joy. 

Response: Heavenly Father, today let the light of your face shine on me. Guide me in the way of truth. I want to look to you, and walk in the way you have prepared for me. Amen.

Your Turn: Has the light of God’s face shone on you recently? What was that like?  

Confidence in the Midst of Adversity

Confidence in the Midst of Adversity

LORD, how many are my foes!
How many rise up against me!
Many are saying of me,
“God will not deliver him.” 

But you, LORD, are a shield around me,
my glory, the One who lifts my head high.
I call out to the LORD,
and he answers me from his holy mountain.

I lie down and sleep;
I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.
I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side.

Arise, LORD! Deliver me, my God!
Strike all my enemies on the jaw;
break the teeth of the wicked.

From the LORD comes deliverance.
May your blessing be on your people.

Psalm 3 (NIV)A psalm of David. When he fled from his son Absalom.


When do you most need God?

The answer to that question is easy – when I’m in deep trouble. It’s natural to call out to God when I’m in some great or urgent need. A returning veteran from the First World War said it best, “There are no atheists in the trenches. When the artillery shells start exploding to the right and left even unbelievers discover how to pray.”

The context of Psalm 3 is of great significance. David finds himself in the midst of a life threatening tragedy. He is fleeing from his palace in the nation’s capital, because his son is conspiring to murder him and seize the kingdom from his hands. Here is the great delta–the extreme low point in David’s life.  

How does David respond? With utter confidence in God! Yes, he calls out to the LORD for deliverance, but he does so with complete assurance that God will answer. There isn’t the slightest hint of doubtful desperation in his voice. Having prayed to the LORD, he boasts in his ability to sleep, because he knows God will answer.

How could David be so confident – so self-assured? Actually, David’s assurance rested entirely on the LORD, not on himself. David had a wealth of experience with God. In his mind, the LORD was tried, tested, and true through the ups and downs of life.

He knew something we need to know. God will come through. He will bring salvation and deliverance!

Response: LORD God, save me from all my troubles. I put my confidence in you. You reach down to me at the low points in my life. You have never abandoned me. I give you thanks in advance. Amen.

Your Turn: Take a moment to reflect on the goodness of the LORD. Has He saved you from deep trouble in the past?

Praying Like a Rock Star

Praying Like a Rock Star

Why do we like Rock Stars? And why do so many want to be one, but never get there?

Rock stars become stars- because they hit the nail on the head (somewhere) they are hitting on what people are feeling, experiencing, wanting & desiring!

Yesterday I asked the Holy Spirit to lead and guide me”¦Yes I was seriously talking to HIM (Holy Spirit, come, please lead and guide me!”

Now that prayer is not in our bibles but, I did it anyway. I know He is a PERSON not a thing! I then prayed for my someone, and prayed what I felt LED to pray, vs what my brain wanted to pray (which is always safe, and not risky!!)

That person was moved to tears- and God touched him, because of that prayer. It was God! (His WILL being manifested through my prayer time). The Lord literally showed me how that person was feeling, and I said it out loud.

That, to me, is praying like a Rock Star! Not for money, not for fame, but many people just do what they know people need from them (and become famous, as a result). Jesus was one of them. In Fact, He showed us the way!

Father, give us more of this we pray! We hunger and thirst after you, Father God. We hunger and thirst, after you! I ask you to touch every person out there today- who is led to pray a certain way, but their mind is questioning things. Set them free Father, from the chains that bind and Free their Mind! Help them to be Brave Father, and pray the way your Spirit leads them to pray. In Jesus’ mighty name!” Amen

Laura Grace, Author, Grace to Grow.

Quit Spiritual Procrastination

Last night, while in Lille, I was talking about spiritual procrastination, and the danger of not taking God-given opportunities, and not using our spiritual gifts. God will never ask you to do something without giving you the ability to do it. You may get passive or complacent and think, “yes, I know I need to do that. Maybe next week.” Well, before you know it next week turns into next month. Next month turns into next year.

Remember, when you put off what God has told us to do, you miss that season of grace. But if you’ll deal with things as soon as God brings them to light, you’ll have a special grace, a special empowerment. You’ll feel God’s enabling power helping you to do it, and you will avoid many trials and pitfalls.

Today, is there something you’re putting off? Something you know in your heart that you are supposed to do? Don’t let the season pass. Don’t let complacency destroy you. Your destiny stands before you. God has something amazing for your future. Be bold; be strong. Step out in faith, be obedient, and embrace the good things God has in store for you!

“For the turning away of the simple will slay them, and the complacency of fools will destroy them.”

(Proverbs 1:32, NKJV)

Pray With Me

Yahweh, thank You for the grace to do and enjoy exactly what You’ve called me to do. Father, I will step out in faith and not procrastinate and miss out on my God-given opportunity. God, I will follow Your commands. Help me to be faithful like You are faithful. I love You and bless You today and always, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

How Much Does Your Life Cost?


It’s such a powerful thing. The word is used to indicate how valuable something is, usually the value of an expensive car or your dream house. But also, commonly, it is used to describe a person’s life. We are constantly yearning and seeking to be worth something to someone else. In society, we are constantly told to live your life, your way – your worth being meaningful only to yourself. But you are worth more than anything to a guy called Jesus…

One inspirational woman who I have had the honour of seeing her legacy left behind, has been Lilias Falconer. The Falconer home has a special place in my heart and my family’s hearts, and I’m sure I’ve touched on this subject before in a previous blog. I got the amazing opportunity to visit this amazing orphanage a few years ago in Zambia. But this woman clearly showed why Jesus is worth it all! Lilias was born in 1915 in my home town, Manchester, and at the age of 15 she was telling her family that the call on her life was to go to Africa and to look after babies and children. For her to fulfil this mission, she applied for medical training to train as a nurse. All these applications were refused. In 1939, at the start of World War II, she was accepted into nursing training with the Salvation Army, and after a course in tropical medicine she travelled to Africa to a leper hospital in Zambia. There she saw the plight of little babies left to die when their mothers passed during childbirth. From this, she agreed to look after one baby but soon five babies were brought to her and one her own, she went further into the bus, establishing her Children’s home and Orphanage in the small village of Kabulamema. She died in 1998, and her grave is situated behind the house, in a beautiful lone building, signifying a constant connection to her work. This is a woman who gave up her whole life for Jesus.

The “Waste” of Expensive Perfume

The work of missionaries and people who give up their ordinary lives for extraordinary lives reminds me of a story from the Bible that shows us why Jesus is worth it all…

Clutching the jar tightly in her hands, the woman stood in the doorway and looked into the room. Her heart beat intensely. Her eyes darted back and forth. Her anxiety was at its peak. The room was packed with me, most of them who knew her for the job she did. A prostitute. She consider running away. At that moment, she saw Him. Everything else vanished, the world stopped. Nothing mattered anymore. Running into the room, she fell to the ground, tears forming in her eyes. Breaking her jar open, she poured the expensive perfume in it all over the man’s feet. She loved Him. She was a sinner. But this man, this Jesus, had shown her forgiveness. Everyone else stared at this random woman, shocked by her actions.

“Why have you wasted all that? You could have sold it it and given it to the poor,” the disciples shouted. Then Jesus spoke above the fuss, “Why are you bothering this woman? She has done something beautiful for me. You won’t always have me, but you’ll always have the poor. This woman is preparing me for my burial. Listen to me, when the gospel is preached, the memory of her will also be told.” (Matthew 26.6-13).

The Reaction

Imagine if you were one of the disciples. Would you have been angry at the woman? She would have wasted perfume that had cost millions of pounds. But then again, much like the woman in the story, how do we respond to the story of Lilias Falconer? Too often we would respond as the disciples did. When we hear about people giving up their lives in rich, western countries to honour and serve God, we question their choices. Too often we see it as a waste of potential. We may never say it in words but in reality, we are asking the same question the disciples asked, “Why this waste?”

As Christians, we are taught to present our lives as living sacrifices, demonstrating God’s perfect will. Many people, and many Christians, would say if you presented your life in such a way, that you would be vulnerable to the devil and forces of evil. But Paul in Philippians 4.19, clearly states:

“And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in Christ Jesus.” (NIV)

So, in answer to How Much Does Your Life Cost? I think it costs an infinite amount. We have worth because one man spent His worth for our all and so it is never a waste to give Jesus anything. And looking at it this way; it is our only reasonable response.

Thanks for reading.

Don’t Fear, Only Believe 

Photo credits – unsplash.com

Growing numbers of parents are taking a stand against moves to impose lessons on LGBT issues on primary school children

Parkfield Community School

Protesters against LGBT teaching at a primary school have been banned from gathering outside the gates of Anderton Park Primary School by a High Court injunction which was granted on the basis that the risk to children became “too serious to tolerate”. Birmingham City Council said the behaviour of demonstrators was “increasingly unacceptable” and that they pursued the injunction in order to protect staff and pupils when they return from their half-term break on Monday.

After months of demonstrations outside Anderton Park Primary School Birmingham City Council decided to pursue the legal action. The Council leader Ian Ward said “common sense had prevailed”.

The school had to close early before half-term due to escalating action.

The council said it sought the urgent injunction after the risk to children became “too serious to tolerate”.

Birmingham City Council
Protests have been held outside Anderton Park School for several weeks

Nazir Afzal who is in charge of steering talks between the council, parents and teachers, told Sky News that six weeks of discussions have been unsuccessful.

Protests have been held outside Anderton Park School for several weeks

Protesters were not made aware of the High Court application but told the BBC they still intended to gather next week on a street further away from the school.

How did it all begin?

No outsiders in Our School Teaching the Equality Act In Primary Schools, by Andrew Moffat

The No Outsiders project was the brainchild of Andrew Moffat, assistant head teacher at Parkfield Community School in Birmingham and based on a book written by headteacher Andrew Moffat.

In an attempt to teach equality amongst children in school irrespective of gender, sex, race or religion. The project aim was to change attitudes towards South Asian and Muslim homosexuality by teaching children about the Equality Act 2010 and British values. He also wanted pupils to “be proud of who they are while recognising and celebrating difference and diversity”.

When did controversy begin to unfold?

The Government intends to introduce compulsory Relationships Education at primary school level from 2020, which will teach children as young as five about “different types” of families.

Parents at seven primary schools in Greater Manchester have contacted school management to complain about proposed LGBT lessons.

In January this year a parent whose child attends Parkfield school raised a petition, claiming the teaching contradicted the Islamic faith.

How did the school respond to the growing anger?

The No Outsiders lessons were paused to allow teachers to “re-engage with our parents”, Mr Moffat said.

What do education chiefs say?

Ofsted has backed the No Outsiders programme, with its chief inspector Amanda Spielman saying all children must learn about same-sex couples regardless of their religious background.

Respecting parents

The Christian Institute’s Education Officer John Denning said respecting parents is “essential”.

“The protests reflect the lack of confidence parents have that schools are observing the proper boundaries of their role.

“The law is clear that teachers must respect the range of views amongst parents and not undermine them with one-sided propaganda.”

“It is being justified by claiming that it is required by the Equality Act, but the Act is explicit that it does not apply to the school curriculum.”

Armed With Strength For Every Battle

You have the ideas, the creativity and talent to be successful. You can overcome any obstacle through Christ. God has equipped you with everything you need to fulfil your destiny through His Word. That means you are well able to do what He has called you to do. You can accomplish your goals. You can fulfil your dreams! You’ve been armed with strength for every battle.

Friend, God is also working on your behalf. He has already gone ahead of you and lined up the right relationships and the right opportunities. You have everything you need to live the miraculous, victorious life God created you to live!

Today, if you’ll stay in faith, it’s just a matter of time; victory is on its way. Don’t settle where you are. Don’t have a weak, defeated mentality. Have the attitude, “I am anointed. I can accomplish my dreams. I can overcome any obstacle. I am empowered by the Creator, and I am thoroughly equipped for every good work that God has called me to do!”

“Every Scripture is God-breathed”¦so that the man of God may be complete and proficient, well fitted and thoroughly equipped for every good work.”

 (2 Timothy 3:16-17, AMPC)?

Pray With Me
Yahweh, thank You for equipping me for success. Father, I thank You for empowering me by faith. I know that through You I can overcome every obstacle. Help me to stay focused on Your Word and Your plan for my life. God, please help me to walk in Your anointing, so that I can do all You’ve called me to do. I bless You today, in Jesus’ Name! Amen.

The Understory

The Understory

As I was assisting in the 3’s class in the childcare center where I work, I listened intently as the teacher spoke of the Rainforest layers.  I was intrigued by the names of each layer of the Rainforest.  The Canopy is the uppermost layer where all the trees grow tall and form an umbrella or canopy like layer over the rest of the rainforest.  Most living things live in this layer.  The second layer is known as The Understory, and this layer receives very little light, so the leaves of the plants in this place are wider in order to absorb as much sunlight as possible as it filters down.  Most plants at this level are stunted and grow no taller than 12 feet high.They are sometimes all tangled up in each other from reaching out further and further looking for more light.The Forest floor is the final layer, and this is sparsely vegetated.  This is the place where everything that dies above, drops to the ground and decays; providing much needed nutrients to the rest of the Rainforests inhabitants.  

Now I tell you all this, because I was so struck by how similar we are to the Rainforest layers. Most people only see our Canopies, our outermost layers, where most of the activity of our lives happen.  But we all have Understories, deeper layers where some things are tangled up, and we are reaching out, seeking light for those dark places of pain and confusion.  And each of us has a forest floor, where the dead things in our lives fall to the ground and decay into nutrients for the rest of our lives.  I believe this is part of why Jesus speaks to us and says,

24 Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit. 25 He who loves his life loses it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it to life eternal.

John 12:24-25

So, tread gently, dearest Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Tread kindly as we may not know the Understories of other people’s lives. Do not be too quick to judge or think you know the “Why?” to the lives of those around you.Only God knows the reasons why we are where we are, or how to set us free at this level. The Understory of each person is a very sensitive place. God will choose the things that need to die and drop to the lower levels where He can break them down and use them to bring Glory to Himself. He “prunes” our branches so we may bear more fruit. (John 15) I have found that He is using those weak places, those things that I thought no one should be allowed to see, My faults, failures, mistakes and wounds.He is the Master of my Understory.He is the Master of yours, so trust Him to do His work in those deeper places in your life. And tread gently as you begin to see the Understories in the lives of others.

The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life

Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night.
That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither – whatever they do prospers.

Not so the wicked! They are like chaff that the wind blows away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the assembly of the righteous. For the LORD watches over the way of the righteous,
but the way of the wicked leads to destruction

Psalm 1?(NIV)

Have you ever noticed the prominent role that trees play in the Bible? The creation account in Genesis begins with God planting two very special trees in the Garden of Eden: the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. After our first parent’s disobedience, we were banned from access the Tree of Life. But the amazing, good news of the Bible is that at the end of the book, in the last chapter of the Book of Revelation, God restores our access to the Tree of Life (Revelations 22:1-5). 

In a very real sense the Bible is a story about trees.

Here in the very first Psalm, the life of the righteous is compared to a fruit-bearing tree, flourishing by streams of water. The psalmist presents a picture of tranquil beauty. Is that a picture of my life, or am I caught up in busyness? Sometimes I feel more like windblown chaff–rather worthless and lacking a sense of direction.

But that’s where the other tree at the heart of the Bible comes into play. It stands on a hill called Calvary. There my Saviour bled and died. There he showed me my true worth. There my sins were washed away, never to be remembered again. That’s where I became righteous, not by works that I had done, but by the grace and forgiveness of Christ.

What a beautiful tree! The tree on Mount Calvary isn’t tbeautiful because of its leaves. It’s beautiful because of its fruit–the fruit of redemption purchased by the blood of Jesus. My righteousness is solely due to him.

Response: Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your sacrifice. Help me to always remember that you are the true source of my righteousness. At your prompting help me to rid myself of the worthless chaff in my life. Wind of God, blow on me. Water of life, refresh my soul. May I be fruitful, Lord, for you. Amen.

Your Turn: Have you knelt before the tree on Mount Calvary? 


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